Stencils for February 23rd for postcards. Kirigami templates for cutting cards. Original applications for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Present to your attention original postcards using the cutting technique for February 23. Such cards can also be presented for other holidays by changing the inscription, for example, to “Navy Day”, “Air Force Day”. And you can also think over the initial design yourself, changing it to a hobby or dream, then this idea useful not only for a military holiday.

In order to create a postcard for February 23 you will need:

For the base of the card - colored pastel paper;

For inserts - office paper;

Stationery/layout knife;


For tinting the edges - stamp pad/acrylic paints + brush (hard);

Creasing tool.

1. There are templates at the end that you will need to print. Cut out, crease along the fold line and bend the base of the card.

2. From office paper, cut out a rectangle slightly smaller in size than a folded postcard (reduce the width and length of the postcard by 5 mm - the appropriate size of a piece of paper for an inscription (congratulatory)). Decorate it with stamps, corner punch, etc. Glue to the card base.

3. Prepare another insert for the card - a lining between the front side greeting card and part with the text of congratulations. This part is creased at a distance of 2-3 mm from the edges along the longer side, and the fold is prepared. Then you need to apply glue to this small flap and glue the sheet along the fold lines of the base of the card.

4. Tint the edges of the postcard (in in this case silver was used for one card acrylic paint, and for the other - a “golden” ink pad).

5. Prepare the inscriptions for the postcard. To do this in a text document you need to write “February 23rd” by placing two spaces between the letters. Choose a font, set the appropriate size for the letters.

Cut out each letter separately in a “square”, tint the edges and place them on pastel paper (on the base of the card). Cut again, leaving a small allowance. And stick it again - now on the paper used to line the inside of the card.

6. Arrange the letters on the front of the card as you wish and apply foam tape to each detail. This can be done in a chaotic order, as in the version of the postcard with airplanes (they used foam tape of different thicknesses), or in a line, as in the postcard with a steering wheel and an anchor.

If desired, a postcard for February 23 can be decorated with suitable elements - buttons, ribbons, pendants, etc.

Works made using the contour cutting technique turn out very beautiful and unique. They realize your creative ideas and give you joy. For example, such a carved card can be a wonderful addition to a gift for a Birthday, March 8, or Valentine's Day. The cutting technique was invented by Zulfiya Dadashova.

You can make beautiful cards with your own hands using different techniques and materials. For example, in the quilling technique. Or complement the cards with ribbons, knitting, drawings, etc.

To make a postcard you will need:

  • author's template;
  • stationery scissors;
  • curly scissors;
  • glue;
  • one sheet of green half-cardboard;
  • one sheet of red semi-cardboard;
  • three sheets of office paper: pink, beige and light green,
  • knife for creative work;
  • figured hole punch.

Birthday card in contour cutting for mother or grandmother - Master class:

1. Print the template on white paper.

2. Cut out the main part of the template and staple it onto half-cardboard, which will be the basis of the future postcard. In this card, the fold line will be on the left.

3. Cut it out.

4. Don’t rush, it depends on your accuracy appearance future product.

5. The base for the rose is prepared.

6. In order for the half-cardboard to bend well, the line must be punched (pressed). This can be done with a knitting needle or a discarded rod.

7. Remove the staples and fold.

8. The birthday card turned out big. You can adjust the dimensions by changing the template.

9. Since green half-cardboard is used for the base, we need to cut out a pink base for our rose. And shade the leaves. Cut them out using the same template.

10. Glue it. The pink backing is on the outside, the leaves are on the inside.

11. View from the back.

12. Now we attach the rose template to the red half-cardboard and cut it out.

13. Finished rose.

14. Glue it to the base using double-sided tape on a paper base.

15. That's it.

16. Glue a double liner made of beige paper inside the card. You can cut out smaller roses to decorate different sides of the card.

17. This is how you can design the reverse side.

18. First sheet.

19. U-turn.

20. Your DIY birthday card is ready! It can be given to a girl, woman, mother or grandmother. Let's look at it from all sides.

It turned out very beautiful and heartfelt!

A master class on making a birthday card was prepared by Lidiya Gureeva, for a website with paper crafts.

Cutting out snowflakes

The art of growing ice crystals is not accessible to everyone: you need a diffusion chamber, a lot of measuring equipment, special knowledge and a lot of patience. Cutting snowflakes out of paper is much easier, although this art is fraught with no less creative possibilities.

The most exciting moment comes when the patterned blank unfolds and turns into a large lace snowflake.

If you are too lazy to cut out paper, you can cut out an electronic snowflake on this site. After you virtually paint on the screen, you can begin the real work.

