Simple hairstyles for long hair for corporate events. Hairstyles for the office and work to create the image of a business woman. Updo hairstyles for the New Year

We work in one team with a group of people. They see us every day, we are not sleepy, sick, not in the mood, late and did not have time to put on makeup. We don't always look our best. And they are already used to seeing us like this. So natural and alive. But on holiday you want to look like a queen. Amaze everyone with your demeanor. So that everyone around us forgets that we are people and sees in us a spark of magic and individuality. That’s why we always carefully choose hairstyles for corporate events, makeup, a suit or dress, and all related accessories.

Be on top

Being on top is a phrase that includes a whole range of very diverse concepts about appearance and the ability to behave at special events. Not a single detail can be superfluous here! And ladies choose hairstyles for corporate events with trepidation and long before the appointed date. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this hairstyle is done in a beauty salon or at home with your own hands. Although, of course, registration in various salons before the holidays is simply crazy and begins almost a month before the onset of the celebration period. But if you haven’t managed to make an appointment with a professional master, don’t despair. The abundance of master classes on creating an irresistible appearance will not allow you to remain unkempt. Moreover, doing your own hair for a corporate event is a good way to save the family budget, since prices for such a service sometimes go through the roof to the point of “obscenely expensive.”

Fairy tale motives

New Year is a magical time when all people, like children, believe in miracles and the fulfillment of desires. The entire surrounding atmosphere is aimed at emitting this enchanting feeling. And I really want to believe in fairy tales. On the day of celebration there is a wonderful reason to feel like a fairy or a princess from the thirtieth kingdom. It is enough to decide on the choice of the appropriate hairstyle for a corporate event. So let's get started. A hint of a fairy tale can be created with long, short, and medium length hair. The main thing is to make the right accents. Become a naive girl who believes in fairy tales, using the image of Alice. Make a high ponytail and tie it with a blue ribbon. Be sure to backcomb your hair at the base to add volume, and curl the ends into romantic waves. Corporate hairstyle for long hair is ready! Remember Disney heroines, their alluring curls and braids. Braid a few headbands around your head and curl the rest of your hair with a curling iron. Here is the image of another princess from a bright cartoon.

Long hair

Long hair always leaves a lot of room for imagination when it comes to corporate hairstyles. But do not forget that you will not sit like a faience cat, all the time in one place, without making any movements. Corporate parties mean dancing, communication, and exciting competitions. You shouldn’t build a monument of wondrous structure out of your hair. It looks interesting, of course, but only in static photographs of staged photo shoots, when the model is under the watchful gaze of a group of stylists. At an ordinary holiday, the monument will quickly collapse and turn into a shapeless mass of hair. Owners of luxurious long hair should remember that not all young ladies have such a treasure. Beautiful long hair is already a hairstyle in itself, sometimes you don’t even need to complement it with anything. Just wash, just comb and style with a hairdryer or straightening iron. If the density leaves much to be desired, you can use tresses, that is, strands on hairpins. By pinning them in an inconspicuous place, you will achieve an increase in volume.

Average hair length

Hairstyles for corporate events for medium hair also have a wide choice. The most recent and fashionable options are a slight carelessness, as if you were caught in a light breeze. To achieve this result, take a styling product, apply to selected strands and fluff with your hands. Once they dry naturally, they will create the desired effect.

Fashionable corporate hairstyles for medium hair this season: a semblance of a Greek hairstyle, styling and haircut with a clearly visible structure, a bias towards geometry and asymmetry. The look you choose depends on your mood and facial structure. You should not chase fashion trends that do not suit your facial features, head shape and hair structure. Blindly chasing trends has never turned anyone into a beauty.

Short hair

Serious business women with straight bobs in everyday life can turn into mysterious and romantic, completely unpredictable bright women on New Year's Eve. We are used to choosing hairstyles based on the symbol of the coming year. So here it is, the year of the monkey - a time of bold decisions and playful fantasies. Make a creative mess, leave some of your hair straight, and curl the rest in a chaotic manner. Change the side of the parting. Style all your hair using hair gel. Today, everything you can think of is in fashion, except boredom and despondency.

