If a girl gets pregnant, can she have periods? Pregnancy through menstruation: how to recognize the signs. What do these periods mean?

The symptoms of the birth of a new life and the approaching menstruation are very similar. And most women begin to suspect that they will soon become mothers when they do not have “critical days.” However, sometimes it is possible pregnancy through menstruation, signs which every lady should know.
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If a woman needs to find out whether she is in “ interesting position"Even though menstruation has begun, there are the following signs:

  1. Positive pregnancy test. A little more than a week after conception, the expectant mother's body produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin. And menstrual bleeding is not only not an obstacle to the test, but can also give a real result. It is better to use the first portion of urine obtained in the morning (the vagina should be covered with a tampon). You should drink less water the night before, and also ensure hygiene of the genital organ and test container before the procedure.
  2. Basal temperature exceeding 37 degrees, which does not subside for several weeks.
  3. The presence of toxicosis (heartburn, vomiting, nausea, weakness throughout the body, dizziness, increased formation of gases in the intestines).
  4. Frequent desire to go to the toilet.
  5. Increased discharge levels, including thrush.
  6. The chest becomes engorged and hurts.
  7. Mood swings occur.
  8. There is a change in appetite.
  9. The lower abdomen begins to hurt.

Many ladies are sure that it is impossible to get pregnant three days before the “critical days”, during them and in the first 7 days after their end. However, gynecologists say that this can still happen if you do not protect yourself. Even ovulation tests and other methods of identifying safe days do not guarantee that conception will not occur. The statistics are as follows: 17% of women became pregnant by having unprotected intercourse in the first days after menstruation.

Most often, conception occurs on days 12-15 of the cycle, but it can also occur several days before the end of menstruation, when an egg is released from the ovary due to stress, illness or other reasons, which can be fertilized. However, pregnancy rarely occurs at the beginning of the “critical days” due to heavy bleeding and a negative environment for sperm.

In the case of a short menstrual cycle (from 22 to 24 days), ovulation can occur in the last few days of the monthly bleeding, especially if it lasts 7-8 days. Because of this, representatives of the fair half of humanity who have an unstable or short cycle should use not a calendar method of contraception, but some other one (you can consult a gynecologist). Women with a normal cycle become pregnant less often after menstruation due to the lack of spontaneous ovulation. However, they need to keep in mind that a trip to another country, as well as a change in climate or time zone, can change hormonal levels and lead to an unwanted pregnancy.

If the pregnancy is between 4 and 5 weeks, doctors believe that menstrual bleeding is acceptable. This happens because conception occurred in the middle of the cycle, but after that the egg has not yet reached the reproductive organ. That is, two weeks have not passed, the level of hormones is the same, and so the usual “critical days” have appeared. In the new month this no longer happens.

Nowadays, stable hormonal levels in women are rare, so there are women who are pregnant, but their periods do not come for another 3-4 months. Medicine also knows cases when two eggs mature at the same time, but only one is fertilized, and the other is rejected, causing menstruation.

Bleeding from the vagina may indicate that the embryo is attaching to the uterine wall and causing implantation bleeding (the endometrium lining the uterus separates and leaves the female body). Moreover, pregnancy at this time can be interrupted due to strong contraction of the muscles of the reproductive organ and bleeding. And if at the same time the fertilized egg takes root, then the lady will still think that she is having normal menstruation. However, after the end of menstruation, the symptoms of the development of new life in a woman’s body may become more obvious.

Here are some signs of pregnancy that may be noticeable a few days after your period:

  1. Scarcity of menstrual flow. They also purchase Brown color, look like daub and quickly disappear. This “bleeding” can occur for several months until a large belly with a moving baby inside is clearly visible.
  2. Swelling and tenderness of the breast, pain in it. Veins become more noticeable. The areolas become darker, and later Montgomery's nodules (sweat glands that have increased in size) form on them. This is how the mammary glands begin to prepare to produce milk.
  3. Changing food preferences. The desire to eat something special (strawberries, chocolate, pickled cucumber) becomes irresistible. The feeling of hunger does not leave, even at night a pregnant woman can eat until she feels full.
  4. State of depression, lethargy, irritability, fatigue. I want to sleep all the time.
  5. Possible constipation.
  6. Increased sensitivity to infectious diseases because the immune system is suppressed. Because of this, colds often occur and the nose gets stuffy.
  7. Pimples and acne appear.
  8. Sensation of metallic taste in the mouth.
  9. Swelling of the limbs appears.
  10. Decreased libido.

