Listening to yourself... Doctors explained why taste changes during pregnancy Taste preferences during pregnancy

The unexpected “culinary whims” of pregnant women are widely known and are reflected in fiction and cinema. Any woman can name these signs of pregnancy. For example, expectant mother begins to “crave for salty things.” Sometimes, on the contrary, a woman wants sweets all the time. It happens that an expectant mother, who was absolutely indifferent to fish before pregnancy, suddenly discovers a taste for seafood and fish dishes in the first weeks. Someone starts eating a certain type of meat, someone leans on fruits, someone stocks up on nuts - desires may be different, but the specifics of the diet appear in almost all expectant mothers.

There is a simple explanation for this “pregnancy sign”. Increased interest in certain products at the beginning of pregnancy is associated with a deficiency of certain substances in the woman’s body. We are talking about vitamins, minerals, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates required for the full development of the fetus and the successful course of pregnancy.

Sometimes our daily diet lacks some useful substances due to the refusal of some foods - for example, with vegetarianism (refusal to eat animal products), long-term dieting with the exclusion of one of the three main components of food (proteins) , fats or carbohydrates), rare consumption of milk or fish, if a woman does not really like these products, etc. In normal, “non-pregnant” times, a lack of any substance may go unnoticed - for the time being healthy body can compensate for the lack of some nutrients with others coming from food.

However, when pregnancy occurs, energy consumption immediately increases, usual compensatory measures become insufficient, and the pregnant body immediately “declares” its needs. After all, it is in the first weeks of pregnancy that differentiation (the appearance of structural differences) of fetal cells occurs, the formation of organs and the formation of life support systems.

These processes require huge amounts of energy and nutrients. Already by the 10th day of life, the embryo is surrounded by three different membranes that provide it with protection and nutrition, and on the 18th day from the moment of fertilization (corresponding to 2-3 days of delay in menstruation), the baby’s tiny heart is already formed and beating! During the first month of embryonic development, the rudiments of all organs and systems, the primary skeleton, the primitive digestive tract, blood vessels and even nervous tissue are formed in the fetus! During this period, the body of the expectant mother literally works in the “everything is for the front, everything is for victory” mode, and the lack of any useful substance is felt very acutely.

Depending on what specific substance necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the embryo is currently lacking in the mother’s body, taste preferences are formed during pregnancy.

∗ With a lack of phosphorus and vitamin D, necessary for the development of the fetal neural tube, the expectant mother craves fish, seaweed and seafood.

∗ The love for chocolate, sweet pastries, honey, ice cream and cakes is explained by the body’s energy needs for glucose.

∗ If during pregnancy you want milk, cottage cheese, cheeses or yoghurts, it means that at this stage you need calcium, which is found in abundance in dairy products. This substance is necessary for the formation of “milk” and permanent teeth, the formation of bones, ligaments, cartilage and muscle tissue of the fetus, its nails and hair, as well as for the harmonious development of the central nervous system.

∗ In the case when meat dishes of various preparation options begin to predominate on the expectant mother’s menu, the body makes up for the lack of easily digestible protein. The same can be said about the passion for nuts.

∗ Fruits and vegetables are rich in various vitamins. Sometimes it is enough for a doctor to ask a pregnant woman about her taste preferences in order to understand what vitamins she needs.

∗ Oranges and other citrus fruits are a natural storehouse of vitamin C, a substance necessary for normal tone and permeability of blood vessels.

∗ If your favorite fruits are now apples, you want berries - strawberries and strawberries, and among vegetables, carrots, beets and cabbage are preferred, it means that the expectant mother’s body needs iron, which is “responsible” for hematopoiesis and oxygen supply to the fetus.

∗ Passion for bananas, peaches, apricots, dried apricots and potatoes clearly indicates the need for potassium. The function of the skeletal and smooth muscles of the fetus, including the contractility of the heart, depends on this substance.

∗ And if the expectant mother gives a clear preference to beans, peas and other legumes, it means that zinc, which is involved in the construction of the bone skeleton, is necessary for the development of the baby.

