Scenario for an autumn game event for primary schoolchildren. Extracurricular activity at the "Osenina" elementary school. Dance with leaves

LEADING. Hello guys! Today we have a holiday called Autumn. Autumn is a meeting of autumn.

The song “AUTUMN IN Rus'” is playing

_________: In the old days in Rus', our ancestors celebrated Autumn three times. The first time is September 14. September 14 – the beginning of Indian summer.

________: TO holiday The first Osenin ceremony was dedicated to the ancient funny ritual of funeral of flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the Russian summer. For this ritual, the people composed various conspiracies, proverbs and sayings, as well as teaser poems.

The cockroach was chopping wood,
The mosquito carried water
My feet got stuck in the mud.
The louse was steaming
Yes I hit it
Inadvertently -
Right side:
The rib was dislocated.
The bugs were raising
The stomach was torn.
Cockroaches go away
You flew during the summer
And we have to spend the winter.

_________: 2 classes will sing the song “Oh garden in the yard”

_________: The second time Autumn was celebrated on September 21. Early in the morning of September 21, women went to the banks of rivers, lakes, and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. One of the women stood with bread, while the others walked around singing. Then the bread was divided according to the number of people and fed to the cattle.

_________: By this time, the entire harvest had already been harvested, and the peasants held a holiday, sometimes for a whole week, visited each other, and put all the most delicious things on the table. And we will also invite you to visit Autumn today.

CALLS 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b.

Autumn enters under the first verse of “Song about Autumn”


Good afternoon, my friends!

Are you tired of waiting for me?
Summer was red
For a long time the power did not yield.
But everything comes in time -
I showed up at the door.

They say to me: Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came!

Me and apples, me and honey,
I also brought bread.
And good weather
I got it for you as a gift!

Don't you need rain?

Song “Clouds are circling in the sky, every day it’s a puddle” 3rd grade.

Autumn: How many months are there in a year?

I came, guys, not alone, my autumn months came with me


Our school garden is empty,

Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to you?


The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy -
The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to you?


Black field- it became white,
It rains and snows.
And it got colder,
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me?

September 27 – third AUTUMN. In September, when the harvest was harvested, one of the most important works for Russian peasants began - chopping and salting cabbage. These days, the courtyards were littered with piles of cabbage heads.

They chopped cabbage in troughs. Separately, the one that is greener (with a bitter taste), separately the white one (which is sweeter) - to taste. Before starting the felling, one was supposed to cross himself “WITH GOD!” While sprinkling the cabbage with salt, they recited a prayer for the salt. While cutting cabbage, there was a peculiar sound in the hut. They said: “It chews as if it’s chopping snow.” Well, in order to eat cabbage in winter, you had to work hard in summer to grow it. Let's play a game now. It’s called “Cabbage”. This will be our garden. (puts heads of cabbage in the garden - newspaper rolled into balls). And cabbage grows in the garden.

(Knock on the door).

_________: I wonder what kind of guest this is? (The Scarecrow appears, walks timidly, looks around).

_________: That's a guest! So this is a real garden Scarecrow!

SCARECROW: It's the very... You'll forgive me for my appearance. I'm supposed to scare the crows. (Looks around).

__________: I think you have lost something.

SCARECROW: Well, the cabbage has escaped from my garden.

__________: Isn’t this cabbage?

SCARECROW: She is the most...

__________: Well, she escaped from one garden and came running to our garden. But there is no guard in our garden.

SCARECROW: Well, I can act as a watchman. ( Stands in the middle of the garden).

Well, there is a watchman, now all that remains is to select the players and let's start the game.

GAME “CABBAGE” ONE picks in the garden, the other throws it into buckets.

Music (…)

________:What else grows in your garden, dear scarecrow?

SCARECROW: You'll see now. Hey friends, come here! (Children wearing vegetable masks come out.)

Vegetables (in chorus)

Hello, guests!
Guys and adults!

In the summer you came to us,
And now we have come to you.
What you grew in the summer
We brought it to you today.

I'm the girl from the dungeon.
Here is a green braid.
I can always fit in
I give you Vitamin A!


currants guys
Rich in vitamin C.
If you make friends with me,
The flu is not scary at all!


Boys and girls
They love seeds very much.
I'm following the sun
I contain vitamin E.


I'm a new potato.

Peas. I'm a pea.

Beans. And I'm a bean.

Vegetables (in unison). Today is a harvest festival.
The harvest is not bad at all.

Paraskeva is Friday, the patroness of the family hearth. From this day on it was time for weddings. The girls said goodbye to their old life, with my dear father and my dear mother. And no one knew what awaited them in marriage.

song “Loach over the River” 3rd grade.

_________: November 14 - Kuzminki, meeting winter. Kuzminki - commemoration in the fall. Quite a lot folk signs was connected with this day. Snow on Kuzminki promises a big spill. If the leaf remains on the tree on Kuzma-Demyan, then the next year will be frosty. Kuzma and Demyan are popularly known as blacksmiths. It’s very simple: Kuzma and Demyan forge ice on land and water

song “In the Blacksmith” 4th grade.

__________: November 22- with the winter Matryona, winter rises to its feet, frosts arrive. Autumn has flown by and its time has ended.

Grade 4b ditties about autumn.

________: Now you know how they used to celebrate Autumn in Rus'.

________: Well, we greeted Autumn with our traditional exhibition of gifts of nature, unusual vegetables grown in your dacha, autumn crafts.

________: Autumn, look at what amazing crafts our children and their parents have made from vegetables and fruits.

AUTUMN: With pleasure!

autumn holiday for grades 1-4


Hostess: Hello, guests are invited and welcome.

Owner: Good afternoon. Guest for guest - joy for the owner.

