What a woman wants is the inner essence of female inconsistency. Female sexual desire Girls and women desire to feel

June 3rd, 2016 , 11:00 am

A woman and her desires

A woman is strictly forbidden to enter into a relationship if something is wrong in her life. Only if everything is fine with a woman - both with her career, and with health, and with appearance, and with self-esteem, and with friends, and with hobbies - can she adequately evaluate a man in bed and understand whether she is on the right path with him or not .

Photo: gettyimages.com

When the rear is not covered, a woman has no time for sex. At this point in her life, she looks at a man not as a male, but as a moral radiator near which she can warm up.

All she needs from a man now is understanding, care, support. Now she has no time for orgasms. And the fact that sex with a radiator is not a fountain, it’s not a problem for a woman for now.

Bye. For the time being.

The time will come when everything in her life - most likely with the help of a radiator - will settle down. And then the woman will want love.

Love not out of gratitude, but the kind that is born as a result of desire. A woman will want to love the one she wants, and not the one to whom she is grateful and with whom she has a lot in common.

This is the moment when a woman is ready to admit: with the one with whom she has many connections, she is not connected by the main thing - kinship of souls. And what she is accustomed to consider as kinship of souls is in fact a banal everyday thing. The true kinship between the female and male souls always begins below the belt.

If the intimate life of a couple leaves much to be desired, then there is not a kinship of souls, but a tangle of mutual complexes and obligations. A flawed relationship, in a word.

Sex is important. I will say more: there is nothing more important than sex in a relationship. The connection that a man and a woman establish in a bed is the strongest, the most genuine, the most real.

Yes, passion fades over the years. Yes, at some moments it burns brighter, and at others it barely smolders. But if there was no passion from the beginning, the relationship is doomed to be joyless.

Why do I focus on a woman’s passion for a man, and not vice versa? Yes, because men, as a rule, are not ready to exchange their desire for other benefits. Unlike women, they don't often start relationships with people they don't particularly want. Girls exchange their orgasms for other nice things, after receiving which they turn into real grimz.

This is not right for her, this is not like that. Continuous complaints against a man, the cause of which is sexual dissatisfaction, accumulated over the years, which a woman carefully hides even from herself.

Girls, a man is not a magician on a blue helicopter who will fly in and show a movie for free. However, he might come. And maybe the movie will show it. But you will have to pay a very high price for this. The price of one’s own sexual dissatisfaction and, as a result, the loss of one’s feminine essence. You will turn into wives, mothers, life friends, but a woman is, first of all, a lover. Which one wants. Whichever one they want.


From a reader’s letter: “You say that your magazine helps in intimate matters. I’ve been buying it for six months now, and I still haven’t had an orgasm.”

The intensity of a woman's sexual desire is not constant: it can either increase during her life or fade away. It also depends on her age.

I conditionally divided the development of female sexuality into the following periods: the formation of sexuality, blossoming, mature sexuality, menopause, and the postmenopausal period.

The dynamics and intensity of female sexual desire are also influenced by many events that occur in the life of a person of the fair sex - from childhood onwards.

In addition, sexual desire in women also manifests itself in different ways.

It happens that sexual desire fades, or even disappears altogether, due to the fact that the relationship with the sexual partner is unsuccessful.

Important events in the life of every woman are pregnancy and childbirth. They cause both physiological changes in the female body and psychological ones.

For some women, pregnancy and the birth of a child have a detrimental effect on their libido - they lose interest in sex. What a paradox!

But if the spouses have a good relationship, if the husband shows understanding and empathy, over time the intimate life will normalize.

The severity of a woman’s sexual desire depends on the phase of her menstrual cycle, as hormonal changes occur in her body.

Usually, during menstruation, women's sexual desire increases, but many believe that it is impossible to have sex in this state. Gynecologists have long given the go-ahead for women to have sex during their “critical days,” but, of course, subject to hygiene measures.

Some gynecologists believe that having sex during menstruation, especially in the first two days, is still undesirable, because blood can flow into the fallopian tubes. Well, in this case, you can listen to the opinion of experts and make some adjustments to intimacy by turning on your imagination.

No one has canceled oral sex, no one has canceled deep petting - there are always opportunities for sex.

Sex is not only about contact of the genital organs; sex begins with the first real kiss, when you have a desire for intimacy.

