Products for patent leather shoes. Caring for patent leather shoes at home

How to care for patent leather shoes? How to maintain its impeccable appearance? You need to be aware of some tricks. So, in order. In order to know how to care for patent leather shoes, you should first have an idea of ​​what they are. Let's take a closer look.

How to care for patent leather shoes? Keeping the shine

So, we will tell you below how to care for patent leather shoes made from chrome leather, then coated with special substances. By the way, it is thanks to them that products can maintain their shine and perfectly smooth surface.

Don’t forget also how to care for patent leather shoes during sudden temperature changes. At 10 degrees below zero, the varnish film loses its strength.

Remember also that when cleaning products, you should not get carried away with water. Clean them using special products, carefully and carefully.

In wet weather, patent leather shoes should not be worn. The surface of shoes or boots may crack or become dull.

We take care daily

Of course, such shoes need to be looked after every day. It must be cleaned of dust and dirt. Preferably using a very soft cloth (damp). Caring for patent leather shoes also involves using a cotton swab dipped in milk.

From time to time, soften the skin with glycerin, petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. Apply one of these products to your shoes and leave for approximately 15 minutes. After this, the surface must be blotted with a velvet cloth to get rid of excess fat.

Proper care of patent leather shoes is the key to their safety. Boots or shoes will look like new if you don’t make any serious mistakes. You will have, for example, to forget about a simple brush and the usual shoe care products. Otherwise, the delicate varnish texture may be damaged. Use special water-based products. Your shoes will be perfectly protected and moisturized.

Home Remedies

Or boots can retain their original appearance using improvised means. Caring for them at home is not at all difficult.

Even worn shoes will shine like new if you periodically lubricate their surface with egg white. You can also grease it with a cut onion (after that, rub it with a velvet cloth). Wiping the shoes with a soft cloth soaked in milk also preserves their appearance.

Another recipe - combine a tablespoon of turpentine with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and egg yolk. Lubricate your shoes with this mixture a couple of times a week - the shine will never cease to please you.

Some nuances

But what to do if your patent leather shoes Or have the boots already started to crack? Real fashionistas have their own little tricks.

Small cracks can be painted over with a cosmetic eyeliner and shaded properly. Small snags can be removed using nail polish that matches the skin tone.

If your shoes get wet, be sure to let them dry. However, do not use an electric dryer or hair dryer for this. This can cause patent leather shoes to crack.

During the cold season, put on your shoes about ten minutes before going outside. The skin should have time to warm up. In snowy, rainy or damp weather, do not wear patent leather shoes.

Remember that your patent leather shoes or boots will definitely need shoe cosmetics. Otherwise, they will simply lose their attractiveness. By the way, it is not recommended to wear these shoes too often. Unfortunately, it breaks down very quickly. Wear it no more than a couple of times a month.

When avoiding contact of the couple with each other. Store it in a cardboard box, wrapped in newspapers or stocking covers. You must place cotton wool or paper inside the product.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the presence of cracks or unevenness on the surface, and to the uniformity of the color of the coating. Also check your shoes for bending. On high-quality products, the varnish does not crack or wrinkle.

Remember about cleaning

Shoe cosmetics for patent leather products should be chosen very carefully and carefully. A simple cream, for example, cannot clean it. This makes the varnish dull. A cut onion, castor oil or glycerin are ideal solutions.

You can also use products designed for the care of mixed shoes (with the exception of polished leather). After treatment, the varnished surface acquires a mirror shine. After this, the skin does not need additional impregnation.

Pearlescent or metallic paint requires maintenance using products such as Kombi-Color or Metallic-Perlato. They are applied to the surface with a soft cloth. After this, the shoes are polished to a shine. If you carry out this procedure regularly, it will look just great.

Special care

Shoes made of patent leather, of course, require careful handling. When purchasing such shoes or boots, be prepared for the fact that they will need to be looked after in a special way. Firstly, patent leather shoes should not be worn in the hot season (when the temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius). Otherwise, you cannot avoid cracks. The varnish film stretches, loses strength and its original shape.

After treating shoes with Vaseline, glycerin or castor oil, they must be rubbed with velvet (20 minutes after lubricating with the chosen product). Egg white brings worn shoes into complete order - they begin to shine like new.