Hostess: We invite you to the hut: for the red guest there is a red place. Make yourself at home.

Host: You are welcome to have some tea and listen to us. We invite everyone! We cordially welcome you to our autumn gatherings.

Hostess: In the folk calendar, many holidays are celebrated in the fall. They came from ancient times. People said goodbye to the free summer, the warmth of the sun, and rejoiced at the harvest.

“Hopak” is performed with the words “Hello autumn (2 times), it’s good that you came”

Autumn: here I come! Hello autumn to you, friends. I came to your holiday to sing and have fun. I want to make strong friends with all of you here

Host: autumn is a glorious time, children love autumn. Both the carrots and the salad - everything was ripe for the guys.

(performed “Urozhaynaya” - 1st grade)

Hosts: autumn, autumn! Stay for 8 weeks. With strong thunder, with rain, with downpours, with a threshed sheaf and with a ruddy pie

Autumn: well, the rye is ripe, get down to business.

2b grade. Whose field is this, does it make you happy while standing? Ivanovo Field, it’s fun while standing!

Young harvesters, golden sickles. They pressed merrily, the sickles flashed. We reap the food and put it in sheaves. Reap and don’t be lazy, but having reaped the cornfield, sing and have fun.

(perform “Niva, my, Niva”)

AUTUMN: What you sow is what you reap, and you will be full. (Bread and salt) Here is a fragrant bread. Here it is - warm, golden. He came to every house, to every table. In it is our health and strength. It's wonderfully warm. How many hands raised him, protected him

HOSTS: The sheaf was decorated with flowers, carried into the house with songs, placed under icons (action) HOSTS: Oh, how many flies flew in, and mosquitoes!

AUTUMN: Don't worry! In our area there is a funny custom: in the fall, we hold a funeral for flies, mosquitoes and other domestic insects so that they disappear.

2A class. You know, if you kill a fly before Semenov Day, 7 flies will be born, and if after Semenov Day, 7 flies will die.

(performing “A mosquito sits on an oak tree”)

(action: chase flies, kill mosquitoes with the words:

Fly after fly, fly to bury flies.

Flies, you are flies, mosquito friends. It's time to die!

Eat a fly, but the last one eats itself. (They imitate a funeral - they bury it in the ground)

HOSTS: Well, thank God, silence! No flies, no mosquitoes!

AUTUMN: Now is the time to go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

3A class. (imitate mushroom picking and “trees” coming out to the music.)

We walk through a spruce forest, and along a birch forest, and through damp oak wood, but we don’t see any mushrooms

FLY AKOMOR: To find mushrooms, you need to know the verdict.

CHILDREN: What is the sentence?

FLY AKOMOR: And you sing, the mushrooms will listen to your voices and peek out from behind the tubercles.

CHILDREN: Aw, aw, aw, let's call the mushrooms.

BOYS: Aw, aw.


MUSHROOM-BOROLIC: How many mushrooms do you need?

CHILDREN: How many oak trees are there in the forest!

MUSHROOM-BOROLIC: How many baskets do you need?

CHILDREN: How many aspen trees are there in the forest! Aw, aw.

(perform “Behind the oaks, behind the meadows”, “Mushroom-mushroom”).

MUSHROOM-BOROVIK: Hey, Fly Agaric, look at the sky - the cranes are flying, the cranes are flying, shouting to all Rus':

CHILDREN: ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, you will never catch up with us. (they leave to the melody of the introduction “Crane”)

ALL CHILDREN perform the “Crane” dance of the Crane.

4B class. Autumn round dances were popularly called Indian summer. They talked about family life, and not only entertained with games, but also taught young people who were preparing for weddings

perform “We Were in a Round Dance”

AUTUMN: The days are getting shorter, the weather is no longer conducive to walking. Autumn parties are coming - cabbage parties are a holiday for boys and girls.

HOSTS: Hey, my gossip friends! Come work for me. Help me chop the cabbage, help me salt it. Wash your white hands, and take the ripe heads of cabbage. For those who like to eat pies, there is work to be done here. You get to carry the heads of cabbage, you get to cut them, you get to salt them, you get to crush them, and you get to push them into the barrel.

GUYS: Go, hostess, we will salt the cabbage without you. And jokes and Russian funny jokes are good for work.

CABBAGE: I was born to glory! The head is white and curly! Cabbage soup is used to make cabbage soup, and cabbage pies are so delicious! And naughty guys love stumps!

GIRL 1: I was walking to the garden one day. Look, the cabbage is drying. I took the cabbage by the tail, threw it under the bridge - let the cabbage get wet

GIRL 2: I was walking to the garden one day. Look, the cabbage is getting wet. I took the cabbage by the tail, threw it under the bridge, let the cabbage dry.

GUYS: Well, while the joke was taking its toll, the job was done. Start up some little ditties about cabbage, lovely girls.


1. In the garden or in the vegetable garden, our Danil the raven was counting. And who cares who harvested the cabbage?

2. Tanya walks between the ridges, choosing everything. Where the cabbage is, where the weed is, she will never understand.

3. My brother is rummaging around the kitchen, looking for cabbage forks. Well, what does it matter to me? I ate it a long time ago.

4. We can ferment cabbage, we won’t be sad from idleness. Come and visit us, we'll treat you to cabbage.

HOSTESS: Fairs began with Intercession. They were the ones who summed up the year - the harvest.

HOST: The fair is not only about trade. This is a celebration of music, craftsmanship, booths, magicians, carousels.

AUTUMN: Usually people gathered at the fair not for goods, but for fun - to see the people and show themselves off.

BOUT: Citizens, citizens!

Chernavki and whitefish!

With and without braids

Hurry to the miracle fair!

2 Barkers: Ivana, Valerka,

Anton, Gavrila,

Sergei, Danila

With or without freckles, hurry to the miracle fair!

