Philosophy of love. What types of love are there? New forms of love relationships: polyamory Forms of manifestation and types of love

There are 8 known types of love: Storge, Philia, Mania, Eros, Analita, Agape, Pragma, Victoria.

STORGE- corresponds to the Ethics of Relations (RE) aspect. This is love-tenderness, including deep understanding and compassion. This feeling is characterized by the ability to compromise, goodwill and the ability to smooth out contradictions. This form of relationship is characterized by: solidarity with the partner in everything, indulgence towards shortcomings, the desire for harmonious, stable, pleasant and relaxed relationships. This perfect shape love for family life, but on condition that the partner will be sensitive. The excessive vulnerability of this feeling does not make it resilient under any circumstances. The attraction of the soul is of great importance and prevails over physical attraction. Storge originated in antiquity, was developed during the Renaissance and has not lost its relevance in our time.

AGAPE- corresponds to the Intuition of Time (TI) aspect. This is sacrificial and idealistic love. It is based on tolerance. This is a fairly stable feeling with elements of fatalism. Its owner is able to forgive a lot and take self-denial for granted. Refined and poetic, such love can exist for a long time away from the object of feelings, even without hopes of reciprocity. There is a desire in her to protect her illusions from the reality that destroys them, therefore in such relationships there is a tendency to self-deception. Despite its complex and contradictory nature, it encourages humility more than other forms of love. Sometimes a person who has this form of love has to make radical decisions, for example, on his own initiative to part with his loved one. But the image of a loved one, even after separation, can remain faithful for a long time. Spiritual attraction always prevails over physical attraction. This type of love-humility became widespread with the emergence of Christianity, but it is still relevant in our time.

MANIA- corresponds to the Ethics of Emotions (EE) aspect. This is a prolonged emotional ecstasy, an obsession with love, an overestimation of its significance, which leads to strong emotional turmoil, reckless actions, and even drama. This feeling is strong, possessive, demanding, craving complete reciprocity, but also capable of many compromises. This love is very enduring, even in cases where it is unrequited. She is often capable of heroism and sacrifice, and even reckless devotion. She is full of contradictions, as she is very dependent on changeable moods. There are frequent quarrels, sharp contrasts in behavior, even fleeting betrayals. It causes unpredictable behavior and disregard for generally accepted norms of behavior. Love-Mania has existed since ancient times, but it became most widespread in the 20th century in Western Europe after the sexual revolution, whose adherents called for the emancipation of feelings and the denial of cold bourgeois rationality. It has not lost its relevance in our pragmatic times, although it has become less dramatic.

FILIA- corresponds to the Intuition of Possibilities (CI) aspect. This is a spiritual feeling, which is based on the kinship of souls, thoughts and interests - a kind of intellectual community. This feeling gives rise to friendship with deep respect and mutual understanding. It is very selective, unites like-minded people and stimulates the mutual development of abilities. This is the love of equal partners; it does not tolerate coercion and, especially, dictate in anything. People who are characterized by this type of love can remain faithful only to the chosen one who does not disappoint them. And without regret they part with partners who did not live up to expectations, who are alien in spirit and way of thinking. Such people are much more tolerant of sexual disharmony. This form of love developed during the Renaissance, but was praised by Plato and has since been called platonic. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly relevant for societies fed up with sexual permissiveness.

ANALYTA- this is a form of love, which is characterized by the desire for calm and rational relationships. This love is individually selective, with high demands from its bearer for the object of feelings and with a tendency to be disappointed in him if he does not live up to any expectations. This exactingness is devoid of idealism, but often exceeds the real capabilities of people. This feeling is intellectual, with a tendency to reflect and analyze the behavior of a partner without plunging into his spiritual world. Has an abstract generalizing character with tendencies to draw conclusions detached from the object of feelings; There are few emotions and sensations here. Not compliant. Striving for reasonable and harmonious combination intellectual demands and physical desires, the owner of Analita requires many concessions from his partner. It manifested itself most clearly in the 19th century and is well reflected in the philosophy of Freud, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and others. For many who have not met their ideal partner, this form of love turns into its complete denial. In our time of progressive gender equality (biarchy), it is gradually losing its relevance and manifests itself less clearly, although it is still relevant. Since it did not have a specific name in the literature, the author proposed his own.

