Meeting of guardians, trustees and adoptive parents. Meeting with guardians (trustees) Literature to prepare for the meeting

On March 28, 2018, a meeting of guardians (trustees) and adoptive parents began with a minute of silence in memory of the tragedy in Kemerovo, which was organized by the BURA "USPN" Ust-Koksinsky region.

Holding meetings with legal representatives of orphans and children without parental care living in foster families in the Ust-Koksinsky district is a good tradition of the Department of Family and Childhood Affairs.

At the meeting, a dialogue took place between the legal representatives of orphans and children without parental care with representatives of various government structures and organizations. The meeting was attended by 36 guardians (trustees) and adoptive parents and the following issues were covered:

1. On the work of the guardianship and trusteeship department on issues of protecting the rights and interests of children under their care (Oksana Ivanovna Shinzhina, head of the guardianship and trusteeship department);

2. “Types of pensions, benefits assigned to minors without parental care and the procedure for receiving them” (representative of the State Institution “Management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Ust-Koksinsky region of the Republic of Armenia”);

3. Fulfillment of alimony obligations, procedure for collecting alimony (representative of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Ust-Koksinsky region of the Republic of Armenia);

4. On the organization of summer holidays for wards (Representative of BURA “USPN Ust-Koksinsky district”);

5. On the organization of summer employment for wards (Representative of the State Institution “Employment Center of the Ust-Koksinsky District”);

6. Responsibility of guardians, trustees, foster parents for improper performance of duties for the upbringing, education and maintenance of minors (PDN Representative);

7. About the activities of the club of substitute families “Friendship”. Sharing positive experiences. (Head of the club Dorofeeva O.G.);

8. Answers and questions. Miscellaneous.

Information on the topic “Types of pensions, benefits assigned to minors without parental care and the procedure for receiving them” was presented by Elena Nikolaevna Sorokina, a representative of the State Institution “Management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Ust-Koksinsky District of the Republic of Armenia”. The agenda of the meeting consisted of many topical issues, which allowed parents to once again be reminded of the changes in pension legislation from 01/01/2018. for children whose both parents are unknown. In addition, those present were explained the list of documents required to establish this type of pension and the procedure for applying for it. The listeners were informed about the electronic services of the Pension Fund, available in the “Personal Account of a Citizen” on the website In conclusion, answers were given to questions of interest to those present, and leaflets, booklets and information sheets on various areas of pension legislation were issued.

Subsequent speeches concerned the direct activities of foster parents. In her speech, the head of the department of guardianship and trusteeship, Oksana Ivanovna Shinzhina, brought to the attention of those present the results of joint work, fulfillment of the requirements for exercising their rights and fulfilling their duties, respecting the rights and legitimate interests of children under their care, and dwelled in detail on the problems of submitting annual reports, conducting medical examinations of children, collection of alimony for the maintenance of wards, penalties for non-payment of alimony. She reported on the importance of the annual health improvement of wards in camps and sanatoriums. In her speech, she devoted much attention to the issues of identifying facts of family troubles, child abuse, noted the work aimed at promoting the values ​​of family, children, responsible parenthood, preventing child abuse, a positive perception of the institution of family placement for orphans and children left behind. without parental care.

Olga Olegovna Mendesheva, the chief specialist of the State Institution “Employment Center for the Ust-Koksinsky District”, informed about the organization of temporary employment and employment of teenagers and youth. In addition, she answered all the questions of interest from those gathered regarding additional education, etc.

Inspector of the PDN Branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ust-Koksinsky District of the Altai Republic, Zarina Anatolyevna Slatvinskaya, informed the meeting participants about the administrative and criminal liability of legal representatives, minors and measures to prevent the commission of crimes by minors or against minors, described the state of crime among minors in the territory of the Ust-Minsk municipality. Koksinsky district." In her speech, she noted the importance of preventing juvenile delinquency and ensuring the safety of children.

The meeting was continued by Olga Gennadievna Dorofeeva, head of the “Friendship” club of foster families. She spoke in detail about the work of the foster parents club. She spoke about the results of the club’s work, about the opportunity the Club gives to foster families: parents have an additional opportunity to communicate with each other, share positive experiences, and jointly solve problems that arise in the process of raising adopted children. During the meeting, many substitute parents expressed a desire to take part in the work of the Club.