If these signs are detected, you can measure your basal temperature for several days; how to correctly measure your basal temperature When it is 37 degrees or more, the likelihood of an “interesting situation” is high. But this method is not very reliable, because errors and non-compliance with measurement rules are possible. Therefore, a test should be used (pharmacies sell a wide range of such products).

After which you need to contact the antenatal clinic, where the gynecologist:

  • Examines the patient on the chair;
  • Will issue a referral for blood donation to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • Prescribe an ultrasound examination.

All women should keep in mind that if pregnancy symptoms do not disappear with the arrival of menstruation, then a test must be done. If the pain in the lower abdominal cavity becomes stronger and the discharge turns red again, you should immediately call ambulance or consult your doctor, as there are possible situations leading to miscarriage:

  1. Violation of the female body's production of the hormone progesterone;
  2. Ectopic pregnancy;
  3. Unsuccessful attachment of the fetus due to fibroids or endometriosis in the expectant mother;
  4. Anomalies intrauterine development child;
  5. High levels of male hormones;
  6. First, two embryos appeared, but one of them develops in accordance with the norm, and the second is rejected by the woman’s body for some reason.

If you have regular periods, but have doubts, it is better to visit a gynecologist after the end of menstruation.

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During pregnancy, transformations occur in a woman’s body at different levels - hormonal, physiological, emotional. After conceiving a child, the body begins to “work” in a new way, but some expectant mothers may also notice such a familiar phenomenon as menstruation. In 15% of women, periods during pregnancy appear in the first weeks. In the absence of alarming signs and supervision by a doctor, they do not pose a threat to the baby. We will tell you whether pregnant women have periods, normal variations, and dangerous symptoms that cannot be ignored.

Conceiving a child and menstruation

The uterus has three layers, the inner functional and most mobile is the endometrium. Its thickness increases by the time of ovulation, and its structure becomes looser - so that in the event of fertilization, the conditions for the consolidation and further growth of the embryo are ideal. If conception does not occur in the current cycle, under the influence of the hormone GnRH, the menstrual phase begins, during which the endometrium is rejected, and along with its detachment, small vessels that connect it with other layers of the uterus “tear”. The appearance of menstrual bleeding is associated with this process. If after ovulation in the luteal phase the egg meets the sperm, then the further development of the cycle follows a different path: the endometrium is strengthened and is not rejected. Menstruation does not begin, and this is the sign that most often indicates the onset of conception.

Periods are an important part of the menstrual cycle

Can I get my period during pregnancy? Yes, in exceptional cases, this condition does not pose a threat to the mother and fetus, but the appearance of bloody discharge with positive test pregnancy can also be an alarming symptom.

Can you have periods during pregnancy: when there is no need to worry

There are several conditions when you can have periods in the very early stages of pregnancy. Among them:

  • late ovulation;
  • fertilization of one of the two eggs;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Delayed ovulation

If the dominant follicle matures not in the middle of the cycle, but in its second half, then the egg will be released from it much later. After sexual intercourse, sperm remain viable in a woman’s body for 3-7 days, in exceptional cases - up to 14 days. From the moment of germ cell fusion until final implantation, it can take up to 5-10 days. Accordingly, if ovulation occurs later than usual, then menstruation may occur during the “journey” of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes. With this development of pregnancy, menstruation will occur at the very beginning and should not be repeated in the following months.

Ovulation may begin late in the cycle

If only 1 egg is fertilized

Double ovulation is a relatively rare phenomenon. With it, maturation of two dominant follicles in one or different ovaries is observed within one cycle. In the corresponding phase, 2 eggs are released. If you had unprotected sexual intercourse or used assisted reproductive technology such as artificial insemination, then both oocytes and one of them can be fertilized. If the sperm has merged with only one egg, then while it moves into the uterine cavity, the second can be removed along with menstrual blood when the endometrium is rejected. In the case of such a pregnancy, menstruation occurs only in the early stages. If spotting appears after the 4th week, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Hormone imbalance

All phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as each week of a child's intrauterine development, are regulated by different hormones. If there are disruptions in their production, deviations from the norm are observed - such as, for example, menstruation during pregnancy. Most often, this problem is caused by hyperandrogenism - an increase in the level of androgens in a woman. This condition often coincides with weak progesterone production, against the background of which, even after conception and implantation, discharge similar to menstruation can be observed. They, unlike regular menstrual ones, are scanty, brown, spotty in nature and can last for weeks. With high-quality medical supervision similar phenomenon not dangerous for the baby and the expectant mother. If there is no threat to the development of the embryo, the doctor may recommend leaving this phenomenon without intervention. Sometimes auxiliary drugs, for example, Duphaston, may be prescribed for treatment. In any case, it is absolutely impossible to ignore spotting in the early stages or take medications on your own without permission - this can be dangerous for both the child and the woman.