EROS -corresponds to the aspect of Sensory Sensations (SS). This is a passionate, powerful and sensual attraction to the object of love. The appearance and demeanor of a loved one are of great value. They evoke aesthetic feelings and admiration for external perfection, often exaggerated - faces, figures, gaits. People in whom this type of love dominates strive for harmony of soul and body, and therefore are able to turn a blind eye to minor shortcomings. Burning with love, they are capable of great dedication, constantly improving their manners and ways of expressing feelings, as well as the shape of their body, the beauty of their clothes, and the aesthetics of their surroundings. They willingly adapt and adapt their partner to themselves. They attach great importance to physical pleasures. Not having found the desired harmony, they are forever disappointed in the object of their feelings and part with him quite easily. This form of expression of feelings became widespread back in Ancient Greece, is most characteristic of developed societies and is still widely promoted by the media and various types art.

PRAGMA- corresponds to the Business Logic (BL) aspect. This is a sober, pragmatic and reasonable love for spiritual or material calculations. Despite some selfishness, she is committed to a fair balance between “giving” and “receiving”. It involves treating the object of one’s feelings with respect and a desire to understand it. She is natural and rational in expressing her needs. It is characterized by a desire for mutual satisfaction of desires and interests, although personal interests are sometimes placed above the interests of the partner. Habit strengthens it; over time, the object of feelings turns into a necessary property, carefully cared for. Described by Spinoza. It was most popular in the 18th century, although it existed in all historical eras. It has not lost its popularity in our time. It is associated with unions that are commonly called marriages of convenience.

VICTORIA- corresponds to the aspect Volitional Sensory (CS). This is the view erotic behavior, farthest from intellectual and spiritual demands than the rest. It lacks depth and selectivity. It is based on the pleasant feeling of conquering the object of one’s attraction. It's a kind of fighting game. If the defeated person does not resist, interest in him quickly disappears.

Each sociotype (TIM of personality) corresponds to a pair of types of love - a combination

Philia and Analita ILE (Innovator, Don Quixote)

Eros and Mania SEI (Mediator, Dumas)

Analita and Philia LII (Analyst, Robespierre)

Mania and Eros ESE (Communicator, Hugo)

Mania and Agape EIE (Mentor, Hamlet)

Analita and Victoria LSI (Inspector, Maxim)

Agape and Mania IEI (Lyric, Yesenin)

Victoria and Analita SLE (Leader, Zhukov)

Victoria and Storge SEE (Politician, Napoleon)

Agape and Pragma OR (Critic, Balzac)

Pragma and Agape LIE (Experimenter, Jack)

Storge and Victoria ESI (Keeper, Dreiser)

Pragma and Eros LSE (Manager, Stirlitz)

Storge and Filia EII (Humanist, Dostoevsky)

Philia and Storge IEE (Inspirer, Huxley)

Eros and Pragma SLI (Master, Gaben)

If you are able to correlate your understanding of YOUR FEELING of love with each of the 8 types of love described above and choose the two that best suit your character (manifestations of your feelings and emotions), then the combination you receive of the 2 types will correspond to only one of 4 square. So you:

1. determine 2 main signs of your TIM

2. You immediately find yourself in “your” quadra.

For example. You have a combination of 2 types: Mania (PE) and Agape (BI). This means

1. the main features of your TIM are ethics - SE and intuition - BI.

2. This combination is present only in Beta quadra,

3. In the Beta quadra there are 2 such sociotypes - these are EIE (Hamlet) and IEI (Yesenin). They are both ethical intuitives.