∗ Many pregnant women, who had previously calmly walked past the “green” shelves of the supermarket, in the first half of the term begin to eat a large amount of greens - spinach, celery, salads of all varieties, parsley. This change in taste in pregnant women is explained by the body's need for. This B vitamin ensures the necessary speed of growth and development of the fetus, controls the formation of cardio-vascular system and nerve fibers of the central nervous system.

Of course, this does not mean at all that the expectant mother can be guided only by her own desires when creating a menu: unfortunately, not all taste preferences during pregnancy are beneficial for the body. For example, with the onset of pregnancy, many expectant mothers often “crave salty foods,” and pickles, marinades and smoked meats appear in their diet every day.

Such indulgence in taste preferences during pregnancy can do the pregnant woman a disservice: salt binds liquid and leads to the formation of edema, and marinades and smoked foods create unnecessary stress on the digestive system, causing gastritis, pain in the pancreas and gall bladder. Some women “in an interesting situation” always want oranges or strawberries, and these fruits, although healthy in themselves, begin to be absorbed in excessive quantities, which, unfortunately, can provoke allergies.

Finally, many modern foods contain flavor enhancers that are addictive and increase appetite, but they can also be harmful to health.

Unfortunately, in most cases, this taste addiction does not disappear with the onset of pregnancy, and a lady “in an interesting position” may want chips, cola or shawarma just as in normal times. Of course, if we're talking about O healthy products, you can and should listen to the requirements of your body. However, even in this case, it is worth consulting with your doctor about creating an optimally balanced diet.

Unusual taste changes in pregnant women

Sometimes in the first weeks completely unusual taste preferences appear during pregnancy. Doctors call such phenomena perversion of taste in pregnant women. For example, a young healthy woman suddenly has an uncontrollable urge to chew chalk or try an iron nail. Agree, this is a very extravagant desire that can surprise not only those around you, but also the expectant mother herself!

However, there is nothing dangerous in such unusual “culinary preferences”. Like all taste preferences during pregnancy, they are caused by a lack of essential nutrients (in in this case– calcium and iron). Of course, this is not a reason to realize strange whims: you should not chew chalk and metal objects! But it is imperative to tell a doctor monitoring the development of pregnancy about unexpected changes in taste in a pregnant woman: it is possible that we are talking not just about the body’s need for one or another microelement, but about severe vitamin deficiency.

This guess can be confirmed using a biochemical blood test, which will make it possible to estimate the amount of all the basic microelements necessary for the full metabolism and development of the baby.

There is another explanation for the unusual reaction from the taste buds of the expectant mother. Such addictions can be explained by the phenomena of early toxicosis. This condition for the body is intoxication (poisoning), resulting from a protective reaction of the expectant mother’s immune system. Since 50% of the embryo’s genotype is inherited from the father, the pregnant woman’s immune system mistakes the embryo for a “foreign substance” and begins to secrete protective cells - antibodies. For the baby, this attack of the immune system does not pose a danger: he is reliably protected from its “assaults” by the placental barrier. However, antibodies produced against fetal cells accumulate in the bloodstream and negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system of the expectant mother. As a result, the sensitivity of her taste buds may temporarily change, which will lead to a sharp distortion of taste.

These unexpected changes in taste in a pregnant woman certainly reduce general level comfort of the expectant mother. However, they do not occur in everyone, and they proceed in quite different ways. Sometimes taste distortions occur only in the first weeks and are quickly eliminated, sometimes a little later, for some the symptoms are stronger, for others they are slightly expressed. It happens that extravagant taste preferences constantly bother the expectant mother, and sometimes such manifestations arise only periodically. For the vast majority of pregnant women, all such problems disappear during the first 2–3 months of pregnancy, that is, after the 12th week.

Changes and even perversions of taste in pregnant women are not a sign of disease and do not require treatment. We can say that this is a variant of the norm, a kind of “side effect” interesting situation. After these symptoms disappear, the expectant mother feels well again. Such phenomena do not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development in any way.

Only with pleasure?