Due to hormonal imbalances, menstruation may occur during pregnancy

Conditional factors that can cause discharge similar to menstruation during pregnancy include mechanical irritations. Examination by a doctor using mirrors, checking the tone of the cervix for later, sexual intercourse, taking smears - these and other actions often cause superficial damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix. As a result, a spotting discharge appears - as a rule, it is extremely scanty, bloody or brown. Scarlet and bright red marks on underwear or panty liners are a reason for emergency hospitalization.

Those who are interested in whether menstruation can occur during pregnancy should understand: spotting in the first trimester requires medical care. If this is the norm, consulting a doctor will not take much time. If such a symptom signals a threatening condition, thanks to early intervention it will be possible to save the child and avoid delayed negative consequences.

Why do menstruation occur during pregnancy: washing the fetus or a threat?

“Fetal washing” is a common term used for periods during pregnancy. The main problem of the condition in which future mom notices spotting, - the impossibility of independently determining its cause. In some cases, symptoms may be caused by hormonal imbalance or late conception, while in others such signs indicate serious and dangerous problems.

Washing the fetus can be a dangerous symptom

Detachment of the ovum

Among the most common causes of interruption of embryo development in the early stages and fading of pregnancy in the first trimester is detachment of the ovum. It occurs for various reasons - with insufficient thickness of the uterine mucosa, endometrial diseases, the presence of scars and adhesions, tumors and inflammation, critical physical activity and severe emotional stress. Abruption in the earliest stages can occur without severe pain, but when the fertilized egg “comes off” from the inner wall of the uterus, the vessels connecting them are inevitably damaged. The result is bright red bloody discharge, thinner than during menstruation. If the fact of pregnancy is confirmed and such a symptom appears, you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. In the initial stages of abruption, pregnancy can be saved if you go for preservation in a timely manner and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Placental abruption

A similar mechanism occurs in placental abruption, but this condition most often occurs in the second and third trimester. This complication occurs due to vascular pathologies, blood clotting disorders, and mechanical factors. Increase the risk of its development due to trauma (bumps or falls), hormonal diseases and bad habits. When even a small part of the placenta is detached, bleeding begins, which is life-threatening for the child and the woman. At a long stage of pregnancy, menstruation cannot begin, therefore, when such an alarming symptom appears - regardless of the intensity, color and presence of accompanying painful sensations - you need to call an ambulance.

At the first symptoms of detachment, you need to call an ambulance

Ectopic pregnancy

Another pathology that is accompanied by discharge similar to menstruation during pregnancy is ectopic implantation of the embryo. It has a lot of prerequisites, but in more than 80% of cases it develops due to problems with the fallopian tubes. Inflammation of the appendages, adhesions and scars, neoplasms and hormonal disorders prevent the normal advancement of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. The embryo can implant itself in a tube or in an ovary, in a rudimentary horn with a bicornuate uterus, or, in extremely rare cases, in the abdominal cavity. Since only the endometrium is suitable for fetal development, other soft tissues begin to be damaged as the embryo grows. When tension and rupture occur, bleeding occurs. It can hardly be confused with harmless periods during pregnancy: damage to internal organs and internal bleeding are always accompanied by severe pain. This condition requires immediate hospitalization and a relatively long recovery period.

Frozen pregnancy

As a rule, expectant mothers register with the antenatal clinic and begin to closely monitor the development of pregnancy at 7-8 weeks, and sometimes after the 10th. The problem is that in the very early stages the risk of such a complication as a frozen pregnancy is greatest. It has a different nature. These may be chromosomal pathologies, when due to genetic defects the fetus is not viable. Another prerequisite is a hormonal imbalance, in which, for example, progesterone is produced in insufficient quantities or the so-called corpus luteum functions poorly. There are also “mechanical” factors: overexertion, injury, critically high temperature due to illness. In any case, if the embryo has stopped developing, hormones will gradually begin to return to “pre-pregnancy” levels, and the endometrium, along with the fertilized egg, will begin to be rejected. The result is bloody discharge, which is sometimes accompanied by nagging and spasmodic pain, weakness and dizziness. In the case of such symptoms, hospitalization is required; the woman may be prescribed curettage and recommended to stay in the hospital for several days for treatment and recovery after surgery.