Guardians (trustees) and adoptive parents took an active part in the meeting and asked questions that interested them. They were presented with information booklets on the prevention of child abuse and information about all the services they can contact if necessary.

The meeting participants were given leaflets on the topics: “Fire safety rules”, “Guest family”, “On the collection of alimony”.

Also, the department’s specialists answered all the questions that were asked during the meeting by the foster parents.

According to the feedback from those present, the meeting turned out to be friendly, interesting and eventful. The assembled guardians (trustees) and foster parents sincerely thanked the specialists of the guardianship and trusteeship department for the work they do, the assistance provided and their caring attitude towards each ward and family.

A meeting of guardians (trustees) and adoptive parents was held at the Dobrinsky district library, which was organized by the department for guardianship and trusteeship of the Dobrinsky municipal district. It was attended by specialists from the department of guardianship and trusteeship, a specialist in social issues from the department of psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children of the Regional Institution “Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Dobrinsky District”, deputy director of the MOAU Pre-Adolescent Children's Educational Center "Zhemchuzhina", assistant dean for social service, guardians ( trustees) and foster parents of the district.

The chairman was the head of the department for guardianship and trusteeship of the administration of the Dobrinsky municipal district of the Lipetsk region Chernikina M.A.

At the meeting, issues were considered about additional measures of social support for orphans and children left without parental care, about organizing their summer holidays and health improvement, employment, intensifying the activities of the regional public organization "Club of Substitute Parents" of the Dobrinsky Municipal District of the Lipetsk Region, about social adaptation substitute families on a spiritual and moral basis.

Opening the meeting, the head of the department for guardianship and trusteeship of the district administration M.A. Chernikina introduced foster parents to the main measures of social support for orphans and children left without parental care. Maria Alexandrovna told the foster parents that their initiative to allow adults and children to visit the Zhemchuzhina pool together free of charge was supported by the head of the administration of the Dobrinsky municipal district, Sergei Petrovich Moskvoretsky. In continuation of the words of the head of the department G.E. Likhacheva introduced parents to the requirements for swimming pool visitors and suggested a day of the week and time for a free group visit.

Elena Sergeevna Chernyshova spoke about the role of the social project “Family and Temple” in strengthening spiritual and moral relationships in foster families. She noted that the social project “Family and Temple” was developed for the social adaptation of foster families in order to prevent secondary orphanhood based on spiritual orientation in resolving difficult life situations .

There are many reasons for the risk of secondary orphanhood in foster families. This is a lack of mutual understanding, a lack of knowledge among substitute parents in the field of medicine, pedagogy, and psychology.

The main reason for the poor adaptation of children left without parental care and substitute parents, with whom work is carried out within the framework of the project, is the lack of knowledge of the basics of Orthodoxy, spiritual orientation in resolving difficult family and life situations, readiness for the feat of patience, forgiveness and voluntary sacrificial service neighbors.

As a result of the project, it is expected that there will be positive dynamics in the functioning of the foster family, the emergence of attachment to each other, the establishment of effective forms of communication and cooperation, and the removal of acute conflict situations in relationships. The project is being implemented in the following areas:

  1. “Studying the foundations of Orthodoxy, the lives of saints”;
  2. “Spiritual and practical support for families”;
  3. Accompanying a psychologist

4. "Organization of events, promotions, holiday programs."

Parents were shown a video clip describing the progress of the project. Elena Sergeevna said that the closing of the project will take place on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Dobrinka and invited everyone present to take an active part in this event.

The director of the district central library, Sergeeva Margarita Vyacheslavovna, suggested that on August 14, 2016, foster parents organize a one-day tent camp at the interregional folk art festival “The Accordion Sings over Bityug” and, with the help of guardians (trustees), adoptive parents, organize a social fair, the proceeds from which will go to their needs ward children. Margarita Vyacheslavovna spoke about the proposed program of operation of the tent camp and showed the parents the products that were most in demand among customers.