In the cold season, such shoes should also not be worn. At low temperatures, the varnish surface becomes covered with a whole network of microcracks.

Classic beauty standard

So, patent leather shoes are the standard of beauty and style. An easy gait, emphasized graceful legs, luxury and chic - in a word, in such shoes or boots you will be at your best. To ensure that your shoes do not lose their original beauty, take care of them and look after them.

If you don’t want to stop at folk remedies, choose a special one (black or brown - to match the color of your model). The modern market offers the consumer a wide variety of options. Sales consultants in any store should tell you what exactly to choose. Therefore, when buying a new pair of shoes, immediately purchase everything you need to care for them.

By the way, fashionistas generally regard such a purchase as patent leather shoes as a matter of prestige. She looks great on her legs, emphasizing all the charm and beauty of her owner. Proper care will allow a woman to enjoy the admiring glances of people around her for as long as possible. There is nothing difficult about caring for such shoes. However, if you do not follow some simple rules, your boots or shoes will soon lose their attractive appearance. First of all, the varnish surface begins to fade. Then the first cracks appear on it. In general, these shoes should not only be worn carefully. She needs to be looked after properly. In hot weather and severe frosts, you cannot wear them. Violation of the structure of the varnish film will immediately spoil the entire overall picture. In addition, wearing patent leather shoes in the heat means harming your health. It allows air and moisture to pass through very poorly.

Seasonal shoes

By the way, about health. If you wear patent leather shoes in the heat, you are not just exposing your feet to discomfort. Firstly, blood circulation may be impaired. Secondly, fungal diseases may occur.

It is also undesirable to wear it in winter frosts. Even at temperatures below minus five degrees Celsius, the material begins to crack, and the shoes, accordingly, look sloppy and untidy. In general, when purchasing such products, remember their seasonal purpose. Well, and, of course, do not forget to purchase a special product for patent leather shoes.

Be careful. Try to do everything to ensure that patent leather shoes do not lose their original appearance. The main thing is that the surface of the varnish is not disturbed and retains a rich shine. Regular care with brushes will not help here. But, following the above rules, you can enjoy the magnificent models for a long time. Use a soft cloth (rags, flannel, wool) as a tool. After a walk, remove dirt and dust with a piece of damp cloth.


So, you already know how to clean patent leather shoes. However, do not forget that it also needs to be dried thoroughly. An electric dryer cannot be used in this case. High temperatures can damage the varnished surface. You should not dry your shoes near a radiator either. The varnish may become deformed and crack. Dry boots or shoes in a well-ventilated area without sudden temperature changes. In order for shoes to retain their shape, they must be stored with wooden blocks inside.

It is necessary to choose special, special products for the care of patent leather shoes. These products do not require impregnation. Today, shoes in metallic or mother-of-pearl colors have gained great popularity. Separate chemicals are being developed for such shoes. They are applied to the surface using a cloth. After this, the shoes are polished to a mirror shine.

However, you can do without any special expensive means. For the care of patent leather shoes, products used in daily diet many people. Dirty boots, for example, can be easily washed with homemade full-fat milk. Dirt is washed off very effectively. The home cleaning process ends by rubbing the shoes with an onion. Finally, it is also wiped with a velvet cloth. Many women also use egg white to achieve a glossy shine. But the most the best means Glycerin, petroleum jelly and castor oil are popularly considered.

Well, and, of course, you need to store your shoes very carefully. To avoid scratches, caking and creases, make sure that shoes or boots do not touch each other. Store them in special shoe bags. You can place the shoes in a box with cotton wool between the pair. In a word - nothing complicated. Just follow a few basic rules, and your shoes will please you for a long time.

Glossy shoes, sandals or boots require careful treatment and compliance with a number of rules when worn. This article provides tips on how to care for patent leather shoes. Following these recommendations will help maintain shine and prevent cracks in the varnish.

