Happy birthday, Katyusha! The most beautiful congratulations for Katya (Ekaterina). Happy birthday greetings to girlfriend Katya Happy birthday girlfriend Katyusha

My favorite girlfriend
Restless Katya!
Happy birthday!
On a glorious day, I wish

So that you do not change in life
And it remained the same
Energetic and beautiful
And, of course, happy!

Your name is beautiful like a mountain stream
Accept congratulations, girlfriend, hurry up,
Happy birthday, may happiness always be -
It doesn't matter how the years go by!

It is important how old you are in your soul and inside,
Therefore, Katyusha, live with a smile,
Despite the wall of endless barriers,
So that only forward - and not a step back.

I congratulate you and wish that dreams
Everything came true, like sweet dreams,
To sparkle with fun crazy eyes,
And always only heaven was reflected in them.

I'm glad to congratulate you
My dear friend!
May your birthday bring
Cheerful colors round dance!

Katyusha, we are always with you
We meet with the joy of the year,
After all, we are not afraid to grow up -
The soul can't grow old!

I wish you all the beauty
Let life, like a fairy tale, bring
Welcome, smiles, ringing laughter!
Girlfriend, be happy everyone!

Today, all the flowers of the planet are blooming,
The bird of happiness is circling over you
You are so solemnly, beautifully dressed,
After all, your birthday, friend, is yours.

Congratulations, Katyusha, accept with all my heart,
May your dreams be bright
May health always be strong
All the best to you, good luck, joy, warmth.

Girlfriend Katya from the heart
Today I congratulate!
And birthday love
I will leave it in her eyes!

You are the brightest person
I am warm with you.
And under the cheerful shooter run
We are lucky to be friends!

Be the bravest on earth
Do not be afraid of winters and blizzards!
Believe in a fairy tale and it will come to you
Suddenly there is a knock on the door!

Dear friend, congratulations,
May all your desires come true
May luck open doors for you
May happiness always surround you.

Katya, let your life be a fairy tale
May fate always smile on you
May the good angel protect
Let grief and misfortune not know you.

Katyusha, friend!
Congratulate you
Happy birthday,
Loving with all my heart!

You bring joy
To my little house!
And your word
Keeps warm!

I want more life
All the best for you
'Cause you're just an angel
My dear!

Katyusha, I'm glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
Being friends with you is a reward for me,
May everything you dream of come true
Let all bad things be forgotten forever.

May you have a long and happy life
Mutual love and the most beautiful,
Good luck to you, girlfriend, the real one,
And the most brilliant career.

Katerina, my dear friend,
Happy birthday to you today
From your heart and soul I hasten
And sincerely, Katya, I will tell you:

May your health, like steel, be strong,
Good people will warm you heartily.
Colleagues will please only with respect,
Let the chief heed your achievements.

Our friendship is pure and bright,
We are often called, do not spill water,
We help each other in everything
We even have common dreams.

Happy birthday, Catherine, you
I wish you all the best, good luck and good,
Let life flow like a full river
May you be lucky in everything, always.

Each person will be pleased to hear a personalized congratulation on their holiday. Without beautiful warm wishes, the presentation of even the most expensive and desired gift will be difficult to make sincere and memorable. You can start your congratulations with the words: “Happy birthday, Katyusha!”. And after the appeal, give the girl a compliment and list the wishes.

Birthday greetings for Katya can be beautiful, sincere, touching or funny. It is the latter that should be chosen in the case when you need to set the emotional mood for the holiday, and cheer up the hero of the occasion.

It is very important to correctly arrange a funny wish. You can hide it in a cool gift, perform it in the form of a cheerful song, turn it into a short sonorous poem or read it in prose, but do it in such a way as to really cheer up the girl.

It must be remembered that cool congratulations are not appropriate in every case. For example, they may be completely redundant when congratulating a boss or colleague in a working office setting. Especially if the team is not too trusting relationship. With caution, wishes-jokes should be chosen for adult serious people (especially the elderly), as well as for birthday girls who are easy to offend.