TOGETHER: We invite everyone to the fair, we sell miracles here!

FOMA: Great, Erema!

EREMA: Great, Thomas!

FOMA: How are you Yerema, are you doing?

EREMA: They put jackets on pigs. The pigs peck the grain and don’t give it to anyone!

FOMA: Yes, these are chickens and roosters!

EREMA: Rubbish in your wallet!

Our chickens live under water and feed on mud alone.

FOMA: Yes, these are ruffs!

EREMA: Scratch your ears!

Ruffs live in our barn, mooing “moo” in the morning

FOMA: Why did Erema come to the fair?

EREMA: Yes, I found 2 clouds, I’m selling the clouds.

FOMA: How much?

EREMA: 2 shoes!

FOMA: Well, good trading, bye!

EREMA: Wait! Why are you here, Foma?

FOMA: I’m buying it for Erema’s mind!

(they perform “Where was Ivanushka?”)

AUTUMN: Well, then. The time has come to say goodbye. After all, autumn is the time of change.

The rain will pass, all the holes will be filled, and the snow will pass, all the roads will be covered.

Extracurricular activity


Target : to instill in children a love of Russian folk art;

Introduce Russian folk holidays and traditions;

Develop students' oral speech.

Conducted for students in grades 1-4 with the invitation of parents.

The hall is decorated with posters and paintings by Russian artists. capturing autumn nature, autumn leaves. Table with gifts of autumn.

Equipment : musical accompaniment, items for playing games.

The progress of the holiday .

A melody sounds. Autumn enters in a sundress, with a wreath of leaves on her head.

I bring the harvest

I remove the fields
I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees.

But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines,

I- (autumn)

Autumn : Hello dear guests. Hello guys!

What holiday will we celebrate today?

Today we will tell you about the Russian traditions of celebrating Harvest Day. About how our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers celebrated it.

Children read poetry:

1. Sad time, charm of the eyes,

I am pleased with your farewell beauty

I love nature's lush wilting

In crimson and gold, dressed forests.

2. Autumn, golden grove!

Gold, blue,

And a flock of cranes flies over the grove.

High under the clouds the geese respond,

With a distant lake

They say goodbye to the fields until spring.

3.And no laughter is heard in the forest.

The song is cut off.

Our echo has fallen silent - sonorous, perky!

Sweeps all the paths, paths over the clearings

Autumn is a golden grove with crimson leaves!

Autumn: - I didn’t go to you for a day or two. It was a long journey from the Far North. I came to your region as a housewife and immediately set to work. No wonder they say about me:

Autumn - eight changes.

Can you name eight autumn changes in nature?

1. One participant from each class is invited to take turns naming autumn changes in nature.

Guys, I came to you with my assistants in the autumn months:

What is the first month of autumn? (September comes - 3rd grade student)

September: September - from the word september. (Seventh.) In the old days in Rus', September was the seventh month. The Old Russian names for September are Veresen, Khmuren. "howler", "yellow"

Why did they call me “gloomy” and “howler”? (for gloomy skies, windy weather, rain)

What about “yellow”? (according to the color of plants at this time)

What proverbs do you know about me?

    Proverb competition about September.

Girls in Russian sundress:

    September 15 according to the folk calendar “Semyon - the summer guide.” On this day they said this: “Seven day - down with the seeds: Every housewife must collect all the ripened seeds from the beds until next spring before this day. Those who are late with this work may be left without seeds next year, because they will fall from the plants or begin to rot.

2nd girl: In the period from September 15 to 22, “Indian summer” began. At this time, all the main work in the fields is completed, and housework begins.

These days it was the custom to bury flies, cockroaches, fleas that had become boring over the summer... they made small coffins from carrots, turnips, and rutabaga. They put flies in them and buried them with the following words:

Flies, you are flies, mosquito friends,

It's time to die. Eat fly, eat fly, and the last one, eat yourself.

Game “Catching flies”: from each class there are 2 participants - “flies”, and 1 leader - “girl”. “Girls” task in 1 minute. catch as many flies as possible. Then the roles change. The game takes place to lively music.

Autumn : There is a flatbread on one leg,

Whoever passes by will bow. What is this?

Verse: "Ryzhik"

Autumn : On September 27, people celebrate the “Exaltation” holiday. From this day on, the last vegetables are harvested from the garden, which ones?

People say: “Wait for the Exaltation, then pick a turnip”

Sketch “What will autumn bring us?” - 2nd grade

1 girl:

One day the housewife came from the garden

The owner brought it home in a basket...

(Vegetables look out of a large basket and ask riddles)

1.Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields.

You salt it a little,

Isn’t it really delicious (...)?

2. Ermoshka is sitting

On one leg

He wears a hundred clothes

And all without fasteners

3.I'll make everyone around me cry

Although I’m not a fighter, but (...)

4.It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light.

Among vegetables there is no juicier (…..)

5. The freak is lying in the middle of the garden,

Evil for everyone

And everyone is nice. (…..)

6. Yegor lies under the boundary,

Covered with a green veil.

7. Even though I’m called sugar,

But I didn’t get wet from the rains.

Round, rosy, sweet to the taste,

Did you recognize it? I (……)

8. Red maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street. (…….)

A dramatization of the song “What will autumn bring us?”

Autumn: The yellow leaves are already falling,

The air has cooled and is fresh, evening is descending on the earth

It’s getting earlier, every day it’s getting darker.

What month is the riddle about?

Coming out October.

October - from the word october (eighth) - in Ancient Rome, October was the eighth month.

October is popularly called deciduous month.

Another name is gryaznik, khlebnik, kapustnik.

Guess, guys, why did the Russian people have such names for October?

