Natural rejuvenation system Revitonics - fitness exercises for the face, neck and posture. Revitonics. A detailed video course of basic exercises from Natalia Osminina, Anastasia Dubinskaya. Reviews from doctors

What woman, noticing the first signs of aging on her face, begins to dream of non-surgical rejuvenation? And it’s absolutely free too. At first glance, it seems that such a desire is from the realm of fantasy, but in fact there is nothing unrealizable in it. You just need to start regularly doing sculptural fitness, and the result will immediately be reflected in the mirror.

Today we will talk about one of the many sets of exercises for skin rejuvenation, namely the revitonics system. About who created it, what can be achieved with its help and how to properly perform such gymnastics at home.

How it all began

The revitonics program was developed in the mid-nineties by Natalya Osminina, a Russian woman with Lithuanian citizenship, the author of several books on the theory and practice of facial rejuvenation. She has more than two dozen different methods for restoring muscle structures, including this self-modeling system, which has no analogues in the whole world. It came to Russia several years ago, but in Europe and, among other things, in the Baltic states it has been popular for a long time.

So, revitonics is a kind of fitness for the skin, affecting the facial and skeletal muscles of the face and neck and giving an amazing rejuvenating effect.

Many compare the effect of revitonics with the result of plastic surgery. It allows you to pay attention to every muscle, even the smallest one.

When performed systematically, such exercises make it possible to:

  • bring facial muscles to natural tone;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • remove swelling and bags under the eyes;
  • improve complexion;
  • get rid of a double chin;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • reduce rashes;
  • model the oval of the face;
  • solve the problem of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • restore softness and smoothness of the skin.

Moreover, this facial fitness is suitable for absolutely all women, allowing you to look a good ten years younger.

Three types of exercises

This type of fitness is divided into three categories: liquid, sculptural and vacuum.

Liquid fitness

By this we mean a creamy product that is designed to properly nourish and moisturize the skin, making the structure of the face better. For greater effectiveness, it is better to use it with a mesoscooter, gently massaging the face and helping the valuable substances penetrate deep into the tissue.

Sculptural Fitness

This is osteopathic gymnastics for the face, described in detail in one of Osminina’s books entitled “Resurrection of the Face, or an Ordinary Miracle.” You can also read about the causes of age-related skin aging. You need to do the exercises indicated in the book for half an hour a day, and then the results will not keep you waiting.

Anti-aging exercises are described in the book “Resurrection of the Face”

Vacuum fitness

It is a facial massage with vacuum cans of different sizes. There are three of them in the set. The smallest one is designed to work on the nose and lips, as well as the area around the eyes. The medium jar is used to affect larger areas, but the larger one can affect the strongest facial muscles and help delicately cleanse the skin.

There are special courses where you can take training in the revitonics program. After all, to work successfully, you need to have a good understanding of anatomy, understand the principle of muscle function and the main causes of aging. There are also many videos published on the Internet demonstrating how to do the exercises correctly at home. In addition, you can get acquainted with Natalia Osminina’s system and the facial fitness she developed from her books.

Indications and contraindications

Revitonics is indicated for ladies of any age and with any skin type. It can be practiced not only if there are obvious signs of wilting, but also to prevent aging.

You should not engage in revitonics before the age of 16.

However, there are a number of contraindications:

  • lymphatic diseases;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin of the face;
  • oncology and neuropathy;
  • disorders of brain activity;
  • bad feeling.

Also, girls under 16 years old should not do these exercises.

Before developing the revitonics program, Natalya Osminina, a design engineer by training, had been working with the musculoskeletal structure for more than 20 years. She also simultaneously studied quantum psychobiology, bioengineering recreation, energy practices and other disciplines that revealed the psychological and biological secrets of skin aging.

As a result of many years of practice, it was revealed that the main causes of aging are muscle spasm, swelling and fascial traction.

Spasm is a tense state of muscles that lose tone. In this state, they increase, stretching the skin, which is gradually reflected on the face in the form of sagging.

Swelling leads to a disease called lymphostasis, that is, lymph stagnates under the skin, which impairs the blood supply to the cells and the supply of oxygen to them, which, again, leads to sagging skin and the deposition of fat on the cheeks and chin.

