Lack of money depression. How to survive a financial crisis in the family? How to get rid of fear

Men, like women in general, are characterized by whims, mood swings, and emotionality, which is why it is very fair to assume that depression occurs in men no less often than they occur in women.
There may be many reasons for this, given the responsibilities assigned to men by instilled social stereotypes. One of them is material difficulties resulting in a lack of funds. Faced with financial difficulties, a strong and reliable man can turn into a pitiful and unhappy man. Historically, a man is considered the main breadwinner in the family and a support for a woman’s weak shoulder. But, as the practice of specialists shows, men, contrary to the generally accepted opinion of women, are capable of immersing themselves in problems and ending up in a state of depression.

There may be several options for getting out of depression alone, and most often they are wrong. According to experts and psychologists, it is difficult to cope with the problem if, in addition to financial difficulties, male pride has been shaken, which in a man needs to be nurtured and cherished. Having finally driven themselves into a dead end, many try ease emotional tension different ways. This is where you should avoid extreme methods of distraction from the main problems, seeking solace in noisy companies, and often looking at the bottom of the glass. This is a sign of weakness. Basically, men remain silent for a long time, thereby not recognizing the existing problem, do not discuss it with anyone, but silently stew in negativity and look for a way out of the current situation.

What to do if a man finds himself in the grip of depression due to lack of money? Let's try to choose a strategy and declare open war on it.

For this you will need:

Assess the scale of financial difficulties
Consider ways to eliminate them
Seek advice from loved ones or a specialist
Raise the level of self-esteem and self-control
Enjoy a successful victory

Now let's talk about everything in order. First you need to take a look from the outside scale of financial difficulties, think about ways to eliminate them, and go into battle! If the battle itself turns out to be unbearable, and attitudes and self-hypnosis do not help eliminate the causes, you should seek help from a loved one. What a man won’t do when he’s in a desperate search. From the manager’s thoughts of becoming a loader, working two shifts, to the attempts of an unemployed person to become a paid donor. It's funny at first glance, but it's real situations from life.

The man who has him next to him is incredibly lucky wise woman, capable notice changes in his life in time, behavior, mood. Such a woman can provide moral support just as well as a specialist, raise the level of male self-esteem and guide him leadership skills in the right direction. Her main task in such a situation is not to shift the burden of problems onto her fragile shoulders, so as not to unconsciously blame the man for his insolvency, but set priorities correctly and treat the problem with understanding, without burdening the man with new tasks. Only kindness, understanding and affection, dear ladies!

There is nothing terrible or shameful if you need the help of a specialist - a psychologist who will give a correct assessment of the circumstances and the situation as a whole. Perhaps the reason lies in an overestimation of one’s capabilities, in the pursuit of impossible tasks and inflated goals. Anyway, psychologist consultation simply necessary if relationships with others are tense, conflict situations in the family and with loved ones, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to control emotions and feelings.

IN modern world relationships and the material, financial part of the issue are closely intertwined, and most often, the lack of funds suppresses the desire to strive for something more. A reliable man, should be aimed at stability and success in everything, be it a career and a way to earn money, or relationships with loved ones and society as a whole. That is why it is very important to develop a level of self-control, take the situation under control in time, and understand the causes of losses and failures.

In no case you can't push yourself to the extreme traits and being driven into a corner by depression, therefore, in case of self-doubt, with frequent attacks of apathy and a feeling of hopelessness, one should remember that the world is not without good people, and there is always a way out. Most often these people are family or closest friends. The main thing is not to fall into despair, to tune in to the positive and treat money as an accompanying component in life, but in no case the main and paramount one.

I dedicate this material spiritual practitioners who at some stage of their development encountered "the heaviness of life".

The easiest way to describe it is with this phrase: “I’m working on myself, growing spiritually, why am I getting worse?!”

This can lead to disappointment in oneself or one’s practices - “it’s all in vain...”

This information now resonates so strongly with me and my like-minded people (friends, clients) that I considered it simply necessary to convey it to the readers of “Keys of Mastery.”

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However, even if you do not consider yourself a spiritual practitioner, but “accidentally” saw this article, read it. Perhaps this is the information you need right now.

Check if you are familiar with the following symptoms:
  • depressive depressed state for no particular reason;
  • reluctance to live - from deep despair to mild indifference to your life and everything human (“all is decay”);
  • feeling confusion in this world - I don’t understand who I am and what I’m even doing here;
  • longing for the “True Home”, the feeling that you are not from here, that somewhere there is another place where you would be truly happy;
  • , fear (so-called panic attacks);
  • bone diseases, teeth;
  • excess weight or lack of weight;
  • periodic weakness and cold in body;
  • immunity disorders, such as allergies, etc.;
  • problems with money.

At the same time, most likely, you have already worked, healed the past, accepted your family and clan.

In this article we're talking about about cases where acute trauma and acceptance of one's personal qualities you have already passed, and the above symptoms get worse.

You've worked so hard on yourself, you've shifted large layers and it seems like you should become happier and freer - so what's the matter?

I'll answer you. You have come a long way in your development and are faced with spiritual resistance.

Laurie Gilmore described it as "the resistance of the body to the loss of density caused by the descent of the spirit."

Simply put, it is difficult for your huge and powerful Soul to integrate into your body and live as a human.

And the more spiritual person you become, the more identify yourself with the Soul- sometimes, unfortunately, the more difficult it is for you to contact your body and earthly life.

The origins of spiritual resistance are the so-called First Cause (“Descent into Darkness”, or Separation).

It's about your birth on earth.