Muddy - because it rained often and washed out the roads.

(Know autumn in October by mud.)

Grain farmer - collected all the harvest from the fields.

Cabbage plant - chopped cabbage for pickling: “September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage”

1 boy:

So October 8 has arrived - it’s time to harvest cabbage from the garden. This day is popularly called Sergei the skit. After harvesting the cabbage, they tried to quickly pickle it before it became wilted. It was a job for the whole family, everyone tried to take part in it, from young to old. And so that the cabbage does not over-acidify. They put an aspen log in it.

Relay competition: children and parents are invited from each class. In 5 minutes you need to chop the cabbage for pickling.

(One participant peels the cabbage, the second cuts it, the third grates the carrots, the fourth salts it, the fifth cleans the workplace.)

At the end of the competition, the work is celebrated with applause.

2 boys k: In Rus', a custom was sacredly observed, according to which one could expect a good cabbage harvest the next year. The eldest member of the family, grandmother, baked cabbage pies, ran to the cabbage patch with the first pie, buried it there and said: “be thick, don’t be empty.”

Game: children are divided into 2 teams of several people each. Each participant has a pie in his hand. One by one, the participants run up to the cabbage patch, put the pie in and say: “Be thick, don’t be empty.”" Then they return to their team. (pies can be made from salted dough, and the cabbage bed can be made from cabbage leaves that were left over from the previous competition.)

Autumn: Leaf, cut out leaf.

Painted by the sun,

You were green in the spring,

And now orange.

Autumn: Here comes October 14th. – cover Holy Mother of God, one of the most revered holidays in Rus'. There are weather signs associated with this day.

    As is the Intercession, so is winter.

    If the Saturday before cover is bare, there will be no snow until November 8th.

    For cover before lunch - autumn, after lunch - winter.

    In October, winter leaves the nest and goes to visit the man.

3 boy : from this day on, they began to insulate houses. A peasant’s job is to bring moss from the swamp long before the Intercession, dry it, and prepare it for insulating the hut. And then, with the words: “Father Pokrov, cover our land with warmth, and the owner with good,” they began to seal the cracks.

3 girl : on Pokrov, when all the work was completed, there was threshed bread in the barns, and prepared vegetables, jams and pickles in the cellars, the time for weddings began in the village. The white robe of the earth on Intercession resembles the white outfit of the bride. If a snowball falls on Pokrov, then happiness awaits the betrothed girl, and evil spirits will retreat from her threshold.

Chats.- 4 Nursery rhymes “Ulya and Phil”, “Tit, go thresh” - 1st grade.


Autumn has come to our garden

The red torch was lit.

Tits scurry here

And they peck at him.

It's bitter in the hayfield,

And it's sweet in the cold.

What kind of berry?

Poetry competition about autumn.

Song " Either a birch or a mountain ash” - 3rd grade.

This is where our holiday ends. Autumn invites everyone to a tea party.

Autumn leisure scenario for younger children school age

Scenario of autumn entertainment for children of primary school age “Autumn”.

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention material that is aimed at organizing leisure activities for children in the autumn. This material will be useful to primary school teachers and after-school teachers. It is recommended to hold the event in a forest, park, or clearing.
Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children.
- organize interesting and educational recreation for children;
- develop children’s motor activity: dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, ability to act on a signal;
- cultivate a love for the wonderful time of year - autumn;
- promote the adaptation of the child’s body to weather conditions, give the opportunity to feel and experience all the delights of nature;
- improve health.
Preliminary work: learning poetry, collecting natural materials. Presenter: Any holiday, celebration, meeting with friends should be memorable, cheerful, leaving a good mark on the soul. Dear guys, today we have gathered here with you to have a great holiday - “Autumn”. Interesting and exciting tasks await you ahead!

1 student:
It’s good here and there
Where they call you by name.

2nd student:
There are different names in the world.
The meaning of names is interpreted by letters.

First task:
"Tell me what your name is"
From available materials (cones, acorns, leaves, etc.), players need to post their names. The one who can do it faster wins; in addition, accuracy and beauty are taken into account.

Second task:
"Phrase in a circle"
Some simple phrase is chosen, for example: “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” Then, starting with the first participant, this phrase is pronounced by everyone in turn. Each participant in the game pronounces this phrase with a new intonation (interrogative, exclamatory, surprised, etc.) If the player cannot come up with anything new, then he is eliminated. Several people win or just one.

Third task:
3rd student:
Ripe apple
Sweet apple
Apple crispy
With smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I'll share an apple with my friend.
"Take a bite of the apple"
The apple is tied by the stem and suspended. Participants approach the apple one at a time and try to take a bite, holding their hands behind their backs.
"Give me an apple"
Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a large and beautiful apple. Participants line up one after another. Those standing in front pinch apples between their necks and chins. Players standing behind must take the apples, also holding them between their chin and neck. This is how the apples are passed on to the next players. Whoever drops the apple is out of the game. The team that manages to pass the apple faster wins.
Second stage of the competition. Players from both teams also participate, each of whom takes a bite of an apple and passes it to the one standing behind. The team that completes the task faster, that is, which has as little as possible of the apple left, is considered the winner.

Fourth task:
A presenter is selected. He turns to everyone playing in turn with the questions: Who? With whom? For what? Where? When? etc. Players must give answers starting with the given letter and on an autumn theme.
The letters given are as follows: "O" "S" "E" "N".
For example, it was announced that you must answer only with the letter “O” and on an autumn theme. Who? She. When? In October. Where? Very far. What did you do? I went. For what? On vacation.
"WITH". Who? Sasha. With whom? With Svetlana. When? Today. What did you do? We got together. Where? In "Contemporary". For what? Watch movie.
"E". Who? Evgenia. With whom? With Egor. What they were doing? Let's go. When? Daily. Where? In the spruce forest. For what? There are raspberries.
"N". Who? Nina. With whom? With Nikita. When? In November. What they were doing? They carried it. What? Laptop. Where? Up.