How this desire is realized is no longer important.

You can use oral sex, simultaneously or alternately. Or you can try coitus between the thighs - the partner’s penis moves between the partner’s closed thighs. In this case, there may be no contact with the female genital organs; the partner may even remain in panties if she has heavy periods, or she uses pads rather than vaginal tampons.

If menstruation is not so heavy, if a woman uses vaginal tampons, then you can practice vestibular coitus, when the penis is not inserted into the vagina, but only into its vestibule and moves back and forth between the labia. In this case, the partners should take a comfortable position, and it is advisable for the woman to hold her partner’s penis from below with her hand so that it remains in the vestibule of the vagina. During frictions, you can caress the head with your fingers to enhance your partner’s pleasure.

There is also such a way as coitus in the armpit. At the same time, the woman presses her hand tightly to her body and can, if she is flexible and athletic, twist so as to place her other hand behind her back, catch the head of the penis and caress it in order to give her partner the most pleasant sensations.

Coitus between the partner's breasts - no matter what size her breasts are - is also a great way if for some reason sexual intercourse is undesirable (or to diversify the sexual menu). Here you can include elements of oral sex: when the penis moves forward, towards the partner’s face, she catches it with her lips, vigorously stimulates it with her tongue, and then releases it, and the partner moves back. In this case, the partner can hold her breasts with both hands so as to create a kind of tunnel for the movement of the penis. The partner can move the penis, making only movements that are short in amplitude, or maybe quite large. With this type of coitus, you should also take the most comfortable position for both partners.

As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities for men and women who have imagination and are sufficiently sexually uninhibited (as sexologists say, with a wide range of acceptability). It all depends on the fact that they have the desire.

It’s not for nothing that they say: if you have the desire, everything else will follow!

Hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body during menopause. Some believe that desire fades during the post-menopausal period. Yes, it happens, but the reasons for this are rather psychological, because women during the period of involution (the so-called menopause and the subsequent period of life) often experience depression. It seems to them that their female age is already over, old age and withering are ahead. Many ladies by this time had already acquired grandchildren, they say, what kind of sex is there?.. Grandma...

I will repeat once again what I have written more than once in my books:

Sex begins in the head and ends in the head.

And we experience pleasure emotionally and psychologically, and the first trigger also turns on “in our head” when sexual desire arises.

If a woman sets herself up: “My womanhood is already over...” - thereby she creates a stopper for her sexual desire. She seems to be saying to herself: “Stop, that’s it, I don’t want any more!” Well, then a natural process occurs: sexual desire fades away. And as a result, the voluntary abstinent woman (40) comes to the conclusion: “I don’t even want to!”

In fact, the point is not that some hormonal changes occurred in her body, although they did occur, but that she herself unwittingly influenced the extinction of her sexual desire.

A woman can be orgasmic until the end of her days!

No matter how old you are, even if you are over sixty, if you have long experienced menopause, keep in mind: you can still experience an orgasm!

“I induce an orgasm on myself!”

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What does a woman want from a man? Truth and myths

A woman is a mysterious creature. No wonder they say that the whole world is hidden in it. Many men don't even know who they live with. Who is this woman next to you, and what does she really want? To understand women's desires, you just need to have the courage and want it. Want to know the truth about women! Hwhat does a woman want to receive from a man? A wish list:

#1 – Real emotions.

Our feminine principle demands to be awakened. This is true! Sometimes a woman herself does not know what she needs from a man and in life in general. Moreover, society dictates certain stereotypes of behavior. And it takes whole years to understand yourself. We wear masks. We try to study well and... Give birth to a child (after all, this is how women who are decent from the point of view of those around them behave). And then many have a breakdown and divorce. Because you lived according to a scheme that others came up with for you.

But if you're lucky- you will meet the guy who can feel who you really are. With him there is no need to pretend, hide emotions and choose words. This man will want to get to know the real you. Perhaps not such a pink good girl as others are used to seeing. With such a man you can move mountains and achieve everything you want. Develop as an equal partner, and not lose at the same time.

No. 2 - Emotional and material support.

A strong woman is still the weaker sex. Even if he does boxing and makes great money. It’s just that such a woman has corresponding requirements for her man. No matter how much we strive for independence and equality, we really need to feel a strong male shoulder next to us. And the owner of this shoulder should know when his woman really needs support. And which one exactly?