At some point, your great Soul, united with the Unconditional love of the Creator, made a decision live the human experience. And then many of us fell into the illusion of separation.

Here's what Sal Rachel writes about this (hereinafter, quotes from the book “The Uniting Man. Integration of the Soul”):

“You are used to flying and soaring in unlimited time, space and even higher. And then suddenly you were confined to a vehicle of flesh and blood, rendered completely helpless and dependent on others.

The feeling was so strong that it consumed your consciousness. All you could think about was the excruciating pain coursing through your body as you were pushed into the harsh, dense reality of the physical world.”

This process is called "compression of spiritual energy into matter".

When you get to the memory of this experience, "the physiological imprint includes intense energy of contraction and desire decompression” (essentially, this is a desire for death).

Reluctance to live as a craving for “liberation”

Beginners practice diligently to feel themselves and their reality at least a little more than the physical world. They are burdened by this lack of freedom and the memory of something more.

You, as advanced practitioners who have finally realized the illusory nature of reality and your truth, can fall into a specific trap - “ longing for higher realms».

This is what it looks like.

You feel that you were once huge, powerful and free beings, full of love.

You lived in a place where there was not even the knowledge of pain, and everything was permeated by love and wisdom.

Do you remember how pleasant it was to explore the Universe, easily come into contact with any beings and feel the boundless acceptance of God.

You remember the gifts of telepathic communication, instant healing, movement to any point in the universe, energy exchange with kindred souls.

Read also: what is a soul mate and how is it different from a twin flame?

Compared to these wonderful memories life on earth seems painful and unbearable, and we unconsciously strive to interrupt it.

“Pain is resistance to what is,” writes Sal Rachel. And in this pain is the source of spiritual resistance.

Consequences of Spiritual Resistance

1. Causeless melancholy and depression, unconscious desire for death

These painful feelings are based on emotional trauma during incarnation.

“Your first thought is something like this: Strong compression. It's uncomfortable and painful. I must have done something wrong and deserved all this.

God is punishing me. I once felt great, drowning in bliss. Now I'm tight and full of pain. I must return to the Garden of Eden."

Such experiences make you want to escape from the compression.

This manifests itself as the “urge to die,” i.e. the desire to leave the physical body and return to a less compressed, disembodied state.

These are the causes of depression, depression, and panic attacks.

2. Deterioration of health

“In order for a person to live on Earth in a physical body, a certain percentage of the total energy of the soul must be present in his body. The more soul energy in the body, the healthier and stronger it is, and the more successfully the soul will cope with the problems of earthly life.”

Because the impulse of the Soul is the unconscious desire to leave the body, the body, following her will, begins to collapse.

This is especially noticeable in diseases of bones and teeth, as the densest matter in your body. It is not for nothing that in old age, when the soul is already preparing for the transition, bones become fragile and teeth fall out.

Remember that they say about an excessively fragile person “he is unearthly,” that is, he is almost not present in the body.

There may also be problems with the immune system, especially allergies (aversion to the body, earthly foods, etc.)

3. Excess weight

Let us highlight this point separately, because many spiritual practitioners are faced with the inexplicable weight gain.

In this, alas, rather destructive way, the body tries to accommodate the existing spiritual mass.

4. Money problems

Your Soul remembers a world where the exchange of energies occurred freely and easily, where not ranks and finances were valued, but the qualities of pure love and wisdom.

Therefore, the Soul does not understand the need to earn money, and yearns for that “free world”.

As one of my friends called it ( powerful practitioner): “I’m still waiting for the day when I won’t have to work and they’ll just pay me for my glow and love. But this still doesn’t happen, and I’m disappointed in the justice of the world.”

As a result, internal message from the Soul “I don’t need money” manifests itself in the physical world as financial problems.

Listen to your inner response, you are probably familiar with something similar.

5. Disappointment in relationships

Do you remember about your spiritual Family, about the energies of love and acceptance with which dear beings surrounded you.

You are looking for the same quality of love on Earth, but many people, often those closest to you, have caused and continue to cause you pain.

You don't understand why this happens, and this breaks your heart.

You enter a relationship with the most open soul, and when faced with misunderstanding, betrayal, rejection, you close yourself and become disappointed in people or in yourself.

You are constantly looking for your “Divine Beloved”, sometimes almost not believing that happiness with him is possible on Earth...

6. Dissatisfaction in career and fulfillment

Your Soul remembers that it is perfect and in its Home there is no need to compete with others in order to receive any benefits.

As a result, when in society you encounter deception, indifference, and cruelty of people, it causes unbearable pain and a desire to avoid it.

Hence the specific behavior of many spiritual practitioners, which is expressed in the desire to “take a backpack, leave everything and go nowhere,” as well as the inability to confidently stand up for oneself.

In addition, the desire to “free yourself from life,” dictated by spiritual resistance, forms a subconscious program "all in vain".

Which, as you understand, does not contribute to your successful implementation.

As a result, spiritual resistance leads to it's hard for you to live in this world, you are disappointed in yourself, money and relationships, and further spiritual growth can only increase longing “for Home” and, as a result, self-destruction.

If you want to avoid this and enjoy life on earth, achieve success in all important endeavors, you spiritual resistance must be eliminated and help your higher part to fit into your body.

Remember that you are wonderful luminous beings embodied in human bodies and deserve maximum happiness on your Earthly Path!

Anything can happen in life: prosperity, poverty, joy, and sorrow. But every person needs to remember that there is always a way out. And if trouble happens, then it is either as a well-deserved punishment, or as a bitter experience.