Daily care of patent leather shoes

  1. Dust settling on the surface of patent leather worsens the appearance of shoes. Therefore, owners of such wardrobe items are recommended to carry a piece of flannel with them in order to wipe the varnish surface during the day.
  2. After returning from the street, it is necessary to clean the shoes from dust and dirt so that they do not destroy the varnish coating. This procedure should be carried out with a cotton swab, a soft sponge or a piece of natural fabric.
  3. If the stains are strong or have hardened, lightly moisten the swab with water. It is necessary to wipe the varnish surface without pressure, since the sand contained in the dirt can scratch the varnish. After this, insert special pads inside so that the shoes retain their shape. If there are no pads, newspaper or thin paper can be used, which must be crumpled and formed into a tight cylinder.
  4. Glossy shoes should be dried in a place with a stable temperature (from 18 to 22 degrees) and good ventilation. There should not be high humidity in the room where such shoes are dried.
Maintaining the good appearance of patent leather products depends to a large extent on how they are worn. You should not wear sandals or shoes when the outside temperature exceeds 25 degrees.

Such wardrobe items are unstable and low temperatures. Patent leather boots or boots can be worn as long as the mark on the thermometer is at least 10 degrees.

Both too hot and too cold weather can cause cracks in the surface of your shoes.

When exposed to moisture, the coating of products may lose its original appearance. Therefore, in rainy weather, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​wearing patent leather shoes.

Sweaty feet are a phenomenon that many men and women experience, especially in the summer. The varnish coating does not allow the skin of the foot to breathe, so the production of sweat increases. Excessive sweat gland secretions can ruin your shoes.

Therefore, it is recommended to wear patent leather on your feet infrequently, and before putting on shoes, your feet should be treated with special products that inhibit sweating. IN cold weather It is recommended to put on boots or boots with a glossy surface 10 minutes before going outside so that the varnish warms up and does not crack in the cold.

Natural patent leather care products

To maintain the shine of patent leather boots, they must be polished systematically. This recommendation is especially relevant for boots and boots that are worn in adverse weather conditions. Polishing not only improves the appearance of products, but also increases the resistance of the varnish to various negative factors.

Polishing is carried out in several stages. First you need to clean the skin from dust, dry it and cover it with a thin layer. olive oil.

You can apply the oil using a cosmetic cotton pad or a specially designed piece of soft cloth.

The oil film should be left to absorb for 10 - 15 minutes. Then the excess oil is removed, after which the surface of the shoe is polished in a circular motion with a piece of flannel, suede, or wool. Vaseline, glycerin or castor oil can be used instead of olive oil. It is necessary to polish until the oil stains disappear, without pressing too hard and avoiding those areas where there are cracks or scratches.

Ways to restore shine:

  1. If you have been wearing shoes with a glossy surface for a long time, and it has become dull, wipe the leather with a cut of a fresh onion before polishing.
  2. You can restore shine with egg whites. Beat the egg white with a teaspoon of granulated sugar until it dissolves and coat the shoes with the egg-sugar mixture. Then take a piece of wool and polish the treated surface. This procedure will not only restore shine, but also give the skin water-repellent properties. In addition, the protein fills small cracks in the varnish, preventing them from growing.
  3. It will be useful for patent leather " nourishing mask"based on turpentine. To do this, three large spoons of turpentine are mixed with egg yolk and half a spoon of castor oil. The mixture must be stirred well to make it as homogeneous as possible. Rub the resulting mixture onto the glossy finish and leave until it is absorbed. Then polish the surface.
An effective means of caring for patent leather shoes at home is milk. Once or twice a week, the skin should be wiped with a cotton swab, which should be well soaked in milk. After this manipulation, the shoes should be wiped with a dry cloth and dried.

If you own boots made of dark patent leather, you can sometimes use strong brewed tea or coffee instead of milk. This procedure helps maintain the color and shine of the shoes. Do not rub tea or coffee on light-colored skin, as this will damage it.

Industrial products for glossy leather

Lacquer shoe care products have special markings. Creams, oils or aerosols can be used to remove dirt and add shine.

Brands of patent leather products:

  • Salamander Lack Polish cream;
  • Collonil Lack Polish cream (black or clear) for polishing;
  • Collonil Lack Mousse shine spray;
  • Saphir polish Vernis rife;
  • Solitaire oil for patent leather.
Some manufacturers offer a separate line of care products for varnish coatings with a metallic or pearlescent effect.

The Salamander brand produces Metallic Perlato cleaning and shine cream. The German brand Solitaire produces products such as Metallic Pflege and Metallic-Creme.