Women's whims are most often aimed at indirectly asking a man for support. Have pity on me, hug me tenderly, kiss me - that’s what a woman wants, capricious and shedding a tear. Or out of the blue.

For some women, affection, attention and kind, optimistic words are enough. And if you find yourself in a difficult life situation, wouldn’t a normal man offer to help financially? There is no talk about clothes, cars and other luxury items. Perhaps problems with health or relatives. To whom do we rush with these problems? To your man. And if he categorically refuses to help, leave him.

There are so many moments in life that you and your male partner should be able to rely on each other. But, of course, who would refuse support or a trip to the Seychelles? Naturally, free of charge. Not because you are a damn attractive owner of amazing legs and a solid C grade. Just because you're sad. This is what a woman wants!

#3 – Love, respect, admiration and pride.

Yes, a woman wants all of the above in her address. I think any man wouldn’t mind either. (So ​​we found common ground between the opposite sexes!). Love is not very specific - but one of its signs is that you cannot imagine your life without this person. You like everything - even down to the ridiculous habit that seems very cute. A woman wants with all her heart to be loved not for a stable mark on the scale (51 kg), but simply for the fact that she exists in this world, all so amazing and dear at the same time.

A woman’s sexual satisfaction also plays an important role in love. A woman wants to enjoy sex, sometimes exquisite foreplay, and sometimes a spontaneous, fast, passionate, unexpected option. A woman wants to be wanted! When you have been together for many years, you must definitely pay attention to this aspect. Don't be lazy in bed!

A woman wants a man to respect her. He respected her as his chosen one, the keeper of the hearth, as a person. After all, if a man respects his colleague, for example, he will never allow rude words, causticism, and, especially, assault. And the woman who is nearby needs respect no less.

What does a woman need? so that she has a desire to become better, more beautiful and quicker? Of course, admiration! We always feel and strive to develop them. And if a man doesn’t admire his woman, it means he doesn’t have any feelings. Any woman simply needs to receive compliments not only from friends or employees, but, first of all, from her man.

We especially want our man to be proud of us. And we were proud of him too. So that at least occasionally a man can say this publicly - I am proud of my woman, she is the best in the whole world!

#4 – Value and uniqueness.

It doesn't matter what your education, hair color or body type is.- the main thing is how your chosen one looks at you. On the “wants” list, women are very important and 100% unique. God forbid, a man mentions some other young lady in any comparison - that’s it! Even if there is a comparison, you have the same gorgeous hair color as Angelina Jolie. No! A woman wants to be one and only. No Angelinas!

When a woman is engaged arranging your home, preparing a delicious dish for your romantic dinner and trying to diversify your intimate life - naturally, she wants the man to appreciate it. Of course, in a sense, she does this for herself as well. Simply because she is a real woman who loves you. And works on your relationships and the weather. Therefore, do not even think about telling your woman that this is her hobby and choice. You can seriously offend with this statement. A woman who is not appreciated by a man will not stay with him for long. Neither soul nor body!

No. 5 - “Brain Blower.”

This is exactly what every woman wants to avoid. Often in the first stages of communication, during the period of living together and the so-called “grinding in” of characters and everything else, men pretend that they are absolutely happy with everything. And your work schedule until late, and the fact that you don’t know how to cook. And gradually it becomes clear that this turns out to be a tragedy for him. And it begins...

Or, for example, you have been living together happily for a long time. But only according to his rules. And when you decide to do something of your own, dissatisfied grumbling begins. "Everything is lost!" The wife is changing before our eyes - the way of her usual quiet life is collapsing. And a manipulation called “brain removal” begins.

Women really want to be believed in, supported, and encouraged in new endeavors. Who, if not his own man, is able to inspire his woman to achieve achievements? Encouraging words and sometimes investing money in women's projects are normal actions of a man. Get as deep as possible into what a woman wants to do, include male logic and calculations, help at the first stage in avoiding mistakes.

No. 6 - Loyalty, devotion, care.

Any woman wants to be the only one for her man. Contrary to all the reasoning about male polygamy in general. Some men think that if a woman does not find out about the betrayal, it’s as if it never happened. But women have good intuition, so infidelity most often comes to light. Another question is that some people prefer to turn a blind eye to her, and this is definitely not what a woman wants.

