Pharmaceutical Industry Worker's Day - congratulations and gift selection. Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Worker's Day Which gift to choose?

Like other experts in their field, pharmacists have their own professional holiday.

Pharmacist Day is celebrated on September 17th. On the professional holiday of pharmaceutical workers, pharmacists, technologists and other employees of this industry, Styler collected the best wishes and congratulations on Pharmacist Day.

Representatives of the industry always celebrate Pharmaceutical Worker's Day noisily. We invite you to congratulate your colleagues or those simply involved in the holiday with funny Pharmacist's Day greetings.

Congratulations to pharmacists,
We sincerely wish you happiness,
And love and inspiration,
And universal luck!
Let them buy medicine
This enriches you
You give health to everyone,
You live very well!
May seven be strong
Life is pleasant and easy!
On this holiday,
Our heartfelt congratulations!

It's not easy to be a pharmacist -
There is a lot to remember and know.
Answer all questions
And greet everyone with a smile.
On this holiday, your dear
We wish you good health!
Like someone else's pain
The pharmacist perceives.
Here's my heartfelt congratulations,
You deserve it.
We ask God to take care
Your life for years.

Today is the pharmacist's holiday,
Congratulations are due to him.
And we send it with a festive accent
Hello and a couple of gentle lines!
Let the calculations be accurate
It's like a miracle powder
Easily relieved of worries
Sickness, cough and faintness!
Let the tinctures be strong,
The potions are fabulously tasty,
The stomach of patients is resistant,
Experiments are not boring!

All professions are needed, all professions are important, and the profession of a pharmacist is no exception! Who knows better than pharmacists what medicine will help cope with an illness, knows how to create it and knows how to store it correctly? In the hands of doctors and pharmacists, the main asset of the nation is its health! We entrust it to you and say thank you for your concern. Happy Pharmacist Day, success and prosperity to you!

Congratulations to pharmacists on their professional holiday. I wish you happiness, health and successful business development. The work of a pharmacist is an important component of the treatment process, since it is on pharmacists that the patient’s receipt of high-quality and effective medications largely depends. Let the assessment of the work of pharmacists always be the phrase “Exactly like in a pharmacy.”

Please accept my congratulations on Pharmacist Day! On this day, I want to wish you to be well-versed in your work, to be able to give competent recommendations and to always be held in high esteem! I wish you to enjoy life and appreciate your work, because you really help people become healthy!

A pharmacist is a very important person who helps you find the right medicine. On your professional holiday, on Pharmacist’s Day, I want to wish you a great future in which you will invent a pill for all the diseases that exist on the planet! Thank you for important discoveries and findings. Let your happiness and prosperity in life break out of the test tube and begin to please you more and more every day!

On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, accept my congratulations! You work to preserve our health and save lives. Thank you for effective and safe medicines, for the fact that you can buy any medicine in pharmacies. I sincerely wish that you yourself have to use them less often! Be healthy, strong in body and spirit, young in soul and heart.

The recovery of patients depends one hundred percent on you. It is you who provide relief from pain, illness, and malaise. Your work is not just an exact ratio of ingredients, but painstaking work for the benefit of the nation. On your professional holiday, I wish you a sea of ​​health and a lot of smiles! May there be a lot of joy, fun and material prosperity in your life. May happiness and comfort settle in your family forever. Happiness, prosperity, prosperity!

We never think about what medications are in our medicine cabinet until we get sick. And very often it turns out that the simplest medicine needed at the moment is not in it. The pace of life does not allow time to visit a doctor in the hospital. Therefore, the first thing we do is go to the pharmacy to consult with a pharmacist and purchase the most profitable and necessary medicine. This professional holiday is dedicated to people who follow new products in the pharmaceutical field, provide advice to the population in choosing medications and deliver them to pharmacies for sale.

When is it celebrated?

Pharmaceutical Worker's Day is celebrated in Ukraine every third Saturday of September. In 2019, events dedicated to the holiday take place on September 21. On September 7, 1999, Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1128/99 “On Pharmaceutical Worker’s Day” established the annual celebration of this date. The document was ratified by L. Kuchma.

Who's celebrating

The event is celebrated not only by pharmacists and pharmacists, but also by all people related to the production and sale of medicines.

history of the holiday

The collapse of the USSR brought a new revival to Ukrainian pharmaceuticals: medicines began to regain their positive reputation, and their production increased. An excellent scientific base, attracting foreign investment and well-established production provided the basis for creating competition for foreign medicines. Thanks to quality and price, more and more Ukrainians are starting to purchase locally produced medicines.

In 1999, in order to support the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, taking into account the contribution made to the protection of citizens' health, it was decided to establish such a professional holiday as Pharmaceutical Worker's Day.