Friend Katya, happy birthday, congratulations,

And we wish the rustle of bills,

And may forever fun and good luck

It will be next to you, but not somewhere beacon.

So that everything happens with your desire,

So that you lose weight from sweet jam!

So that you are distinguished by beauty and health,

To lessen the need to pluck your eyebrows...

To depilation in general now without pain!

So that the husband is always everywhere and happy with everything,

And he carried it in his arms, not hiding his love,

In short, from friends - hello girly!

Katerina, happy birthday,

You know I love you

You bring me luck

I'm with you, like a poppy, bloom,

From a smile - I freeze,

From tears - I'm sad,

I understand everything without words

I will forgive all the omissions,

Always be my love

And not by anyone else

Let the men go

I am alone in the whole world!

I'm near the door, Katya, my hand is on the call,

I congratulate you on your birthday at this hour,

Drop things, let's play the fool

Let's pour champagne with you, put on a waltz.

And we'll sit in soft chairs all evening,

Let's sing a little, then we'll laugh a little,

We will amuse all the people in the local park,

After all, you and I will go there when we get drunk

How beautiful to congratulate a woman named Ekaterina

You can either write the most beautiful congratulations for the girl Catherine yourself, or choose among ready-made options from experienced versifiers. It is worth starting a speech with a gentle touching appeal to the young lady. For example, you can compliment the beautiful name of the hero of the occasion and decline it beautifully.

Each Ekaterina will be pleased to hear some pleasant facts about her person. Therefore, you can choose interesting characteristics of the girl's name and add them to your own congratulations.

It is not at all necessary to compose beautiful poems for Katerina. A spectacular memorable wish may well be in prose. The main thing is that the words come from the heart.

In order for the congratulation to really remain in the memory of the birthday girl for a long time, you need to voice it in an original way. If the guests of the holiday have access to a TV screen, computer monitor or projector, you can pick up a number of beautiful photographs of the girl, supplement them with melodious music and read the selected wish in the background. This version of congratulations is able to touch and touch any person.

You can also write the lines chosen for Catherine on balloons. Balls with the wishes of love, happiness, wealth, health and other benefits can then be released. Flying high into the sky, they will surely fulfill all the dreams of the birthday girl. And such a congratulation will look very beautiful and impressive. We offer a number of the most beautiful congratulations.

May happiness open the way to the heights

And fills the moments with tenderness,

Accept, dear Katherine,

Our warm regards and congratulations!

We wish you good health

In all matters, a good start,

So that with warmth of heart and love

You continued to share with loved ones,

And though the years go by,

You are young as before, stay

Admire us with your beauty

And rush towards joy!

I wish you, Katyusha,

listen to the advice of the heart more often,

Keep all the best in your soul

And avoid negativity.

So that your life is like a fairy tale

Bathed only in love and affection,

So that you can soon

Fulfill your dreams.

Happy birthday, Katyusha, congratulations,

Be shining like the stars in the sky!

May love and happiness surround you

And let a smile play on your lips!

After all, there is a main reason for joy:

You are the only one on earth!

Live in pleasure, Ekaterina,

And Fate will reward you!

Short congratulations in your own words

To congratulate Katya brightly and interestingly, it is not necessary to write long complex poems for her. You can even do it in your own words.

If you plan to accompany the presentation of the gift with congratulations, it will be enough to say a couple of beautiful lines with compliments and wishes of the birthday girl. It is not at all scary if, at the same time, the wishes of the congratulator are without rhyme or he loses his thoughts. But to prevent this from happening, you can play it safe and, for example, place the words written for the girl on a postcard.

The doors to your personal new year are opening wide again. Let this cheerful and important event give a magical impetus for talented scrupulous work on your happiness. I wish to find it everywhere, sculpt it from improvised material and paint it in rainbow colors. Katerina, happy birthday!

Katyusha, congratulations, your birthday is on the threshold! Let him change only the number indicating age, but not affect your cheerful and lively character. Be carefree like a girl, amorous and romantic like a young lady. We wish your head to be dizzy from confessions, and your legs to dance more often.