A man's devotion manifests itself in many ways.- in signs of attention, the desire to protect your woman from adversity, the desire to start a family and earn money. A woman wants a man to strive for this, and voluntarily. And only with her, of course. Most of all, a woman wants to be sure that for her man she will always remain a little girl, whom he will take care of in any situation. And it doesn’t matter how old you are - 18 or 60.

No. 7 - Development in the right direction.

At the beginning of dating We usually don’t give a damn about diet, regimen and all sorts of other restrictions. We commit rash acts and are in a pleasant euphoria. We don’t notice any shortcomings in our partner. When the momentum slows down a little, we begin to think about the future. Is it possible with this guy? It's time to find out what your chosen one's life plans are.

A woman subconsciously wants a successful, promising man. With clear life guidelines. She wants this relationship not to drag her down, but to give her strength to develop and improve. No matter how much she is in love, her choice will most likely be rational - in favor of a guy with positive development dynamics. The one who looks after his health, most likely, will accustom his woman to sports.

No. 8 - Sense of humor, optimism.

Without these qualities it is difficult to live in our troubled world. Therefore, a woman wants a man not to become depressed at the slightest failure, but, on the contrary, to cheer her up. No matter what happens, it is from a man that she expects solutions to problems and a feeling of security.

Why do we women prefer smart men with a great sense of humor? With them, life does not seem gloomy, with a series of responsibilities. With such men there is no need to get bored or sad; they always find a way to cheer us up. And such men reach out on their own and teach us optimistic views.

#9 - Understanding.

This is the term of “understanding” in the relationship between a woman and a man is more myth than truth. Of course, a woman wants a man to understand her. Preferably, without words. But straight men are wired differently. They need to say everything in words, explain logically what you want from him at the moment.

Our friends, mother, and millions of other women can understand us. Expecting a normal man to remember the date and time you met is simply pointless. To be offended for this is also the case. To prevent this memory property from clouding your relationship, turn on the “organizer” mode. In advance (and preferably several times), remind your man about important dates. And be specific about what you want.

You can talk endlessly about what a woman wants from a man! And this is wonderful, because when a woman doesn’t want anything, this means fading. And in order not to wonder for a long time how to please your beloved, buy flowers, an armful of balloons and go ahead! Don’t doubt it, she will melt and chirp to you many more of her desires - obvious and secret!

Sigmund Freud wrote in a letter to a friend that after 30 years of practice, he was never able to answer one question: “What does a woman want?” Besides what a woman wants, I wonder why? And this is not so simple.

Why do they want to “shop”?

Marketers know that the main target audience for their work is women. Tom Peters, management science guru, in his book Imagine! very accurately described the psychological difference between women and men from a marketing point of view: women buy “on the way,” while men go to the store for a specific item.

Studies of online trading statistics also confirm: 80% of purchases of goods on the Internet are made by the female audience.

Question: Why do women love shopping so much?

There is such a thing as neuromarketing - a technology aimed at stimulating consumer demand, using the patterns of the human psyche. The impact on the consumer, in this case, women, goes through several channels: visual (bright packaging), auditory (do you also hear this music in supermarkets?), olfactory (the smell of fresh bread, aroma cartridges), kinesthetic (“comfortable”, or embossed packaging).

A whole industry is working to get a woman to make a purchasing decision, but the main neurophysiological stimulus during shopping is the hormone dopamine, which can also be called “quick reward hormones.” Its connection with the center of human pleasure was proven back in 1954 by Canadian scientists James Old and Peter Milner.

Shopping is one of the most accessible ways to stimulate dopamine production. Therefore, for women, shopping can become an obsessive but pleasant habit.

Why do women want to get married?

For the current time of victorious emancipation, when career and social success has virtually ceased to depend on the gender factor, the passionate desire of the majority of women to get married may be perceived as an anachronism, but women still want to get married.
Let's not talk about banal social factors. Let's turn to scientific research.

In 2005, Dr. Lucy Brown, a professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, and bioanthropologist Helen Fisher of Rutgers University conducted a study of brain scans of 17 young men and women. They were all in love.