If you chose Pragma (CHL) and Eros (BS), you will receive 2 sociotypes from the Delta quadra: LSE (Stirlitz) and SLI (Gaben).
It’s much easier to decide between two ethical intuitives or two sensory logicians from the same quadra, isn’t it?

The combination of Philia and Storge leads to the Delta quadra: these are EII and IEE.
The combination of Victoria and Analita - in Gamma: SEE and ESI. And so on.

Compare the received TIM options with the one you got before.
Similar or not? You have the opportunity to correct a mistake if you previously fell into a quadra that was not in yours - adjust the previously received TIM, focusing on your quadra and its values.

Take the TEST.

Check to see if it's YOURS SUPERVALUES are indicated opposite the TIM you found in the TEST.

If you have any doubts or have any questions, you can contact the author of the site by phone 8-905-265-34-45 Irina Nikolaevna

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If you know the sociotype (TIM) of your partner, you can determine how compatible your relationship is

The most compatible combinations of relationship types:

1. Storge and Pragma.

2. Mania and Analita.

3. Agape and Victoria.

4. Philia and Eros.

For example, people with the Storge and Pragma forms of love have a very strong union, since these feelings value a calm, harmonious life that strengthens relationships.

Mania can motivate its owner to do a lot, who wants to meet the especially high requirements of the personality with Analita. He, in turn, balances with his sober rationality the impulsiveness in the feelings of the owner of Mania.

Only a sacrificial feeling - Agape, capable of submitting to someone else's will - can get along with the imperious, possessive Victoria.

As for Eros love, only the rich possibilities and imagination of the intellectual Philia can retain the interest of an ardent and demanding partner for a long time. This is a magnificent union of mind, soul and body.

Incompatible types of relationships include:

1. Storge and Analita.

The tender, vulnerable Storge cannot stand the detached and unspiritual, strict and demanding Analita. But for Analita, Storge is too primitive, boring and even sweet. It is difficult for them to find mutual understanding and consonance in feelings.

2. Mania and Pragma.

The cult of emotions is incompatible with practical calculation. Mania seems restless and obsessive to Pragma, while Mania's Pragma seems cynical and boring.

3. Agape and Eros.

Melancholy Agape does not delight Eros. And Eros hurts Agape with its high demands. In addition, the owner of Eros does not need pity and humility, but only an equal partner who evokes sensual delight.

4. Filia and Victoria.

This is the eternal conflict between the spiritual and the physical, between the desire for equality and submission, between practical interest and its ignorance. They are not attracted to each other.

Combinations of relationship types with average compatibility

(which, with some adjustment, can get along):

1. Storge and Victoria.

Tactful Storge makes compromises in order to maintain harmony and strength of relationships. She is patient and softens Victoria over time. Her ability to be flexible sometimes brings her closer to the Agape that Victoria needs.

2. Mania and Eros.

The cult of love unites them and makes their emotions bright at first. Over time, fatigue sets in from an excess of feelings, but Mania holds Eros firmly. Their relationship usually turns out to be stormy, but interesting for both. True, the exact outcome here is not always predictable.

3. Agape and Pragma.

Idealistic sacrifice and sober calculation, despite some frictions, converge on a mutual desire for constancy.

4. Philia and Analita.

This is a highly intellectual union in which both strive for excellence. True, Philia lacks sensuality, and Analyta lacks emotionality in relationships, but they find common interests that bring them closer. They can break up only because of ideological differences or intimate dissatisfaction.

Partners with an average degree of compatibility cannot always adapt to each other, but if this happens, they get along.

There is also such a combination of types of love with an average degree of compatibility, when partners mutually extinguish each other’s feelings. In such cases, rapprochement either does not occur, or people quite soon lose mutual interest and break up.

True, in some cases such couples adapt to each other under pressure external factors: children, property problems, etc. But they irritate each other greatly, and this is difficult to bear in the absence of love.

Redemption pairs:

1. Storge and Mania.

Tenderness and passion with a mutual focus on the cult of love initially make partners very attractive to each other. But it soon becomes clear that they understand love differently and this disappoints both.