Precautions when caring for patent leather shoes

  1. When caring for such wardrobe items, avoid using brushes. The bristles scratch the varnish, and the scratches increase over time and turn into deep cracks.
  2. Silicone-impregnated sponges should not be used to apply shine, as the active substances contained in the silicone destroy the varnish.
  3. You should also avoid using products that are made with the addition of gasoline, acetone, or a substance such as white spirit.
  4. Cream for regular leather shoes can cause stains or dull polish, so you should avoid it.
  5. Under no circumstances should patent leather shoes or boots be dried near heat sources (radiators, heat supply fans, stoves or ovens).
  6. If cracks occur, do not try to eliminate this defect yourself. Using independent methods for gluing a varnished surface in most cases only aggravates the situation.

Rules for storing shoes with a glossy finish

Those who are looking for information on how to care for patent leather shoes must take into account that in order to preserve their original properties, they must not only be properly cleaned, but also have special storage conditions.
  1. These wardrobe items should be stored in cardboard boxes. Paper provides an optimal microclimate that will prevent damage to the varnish.
  2. In order to organize air circulation, it is recommended to make small holes in the walls of the box. The air will allow the shoes not to deform and be better preserved during storage.
  3. The box should be kept in a place far from sources of heat and dampness. Try not to place sandals or boots on the bottom or corner shelves of cabinets, mezzanines or pantries, as these places are most susceptible to the formation of dampness.
  4. You need to choose spacious boxes so that boots or shoes do not touch each other, since the varnish may fade in places of contact.
  5. It will be useful to wrap the shoes individually in paper or special canvas bags. Nylon stockings or tights can also be used. Do not wrap varnished items in newspaper, as the paint may transfer to the varnish.
  6. Also, you cannot use polyethylene, as it will create a microclimate unfavorable for patent leather.
  7. Metal heels or heels should be wrapped in cotton wool. Decorative metal elements (if they exist) should also be covered with a cotton pad.

Before packing varnished wardrobe items, they need to be cleaned of dirt and polished. Polishing is carried out using purchased or self-made products.

How to clean patent leather and remove scratches (video)

The varnish coating is more susceptible to mechanical damage than regular leather. If there are minor scratches, you can still restore the original structure yourself. This video describes in detail how to eliminate minor defects in varnish.

The varnish coating gives shoes, sandals or boots an elegant and elegant look. Features of varnish application technology make such shoes vulnerable to moisture, heat, cold, and other factors environment. Therefore, wearing patent leather shoes requires special care and respect.

Shoes- this is one of the components of our image in Everyday life. Many people ignore information about shoes, but our well-being and the opinion of others about us depend on how comfortable and beautiful they are.

Among the materials that are considered the best for making shoes, leather is undoubtedly the leader. It can be different, depending on the processing method; one of the varieties is patent leather, which is used for the manufacture of both men's and women's shoes.

Patent leather shoes are made from leather that is coated with a layer of polyurethane resin. Outwardly, this manifests itself in a special glossy shine, radiance - the surface of the shoe reflects light. The leather itself can be soft or hard, it depends on the raw materials and the manufacturer.

Patent leather shoes have a number of advantages:

  1. The skin is stretching.
  2. The shoes regain their shape after being bent.
  3. The surface is scratch resistant.
  4. The material is not afraid of either summer heat or sub-zero temperatures.
  5. With proper care, the surface is resistant to stains.

Another very important parameter is the appearance of the shoes. Patent leather shoes oblige you to look neat and dignified; they attract attention. The varnish used in production can be of almost any color, this makes it possible to obtain shoes of any shade.

Also, a pattern can be applied to the surface, like a print; this is fashionable and always looks stylish. If previously the classic option for women was elegant patent leather heeled shoes, now many designers use this material for autumn ankle boots, summer loafers, and demi-season boots.

This popularity is ensured by the brightness of the texture of the material itself and the ability to give it any shape and color.

As a minus, we can mention that patent leather does not allow air to pass through very well; if worn for a long time, the foot may become foggy. Patent leather shoes are best suited for weekends and evening wear, when you need to look your best.