Chernyshova Elena

Photo by Natalia Sergeeva

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The educational process is a constantly ongoing process, and its individual details are resolved in the general tone of the family, and the general tone cannot be invented and artificially maintained. The overall tone, dear parents, is created by your own life and your own behavior. The most correct, reasonable, thoughtful pedagogical methods will not bring any benefit if the overall tone of your life is bad. And, on the contrary, only the correct general tone will tell you the correct methods of treating a child and, above all, the correct forms of discipline, work, freedom, play and... authority.
A.S. Makarenko

It is very important for adults to monitor what kind of life your family leads and what emotional background prevails in it. It may turn out that the parents lead a healthy lifestyle, the apartment is in perfect order, there is material wealth, but it is cold, the child feels uncomfortable, and considers himself superfluous.

Education is not only the purposeful and systematic formation of certain personality qualities in a child, but also the direct, unconscious assimilation by him, through copying, imitation, of the life values, attitudes, and ways of behavior of the people raising him.

There are no trifles in education, every action is important and has its consequences. When performing any action in relation to a student, it is necessary to predict further consequences. The child's psyche is very vulnerable and fragile. It is in childhood that the most vivid and unforgettable impressions arise. If a child knows that you are a stepparent, then you need to communicate with him very delicately, because... What is forgiven to a loved one is not forgiven to a stranger.

The main task is to create conditions of psychological comfort in the family, not only for the pupil, but this may sound unusual, first of all for yourself personally. Where parents are happy, children are happy.

Form of conduct: conversation.

Meeting objectives:

  • Help parents understand the need to create and maintain warm family relationships.
  • To promote parents’ acquisition of practical knowledge on creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family.

Issues for discussion:

  • The role of family relationships in the development of the child’s emotional sphere.
  • The importance of the emotional and sensory sphere for the formation of a full-fledged personality.

Progress of the lesson

Good afternoon, dear parents. Today the topic of our conversation is “Warmth of family relationships.” When a child appears in a family, the spouses become not just husband and wife, they become parents. You should be well aware that a child needs not only care and guardianship, but also love. Practice shows that no even the most ideal orphanage can adequately replace a child’s parents. An experiment was conducted in Hungary. The girls from the orphanage were settled in a beautiful mansion, surrounded by a large garden. Every day they had classes and games. After some time they began to quarrel and fight. The escapes began. The best conditions for development and upbringing can only be created in the family, provided that the child is accepted for who he is and loved. Unfortunately, not every adult, having given birth to a child, becomes a real parent and understands why he needs it and what value it represents. Statistics show this. 90% of children in orphanages are not orphans, but children who have parents who traded them for vodka and a wild life.

The parents' house is the beginning, has begun. The life of a child begins at the threshold of the parental home. In the first years of life, behavioral patterns, character foundations, and future scenarios are laid. And sometimes children see in the family not what a child should see and hear. Therefore, it will take a lot of time, effort, and patience to reorient the child towards the desired behavior.

Education is not only the purposeful and systematic formation of certain personality qualities in a child, but also the direct, unconscious assimilation by him, through copying, imitation, of the life values, attitudes, and ways of behavior of the people raising him. For example, in one of the families a boy grew up. From an early age he copied his father's behavior, and his father was a drinker. As a result, at the age of 13, my son began to try alcohol, and at 20 he was treated in a clinic for alcoholism. (Example from work practice)

Therefore, it is very important for adults to monitor what kind of life your family leads and what emotional background prevails in it. It may turn out that the parents lead a healthy lifestyle, the apartment is in perfect order, there is material wealth, but it is cold, the child feels uncomfortable, and considers himself superfluous.

What predominates in your relationships is optimism or pessimism, hostility or cordiality, is laughter often heard in your family. There are no trifles in education, every action is important and has its consequences. When performing any action in relation to a child (children, if you are a foster parent or guardian), it is necessary to predict further consequences. The child's psyche is very vulnerable and fragile. It is in childhood that the most vivid and unforgettable impressions arise. If a child knows that you are a stepparent, then you need to communicate with him very delicately, because... What is forgiven to a loved one is not forgiven to a stranger.

Your task is to create conditions of psychological comfort in the family, not only for the pupil, but this may sound unusual, first of all for yourself personally. Where parents are happy, children are happy.