Often even people say: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.” But what to do, how to get out of poverty if it knocks on your door?

Calm, just calm!

Do not despair. Believe me, tears, depression, and anger at the whole wide world will not help the matter. Common sense, a sober outlook on life must be present not only in unpleasant circumstances, but at any moment.

Take a notebook or notepad, a regular A4 sheet and a calculator. Calculate who and how much money you owe. For what Plan everything in writing. The calculator will help you calculate how much you can save on purchases and what is the likelihood that you will soon pay off the loan or We will tell you how to get out of poverty further.

Constant lack of money or debt

Do you know what Christians usually do when trouble strikes? They pray to God to help in everything. They believe that the Lord reminds us of Himself in this way, gives people the opportunity to come to their senses and stop wasting their lives in vain.

The crisis in the country or in the world is not the reason for your poverty. You create such an environment yourself. It's time to sit down and think about what you have done over the last period. What could lead to debt and lack of money?

Learning to save

Think about whether you are wasting your money? Do you smoke? Do you like to drink? You know that alcohol and tobacco kill the body, give up bad habits in favor of the budget or paying off debts.

How can a woman get out of poverty? Why are we talking about her? Because she loves to use cosmetics, perfumes, bath accessories, and buy new clothes. You can live with beautiful appearance and without these attributes, simply and tastefully.

Don't buy extra toys, chocolates and chips for your children. Not only is this harmful products, destroying the body, so they are also not cheap.

Buy only everything you need and at the lowest price, at a promotion or at a discount. Or maybe it’s cheaper to choose an analogue. Don’t chase advertising brands, for example, “Blend-a-Med” paste, of course, costs almost 10 times more than “New Pearl” or “Forest Balsam”.

Debts on a loan or other payments

Anyone who has encountered late payments knows that it is almost impossible to hide, and warnings cannot be ignored. The penalty (fine for late payment) is getting larger and larger every day. Most banks charge penalties as a percentage rather than as a fixed cost. There may then be legal proceedings, including confiscation of property.

How to get out of poverty in this case? Direct all funds available to you to repay the loan. Better month walk to work and don’t smoke, but you’ll quickly pay off your debts.

Is it worth borrowing from relatives and neighbors?

You should not ask for a loan from neighbors, colleagues, or relatives if you are not sure that you will pay it back soon. But it's worth a try. Just promise that you will return it when the opportunity arises. Don't give specific dates.

How to get out of poverty and debt thanks to the help of others? Be sure to write down who you took the money from and in what quantity. Don't spend the extra money on things you can buy later.

Ways to earn additional income

There are now many options available to get out of poverty. The methods are presented below:

  • overtime or part-time work at the main job;
  • turn your hobby into a job;
  • freelancing;
  • tutoring;
  • care or supervision of a child, elderly person, pets.

If you are good at sewing or knitting, you can do handicrafts to sell.

How to get out of debt and poverty with freelancing? think about what you do well when working on a computer? Write texts or edit photos? Nowadays you can find many ways to make money online.

If, for example, you are well versed in cars, then you can recommend yourself through your relatives, friends, and colleagues as an experienced craftsman.

Even if you know how to do practically nothing, then it's time to learn something. Maybe you will discover a talent for a specific activity.

Preventing poverty and debt

So we figured out how to get out of poverty and debt. If you have not experienced such a crisis, then it would be worthwhile to engage in prevention. What is it? Let's list:

  • Don’t take out loans at all, because you can never predict what might happen tomorrow. You can, of course, take out loan insurance, but you also have to pay for it, and a lot.
  • Buy things and products when absolutely necessary.
  • if the journey takes less than 3-4 kilometers. So you will save on expensive things public transport and gasoline for personal cars.
  • Buy goods where it is cheaper. If there are periodic promotions, then do not rush to buy an item at an inflated price. Wait for the discount.
  • Learn to put the extra money from your salary in a secluded place so that you are not tempted to take out the money.
  • Take a part-time job if possible.

May you always have extra money. You can put them in different envelopes, piggy banks, niches under the carpet.

If you learn to act thoughtfully every time, then you will not have to deal with debt. Unfortunately, no one is immune from poverty; you can only reduce it to a minimum and protect yourself from debt once and for all.

pilgrim, age: 28 / 01/25/2013

I also think like you in many ways, but still. Not

I completely agree with you. I would say that money

make life much easier. (No worries like

pay the bills; if things are bad at home, then you can

separate and not live with those with whom you feel bad; if

are sick, then for money you can be treated by the best

doctors; you can travel and meet

different people).But buy happiness? Happiness is

the inner state of the soul and for money it is not

buy. The rich sometimes have children die (as do

poor) and such a loss can last a lifetime

spoil. The rich have enough grief.

I am watching my husband's relatives (English).

this couple has a big house, a garden, they can go to

vacation to other countries. They are both retired

age. They are not rich, but by my standards

they are rich. Only I don’t see that they are

happy. He retired from government work with

a huge “golden” pension, as they call it here

A huge payment for 45 years of work, dozens

thousand pounds and is bored (bought a second house with

auction, rents it out and plays mario on

game console all day long), and his wife whines

all the time about immigrants and those who live in

benefits). She also found some penny

administrative work so that you don’t have to be at home with your husband

sit (although they have only been married for 4 years, second marriage

for both). And such people, representatives of the average

class, who are like rich people to me, are here

full). They often eat in restaurants, travel

vacation abroad, they dress well, their homes

full of "gadgets", but they don't look

N., age: 31 / 01/26/2013

Well done. a hundred times well done. our world is structured this way. You can’t remove the words from the song. money, comrades, no one has canceled it yet. remember this movie? make money, make money. you will succeed

Jurassic, age: 35 / 01/26/2013

Well, pilgrim, how many very rich people

committed suicide, read about

or simply testimonies of people who experienced

money, of course, gives great comfort, but how much

rich people admit that they are not happy (not all,

And ask among the poor people if they are unhappy

They also turn out to be far from all.