When composing a diet, it is important to take into account the taste preferences of the pregnant woman so that the eating process brings pleasure to the expectant mother. Nutrition is one of the basic needs of our body. By satisfying it, we experience pleasant feelings: at the moment of saturation, the so-called “hormones of happiness” - endorphins - are released. The tastier the food, the more pleasure the eating process brings, and, therefore, the more “happiness hormones” are released, which are no less important for a pregnant woman than proteins or vitamins. The main function of these hormones is the regulation of metabolism, that is, the rate of food processing into final products necessary for energy metabolism (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements). Regular release of endorphins in the body of the expectant mother has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the fetus.

Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman when her body develops new life. This is often accompanied by the appearance of not very pleasant sensations that may occur during different terms carrying a child. You just need to experience them and not give in to unnecessary experiences. Many people experience nausea, belching, heartburn or bloating at this time. This is quite acceptable taking into account all the changes occurring in the body.

Many women also notice the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth. When this occurs for the first time, a pregnant woman tends to think about the reasons for this condition. But the opposite situation also happens - these sensations arose periodically before, but the woman did not pay attention to them. Why this happens and what needs to be done to eliminate the unpleasant symptom, the doctor will tell you. But a woman herself can guess about some aspects of its development.

An unpleasant taste in the mouth is certainly a problem that worries women. But it’s not always worth giving this increased attention.


A foreign taste can haunt a woman starting from early dates pregnancy. There are many explanations for this: physiological changes in the body or various pathological disorders. But before you look for any diseases, you should think about whether this is a normal phenomenon. First we need to consider possible reasons of the specified condition and exclude the most unfavorable of them. Thus, the appearance of an altered taste in the mouth during pregnancy can be caused by the following factors:

  • Physiological restructuring of the body.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Metabolic pathology.
  • Oral diseases.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

It is possible to determine what actually caused the strange aftertaste only after a comprehensive examination of the pregnant woman. But some deviations in health status are not always detected. In this case, they speak of a normal reaction of the body to bearing a child.

Why certain sensations occur during pregnancy can only be determined by a doctor.


If we consider in detail the problem of altered taste, we need to take into account all the points that may indicate its origin. First of all, you should find out what preceded the appearance of such a symptom: it is often associated with a woman’s diet or certain aspects of her lifestyle. It is necessary to establish the characteristics of such a manifestation, because the taste can be completely different:

  1. Sour.
  2. Gorky.
  3. Sweet.
  4. Metallic.

This symptom is often accompanied by other manifestations: heartburn, belching, abdominal discomfort. It can change over time, be constant or intermittent, pronounced or weak. It all depends on the woman’s condition at the time of the examination and the characteristics of her body.

Differential diagnosis will help determine the origin of any symptom.

Physiological restructuring of the body

Pregnancy occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body and changes in the functioning of various systems. Unfortunately, this does not always result in pleasant sensations. Even before a woman becomes aware of her situation, one of the common signs is a change in taste. But this can also be considered in the context of early toxicosis, when nausea and vomiting are simultaneously bothersome.

In the second and third trimester, when the fetus is growing rapidly, the uterus begins to rise and put pressure on the surrounding organs. The woman begins to feel sour belching, heartburn, and a feeling of fullness after eating. This is due to increased abdominal pressure and relaxation of the sphincters. The contents of the stomach, which contains hydrochloric acid, actively penetrates the esophagus and leads to a change in taste in the mouth. And this is not a sign of pathology.

In addition to the sour feeling in the mouth, a woman may be bothered by the taste of bitterness. This condition appears due to the penetration of bile into the stomach against the background of reflux (backflow) from the duodenum.

Physiological changes during pregnancy, as a rule, do not have such pronounced manifestations as in pathology.

Digestive system diseases

Often, an altered taste in the mouth indicates certain diseases of the digestive tract. Symptoms that bothered the woman even before pregnancy allow one to suspect such a pathology, since when carrying a child, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is often observed.

For example, if a woman has a sour mouth, this may indicate gastritis, a stomach ulcer, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In turn, many of them are accompanied by:

  • Pain and heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching sour or airy.
  • Constipation.