A friendly tone, mutual understanding, respect for each other, and love should prevail in the family. The Italian writer Gianni Rodari has a short story where adults ask a little girl: “Who is the boss in your house?” And the girl replies that at home no one bosses anyone around, but everyone loves each other. Being in such conditions, the child will unconsciously absorb it. If a child sees that dad and mom take care of each other, their relationship is filled with tenderness and love, then gradually he begins to perceive this as the norm of human relationships. Naturally, it will be easier to communicate with such a child.

But how to achieve this? The child is the mirror of the family. What kind of people will you and your students become? You need to start with yourself, by working on your spiritual world. Working on the additional education program “Family: morality, culture, health” with high school students, we discuss topics related to the psychology of education, we talk about the fact that there are families where people love each other, do not cheat, that the husband comes home sober, they do not believe because in real life, they often see the exact opposite. It can be difficult to convince them, but adults are responsible for all this.

Walks, excursions, games with children, hobbies, handicrafts, teach him everything you know yourself. Be sure to find time to get together, at least for dinner, such communication brings you closer and gives a feeling of family unity. All adults were once children, but for some reason many forget about this. It is sometimes important for adults to remember that they were children, because in order to understand a child, you need to be able to look at the world through his eyes.

By raising our children, we not only instill in them moral qualities, but must prepare them for independent life. Therefore, it is important to form useful habits, the ability to solve everyday problems (perform household chores, clean the room, work in the country, go to the store, pay for utilities).

We must remember that, paradoxically, a child needs our love precisely when he least deserves it.

I would like to end our conversation with the words of V.G. Belinsky “Education is a great thing - it decides the fate of a person.”

Rituals that must be observed in the family:

Before leaving for school, receive a hug from your parents and a parting word or gesture, which will contain a little secret between the adult and the child;

Coming home from school, talk about your successes and problems and receive words of support and participation over a cup of tea;

At night, hear a good wish;

On a day off, discuss the past week and its meaning for children and parents;

Together with mom, cook for the holiday and bake a beautiful cake, and just have a heart-to-heart talk with dad.

Minutes of November 24, 2016

Round table meetings with guardians.

Chairman – Ivanova I.L.


Specialists of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the Administration of the Municipal Municipality "Krasnogorsk District", guardians (trustees), adoptive parents


  1. Monitoring by guardianship and trusteeship authorities over the conditions of maintenance and upbringing of children transferred to foster families (certificate and characteristics from the educational institution, temporary registration, obtaining citizenship and passports, photographs).
  1. Supervising the observance by guardians and trustees of the rights and legitimate interests of wards, including the obligation to collect child support obligations from persons deprived of parental rights (replacement of the claimant, recognition as missing, bringing to administrative responsibility, collection of penalties, quarterly reporting).

(Ivanova I.L. – head of the guardianship sector)

  1. Execution of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 594 of December 23, 2013 “On the procedure for ensuring the safety of assigned residential premises” (safety certificates, timely payment and safety).
  1. On the provision of annual reporting in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 423 of May 18, 2009 (amount for food, comments, answers to questions).

(Veretennikova N.V. – leading specialist in the guardianship sector)

  1. Recreation and health improvement for children (writing applications for January 2017).

(Ivanova I.L. – head of the guardianship sector)

  1. Inclusion in the republican bank for housing (required documents, citizenship, passport).

(Veretennikova N.V. – leading specialist in the guardianship sector)

  1. Questions and answers.

The round table meeting was opened by the head of the guardianship and trusteeship sector

I.L. Ivanova

  1. On the first and second questions of Ivanova I.L. It was recalled that in accordance with Art. 36 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, art. 24 No. 48 – Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship” the guardianship and trusteeship authority is obliged to supervise the observance by guardians and trustees of the rights and legitimate interests of wards, clause 3 of Art. 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, guardians and trustees are obliged to take care of the maintenance of their wards, to provide them with care and treatment, to protect their rights and interests, clause 1 of Art. 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that the income of the ward, including amounts of alimony, pensions, benefits and other social payments provided for his maintenance, as well as income due to the ward from the management of his property, with the exception of income that the ward has the right to dispose of independently, are spent by the guardian or trustee exclusively in the interests of the ward and with the prior permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authority. Thus, guardians and trustees have the responsibility to support those under their care, which includes the obligation to collect child support obligations from persons deprived of parental rights. If there are persistent non-payers of alimony, who are persons deprived of parental rights and are obliged to pay alimony, we will petition the bailiffs to bring these persons to criminal liability and to collect a penalty from them. In addition, all guardians whose wards are owed alimony must create separate savings books (for convenience) for the collection of alimony. It is also necessary to contact the bailiff service for a ruling on the calculation of arrears of alimony, the courts of the UR (in which the children’s parents were deprived of parental rights), and the prosecutor’s office of the district where the court was located. All these procedures must be done by those guardians (trustees) from whom it is necessary to replace the alimony collector and where it is necessary to collect a penalty for alimony. Also, all guardians (trustees) and adoptive parents received a memo.