Rules to follow when wearing

Much in our health depends on the material and cut of shoes:

  1. Correct posture.
  2. No flat feet.
  3. Good blood circulation.
  4. Healthy foot skin.
  5. Resistance to seasonal colds.
  1. Don't wear these shoes in hot weather(meaning temperature above 27 degrees). Since the varnish creates a film that does not allow moisture and air to pass through, in the heat, a lack of aeration has a detrimental effect on the health of your feet. In particular, the skin of the feet can be susceptible to the development of fungus, and this is a big nuisance. If you do wear patent leather shoes almost all day, make sure that your feet are clean and dry before putting on the shoes, you can even use special cream for feet, preventing the development of fungal infections and increased sweating.
  2. Protect patent leather shoes from temperature changes. Only high quality italian shoes can withstand frost and heat. More often than not, the material remains sensitive to climate change. The problem lies in the varnish, which tends to crack with some impact. Such cracks can be visible and spoil the appearance of the shoes.
  3. Such shoes cannot be dried. If you are caught in a rainstorm, you will have to wait for it to dry naturally, as any heat exposure, be it from a heater or a dryer, will only make the problem worse.
  4. Patent leather shoes are quite sensitive, catches the eye and does not like to be worn for long periods of time, which means you need to set aside only a few days a week for it, choosing shoes made of regular leather or suede on the remaining days.

From all of the above, we can conclude that patent leather shoes are best worn indoors or in good weather, at temperatures from 0 to 20 degrees.

Proper care

Any thing, even the highest quality, will become unsightly and hopelessly damaged if you don’t take care of it.

Shoes are exposed to many adverse effects:

  • sidewalk dust;
  • moisture from rain;
  • micro-scratches from interaction with the ground or other surfaces;
  • bends on the surface from the pressure of our body weight on some areas of the shoe;

Proper care will extend the life of your shoes and maintain their original appearance.

There are several points that will help preserve patent leather shoes:

  1. After each walk, wipe the surface of your shoes with a soft, dry cloth., it can be velvet, wool, flannel. This will remove dust and dirt before it settles firmly on the skin.
  2. If there is old contamination, patent leather shoes need to be washed. It can be done warm water with soap solution. You need to soak a cloth in it and wipe your shoes. Milk with a fat content of more than 2.5% removes stains well; it also needs to be applied to the surface.
  3. Patent leather loves to shine, and for this you need to periodically rub its surface with the product. This can be glycerin, petroleum jelly or castor oil. Any of these products is applied to the surface, shaded with a cotton swab, and after a few minutes (10-15) partially removed with a soft cloth or cotton wool.

After this, the surface is ready for polishing; you need to take a soft cloth and apply the shine using circular movements, and then longitudinal ones. As a result, your shoes will shine like new. Of course, there are ready-made solutions for cleaning patent leather shoes. Always read the instructions before purchasing and look for patent leather in the list.

In order for all manipulations with patent leather shoes to be available to you, your shoe “first aid kit” should have the following tools:

  1. Soft cloth for wiping.
  2. Vaseline, glycerin or vegetable oil.
  3. Spray or impregnation for patent leather shoes (water-repellent).

How not to care for patent leather shoes?

Of course, we don’t always want to think about cleaning things and shoes, and we can do something automatically without appreciating the difference in the material and characteristics of the item. Leather shoes are very sensitive, because it is a natural material.

Each of the types of its processing, which gives us suede, nubuck, velor, requires an individual approach. Patent leather shoes are sensitive primarily due to the varnish. By the way, the cost of such shoes directly depends on the method of applying it; this is a labor-intensive process that requires human control.

You should not spoil such shoes by thinking that caring for them is the same as caring for regular leather.

So, a few traditional mistakes:

  1. Exposure to water when washing, use laundry detergent when cleaning. Such an impact will destroy the structure of the varnish.
  2. Use regular shoe polish. This substance is quite greasy and its use will dull patent leather and may even become stained.
  3. Using a regular shoe sponge. It will deprive the surface of its shine.
  4. Self-repair. If the varnish is cracked somewhere, you should not try to glue it on yourself, this will not bring the desired result, contact a shoe repair shop.

Caring for patent leather shoes: folk remedies

Do not confuse the percentage of vinegar, otherwise the desired effect will not occur.