When talking about a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the gallbladder, because this may be a sign of biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, and cholelithiasis. In this case, pain in the right hypochondrium is typical, sometimes jaundice and loose stools occur. A sweet taste may indicate liver problems such as hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Diseases of the digestive system require timely treatment. This is the only way to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Metabolic pathology

At diabetes mellitus a sweet taste may appear in the mouth. This is due to an increase in blood glucose levels. But this is a rather rare sign of the disease. Most often, the pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Thirst and dry mouth.
  2. Passing large amounts of urine (polyuria).
  3. Skin itching.
  4. Decreased vision.
  5. Increased weight or, conversely, weight loss.

Diabetes can be detected by a simple blood sugar test and a carbohydrate tolerance test.

Oral diseases

An unpleasant taste and odor from the mouth is a common symptom dental diseases and ENT pathology. This is observed with the development of inflammation or impaired sensitivity of the receptors of the tongue. Such symptoms are typical for stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis and even caries. A sweet taste may appear due to purulent processes in the mouth or upper respiratory tract, while a sour or salty taste may occur due to inflammation of the salivary glands.

Treatment of dental diseases should not be neglected. Although this is often unpleasant, it will prevent much bigger problems from occurring in the future.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

Most often, a change in taste is observed with a lack of iron in the body. Moreover, this is typical for the depletion of its tissue reserves, which is observed with a fairly long-term deficiency of this element. This condition will inevitably lead to chronic anemia, which is not uncommon during pregnancy and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Weakness, increased fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Changes in hair and nails (brittleness, fragility).
  • Atrophic changes in the tongue, esophagus and stomach.

A metallic taste can occur when the gums are bleeding, which can be an initial symptom of a vitamin C deficiency in the body.


To eliminate sour or any other taste in the mouth, you need to focus on the diagnostic results. After a medical and additional examination, you can plan therapeutic or preventive measures, which should have an exclusively individual focus.

Only a specialist will tell you what a pregnant woman needs to do to eliminate unpleasant taste sensations.


Compliance with dietary recommendations is of great importance. Proper nutrition will be the key not only to the prevention of many diseases, but also to the normal course of pregnancy. To do this, a woman must take into account the following principles:

  1. Regularity of meals, completeness and variety of diet.
  2. Exclusion of spicy, smoked, fried and fatty foods.
  3. Advantage over boiled, stewed or baked products.
  4. Limit sweets, pickles, cabbage, legumes.
  5. Adequate consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.
  6. Give preference to cereals, dairy products, lean meats and fish.
  7. Quitting use alcoholic drinks and smoking.

Walking on a walk will help with proper digestion. fresh air, light morning exercises And good mood.

Diet for a pregnant woman is important. Do not neglect your doctor's nutritional recommendations.

Drug therapy

The basis of traditional treatment for many diseases is the use of drugs. This is the simplest and effective method cope with the disease. However, a pregnant woman should remember that independent use of any medications can result in danger to the fetus. Therefore, you can take medications only as prescribed by your doctor.

Based on the situation, the use of the following groups of medications may be justified:

  • Prokinetics.
  • Antisecretory.
  • Enzymes.
  • Sugar-lowering.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Iron preparations.
  • Vitamins.

In dental and ENT pathologies, much attention is paid to local treatment with the use of antiseptic and antibacterial agents.

Unpleasant taste sensations can plague a woman throughout her pregnancy. To minimize them or eliminate them altogether, you need to contact specialists in time.

Often during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, the senses work in a different mode, and sometimes even the sight and smell of previously favorite dishes becomes simply unbearable. Many people cannot stand the smell of boiled meat or chicken, some look with disgust at their favorite sushi, and others do not want milk at all.

At the same time, new taste preferences arise, combinations of products that a woman could not even think about before pregnancy, much less eat. There may be attacks of irresistible craving for previously completely unloved foods, there may be a desire to eat everything indiscriminately, or there may be a desire to combine foods that do not taste well - salted herring and sweet honey, for example.

Sometimes a persistent aversion to all food may occur, especially in the presence of toxicosis. Stories about exotic and unusual desires can be very funny. And often, based on changes in dietary desires - when you “crave salty foods,” you can even assume pregnancy from those around you.