It turns out that happiness, no matter how banal it may be

it sounded like it wasn't about the money. Both the poor and the rich man

can be both happy and unhappy

Aunt, age: - / 01/26/2013

Dear “pilgrim” (what an unfortunate nickname for an atheist!), how wrong you are! The easiest thing in this life is to get money, because money is soulless and goes to the one who takes it.

And your attitude is not correct because it led you not to wealth, but to complete disappointment in life.

Try changing the settings! Look for other values ​​in life. Well, let's say, my favorite job. Favorite job does happy man even in old age.

Sometimes it brings money, but happiness does not lie in it.

Agnia Lvovna, age: 72 / 01/26/2013

Stupidity. The world is not structured this way, but money makers like this make it so. Such “masters of life” live believing that they will buy everything for money. They won’t buy everything; there are valuables that are not for sale. Unfortunately, such gentlemen may not understand this in their entire lives. So they waste their lives for nothing.

Don't be one of them, be yourself! It’s true, “money doesn’t buy happiness”!

Good health and good luck to you!

Evgeniy, age: 39 / 01/26/2013

Money can't buy health. You can't buy happiness. You can't buy parents. You cannot buy your children from God. You can't buy yourself days of life. You can't buy youth. You can't buy real friends. You can't buy luck. You won't buy it true love. You can't buy a good memory of yourself.

Does money give you status? Yes. Do they give respect? Yes. But not so much to you, but to your money, the halo around you. And when something happens to a person and he loses it all, then only the most faithful remain with him. There are never many of them. Therefore, appreciate who is with you now. Appreciate the present. Both in life and in people. Who loves you now. Just for being you.

And in your heart there is truly wealth! Freedom! Mercy. The opportunity to give happiness and joy to others. Even here, helping people, snatching souls from the clutches of the devil - isn’t this a worthy cause? And everyone is here of their own free will. Because a person will not be completely happy if he does not satisfy the needs of his soul for something more important and worthwhile. And money - there is never enough of it. Needs grow as opportunities grow.

I wish you peace of mind. And the money will come. Learn to wait and be patient. And of course you have to be willing to pay for it. Turn on your brain and work hard for 24 hours. Because you have to pay for everything. All will be. Just don’t forget the main thing about your soul and don’t become hardened in your heart.

Sergey K, age: 29 / 01/27/2013

The substitution of concepts is evident.

Imagine a drug addict. He lives from dose to dose. He gets certain, excuse me, highs with this dose.. Without a dose - withdrawal. The whole meaning of a drug addict’s life lies in the next dose. Do you think he is happy? Will he need these highs if he is thoroughly cured of his illness (which is unlikely)?

Money is the same addiction. We were all driven into it by our economic system. On TV they don’t advertise books that make our world deeper, they don’t advertise happiness from the shimmer of the sun on the water. Everywhere, around and everywhere, there is a propaganda of happiness from shower gels, clothes, sea cruises, elite drinks. You look and understand that you want to be happy, like that couple in the Lamborghini advertisement. This drug called "money" has already coursed through our veins and has begun to destroy our brains. Everyone is sick with money - those who treat us, those who teach us, and those who issue us fines. What we buy with money we have been forced to consider happiness. Although, in fact, these are just typical highs from the dose.

And money didn’t really help Jobs recover.

flavia, age: 29 / 01/27/2013

Hello, what is money anyway? These are funds on which we can live, eat, sleep in warm housing, travel, and have fun. Each person himself determines the amount of money he needs to live. Great desires in monetary terms are human greed, envy, you should not succumb to these vices! Everyone has their own place on earth - material wealth cannot be happiness.

Alexander, age: 29 / 02/06/2013

Hello, everyone has their own opinion, I will also express my opinion. Money can't buy happiness, fact. But their absence can also become the reason, and this often happens, the destruction of this very happiness! This is the second time in my lifetime that practice has confirmed that there was money, there was happiness, but no money, happiness has evaporated!

Alexander, age: 43 / 03/27/2013

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Job loss, debt, collapse

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How to get rid of fear

Spiritual Weapons Against Fear

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Having little money, how not to get depressed?

Not enough money - very often this is the main problem for many. Although there is never enough money, it is difficult not to get depressed when there is not enough even for the basic necessities. What to do to solve financial problems? To do this, it is necessary to determine two real components of financial stability.

The issue of lack of money is familiar to many people. Unfortunately, money usually always seems to be short, when there is literally not enough for the most necessary things, it is difficult not to fall into depression.

What to do to solve financial problems? To do this, consider two questions:

1. How to live economically on existing income?

2. How to earn more?

These are the two real components of financial stability.

How to live economically on existing income?

1. Record all expenses

Get a special notebook for this. Enter the expenses of all family members there. Calculate the amount spent every day. Every evening, review the list and highlight what was an optional purchase. Add up the amount of optional purchases at the end of the week. All conclusions will come naturally.

2. Plan your entire budget in advance

Determine all income and expenses for the month. Highlight the obligatory and most urgent payments: utility bills, school, kindergarten, insurance, etc. Also take into account urgent purchases of shoes and clothing. Divide the remaining amount into necessary expenses: food, travel, expenses for household chemicals, etc. equally for each week. Stick to these plans very strictly, trying not to go beyond the weekly planning limits.

