We “read” the character by the shape and size of the lips. Thin lips Plump lips small mouth

Along with the eyes, the mouth is the most expressive part of the face. The science of physiognomy allows one to determine a person’s internal energy by the size and shape of the mouth. A large mouth and drooping corners of the lips indicate a strong will, that is, it is difficult to influence such a person. Although the opinion regarding the corners of the mouth is quite ambiguous. Charles Darwin, for example, believed that drooping corners of the mouth indicate a tearful mood or depression. According to another opinion, the owner of a small arched mouth with slightly drooping corners is sentimental and vulnerable. The raised corners of the lips correspond to a simple-minded, conscientious and mentally gifted nature.
According to physiognomists, a small mouth indicates a weak character and concern in the struggle for survival. The Japanese, for example, are attracted to large mouths in men and small mouths in women. A woman with a big mouth is considered courageous, and strong-willed men really don’t like this.

It has been noticed that tightly compressed lips and clenched teeth indicate a person’s persistence. A tightly closed mouth is about purposefulness and determination. On the contrary, an open mouth, especially with a drooping lower jaw, expresses a decrease in mental activity. A symmetrical, undistorted mouth opening indicates balanced emotions.

In a word, we can say that a large mouth is evidence of courage and at the same time deceitfulness, a small one - timidity, as well as modesty, a compressed mouth - hardness, an open mouth - stupidity.

Also, great importance in physiognomy is attached to the size, shape and color of the lips. Representatives of different schools of physiognomists interpret it differently. For example, according to one school, thick and large lips speak of mockery and intelligence, thin and small lips speak of deceit and deceit. Fat upper lip- about injustice, the long lower lip - about amorousness and reason. Lips with a heart signify determination and activity, while retracted lips signify gullibility and a bad state of affairs.

According to another school of physiognomists, they differ various types lips, mainly in women:

Bow lips are the most feminine. They indicate charm, coquetry, sensuality and at the same time insincerity and deceit. For men, this is a sign of vanity and frivolity;

Lively, talkative people have juicy lips, open people who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation and are distinguished by their temperament and sensuality;

Small lips - tender, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty;

Thin lips- cold but charming. They reveal a passionate, very tender nature, but sometimes too restrained. It is difficult to captivate such a person; in any situation he is eloquent and witty. Tough people who are capable of meanness have lips that are too thin;

Harmonious lips - finely drawn and somewhat ironic, may belong to a poetess and intellectual who knows how to combine reality with sentimentality;

Asymmetrical lips - due to the large upper lip, belong to a domineering, dry person with a rational mind and devoid of emotions. If the lower lip is pursed, this indicates impotence in men and frigidity in women;

Thick (plump) lips are at the same time a sign of sensuality and strength of character, the distinctive features of which are excellent self-control, unshakable calm and the need for pleasure.

In the same way, by the shape of the mouth, or more precisely by the bend of the lips at the moment of the kiss, you can assess the character and temperament of your chosen one or partner. The “geometry of lips” during a kiss is excellent material for serious scientific study. Back at the beginning of the 20th century. An accurate test was developed based on identifying the manner of kissing: the subject covers his lips with lipstick and, instead of pleasant lips or cheeks, “kisses” a white sheet of paper. Identification of a print of such a kiss will allow a person to learn about the character and attitude of his (or her) chosen one towards him.

Various impressions of lips at the moment of a kiss and their identification:

A - mouth in the shape of a regular circle: the partner deserves complete trust;

B - mouth in the shape of a deformed circle: attraction to you is not serious;

B - mouth in the shape of a semicircle: the partner is sincere, but without any special guarantees;

G - mouth in the shape of a deformed semicircle: promises made in the heat of the moment will be kept;

D - mouth with a straight horizontal line: a partner with a kind, big heart;

E - mouth in the shape of a torn square; sadomasochist partner;

F - horn with a deformed vertical line: a very fearful partner;

Z - lines of the mouth in the form of a regular zigzag: a partner who hates you.

– musculocutaneous folds bordering the oral cavity are insufficient in size and volume. Thin lips on the face look expressionless, unattractive, disharmonious, and are often asymmetrical. From the point of view of physiognomy, narrow and thin lips characterize their owner as an overly strict, evil, cunning, envious and selfish person. For these reasons, women with thin lips strive to correct this annoying defect of appearance in any possible way: with the help of decorative and permanent makeup, contouring, lipofilling, cheiloplasty, etc.

General information

Depending on the thickness of the muscle layer, lips are divided into convex (swollen), thick, medium and thin. If the lip tissue (mainly muscle tissue) is not sufficiently developed, we speak of thin lips. The lips are formed by two skin-muscular folds surrounding the entrance to the oral cavity - upper and lower. The thickness of the lips is created by the orbicularis oris muscle, loose connective tissue, skin and mucous membrane. Depending on the thickness of the muscle layer, lips are divided into convex (swollen), thick, medium and thin. If the lip tissue (mainly muscle tissue) is not sufficiently developed, we speak of thin lips.