Currently, Ukrainian pharmaceuticals produce medicines of any condition (liquid, powder, solid) and any group (vitamins, analgesics, antibiotics, and so on). The release of generics has become widespread.

About the profession

Pharmaceutical workers are drug specialists involved in their creation, storage and distribution. They must know not only all the information about the drug, but also communicate with people. Pharmacists work in pharmacies, drug distribution companies, laboratories, factories, hospitals, and warehouses. Most begin their career at the initial level - a pharmacist, and the most qualified are employed in scientific laboratories, where they develop and introduce new medicines.

  • As of 2015, Ukrainian pharmacies sold 1.3 billion packages of medicines. This amounts to approximately 28 pieces per inhabitant.
  • In 2013, the average Ukrainian spent 66 hryvnia per month on medicines, and about $80 per year.
  • Exports of medicines from Ukraine in 2013 amounted to $251.5 million. This is the approximate amount of the most expensive painting in the world by P. Cezanne, “The Card Players.”
  • In 2013, Farmak became the sales leader in Ukraine. Her annual income was $140,000.
  • The total volume of the Ukrainian drug market is 35.8 billion hryvnia.

Pharmacist's Day for workers in this industry is always quite an exciting and at the same time very pleasant event, which they look forward to with particular impatience. This is due to the fact that on this day, more than ever, pharmacists and pharmacists feel the full significance of their own work and receive words of gratitude from the country's top officials.

It is very pleasant to feel pride in your profession at these moments. And it is not in vain that these people deserve great respect from society, since it is the hard daily work of each pharmacy employee in particular, his dedication, talent, knowledge and experience that is the key to the health of each of us.

Pharmacist's Day is celebrated by all those who have at least some connection to the pharmaceutical industry, which today represents its own production and a significant part of domestic products on the drug market. And recently, pharmaceutical enterprises in our country have brought the conditions for the production of medicines to the level of world requirements.

This situation in this industry cannot but rejoice. Moreover, this evokes respect and pride for the work, perseverance and responsibility that come to the fore for our pharmacists. After all, their calling is to take care of the lives of thousands and thousands of people. And their work is so necessary, since everyone takes medicine from time to time: children, adults, pensioners, ordinary workers, ministers, and the president.

Any modern surgical operation or the most minor medical procedure today requires high-quality and reliable pharmaceutical support. Therefore, on Pharmacist Day, we should pay tribute to those people who provide this support to everyone.

Pharmacy, like medicine in general, is an ancient specialty. The experience of treatment and knowledge of medicines accumulated over thousands of years remains an important component of the struggle of civilization for existence in various social conditions. At present, the main task of domestic pharmacy is to provide patients with safe and affordable medicines. And this is one of the most important, mandatory and difficult tasks in the health care system.

Pharmacist's Day in Russia does not have a specific date of celebration established by law, but it is customary to celebrate it in September, namely on the third Saturday of this autumn month. It is not customary to celebrate this day too magnificently and widely. But it still cannot do without ceremonial awards, congratulations, pleasant words and gratitude.

In addition, workers in the pharmaceutical industry on this day hear many warm words, sincere wishes for health, well-being and creative success. And a sea of ​​flowers and smiles always creates a high mood. Awards and a concert program are also a must.

Pharmacist's Day is a holiday when it is worth rewarding for the everyday hard work, high professionalism and perseverance of those people who set their goal to improve the health of each person and the population as a whole. The most important thing we have - our health - depends on their work.

Thanks to their work, many diseases do not pose a serious danger to humanity. And everyone, coming to the pharmacy, expects a hint from the pharmacist.

When Pharmacist Day first received the status of a holiday, the pharmaceutical industry itself was not so developed in our country. Today, we produce almost all dosage forms (liquid, solid and powder).

In addition, a very promising direction of current production is the production of generics. In other words, these are more affordable medicinal analogues of imported drugs, in no way inferior to them in quality and effect.

It just so happens that a person sometimes gets sick. People have different immune systems and often need the help of not only a doctor, but also appropriate medications. The production of chemical medicines and substances is carried out by a special production and technological complex of industry - pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical products are drugs of various types. These are antibiotics and vitamins, heart medications and drugs for the gastrointestinal tract, painkillers, various immunomodulators, excipients and much more. For many of us, this is quite difficult to understand, but not for pharmacists.

Pharmacists are well versed in any group of drugs, are able to determine their quality, because our lives literally depend on it, if necessary, they can select similar cheaper but no less effective substitutes, suggest a safe dosage and do everything to ensure that the treatment prescribed by the doctor is effective. The work of pharmacy pharmacists and all pharmaceutical workers is very important for our health, and today’s holiday clearly emphasizes this.