Fifth task:
Participants are asked to compose a story from newspaper and magazine clippings.

Sixth task:
4 student:
In the autumn garden, by the path,
Aspen claps his hands.
That's why last week
Her palms turned red.
The leader is in the center of the clearing. Players stand next to trees. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to run from tree to tree, and the driver needs to occupy some tree without a player. To do this, he must run up and lean against it. The one whose tree is occupied by him becomes the driver.

Seventh task:
“What does it look like?”
The presenter makes a wish for some autumn-themed item and secretly writes the name on a piece of paper. For example, an acorn.
Players take turns saying what the item looks like. They don’t know what is planned and say at random: on a bicycle, etc. Next, the presenter shows what he has written. Acorn! The fun begins. Players “defend” their comparisons. For example, “The acorn rolls like a bicycle.”

Eighth task:
5th student:
What a beautiful color
Does it shine with a bright light?
You guessed it: it's red!
All the guys know him.
6th student:
Red ripe raspberries
Attracts on bushes.
Rowan in early autumn
She blushed all over in the woods.
7th student:
It really begs to be put into a basket
Fly agaric with a red cap.
From the garden to our window
Looks like a red tomato.
8th student:
Peppers are ripening behind the bushes...
Then continue on your own!
9th student:
The yellow sun looks at the earth,
A yellow sunflower watches the sun.
Yellow pears hang on the branches.
Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.
10th student:
We see a yellow circle in the sky,
Everything around comes to life
This sun is yellow
Gives us warmth and light.

11th student:
We grow green onions
And green cucumbers,
And outside the window there is a green meadow
And the houses are whitewashed.
12th student:
Every house has a green roof,
And a cheerful gnome lives in it
In new green trousers
From maple leaves.
13th student:
The color of the leaf is green,
Under the green moss there is a hummock,
And green needles
They grow on the Christmas tree all year round.
14th student:
It's orange
He collected all the tastes of summer,
We have known him for a long time,
Sweet, juicy orange.
"The Language of Flowers"
There are a great variety of different colors in the world and even more shades of them. Each person associates color with something specific and evokes its own sensations.
Participants must use gestures to explain the autumn colors: red, yellow, orange, green, etc.
All other players must guess which color was meant.

Ninth task:
"Color Competition"
This competition develops imagination and memory. The first player names the item indicating the item, such as “yellow leaf.” The second player adds: “The yellow leaf flies, shimmering from the rays of the yellow sun,” the third clarifies: “”, etc.
The main thing is to come up with as many objects of the same color as possible and not confuse the sequence of events. The player who names the maximum number of objects and does not mix anything up is awarded the title of the most yellow (red, green, orange), etc.

Tenth task:
15th student:
We have a concert at school today,
Our choir sings, I am in this choir.
All the children look smart,
The hall is buzzing with anticipation.
16th student:
Here mom and dad are sitting,
Their eyes sparkle with joy,
I nod my head to them
I'm so proud of myself right now.
17th student:
Everyone froze, and the choir began to sing.
Suddenly the hall disappeared, he flew away,
Only the voices remained.
Miracles happen in life!
The presenter invites everyone to sing together, in chorus. For starters, a song that everyone knows. For example, “Yellow leaves are circling over the city...”. At the first clap of the leader, everyone begins to sing loudly; at the second clap, the singing continues, but only mentally, silently; at the third clap, they sing out loud again. And so on several times until someone gets confused. The one who makes a mistake comes forward and invites everyone to sing a different song.

Not in the mood? Get out into nature!
There is beauty here at any time of the year!
Autumn will give leaves of bright colors,
And the mood will be like in a fairy tale!!!

Autumn Ball

(extracurricular activity)

1. The holiday is held during the “golden autumn” in nature.

2. Participants – primary school students (grades 1 and 4).

3. Goals and objectives of the event:

  • enriching students' knowledge about the signs of autumn;
  • unification of the class team;
  • formation of communication skills between students of different age groups;
  • promotion of healthy eating.

4. Two weeks before the start of the holiday, children are informed of the date of the event and given the task (optional): to prepare a costume of the appropriate theme. It is reported that one of the points of the ball will be a demonstration of costumes.

5. Before the holiday, the hall is decorated with leaves, flowers and other attributes of autumn.

6. It is necessary to think about the musical accompaniment.

7. For the holiday you need to prepare the following equipment:

  • caps of vegetables, fruits, flowers, berries;
  • 2 scarves, 2 trays, 2 sets of cut vegetables, fruits and berries, skewers for the competition;


The music is “Autumn in the Forest”


Good afternoon, dear guys! Today our holiday is dedicated to the beautiful, tender and sad time of year - autumn. With the arrival of autumn, the days become shorter and the nights longer. The trees light up with golden candles. There is fog in the morning. The pictures of autumn are surprisingly changeable.

Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder,

And from the bird's cry

It only makes my heart sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress.

Autumn is the time of year that people say is damp and rainy. But other words are also spoken about autumn - golden, crimson.

Music sounds, Autumn appears

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

Are you happy to meet me?

Do you like the forest outfit!

Now my time has come

I have come to visit you.

I managed to finish everything on time,

I am the forests, the fields of division,

I have collected the entire harvest,

Sent the birds south.

Summer was red
For a long time the power did not yield.
But everything comes in time -
I showed up at the door.