Hair ornaments

Hairstyles for a New Year's corporate party can and even should be supplemented with various hair accessories. Whether it’s ribbons woven into a braid, an elegant small tiara that complements the image of a Disney princess, stilettos with crystal stones, a comb decorated with rhinestones - all this will add a festive mood and a feeling of the New Year to the image. Feel free to experiment with hairpins and hats, don’t be afraid to look different from everyone else. That's the whole point.

The symbol of the new year 2017 is the Fire Rooster. This year will bring success in work matters, good luck in your endeavors, and, importantly, for every girl, it will help you become the center of attention. And to look like New Year's corporate party You should take care in advance not only of your outfit and makeup, but also of your appearance. After all, a woman should be ideal in everything. Red, gold and red shades will remain in fashion.

Trendy and stylish hairstyles for the New Year's corporate party 2017

Agree that a stylish haircut done by a professional hairdresser, a trendy hairstyle or a spectacular hairstyle for New Year's corporate party will add self-confidence, elegance and charm to any woman. That is why real fashionistas are already interested in what hairstyles will look good in the future New Year's Eve 2017 .

Let us immediately note that in the year of the Fire Rooster, ethnic style will come back into fashion, and this, first of all, various weaves, braids and plaits. For those with medium-length hair, military-style hairstyles are suitable, but let's talk about everything in order...

As has already been said, The owner of 2017 is the Fire Rooster . And he is attracted by natural beauty and carelessness in haircuts and hairstyles. Natural hair colors are already gaining rapid popularity. For representatives of the fair sex who prefer to wear medium-length curls, large curls are perfect for the New Year. It is this hairstyle that creates the effect of naturally curly hair. Ideally, the curls should be gathered into a small bun, leaving a few strands free. They should look as if they accidentally came out of their hairstyle, giving it carelessness and natural beauty. This is exactly what the Fire Rooster loves so much.

For those with long hair New Year's corporate party 2017 of the year Styling in the form of rings, voluminous braids and other braiding options will look gorgeous. It is also worth paying attention to retro style hairstyles. They will remain very popular and are perfect for holiday celebrations. Stylists recommend that representatives of the fair sex with thin hair do their hair in the form of a voluminous bouffant in the coming year of the Rooster.

Fashionable hairstyles change as rapidly as fashionable clothes. Although not radically, they have nevertheless changed over the past year. And today we’ll talk about festive hairstyles that are ideal for a corporate evening.

And the first thing we will talk about is curled hairstyles. Twists are extremely popular today. Despite the fact that many stylists use complex hairstyles with twists, simpler versions can be made at home. So which twists should you choose?

First of all, let's focus on the shell style hairstyle. In particular, this is a great business style hairstyle that can be created in just a few minutes. Technique:

1. Gather your hair into a ponytail with your hands and secure your hair with an elastic band.
2. Make a small depression between the elastic band and the hair roots with your fingers and hide the tip of the hair there.

Secure your hair vertically along its entire length with hairpins. Now you can form a few curls on the front strands of hair and fix the hairstyle with hairspray. She's ready!

Among the fashionable hairstyles with twists is the French twist style. It is quite simple to create using hairpins or a hairband. All you need to do is curl your hair and secure with pins. You can twist it in a variety of directions, while the hair can be divided into several parts and twisted together.

A corporate event is an event that many employees attend. Of course, they want to look their best. This statement is especially true for representatives of the fair sex. As a rule, ladies begin to prepare for a festive corporate event in advance - they purchase dresses and shoes, think about their image, makeup and, of course, hairstyle.

What to consider when choosing?

