Daily norm for weight loss. How to calculate bju for weight loss. Difficult or long

To maintain physical fitness, gain muscle mass To successfully lose weight, a person needs to control his diet, know how to calculate BJU, and determine the energy and nutritional value of each dish consumed. Losing weight people who closely monitor changes in their weight try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. extra pounds, reviewing your diet and reducing its nutritional value.

But sometimes the desire for quick results plays a cruel joke on them. Why?

Basic diet value

A positive result of losing weight can be obtained by correctly calculating the calorie content of the diet and the energy value of each of the foods consumed. Refusals to eat, grueling hunger strikes and dubious mono-diets not only harm the body, but often cause feelings of excruciating discomfort. At the same time, a competent ratio of useful components in the nutrition process provides the body with the necessary amount of energy for full functioning and at the same time helps everyone who is losing weight build the figure of their dreams, safely getting rid of extra pounds. Most professional recommendations telling how to calculate BJU for people maintaining their weight, trying to build muscle mass or lose extra pounds are primarily tied to WHO standards for proper nutrition.

According to professionals, human health and activity depend on the daily intake of proteins (1 g per 1 kg of body weight), fats (1.1 g per the same volume) and carbohydrates (4 g, respectively). This basic ratio of BZHU fits well into the “corridor” - from 10 to 15% proteins, from 30 to 35% fats and from 50 to 60% carbohydrates. But many fitness trainers recommend that their clients use the following regimen before calculating: 30-35% proteins, 10-15% fats, 50-60% carbohydrates. Or a common ratio: 30/20/50. In this formula, protein was assigned an unusual energy function instead of fat.

The history of the “golden” weight loss scheme

In order to maintain normal weight, experts have derived the classic ratio of BZHU by gram - 1:1:4. This norm in percentage looks like this: 14/31/55 and in total is 2400 kcal. Nutritionists believed that for effective weight loss For patients, this energy value of the diet can be halved, to 1200 kcal. It is impossible to reduce the daily protein intake, so carbohydrates and fats were cut off. From the ratio 4/9/16, which total 29, we isolated 14, subtracting 5 units from fats and 9 from carbohydrates. As a result, 4/4/7 remained, which in percentage terms meant 27/27/46. Having reduced fats and rounded out proteins with carbohydrates, professionals have developed a universal formula that helps you find out how to calculate BJU for weight loss: 30/20/50.

But this scheme is only valid for a calorie diet of 1200 units! Today, daily consumption standards for an adult have been established: proteins - at least 70-105 g (10-15% of the daily diet) and fats with an identical mass in grams, but 30-35% of calories. The difference in the amount of nutrients is due to individual physical activity of a person.

Popular formulas for calculating the ratio of nutrients in a diet

To calculate the norm of BZHU based on two common formulas - Harris-Benedict (proposed in 1919 and modified by contemporaries) and Mifflin-San Jeor, derived more recently (in 2005), it is necessary to decide which of them is more suitable for someone losing weight. For people who ignore sports and prefer passive pastime, the mobility coefficient (MC) corresponds to 1.2; for those who exercise moderately (3 times a week), it increases to 1.375; Those who train intensely (5 times every 7 days) should take into account CP = 1.4625. For all manual workers who are also keen on strength training, KP 1.6375 is suitable; those who exercise intensively several times a day - 1.725; but if we add physical labor to this busy training schedule, then the CP will increase to a value of 1.9. Both schemes for calculating the main daily caloric intake use this parameter. In the first (Harris-Benedict) the calculation goes as follows: 655.1 + 9.563 x weight in kg + 1.85 x height in cm - 4.676 x age. The result is then multiplied by the KP. This calculation has a small error for modern man(about 5%), so nutritionists often use the second formula.

Knowing your height and weight, you can also calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) according to the Muffin-Jeor scheme (also called the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula) for women: 9.99 x weight in kg + 6.25 x height in cm - 4.92 x age - 161; for men: 9.99 x weight in kg + 6.25 x height in cm - 4.92 x age + 5. The daily calorie requirement will be equal to the obtained values, to which must be added 10% of the basic metabolism (energy used for digestion of food) and multiply the amount by the activity coefficient: SPK = (BOV+BOV x 0.1) x KP.