If you have a child, sit him next to you and go ahead.

Method 1

Fold a square sheet of paper as shown in the picture below to create a triangular piece. Cut a pattern out of it - you can use samples or improvise. Then spread out the snowflake

Method 2

Cut out a square blank and make all the folds in numerical order. Cut out the gray sections from the resulting triangle, leaving only the blue pattern. Lay out the snowflake.

Snowflakes are easier to cut if the paper is thin enough to be folded several times and then cut with scissors without too much effort. If the chosen paper is thick, then you risk getting a cut out snowflake with not very smooth edges.

It is convenient to cut out snowflakes from napkins. You can take colored napkins, then the snowflakes will be more interesting.

However, if you still want to cut from thicker paper, then instead of ordinary scissors it is better to use, for example, a sharp knife or cutter, a scalpel or other sharp cutting objects that can prevent the edges of the paper from moving when cutting.

Now, you can decorate the curtains, for example, as in this picture.

If you have mastered cutting out flat snowflakes, then you can try cutting out voluminous snowflakes.

Below are 250 snowflake templates for cutting out.

Depending on the chosen template, you need to fold the paper into 3,4 or 6 sectors.; background-color: rgb(223, 255, 200); border-top-width: 2px; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(49, 156, 49); border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(49, 156, 49); font-size: 13px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-position: 15px 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;"> Click on the image to enlarge it.

How many gifts do you want? on February 23rd give to dad! But the most expensive of them is the one made by hand. It is best to make a beautiful floral panel or card. Although other gift options are not excluded. It all depends on your skill and, of course, perseverance and desire.

Today we will look at how to make a kirigami card for February 23. We will also cut out several motifs to decorate the painting. For manufacturing you need to take the following materials:

  • small and large stationery knife;
  • a simple pencil;
  • paper clips;
  • templates;
  • high density colored office paper.

DIY kirigami postcard for February 23rd - master class with photos step by step

So let's get to work. First you need to print ready-made templates using a printer. Vary the size of the picture yourself. If you want to make a large picture, then print the template on the entire A4 sheet.

Kirigami templates February 23 (free download)

One of my family’s favorite men’s holidays is February 23, and my children and I always make cards for February 23 with our own hands to our family and friends. Perhaps someone will say that it is easier to buy ready-made cards, but children really like making them, so we do it together.

By the way, from several acquaintances I heard a version that only those who served in the army should be congratulated, but I do not support this point of view - every man is a defender of the fatherland.

What to depict

To make a beautiful one with your child with your own hands, first of all you need to choose the subject of the product. If the man for whom the gift is intended served in any troops, then you can choose any suitable symbolism.

A similar option:

And if not, then you can simply choose a courageous symbol - for example, my son often draws horses for his grandfather, my brother receives cards with a tank because of his addiction to the famous game.

Choose an artistic style of work and get started - production will not take much time, and your loved ones will be happy with such a gift for a long time.

Option with applique

Various inscriptions for downloading:

Making an applique is quite simple - you can look at a photo of a postcard you like and repeat. But if you definitely want to do everything from scratch, then follow the instructions.

  1. On plain paper (you can also check it), first make a sketch of the future postcard - determine in advance the shape and color of all elements, location and composition, work out the shape.
  2. Make a pattern for each element (especially if you do it with a child - it’s easier for them to trace ready-made pattern). To do this, draw all the elements on one sheet of thick paper or even cardboard (if you plan to use the pattern multiple times), mark the front side and cut out with a sharp craft knife or good scissors.
  3. Choose a base for your card. This could be a piece of thick cardboard or even ordinary white Whatman paper, special paper or a piece of paper from a watercolor album.
  4. Give the blank the desired shape - trim the corners, trim the edges, make a creasing - a groove along which the card will be folded. To do this, you need to draw a line along the ruler with any non-writing pointed object. The old one is most often used ball pen.
  5. Pick up colored paper for applique and cut out the necessary elements. You can use regular colored paper, you can buy shiny or velvet, neon or glitter.

    We always have scrapbooking paper at home and I let the kids grab a few sheets for their cards. And if you really need a certain color of paper that you don’t have on hand, you can always just mix the paints and paint the desired piece of paper.

  6. Consistently lubricate the elements with glue and glue them in the right places, carefully smoothing them with a dry, clean cloth.
  7. Place the applique under the press to remove excess waves from the glue.
  8. Don't forget to sign the card.

Another option (it’s better to make such a card from thick cardboard):

Volumetric work techniques

A beautiful handmade card for your beloved dad on February 23 can be voluminous. Think about how you or your child would like to add volume to the card - it could be quilling, voluminous appliqué, or even a card that becomes voluminous when unfolded.