Discharge during a frozen pregnancy is similar to menstrual discharge

Can pregnancy occur with periods?

As mentioned above, with late ovulation, pregnancy can begin immediately after menstruation. While the “old” endometrium is being shed, the fertilized egg can slowly move into the uterine cavity. It is implanted in a new cycle, although it matured in the previous one. The development of such a pregnancy will be the same as in “standard” cases. The only caveat is that it may be difficult to accurately calculate the obstetric and gestational age, as well as calculate the expected date of birth. In any case, in addition to the expectant mother’s answers about the date of the last menstruation, which serves as a kind of “starting point” for pregnancy, the doctor can be guided by the results of a manual examination and the level of hCG in a blood test when determining the period. In addition, the age of the embryo can be calculated using ultrasound - based on the size of the embryo and uterus.

Is it possible to be pregnant if you've missed your period?

For many women, especially those married or in a stable relationship with one partner, the calendar method is the most convenient method of contraception. Its essence is the minimum probability of unplanned conception of a child during menstrual bleeding and in the first days after its end. This approach also has a medical basis: in the vast majority of cases, in the first phase of the cycle, the follicle with the egg matures in the ovary, and at the same time the endometrium, which was not useful in the previous cycle, is exfoliated. Simply put, sperm will have nothing to fertilize. But in the event of a hormonal imbalance or due to individual characteristics of the body, late ovulation may occur in the previous cycle, or two eggs will mature in both ovaries at different rates. If we add to this possible fact that sperm remain viable in a woman’s body for several days, then the possibility of pregnancy during menstruation still remains.

You can get pregnant on any day of your cycle

By the way, during menstruation, the cervix softens for faster removal of the endometrial mucosa. It becomes more sensitive and vulnerable to various types of bacteria and infections. The situation is aggravated by a decrease in local immunity. This is why many doctors recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse in the first days or throughout the entire period of menstrual bleeding.

  • Any atypical discharge during pregnancy, regardless of duration, is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  • If dark red or scarlet marks appear on underwear or a sanitary pad, a pregnant woman should call an ambulance.
  • An ambulance should be called if the bleeding is accompanied by acute “dagger” pain, dizziness or weakness, all of these are symptoms of internal bleeding.
  • You should not take any measures or buy medications without consulting your doctor.
  • If menstruation during pregnancy is not pathological in nature, you should pay maximum attention to personal hygiene to avoid genital and urinary tract infections.

If I'm on my period, can I be pregnant - some women ask. First of all, you need to look at the deadline. If the situation is still in question, then another menstrual bleeding has probably just begun. When the period is very short, there is little chance of stopping the miscarriage. So, is it possible to get pregnant in last days menstruation?

Menstruation, or rather not very heavy bleeding, during pregnancy puts many women into a stupor. So what to do, If I'm on my period, can I be pregnant? Almost everyone who is faced with such a situation wonders what the nature of these phenomena is.

After all, in principle, it is known that during pregnancy there should be no menstruation. Every doctor will confirm that blood should not flow during pregnancy in the early and late stages; it is the main symptom of a threatened miscarriage.

According to statistics, most spontaneous miscarriages occur in the first weeks. When the period is at least 4 weeks, even with slight bleeding, they are admitted to the hospital. Provided, of course, that the woman herself wants to continue the pregnancy. While she is being preserved, she is given various hemostatic injections and the tone of the uterus is removed.

This situation is dangerous due to the possibility of large blood loss. The longer the pregnancy itself, the greater the blood loss, because the area of ​​the placenta increases every week, and its abruption becomes more dangerous over time.

And in extreme cases of placental abruption, an emergency caesarean section is performed to save the life of the mother and child. If surgery is not performed urgently, the child will quickly die from acute hypoxia.

With an ectopic pregnancy, peculiar periods often appear, which are not very abundant brown discharge. It also appears sharply - the symptoms are similar to a miscarriage. This situation requires immediate medical attention.

The only possible situation when “periods” during pregnancy do not pose a potential threat to the development of pregnancy is the moment of implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, “implantation bleeding.” However, it is difficult to call it bleeding; it is just a few drops of blood, and such a phenomenon is not very common.

If you notice blood while pregnant, do not listen to any stories from your friends about menstruation during pregnancy. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Be sure to find out about basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy by following the link.