With caloric intake calculated using this method, a person can maintain his weight, but to lose weight, he needs to create a deficit, reducing it by 500 kcal. For comfortable weight loss, we calculate the calorie corridor. To do this, you need to add 100 kcal (upper limit) to the result obtained and subtract 250 kcal (lower limit) from the original figure. For example, if the diet should be 1500 kcal (2000 - 500), then the lower limit of the corridor will be 1250 kcal, and the upper limit will be 1600 kcal. Taking into account the caloric content of nutrients: proteins (4 kcal), fats (9 kcal) and carbohydrates (3.75 kcal) per 1 gram, respectively, you can calculate the calories of BJU and the amount of each of the nutrients in the diet. Proteins will be 1500 x 0.3:4 - approximately 113 g, fats - 1500 x 0.2: 9, i.e. approximately 33 g, carbohydrates - 1500 x 0.5: 3.75 (approximately 200 g). Thus, the energy value of proteins in the diet will be equal to 450 kcal (113 g x 4), fat - 300 kcal (33 x 9), and 750 kcal of carbohydrates (200 x 3.75).


Critics of this method of calculating the ratio of nutrients using the daily calorie intake draw attention to a significant imbalance in nutrition: excessive amounts of proteins, lack of fats and low amounts of carbohydrates.

Before calculating the BZHU according to the advice of nutritionists who adhere to the method described above, it is necessary to take into account that excess proteins lead to: increased load on internal organs (kidneys and liver are especially affected); an increase in the concentration of urea in the blood; putrefactive dyspepsia (rotting of proteins in the large intestine); excessive load on the gastrointestinal tract. An abundance of protein in the diet is contraindicated for people with diabetes (type 2), which often happens with obesity.


Reduction of the vital environment for the breakdown of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K leads to disruption of their energy and plastic function. Deterioration of the condition of skin, nails and hair is an external manifestation of a deficiency of fats and vitamins. - this is “night blindness”, D - depression, loss of strength, muscle weakness, problems with conception, osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity, E - decrease in its antioxidant effect, formation of blood clots, development of vascular atherosclerosis; K - decreased blood clotting, increased capillary permeability, deterioration of tissue regeneration. Fats are often called the "secret" female beauty. Fitness trainers often urge, before calculating BJU, to pay attention to WHO standards and not allow excessive fat reduction. Even for very strict diets, the lower critical level for consuming an important nutrient is 0.8 g per 1 kg of weight. It is better to reduce caloric intake by consuming healthy fats ( vegetable oils) and reducing the volume of fast carbohydrates.


The most valuable components of these substances are disaccharides and monosaccharides. Their balance ensures the full functioning of the muscular system, strengthening it and forcing it to work intensively. With a lack of these substances, those losing weight experience general exhaustion, malaise, and disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system. If there is an excess of incoming carbohydrates, a person faces obesity, diabetes and problems with the digestive system.

It is known that these components of products provide energy to the body and nourish the brain, so the diet should contain a sufficient amount of complex (hard-to-digest) or slow carbohydrates, which provide saturation and strength. And it is better to minimize the consumption of fast simple carbohydrates and not eat them in the afternoon, when the body is most predisposed to convert them into fats.

To correctly calculate the ratio of nutrients in the diet, professionals in dietology and sports nutrition advise using individual weight in kilograms as the main parameter. The protein norm will correspond to international standards (1 g per 1 kg of weight), and the required protein (400-500 units) will be created by adequately reducing fats and carbohydrates. They must be reduced proportionally, and if border standards are violated, the WHO recommendations should be considered the main ones, changing the total caloric intake. Only in this case will it be possible to correctly calculate the amount of dietary supplements without creating imbalances in nutrition, and, as a result, weight loss will proceed comfortably and safely for health.

Only for athletes who have been training for a long time strength training, people who have been friends with sports all their lives, the process of building muscles by burning subcutaneous fat fiber (drying the body) is associated with an increased consumption of lean protein along with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. These activities are carried out in conjunction with a whole program of recommendations, therefore, with moderate physical activity, experts do not recommend using them independently.