3. Take care of the deposit

Large purchases and unexpected expenses will not be so scary if you have a bank account. How much to put into the bank depends on your situation, but the minimum should be 5% of income. Deposit money into your account immediately after you receive it. Or, if you receive money by card, always leave the balance. But the deposit is still acceptable, since you can earn interest on it, albeit small.

4. Never borrow

Develop a rule for yourself that you can borrow only in critical situations. But to avoid them, follow point 3. Buying on credit sometimes seems like an option. But loans then burden the family budget for a long time and lead to stress, which in turn are very common causes of bad luck. Moreover, from the time you took out the loan, everything may change in your income, not for the better.

How to earn more?

Tip No. 1. Find yourself a job, if you have one, then earn extra income. To do this, visit labor exchanges and employment centers every day in the morning, be sure to write a resume for organizations, look through the websites of your city and newspapers with vacancies. Make your own announcements. When attending interviews, be well prepared. Work a full 8 hour day.

If you have a job, then think about what’s wrong, why there’s not enough money. The possible solutions are: change jobs, find a part-time job, open your own business, get a promotion, talk to your boss about an increase. Nowadays the Internet provides certain opportunities for part-time work.

Tip #2: Learn to live positively. Psychologists say that an optimistic person achieves great success. Those who are tuned to the wave of success have more chances to realize their plans.

Tip 3. Deal with the financial issue in detail, find additional time to improve your professional level. Use it to study business, foreign languages, finance, etc.

Tip 4. Find out what Feng Shui says about money. According to this teaching, every house has a zone of wealth - this is the southeast of any apartment or the southeast of any room. This area should be cleared of unnecessary things and objects with light and images of water should be placed there. Another one for this zone of abundance is a figurine of a three-legged frog. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, such a frog with a coin in its mouth, placed on a red napkin in the wealth zone, will bring abundance to the house and increase cash flow.

Plant a money or dollar tree on your windowsill at home. You can hang it with coins or paper money.

Tip 5. Attract success to yourself. Think about what kind of job you would like to have, with what salary, with what conditions. Think about her more often. Think about what you would like to have in life. To do this, make a collage of your desires on a piece of Whatman paper, draw or stick pictures of the desired phenomena or objects: work, car, house, TV, bank account, etc. You should like the pictures. Hang the collage on the wall and admire it.

Tip 6. Learn time management. Analyze your day, how you could use it more effectively to get more done and, accordingly, earn more.

Remember: only the lazy can be poor! Any healthy man has not one, but several opportunities for good earnings. It’s just that some people grab all the opportunities, others are afraid, lazy, and don’t dare make any decisions of their own. Despite financial crises and inflation, those who want prosperity can achieve it.

Don't listen to those who complain about low government subsidies and high prices. You are your own subsidy and sponsor. Read, search, ask, learn, just don’t sit around waiting for happiness. And we are sure that those who seek will always find!

Constant depression due to lack of money

I don’t even know how best to describe the problem and where to start. I am 31 years old, I live in the provinces, just 4 years ago I was an active, sociable, radiant, strong, creative person, I always wanted everything, I learned new and unknown things, I was interested in life, I was probably the calmest person.

But already about 1.5 years ago I became a completely opposite passive person, I’m not interested in anything, I gave up creativity, I don’t want to learn anything and experience new things, I stopped reading completely. Depression appeared, a lack of desire to achieve anything, I began to whine, I don’t want to communicate with anyone (I just want to come home, lie on the sofa and not think about anything). I take every word with hostility, I scream for any reason, my head constantly hurts. She became nervous and irritable.

It feels like I’ve reached my ceiling, but it’s pushing me down. I’m lashing out at my husband, I don’t know why exactly, maybe because he can’t help me in any way, or because he can’t provide for his family as he should and end all financial problems (there are many of them). Either because he can’t help himself, or because I had hopes for him, but he didn’t live up to them and thereby prevents me from somehow taking everything into my own hands. I was already thinking about this, to take everything into my own hands, but why then do I need a husband if I can solve all the problems myself?

I would be glad to start creating again, but this requires funds, and there is not even enough money for bread, you receive a salary, and everything goes towards loans. I really want to find strength in myself and become a “human” again, to cope with everything easily without depression. Maybe someone had a similar situation, how did you get out of it?

Anonymous comments (6) to the confession “Permanent depression due to lack of money”:

As I understand from your story, you don’t have children. Maybe you should think about the next step in your life?

good advice a family that doesn't have enough to buy bread.

What did you take out loans for? Work and pay off your debts, then it will definitely be easier.

Natalya, where did you get the idea that they don’t have enough for bread and butter? When they took out loans and drove themselves into debt, they clearly took into account their capabilities and income... I have a family and a child and the same loans, but everything is balanced and calculated. You need to live within your means, but if you don’t know how, you don’t need to cry later.

In the last paragraph, the Author indicated that there is no money for bread, everything goes to loans. Yes, I completely agree that you need to live within your means, but the era of credit has done its dirty work, and most people are now in bondage. It would be fine for an apartment, but a lot of people buy it for such unimportant bullshit. Recently, on another site, I read a story about how there is nothing to eat, everything goes to loans. They started asking the author what they were taking for, the answer was expensive furniture: (((He doesn’t have his own apartment, he doesn’t have a normal job, his husband is a civilian, and give them expensive furniture.