2. Agape and Philia.

Sacrifice and equality in love are mutually exclusive. Problems with expressing emotions and sexual initiative can extinguish both. Their interests are spiritual, but different. They get bored with each other, although superficial friendships can last a long time.

3. Analytics and Pragma.

Because of their sober approach to love, they may at first be interested in each other, agree on mutual respect, but they are rather cold with each other. The emotional side of love is not expressed. And besides, Pragma does not strive to become what Analita wants her to be. As a result, mutual disappointment ensues.

4. Eros and Victoria.

The beginning can be rough. But Eros, striving for harmony in feelings, does not accept the suppression of personality, becomes disappointed in Victoria, and she, in turn, does not try to keep him. They are both very independent and break up easily.

The problem of human relations is complex and multifaceted. Of course, approaches based on understanding relationships at the emotional and sexual levels do not completely solve the entire problem of relationships, but they lift the curtain on understanding this side of the relationship. For a more complete understanding of the problem of purely personal relationships, we propose to take another step into the realm of the sacred.

Ages of love in our lives

Forms of relationships corresponding to different age periods

Since everything is in everything and the greater is repeated in the less (<эффект матрешки>), and the forms of relationships also undergo a certain evolution throughout entire historical eras, as you have already seen by reading this article. Therefore, in a person’s life it is also possible to distinguish periods characteristic of one or another form of manifestation of feelings and relationships. They do not replace the forms of relationships typical of each character accent, but they have a certain influence on them. Let's see how this happens at different age periods:

1. Childhood. The physical level of development predominates. Introverted sensations intensify, reflecting possessive feelings towards parents and loved ones. The selfishness of young children is perceived naturally. Their overbearing<Я так хочу>- a law for others. It is difficult for a child to bear the indifference of those close to his needs, the loss of parents, physical punishment, suppression of his will. This indicates an intensification of the shade of demanding and possessive love - Victoria.

2. Adolescence. The onset of physical maturity. Extroverted sensations caused by pleasures received from the surrounding world and other people come to the fore. The first caresses, erotic pleasures, delight in beauty in any of its manifestations. Many problems are associated with puberty and the possibilities of its satisfaction, as well as with the first sexual experience. All this strengthens the form of love common to everyone at this age - Eros, associated with the sphere of sensations.

3. Youth. The joy of human communication, idealism and enthusiasm, the freshness of the worldview, a lot of emotions. Love and love again. In that age period there are many emotional problems associated with the collapse of illusions, unrequited love, and wounded pride. The ethical level of personality development predominates, the associated sphere of emotions and the type of emotional behavior - Mania.

4. Youth. Acquiring strong friendships and business connections, creating a family, having children. The role of family happiness, tender and devoted love is increasing. Those who suffer the most at this age are those who<не складывается>personal life. Forms of relationships prevail over forms of emotions. The dominant form of relationship is Storge.

5. Beginning of maturity. The role of professionalism and the ability to provide the material side of life is increasing. Acute dissatisfaction at this age is experienced by those who could not achieve this at this stage of life. Business activity is updated and along with it the type of emotional behavior - Pragma.

6. Maturity. After forty years, people want a stable and orderly life. Ethical and business problems are replaced by problems of status in society and in the family. This period is painful for those who<не состоялся>or has not received recognition and reliable status. A reassessment of values ​​is brewing for them - that is, a mid-life crisis. The type of relationship associated with this analytical period of life - Analyst - leaves an imprint on the behavior of people during this period of life.

7. The beginning of old age. Wisdom from life experience opens up an intuitive period in a person’s life, when the hidden essence of what is happening is established by light hints. The baggage of knowledge and experienced feelings facilitates the search for alternative possibilities in solving problems. This is the period between when<молодость знает>And<старость может>. Many family and health problems that have been growing over the years are solved. It is most difficult for those who at this age are not able to resolve them. And also for those who do not have spiritually close friends and a life partner. The dominant form of relationships at this age is based on spiritual closeness and common interests - Philia.