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Sometimes a woman finds out about her pregnancy by accident, or already at a certain considerable period. This often happens due to her ignorance of her situation, because her periods are on time and come systematically every month. It happens that pregnancy has occurred and menstruation occurs regularly.

So can you get your period if a woman is pregnant?

Most gynecologists say that this should not happen during pregnancy, and if menstruation occurs during pregnancy, it means that there are certain disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system or diseases of the genital organs, external or internal.

Any discharge of blood or any other discharge that is not typical for pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage and deserves the closest attention.

How do periods occur?

How does pregnancy occur? The egg waits for its moment every month, developing in the woman’s body. Every month she is ready for the conception procedure. If planned fertilization does not occur on time, the egg will self-destruct. The body, in turn, launches a self-cleaning mechanism, in which the uterus begins to actively contract and push out particles of the uterine endometrium with a destroyed egg and blood. This is the natural process of cleansing the uterine cavity and preparing it for the next possible pregnancy, which is called menstruation.

When the egg is successfully fertilized and pregnancy occurs, the body launches another mechanism aimed at maintaining the pregnancy and preventing the rejection of the contents of the uterus. To do this, it actively produces the necessary hormone progesterone, which promotes the growth of the endometrium inside the uterus and does not allow its walls to contract. By blocking embryo rejection with progesterone, the contents of the uterus should no longer be released.

This means that menstruation, as a natural process for a woman who has managed to become pregnant, is an abnormal and dangerous phenomenon. And this phenomenon cannot be called menstruation, because it is bleeding.

What problems can menstruation cause during pregnancy?

If menstruation occurs during pregnancy, this indicates the following:

  • infections of internal organs;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • placental separation;
  • detachment of the ovum;
  • internal microtraumas in the genital tract;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • pathologies in child development.

Causes of discharge in a woman in labor

  1. Lack of progesterone can cause miscarriage. In case of such a hormonal disorder and insufficient progesterone production, the woman will be prescribed progesterone substitutes. They will block the uterus' attempts to reject the embryo and maintain the pregnancy.
  2. Hyperandrogenism causes bleeding. This is a phenomenon that occurs due to an excess of male hormones in a woman’s body during pregnancy. It is hyperandrogenism that can cause detachment of the ovum and termination of pregnancy.
  3. Development of ectopic pregnancy. This pathology is one of the most life-threatening for women. Developing outside the uterine cavity, the embryo provokes bleeding, which can be mistaken for menstruation.
  4. Unsuccessful attachment of the embryo. In the case of endometriosis or uterine fibroids, the attachment of the embryo may be impaired. Because of this, oxygen does not reach the embryo fully, and it dies, and the woman begins to bleed, similar to menstruation.
  5. Bleeding that resembles menstruation may be a sign of placenta previa. This especially threatens those women who have undergone the procedure caesarean section or abortion.

Menstruation can begin in such a rare phenomenon as pregnancy with more than one fetus. If one of the embryos is rejected, a miscarriage and subsequent bleeding occurs. The second, surviving embryo continues to develop normally.

What does bright red discharge mean?

In all cases, when pregnancy occurs and menstruation occurs, you should think about a visit to the gynecologist, because this phenomenon cannot be normal and planned. You can suspect malfunctions in the functioning of hormones if during pregnancy you have scanty and short periods - two days, or even one.

Evidence of an impending miscarriage is the discharge of bright scarlet blood. At the same time, the woman feels painful contractions in the peritoneum and a feeling of heaviness. As for the characteristics of menstruation during an ectopic pregnancy, abdominal pain is constantly present, usually on one side. The blood discharge is also scanty and bright red. If you suspect this pathology, you should not go to the hospital on your own; it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Such a deviation as hyperandrogenism is treated with the drug Duphaston, but only with a doctor’s prescription! As a result, the pregnancy can be saved.

What to do

You need to regularly visit a gynecologist and inform him of all negative changes.

You cannot prescribe treatment for yourself, so you need to consult a doctor or call him at home in a particularly severe case.

In everyday life, it is better to avoid lifting weights, not eating spicy foods and foods that can cause poisoning, dietary supplements and energy tinctures that can cause tone of the uterine muscles.

It is worth abstracting from stress factors and taking care of yourself.

No, you cannot have periods while you are pregnant! I had my period for three months, and then suddenly it turned out that I was pregnant. My sister had her period until she was 4 months pregnant (pregnancy 1995). In fact, there are women who experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.

So this is not ecology, but heredity. My friend has a month. went on for all 9 months. Moreover, they arrived exactly on time and were no different from the usual ones. My friend also had her periods regularly, she went for a medical examination - 16 weeks pregnant.