If patent leather shoes are not new and are already losing their appearance, it’s time to look into the treasury of people’s advice.

In order to restore the surface, fill microcracks and restore shine, you need to use a simple and inexpensive recipe.

Break the egg, separate the white and add one teaspoon of sugar to it.

Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply it evenly to the surface of the skin, avoiding inserts made of other types of material or decorative elements. We carefully polish the surface with a woolen cloth for several minutes. After this procedure, patent leather will “come to life.”

Another grandmother's advice is to use vinegar. To begin with, take an ordinary onion, cut it in half and rub the surface of the shoe with a flat surface. Then you need to take a cloth, preferably foam rubber, soak it in 3% vinegar and polish the surface.

Patent leather shoes should be stored away from sunlight at room temperature. You should not put it in cabinets or bedside tables that are located next to the radiator, or leave it on an unheated balcony in winter.

It's best to take a big one cardboard box, carefully place the shoes, filling the free space with crumpled newspaper. You can wrap your shoes in breathable fabric. It is important to clean and polish the surface of the leather before long-term storage. Take care of your shoes and they will serve you for a long time.


Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Patent leather is a global trend for the upcoming season: how to choose, what to wear with it and how to properly care for the material is described in this material.

Every year, world fashion brings to the forefront one or another trend, which then, of course, drives millions of fans crazy. Perhaps the love for patent leather cannot be called very, very new, but the fact that in the coming season almost everyone will go crazy about it is a fact. That is why we decided to tell you what it is and tell you a little about the things that are being made this season from this material. The ability to choose natural material and properly care for it is also important, so we will also mention this in our review. Although modern artificial patent leather is rarely inferior in consumer qualities. If you look at photos of shoes and bags, it is simply impossible to distinguish authenticity. Products made from it look natural and natural. And proper care for them ensures durability and beautiful appearance.

Natural and artificial patent leather

We are probably already accustomed to natural leather, but wearing patent leather as clothing is something unusual, out of the ordinary. It is more extravagant and more suitable for the brave and unusual girls who are not afraid to appear in such bold outfits. If you do not consider yourself to be of this type, then you can safely purchase a bag or shoes made of patent leather - they look very attractive and have many advantages, in addition to their beautiful appearance.

Genuine patent leather is smooth skin, which is covered with a layer of varnish on top. The result is a unique shine, for which we love this particular material so much. If you go into the intricacies of production, you will probably be interested in the fact that before applying a layer of varnish, the surface is primed - this helps prevent loss of flexibility and softness. The color of the last coating can be any, which provides fashionistas with such a diverse range of colors.

In recent years, stylists and designers have not made much of a distinction between natural and artificial materials, be it leather, fur or any other material. And all because in Lately their qualities are not exactly equal, but in many ways they sometimes surpass their natural counterparts. And they are often much cheaper, which is also a decisive factor. The quality of natural material directly depends on the varnish and raw materials used, so you should pay attention to this when choosing your favorite clothes. We have already said that artificial patent leather can be of any shade. It is also worth considering the fact that varnishes can also be different - glossy or matte, colored and transparent, there are also those that preserve the natural shade of the skin.

During production, many designers use additional components, for example, silicon flakes - this will add decorativeness to even the simplest piece of patent leather. Faux leather, like natural, has good water-repellent properties, thanks to which it remains one of the most durable materials.

Look at the photo for examples of products from different types of this material:

Patent leather bag - versatility and unique appearance

Many things and accessories are made from patent leather, but the bag is deservedly the most popular of them. They have not lost popularity for several seasons in a row and are constantly present in the collections of fashion houses. Girls love her for her versatility and unique appearance, which becomes one of the centers of attraction of the entire look.

When choosing a patent leather bag, you need to focus on your requirements. For most fashionistas, it is very important that the bag has a long service life and is resistant to bad weather. If you are interested in these characteristics, along with appearance and color, then natural patent leather will be more than ever useful. It will not crack with frequent use, will not be damaged when exposed to moisture or hot weather, and is also not susceptible to other mechanical damage.