BJU: how to correctly calculate their quantity in one dish

Having dealt with the calorie content of the daily diet and calculating the energy value of each of the nutrients in the diet, it is necessary to determine how much protein, fat and carbohydrates are contained in each of the prepared dishes. To count, you need to arm yourself with an arsenal of tools: kitchen scales, calculator, calorie tables raw foods- and start a food diary. They will help you calculate the BZHU of a dish once, and in the future use ready-made values. In addition, the diary will become a source of information about your eating habits, which can always be corrected in case of violations. First, we weigh all the products and calculate their total calorie content, including the energy value of nutrients in their raw form. We also find out the mass of the finished dish (be sure to subtract the weight of the pan). Water has no calories. For example, the energy value of 100 grams of dry buckwheat is 336 units, the porridge from it is boiled and weighs 200 grams, but the total calorie content remains the same - 336 units. Therefore, 100 grams of ready-made porridge will have a calorie content of 168 units.

In fried dishes, 20 percent must be added to the nutritional value of the main product - the energy value of the oil absorbed during heat treatment. Grilled chicken becomes more caloric by a third, and dried fish due to loss of moisture - by half. In salt, along with absent. A fifth of the total calories of raw foods (20%) that are cooked in it (meat, fish, mushrooms or vegetables) go into the broth. Berries and fruits give compote a third of their calorie content (30%).

In practice, fitness trainers recommend that when independently calculating the individual BJU ratio, do not go beyond the minimum values: protein (at least 1 g per 1 kg of weight), fat (at least 0.8 g per 1 kg) and carbohydrates - at least 50 g per day (subject to a low-carbohydrate keto diet with a predominant amount of protein in the diet). If a person’s starting body weight before losing weight is large enough, then it is better to calculate BZH in stages (after every 5-10 kilograms lost).

Attention: Before using any methods that may affect your health, consult your doctor. The information presented on the site is not intended for self-medication, but is posted for educational purposes.

Why is this necessary?

The calculator allows you to get the answer to:

  • How many calories, protein, fat and carbohydrates do you need?
  • How much should you increase or decrease your calorie intake in order to smoothly lose or gain weight?
  • Are you eating enough fat and protein?

and similar questions.

Calculation method and its advantages

Please note: calories are calculated using three independent formulas; two of them take into account not only your body weight, but also your gender and age. To determine the target corridor, data calculated using the Mifflin-San Jeor formula is used; the other two options are needed so that you can independently assess their reliability.

If the results for different formulas differ greatly (by 15 percent or more), this may indicate that individual consultation is necessary in your particular case. If the data more or less converge, this indirectly confirms the correctness of the assessment.

If you want to lose weight, the program calculates a range of 80 - 90% of normal; if you want to gain weight - 110 - 120%.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are calculated based on the required amount of calories; for those losing weight, this ratio is as follows: proteins - 25 - 35%, fats - 25 - 30%, carbohydrates - 40 - 50%. To gain muscle mass, 30 - 35%, 25 - 30% and 45 - 55% are recommended, respectively.

Of course, all results are nothing more than a guideline for developing an individual diet. Use them wisely and be as critical as possible.

The words “proteins, fats and carbohydrates” are constantly on everyone’s lips. Nutritionists talk about them, write about them in articles on nutrition, and on food packages. People who control their weight often wonder: how much dietary supplement does a person need to consume to stay in good physical shape? We will try to answer it in this article.

What are BJUs and what is their role in the body?

Squirrels - basis for fabrics. They participate in all processes occurring in the body. With the help of amino acids, which form the basis of proteins, they form muscle mass, while absolutely not harming the figure.

Fats – organic compounds consisting of fatty acids. Fats, no less than proteins, are necessary for the normal development of the body. Without them, the synthesis of a number of hormones and normal absorption of vitamins is impossible. At the same time, increased consumption of fat-containing foods leads to the appearance of excess weight.

Carbohydrates – supplier of “fuel” for cells. It is from carbohydrates that we obtain the energy necessary for vigorous activity. But, if the amount of energy entering the tissue exceeds its consumption, the remainder turns into fat.

Where do BZHU come from?

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates enter the human body during food intake.

All food products can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Protein : legumes, meat, poultry, fish and dairy products.
  2. Fat-containing : poultry, nuts, plant oils, seeds, meat, dairy products, fish.
  3. Carbohydrates : cereals, vegetables, flour products, fruits, sweets.

This division is, of course, conditional. Since each product often contains all three organic compounds. Therefore, when choosing food, you need to focus on which element predominates in it and what its calorie content is. .

The value of BZHU for calorie content of food

When eating, a person replenishes his body with fats, proteins and carbohydrates. When they split, they release the energy necessary for life. The amount of energy received by the body is measured in conventional units called.