Congratulations, Katenka, on your personal holiday. Let your parents be your creators, always support you, children be your creations, always make you happy, and your husband be your chosen one, always surround you with love and care. In a word, simple female happiness to you!

Small quatrains

Small quatrains are very popular among congratulators. They are especially convenient for those cases when it is planned to visit a large-scale holiday with a large number of guests. Long congratulations in this case will be inappropriate and will drag out the introductory part of the event with the presentation of gifts.

Short poems are easy to write yourself. It is enough to choose wishes for the girl, decide on a beautiful appeal and find a couple of successful rhymes. For example, "I wish, congratulations."

If you can’t do it yourself, you can take your favorite short poem from a popular author and rewrite it in your own way. For example, just replace the name in it or make congratulations more individual. But you can use ready-made beautiful quatrains and unchanged.

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate Katyusha,

And in the eyes of enthusiasm sincerely wish.

To make everything easy and simple,

And wishes came true.

Let your eyes always sparkle with sparks

In everything, let Katenka be lucky.

Let the lucky star shine from the sky,

And let all dreams come true in addition.

Let the dawn inspire you, let the sunset give peace,

Melodies sound in the soul, and your eyes shine with happiness,

Let your head spin only from successes and victories,

I wish you, Katenka, many blooming, bright years!

There is no greater happiness than to congratulate you,

With the birth into this world,

I wish you joy, warmth, prosperity,

I did not know that there were problems and troubles.

May the male half of humanity

At your feet it purrs like an obedient cat!

And among women, be a queen, Katerina,

And may you always be lucky in all matters!

May the wizards fulfill their wishes

And, as in the song, they will fly in a helicopter.

Do not forget to wear on your hands

You, Katya, every day of the year in a row.

Touching congratulations

It is always a pleasure for birthday girls to receive beautiful touching congratulations from the guests of their holiday. To please Catherine, you should choose the brightest memorable wish in poetic form.

Be happy, Catherine!

I wish you a groovy song

Good luck in the tone of aquamarine,

Love intoxicatingly golden.

A cocktail of tenderness and passion,

Rainbow success in fate,

Always anticipate bad weather

I wish, Katya, I want you.

Flights of stellar and beautiful,

Come true so that all dreams

Ringing victories, clear thoughts -

All that you want!

Katyusha, happy birthday!

I wish you

The most joyful events

Both in life and in destiny!

Love, fabulous gifts,

unseen flowers,

good luck understanding

And a lot of kind words!

Let all the dreams come true!

Today and now

So that you with your smile

Made us happy!

Charming Catherine, sweet soul,

Be always beautiful and incomparably good.

Congratulations, Katyusha, and I want to wish

Chase your dreams and always catch up.

May there be no gray days and insults in life,

May your star always burn brighter than the rest,

May all your days, like this birthday,

Will be full of joy, happiness, love and inspiration.

Today, all the flowers of the planet are blooming,
The bird of happiness is circling over you
You are so solemnly, beautifully dressed,
After all, your birthday, friend, is yours.
Congratulations, Katyusha, accept with all my heart,
May your dreams be bright
May health always be strong
All the best to you, good luck, joy, warmth.

Dear friend, congratulations,
May all your desires come true
May luck open doors for you
May happiness always surround you.
Katya, let your life be a fairy tale
May fate always smile on you
May the good angel protect
Let grief and misfortune not know you.

Katyusha, I'm glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
Being friends with you is a reward for me,
May everything you dream of come true
Let all bad things be forgotten forever.
May you have a long and happy life
Mutual love and the most beautiful,
Good luck to you, girlfriend, the real one,
And the most brilliant career.

Our friendship is pure and bright,
We are often called, do not spill water,
We help each other in everything
We even have common dreams.
Happy birthday, Catherine, you
I wish you all the best, good luck and good,
Let life flow like a full river
May you be lucky in everything, always.

All congratulations today for you,
Be, girlfriend, always happy
May the guardian angel bless you
Let everyone surround you with attention and love.
Love you, Katyusha, pure, beautiful,
Fate, amazingly happy,
Good health, excellent,
And a husband, the most exemplary.