Thinking about the hairstyle with which you will appear in front of your colleagues at a corporate event, Several factors should be taken into account:

  • the length and thickness of your hair, the ability to create knots, curls, complex weaves without the use of false strands and hairpieces;
  • ease of installation (height, heaviness of the structure, will it be possible to dance with it for several hours, will it “settle” under its own weight);
  • the relevance of the hairstyle and how fashionable it is;
  • appropriateness of styling - if the corporate event does not involve evening dresses, is it right to come with a heavy “wedding” hair knot;
  • a combination of hairstyle and other elements of the image - dress or suit, shoes, makeup, jewelry.

It happens that a woman copies her favorite image of an actress on the red carpet - her dress, hairstyle, makeup. This is not the most disastrous path, however, it is important to take into account that the stars (especially at their social events) are handled by a whole team of professionals - a stylist, a makeup artist, a personal assistant and many others. Therefore, if you set out to copy the outfit of your favorite actress, you need to take care not to look like a child’s drawing next to a painting by a genius.

It’s better not to repeat the image exactly, but to take the general idea and transform it “to suit you,” emphasizing your winning sides and hiding the shortcomings.

In addition, if your corporate event is not too formal (an expensive restaurant or concert event with a black-tie code is not expected), it is better to stick to simple styling, perhaps done yourself. Be sure to consider how much and how intensely you plan to move - dance, participate in competitions. The hairstyle should be such that even after vigorous dancing it does not lose its attractive appearance.

It’s better to have slightly disheveled curls than a complex bun that has slipped to one side or a sagging “tower” of hair. It is also worth remembering that at a corporate event, management wants to see employees beautiful and smiling, so you should devote time to your appearance in order to make the right impression at this obligatory event.

What's in fashion?

In addition to the appropriateness, correctness, and convenience of a hairstyle, it is rare that a woman will not think about how fashionable her hairstyle is. Few people want to look like a walking anachronism at a corporate event, where all the company’s employees gather. So, what evening hairstyles are in fashion this season?

First, the hairstyle should be feminine. Even if it is a “boyish” haircut, slight waviness, airiness, and design must be present. In general, airiness and lightness are the key words for any fashionable women's hairstyles, including evening ones. No “helmets” of hair, no designs filled with varnish, no backcombing from the roots to the ends of the hair! If you comb the top of your head, it should look natural, and the comb itself should only be at the root, to add volume to this area.

Even if you fix your hair with hairspray, you need to leave the curls moving, and not create a “monolith” that even a strong wind cannot move. The styling should be mobile, airy, and voluminous. Stray strands are what will add individuality to your look and make it come alive.

No bangs, torn strands, “cascades” and “ladders” if you don’t want to be considered old-fashioned among your colleagues. The forehead should be clean and open, the lines should be straight, the shape should be simple. If you still wear bangs (features of the anatomy of the head or haircut), do not style them with a round brush inward. It is better to make your bangs asymmetrical, laying them in the direction “away from the face”; this visually makes you look younger. If you wear straight, even bangs, make them part of your hairstyle. Straight bangs and curled curls are the same anachronism as styling with the tips outward.

You should also give up curls, jokingly called “pasta.”– overly clear, neat, “baked” with a curling iron to the point of springs. Modern curls are slightly disheveled, mobile strands, shiny and healthy, only slightly fixed with a small amount of styling product. The color of your hair matters a lot. If you dye your strands, you should take into account that single-color dyeing is long outdated. To give your hair visual volume and airiness, you need at least 2-3 shades, differing by 1-2 tones.

Yellow blond is bad manners. Modern blondes are completely different; for them, colorists offer sand, strawberry, platinum, honey, and wheat tones. For every young lady who chooses blonde, you can choose your own stunning, fashionable shade and coloring technique - from Californian to ombre. And “striped” highlighting went out of fashion back in the 2000s.