The orbicularis muscle, which forms the folds of the lips, is located around the mouth. The surface of the lips is covered inside and outside with mucous membrane. The border zone of transition of the mucous membrane into the skin is called the red border of the lips. The characteristic M-shaped relief of the upper lip is called Cupid's bow. Representatives of the Negroid race are endowed with the thickest lips. Caucasians are characterized by predominantly medium and thin lips. The shape and thickness of the lips also depends on individual and age characteristics: after 25 years, the volume of the lips gradually decreases.

Thin and small lips served as the ideal of the Middle Ages, but today the concept of lip beauty has undergone significant changes. Nowadays, full, luscious lips are a sign of youth, health and sensuality. It is these lips that attract representatives of the stronger half of humanity in women.

Problems with thin lips

Flat, thin lips that do not have sufficient volume are very inexpressive. The upper lip is often straight and does not have a Cupid's bow. Thin lips are usually from birth, however, for example, smoking significantly contributes to the loss of lip volume. The tissues that make up the lips lose volume and elasticity with age, causing the lips to become smaller and thinner.

With the existing thinning of the upper lip, it is practically not noticeable. Often, the presence of a thin upper lip is a consequence of treatment for a congenital defect such as cleft lip. In this case, it is preferable to increase the volume of only one upper lip or lift it. Noticeable thinning of the lower lip is rare, and the lower lip is practically invisible. To correct a thin lower lip, lip augmentation is used.

Uneven (asymmetrical) development of the lips manifests itself in different sizes of the right and left sides of one lip. In these cases, a local augmentation of the part of the lip with missing volume is performed. The causes of lip unevenness may include congenital characteristics, lip injuries with scarring, and the consequences of treatment. cleft lip.

Methods for correcting thin lips

Cheiloplasty allows you to restore the missing volume, attractiveness and youth to thin lips. Despite the fact that cheiloplasty is considered a technically simple operation, when performing it, the surgeon needs a sense of proportion and beauty. The desired effect of cheiloplasty is to give the lips a natural shape and volume, harmonious combination them with natural facial features.

The decision to choose a cheiloplasty method is determined by the patient’s expectations and the period during which it is necessary to maintain the result. The main methods for correcting thin lips are contouring and surgical plastic surgery.

If it is necessary to carry out serious correction of the volume and shape of the lips, a radical surgical method is resorted to. Surgical plastic surgery can be performed on patients of any age. The technical essence of the operation is as follows: a small area of ​​skin is cut out above or below the lip being corrected, then the contour of the lip is corrected and the edges of the wound are sutured. Postoperative period may occur with minor pain, the postoperative wound heals after 7-10 days and becomes almost invisible.

For correction age-related changes lip contouring method is more suitable. During the aging process, the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, natural polymers that give and maintain elasticity and volume to the skin, decreases. Therefore, over the years, lips lose their elasticity and shape, and the skin around them becomes covered with a network of wrinkles. Contour plastic surgery is an injection technique for enlarging thin lips by introducing biopolymer gels, which contain: hyaluronic acid, replacing glycosaminoglycans. Injections are performed under local anesthesia in the area of ​​the middle part of the lips and corners of the mouth. After introducing the composition, lightly massage the lips so that the gel is evenly distributed in the tissues.

As a rule, the lip contouring procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and if accompanied by additional interventions, it can be performed in specialized hospital departments.

After contouring, swelling and sometimes hemorrhages remain on the lips for some time, since the blood supply to this area is very intense. There is also mild soreness and a feeling of tightness of the skin in the lip area. To speed up swelling and reduce pain, periodic application of ice to the lips is recommended on the first day after injections, and a light massage over the next 2-4 days.

A variant of contouring is lip lipofilling, in which one’s own adipose tissue is injected into the lips.

The results of lip contouring are noticeable almost immediately after the procedure, but you can finally judge them after two weeks. Sometimes after 1-1.5 months a slight decrease in lip volume may occur due to the absorption of the liquid part from the gel into the tissue. If this leads to a change in the contour of the mouth, additional contouring is performed. The cosmetic effect after contouring of thin lips lasts 6-12 months, then the gel gradually dissolves and the lips return to their natural shape, which requires repeated injections. After surgical plastic surgery lips, the result lasts almost a lifetime.

With any type of cheiloplasty, the risk of complications is extremely low – less than 1%. In a complicated course, inflammation of the sutures, thickening of the gel, and allergic reactions may occur, which can be successfully eliminated with timely treatment.