Fisher and Brown found that long-term attachment is concentrated in the frontal and base of the brain, in the ventral putamen and nucleus pallidum. This part of the brain is better developed in women.

Another study conducted in 2006 by Rebecca Turner, a professor in the Department of Organizational Psychology at San Francisco International University, was conducted to study the effects of the hormone oxytocin on the brain. This hormone is the basis for human emotional attachment. Oxytocin levels are higher in women than in men. The desire to maintain oxytocin levels can partly explain women's passion for marriage.

Why do women always want to talk?

Men have a center in the left hemisphere that is responsible for speech, and if a man receives an injury to this hemisphere, he is deprived of speech. In women, two centers are responsible for speech: a larger one in the left hemisphere, a smaller one in the right. To go numb, she would have to suffer severe trauma to both hemispheres of her brain.

Men's speech is distinguished by an abundance of terms and a rich vocabulary, while women's speech relies on intonation and emotions. Establishing relationships through conversation is a purely female prerogative, which is why they make excellent lawyers, teachers and educators. A woman easily pronounces up to 8,000 words a day, uses up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 nonverbal signals. A man speaks up to 4,000 words a day, makes up to 2,000 sounds and makes up to 3,000 gestures.

Why do they want to dress brightly?

It must be admitted that not all women like to dress brightly. In England, for example, women prefer a discreet dress code. However, Russian girls and women love bright clothes.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev connects the centuries-old passion of Russian women for bright colors, embroidery and various decorations with the rather harsh climate characteristic of the main part of the country. Where snow can lie for up to six months of the year, everything will look faded against a white background, unless you dress in bright colors.

According to the same Alexander Vasiliev, Russia is a very fashion-oriented country. The love of fashion came to us from France during the time of Russian Gallomania, which began under Empress Elizabeth.

“It’s not fashion, it’s the love of fashion,” Vasiliev emphasizes. It is worth noting that after Elizabeth’s death, 15 thousand dresses were counted in her wardrobe.

Of course, women compete over men. Patricia Robel, who has been working in Russia for several years, noted that the first thing she paid attention to in Russia was a kind of competition among Russian women to conquer men. In addition, foreign women are sometimes amazed by the length of skirts in severe frost and the height of stiletto heels, including in icy conditions. At the same time, Robel noted the ability of Russian women to emphasize their advantages.

Why do they want sweets?

Most women love sweets very much and rarely can they deny themselves the pleasure of tasting, for example, chocolate. Even though it's not always useful. Why is this happening?

Recent research has revealed that the female body produces a gene that can make a number of foods seem more desirable and tasty. Naturally, this gene is responsible for extra pounds.

Researchers from Montreal conducted a whole series of experiments before they identified this “sweets gene” in women. The influence of this gene makes some foods, such as chocolate or ice cream, taste much better than they actually are. That is, a kind of deception occurs.

Women's nonverbal sexual signals are very varied, although they are often unconscious.

Nature is wise. And if living organisms are faced with the task of being fruitful and multiplying, then Mother Nature will do everything to ensure that this function is performed at the appropriate level. In the previous article, we looked at men's sexual signals. Today the better half of humanity will appear before our eyes.

Hello, dear women. Now we will try to figure out what witchcraft charms you use to attract men. Go.

First, let's look at a completely standard situation. The young girl is sincerely indignant at the too active attention from men to her, as it seems to her, modest person. Like, they constantly come up, try to get acquainted, pester, fight for a phone number and do other unpleasant, which I doubt, nonsense. She did nothing to provoke them to such behavior. They're probably all horny perverts.

Men perceive the situation completely differently. An extremely short skirt/dress, all these necklines/slits, fleeting inviting glances (to be honest, I can’t describe exactly how you need to look so that the look expresses an appeal, but it probably works out somehow). And, most importantly, she straightens her hair. Everyone knows that when a girl straightens her hair, she shows that she is interested in you. All this taken together gives men a hint of the likelihood of contact. The hint is so thick, and the contact is supposed to be so deep, that not being active is like admitting your own impotence.

And so one side of the conflict wonders why they are clinging to it, and the second - why is it freezing, it was itself that started it first.

Somewhere the alarm system is malfunctioning.

Let's now look at the signals that women send to men. By tradition, we will divide them into three groups.