Matching Styles

To choose a hairstyle that is appropriate for a corporate event, you need to consider the format in which the festive event will take place. It could be a Roaring Twenties or Hipster themed party, then the choice is narrowed down to retro hairstyles that were in fashion during that period. If the holiday will take place in a fashionable place - a fashionable restaurant, a theater foyer or even an ice palace, then an elegant evening hairstyle will be appropriate, and sometimes even necessary.

If a buffet is planned as a corporate event in one of the office premises, then elaborate hairstyles and outfits will not be in demand; it is better to stick to a cocktail dress and simple hairstyle.

Of course, no matter how warm and friendly the atmosphere in your office is, you need to remember that a corporate party is a protocol event. Therefore, you need to look neat, elegant and, even if you are portraying a catwoman at a themed party, not cross the fine line of appropriateness.

Let's take a closer look at the most current trends in evening hairstyles this season. So, fashionable styling this year:

  • easy to perform, you can make them yourself;
  • natural, relaxed;
  • if curls, then soft, mobile;
  • knots and bundles in fashion are both low (at the back of the head) and high (at the top), both of which are characterized by slight dishevelment and lack of visible clear fixation;
  • if the tail is smooth, there are no “roosters” or protruding hair;
  • loose hair can be either straight (and in this case perfectly smooth with a perfectly straight bottom line) or in the form of curls, then the styling can be slightly careless;
  • There should not be a trace of styling products visible on the hair, everything you use should be taken in a minimal amount and in no case should weigh down your strands;
  • The more strict the dress code of the event, the more careful the styling should be; if negligence and dishevelment are acceptable at a cocktail party, then an evening dress requires a more thoughtful and elegant hairstyle.

Simple but stylish DIY styling

If you haven’t had time to make an appointment at the salon (or for various reasons don’t want to have your hair styled by a hairdresser), nothing prevents you from styling your hair yourself. There are a lot of manuals on the Internet for creating hairstyles of varying degrees of complexity with your own hands, and it doesn’t really matter how long your hair is.

Let's look at the most effective and yet simple styling that you can master at home. Let’s say right away that if you don’t have experience creating complex hairstyles at home, it’s better to practice a couple of weeks before the corporate event and make sure that the result of your efforts is exactly what you wanted.

If you have a short haircut, you need to give it a feminine touch. The Hollywood wave is a great solution, especially if your bangs are long enough to style and secure with bobby pins. All bob and bob options are beautiful and relevant in themselves; they can be worn perfectly smooth and straight, or you can curl the strands with a curling iron into large or small curls.

It is advisable to refresh your haircut a week before the event so that the bottom line is even. In addition, bobs and bobs can be “rejuvenated” with various types of braiding, placing the resulting braids in some kind of bun. You will need skill and a large number of bobby pins, but the result can be stunning.

Medium-length hair is perhaps the most convenient “material” for creating hairstyles of any degree of complexity. You can style them the way you want - in curls, on one side, or gather the top part with a beautiful hair clip. All types of braids - from Greek braids to Flemish braids - are available to you. Various kinds of buns, plaits and “doubles” will decorate your head both individually and in combination with braids and curls.

If you are the happy owner of a long, well-groomed mane of hair, this hairstyle is beautiful in itself. However, on holiday you want to be the most beautiful, and long hair will certainly help with this. If you have the skill of creating complex hairstyles, then you can handle both weaving and buns, however, in order not to look disheveled, it is better to take the help of a professional.

So, on long hair you can create any hairstyle - a complex bun will look especially impressive, intertwining braids will help you feel like Princess Elsa from Frozen. Curls laid on one side or in a cascade will make you a real star of the evening.

When creating a holiday look, it is important to think through every detail, and hairstyles for the New Year are no exception. To be in trend, it is important to understand what is currently at the top of the fashion Olympus, which hairstyles look stylish, and which ones should be completely forgotten.