1. Pull yourself together, stop feeling sorry for yourself!

2. Clearly write down on paper how much money you receive in total, distribute it among debts, and stupidly save the rest penny by penny;

3. Look for a part-time job or job;

4. Follow your financial plan, neither left nor right.

5. No friends, parties, etc.

When borrowing money, consider how much you will pay from your salary. To the edge, to sell something from home, things, outdated, unnecessary.

Simply by borrowing money you are putting yourself into even more debt. As they say, you take someone else’s, but you don’t want to give away your own.

If you don’t have money, learn to save on everything, including food: we once lived on horns alone, instead of sausage and meat we ate soybeans, it is sold much cheaper in bags. Sometimes I even had to eat expired foods, but here you can damage your health, and treatment is even more expensive than eating)))

As for pressure from both sides: it’s normal when you understand that there is no one to count on, when your husband is 0 without a stick, well, understand him, you need to support him, not spread rot, yes! he is zero, well, don’t throw him away. By giving at least a moral kick, you can then get back in spades)))

Understand that these difficulties were given to you for a reason, but to strengthen your family, your relationships must go through this.

Since you live in the provinces, try looking for a job in the capital, or in another city. Don’t be afraid to take everything into your own hands, your husband may need this, he himself is depressed, in the same state. Men can easily break down in this regard, but not all of them, of course. Therefore, you must stick together and go through these adversities hand in hand. And there is no need to blame him, there is no point in doing that now, it will only get worse. This is the only way, grain by grain, you will get up from your knees. And only on condition that you love and respect each other. If this is not the case, then it’s easier to break up; it will be easier for you to live alone, each with his relatives or parents.

As for the loan, try to talk with the bank, they may give a deferment or somehow reduce the monthly payment, taking into account your problems. Just ask them in writing, if they refuse you in writing, go to court and through the court you will definitely achieve a deferment or reduction of the monthly payment. And I would like to add to myself, don’t swear, be more tolerant, a black streak always passes and a white one always comes. DON’T PITY YOURSELF NEVER! Each person is strong in his own way, if he doesn’t start whining.

And also, just for information, I didn’t pay the loan for 5 years, well, there was no money, the bank was looking for me, I gave it to collectors, I blew my brains out to all my relatives, I also gave up on the collectors, in the end, then I got a job, after 5 years I I paid off the debt myself from the bonus, without taking into account penalties and everything. The bank agreed to a meeting and agreed to cancel the penalty, because I said that if I was not allowed to repay the debt right now without penalties and fines, commissions, then I would never return this money at all! That's all, I went all-in)))) And the bank gave up))) So the main thing is, don’t lose faith in yourself, and everything will be fine. For banks, the main thing is that the client repays the main debt, since they always write off penalties and fines at the expense of insurance - I later learned this from my work, I work as a lawyer)))

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Depression due to lack of money...

Psychologist, Narrative Consultant

Help as much as anyone can, with advice of more

Friend, no matter how much you want, it’s difficult to give good advice until it’s not very clear what’s going on. Tell me, what causes the lack of money? And how exactly does depression manifest itself?

how to quickly get rid of depression

why so? Let me transfer you a hundred rubles.

Are you a doctor? Where do you get such confidence that depression is expressed?

Well, still, the reason for lack of money, for starters, what is the reason for low income or high expenses?

no, 100 rubles won’t save me, it will only humiliate me.

Or in overexpectation?

here is your depth -non-earnings-

I suggested it to you purely for diagnostic purposes.

Go from small to big. I can PM you the exercise. Want to?

I'll start asking for money

and there is such an exercise. absolutely a bomb)

OK. What are you living on now?

And once I asked for money on the street, they gave me 50 rubles. I was happy)) I had nothing to get home from the hospital.

I felt that people could help each other. Then she helped too.

Unwillingness to work.

in a meager salary?

need to invest but don’t have the money for it (work at your own expense for several days)?

in shame and rejection of work (for example, sexual services and something like that)?

in disbelief what will happen?

in a feeling of hopelessness?

And how did they perceive it?

Some turned away and walked away

in unwillingness to do anything and apathy.

Do you think this is what depression is about? Or would you like to think that you are depressed?

Weren't you offended? When did you leave?

What is it then if I don’t want to do anything!?

It’s not just a reluctance to work, it’s difficult for me to wash myself ((well, what kind of work is there?..

Take a demo with this topic and then you’ll figure it out and write if you don’t want to work, maybe you want to get married? or just something else?

Do you have nothing to eat and are you hungry or is this a terrible state of self-doubt?

Depression is a low mood, especially in the morning, for at least half of the day, for at least two weeks in a row. Also accompanied by ideas of self-blame, self-deprecation, the opinion that everyone is judging you and that everything will be disastrous in the future. Are you sure you're depressed?

Yes, disbelief, lack of energy, somehow it all came together.

What could give you energy and self-confidence right now?

I don't remember their name. Do you think he prescribed them to me from the fanar, if he gave me an hour-long consultation before that? So I'm predisposed to this. The psychiatrist was old and experienced.

rather something from the usual arsenal and what good it would be is also unknown,

what would be the use of this is also unknown,

It is possible that there is a dependence on blood pressure

Idk. There can be a miracle.. It happens to me often, I have such a condition for nothing..

or an attack by robbers that frightened you greatly, but you managed to escape?

Well, so it’s better, as it is now, it’s better to be dependent on blood pressure, but with money, than to be independent, penniless and depressed.