Fascia is a kind of connective membrane of muscles, their “packaging”, due to which they are connected to each other, forming the human muscular skeleton. When, for some reason, pain occurs in the face or neck, the fascia is pulled into this place and pulls its fellows. Accordingly, muscles and skin are also stretched.

Revitonics can relieve women from the effects of fascial traction, remove lymphostasis and help relax and restore muscles.

At the same time, the attitude with which the young lady approaches the exercises is very important. The internal state should be comfortable, you need to have a positive attitude towards fitness, in the process visualizing how much it can affect your face and eliminate skin imperfections. Then rejuvenation will go much faster and give a much more impressive effect. You need to exercise daily.

We wish you success in the fight against skin aging!

It is widely believed that facial aging is mainly expressed in wrinkles and folds on the skin, its sagging and loss of elasticity. This is a primitive and superficial view. There are about 60 muscles hidden under the skin, which are attached to 29 bones of the skull. Change starts there, within. And the skin is just the last bastion, losing ground under the pressure of deformation and drying out of the facial muscle corset, poor posture, spasms and tensions caused by stress.

This approach allowed us to take a broader look at the aging process and develop a revolutionary rejuvenation technique that has no analogues in terms of effectiveness and stability of results.

"Revitonika" is a scientific and practical method of rejuvenation and appearance correction, based on:

  • equalizing the tension of skeletal and facial muscles;
  • restoration of lymphatic drainage;
  • relieving spasms of the muscles of the face and neck by regulating emotional tension.

The method is based on 3 scientifically proven principles:

1. Incorrect posture, especially in the cervicothoracic region, directly increases facial deformations (Thomas W. Myers, 2012, Le Louarn C., Buthiau D., Buis J., 2007, etc.). Thus, spasms of the trapezius and occipital muscles trigger excitation of the frontal muscle, stimulating the appearance of wrinkles and creases and provoking frontotemporal headaches (Petrov K.B., Mitichkina T.V., 2010).

2. Facial aging is based on tension in the facial muscles and associated deformation of the facial covering. Analysis of the patients' condition shows that visually assessed age-related changes depend on the degree of shortening, tension and spasm of the facial muscles. (Le Louarn C., Buthiau D., 2007, Mingazova L.R., 2005).

3. A negative emotional background increases tension in the facial and neck muscles (V. Volov, 2014). The mechanisms of psychological defense and protective behavior form “muscle armor” and muscle patterns, expressed in the tension of various muscles (W. Reich, 2000). Experienced anxiety and fear lead to tension in the muscles of the neck, back and abdomen, tight breathing, stiffness of movement, and stooping (Thomas W. Myers, 2012). Emotional tension is also localized at the level of the facial muscles - in the area of ​​facial and masticatory muscles.

Revitonica system

“Revitonika” is a set of techniques and exercises for systematic training to launch the rejuvenation process and restore impaired body functions. Participants carry out independent work to equalize the balance of the front and back surfaces of the body, establish lymphatic drainage, lift the face, restore the capillary network and reduce swelling of the supracranial aponeurosis.

The scientific development of the method is carried out on the basis of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine under the Moscow Department of Health.

Practical activities are carried out at the School of Natural Rejuvenation “Revitonika” (medical license LO-77-01-011603) on Leninsky Prospekt. Since 2010, Anastasia Dmitrievna Dubinskaya has been the head of the school. The school staff consists of doctors, medical massage specialists, specialists in the field of physical education, and psychologists. Currently, the Revitonics method has been mastered by about 20,000 people around the world.

In 2011, the results of approbation of Sculptural Fitness for the face were obtained at the Center for Rehabilitation and Kinesiotherapy “KINESIO” (the head of the approbation is a doctor of restorative medicine, surgeon Viktor Vladimirovich Kravchenko). According to research, sculptural fitness “Revitonika” is a universal method for preventing cervical osteochondrosis, reducing gravitational ptosis of the lower third of the face, restoring a clear separation between the neck and jaw line, and getting rid of fat deposits in the jaw area. Face and neck lifting is noted as a result of exercises in the vast majority of people undergoing testing.