  1. 1st degree contact signals. These are signals that show that you have been noticed and that your presence has been taken into account.
  2. Contact signals 2nd degree. They are interested in you and are trying to attract your attention, to stand out from other competitors.
  3. 3rd degree contact signals. They make it clear to you that the relationship is worth developing. These are the real pre- or peri-sexual signals.

Signal group 1.

To begin with, the woman simply demonstrates that she noticed you. I noticed you as a man. And she does this completely unconsciously.

Sign 1. Tossing of the head.

It sounds very dynamic. In fact, this is a slight movement of the head, the purpose of which is to turn the face towards a potentially interesting object. That is, when a man appears, a woman breaks away from her work, raises her face and turns it towards the man. Nothing more. A completely harmless gesture. True, to especially preoccupied men this may seem like the height of coquetry.

Sign 2. Correcting your hair.

Women straighten their hair, moving it away from their faces, revealing the area of ​​their eyes, nose, and cheeks. The trick is that women often make this gesture without even looking at the man. However, at the same time they reveal their faces. And most importantly, the face is revealed slightly from the side on which the man they are interested in is located. This is done both in order to see him better and so that he can see her face better. And everything is completely unconscious.

A natural enhancer of this gesture is the head tilted to the side, thereby exposing the neck. However, amplifiers and bare metals are a higher level of contact, so more about them later.

At this stage, confusion often arises. Often, women demonstrate these signals unconsciously, without even noticing that they straighten their hair and open their faces only at the moment a handsome man appears on the horizon. And this serves as some moral justification for those who immediately begin mooring with pretty people.

However, in women's defense, it must be said that at this stage they really do not have any far-reaching plans. In fact, the feminine essence simply signals to the organism of the opposite sex that it has been noticed and taken into account. Nothing more. However, this is enough for men to immediately try to ruin a relationship that has not yet begun with excessive persistence.

Signal group 2.

There will be a more varied range here. Women are more perfect creatures. And their sexual signals, especially at this level, are much more diverse than those of men.

To begin with, I would divide this group of signals into signals of attraction and consolidation.

Attention signals are designed to get a man to pay attention to them. It is important to stand out from the crowd here. And the background can be either neutral, when the girl has practically no competitors at this stage and she just needs the man to switch from work issues to non-work ones, or aggressive, when there are several competitors in a limited space. In many ways, these signals are similar to men’s, but of course with their own characteristics.

Sign 1. Smile.

When we smile, we become beautiful. Even not very refined facial features with a smile acquire beauty and attractiveness. Let's do a thought experiment. Let's take two twin women, no matter what age. One of them will smile, and the second will sit with a neutral face. Which one is more attractive? The answer is obvious. And it doesn’t matter at all that a smiling ugly woman will not become more beautiful than an arrogant beauty. She will become more beautiful than her previous self. And most importantly, men are more likely to approach girls who smile, rather than those who are more beautiful. Beauty without a smile frightens the fragile sexual desires of men.


Of course, there is a demand for arrogant looks, but more on looks a little later.

Sign 2. Laughter.

For a man, the main thing is to laugh louder, and for a woman, to laugh louder. Laughter, like smiling, artificially makes us more attractive.

Sign 3. Walking like a boat at sea.

There is nothing more attractive (for a man) than the smooth sway of a woman's luxurious hips. The dance of the lower back of a woman's body while walking turns an ordinary leg movement into something for which a man would sell his homeland, his mother (for a short time) and a couple of military secrets from his boss's safe.

The reason for men's attention to women's gait lies in the depths of our evolutionary path. A certain body structure, the balance of height to weight and a number of other parameters create that very gait that excites men. And the structure of the body determines health, physical strength, fertility, and other functions useful for the survival of the species. That is, women who have a more beautiful gait also have more developed survival abilities. Everything is prosaic.

Sign 4. Posture and all that jazz.

The task of the female body at this stage is to attract attention. A man is able to appreciate a woman’s beauty not only during a fashion show, but also in a more static position. Moreover, women do not always have the opportunity to stand up and walk in front of potentially interesting partners. Women correct their posture, arch their backs, and demonstrate the height of their bust and the length of their neck. They also often stand in such a way that they cross their legs at the ankles, which further emphasizes the narrowness of the waist and the width of the hips.