New Year's hairstyles 2018

Hairstyles for the New Year 2018 – ruffles, golden headbands, voluminous curls, Hollywood waves, slight carelessness, various braids, knots, buns. Remember that your hairstyle and festive outfit should create a harmonious image in which everything will be perfect, from the color to the shade of lipstick. And if you are looking for inspiration, then the hairstyles shown at fashion weeks in Paris, New York, London, Milan will tell you what is trending now and thanks to which every beauty will look stunning:

  • at the peak of popularity, styling with a slight carelessness, with a touch of different textures and effects, thanks to which it feels as if you just washed your hair, quickly put on a festive dress and hastily styled your curls;

  • hairstyles for the New Year are elegant buns, so simple, but at the same time graceful, and the palm goes to the classic ballerina buns, which are based on a “donut” or a foam “donut”, and a more extraordinary option - a tight bun on the forehead;

  • A perfectly smooth styling on loose hair of any length will add sexuality to the New Year's look, remembering that the curls should be pulled behind the ears and smoothed at the roots;

  • where would we go without braids? This is not the first season that they have been adding to the list of trendy hairstyles that suit a fashionista of any age, and also look stylish, both complex braids (braids that seem to be turned inside out) and braids that smoothly turn into a feminine ponytail;

  • if you want something so unusual, then do not forget that the trend is hairstyles for the New Year that resemble unusual designs, for example, it could be a high ponytail tied with a bright ribbon or cord, or a smooth styling with strands twisted at the temples ;

  • If you love putting your hair in a ponytail, then why not do it on New Year's Eve? The trend is a low, impeccably smooth ponytail, decorated with a scarf or a couple of colored strands, and it will be ideal if you include long earrings in your look;

  • Are you the owner of an elongated bob with a cascade? Then pay attention to the hairstyle in the style of a “pageboy” haircut - thick bangs and curls curled to the face;

  • An equally important trend is simple hairstyles for the New Year with hair combed or tucked behind the ears, while the curls can be decorated with hairpins with an interesting design.

New Year's hairstyles for short hair can be very diverse. Here you will find a bun carelessly gathered on top of your head, a hairstyle in the Sailor Moon style, and neatly styled Hollywood curls, which will be the perfect complement to a feminine look consisting of a satin or chiffon dress. Pay attention to the hairstyle of Canadian supermodel Coco Rocha. So, the beauty gave her short luxurious curls a slight negligence and gave preference to a side parting. And Katy Perry suggests that hairstyles for the New Year can be done in a retro style.

New Year's hairstyles for short hair

Hairstyles for medium hair for the New Year - light waves and side parting like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, hair half gathered on top like the New Zealand singer Lorde. This is the effect of wet hair like the burning brunette Kendall Jenner, thick torn bangs and curls collected at the back of the head like Ashley Greene. Remember that perfectly smooth hairstyles for the New Year are in trend. Create a beauty like Natalie Portman: part it on the side and curl the ends of your curls. If you adore slight negligence on your head, then let the New Year's look be complemented by a hairstyle like yours.

New Year's hairstyles for medium hair

Hairstyles for long hair for the New Year can be either simple or unusual, with a technique that can be performed by experienced hair stylists. Simple, quick and sexy - straighten your hair, part it in the middle and tuck the curls behind your ears. Hair curled and pulled to one side, a French braid in a high bun, a high ponytail, and a casual hairstyle with a gold headband look elegant. Hairstyles for the New Year include neatly styled hair, a low bun, boho-style braids, a perfectly smooth hairstyle with a low curly ponytail.

New Year's hairstyles for long hair

Fashionable hairstyles for the New Year

New Year's hairstyles are a beauty decorated with bright accessories, thanks to which your holiday look will not only become unique, but also be filled with magic and fairy-tale charm. A striking example of stylish hairstyles, ideal for a Christmas or New Year's party, can be seen in the Dolce&Gabbana collections. These are curls collected in a bun and decorated with a golden headband and a hairpin with colorful flowers. The trend is a careless “shell”, a voluminous bun gathered at the top of the head. The latter will look spectacular if its beauty is complemented with massive earrings.