Most likely the situation will get even worse

This is not depression, but a combination of disbelief, despair and slight stupor from the fact that you don’t see a way out

I hope for a miracle while the freezer is full of meat and the kitchen is full of cereals)

Depression from lack of money

Asks: Karina: 40:07)

Please teach me how to fight the waves of apathy and depressive states. The fact is that all this comes from my husband, he is very disappointed with life, does not see any prospects, does not understand why everything is necessary. The problem with our lack of money is that the housing loan has become unbearable for us, we only have enough money to repay the bank, we have nothing to live on, we can’t buy good food, we can’t buy clothes either, the business is in decline, no prospects are in sight in the coming year. Three years without a vacation, very tired, everything is just work and a loan. My husband is very sensitive to this situation, I am ready to endure, but I cannot cope with his aggression, I feel that he blames me for everything, because I didn’t want to rent an apartment, I wanted my own corner. I understand that the situation must somehow be resolved, the economy will improve, for example, or something will happen, but my husband just doesn’t want to listen to me, and even if he agrees, he misses him for a long time. Sometimes it seems to me that he likes is in such despondency, maybe he finds something in it. There are times when I simply don’t recognize him, he was always positive and kind, but now he’s like a stranger. It really pains me to see how everything can change in a family because of money, and they also say that happiness is not in them.

Hello Karina. I don’t quite understand who has apathy and depression. But I can say that apathy and depression are suppressed aggression. Think about who this aggression is directed at, but does not manifest itself. And behind aggression there may be a feeling of resentment and guilt. In order for energy to return, it is necessary to give the opportunity to express aggression, feelings of resentment, and guilt.

As for the current situation, the situation can be resolved SOMEHOW, but it may not be resolved in your favor. And in order to resolve the situation in the way that will be most optimal in your situation, you need to fully accept it and, based on the data, make your own decision about what to do. Otherwise, others will make decisions instead of you in their favor.

Please help me figure it out. I am 27 years old, seven years married, my eldest daughter is 3 years old and my youngest daughter is 2 months old.

My mother clings to me, what does she want?

I am now 33 years old, I am married and recently had a son. My husband and child live separately, but my mother does.

Cheating husband

Dd! More than once I found correspondence on my husband’s phone with different girls. What does he need for me now?

Married to a mama's boy...

The problem of building relationships with " mama's boy"Quite in demand.

Why on children's problems I work not with children, but with parents

Parents often believe that a psychologist can (and should) “correct” their situation.

Being happy is a choice

Agree, this is an incomparable feeling when you feel that you are not.

Inner man - what is it anyway?

What to do with depression if there is no money for a psychotherapist?

There are free psychotherapeutic and psychiatric services in the world (for example), as well as volunteers or students who need practice (for example). There are beginning specialists who need experience or building a professional portfolio. It is enough to write in specialized communities (for example) so as not to be left without a response

In addition, a psychotherapist is also a person. And you can talk to him like a person. That is, try to negotiate a job for the money you have, for a limited time, with the condition of paying back the full cost later, when there is improvement. This worked for me.

Gentle lifestyle. Full sleep at the same time, a minimum of communication, a minimum of information noise (feeds, contacts, chats, mail, YouTube, forums, messengers, everything is in the firebox). No series or TV. Walk 5 km a day. Just wander around the city.

The food is simple and cheap. Porridge, vegetables, chicken. Include these foods in your diet. Do what brings (used to bring) pleasure, it has saved more than one person I know (and me).

The very first step to overcoming depression is to accept it and acknowledge its presence. Self-deception in the style of “everything is not so bad”, “everything will get better” will not lead to anything good and will only make matters worse. First, tell yourself firmly: “I have big problems.” The second is “I can solve them myself and only myself.” It hurts, it's hard. Just get into the idea that no one around you cares about your condition, the sympathy of others arises as a reaction to your sad appearance - no one likes sad people around, it causes discomfort - and you can only cope with all adversity on your own. This is the big first step from escapism (the body’s favorite remedy when trying to overcome depression) to realism. It would seem that such advice could drive you even deeper into despondency, but in reality it does not. After understanding the full depth of the situation has come, try to isolate one clear problem, set a task that needs to be solved. And move towards it in small steps, don’t expect from yourself that everything will suddenly happen and work out, quickly and on its own. If you feel a little less sad today than you were yesterday, this is a huge result. Imagine that you were lying in a coma and then suddenly you moved your finger for the first time. Healthy people scribbling messages on the Internet with all ten fingers won’t understand your joy, so don’t. This is your road to health, and how you walk along it is entirely your business. Try not to push yourself, don’t force a way out of the crisis - in this case, it can easily return. Give yourself some slack: if you just want to lie with your head against the wall, do so. But you shouldn’t feel too sorry for yourself and get carried away with it either. Just find that balance and move forward to a normal life.

Here are the instructions. If you feel that this strategy will definitely not work for you, well, forgive me. But the method is generally effective.

Attention, personal experience!

All you need to do is go to a psychiatrist. Free. At your place of residence or not, it’s up to you to decide. Personally, I came across a good specialist who referred me to a regional hospital for rehabilitation. After several months of drug therapy, daily visits to the hospital, conversations with a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, I felt better, and now, a little over a year after discharge, I feel quite healthy. Now I don’t take any medications, sometimes I need a psychotherapist, but there have been no relapses.

I can give you a couple of tips:

Be aware that treating depression is a long and complex process. There is nothing simple in this matter at all; difficulties begin already at the stage of “tearing your body off the bed.” So relax and take your time.

Don’t tear yourself away from the world, if possible, go out somewhere and communicate, even through force. This might help, really.