They say to me: Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came!
And the guys will ask me

Children: “What did you bring as a gift?”
Autumn: I brought you flour!
Children: So there will be pies!
Autumn: I brought you some buckwheat!
Children: The porridge will be in the oven!
Autumn: I brought you vegetables!
Children: For both soup and cabbage soup!
Autumn: Are you happy about pears?
Children: We'll dry them for future use!
Autumn: And apples are like honey!
Children: For jam and compote!
Autumn: I brought honey!
Children: Full deck!


2 classes with dance “Autumn has knocked on our door”

Leading : And autumn is also the time to collect bread and vegetables, the time to stockpile supplies for the long winter. So this time of year is generous and fruitful.

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
We were kids.
We will tell you about
What grows in the garden.

2. I am a ruddy radish ,
I bow to you very low.
Why does he praise himself?
I'm already known to everyone.

3. I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? I am your friend,
I'm just green
onion .

4. I, potato , so modest -
Didn't say a word...
But potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small.

5. A short story about me:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink
carrots fresh juice –
You will be strong and healthy.

6. Beetroot needed for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beetroot.

7. You will be very pleased
Having eaten
cucumber lightly salted.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will like it of course.

8. I'm big like a soccer ball
If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.
I taste so good -
watermelon .


I, Carrot, am fun!

I sing ditties to the accordion.

They don't praise enough:

What a beauty I am!


They appreciate me not in vain -

Everyone knows pepper very well!

I eat it in the evening and during the day.

There are a lot of benefits in it.


Everyone is very friendly with cabbage

People need vitamins.

Delicious lunch from me:

Cabbage soup, hodgepodge, vinaigrette.


Here's a beautiful potato

It's all buried in flowers.

Who appeared at the garden bed,

Everyone bowed low to her.


But in a red shirt

Tomato dressed up.

“Oh, what a handsome groom!”

Conversation can be heard everywhere.

Autumn: I came, guys, not alone, my brothers came with me - the autumn months

SEPTEMBER : Our school garden is empty,

Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to you?
OCTOBER : The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy -
The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to you?
NOVEMBER : The field is black - it has become white,
It rains and snows.
And it got colder,
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me?

AUTUMN: Guys, let's play " Rhyme tricks " This is a very simple game. I read a poem to you, and you must finish it quickly and correctly. Definitely fast! Ready? Then let's begin:

Petya and Alena know,
That banana is always... sweet.
There is a smooth lemon on the table,
And it tastes very... sour.
Here is a watermelon - big and ripe -
And when you cut it, it’s very... red.
Take any cucumber
Its color is... green.
Dried fruit is very useful
Look how... dry it is.
You can't eat it like a cabbage leaf,
Hot peppers are very... bitter.

Leading: For autumn, 1st grade students prepared a song as a gift.

Song 1st grade “Autumn in a golden scarf”

Presenters: And again gifts for Autumn.

3rd grade children read poetry.

Autumn has different colors in its palette,
And even the animals change color.
The fox changes color from red to gray,
And the white bunny can gallop all winter.

There is a color - bright yellow,
Yes - light green...
Happy summer to us
Familiar, familiar...

And there is a blue one,
Well, it's like rain...
I also know red
The color of Kalinka berries.

How many colors autumn has brought,
Dressed up nature as if for a carnival,
And we, having finished various things,
Let's take on another matter together.

* * *

Like a red fox
Autumn wanders through the forests.
Where he waves his fluffy tail,
The leaves will turn golden.

The gardens turned yellow
There are traces of autumn everywhere.
An aspen leaf will flare up in the thicket,
Like a real flashlight.

The stage will be shown to us by 3rd grade students. It's called "How the Tomato Turned Red."

Ved. Vegetables lived in the same garden.

Girls wearing hats with pictures of vegetables come out and introduce themselves.

- I am a cheerful fellow. I am a green cucumber.
- Without me, the garden is empty. And my name is cabbage.
- Without me, you are like without hands. Every dish needs onions.
- Children have long loved tasty, sweet tomatoes.


The owner loved her small garden and watered it every day.
Hostess: (walks around with a watering can and waters the vegetables) - I’ll water my garden, he also drinks water.


The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived together and did not quarrel. But one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to show off.


I am the tastiest, roundest, greenest in the world.


Look, it's just a laugh to brag that you're better than everyone else.


He won’t understand, brothers, it’s not nice to ask questions!


And the tomato kept saying its own thing.


I am the tastiest, roundest, greenest in the world.
Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.

Vegetables (in unison):

He boasted and boasted and fell from the bush!


At this time the hostess came to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.
A raven flew past.


Kar! Kar! A shame! Nightmare! You didn’t want to be friends with us, no one will need you.

Ved. The tomato felt ashamed. And he blushed with shame.

Tomato: - You, friends, forgive me. Take me with you.

Ved. The hostess heard these words, took pity and took the tomato. Believe it or not, tomatoes have been turning red ever since.


Now we will play with you in Game " What grows in the garden?» I will ask questions, and you will answer them with “yes” or “no.”

Does cabbage grow in the garden?


Does a tomato always turn red?


Are the onions turning green in the garden?


Are potatoes ripening in the garden?


And on the grass, like on a pillow, does a green frog grow?


Do you have any sweet peppers in your garden?


And the zucchini grows in the garden?


Are the carrots lined up in a row?


Does chocolate grow in the garden beds?


Are dill, beans, peas growing?


Growing up a big and angry bulldog?


Game "Palms".

Here's our game -

Clap one hand, clap another.

Right - left palm

We'll clap a little

And now with your left palm

Make your clapping louder!

Palms up - clap, clap,

On the knees - slap, slap,

Now pat me on the shoulders,

Slap yourself on the sides

We can clap behind our backs

We clap in front of ourselves,

On the right we can, on the left we can

And let’s fold our hands crosswise!

Leading: - The month brothers invite you to guess riddles about animals.