Differences from other rejuvenation methods

The absence of surgical intervention and associated injuries distinguishes Revitonics from plastic surgery. "Revitonika" acts not on the consequences of age-related changes, but on their cause, prolonging and restoring the natural youth of the face and neck. "Revitonika" keeps the face mobile and alive, with unique individual features. Fitness exercises for the face do not require a recovery period, and the risk of complications is eliminated. One set of exercises can restore youth to several areas at once, which is unattainable with plastic surgery. "Revitonika" triggers the body's self-renewal mechanisms, improving not only the aesthetic appearance, but also your health in general. The method is effective where surgery is powerless: in restoring the shape of the chin, the youthful angle of the jaw, and lengthening the neck.

Unlike any other facial gymnastics, Revitonics is based on knowledge about the biomechanics of aging. The method takes into account the differences between muscle types and suggests working with them in different ways. We are against exercises aimed at pumping up the muscles of the face and neck, as this has nothing to do with their youth.

The advantage of “Revitonika” over the use of cosmetic products is that the method is completely hypoallergenic, because it does not involve the use of foreign agents. Our skin receives from the body a unique cocktail of trace elements, enzymes, nutrients and vitamins, which is produced directly by your body. “Revitonika” classes restore the body’s ability to nourish the skin of the face, of course, in combination with the right diet.

Face and neck lifting: anatomical basis of the “Revitonika” method

Our body is anatomically structured by connective tissue - fascia. Fascia is a stretchy connective tissue that envelops your muscles, organs, blood vessels and nerves, and, along with aponeuroses, the entire body under the layer of skin.

From a physiological point of view, the fascial complex can be defined as an integral communication system of the body. By controlling muscle tension, fascia entangles our entire body, connecting the head and face with distant parts of the limbs (Fig. 2). A deep understanding of internal relationships, based on diagrams of fascial chains, makes it possible not only to understand the causes of most age-related changes, but also to model our face, change its features and shape, and consciously participate in the process of its rejuvenation.

Figure 1. Fascia of the face and neck

Every “age-related” problem has a cause in the form of a complex fascial disorder of the body. And answers to the questions: Why did wrinkles form on the forehead? Why did nasolabial folds appear? Why did the eyebrows droop and the clear contours of the face oval get lost? do not lie at all in the plane of cosmetology working with facial skin. The face is a natural extension of the body, so most of the causes of age-related changes in the face are precisely in the imbalance of skeletal muscles, the front and back surfaces of the body, the condition of the musculoskeletal system, posture, and neck statics.

For example, one of the most common culprits in the formation of double chins and facial swelling is often spasm (hypertonicity) of the occipital muscle group, which contributes to the disruption of the outflow of fluids and their accumulation in tissues.

By working through the balance of fascial tension, restoring posture, neck statics, blood and lymph flow, we are able to give a new stimulus to the body’s self-regulation mechanisms, and thus get rid of many “age-related” defects. Long-term practice demonstrates that those who practice the “Revitonika” system experience a clear improvement in the statics of the spine, a reduction in hyperlordosis and kyphosis, torsion and other problems of the musculoskeletal system, and as a result, restoration of the balance of the facial muscles, the return of youthful features and proportions.

Figure 2. Fistia of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the body

Development of the method. Massage techniques.

SOEL(Stress Obliteration @ Effective Face Lift) is a method of neuromuscular relaxation that works not only with muscle tension, but also reduces emotional tension. Based on the principle of facial feedback (R. Ekman, R. Levinson, W. Friesen, 1983). The method has been used at the Revitonika clinic on Leninsky Prospekt for more than 4 years.

It is well known that a negative emotional background plays a separate role in the formation of tension in the facial and neck muscles. The experienced emotions of fear are consolidated in the skeletal muscles, which is expressed in constant stooping, tension in the muscle structures of the neck, back and abdomen, constricted breathing, stiffness of movements. Muscle tension is localized on the level of the facial muscles - in the area of ​​facial and masticatory muscles.

Of course, the main female weapon is beauty, which, no matter how sad it may be, disappears over the years. The skin becomes flabby, elasticity is lost, folds and wrinkles appear, and the facial contour loses its shape. However, age is not a sentence, since a beautiful, youthful appearance is accessible to every woman if she strives for it. One of the secrets, or even the magic key, that opens the door to youth is revitonics, which has been practiced for several decades. This article is dedicated to the description of a specific anti-aging event.

Fitness revitonics - what is it?

It is necessary to start with the fact that sooner or later the skin of the face becomes soft, flabby, wrinkles and other signs of aging appear, and for this reason every woman strives to stop degenerative processes. Some use skincare cosmetics for these purposes, applying creams and tonics to the skin, while others visit salons in order to achieve maximum results using physiotherapeutic procedures. The most desperate even go under the knife, using plastic surgery as an anti-aging tool.