22 weeks pregnant, she almost fell. All this time, my periods were regular. Classic sex during pregnancy is not dangerous and cannot cause a miscarriage. However, you may experience brown discharge after sexual intercourse. This discharge is due to the fact that the vagina and cervix are much more abundantly supplied with blood during pregnancy.

I am pregnant and after being examined by a gynecologist, I started having my period (spotting). Is it dangerous?

If you experience spotting during sex, you should stop having sexual intercourse and abstain from sex until you see a gynecologist. You can resume sexual activity if your gynecologist does not find any abnormalities. Use spacers. Your gynecologist will definitely take an interest in these points and it will be very good if you can answer his questions.

An examination in a gynecological chair, and even more so taking smears during an examination, can easily provoke bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. As a rule, these discharges are not dangerous. Avoid sex during this discharge and do not use tampons.

An unpleasant odor in discharge is always a sign of inflammation. Be sure to consult a doctor and take a smear for flora. Any inflammatory diseases during pregnancy can threaten the health of your unborn child. The above symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy may indicate serious conditions: ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole or miscarriage. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus does not develop in the uterus, as expected, but in other organs. Most often, this is the fallopian tube, but the fetus can also attach to the cervix, ovary, or peritoneum.

Are there Gynecologists? Is it true that having a period does not guarantee the absence of pregnancy?

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, or spontaneous abortion. Approximately 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage before 12 weeks. Most miscarriages cannot be prevented. See a doctor or call an ambulance immediately. Hydatidiform mole is a dangerous complication of pregnancy in which there is no embryo in the uterus, or only individual tissues of the embryo are present. Hydatidiform mole can degenerate into a malignant tumor, chorionepithelioma, which is life-threatening for a woman.

When can spotting threaten pregnancy?

  • nausea and vomiting
  • very high hCG levels that do not correspond to the gestational age
  • Absence of fetal heartbeat on ultrasound

In the event that you are tormented by the question, can I be pregnant if I have my period, then the answer is definitely affirmative. However, it is worth making one caveat: if you are pregnant and experience spotting from the vagina, this does not mean that you are menstruating.

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

I can not understand. 2 times but then I started my period and there were a lot of them. although always before my period my lower abdomen hurt, but after our sexual activity, just before these periods, my lower abdomen did not hurt, only my stomach. tell me, can I be pregnant? I became pregnant, after which I had normal full periods, which is why doctors could not set an exact date. Thanks ultrasound! Thanks to him, it became clear when I should give birth.

What is a miscarriage?

Surely, you have at least once heard from your friends or just acquaintances that they continued to menstruate in the first months of pregnancy. But spotting that may appear from a pregnant woman’s vagina is not menstruation at all.

What is a hydatidiform mole?

To answer this question, you need to know what causes monthly menstrual bleeding. Menstruation only occurs if you are not pregnant. This “lining” is needed so that the egg, if it has been fertilized, can “attach” to the wall of the uterus and develop further. But if the egg is not fertilized, that is, if you do not get pregnant this month, then all this tissue will be rejected and poured out in the form of bloody discharge - this is menstruation.

  • bloody vaginal discharge
  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen (usually stronger than during menstruation)
  • vaginal discharge in the form of lumps or pieces of tissue

Accordingly, until your pregnancy ends, you simply cannot have menstruation! Bleeding during pregnancy occurs for a variety of reasons, some of them quite serious, and some of them not so much. Some women experience light bleeding or spotty vaginal discharge early in pregnancy (often when they are about to get their next period) and may not even immediately realize it's their period or pregnancy.

Conversation between two friends: “For some reason I’ve been craving olives all day and I’ve been feeling sick for two mornings in a row.” “Aren’t you pregnant?” “No, I’m on my period.” “And menstruation occurs during pregnancy too!” Shock, panic, running to the pharmacy for a test. For some reason, many girls have 100% confidence that the fact of pregnancy will not always be canceled by the presence of menstruation. So it turns out who skipped biology classes in the 10th grade.

In fact, to understand that periods during pregnancy are not normal, it is enough to remember what they actually are and why they begin? Once a month, an egg matures in the body of a woman of reproductive age. If there is no meeting with the sperm, it is destroyed and comes out in the form of bloody discharge, called menstruation. And if fertilization has occurred, then the egg has “been used”, which means it should not come out. Exception: slight bleeding, which can be observed when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. But it’s a stretch to call such a phenomenon menstruation.

If there is blood...