Even a black patent leather bag looks elegant, but it’s worth paying attention to other colors. For example, beige will become a universal option, largely due to its noble shade. Such a thing will look good with clothes in any style, and the unique glossy shade will attract the attention of other fashionistas. But the most luxurious shade is definitely white, which requires regular care, but it's worth it. In the upcoming season, there are also other bright colors so that every fashionista can choose an accessory to match herself and her wardrobe. And don’t forget about black - it is the very nobility and sophistication, therefore other things should look accordingly. This shade looks good with bright dresses simple cut and classic pumps, and they will add zest to an office outfit, just don’t forget a bright detail.

And finally, I would like to remind you that you should not combine several things from this material in one image. If your choice fell on patent leather, then the shoes or belt should be made of suede or soft leather. In this case, the image will be gentle and harmonious, which will undoubtedly add admiring glances to you.

Patent leather shoes

Patent leather shoes are the second most popular item. Everything from ballet shoes to shoes is made from this material. By the way, the latter are very popular not only in winter, but also in autumn. Most often, designers, like most girls, prefer a very bold and sexy model - stocking boots, the length of which sometimes reaches mid-thigh. Over the knee boots with flat soles and stiletto heels look more modest and interesting. Lovers of the classics can choose a model with a wide boot with a stable heel, or with a wedge or heel. Such patent leather shoes will certainly attract the attention of others, especially if you choose a model with bright colors.

IN summer shoes patent leather is most often used as a decorative insert along with other materials - this trend has been followed by many designers for several seasons in a row.

The only disadvantage of such things is that they are not practical, although they look amazing. But if your choice nevertheless fell on this model, then you should choose shoes that combine several bright colors: classic black and white, black and red, wine and dark blue, etc. Such things are ideal for formal and evening outings, and for going to the club.

A patent leather jacket is a self-sufficient thing

Patent leather jackets are not as common as, for example, shoes or accessories made from the same material. They are not very comfortable, but have excellent properties that guarantee many years of use.

It is simply impossible to go unnoticed in such a thing, because it looks catchy and interesting, in places even vulgar - but this is if you choose the wrong components. A patent leather jacket is such a self-sufficient thing that additional accessories and decorative elements will simply ruin it external image. As in previous times, models in bright colors are at the peak of popularity, along with timeless classics.

We have already said that it must be very carefully combined with other things. For example, a leather jacket in a bright red shade will look better with a black dress and boots of the same shade, but for a club you can choose something brighter.

How to check the quality of patent leather?

High-quality patent leather will never be scratched by a fingernail, bends well and does not form cracks even with numerous bends. Like any natural leather, it is not afraid of either cold or heat. Unfortunately, in Russia it is very, very difficult to find material of similar quality. If you nevertheless decide to get your hands on this particular specimen, then we advise you to go to Italy, where, according to experts, they produce the highest quality leather in the world. There is also production in China and South Africa, but the quality of this material is also noticeably poor - the skin is easily scratched, and with numerous bends and stretches, the varnish layer bursts quite quickly.

Before checking the quality, coordinate your actions with the seller; most likely, in the case of counterfeit and poor-quality workmanship, you will be denied the procedure. And thereby any need for carrying it out disappears.

How to care for patent leather and remove stains?

Do you agree with us that patent leather is a luxurious and very interesting thing? But its life is short-lived if you avoid proper care and care as such. Let's figure out how to properly care for patent leather at home so that the item lasts as long as possible and at the same time retains its attractive appearance.

Patent leather bags are very unpretentious - just wipe them with a soft cloth or sponge once a week. But with shoes you will have to sweat a little. Firstly, you should know that it should not be worn in hot weather: at temperatures above 25 degrees, the varnish film stretches and loses its original shape, which undoubtedly harms both the material and your appearance. Also, do not wear shoes made of this material at temperatures below 5 degrees - the leather cracks and takes on a very unpleasant appearance.

It is also important to regularly wipe it with a soft cloth - flannel, wool or a piece of rag will do. A brush does not cope well in such a situation. It is forbidden to use widely used sponges with silicone impregnation - they destroy the structure of the material, which reduces the shelf life of the material.

A fresh stain on patent leather can be removed using crushed chalk or baby powder. For greasy stains It is better to use soda, starch or fine salt. They are left on things for half an hour, and then cleaned off with a soft cloth or sponge.