Roughly speaking, a woman tries to position herself in the right angle so that all her advantages are visible in the best possible way.

Sign 5. Flirty look.

There are a lot of women in the world around us. Charming and mind-blowing. And a “decent” man rarely ignores anyone. But as soon as he stumbles upon one sign, all the others cease to exist (for a while), and the man’s legs themselves turn around and carry him to the one and only one who LOOKED at him!

A short second glance, especially over a book, magazine or shoulder, and then a second glance within 30-40 seconds, can lead a man astray from the right path. Men perceive such shooting with their eyes as an unambiguous invitation to communicate.

What turns men on most is not the gaze, but this kind of timid contact, when a girl averts her eyes to the side (or shamefully lowers them down - here you are already caught, dear men, you have no chance against such a weapon) as soon as she notices, that the man had fixed his attention on her.

Having made sure that the man is hooked, the woman moves from attracting signals to fixing movements. And the demonstration of roundness and bareness begins.

Sign 6. Roundness.

A sexual sign of a woman's powerful interest in a man. Women try to arch their backs and maintain their posture so that their breasts acquire additional advantages and begin to attract with their rounded shapes. They (women) take an asymmetrical pose, exhibiting an eye-catching sloping shoulder. Or, trying to enhance the effect, they show off their knees. Of course, a short skirt and high heels doom their knees to constant display, but at the moment of strong interest in men, women turn their knees towards the subject they like.

Other parts of the body can also act as roundness. For example, the back of the wrists, when a girl places her head on her crossed hands.


Sign 7. Bareness.

Here, the entire historical path traversed by the modern clothing industry works for women and their insidious desires. The straps slide off the shoulders, the necklines show off the elasticity of the shape, and the slits reveal hints of the true natural beauty of the female body. Plus, don’t forget about the shortness and airiness of modern outfits and it will become clear to you that men simply have no chance.


When this isn’t enough for women, they bring in the “heavy artillery.”

One of the most demonstrative and obscene gestures is the display of armpits. Women put their hands behind their heads, usually when they laugh, lean back and are in a reclining position, or when they braid their hair in the presence of men.

A more modest option is to show off the inside of your wrists. A cigarette in your hand greatly contributes to this. Or, in the end, a demonstration of the neck. A simple and unpretentious way to attract and retain male attention.

Sign 8. Playing with hair.

The longer the hair, the greater the flight of fantasy it opens up to retain male attention. Women let their hair down and braid it again. They throw the braid from one shoulder to the other. They ruffle the back of their heads if they have a haircut. They twirl the curls around their fingers, then unravel them and twirl them again. They pat themselves on the head, slowly and smoothly running through their hair. The entire list of this deadly arsenal can take more than one paragraph.

Sign 9. Facial expressions come into play.

Usually, when nonverbal communication reaches this level of signals, then verbal communication has been going on for more than one minute. And facial expressions help to recognize that a woman is really interested in her communication partner. The strongest reaction in this case is surprise. At the initial stage of dating, men always strive to surprise and make their chosen one laugh. These are the deceitful actions they take to reduce women's criticality and suspicion.

And if a woman shows surprise and demonstrates rounded eyes and raised eyebrows, then the man is on the right path.

Signal group 3.

At this level, men have practically no chance. The only thing that can stop a woman who wants a man is another woman who doesn’t want one.

The sexual signals of this group are not even signals anymore. These are signs of the beginning of foreplay. Although at this stage there are men who are capable of ruining everything with their haste or slowness. Well, God is their judge for this, and evolution is their executioner.

If in the previous group of signals we considered an arsenal of heavy weapons, now we will move on to weapons of mass destruction.

Sign 1. Reducing the distance.

A woman willingly accepts a man’s intrusion into her intimate zone (I wrote about it in one of the previous articles of the School of Nonverbalism) or takes the initiative and invades herself. If you, dear men, have discovered that your face is less than 30 centimeters from her face for more than one and a half seconds and you have not yet been removed or fenced off from you in any way, then this sign has already worked.

Sign 2. Gestures.

Women begin to copy your posture, your gestures, your facial expressions. Gestures also acquire a slow, viscous fluidity. The tempo of gestures either matches yours (although this may be an intuitive rapport), or its movements become smooth, slow, mesmerizing in their plasticity.

Sign 3. Lips and tongue.