Pharmaceutical Worker's Day was established by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1128/99 of September 7, 1999. On the third Saturday of September in Ukraine, over 350 thousand representatives of this industry celebrate their professional holiday. It is possible that one day World Pharmacists Day will be established.

In the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, for example, in 2012, more than 5 thousand business entities operated, including 9,456 pharmacies, 5,470 pharmacy points, 6,310 pharmacy kiosks, 927 pharmacy warehouses and almost 7,000 medical institutions. In Russia in 2017, 62.5 thousand pharmacy outlets were registered. The number of pharmacies in the USA is about 67 thousand. As of 2015, about 145 thousand worked in pharmacies in Germany. of people.

The population of Ukraine is provided with a wide range of medicines of Ukrainian and foreign production. Ukrainian medicines are exported to 25 countries. Ceremonial events for Pharmacist Day in Ukraine include all kinds of presentations and introductions of new, more effective and safe drugs for health, promotions and discounts in pharmacies and pharmacy points, especially for preferential categories, as well as free diagnostic procedures, for example, measuring blood pressure, etc. d.

Traditionally, on this day, words of greetings and congratulations will be addressed from the bottom of our hearts to all pharmaceutical organizations and workers. We also cordially join them and on our own behalf wish you health and success!

What date is Pharmacist Day 2016 in Ukraine, and how to congratulate workers in the medicinal industry

Pharmacist Day in Ukraine 2016 is celebrated on September 17. On the professional holiday of pharmaceutical workers, pharmacists, technologists and other employees of this industry, Styler collected the best wishes and congratulations on Pharmacist Day.

What date is celebrated?

Pharmacist Day in Ukraine is a national holiday, which is celebrated annually every third Saturday of September. The corresponding decree was signed by the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma in 1999.

Pharmacist Day in Ukraine 2016 falls on September 17. On their professional holiday, employees of the pharmaceutical industry are awarded titles, bonuses, certificates from officials and receive congratulations from colleagues and loved ones.

Styler offers a selection of original wishes in poetry, prose, as well as beautiful and humorous SMS for Pharmacist Day in 2016.

Congratulations in verse on Pharmacist Day

The profession of a pharmacist is very important and requires deep knowledge and experience. The festive words of these wishes will be very pleasant for workers in the medicinal sector:

Pharmacists of Ukraine!
We cordially congratulate you,
The country needs you,
Your work cures illness!
Your idol is the Pharmacopoeia,
We don't understand anything about it,
Well, what if we get sick?
Then we run to the pharmacy quickly!
We know, here on your shelves
There is salvation from illness
Well, the pharmacist's word -
Like advice from a wise friend!
Prosper, don't be bored,
At least rest today
Peace, joy, health -

Photo: Original wishes for Pharmacist Day (

How is it going with Blok? Night, and something, and - a pharmacy!
Even poets sometimes get sick;
And in the world you cannot be found as a better person!
And in the world you cannot find more useful work,
Than a pharmacist's work that heals
And prolongs life for many, many years;
We cordially congratulate you on Pharmacist Day!
We wish you never to get sick!

Beautiful wishes in prose for Pharmacist Day 2016

All professions are needed, all professions are important, and the profession of a pharmacist is no exception! Who knows better than pharmacists what medicine will help cope with an illness, knows how to create it and knows how to store it correctly? In the hands of doctors and pharmacists, the main asset of the nation is its health! We entrust it to you and say thank you for your concern. Happy Pharmacist Day, success and prosperity to you!

Congratulations to pharmacists on their professional holiday. I wish you happiness, health and successful business development. The work of a pharmacist is an important component of the treatment process, since it is on pharmacists that the patient’s receipt of high-quality and effective medications largely depends. Let the assessment of the work of pharmacists always be the phrase “Exactly like in a pharmacy.”

Congratulations on Pharmacist Day! On this wonderful holiday, let me wish you, first of all, good health, so that you don’t have to use your professionalism for yourself personally. Family warmth so that you can happily return from your favorite job. And financial well-being built solely on the sale of vitamins.

SMS congratulations on Pharmacist Day

Give a good mood on this holiday to your loved ones and fellow pharmacists with a positive and original SMS.

There's only one day a year like this
Turn around, Talyanka!
Aspirin, Valocordin,
Noshpa, valerian!
Pharmacist, live, bloom,
Happiness in your personal life!
Oh you, levomecitin,
Panadol, mustard plaster!
I can't resist
Let's dance at least partly!
For trouble, use a tourniquet
And a snowstorm - for happiness!

Photo: About the pharmacist profession with humor (

White coat and sympathetic look

Mountains of pills, bottles in a row,

Enema on the shelf, Viagra in the closet,

You're at work day and night.

Crowds come to you, carry the recipe,

Your proud name is pharmacist!