Riot of hormones

Scientists and doctors call the main reason for such taste preferences and changes in eating habits the effect on the body of a pregnant woman of hormones that are produced during pregnancy in completely different concentrations. Particularly important in terms of taste is the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is one of the main pregnancy hormones; it is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy in the area of ​​the released egg in the ovary, and then progesterone is also produced by the developing placenta.

Its influence is especially strong in the first months of pregnancy, especially before 16-18 weeks. During this period, the main portions of progesterone are produced by the ovary, while the placenta is just emerging and forming, and as it matures and the beginning of hormonal function, after 16 weeks the ovary gradually loses its hormonal functions. Then your eating habits become less exotic.

As a result of the influence of progesterone, the successful implantation and attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is formed (this process is called implantation), and due to its action, the muscle fibers of the uterus are in a relaxed state, which prevents the rejection of the fertilized egg and prevents pregnancy from being interrupted. In addition, due to the action of progesterone, the mammary glands are prepared and normal lactation is subsequently formed in the woman who has given birth. In addition to influencing directly the woman’s reproductive organs and pregnancy, progesterone can also have a fairly pronounced effect on the entire female body generally.

It is important to remember that changes and some transformations occur throughout a woman’s body, which are directly or indirectly aimed at ensuring that the mother’s body can support the course of pregnancy and can create the most optimal conditions for growth and development for the growing fetus, and then a successful birth .

Progesterone, secreted by the body in elevated concentrations, plays a key role in the development of these processes; under the influence of progesterone in the brain area, the formation of a special area of ​​hypersensitivity nerve cells begins, which is called the “dominant of pregnancy.” This nerve center regulates the functioning of everything pregnant body. It directs the work of internal organs and systems, adjusts their work so that the mother’s body can protect the unborn baby from various types of harmful influences - stress, toxins, infections, etc. But it is precisely due to the formation of the “dominant pregnancy” that at the same time a change in taste preferences occurs, and sometimes paradoxical desires for food arise.

Mechanism of defensive reactions

Scientists also emphasize that changes in taste preferences and especially exotic desires of the mother are also a kind of defensive reaction that can be aimed at protecting one’s body and the body of the unborn child from harmful substances that penetrate with food. Or (which happens more often) the process is aimed at stimulating the intake of nutrients into the body with food - protein, vitamins, microelements. Such changes and protective properties explain the manifestation of aversion to coffee, cigarettes, spices or fast food. These products and substances are not beneficial, they can lead to miscarriage or pose a threat of miscarriage. That is why the “dominant pregnancy” includes protective mechanisms and rids the body of harmful products and substances.

Perhaps the body is missing something

Many expectant mothers really want to eat sweets, chocolate, candies and baked goods during pregnancy. This is not without reason, and is due to the fact that carrying a baby and feeding it requires more energy and more calories, which are found in abundance in sweets and baked goods. In addition, there is a lot of glucose, which nourishes the brain and gives a good mood. The well-known craving of pregnant women for salty foods is also explained by the fact that during pregnancy there is a lack of minerals, which the body tries to compensate for through nutrition. The body especially suffers from a deficiency of sodium and potassium, which are found in salty foods. As pregnancy progresses, the volume of blood circulating in the vessels increases, the balance of fluids and mineral components changes, and reserves need to be replenished.

An increase in the woman's body's need for vitamin and mineral components is one of the leading reasons for the development of unique taste desires and cravings during pregnancy. Due to the fact that the fetus is actively growing and developing in the woman’s uterus, it consumes only those nutrients that are delivered to it by the mother’s blood. If any substances are lacking, the mother’s body begins to use up its “strategic” reserves. Then the mother’s body sends signals to the brain in order to activate appetite and the desire to eat foods such as citrus fruits, strawberries, various other fruits and foods rich in mineral components and vitamins. Typically, such desires arise in the late afternoon or at night, since it is at this time that the work of those parts of the nervous system in which the “pregnancy dominant” is formed is activated, and then it takes command of all processes.

Due to all this, in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman develops a kind of intuition about the foods that are most necessary for her at a given time. The body strives to cover the increasing needs for nutrients, microelements and vitamins, which will outwardly manifest itself in unique dietary desires.