On the fifth question Ivanova I.L. informed about the allocation of 2 vouchers to a country camp for the winter holidays from 01/03/2017-01/09/2017 and those who wish can come to the care sector. At the end of the meeting, all guardians (trustees) and foster parents with children from 3 to 14 years old were given New Year's gifts.

  1. On the fourth question N.V. Veretennikova once again recalled the procedure for ensuring the safety of assigned residential premises. Residential premises are assigned to orphans if they are the owners of the residential premises or members of the tenant's family under a social tenancy agreement. There is a Decree of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 23, 2013 No. 594 “On the procedure for ensuring the safety of residential premises assigned to orphans and children without parental care.” The Order states that the safety of housing should facilitate the return of the child to the assigned residential premises. Clause 5 of the order informs that guardians and legal representatives are obliged to ensure the safety and proper condition of the assigned residential premises, to notify the guardianship authority about all facts affecting the safety, about repairs, changes in technical condition, about debts for utilities, about taxes (if the property is owned). We organize scheduled inspections twice a year and unscheduled inspections with the involvement of specialists from other departments and organizations. Based on the results of the inspection, the guardianship and trusteeship authority draws up a report on the safety of the residential premises within 3 working days. A copy of the inspection report is sent to legal representatives. Chapter 3 obliges guardians and foster parents to pay for the assigned living space. Payment information is reflected in the guardians' reports. Guardians must take measures to recalculate the amount for certain types of utilities. Chapter 4 obliges the efficient use of assigned housing in the absence of a child there - to sublet it; - on the basis of a lease agreement, - transfer to trust management. Funds received as a result of the execution of contracts are transferred to the personal account of the children and are also reflected in the guardians’ reports. Chapter 5 describes the procedure for taking measures to prevent illegal transactions with assigned residential premises. The guardianship authority issues preliminary permission for the disposal of property and organizes interdepartmental interaction with the registry office so that there are no illegal transactions. In Chapter 6, a procedure has been adopted to prevent illegal entry into assigned residential premises. Without the permission of the guardianship authority, all transactions with residential premises are prohibited. In case of illegal entry into this housing, you must immediately inform the guardianship and trusteeship authority. One year before the child turns 18, as well as one year before the end of his stay in an educational institution, prepare living quarters for the child to return to home. I would like to say that when receiving passports for children, we do not forget to include them in the republican list of those in need of housing, but to do this, you need to check again whether your child has citizenship. The deadline for inclusion in the list is very short, so we don’t delay in collecting documents.

In addition, on the fourth item of the agenda, Natalya Viktorovna provided information on how to correctly fill out the annual report of guardians. In which she once again reminded us of the timely submission of reports, correct execution, targeted spending of funds and correct documentation. It is gratifying that all guardians submitted their reports for 2016 on time. Reports can already be submitted in December, form the documents correctly, the amounts may exceed the funds for child support, but they cannot be less than the amounts we have listed.


  1. Take into account the information provided by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  2. We recommend that guardians (trustees) whose children have the right to receive alimony strengthen their work with the bailiff service and open separate savings books for accumulating alimony.
  3. Recommend that guardians (trustees) take a more responsible approach to the safety of residential premises assigned to children and the protection of the property rights of their wards.
  4. All guardians (trustees) should bring photographs of their wards to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to place them in the personal files of the children under their care.
  5. All guardians (trustees) must monitor the terms of social contracts. hiring, subhiring, temporary registration of children at the guardian’s place of residence.
  6. Guardians whose children own residential premises must enter into sublease agreements together with the guardianship authorities.