However, few people know that there are more effective and safe methods that not only improve the condition of the skin and facial contours in general, but also stimulate internal metabolic processes that are responsible for rejuvenation. Revitonics is one of these techniques of eternal beauty. Speaking in general terms, revitonics is a facial massage, which is a set of special exercises aimed at correcting appearance.

It should be noted that these are not just exercises that make you look good - such a statement would be misleading. This is a completely unique rejuvenating, and most importantly healing program, built on the principle of activating the internal potential of the body, as a result of which metabolic processes are normalized, the synthesis of restorative components is improved and the nutrition of the integument is improved.

Revitonics exercises are carried out independently at home, although you can resort to the help of specialists. As part of the procedure, special points are massaged according to the principle of energy centers, and the load is also distributed in a special way to certain muscle groups. Only if the muscles of the face and neck are in good shape will the skin have a pleasant, toned contour and color.

Revitonics system by Natalia Osminina

It is important to note that such an event as revitonics facial fitness is the “brainchild” of Natalia Osminina, who developed it in the first half of the 90s. At that time, the future innovator was looking for the secret of eternal youth, being a specialist in the field of hardware cosmetology. And by the will of fate, Natalya opens her own business and begins a practice that spreads throughout Western Europe, and then comes to Eastern Europe.

Revitonics took root in our country not so long ago, since the method underwent clinical trials for a long time, during which the benefits of the procedure for the face were studied. It is important to note here that the described procedure is virtually harmless, and therefore it is very difficult to come across negative reviews related to revitonics.

The author claims that the true cause of aging is not skin problems at all, here it’s the other way around, skin problems are a consequence. The root cause is a spasm of muscle tissue, as a result of which kinks, wrinkles and sagging appear on the face. Thus, if you tone your facial muscles, you can forget about the signs of age that scare every girl so much.

The basic course that Natalya describes consists of ten classic exercises, each of which has a specific meaning and is aimed at combating specific problems. The main types of massage effects will be described in more detail in the following paragraphs, but it is important to understand what levers Natalia Osminina’s system affects.

The first problem that can be solved using revitonics as the main cosmetic and therapeutic tool is stagnation of fluid in the cells. Due to stagnation of fluid, the nutrition of the skin, muscles and other tissues in the body is disrupted, as well as swelling of the face and bruises under the eyes. The described system is used for fascial traction (damage to the soft surface of the muscles connecting them to each other). And of course, a specific method is most relevant when fighting muscle spasms.

Types of gymnastics for the face revitonics

Revitonics has several directions that can be implemented simultaneously, and therefore this method of physiotherapeutic influence can be divided into two types:

  • sculptural fitness;
  • vacuum fitness.

Sculptural revitonics is a set of gymnastic exercises that allow you to concentrate the impact on the muscles of the face and neck. A complex of such processes allows you to use every muscle, first toning it, and then relaxing it, relieving spasm, swelling, edema and inflammation. These manipulations are designed to stimulate blood flow to the skin and improve cellular respiration of the integument.

The vacuum type of revitonics is instrumental, since its implementation requires special devices that allow creating a vacuum. Using these effects, you can significantly improve subcutaneous blood circulation and, accordingly, stimulate the nutrition of the integument. The peculiarity of these targeted cosmetic processes makes it possible to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which is characterized by a significant effect.

The main tools of the described type of revitonics are vacuum jars of different sizes, which makes it possible to solve various cosmetic problems. Small jars are designed to treat small areas, such as lips, nose, and the area around the eyes. Medium therapeutic cups make it possible to restore the orbicularis oris muscle, cheekbones, etc. Accordingly, the largest size of special devices allows you to smooth out wrinkles and stimulate the largest muscles of the face.

A set of exercises for cheekbones, lips, skin around the eyes and forehead

There are a number of special exercises that allow you to achieve the desired result. With the help of revitonics, you can raise your cheekbones, lips, eyebrows, and how to do this will be discussed further. The main exercise is stretching the supra- and sublabial folds. To implement it, you will need to place your index fingers above your lip in the center and pull your fingers towards the corners of your mouth, stretching the skin. The skin under the lower lip is stretched in the same way.