How interesting it is to make assumptions based on a person’s appearance about what kind of person is in front of you: what kind of character, habits and abilities for this or that type of activity. It turns out that there is a whole science that proves the relationship between appearance people and their inner content. Her name is physiognomy. She studies individual features of a person’s appearance. Everything matters: size, shape, individual characteristics, for example, a dimple on the cheek. In this article we will talk about how you can characterize a person who has thin lips.

Thin lips - what is the meaning, according to physiognomy?

Lips are special zone on the face. They are the ones who participate in conversation, food, kisses. It is believed that their shape and size can say a lot not only about a person’s character, but also about his sensuality. How thin lips characterize their owners:

  1. If thin lips are accompanied by a small mouth, then, most likely, in front of you is a person who is slightly insecure and tense. He will feel uncomfortable in the company of unfamiliar people and is unlikely to have the courage to propose his own ideas at a business meeting. He is very concerned about how people around him perceive him.
  2. Thin lips middle length Often possessed by people who are meticulous, pedantic, attentive to detail, but often deliberately provoke conflicts.
  3. Long lips are the companions of people who have a talent for public speaking and other areas of creativity. They also often have a passionate temperament, but try to restrain themselves so as not to cause the disapproval of others.
  4. If the upper lip hangs slightly over the lower lip, then this may be a sign of timidity and shyness.
  5. If only the upper lip is thin, and the lower one is quite plump, then this is often a sign of people who are in an eternal search for love. They are gentle, reverent and faithful partners who know how to throw firewood into the fire of passion at the right time.
  6. A thin lower lip with a plump upper lip may indicate that this is a slightly childish person who needs care and protection. Men with this sign often choose as wives women who are much older than themselves and who resemble their mothers in character. And women are looking for a rich patron who is older, so that they don’t have to deal with life’s difficulties.

Thin lips, shaped like a heart, can be a sign of a tendency to gossip, envy, selfishness, spoiledness and low intelligence.

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When determining a person’s character, physiognomists consider lips one of the most important features. After all, it is verbally that we express our thoughts, thus revealing our character and mental characteristics.

We suggest taking a close look at your lips (not just your own) and checking how accurately they reflect the owner’s personality.

Large and plump lips

People with this lip shape are simply created to take care of someone. If this is your type, then perhaps as a child you often fed stray kittens, helped at the shelter and wanted to take each pet home with you. You have a strong maternal instinct, a desire to protect and protect others. And in any stressful situation You think about others first, and then about yourself. Such people, as a rule, become the most loving and responsible parents.

The upper lip is larger than the lower lip

The owner of such lips is a drama man. Emotional, bright, charismatic and cheerful. WITH high self-esteem and the ability to win people over. Admit it, you just love being the center of attention. The brightest phrase and the funniest joke in the company is always yours. You are a real actor who can handle any image.

The lower lip is larger than the upper lip

Let's be honest: you're just not cut out for office work. And how can you sit on your butt straight when there are so many interesting things in the world! Owners of such lips know what real fun is. You vitally need energy recharge, new acquaintances, new places and impressions. They are curious, sociable and open to everything new. You are the one who leads people along towards new adventures.

Regular lips

The usual lip shape is found in balanced people, with a sound approach to solving problems of any complexity. Yours strong point- ability to listen and hear others. You accept criticism easily and respect other people's opinions. It's almost impossible to make you angry. But despite your iron steadfastness, you love to laugh and joke, and the glass is always half full for you.


People with thin lips are usually loners. Just because they like it better. They are self-sufficient and can handle any task. If you have thin lips, then you don't need an escort to go to a museum or travel to distant islands. But despite your love for solitude, you are quite comfortable in company. You quickly find mutual language with people, and you understand and appreciate those around you primarily by their actions.

Upper lip with a sharp hollow

Creative nature, creator to the tips of his fingers. Such people make excellent artists and musicians. You perfectly remember faces and names, maintain contacts with all your acquaintances and are always aware of all the latest events. You are sociable, strive for self-expression in all forms and almost always achieve high results.

Upper lip with a rounded hollow

You are a compassionate, sensitive and kind person. You take any misfortune to heart and will always find time to help others. Helping in hospitals, shelters and taking care of nature is your calling. It is on such people that our world rests.

Upper lip without hollow

The most responsible and reliable people on the planet.“Hurt yourself, but get it done” - that’s your motto. You don’t know the word “impossible,” and the deadline doesn’t scare you at all. Everything will be done accurately and on time. Relatives and friends know that they can rely on you in any situation. You are the person who can just come and solve all the problems at once.

Small plump lips (puppet lips)

People with this lip shape are flirty and alluring. The main priority for them is their own comfort. After all, if you don’t take care of yourself, no one will. When you meet such people, they seem selfish, but they are not. They are compassionate, loyal friends and the type who will always come to the rescue in times of need. They never put their interests above others and do not go over their heads. But they won’t do anything to their detriment either. It is precisely because of such principles that everything always turns out so well.