Fashionable hairstyles for the New Year

Beautiful hairstyles for the New Year with loose curls will turn out simply unsurpassed. Twist your hair a little, braid a couple of thin braids and your stylish hairstyle is ready. The trend is a middle parting and impeccably smooth curls - keep this in mind when creating a festive hairstyle. Hairstyles for the long-awaited New Year can be done in the form of smooth waves, with a voluminous backcomb (sort of), with a French braid, with a small bun on the top. The effect of wet hair will add a sexy look. To do this, you need to apply a little styling gel to your curls and comb them up.

New Year's hairstyles with loose hair

Updo hairstyles for the New Year

High hairstyles for New Year's Eve are a stylish bouffant, a “babette”, a high bun based on a “donut”, a retro ponytail, and the ends of its curls should be curled. The shell never goes out of fashion. It is ideal if you complement her beauty with sophisticated jewelry. Hairstyles for the magical New Year simply cannot be boring. Add romance to them by creating a French bun, a bun consisting of two braids, or a careless bun that will fill the New Year's outfit with charm. High hairstyles add a couple of centimeters to height, and therefore they suit short young ladies.

Updo hairstyles for the New Year

Beautiful New Year's hairstyles are certainly complemented by skillful hairstyles, which every girl can do. The French or Greek braid, which is always braided along the edge, looks irresistible. The latter adds a touch of divinity and irresistibility to the image. A braided hairstyle, a “waterfall”, or a low-braided “fishtail” look extraordinary. And the headband braid takes the palm among feminine holiday hairstyles.

New Year's hairstyles with braiding

Stylish hairstyles for the New Year - careless braids, a low ponytail, a headband in the form of an elegant ribbon, a twisted satin scarf. The latter can decorate hair tied in a ponytail or loose. You can make a bow at your temple or under your curls – it’s up to you. At the peak of popularity are retro waves or a hairstyle in the style of the 1920s, thanks to which any evening look will look stunning. If you adore originality and uniqueness, pay attention to the futuristic “croissant” hairstyle (the same one that was demonstrated at the recent Chanel brand show).

Evening hairstyles for the New Year

New Year's hairstyles with fleece

Original New Year's hairstyles with a backcomb are what you need for stylish, outrageous beauties who adore retro notes in their image. Remember that such beauty cannot be created on wet or unwashed curls. Otherwise you will damage their structure. To create a backcomb, use a wide-toothed wooden brush. At the final stage, use a soft brush to model the backcomb. On trend, which looks great on thin and sparse hair.

New Year's hairstyles with fleece

Easy hairstyles for the New Year are not only done in a split second, but also look charming. The trend is a high ponytail, which will be a wonderful addition to the image of a vamp, a voluminous shell, which adds tenderness and femininity to your outfit, and a low, sophisticated bun. The simplest hairstyle is loose curls, which can be slightly curled or perfectly straight. Beauty made from flagella or braids, which have not lost their relevance for many seasons now, looks restrained and unusual.

Hairstyles for New Year's corporate party

Hairstyle for a New Year's photo shoot

Hair and makeup for the New Year 2018 should fully correspond to the theme of your photo shoot. If this is something fabulous, futuristic, then glitter shadows, sparkles on the face, etc. are welcome in the makeup, and the hairstyle can be with backcombing, zigzag parting, and colored strands. If you want to be filled with tenderness, home comfort, and femininity, give preference to loose curls, partially gathered on the top of the head in a small bun, or neat braids.

New Year's hairstyle should be an integral part of the created image. Buns and ponytails do not require much effort or time, so add a satin ribbon in the form of a headband or a hairpin with an elegant floral design and a stunning outfit for a photo shoot is ready. If you have short hair, you can comb it beautifully to one side, fixing it with gel, or give it a retro touch with aristocratic waves.