8. Old age. The most sentimental and wise period of life, when submission to fate prevails, and<не волнует кто кого - он или я>. Understanding the beauty and harmony of the world around us brings joy. A feeling of sublime detachment and forgiveness appears. The past is idealized and the mysterious future worries. Religion brings comfort. Vanity and touchiness are the enemies of spiritual harmony. The spiritual and, in a certain sense, philosophical form of relationship - Agape - is strengthened.

An ideally harmonious life could be considered in which, at each age stage, the corresponding emotional problems associated with age-related forms of relationships would be successfully resolved. Since this is hardly possible, try to eliminate first of all those problems that are associated with the forms of emotions that are actualized at this stage of your life. Then you will feel emotional comfort more often.


1. A. Ovcharov, V. Meged “Characters and Relationships”, Armada Press, Moscow, 2002

2. V. Meged “Forms of love - ancient and new”, journal “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology”, MIS, 4, 1996

There are many types of love: for yourself, parents, children, homeland, your favorite business, nature, the world, and so on, but the most exciting and desirable type of love is the love between a man and a woman. But it can be different: from base to sublime.

People have been thinking, talking and writing about love since ancient times! It seems that science already knows everything about it: its philosophy, physics, chemistry, sociology and psychology, but love still remains an elusive mystery.

A person is surrounded by love all his life, receives it and gives it, seeks, finds, loses and comes to the realization that it is always with him, in his soul. You cannot tell what love is, you need to know it.

A child discovers his ability and learns to love by looking at his parents and others. The older a person is, the richer he is life experience, and the more he knows about love. Knowledge and experience help build harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Lovefeeling which only cultural Human. People who lived in prehistoric times did not know love, but the sexual instinct still pushed them into each other's arms, which allowed humanity to survive. Has life been easier for a person without love? Maybe! But whether he was completely human, not knowing the most beautiful, at the same time animal and spiritual feeling, is a question. But when, then, was love born? When did it arise?

Loveproduct of evolution, the result of the intellectual and social development of humanity. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher feelings in humans. It is believed that it was the development of the human brain that contributed to the emergence of highly developed intelligence and higher senses.

There is an interesting scientific hypothesis that the feeling of love appeared around five thousand years ago. Scientists associate the moment of the birth of love with the appearance of the myth about the Egyptian goddess of fertility Isis, who was able to resurrect her husband, the god Osiris, with her tears. Since then, mortals began to worship her, asking her to send them love.

People different nations who lived in ancient times (and live today), at some point began to value love, to seek permanent partner, create families and worship gods and goddesses who personify love: Venus, Lada, Ishtar, Lakshmi, Freya and others. The myths and legends of all peoples living on earth are similar. Love is described in them as a desired gift of the gods. The ancient Greeks, in particular, believed that love was sent down to people at the moment when the goddess of love Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam and set foot on earth.

Types of love

Ancient Greek philosophers, trying to understand the secret of love between a man and a woman, identified seven its types. This classification, the author of which is unknown, is extremely relevant today.


The most superficial and base love. It can be called a game, a sport, a competition, or consumerism. The basis of such love is sex without obligations, when people meet for the sake of physical intimacy and nothing more. Such love is polygamous; the depth of feelings here is replaced by the number of sexual partners.

Relationships of this type begin easily, develop rapidly, and end quickly without regrets or sadness. In ludus love there is no place for attachment and responsibility, only the desire for pleasure.

Not surprisingly, ludus occurs in relationships between legal and common-law spouses. This happens when a husband and wife agree that they will cheat on each other, and at the same time continue to live together, without offense. Ludus relationships can last a long time, provided that both partners are satisfied with such a life.


Enthusiastic love and ardent passion. This type of love is also based on sexual desire, but the partners are not indifferent to each other; on the contrary, there is a desire to be only with this person, to get to know him better and to love him all his life.