The upper lip is very thin

Owners of this lip shape have unsurpassed leadership qualities , it seems that fire flows in their veins, not blood. And that says it all. They are convincing and know how to insist on their own. A Vital energy literally overflows from them. Success is guaranteed, no matter what they undertake. However, it can be difficult for them to build love relationship, because their main principle is to be someone, and not with someone.

Lips- This is a part of a woman’s body, which has been sung by poets from all countries for centuries. After all, lips have long been considered a kind of indicator of a woman’s state of mind. A slight smile and an affectionate word falling from a woman’s tender lips easily confuses men.

The language of the lips is the language of love, bye lips don't start lying. Based on the latest research by physiognomists, it can even be argued that: by studying a person’s mouth, one can draw fairly accurate conclusions about his inner life.

Upper lip symbolizes spiritual life. Underlip– sensual.
If we talk more fully about this classification, then the upper lip correlates with a gentle feeling of warmth and comfort, with the spiritual, while the lower lip correlates with the physical, material, worldly, and carnal pleasures.

Lips reflect the harmonious balance of the human body. The mouth looks most pleasant when its width is one and a half to two times the width of the eye. But this is ideal. In fact, we all know that there are women with large lips, with small and thin lips, and also with asymmetrical lip shape.

What can you say about a woman by looking at her? lips?

Large, slightly swollen lips – their owner has a busy life. She expresses her feelings vigorously. This is, as a rule, a greedy for pleasure and quite passionate nature. She can be heartless, calculating and cynical. But this is only if someone greatly offends her, causing not so much physical harm, but moral and mental harm. Such a woman lives by the principle: “To love is to love, to hate is to hate!” A capricious nature, loving attention and, of course, universal admiration. If she doesn’t receive this, she becomes too touchy. But men feel good with her, because such a woman loves wild, passionate and varied sex. Thanks to this, she is never lonely.

Small, thin lips – such a woman is distinguished by calmness, unpretentiousness, timidity, and indecisiveness. It's about, of course, about lips, which in their natural state are narrow and thin, and are not so in a state of anger or resentment. A woman with this lip shape is vindictive, cunning, calculating and cruel. Its cruelty can manifest itself even in everyday life, then it has the character of excessive severity. She is touchy and prone not only to self-criticism, but also likes to criticize others. Such a woman has few fans, since when communicating with men she prefers to adhere to a sarcastic manner of communication. This sarcasm extends to all areas of relationships with a partner: from sex to living conditions.
This is a pedantic, strict and domineering nature. Sometimes her authority can border on despotism. The house of this representative of the fair sex will always be clean, light and cozy.

Medium lips - it’s easy to live with their owner. A family union with such a woman will be strong and reliable. She'll always play a role true friend and an assistant. The most important thing that distinguishes this woman is her naturalness in everything. In everyday life, sex, work, and even in communication with children, she always remains herself. This quality attracts men to her like a magnet. Non-conflict, friendliness, caring and kindness - this is what distinguishes her from other women.

Protruding upper lip - the woman has good mental capacity, she is characterized by: resourcefulness, the ability to adapt to changing living conditions, as well as a tendency to stab in the back, that is, falsehood and lies.

Protruding lower lip - symbolizes the strength of female character, as well as sober, materialistic thinking. In women with such a lower lip, not only malice can prevail, but also unceremoniousness in implementation own desires. Often a woman is guided by the motto - the principle: “To achieve the goal, all means are good.”

The corners of the mouth are directed upwards - indicates that the woman is an optimist. She is sociable and self-satisfied to the point of vanity.

The corners of the mouth are directed downwards – the owner of such lips has an underestimated assessment of the world around her, and often manifests a denial of life. She is almost always dissatisfied with something, prone to melancholy, apathy and depression.

Pursed lips- symbolize frequent changes in sensory life, cold reason, selfishness, and lack of openness. Women with lips like these should beware; Closed lips for a long time often indicate stubbornness.

So now we know that lips tell us a lot.

A woman’s negative traits will be even more pronounced if there is a disproportion between the upper and lower lips. Vivid character traits that can be read on lips are most often manifested in a woman. For example: a large mouth with thin lips indicates a courageous, almost rebellious character. In addition, this is a sign of having a rich imagination. Outwardly, such a woman usually shows indifference to people, but in reality she turns out to be an interesting conversationalist.

The ideal option is proportional lips, indicating the inner harmony of a woman. About physical, psychological, as well as moral and sexual harmony. It’s not for nothing that lyricists glorify beautiful female lips in their poetic masterpieces. Artists paint the most magnificent portraits. Singers bring glory to women's lips through romantic lyrics and majestic music. And all this happens for many centuries in a row.

After all, there is nothing more beautiful in the image of a woman than her lips!