1. A ball is rolling through the forest

He has a prickly side.

He hunts at night

For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)

2.White in winter,

And in the summer it’s gray.

Doesn't offend anyone

And he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)

3.He looks like a shepherd.

Every tooth is a sharp knife

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

4. In summer he walks without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hiding your nose from the frost. (Bear)

5. Through the trees - jump and jump

A living flame flutters. (Squirrel)

6. He sets up a net, not for fish.(spider)

7. In the fall he will climb into the crack, and in the spring he will wake up(fly)

8. A flame flashed quickly behind the trees and bushes. It flashed, ran - there was no smoke, no fire(fox)

9. A long old woman without arms, and without legs, and without a belly. She always tries to bite, she hisses like a goose(snake)

10. Mother, I don’t know the father, but I often call my children I won’t know, I’ll be a stranger(cuckoo)

11. Not a bird, but with wings(butterfly)

12.Who is sitting among the grass under the pine tree by the path?

There is a leg, but without a boot, there is a cap - without (MUSHROOM)

13. Let it grow in the ground, and let it be on the table.

Let it be dirty at first, but crumbly and tasty.

Let's cook it for lunch

Let's make a side dish and vinaigrette. (Potato.)

14.Grew up under the sun and rain, getting heavier every day.

The fat, tender one fell onto his side...


15. I spent the whole summer trying, getting dressed, getting dressed.

She curled her clothes thickly. What is her name? (Cabbage.)

16. In summer, everything in the garden is fresh, green,

And in winter they are strong and salty in a jar. (Cucumbers.)

17.From the bunk behind the lush bangs

I pulled the red fox.

But not a cunning cheat,

And crispy... (carrot)

18. And in this garden bed.

Mysteries have grown

Juicy and large,

They're so round

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

19Thirty-three garments,

Who undresses them -

Tears are shed. (onion)

20. I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the aspen roots.

You will see me a mile away, my name is... (Boletus)

Autumn: Well done boys.

All the riddles have been solved

You recognized all the animals.

Well, it's time for me to get ready,

Return to the autumn forest.

Because winter will come soon,

I still have a lot of things to do there:

I need to put the bear to sleep,

Send the birds south.

I had a lot of fun!

I loved all the guys

But it's time for us to say goodbye...

What to do? Things are waiting!

Leading: Thank you, Autumn, for coming to us,

She brought us a lot of interesting things,

We are announcing the first competition: “Guests on the Doorstep.”We invite 2 teams of 6 people.
In order to treat Autumn, you need to go to the store, and it’s raining outside. You put on your galoshes, open your umbrella, take your basket and go to the grocery store. Everyone will bring one vegetable for the salad. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.
Relay baton - galoshes and umbrella.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Autumn: In our north, autumn does not come according to the calendar, but much earlier. Therefore, all gardeners try to harvest summer-grown vegetables before the cold weather.

Presenters: Why do people need vegetables?

Autumn: Now we’ll ask the guys this.

Presenters: Guys, tell us about the healing properties of vegetables. Each answer will count 1 point to the team.

The presenters show pictures of vegetables. Teams need to be given information about their useful properties.

1 competition: “Help the squirrel store pine cones for the winter”

Each team is given 10 cones and a bucket. Each participant makes 5 throws, trying to get into the bucket. Throws are summed up by the number of hits.

The team with the most hits in the bucket wins.

Competition 3: “Pick up a bump”

Place the cone in the center and show yourself dancing.

The music will stop playing,

You need to grab the lump quickly! (Music of the song “Gop - Gop” by Verka Serduchka.)

Competition 5: “Cross puddles using pebbles.”

Two teams of children, in the form of a relay race, transfer two cardboards, on which they stand alternately with their feet and move to the other end of the class, whoever comes first.

Competition 6: “Define by taste.”

Determine the taste of vegetables and fruits strung on toothpicks, blindfolded.

The team that correctly identifies the most vegetables and fruits wins.

7th competition for boys “Harvest the harvest!”

Blindfolded boys collect potatoes scattered on the floor into a bucket. The team that collects the most potatoes wins.

8th competition “Collect proverbs”.

1.Summer with sheaves, and autumn with pies.

2. September is cold, but full.

5. In the spring the rain grows, and in the fall it rots.

9 competition for girls: “Skillful housewife”.

1 girl from each team peels potatoes. The jury determines the winner of this competition.

10th competition: “Volleyball with leaves.”

The rope is stretched. On one side there are red leaves, on the other - yellow. On command, children run up to the rope one by one, picking up the leaf and throwing it to the other side. The team that throws all the leaves to the other side the fastest wins. (Children run up in turns).

11th competition: “Guess whose leaf it is!”

Leaves of different trees are scattered on the floor, five pieces from each tree. Each participant needs to collect leaves from one tree. The jury first evaluates speed: which team collected five pieces of paper faster. Then the children must name the leaves of which tree they are holding. Only correct answers are counted.

Competition "Craft"

For the competition you need plasticine, matches, pieces of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.

The children, together with the teacher, sculpt the body of a hedgehog from plasticine. The matches should be broken in half and then stuck into the back of the plasticine hedgehog. You need to place pieces of cooked food on the resulting needles. The more there are, the better, because it is known that the hedgehog is a very thrifty animal. In the process of making toys, you can come up with a name for the hedgehog and even compose some small story where the hedgehog will be the main character.

Competition "Leaf Fall"

Participants in the competition receive a dried maple leaf. They throw air at him and blow on him from below so he doesn't fall. The winner will be the most dexterous, the one whose leaf stays in the air the longest.

Competition "Nimble Basket"

Children are divided into two equal teams. All participants stand in two lines. The first participants receive a small basket of mushrooms. At the teacher’s command, the children pass the basket from the first participant to the last. And then in the opposite direction. You need to pass the basket with your hands raised up.