It is about eros that novels are most often written, pictures are painted and films are made. It's always interesting story love, it has delight, charm, inspiration, romance and passion.

Eros is strong, bright and deep feeling. There is a place here not only for sensuality and emotionality, but also for interest in the individual. Such love guides consciousness, so the lover is “intoxicated” with love and often commits reckless acts for the sake of it.

This is romantic love, the love that people most often experience in their youth, and also the first stage of long-term love relationship. But, as a rule, it does not last long: eros either fades away completely or develops into another love. To maintain a relationship, love must be supplemented with responsibility and commitment.


Mania is a mixture of ludus and eros, mad love, obsessional love. Mania is destructive, destructive, painful. Often such love is unrequited or serves as the basis for sadomasochism (psychological or sexual).

Such love becomes a personal drama for the lover, can lead to mental disorders and is itself, in fact, a disease. A man obsessed with mania does not sleep or eat; his thoughts and actions are directed towards the object of his adoration. His eternal “companions”: jealousy, anxiety, self-doubt, dependence on a loved one.

Mania does not last long, but manages to cause significant harm to the individual. Often such love-drama happens to teenagers and becomes their first unhappy love. If you have a problem with mania, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist.


This is love-friendship, loving people are partners for each other. Such love is filled with care, respect, tenderness, fidelity, equality, but there is a lack of passion in it.

Storge can arise on its own, grow out of friendships, or become an extension of eros. Storge love often arises between spouses who have been married for more than a year.

This is a wonderful type of partnership, but in order for love not to fade away, it needs to be “warmed up”: in addition to arranging your home, taking care of children and work, you need to set aside time for romance.


This is rational love, love “according to psychological calculation.” A pragmatic person is a realist by nature, he knows what kind of partner he needs, which one is suitable for the role of husband/wife. When such a person meets, the pragmatist builds harmonious relationships and most often they turn out well.

Such love may seem boring and soulless, but it is not. There is a place for friendship, mutual understanding and affection, and passion can flare up later. If the calculation is done correctly, the couple will be comfortable living together and the relationship will last a long time.

Pragma will never push a person to act recklessly or make him suffer. It’s good when in love you manage to maintain the ability to think sensibly, but for a relationship to become truly happy, partners must open up to each other and become close people.


High, spiritual and unconditional love. She is pure and selfless. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato called this love ideal, which is why it is also called Platonic love.

The appearance of the partner is not important, the soul is important, therefore the philia lives outside of time, circumstances and at any distance. loving person gives his love to his beloved, does not demand anything in return, accepts anyone, does not judge, understands and forgives. Philia is like love for a friend, father and mother, or child.


This is a rare type of love when both partners develop and grow spiritually together, overcoming selfishness and becoming altruists. In such love there is a place for sacrifice, but not painful, but based on the ability to give in, negotiate and forgive mistakes.

Agape is gentle and at the same time passionate love. Partners support, care, respect each other, are faithful and devoted to love. Agape love is happy and harmonious, it allows each partner to develop as an individual, maintain a balance of mind and feelings, and not “burn out” or “freeze” in a relationship.

Understanding what kind of love lives in the soul helps to avoid mistakes, find the cause of internal desires and impulses, find out what to do in order to maintain a relationship for as long as possible and predict whether it will be happy.

There are many paths in life, but the longest of them is the path to the heart of another person. And if you resist this path and go off it, you will only waste time trying to find it again later.

Such a person wants to love and be loved in order to feel like a complete and harmonious person.

This can cause him to become an obsessive and jealous lover, feeling as if he is desperate for his partner.

Mania manifests itself especially clearly when the object of love does not reciprocate or his reciprocal feelings are unequal.

6. Pragma or lasting love

Pragma is love that has been tested by time, but continues to mature and develop.

It went beyond physical attraction, transcended spontaneity, and over time developed into a unique harmony.

You can find Pragma among married couples who have been together for many years, or among friends whose friendship has stood the test for decades.