To show the delights of her slopes, a woman needs the next level of demonstration. And this is where the tongue and lips come into play. The women slowly open their mouths and their tongue comes into view for a short time. The most severe case is when women begin to slowly lick their lips. It’s hard to imagine a more deadly sexual signal.

Although, in order to damage the male psyche, girls just need to lick the edge of a glass of champagne, and the man will immediately run for the next bottle. At the same time, the lips acquire a moist tint and swelling, they open slightly, and exhalation often comes through the mouth.

The fact is that sexual arousal causes blood to circulate more actively in the mouth area. Thanks to this, the sensitivity of the lips and tongue increases, the sense of smell and touch is heightened, and we begin to experience greater pleasure from touching the lips.

It is no coincidence that girls with pumped lips have become so fashionable. No matter how comical it may look from the outside, at close range there is little a man can do to counter the deadly power of swollen lips.

Sign 4. Stroking and biting.

Just like men, women in a state of arousal have a heightened sense of pleasure from touch. Touching yourself or something inanimate is a substituted desire to touch another person. Therefore, sexual arousal is usually accompanied by stroking the stems of glasses, one’s own legs, fingers, and stroking objects or jewelry. This is all due to a rush of blood and increased sensitivity of the skin. At this stage, touching the partner begins, which is protracted and light in nature.

However, when the desire increases, the teeth come into play. In expressive people, the desire to bite manifests itself long before direct sexual contact. Girls bite a cocktail straw, their own lips, a cigarette filter.

Sign 5. Take off your clothes.

The same symptom as in men appears in women. Playing with watch bracelets, unfastening its strap, removing jewelry bracelets, playing with a chain (and biting it), swinging a shoe on your toes - all this speaks of a hidden subconscious desire to get rid of clothes. This does not mean that a woman will begin to undress right away as soon as she is alone with you. It just means that she is very sensitive now and trusts you to the extent that you should be trusted at all. But if a man has reached such a level of signals with a woman, then the likelihood of sex is already very high.

In addition to nonverbal signals, there is another type - behavioral characteristics.

In ancient times, a man brought a mammoth to a woman, and she tried it. If the mammoth turned out to be fresh, then she could afford to eat a little. This meant that he was satisfied with her as a sexual partner, and it came down to prolongation of the family. There are plenty of species in the wild where males buy sex for food. Birds bring insects, insects bring other insects, and people bring anything as long as it fits.

So, when your woman eats what is on your plate, this is a sign of ancient sex role-playing game. Men, don't miss your chance.

Errors in interpretation.

Of course, this article does not cover all female sexual signals. And not even most of them. Moreover, a lot of women can be deeply indignant and say that when they demonstrate this or that gesture, they actually didn’t mean anything like that. You're right. You don't. And your subconscious – yes.

However, sexual signals should not be taken literally. If you are communicating with a man you don’t like at all, and during the conversation one or two sexual gestures slip through – well, maybe it is not aimed at this man, but at another? Our subconscious is very insidious, and no one has yet been able to sort it out and explain it.

Men need to remember that often all kinds of sexual signals that a woman demonstrates are not directed at him or even at other men, but at women. And we are not talking about lesbian passion here. Everything is much more prosaic.

A woman sometimes dresses sexy not in order to please her man, but in order to do something unpleasant for another woman. The tonnage of male attention is the currency that buys a place in the hierarchy. We are herd animals, and we constantly need to demonstrate our status, our place on the rungs of the social ladder. And such things as power, money, position in society are not all that are a measure of success. For women, this set is more diverse.

Everything that is stated fits perfectly with the behavior of completely self-confident women. If a girl is shy and considers herself not attractive enough to compete with heavier competitors, then her alarm will be suppressed. Although this does not mean at all that she is more unapproachable than her liberated friends. So, dear men, be careful. A bare knee and a rounded shoulder are not yet a sign of accessible sex. And accessible sex is not a guarantee of happiness.

I hope that, by finishing this article, we do not close the topic of sexual relationships in the School of Unbelief. This topic is large-scale and interesting. And we will return to it later.

In the next article we will look at an equally intimate thing - touch. How problems are solved with the help of bodily contact, what touch gives us financially and why people need to be touched. Expect all this and much more in the next article of the School of Nonverbalics.

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