Katya, Katya, Katya,
My best friend
I wish you happiness on your birthday
Let all bad weather fly by.
May every day make you happy
Let luck not pass by
Let everything go well with you,
Be always desired and loved.

For Katyusha the kindest word
We will not get tired of repeating again and again.
You brightened our lives forever
She gave us her friendship, kindness.
We also want to give you back
Our recognition and our desire to thank:
Blessings to you, and love, and a beautiful dream!
So that you suddenly become the happiest!

Katya, good, dear friend!
Congratulations from friends!
We do not have tea in you,
We love, appreciate, love!
Laughter is perky and cheerful
Give us today.
Be as energetic as ever
And smart beyond her years!

Stay, Katyusha, just as beautiful,
Sweet and kind, tender beloved!
Give everyone a smile, sparkle with your eyes
And let paradise come in your house!
Smiles, flowers, sunny days!
No, Katyusha, you are dearer to us!

Katya, you are a true friend,
You are a wonderful wife and mother,
Could not be with you without each other
We are looking for happiness in the world!
I wish you, my love,
To never be sad!
I congratulate you today.
Be happy, dear, always!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
To be loved until a hundred years
And forget all the sorrows.
Be healthy, young
And an attentive wife
Always a good daughter
And for many years
exemplary mother
And a faithful friend!


Katyusha, congratulations,

Enjoy every new day
May you always be lucky in everything.
All the best to you, prosperity, joy, warmth,
May fate always be favorable
Let sweet dreams come true
May your dreams be bright.

You have a solemn date today,
glorious day of birth
Be happy, Katyusha, always you,
May luck follow you like a shadow.
Let reliable friends surround
Let troubles and sorrows not know you
May all your dreams come true
And all the bad things will be forgotten forever.

The sun smiles at you today
And the birds are chirping merrily,
Let everything be fine in your destiny,
Let luck walk beside you.
Congratulations, Katyusha, accept with all my heart,
May your dreams come true
Let life be like pure water
May the Lord keep you always.

Katya, Katya, Katerina,
Happy Birthday to You,
Let every moment be like a bright picture,
May you be lucky in everything, always.
Let luck smile on you
Let reliable friends surround
Let prosperity be in the house in addition,
Let life flow like a full river.

Katerina, we are happy to congratulate you,
On your beautiful birthday
At the noisy table all the guests and friends,
We wish you only happiness, without a doubt.
Be always desired and loved,
Be always beautiful and happy
Let the house be a full bowl
Let love and happiness settle in it.

Today's main event
Yours, Katyusha, birthday,
May fate be generous to you
Let the mood be great.
Let the road be bright,
Let luck walk with you
May every day make you happy
May the angel always keep you.

Your birthday is knocking on your door
Receive guests soon
Let the bird please you with the arrival of happiness,
May life be happier every day.
Let all problems pass you by
Let fate be happy
Good health to you, Katyusha, and good,
May you always be lucky in everything.

happy birthday to Catherine
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck
Sincerely today we say:
You are beautiful, so let over the years
Your beauty blossoms
And behind all the good deeds
Let love always hide!

You are immaculate, Catherine,
In thoughts, and in deeds, and in fate.
Only in God do you see the ruler,
Only he is a father and light to you.
Happiness may not blow your threshold
Among thousands of paths and roads.
In life we ​​want to be the happiest
Everyone's favorite, funny, beautiful.
Dear, kind, romantic Katya,
Our lovely birthday girl!

You're not attracted to the outside world
You mentally reach for the stars.
You will not go to the life of a young feast,
After all, everyone there has already been distributed to each other.
You should be sad, sing
And look into the night sky
Warm your dreams of stars,
But the sky will not hear - deaf, blind.
Katerina is good today
As well as always sweet, beautiful.
Let the soul be filled with happiness
Katyusha, be always happy!