Deep, stubborn stains must be cleaned using alcohol-containing substances - lotion, wet wipes or vodka. Just do not forget that exposure to alcohol has a bad effect on the structure of patent leather - the material dries out, in some cases even loses color. IN severe cases housewives recommend using detergent for dishes, which must be applied only with a soft sponge so as not to spoil the material. In some cases it helps lemon juice– apply a small amount of it to a cotton swab and wipe the stain.

After the stain has been removed, wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth and let the item dry.

High-quality patent leather shoes do not deform when bent, they stretch sufficiently, but over time small scratches and stains appear on them. It becomes rough after rain and becomes deformed if stored improperly.

It is possible to clean and restore shoes made of natural and artificial patent leather at home. You can use ready-made products or formulations from substances that are always on hand - turpentine, eggs, vegetable oil.

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    You need to take care of patent leather shoes regularly. Each time after use it should be cleaned of dust and dirt. Patent leather shoes should not be washed with large amounts of water and foam. With such care, the surface quickly deforms. Do not use any brushes, even the softest ones. You need to use a soft piece of fabric made of velor, velvet or flannel. It should be slightly moistened and the shoes should be wiped from all sides. To better clean the dirt, you can moisten the cloth with full-fat milk.

    Moisture protection

    You can protect patent leather shoes from exposure to water using water-repellent Kaps Waters Stop Cream in white, black and other colors. But it's better not to wear it in the rain. When exposed to moisture, the surface roughens and becomes hard. To restore its former softness, you need to lubricate it with glycerin, petroleum jelly or castor oil.

    Do not dry patent leather boots near heat sources, use electric dryers, or place shoes under or on a radiator. It is better to insert wooden shoe trees inside and place them away from heat sources.

    Caring for colored shoes

    Patent leather products can be dyed in a wide variety of colors and shades. Traditional - white and black. Black shoes are more practical; small scratches are not so noticeable. They can be painted over with a cosmetic pencil and shaded with a soft cloth.

    White shoes get dirty quickly, all stains and defects are clearly visible on them. Caring for it begins with cleaning it from dust. Then:

    1. 1. Wipe the surface with a soft cloth soaked in soapy water.
    2. 2. Polish the shoes with a special cloth and put them away for a day to dry.
    3. 3. After this, apply shaving foam to the surface. Spread it in a thin layer and let it dry.
    4. 4. Remove any remaining product with a soft cloth.
    5. 5. Apply shoe conditioner, for example, Kaps Leather Care Balsam or Lettro Cleaning Milk, which will protect the leather from exposure to sunlight, water, and minor scratches.

    For restoration, use a delicate cream, for example, Caps Delicate Cream. It adds shine, makes the color brighter and richer. Most patent leather shoe care creams come in a variety of colors. Most often it is white, black, gray, brown, yellow, red, blue.

    Use of emollients

    To prevent the varnish from cracking, you can use special products to treat it, for example, Trg Delicate Gel, or prepare a composition from scrap materials. To do this you need to take:

    • egg yolk;
    • refined vegetable oil(1 dessert spoon);
    • turpentine (3 tablespoons).

    The composition must be thoroughly mixed and periodically treated with it on the varnished surface. It will help make the material softer and more elastic. You need to lubricate the products with the remaining protein, and after drying, polish the surface with flannel.

    It is not recommended to lubricate patent leather boots with regular shoe polish, dyes and impregnations. The alcohol contained in them dries out the surface and leads to the formation of cracks. Do not use creams on buffed leather.

    You can buy lanolin, glycerin or castor oil at the pharmacy. After cleaning the surface, apply one of these products to it with a soft cloth and let it absorb. Then remove the remains with a napkin. This will help restore shine and restore softness to the skin.

    Caring for leatherette shoes

    Products made from high-quality lacquered leatherette require almost the same care as shoes made from genuine leather. They are treated with water-based products with the addition of glycerin, petroleum jelly or castor oil. To refresh the color, use a mixture ammonia with soap. Then wipe with a cloth soaked in glycerin. Do not wear in cold, hot or rainy weather. Do not store near heat sources.

    When wearing patent leather boots, it often appears bad smell. To get rid of it, pour ground coffee inside and leave for a day. You can use Wilbra King Mangia Odore odor remover.