Sometimes quite inexplicable, paradoxical dietary desires may arise. In some cases, women experience a peculiar metallic taste in the mouth, which usually occurs with iron deficiency in the diet. This can provoke the development of a rather unpleasant complication of pregnancy - anemia, a decrease in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the tissues and exchanges gases in the body. In the presence of anemia, there is a deterioration in blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues both in the mother herself and in the fetus, which experiences a state of hypoxia.

The presence of anemia leads to the threat of bleeding, miscarriage or chronic fetal hypoxia with disruption of its development. At this stage, it would be quite expected to join the process of “dominant pregnancy” with an intensification of the desire to eat boiled meat, apples and pomegranates, but with anemia, not everything is so simple, and usually expectant mothers in this state experience, instead of a desire to eat these foods, an aversion to him. But there is an irresistible desire to eat lime, chalk or raw vegetables, clay or earth. This phenomenon has not yet been studied in terms of its mechanisms, and such problems of the body can be compensated for by taking specially designed mineral and vitamin complexes for pregnant women. All components are specially selected in them in quantities that will cover all the needs of both the mother herself and her baby.

Causes psychological plan

Often, changes in taste preferences during pregnancy, in addition to purely physiological reasons, are based on purely psychological basis. They occur due to special changes in the emotional and psychological state future mother. Everyone knows that along with the body itself, during pregnancy, psychological changes also occur, emotionality and attitudes towards others and oneself change. And sometimes taste changes occur not because of the needs of the body, but because of psychological changes and the influence of emotional stress. L

Any pregnancy, even if it is very expected and desired, is stressful for the woman’s body and psyche; there is a change in lifestyle, social role and family relations. Not all pregnant women can easily and quickly cope with such changes; they experience irritability and emotionality, causeless tears and resentment, and a need for attention from others. Often, changes in diet are a way to “eat stress”, a way to get increased attention from loved ones, especially a spouse.

Most often, changes in taste preferences are the result of a whole complex of influencing factors, both psychological and physiological. Therefore, you should be lenient towards such whims of pregnant women.

How to deal with such desires

For the most part, if you suddenly have a desire to eat something unusual or tasty, you can follow the pregnant woman’s lead and treat yourself to these foods, if they are not dangerous to your health. So, if you want chocolate, you can eat a small piece, rather than a whole bar. Restrictions on the consumption of such products relate only to their quantities. If you have a desire to eat two bars of chocolate or a plate of strawberries (not yet in season), you should still limit yourself in your desires, since too many potentially allergenic foods can lead to the development of an allergic reaction in both the mother and create a tendency towards them the same as the child.

Excessive salt consumption causes severe thirst, which leads to a sharp change in water-salt metabolism in the body. At the same time, the woman will drink more, which will provoke swelling and poor health. When eating a large number of buns and cakes, the pancreas is stressed and more calories are consumed than the body can process, which leads to the formation excess weight. Some mothers show a desire to drink beer or try various exotic delicacies with artificial preservatives and dyes, and food chemicals. But all these substances will have an extremely negative impact on the development of the fetus and can lead to defects and deformities. If such a desire arises, you should not indulge it, and you need to replace these harmful products for something closer, but more useful. Beer can be replaced with natural kvass or black bread, unhealthy candies with juicy fruits.

When should you see a doctor?

If the emergence of taste preferences and food fads begins to interfere with your usual routine of life, if thoughts about eating some foods crowd out all others, if there is a persistent desire to eat completely inedible foods, it is important to consult a doctor and rule out hidden pathologies that require treatment .

It is especially worth paying attention to such desires as a craving for eating chalk, clay, iron or earth; this may indicate a deficiency of minerals in the diet; the doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary medications for you.

And in order to minimize the process of changing taste preferences, it is worth eating varied and tasty during pregnancy, setting the table beautifully, so that there is a desire to try all the products and dishes. From time to time, treat yourself to sweets and savories, but don’t get carried away with them, balanced and good nutrition.

(4 Votes)

It is believed that during pregnancy, women begin to like certain foods, such as herring, pickles, oranges, etc.