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates do not have equal energy value. So, when broken down, 1 g of proteins (as well as carbohydrates) gives a person energy equal to 4 kcal, and 1 g of fat is already more than twice as much, namely 9 kcal.

To stay in good shape, a healthy adult should consume a certain amount of BJU throughout the day.

In percentage terms it will look like this:

  • Proteins: from 10 to 25%.
  • Carbohydrates: from 45 to 65%.
  • Zhirov: from 20 to 35%.

How much BJU should you consume to lose weight?

A person’s body weight directly depends on how much energy he consumes and how much he expends.

This ratio can be presented in three versions:

  1. If a person consumes and expends the same amount of energy , then its weight is stable.
  2. If a person consumes less energy than he spends, his weight begins to decrease.
  3. If a person consumes more energy than it can spend in a day, it forms a “reserve” in the body in the form of excess fat.

To find out how much BJU the body needs per day, and how it relates to, you can use formulas specially created for this purpose by famous nutritionists.

Let's name the most popular of them:

  • Mifflin's formula – San Jeora involves calculating the calorie content of food taking into account three factors: the person’s age, his weight and height;
  • Harris-Benedict formula based on calculation of total body area;
  • In the WHO formula a number of factors are taken into account: weight, gender, age, metabolic rate, activity during the day and heat exchange.

To calculate the optimal ratio of BJUs entering the human body during the day, we will use the last of these formulas.

WHO calculations are made in the following sequence:

1. Calculation of metabolic rate:

Men:(body weight ∙ 13.7) + 66 + (height ∙ 5) – (number of years ∙ 6.76).

Women:(body weight ∙ 9.6) + 655 + (height ∙ 1.8) – (number of years ∙ 4.7).

2. Definition of “activity coefficient”:

3. Calculation of the calorie intake required per day:

Activity coefficient ∙ metabolic rate.

4. Calculation of the number of calories for weight loss:

The daily calorie intake is 500.

5. Calculation of the required number of BZHU:

  • Fats: (required number of calories per day ∙ 0.20) : 9.
  • Carbohydrates: (required number of calories per day ∙ 0.45) : 4.
  • Squirrels: (required number of calories per day ∙ 0.10) : 4.

Almost every nutritionist calculates a nutrition plan for his patient based on the correct ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU). By adhering to a certain diet that does not limit a person’s food intake, the person’s extra pounds will begin to disappear. Calculate BZHU for weight loss You can do it yourself, following a special formula.

For the normal functioning of the body, proper distribution of energy and calories, a person needs to eat properly. The balance of BZHU is the uniform supply of all necessary nutrients. It is usually easy to adhere to the chosen nutrition plan; it is difficult to call it a diet, since there are no restrictions in the diet - only calculations based on quantity. You don’t have to completely cross out your favorite foods. There are just fewer of them than usual.

U calculating BZHU for weight loss There are adherents who have successfully reduced their weight without giving up the necessary substances. As happens in cases with protein or carbohydrate diets, where there is a complete rejection of other foods.

For normal and healthy functioning of the body, the following is required:

  • Fats, which are responsible for the firmness, smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Despite the fact that an excess of this substance leads to obesity, lipids cannot be completely abandoned. It is thanks to them that the central nervous system functions normally, and the immune system remains quite strong.
  • Fast carbohydrates, although they do not bring benefits to the body, they allow you to gain a supply of energy, which is quickly consumed. They are found in cakes, sweets, and chocolate. In small quantities, fast carbohydrates do no harm and are consumed quickly. Slow ones are absorbed for a long time, provide saturation for a long time, and are not deposited anywhere. In addition, carbohydrates are necessary for normal brain function.
  • Squirrels- are building materials that are responsible for the formation of muscles. They cannot be replaced with any other substance, so you cannot refuse to eat protein foods. However, excess tends to be deposited in the most inappropriate places - there must be a measure, a balance.

Proteins are usually divided into two categories: complete and incomplete. The former are found in dairy products, the latter are found in plant products. Both are necessary for the normal functioning of all vital systems of the body, maintaining immunity, and the formation of strong and healthy muscle tissue.

Calories burned

  • 655 + (9.6 X weight in kg) + (1.8 X height in cm) – (4.7 X age of the woman).