Katyusha dear, happy birthday!
Like an angel you are bright in soul.
I wish you happiness, positive, inspiration,
And joy in the heart, inner peace.
May all those you meet
You will be given happiness and success,
And so that everything you wish comes true.
May your merry laughter never cease.

Dear Katerina!
Happy Birthday!
Listen! If the stars are shining
Today is so strong that they blind us
So they already know about you
That you were born today!
Let every day bring accomplishments
Cheerfulness, lightness and sunshine.
Excellent mood
And souls tender bloom!
We will lower our hands to the elbows into space,
Let's get the planet out of there as a gift!
birthday is easy
There is no better day!

Happy birthday, Katyusha,
Life is sweet, like a bun,
May success always shine
And accompanies you!

Lots of happiness and kindness
Let the dream come true
Let radiant laughter ring
Sonorous, like a stream, runs.

Only sweet moments
positive impressions,
Fairy tale life to be
And today, and always!

Happy birthday, Katyusha,
Be beautiful like a star!
Both healthy and successful.
And fun as always!

Your name is like a song
It's like the song is you!
Everything in life will be wonderful
And great through the years!

Katyushka, I wish you a happy birthday. Love, take risks, inspire, hope, strive and enjoy life. Ekaterina, believe in yourself and everything will certainly work out, feel your happiness with every cell of your body and never miss your opportunities.

Catherine! Happy Birthday!
Blossom, please everyone, surprise!
I wish you happiness and luck
Emotions bright over the edge!

I wish that dreams take off
Like a flock of bright birds
good luck don't know the end
And so that luck - without borders!

The French have Josephine,
And we have Ekaterina.
Name like a queen
A good reason to be proud.

Only here is our Katyusha
A thousand times smarter and more beautiful,
Than mossy queens
And knows how to have fun!

Happy Birthday! We wish
Our Katya to rule the world,
In the meantime, head our table
For a cheerful noisy feast!

To you, Katyusha, at this hour
I wish you unearthly happiness
To shine your beautiful eyes
Drives anyone crazy!

Let all dreams come true
Let life give color paints!
I wish with all my heart that you
She lived in a wonderful, kind fairy tale!

Ah, Katya-Katyusha, beautiful name
You are unique in beauty
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
And I want to wish a lot.

So that there is health and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles,
So that there are no different mistakes in life,
And happiness always holds the hand by the hand,
And a friend will certainly support in problems.

Let there be money in your pocket,
To make you laugh night and day
May you have a big family
And you blossom day by day.

Katyushka, happy birthday to you
From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you today!
I wish goodness, magical goodness,
So that smiles always surround.

So that your dreams come true
So as not to be disturbed by sadness.
Sincerely, I wish you warmth,
So that everyone loves you, understands you.

Congratulations dear Katyusha today,
You are beautiful, slim, sweet.
This is how we want to stay
We wish you much happiness and goodness!

Let luck smile in life
And let the birthday be loved.
After all, every holiday is a joy, not otherwise,
We will keep it in our memory for a long time!

Katyusha, Katerina, Kathy, Katya -
The charm of clear kind eyes.
Love family, love be friends
Appreciate yourself and make us happy!

Katyusha, happy birthday
And I sincerely wish from the bottom of my heart
To make aspirations come true
And the indulgence of Lady Fortune.

Let every moment be brilliant, bright,
All secret dreams come true.
Let there be good in life, only people,
I wish you to be happy.

Beautiful firmaments, endless,
So that the meadow in the spring eared by the sea,
So that everything is beautiful, flawless,
So that there was a house, and they were waiting to go home.

Ruddy to make the sun smile
And warmed by a ray of warmth,
What you take on, everything to succeed.
To be healthy and happy.

Know no troubles, no grief, no sadness,
Prosperity, balance in everything.
So that all your merits are noted.
How to live in a fairy tale today, not later.

I wish you love, the purest
And understand that you are the happiest of all.
And so that you shine with silver
Accompanied by great success.

Celebrates Katyukha
Today your birthday
Everyone is extremely happy
There will be fun!

Be cheerful, friend
And do not know the problems
Life is a crazy thing
Happiness - over the edge!