I sometimes help children make cards using the scrapbooking technique, but much more I like to watch what they come up with themselves - so if the child is not averse to imagining, be sure to listen to his wishes.


This technique is the easiest way to make a three-dimensional card, especially since you don’t have to come up with any special plot, quilling in itself is very attractive, so it’s enough to simply depict the date of the holiday using this technique. However, if you want, you can schematically depict something .

To make greeting cards using the quilling technique, you will need to purchase or make a blank for the postcard, as well as strips of paper for quilling - you can buy them ready-made. You can choose colors to suit your taste - these can be classic khaki shades, symbolizing a military uniform, or any others that seem appropriate.

Paper cutting

Volumetric cards are always very impressive, and therefore it is not surprising that a child may want to make just such a card. Volumetric postcard on February 23, doing it yourself can be quite difficult - if you chose this option, then it is better to watch the video tutorial.

Or you can use a sketch you made yourself - especially when you plan to make a folding card.

For example, you can draw on paper some plot that is not too difficult to cut out, and make a postcard that can be placed on a table or shelf. Another one is glued to the carved part - the back one, and you get a beautiful figured congratulation.

You can try to make a postcard with a three-dimensional structure in the middle - for example, cutting out a ship on the waves and gluing it together is not too difficult.

Or you can just do it volumetric applique- the cut out elements are glued not with glue, but with special adhesive pads and springs, and then the decorative elements lag slightly behind the paper.

And a few more ideas for inspiration:

Now you know how to make a card that every father will be happy to receive!

You need to congratulate your beloved men, grandfathers and fathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day in a special way. A handmade postcard will perfectly express love and respect. Some of them will require a mother’s painstaking work, others can be made even by a child. Choose according to your taste!

A postcard in the form of a men's suit, shirt, tie is a classic option that is suitable for congratulating the father of the family not only on February 23, but also on his birthday and any other holiday.

You can make a complicated card with many details that your imagination suggests. Or you can limit yourself to a simple scheme that children can handle quite well under the guidance of an adult. So, let's stock up on colored paper - and get to work!

You can put a congratulation inside the card on a separate sheet, or write it on the card itself.

A shirt made using the origami technique can be glued onto a regular postcard.

The simplest option for making a shirt postcard: make cuts on the sides and fold the edges of the “collar” towards the middle.

It is somewhat more difficult to make a postcard in the form men's jacket. Below is a diagram of how to fold the paper.

Another folding pattern - this time you will end up with a shirt-shaped envelope. You can put your own baked cookies inside.

A real man looks great in a tie. Here is a diagram for folding a tie from colored paper.

The tie can be secured under the collar of a paper shirt.

The green shirt makes one think of a military uniform. After all, the holiday is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland!

The symbolism of the holiday on February 23 suggests a military theme. Therefore, stars, ribbons, weapons and Combat vehicles. Khaki color and colorful camouflage will complete the look.

With the help of the proposed scan it will be easier to make this spectacular postcard.

Postcards that gain volume when opened look interesting. Hidden inside this postcard is a ship rushing across the waves straight towards the viewer. The main difficulty in manufacturing is to correctly glue the three-dimensional elements so that the postcard can fold and open; Therefore, before gluing, check the functionality of the elements. Rubber glue is good for this purpose, because... it allows you to adjust the position of the glued parts without damaging the paper.

Invite your child to decorate the card with the sun, clouds, and flying seagulls. It would be useful to equip the ship with an anchor and a life preserver!

This card using the through-cutting technique () can be done by more experienced needlewomen, but it is very impressive and will decorate dad’s desk!

Below is a template for cutting out a postcard with a sailboat.

The vytynankas look very good against a contrasting background. You can make such a card together with your child: the mother will cut out the thin details, and let the child stick on the letters and numbers.

A white backing sheet is glued in so that the protrusions are perceived against a smooth, contrasting background. And on the next page you can place a congratulation.

The popular quilling technique can also become the basis of a postcard. Look how fun the congratulation looks against the backdrop of festive fireworks!

Silhouettes cut out of paper (colored or white) can be pasted onto a contrasting background to create an original postcard.

Cutting templates can be chosen according to your mood. For example, in a serious style.

Or in a humorous way.

Or even historical.

Military equipment can also be used.

If these pictures seem too complicated for you to use as cutting templates, then simply print them out (most pictures will be larger than they appear on the screen when saved) and offer them to your child as a coloring book. The painted drawings can be pasted onto a postcard and given to dad or grandfather.