Unfortunately, Pragma does not appear like magic. We spend so much time and energy trying, but so little time learning how to maintain relationships.

Unlike other types of love, Pragma is the result of effort on both sides.

This is love between people who have learned to compromise, to be patient, to push the relationship towards constant development.

7. Philaty or self-love

The Greeks understood that in order to love others, a person must first.

This type of self-love is not unhealthy vanity and arrogance that is focused on one's ego and narcissism.

Philaty is self-love in a healthy form. As Aristotle said: “All friendly feelings towards others are the development of a person’s attitude towards himself.”

The only way to truly be happy is to find unconditional love for yourself.

8. Agape or unconditional love

The highest and most perfect type of love is Agape, in other words, selfless and unconditional love.

Agape is not the sentimental outpouring that is often perceived as love in our society.

Agape also has nothing to do with the physical attraction-based type of love often found in modern culture.

Agape is what some call spiritual love. It is unconditional love, greater than ourselves, boundless compassion, endless empathy.

Buddhists have a corresponding concept - “metta”, i.e. universal loving kindness. It is the purest form of love, free from desires and expectations, existing regardless of the strengths and weaknesses of others.

Types of love. Three-Part Theory of Love

According to this theory, developed by American psychologist Robert Sternberg, there are three components of love:

  1. Passion– love and physical attraction.
  2. Proximity– a deep feeling of affection and unity.
  3. Liabilities– willingness to maintain and develop relationships.

These three components combine with each other, thereby giving rise to seven different types love.

Types of love Passion Proximity Liabilities
Lack of love
1 Sympathy/Friendship +
2 Love +
3 Empty love +
4 romantic love + +
5 Friendly love + +
6 Fatal love + +
7 + + +

1. Like/Friendship

Think of a person to whom you can share any positive or negative event that happened in your life, including your most intimate secrets.

Of course you love him. But this love is sympathy or friendship, and does not pretend to be a relationship.

2. Falling in love (infatuation)

Infatuated love may seem strong and overwhelming, but devoid of intimacy and commitment, it does not last.

Very often, falling in love takes priority in your life, because it is caused by the strongest craving - sexual attraction.

But you should carefully evaluate how suitable you are for each other, and whether you want to be with this person for a long time.

3. Empty love

This is the love that some of us share with our family and relatives.

In this case, it is difficult for you to imagine a future without another person, but there is no physical attraction, as well as the exchange of information regarding the details of your personal life.

Unfortunately, many marriages are also sometimes based on empty love.

4. Romantic love

Romantic love makes you feel butterflies in your stomach when you think about the object of your love, but without commitment, this type of love cannot last forever.

The combination of passion and intimacy creates an illusion, but without conscious and active work on a long-term relationship, the feeling that arises will not be able to turn into something more.

5. Friendly love

At some point, a marriage or long-term relationship may develop into companionate love.

This isn't such a bad thing since intimacy and commitment are the strongest of the three components. However, it is important to rekindle the fire and bring the passion back to its rightful place.

Older people who no longer have strong physical attraction are often in search of companionate love.

6. Fatal love

Suddenly, a new absolutely wonderful person appears on your life path.

The chemistry of love that has arisen between you absorbs you completely, and you simply cannot keep your hands off each other.

Everything is going great, and you are absolutely convinced that this is the person you have always dreamed of.

This conclusion comes to mind based on a few superficial pieces of information you have: where the object of your passion has traveled, what kind of music he likes, what movies and books he prefers, etc.

And you decide with the utmost seriousness that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person.

But the truth is that without intimacy and sharing personal stories, you can't judge a person objectively because you don't really know them.

Perfect love is born from the union of all three components of love. This is the kind of love most of us strive for.

The ideal situation is when everything is great in bed, there is intimacy and mutual understanding, and you cannot imagine a future without this person.


We all want perfect love, which would give us strength and fill us with energy.

And we can indeed find it, but, according to many psychologists, the main problem is not in achieving love, but in maintaining it.