The formula calculates the basic calorie consumption, which only allows you to maintain the body at the same weight: without losing weight or gaining weight. You can do the calculations using a regular calculator, writing down intermediate results on a piece of paper for clarity.

For men, the formula looks different:

  • 66 + (13.7 X weight) + (5 X height) - (6.8 X age).

In order to lose weight, adhering to the recommended calorie plan, the result must be multiplied by a certain coefficient (shown in the table) using the same calculator.

To calculate BZHU for weight loss, it is necessary to take only 80% of the resulting final figure. This will be the ideal number of calories consumed per day that can be included in your diet. The results of the nutrition plan will be visible within a couple of weeks.

No matter how accurately the selected diet is followed, it can only help if a completely sedentary lifestyle remains a thing of the past. At least rare walks should become a habit - 10-15 minutes a day on foot is enough to burn off extra calories.
We have already written about the importance of an active lifestyle. In particular, about how important and effective it is.
With all our recommendations for creating the optimal plan physical activity you can find it in the section

Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss

The correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats promotes the fastest weight loss. Therefore, nutritionists generally believe that per day a person should receive:

  • 40% of all substances consumed are proteins (4 kcal);
  • 40% comes from carbohydrates (fast and slow at the same time - 4 kcal);
  • 20% - fats (9 kcal).

Therefore, the final result obtained from the previous formula must be multiplied by the percentage of the substance, dividing the total by calories.

It looks like this in an example table:

What you get is the number of grams of food (daily value) containing the required substance.

To adhere to a nutrition plan, it is worth keeping a diary or journal where you will record both the amount of dietary fat contained in foods and how much was eaten during the day. Calculation is carried out in grams. It is worth remembering that all high-calorie foods should be consumed in the first half of the day - they will be converted into energy without being stored as fat.

Low-calorie foods with a good ratio of BJU

There are a number of healthy and low-calorie foods that should definitely be included in your diet. They are presented in more detail in the table.

Name Calorie content Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
Turkey breast 84 19,2 0,7
Beef heart 96 16 3,5
Chicken breast 113 23,6 1,9 0,4
Squid 74 18 0,3
Crab sticks 73 6 1 10
Halibut 102 8,9 3
Egg white 44 11,1
Buckwheat 313 12,6 3,3 62,1
White rice 344 6,7 0,7 78
Oatmeal 303 11 6 64,4

In order to ensure that the body is properly saturated during the day, you can use the products from the table to create a menu for the period of weight loss. So, buckwheat or rice can be an excellent side dish for chicken or turkey breast, and oatmeal can be a breakfast before a hard day at work.

To ensure that calories are consumed evenly, it is worth focusing on higher-calorie foods during the period of time when physical activity is highest. Usually this is in the morning. Therefore, most often, breakfast turns out to be hearty, and dinner is actually dietary, consisting of “light” foods.

When creating a diet for weight loss, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives all the necessary substances along with a reduction in the total calorie content of food. However, in addition to vitamins, microelements, amino acids, along with food, the body must also receive sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU), and in a certain ratio.

The low effectiveness of diets is often due to the fact that the balance of these substances is disturbed, because a lack or excess of one of the components leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and a slowdown in metabolic processes. Therefore, the calculation of the BZHU is necessary for the development of an individual power supply system.

The process of losing weight should not be accompanied by deterioration in health, so restrictions in the amount of food and its calorie content must be compensated by proper quality. The importance of the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet is due to their effect on the body.

  • Proteins are an essential element for gaining muscle mass, and their deficiency makes it difficult to break down fat tissue.
  • An excess of fats, especially of animal origin, is the main cause of excess weight, but their lack is no less harmful, because fats are involved in the production of hormones, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and the functioning of the immune system. In addition, fats affect the condition of the skin, which is why it is so important for women to adhere to the minimum acceptable values ​​for the consumption of this element.
  • Reducing your carbohydrate intake is the fastest way to losing weight, but it is fraught with health problems. Eating carbohydrates found in vegetables and grains helps fight fat accumulation, while carbohydrates derived from sugar or flour, on the contrary, lead to excess weight.

The required daily amount of BZHU depends on many factors, for example, gender, weight, age and physical activity. In addition, the ratio of BZHU differs depending on the goal, for example, for weight loss, to maintain your weight or to gain muscle mass. To select the correct percentage of BJU and correspondingly reduce calories, you can use an online calculator, where you need to enter your parameters and indicate the goal, in this case - weight loss.