Next, you need to use your thumb and index finger to tighten the skin of the eyebrow, taking it in the center from above and below. The skin should be tightened slightly, holding it in this position for about 30 seconds. Then the eyebrow is stretched in reverse and held in the same way for 30 seconds, which allows you to properly tighten the skin above the eyes.

Video lesson of revitonics for the muscles of the neck and chin

This particular video is a demonstration material that is dedicated to face-building carried out through exercises. After reviewing the video, you can get a visual aid that will allow you to perform the exercises correctly, which will make it possible to significantly rejuvenate your skin and tighten your facial contours.

Video: vacuum cupping facial massage

After reading this video, you can get all the necessary information regarding facial rejuvenation using procedures using cosmetic cups. The author describes and demonstrates the process of carrying out this event, revealing in detail the essence of the method.

What are the contraindications?

The peculiarity of revitonics, as an effective cosmetic measure, is that these processes cannot cause any harm to the body. On the contrary, the described approach allows us to solve many clinical problems. However, despite a number of beneficial effects, there are some contraindications that should be taken into account when resorting to facial fitness:

  • acne and purulent rashes on the face;
  • exacerbation of some dermatological chronic ailments;
  • oncological diseases;
  • ailments associated with damage to the nervous system and blood circulation;
  • It is not advisable to use revitonics for persons under the age of sixteen.

Doctors' opinion

According to doctors, revitonics is an effective physiotherapeutic method that allows you to solve many cosmetic problems that arise with age in all people. This is the only effective approach that is absolutely valid, safe and approved by health authorities in many countries, which truly improves the condition of the skin and face as a whole. It is for this reason that many cosmetology clinics practice revitonics as a rehabilitation and therapeutic method of influence.

Photos before and after exercises at home

Using revitonics exercises at home, you can achieve significant changes in appearance. After just a few sessions, wrinkles begin to smooth out, the oval of the face is tightened, and skin color improves. It should also be noted that this particular method makes it possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, tighten drooping corners of the lips and eyes, and of course improve the condition of the skin.

Revitonics includes exercises, with the help of which you can perfectly work out all groups of facial muscles and neck to increase tone, improve skin condition and tighten the oval of the face. Of course, today dozens of different complexes with exercises are successfully used to rejuvenate the face and eliminate a double chin. However, let's not forget that to strengthen the facial muscles (as well as to strengthen any muscle groups), it is useful to change one exercise to another from time to time, vary the intensity of movements and load. In short, muscles should not get used to monotonous activities and revitonics will definitely find a place on your list of anti-aging facial procedures.

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Revitonics includes both basic exercises for general strengthening of facial muscles and improving skin condition, as well as basic exercises for more thorough treatment of problem areas of the face. Such home gymnastics stimulates the work of all facial muscles, many of which are practically not strained in everyday life.

But revitonics helps fight not only the signs of aging on the face in adulthood. For example, a woman strictly follows a diet, runs to lose weight, and goes to the gym. The desired results do not take long to arrive and you have lost extra pounds and your figure has become slimmer. But after burning excess fat, the face often looks haggard, haggard and the cheeks sag. Even expression lines are more clearly visible on the skin. Therefore, we highly recommend doing at least a basic set of exercises at home to strengthen the muscular frame of the face and keep the skin smooth and elastic.

The obvious benefits of revitonics also include a long-term lifting effect if you perform the exercises regularly and correctly. Popular and quite expensive cosmetic procedures (cryomassage, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, Botox injections) give a temporary effect, after which you need to visit the cosmetologist’s office again.

The main causes of deterioration in appearance and early aging include muscle spasm, swelling and fascial traction. And with the help of revitonics you can successfully combat these causes. A set of exercises helps relieve spasms in the facial muscles and completely relax, promoting rapid recovery. Revitonics helps improve the outflow of accumulated intercellular fluid, which will help get rid of swelling and dark circles, and reduce bags under the eyes. Fascia (muscle sheaths) are often tightened in certain areas of the muscle frame, and special exercises relieve fascial tension after just a few procedures.


To achieve the maximum lifting effect, in addition to performing a set of facial exercises, do massage movements. Change your technique from month to month. Below are some options:

study face building, performing 12-14 exercises every day within a month. As part of this course do a honey massage once every two days . After the course, be sure to take a week break.