However, there is no smoke without fire. Menstruation does indeed occur in the first month of pregnancy, but this is not the norm, but a pathology. The reasons can be very different: from hormonal imbalance to disturbances in fetal development.

Hormonal disbalance

When fertilization occurs in the body, a special hormone begins to be produced - progesterone. His role is very important. He "cooks" best conditions for the ripening of the fetus in the uterus, does not allow its walls to contract, as happens during menstruation. It happens that not enough of this hormone is released in the body. This means that a pregnant woman’s uterus begins to contract, unlike a pregnant woman’s. This can cause scanty bleeding. Such manipulations can easily reject the fetus, causing a miscarriage.

Unstable fetal position

Also, the reason that menstruation occurs during pregnancy may be pathologies in the development of the fetus. As practice shows, women with poor gynecological health are at risk. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts are the main diseases that can cause complications during pregnancy. When the fetus is not fixed very well and its position is unstable, they can also appear. I think there is no need to explain that such a situation is a reason to immediately apply.

Male hormones attack

Menstruation during pregnancy can also appear when there is an excess of male hormones in a woman’s body. In medical language this is called hyperandrogenism. Another hormonal disorder leading to the appearance of spotting during pregnancy. This disease can be either congenital or acquired. With hyperandrogenism, the adrenal glands secrete too much androgens, which can be the cause of various diseases or an annoying natural error.

What happens when such a woman becomes pregnant? Male hormones actively “attack” the fetus and promote spontaneous abortion. The risk is especially great when the fetus is female. The fertilized egg begins to detach, which leads to miscarriage.

Multiple pregnancy is canceled

Another, perhaps the most “harmless” reason for the appearance of menstruation in an interesting position, when the body rejects the second fetus. This happens when two embryos are formed during conception. One of them develops normally, while the other, for various reasons, is not viable. Then it is rejected and this manifests itself in the form of bleeding. However, this phenomenon happens extremely rarely.

Risk of miscarriage

It also happens that the onset of menstruation a few days later brings with it other unpleasant phenomena. A pregnant woman's bleeding begins to be heavy, then something similar to it increases, and the bleeding intensifies. This may be a sign that a miscarriage is about to occur. Under no circumstances should you go to the hospital on your own and call an ambulance immediately.

Menstruation during pregnancy is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. All of the above ailments modern medicine successfully treats. The sooner you come to the hospital, the greater the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation? The answer cannot be unambiguous. Each female body is individual, and deviations from the “normal” ovulation period are possible. Let's take a closer look at the various situations.

Making love during menstruation. For what?

And really - why? This is not a very pleasant thing. And since the question about pregnancy is asked, it means sexual intercourse is planned without using a condom. Is it due to all-consuming passion? Not always... More often - the belief that it is impossible to get pregnant at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. And this statement is very heartwarming for those women who do not use reliable contraception. Firstly, this statement is very doubtful (we will look at why below), and “is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation” is the right question. Secondly, during menstruation, the cervix is ​​slightly open, which means that the entrance to the uterus for various pathogens is open!

What is the probability of pregnancy?

Surely, many of you know that pregnancy can only begin if the sperm meets the egg. And this can only happen during the period of ovulation. Sperm can live in the vagina for up to 7 days, and an egg can live for no more than 2 days. That is, it would be logical to assume that rapid conception even in a healthy couple is not always possible; the likelihood of this increases with the frequency and regularity of sexual intercourse.

Ovulation is the second, short phase of the menstrual cycle and occurs right in the middle. Thus, if menstrual cycle classically equal to 28 days (the cycle is counted from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next), then ovulation will occur on the 14th day (plus or minus 2 days). In this situation, determining whether “it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation” is quite simple - this is impossible, unless menstruation lasts no more than the prescribed 7 days. But if the menstrual cycle is short - 23-24 days, then dangerous days may occur just on the last days of menstruation, that is, on days 5-7. Let ovulation occur on the 11th day, but as we have already said, sperm have the ability to maintain their viability for several days, being already inside the female body. If some nimble sperm waits for ovulation, then conception is quite likely.

However, the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of your period” can definitely be answered in the negative, even if the menstrual cycle is very short. Conditions for sperm are unfavorable during this period, especially if the discharge is abundant. On the other hand, for the same reason, few people would think of making love during this period. If someone claims that pregnancy occurred on the first day of menstruation, then the matter is different - pregnancy occurred earlier, 2 weeks before the “not real” menstruation, and the woman did not know about it. And in the first weeks of pregnancy, bleeding may occur, especially on the days when your period would begin.