The most important thing is not to listen to people who claim that depression can resolve itself " pike command", you just have to listen to good music, relax, and accept yourself as you are. No, this won’t happen. This is a serious brain disease that needs to be treated professionally. And don’t be afraid of psychiatrists, treatment for depression will not complicate your life in the future. You can even keep the fact of treatment is secret - hospitals and dispensaries do not transfer data to third parties, like oncology centers... Although, in my opinion, there is little shame in this, it is a very common disease in the 21st century.

Psychiatrist. Psychiatrist in a district clinic under a regular insurance policy. For free. He will make a diagnosis and prescribe antidepressants if necessary. A gentleman's kit for treating depression already exists.

A psychotherapist can serve as an addition to treatment with a psychiatrist (primarily for the prevention of relapses), but in general is not strictly necessary.

Olya, I believe that we simultaneously live in the real world and in many fictional ones. The real world is terrible, people die in it, including loved ones, many of them quite painfully. In the real world, you will grow old (like your friends), your teeth will hurt and fall out, your hair will become thinner, you will lose your beauty, gain kilograms even while playing sports, you will feel terrible while driving healthy image life. A lot of troubles and blatant injustices await you.

Who in their right mind would want to live in such a world forever? Nobody. Therefore, humanity has come up with a huge number of possibilities for escaping reality - dreams, books, films, computer games, religion, drugs, promiscuous sex, watching porn, alcohol, love, work, sports - there are a lot of them. You just have to choose those that suit you best, that have enough money, and that have fewer side effects. And mix it with reality. We need both of these worlds.

Well, depression, in my opinion, is an excessive fixation on reality, when a person lacks emotions from magical worlds, where there are no all these earthly problems and gloomy prospects that discourage the desire to live.

And about the reasons. Perhaps your lifestyle allows/requires you to think a lot about reality, or you have been methodically running away from it before, too often hiding in imaginary worlds, until real problems became so large that they could no longer be ignored.

Just accept it as it comes. Don't run from thoughts, from anything - just accept everything. I myself experienced depression - and it seemed to me that it was just mental exhaustion. Stop consciously controlling anything. Just relax, read, listen to music, watch a movie.

Let's put less stress on consciousness, as it seems to me - a lot will come from this.

I hope you get what I want to convey.

Financial problems can greatly ruin our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes even hard work and good job do not allow us to improve our financial situation. You can learn about ways to get rid of lack of money, debt and bad luck right now.

Reasons for lack of money

Negative emotions. Sources negative emotions there can be a lot. These include constant worry about your financial situation or low income. Negative emotions block money luck: until you get rid of them, money problems will haunt you constantly.

No recoil. If you want to receive something, it is necessary that there be a return on your part. If you want to get rid of debts and financial problems, as well as increase your income, you should at least sometimes help other people, do charity work, and most importantly, get rid of such a negative quality as greed.

Bad energy. To make money, you need to work hard on yourself. Bad energy indicates that a person is very pessimistic and has predominantly negative character traits, and also rarely does good deeds. In this case, money will bypass him.

No action. If you dream of becoming richer, this does not mean that you are doing everything to fulfill your dream. Your desires must be supported by actions, otherwise they will remain unfulfilled. Sitting still, it will be impossible to earn even a little money.

Method one - money ritual

At all times, people have used rituals to attract what they want. With a simple money ritual, you can increase your income in the near future.

The main attribute of this ritual is a new wallet, because cash flows should be directed exactly to where you are going to store your money.

In the evening, when the rest of the household goes to bed, take out a new wallet and place it in front of you. Then light a green candle and stare at the fire for a few minutes, imagining how you fill your wallet with large bills. Then say:

“Let the candle burn my debts with its flame. May monetary luck bring me wealth and success.”

Wait until the candle burns out, and then transfer all your money from the old wallet to the new one. The next day, try not to spend money to speed up the results of the money ritual.

Method two - change your attitude towards money

It seems to many that money does not feel how a person treats it. In fact, their energy is very receptive. Unnecessary spending can leave you constantly short of finances, even if your monthly salary allows you to live comfortably. The same applies to excessive saving and stinginess, when a person is ready to deny himself any pleasure just to save an extra penny. If you are a spender or a frugal person, you will not be able to attract financial success until you learn how to handle money correctly.

First of all, do not try to save on everything and purchase goods only at discounts. You put a lot of effort into earning money, so you deserve to spend it. Also, try to buy things that will bring you benefit or joy, and not those that will just gather dust on your shelf. Useless purchases show your disrespect for money and scare money luck away from you. Learn to control your spending and don’t skimp on everything, then it will be much easier to get rich and get rid of debts and failures.

Method three - Feng Shui principles

In order for cash flows to be directed into your home, it is necessary to create favorable energy. If you follow the principles of Feng Shui, you can do this very quickly.

First, do some general cleaning and get rid of garbage, dirt, as well as broken and old things with which you have bad memories. However, cleaning is only the beginning of the money ritual, since after that you will have to make some changes to the interior of your home. First, buy a Crassula, or money tree, which will attract money and prosperity into your home. Then repair all the leaking faucets in the house so that your finances do not leak away from you. In order for money, on the contrary, to flow into your home along with water, you should purchase a fountain or an aquarium, where a goldfish must be present. If you have thorny plants like cactus in your home, we recommend that you remove them from the room where you spend the most time. Needles absorb negativity and repel financial luck. In addition, you must have red or green objects in your apartment, as these colors accelerate the circulation of positive energy.

Some people are wealthy from birth, others know how to make money and increase their income, but there are also a type of people who are not destined to get rich. If you are one of the latter, learn how to defy fate and gain wealth. We wish you success and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and