We do 15-17 exercises daily to tighten the oval of the face and eliminate wrinkles within a month. Let's alternate massage with tablespoons And vacuum massage with cups (every other day) .

❷ before practicing revitonics, remove makeup and treat your skin with moisturizer;

❸ do the exercises while sitting in front of a mirror, with your back perfectly straight;

❹ if you want to visually reduce the volume of a wide face, then do weight loss exercises while exhaling;

❺ after revitonics, wash your face with cold water and apply nourishing cream to your facial skin;

❻ in addition to revitonics, it is important to properly organize skin care, using those suitable for your skin type

“Time is a good doctor, but a very bad cosmetologist.” Every disease has its own causes. Knowing these reasons is the main key to healing. Old age is no exception. This is also a disease. The path to youth is not opened by expensive cosmetics. It lies through eliminating the true causes of old age. It is this idea that underlies the concept of the well-known rejuvenation system - Revitonics.

Causes of aging. Revitonics opinion

Our face is the whole world. More than 100 muscles and 29 cranial bones are responsible for its unique appearance. It is by the type of attachment of the former to the latter that the facial and masticatory muscles of the face and neck are distinguished. All muscles shorten with age, worsening the appearance of the face, but each type does this differently.

Facial muscles connect the skin to bones and other muscles. As they dry out, they pull the skin along with them. And the skin, losing its ability to resist this process with age, sags. Wrinkles around the mouth, on the forehead, bridge of the nose, chin, nasolabial folds - all these are consequences of deformations of the facial muscles.

Facial muscles

The muscles of mastication connect bones to bones. As they age, the shape of their face becomes deformed. The line of the jaw and chin changes. The oval of the face becomes unclear. In general, the proportions of the head are off.

How to get rid of such consequences? Sculptural fitness Revitonics allows you to independently launch natural rejuvenation. You can restore the correct anatomical shape of the muscle corset. This is possible if you relax your facial muscles, relieve spasms and tension. As a result, the oval will acquire a clear contour, wrinkles and nasolabial folds will disappear, and the skin texture will be restored.

A little history

The history of the emergence of the Revitonics system is ambiguous. The authorship, according to different sources, belongs to two different women. But let's try to go through the facts and chronology. Natalya Borisovna Osminina became known for her research in this direction in 1994 in Lithuania. For more than 10 years, the author conducted various tests, developed her experience, working with hundreds of women. The innovative technique has received scientific justification and public recognition. In European countries: Sweden, Germany, Italy, Israel, it has become especially popular.

In 2009, Natalya Osminina began collaborating with Russian expert in the field of anti-aging massage Anastasia Dmitrievna Dubinskaya. Together with her, they created a whole direction, a school with a rich methodological base. Russian women learned this technique already under the name “Revitonika” in 2010. During this period, the technique was distributed as a set of teaching aids, atlases, packaged in an elegant box.

Natalia Osminina

The first school was opened in 2012 in Moscow, on Mira Avenue. The founder of the school is Anastasia Dubinskaya. Here the first trainers were trained, basic complexes and exercises were worked out and adapted.

The Revitonics system appeared in the format of electronic video courses in 2013. These were not yet online courses, but users already had significant freedom in implementing the methodology. In the same year, the school entered into a partnership with the Beauty Institute on Arbat.

From 2013 to 2015, branches and representative offices began to open throughout the country. Instructors, trainers, as well as specialists in beauty salons were trained everywhere.

From 2015 to the present, the main office of the Revitonika school is located at Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, building 30.

At the same time, Dubinskaya and Osminina stop collaborating. Anastasia remains the leader and founder of the Revitonics school. Natalya Borisovna leaves school completely and further continues to develop her technique, giving it the name Osmionics.

Revitonics. Objectives, principles, results

Natalia Osminina's Revitonics, as a rejuvenation system, is based on the scientific and practical principles of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, quantum physics, etc. Revitonics considers the elimination of the causes of old age to be the principle of natural rejuvenation.


  1. Balance of tension of facial and chewing muscles;
  2. Stimulation of natural lymphatic drainage;
  3. Relaxation of the muscles of the face and neck due to improved psycho-emotional state;
  4. The complex affects the entire body, improving both its external and internal condition.

Self-modeling of the body and face using revitonics gives amazing results:

For body:

  • Restoring balance;
  • Posture alignment.