Competition "Gifts of Autumn"

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives 20 cards with autumn gifts: potatoes, boletus, blueberries, apples, carrots, tomatoes, beets, raspberries, chanterelles, blueberries, pears, gooseberries, currants, cabbage, boletuses, turnips, zucchini, fly agarics, plums, milk mushrooms. They must correctly divide them into groups - vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.

Competition "Find the odd one out"

The teacher names four words, one of which does not fit the topic. Children must name this word and explain why it is superfluous.

➢ Potatoes - carrots - tomatoes - beets.

(Tomato is an extra word; it is not a root vegetable.)

➢ Fox - wolf - bear - cow.

(Cow is an extra word; it is a domestic animal.)

➢ Leaves - mushrooms - branches - roots.

(Mushrooms are an unnecessary word; they are not part of the tree.)

➢ October - March - September - November.

(March is an extra word, it is a spring month.)

➢ Magpie - woodpecker - tit - butterfly.

(Butterfly is an extra word, it’s not a bird)

➢ Maple - pine - birch - aspen.

(Pine is an unnecessary word; it is a coniferous tree.)

➢ Cones - acorns - seeds - needles.

(Needles is an extra word; these are not seeds.)

➢ Milk mushroom - currant - butterdish - honey mushroom.

(Currant is an extra word; it is not a mushroom.)

➢ Cabbage - gooseberries - blueberries - raspberries.

(Cabbage is an extra word; it’s a vegetable.)

➢ Chamomile - rowan - forget-me-not - cornflower.

(Rowan is an extra word, it’s a tree.)

➢ Cedar - fir - spruce - oak.

(Oak is an extra word; it is a deciduous tree.)

➢ Falling leaves - rain - fog - thunder.

(Leaf fall is an unnecessary word; it is only an autumn phenomenon.)

➢ Boletus - fly agaric - boletus - russula.

(Amanita is an unnecessary word, it is a poisonous mushroom)

Competition "Mushrooms-mushrooms"

The teacher gives a description of the mushroom, and the children must guess what kind of mushroom it is.

➢ We know that you can’t eat mushrooms raw, but the name of this mushroom says that you can. (Russula)

➢ If you pick up this mushroom, they will become covered in oil. (Oil Can)

➢ This mushroom is red, and is called one of the cunning forest animals. (Fox)

➢ The beautiful cap of this mushroom has red speckles. She often misleads inexperienced mushroom pickers. (Amanita)

➢ This mushroom grows only under birch trees. (Boletus)

➢ And this mushroom grows only under aspen trees. (Boletus)

➢ This mushroom is the “king of mushrooms”. And they call it only white. (Porcini)

Competition "Collect leaves"

Maple leaves are scattered on the floor. Contestants are blindfolded. Children are spun around, and at the command “Forward!” released. Within one minute they must collect as many leaves as possible. After the counting is done, the winner is announced.

Competition "Rain"

Contestants dance to the music, but as soon as the music ends, they must squat down, put their hands on their heads, as if protecting themselves from the rain, and freeze. The one who moves is out of the game. The competition continues until one winner is identified.

Competition "Fruit-vegetable-berry"

The guys stand in a circle. In the center is the driver. He spins and repeats “fruit-vegetable-berry.” As soon as he stops, he says any of these three words. The one he points to must quickly say the name of the fruit, vegetable or berry, depending on what word the driver said. At this time, the driver counts to three. If during this time a participant in the competition does not have time to name the word, then he is eliminated from the game. You cannot repeat words.

Competition "Autumn Diversity"

The guys are divided into two teams. Each person receives a piece of paper and a pen. Within five minutes, they must come up with as many new words as possible from the expression “autumn diversity”. Letters cannot be repeated. When the guys have finished, they take turns saying the words. The team that comes up with the most words will be the winner.

Competition "Attention"

The guys must find mistakes in the sentences.

➢ “There are a lot of honey mushrooms growing on my tree in the garden.”

➢ “Carrot berries are very tasty.”

➢ “Fluffy grass will grow from the plum pit.”

➢ “Cabbage bushes grow all over the forest.”

➢ “Apple roots taste sweet.”

➢ “Fly agarics make a very tasty soup.”

➢ “Turnip is red.”

➢ “Bread grows on trees.”

➢ “In autumn the buds bloom.”

➢ “The school year ends on the first of September.”

Competition "Autumn Bouquet"

For the competition you need: white cardboard; dried birch, maple, aspen, oak leaves; glue; pencil; markers. Children draw a vase on white cardboard, color it, and then make a bouquet and glue dry leaves to the cardboard. After this, you can organize an application competition.

We continue the competition. Now we invite 2 participants from each class here. We will test your ability to work in a team and your ability to listen to each other. One team member is the guide. The second participant is blindfolded. There are mushroom cubes between the participants. In 1-2 minutes you need to collect as many mushrooms as possible.

Our guys autumn holiday has come to an end!

Autumn is in a hurry to finish things

Diligently watered the earth with rain,

I didn’t forget about the birds - I took them south,

She collected the harvest from the fields and gardens.

She gave us different fruits at first

Then she treated us to mushrooms.

We like autumn

We are happy about autumn

But winter is also knocking on our door.

We spend autumn with a cheerful song

And we will all face the harsh winter together.

Read the final poem.

Summer is leaving quietly,
Dressed in foliage
And stays somewhere
In a dream or in reality?

And a glass stream,
And warm earth
And over the forest clearing
The buzzing of a bumblebee.

Autumn comes quietly,
Dressed in fog
She brings the rains
From foreign countries.

And a yellow heap of leaves,
And the aroma of the forest.
Fun autumn ball
She carries it with her.