Hematologists explain such changes in taste by the fact that the iron content in the blood of a pregnant woman decreases. Expectant mothers who take iron supplements or multivitamins that contain iron from the first days of pregnancy usually do not experience such problems.

Taste preferences during pregnancy and sudden changes The tastes of expectant mothers have been noted for a long time. During this period, a passionate lover of pickled cucumbers may turn into a notorious sweet tooth, and a fan of chocolates, jam and ice cream may unexpectedly crave salty and spicy foods. Also, very often, pregnant women begin to combine completely incompatible foods, and eat it like the most unusual and real delicacy. For example, such a treat may include ice cream and chips, lemon and salt or lemon and pepper, and much, much more. These are the mysterious needs that can occur in a pregnant woman’s diet.

Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman

Many women in the first trimester have a very difficult time with all sorts of kitchen odors, especially if they are strong, for example, the smell from frying onions. Some people sniff soap to prevent toxicosis. Preferences in perfume scents may change dramatically.

What is causing all these changes and preferences? There is no single answer to this question. There are only a few points of view on this matter.

It is believed that progesterone is to blame for all these addictions. When pregnancy occurs, the so-called pregnancy dominant is formed in the cerebral cortex, which promotes readiness to bear and give birth to a child, as well as ensuring the woman’s psychological mood. A dominant pregnancy occurs in a woman after the egg has attached to the lining of the uterus. The dominant at the hormonal level is supported by increased production of progesterone.

According to the second version, the autonomic nervous system, which is a part of the nervous system that is responsible for the functioning of internal organs, is responsible for taste preferences during pregnancy.

According to the third version, changes in taste preferences are associated with possible failures. But it may not always be that simple. There are cases when a pregnant woman’s body has hidden metabolic disturbances, and the “search engine” command may be erroneous, i.e. instead of eliminating the deficiency of something, it will contribute to its strengthening. For example, there is not enough iron in the body, and the expectant mother, against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin, begins to develop a specific metallic taste in her mouth, but at the same time she cannot look at meat, much less eat it. Although meat helps to some extent solve the problem of impaired iron metabolism. Then taking vitamin-mineral complexes can help here.

Thus, it is precisely because of hormonal changes in the body that certain taste preferences arise, the desire to eat one thing and aversion from just the sight of another product.

Don't ignore the cravings of pregnant women

We can conclude that no matter how strange the preferences of pregnant women may be, they should not be ignored, we must listen to them and, in some cases, think about the shortage of which particular product caused this preference, and how this whim can be eliminated. However, scientists have recognized that in some cases taste preferences cannot be explained. In any case, you shouldn’t eat something that is even considered healthy, but you don’t want it at all. You can replace this product with some other one, taking into account the substances it contains so that they enter the body. After all, we must not forget that the diet of a pregnant woman should be varied and include substances necessary for the growth of the baby.

If you have a strong desire to eat something harmful, and are not at all drawn to healthy food, then you should consult a doctor to find out the cause and eliminate it. Of course, you can eat something that is not very healthy, but you just need to take reasonable doses into account so as not to harm your baby’s health. It is also worth remembering that your needs are reasonable, because if you want to eat chalk or sand, then, naturally, you don’t need to do this. It is recommended to be picky when you want to try something new that you have never eaten before pregnancy. This will help you avoid poisoning with an unfamiliar product and developing allergies. First of all, looking at New Product, study its composition.

Be attentive to yourself and your baby, try to adhere to healthy eating, and your pregnancy will be much easier and more enjoyable!

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 18 minutes


During pregnancy, many expectant mothers suddenly feel that their usual taste preferences have changed, and what previously caused disgust begins to attract, and what they love and know begins to cause disgust. The same can be said about smells. From time to time, expectant mothers have completely outlandish desires. One suddenly finds her favorite coffee disgusting, and she greedily rushes to raw meat. Another uses a spoon to scoop up coffee grounds and put them in her mouth, biting them with raw potatoes. The third goes to lick the soap. The fourth flies for hamburgers and breaded wings from fast food, and the fifth washes down condensed milk with beer and chips with baked milk.

What could this mean, and is it worth fighting such desires?