There will be a completely different answer to the question “ Is it possible to get pregnant on the first day after your period?" Of course, there are many such cases. Moreover, if your periods are long - 7-8 days. Then conception is quite likely.

What to do?

The answer suggests itself - make love with reliable contraception, and not rely on the calendar method for determining days likely to conceive and sexual abstinence at this time. If you want love during your period, be sure to use a condom.

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Even the most experienced women who monitor their health can skip pregnancy and come to see a specialist with the baby’s first movements. This is due to menstruation in early pregnancy. They are discharge that looks very similar to the usual critical days, but their reasons are completely different.

Early registration of a pregnant woman is very important. Knowing about her situation, the woman does not take medications, tries to eat well and properly and protects himself more. If there are serious developmental defects, then at the very first screening ultrasound diagnosis many defects can be seen and a decision can be made to continue or terminate the pregnancy.

When do you get your period during pregnancy?

This is very often observed in girls with light and irregular menstruation. Pregnancy is not always a planned event, and not everyone runs to the pharmacy for a test if the delay is a day or two.

The causes of such discharge during pregnancy are:

The cervix is ​​very vulnerable during pregnancy. This is especially true in cases with ectopia and erosion. Even taking smears or having sexual intercourse can cause small amounts of blood to be discharged during pregnancy.

How long can periods last during pregnancy?

Delayed menstruation is the most common sign of pregnancy. But there are exceptions to the rule when menstruation does not stop. Most gynecologists do not consider menstruation in the first month after conception a sign of danger or a pathology. The reasons lie specifically in the fertilization of the egg and the subsequent implantation of the woman’s fertilized egg.

It also happens that in the early stages, heavy periods do not stop throughout the entire first trimester. Here you cannot do without an examination by a specialist. First, it is necessary to eliminate the threat of miscarriage and establish the reason why the woman’s body does not respond to conception.

Experts identify several reasons for this phenomenon:

Many women are interested in how many months menstruation can last during pregnancy and until what period is this considered normal. Doctors say that this phenomenon can last no more than 4 months. But even if when carrying a baby There are no pathologies, then monthly bleeding should still alert the doctor and the expectant mother.

How can you tell the difference between spotting and menstruation?

If there are any doubts about the beginning and normal course of pregnancy, it is worth knowing how menstruation when carrying babies, distinguish them from ordinary ones.

Determination of hormones in blood and urine

It is very important to conduct a urine pregnancy test by purchasing one from a pharmacy. This method is the safest and most accessible. It can be done at home without any problems. But if the result is negative, this does not mean that you are not pregnant. It is not always informative in the early stages. For a more accurate result, it is worth taking a blood test to measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. You can find out the correct result already on the 10th day after conception. If it is positive, then conception has occurred, but if it is negative, then no.

If a girl is following basal temperature, then she will also be able to determine whether it is menstruation or discharge during pregnancy. Direct evidence that fertilization has occurred is a temperature in the rectum above 37 degrees.

How you feel

For many women, pregnancy is accompanied by symptoms such as:

These symptoms will persist even with abnormal discharge during pregnancy.

By the nature of the discharge

In most situations, discharge that can be confused with menstruation during pregnancy is unusual. It is for this reason that they arouse suspicion and doubt in a woman. But based on reviews, one can judge that if monthly discharge was normally meager, then women don’t notice the difference. You need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. If spotting appears after a delay.
  2. If they are clotted and unusually abundant.
  3. If they started earlier than expected.
  4. Lasts only 1 or 2 days.
  5. Minor.

Algorithm of actions when in doubt

If a woman does not rule out that she may be pregnant, but she has discharge, then she immediately needs to visit a specialist. Under no circumstances should you take any medications or use traditional methods in order to intensify menstruation and cause termination of pregnancy, as a continuation of the miscarriage that has begun.

It is better not to try to stop the bleeding with medications and herbs. This will not stop the discharge, but it may have a negative effect on the health of the fetus and the expectant mother. The most correct algorithm for female actions is:

To the question that interests all women about whether there can be menstruation during the period of bearing a baby, experts give a unequivocal answer that these two concepts are absolutely opposite to each other. Even minor bleeding during pregnancy is a pathology that requires medical supervision and, possibly, emergency treatment.

It is for this reason that if you have any doubts about your condition, you should immediately visit a specialist. And this needs to be done as quickly as possible. After all, if a woman delays visiting the clinic, this can lead to disastrous events.