For face shape:

  • Restoration of the oval;
  • Recreating the contour of the chin;
  • Reducing swelling;
  • Return of the young devils.

For the neck:

  • Increase in length;
  • Elimination of the “double chin” defect;
  • Reduction of fat deposits on the chin;
  • Elimination of "withers";
  • Reducing the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis.

For skin:

  • Reduction or complete elimination of wrinkles;
  • Restoration of blood circulation;
  • Improving skin color and texture;
  • Restoration of collagen fibers.


Revitonics is scientifically proven and brings undeniable benefits. But despite this, there are a number of factors that impose serious restrictions on its use.

To find out, consult your doctor if you have:

  1. Autoimmune diseases;
  2. Problems with the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism);
  3. Skin diseases;
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system, including chronic ones;
  5. Other systemic diseases.
  6. Revitonics cannot eliminate external deficiencies caused by illness in the body.
  7. For example, edema caused by renal failure. Manipulations with such areas
  8. may cause their condition to worsen.

Physical impact on the skin is strictly prohibited if you have the following health problems:

  1. Hypertension;
  2. Diseases of the blood and blood vessels;
  3. Injuries to the head, neck, back;
  4. Warts, eczema, psoriasis;
  5. Osteoporosis;
  6. Oncology, diabetes, immune system diseases;
  7. Inflammation of the facial nerve;
  8. Mental illnesses.

Rules for performing Revitonics techniques

Gymnastics for the face and neck are organized in such a way that some of the techniques can be performed at home (basic complex). They are available in online courses and marathons. And some methods included in the full complex can be practiced strictly in the presence of specialists, and this is only possible during face-to-face training.

Execution order.

Where to start? Despite the fact that the Revitonics method has many types of exercises, they all have common principles:

  1. 30-second muscle contraction to relax them;
  2. Even work with the internal muscles to return them to their original length;
  3. The manual self-modeling system is completed by fixing the muscles in the correct position for 2-5 seconds.

Revitonics - a basic set of exercises

Osminina’s technique, which can be done independently at home, consists of:

  • Alignment exercises for the spine, neck, back;
  • Sculpting facial fitness;
  • Lymphatic drainage technique;
  • Vacuum massage.

An integrated approach to performing exercises will ensure rejuvenation of the entire body and eliminate visible body defects. Following the recommendations of the author of the Revitonic method, N.B. Osminina, we will begin to consider the basic exercises of this rejuvenating complex.

Straighten your shoulders: Revitonics for the spine, neck, back

The condition of the spine and neck directly affects a person’s appearance and the youth of our face. By slouching, we lower our shoulders forward and down. The back muscles become weaker. In addition, we stretch the skin on the back. And in front, accordingly, the skin sags. Correct posture is the first place to start.

The neck is the bridge connecting the head to the body. Through it, the face receives everything it needs: nutrients, air. Neck spasms, shortening, and improper positioning reduce the quality of skin nutrition and impair lymphatic drainage. As a result, the appearance of the face deteriorates and swelling appears.

Exercises for the neck and back are the main ones in the Revitonics complex. This stage is very important, because without it further facial practices are meaningless.
By correcting your posture, straightening your shoulders, and restoring the tone of your neck muscles, you will tighten the skin on your entire body. Your appearance will change for the better. The process of natural rejuvenation will begin.

Revitonics for posture

There are different techniques to correct posture and open the thoracic spine. In this article we will examine two of them step by step.

Exercise "Sail"

What will you achieve:

  • The thoracic spine will open.
  • Correction of posture and elimination of stoop.
  • The arm muscles will become toned.
  • Natural lymphatic drainage will start.

Exercise “Zero Gravity”

In order for your face to stop sagging, you need to reduce the effects of gravity. In the absence of defects in the musculoskeletal system and while maintaining correct posture, this is possible.

What will you achieve:

  • Reduced gravitational forces;
  • Correct posture.

Exercise with a special roller

A useful technique that reduces back pain, reduces swelling, and helps you lose weight. You can make a roller yourself or buy a special one at the pharmacy.

Revitonics for the neck

Posterolateral surface. Exercise "Hanger"

What will you achieve:

  1. Neck lengthening;
  2. Beautiful transition line to the shoulder;
  3. Improves blood circulation;
  4. Reducing pain in osteochondrosis.