The calculator will calculate the number of calories and the percentage of BJU in the diet, taking into account the indicator of physical activity, which depends on your lifestyle. By adhering to the obtained values, you can adjust your diet to gradually reduce body weight. However, to enhance performance, you need to pay attention to sports training, visit the gym or swimming pool, go jogging or cycling.

At normal weight the ratio of BJU is 30–40% proteins, 10–20% fats and 40–50% carbohydrates. However, these values ​​​​are not always suitable for weight loss, since they lead to insufficient protein intake and excess carbohydrates, which then manifest themselves in the appearance of fat deposits. Lack of protein is also not in the best possible way affects the figure, because protein is necessary for the formation of muscle tissue and normalization of metabolic processes.

Therefore, the following proportions of BJU are more suitable for weight loss: 40–50% protein, 10–15% fat and 30–40% carbohydrates. A correctly selected ratio of BZHU and calorie content of the daily diet will allow:

  • provide the body with a sufficient amount of useful elements;
  • maintain the balance of nutrients;
  • get rid of feelings of hunger, lethargy and apathy;
  • ensure steady weight loss.

There are several methods for calculating calorie intake, for example, the Mifflin-San Geor formula, which in the version for women looks like this:

((Weight in kg x 9.99) + (height in cm x 6.25) - (age in years x 5) - 161) x physical coefficient. activity.

This coefficient is determined as follows:

  • with a sedentary lifestyle it is 1.2;
  • insignificant physical activity, manifested in rare walks and irregular exercise, gives a coefficient of 1.4;
  • if you visit the gym periodically (at least 2-3 times a week), the coefficient will be 1.6;
  • daily intensive sports activities will allow you to count on the maximum coefficient value - 1.7.

For example, let’s calculate the daily caloric intake for a 30-year-old woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 80 kg, with insignificant physical activity. The calculation will be like this:

((80x9.99) + (165x6.25) - (30x5) - 161) x 1.4 = 2130 kcal.

However, to lose weight, the resulting figure must be reduced by 20%, so the caloric content of food in this example should not exceed 1700 kcal.

There is another formula, the Harris-Benedict formula, according to which it is necessary to calculate the values ​​of basal and active metabolism, and then multiply the resulting numbers.

Basal metabolism is calculated as follows:

(Weight in kg x 9.247) + (height in cm x 3.098) - (age in years x 4.33) + 447.593.

The value of active metabolism is:

  • with a sedentary lifestyle 1.2;
  • with mediocre physical activity 1.55;
  • with intense activity 1.725;
  • for athletes 1.9;
  • for muscle building 1.2;
  • for weight loss 0.8.

Let's apply this formula when calculating calories for the same conditional woman:

((80 x 9.247) + (165 x 3.098) - (30 x 4.33) + 447.593) x 0.8 = 1250 kcal- this is exactly how many kilocalories this woman should receive in order to get rid of extra pounds.

Knowing the calorie content of the daily diet and adhering to the recommended proportions of BZHU, you can calculate their exact amount. It should be taken into account that 1 g of protein and 1 g of carbohydrates contain 4 kcal, and 1 g of protein contains 9 kcal.

The calculated calorie content per day in our example is 1250 kcal. Half of them, about 600 kcal, should be provided by protein foods, 200 kcal by fats, and the remaining 450 kcal by carbohydrates.

Convert calories to grams:

  • the amount of protein should be 600 kcal/4g = 150 g;
  • fat in daily diet about 200 kcal/9g = 20g should be present;
  • carbohydrates will be 450 kcal/4g = 110 g.

In order to correctly use the data obtained, you will have to study the packaging of each product in order to determine its calorie content and BJU content. This way you can adjust your diet to achieve your ideal weight.

The intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be properly distributed throughout the day. To do this, use the following tips.

  • For breakfast, eat carbohydrates - porridge, eggs, whole grain bread.
  • Between breakfast and lunch, eat your favorite fruit, such as an apple.
  • A healthy lunch should consist of soup, a meat or fish dish with a vegetable side dish.
  • Afternoon snack is time for dairy products.
  • For dinner, eat protein and fiber foods.
  • Before bedtime great benefit will bring a glass of kefir.

Don’t forget to control the amount of calories, go in for sports, and your figure will soon acquire the necessary slimness.