Neck exercise “Frame”

The frame relieves spasms on the front surface of the neck. Tensions in this area of ​​the spinal column impede blood flow and natural lymphatic drainage in the facial area.

You will achieve:

  1. Lengthening the front surface of the neck;
  2. Reducing the depth of transverse wrinkles on the neck, tightening the oval of the face;
  3. Release of lymph ducts, activation of the outflow of excess fluid from tissues;
  4. Elimination of double chin.

Exercise to get rid of the “computer neck” effect

People who work a lot at the computer often experience the problem of a protruded neck (computer neck). Symptoms of this defect include pain in the shoulders, back and neck. In addition, due to the displacement of the skull, the load on the spinal column increases: for every 2.5 cm, 5 kg is added. This leads to facial deformation. It is necessary to perform an exercise to straighten the neck every day.

Exercise “Ideal neck”

You will achieve:

  • Increased head rotation angle;
  • Relaxation of the neck muscles.

Revitonics: facial exercises

Revitonics restores youth by working comprehensively with the entire face. The technique helps to relax and stretch all the facial muscles.

The eyebrow wrinkle will disappear from your face. Exercise will not only help smooth your skin, but also improve your sleep. You will fall asleep and wake up easier, your sleep will become stronger. As a result, you will get a better quality rest.

Relaxing the forehead, raising the eyebrows

Self-massage is convenient to perform in the morning, while lying in bed, and also in the evening - before bed.

You can also continue gymnastics while lying down.

Revitonics for eyes

The eyes are the part of the face that primarily reveals age. To slow down aging, it is necessary to rehabilitate this area. To do this, you need to regularly perform eye exercises.

Enlargement of the orbit at the inner corner of the eye

Perform the technique for each eye separately, starting with the left.

Effect: youth, radiance of eyes.

Effect: eyes wide open.

Revitonics for lips

It is the desire to have beautiful lips that most pushes women to get injections. But injections are not the only way out. Appropriate Revitonics techniques will help turn back time and make this part of the face younger and more beautiful.

The technique will help lift the corners of the lips, making their shape more expressive and attractive.

What will you achieve:

  • Restoration of the cheek tissue;
  • Relaxation of the muscles around the nose;
  • Reduction of nasolabial folds.

Exercise to relax the muscles that lift the ala nasi and upper lip

The treatment improves lymphatic drainage in the nasolabial area and removes swelling.

Revitonics for facelift

An elastic oval face and smooth cheeks, this is the result that the “Scream” exercise gives. The goal is to put the jaw in the correct position by relieving spasms of the corresponding muscles. In order to start performing this technique, you need to determine your type of facial aging. In short:

  1. The first type of aging is the age-related appearance of jowls.
  2. The second type of aging is age-related lifting of the chin.

Classic “Scream” technique for the first type of biomechanical aging of the face

It will help restore the desired “angle of youth” and correctly position the tissues of the masticatory muscle.

Exercise “Scream” for the second type of facial aging

  1. Place your palms on your face with your fingers pointing from your chin to the outer edge of your eye. The palm should be pressed along the entire jaw arch.
  2. Direct the lower jaw forward and slightly upward, following the existing deformation, strengthening it. Hold the tension for 30 seconds.
  3. We return the lower jaw to its original position and immediately back to the maximum. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

Passive “scream” for all types of facial aging

The safest way to perform the technique, but no less effective.
The exercise can be performed with your mouth open or closed.

Attention! The modern school of Revitonics A. Dubinskaya excluded the “Scream” technique from the available video courses. The exercise is given only in face-to-face classes due to the complexity of its implementation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that it be carried out in the presence of a qualified instructor.

Lymphatic drainage technique Revitonics

Revitonics offers an interesting way to start morning lymphatic drainage. Every morning, do about 100 frequent and low jumps on your toes. The heels touch the floor. Bouncing should be light, at a rhythm that is comfortable for you, and not cause discomfort. During the process, you can take breaks to rest.

This technique engages the lymphatic system and helps reduce swelling in the legs and face.

Vacuum therapy

Revitonica vacuum therapy involves the use of special jars of different sizes. The massage begins with large diameter jars. Then he gradually moves on to smaller jars. And ends with the smallest ones.

The following preparations are required for this technique:

  1. Facial cleansing;
  2. Moisturizing with suitable cream or oil;
  3. Careful study, adherence to the methodology and work only in the right directions.