Strange desires of pregnant women: reasons

Poll of sociologists: what do you want most?

Sociologists who conducted research in this area were primarily interested in questions about concentration changes in taste preferences and the appearance in the diet of women of products that were not previously consumed. Based on the results of the survey, it turned out that the most unexpected desires of expectant mothers are plaster, soap and cigarette ashes. Among the foods that appeared in the diets were raw onions, hot peppers, licorice, ice, blue cheese, horseradish, raw potatoes and pickled apples. Thus, all products that expectant mothers crave have a sharp, pronounced taste.

Expert opinion:

A strong desire of the expectant mother to put something unusual in her mouth usually means signal from the body about the lack of substances and microelements necessary for the baby, which are not present in the required quantities in the usual food.

It should be remembered that the use of substances, even insanely highly desirable ones, such as chalk, plaster or soap, can lead to very negative consequences. They contain harmful impurities. If your cravings for such items increase, you should seek help from doctors, so that they, in turn, can prescribe medications to replenish the substances the body needs.

Strange taste desires of expectant mothers - what do they mean?

There are many reasons that provoke an expectant mother to consume certain foods that have not been consumed before. And of course, real reasons can only be detected by a doctor after examination for nutritional deficiencies and the presence of certain diseases in the body. Certain taste desires can tell the expectant mother a lot about the state of her health. Adequate and timely measures will help her eliminate health problems and save her baby.

Of course, in this case we are talking about acute obsessive desires that haunt the expectant mother every day. And such a desire as, for example, to eat a slice of cheese in the morning is unlikely to indicate serious problems in the body.

Progesterone and pregnancy

The main “initiator” of such problems in the body of the expectant mother is hormone progesterone , actively produced during pregnancy. This hormone helps preserve the baby in the womb , and the beginning of its production is the moment when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. Progesterone production occurs before the thirty-eighth week.

With the start of hormone production in the body Consistent biochemical changes in the smells, tastes and even tearfulness of the expectant mother begin . Progesterone has the function of “adjusting” the program for replenishing scarce elements . If there are any, then the pregnant woman instantly receives a signal about this problem in the form of an acute desire for a certain product or substance. The same hormone improves the absorption of necessary foods and stimulates the rejection of inappropriate foods.

The need for sweet and salty foods in the first trimester

Do you want something salty? Unbearably craving pickles, chips and fast food? This need of the body in the first trimester may be associated with its protective functions.

Toxicosis occurring early in pregnancy provokes fluid loss in the body . To prevent dehydration, the body requires foods high in salt, which help retain water and maintain water-salt balance.

And here for dessert most often during pregnancy attracts skinny girls . In this way, nature signals to them that it is time to gain a little weight and gain the missing kilograms. In this case the beginning of pregnancy is accompanied by acute desires for sweets, fatty and starchy foods . But you should not rush to satisfy the whims of the body. Sweet foods cause both a sharp drop and a rapid rise in blood sugar. And for this reason, before you hit the cake counter, it's worth considering foods that are rich in proteins (eg eggs and meat). But regarding sweets: it is better to choose a product that is not absorbed too quickly and charges the body with the necessary energy. For example, muesli.

Taste preferences and psychology

The psychological reason for the “whims” of a pregnant woman is a sign for the man and the future father. It is quite possible that with such whims a woman is trying attract his attention . Moreover, this does not always happen consciously. Requests - “cook me something tasty”, “buy me something like that” and “bring me something that I don’t know myself, but I really want” can be caused by ordinary attention deficit.

The presence of the future father and his participation in the difficult everyday life of the expectant mother, harmony in the family is the key to a favorable pregnancy.

To fulfill or not to fulfill the whims of the expectant mother?

In this case, everything depends on the adequacy of the whims and, of course, on the possibilities.

One calls for wild strawberries in February, the other sniffs the exhaust fumes, leaning out of the open car window. It is absolutely clear that the second option will not benefit the baby, and the first is nothing more than a whim, like snowdrops in the middle of winter.

If the future father and relatives of a pregnant woman can afford to drive around at night in search of a certain type of oranges, smoked meats or papaya with passion fruit, then why not?

Dangerous oddities in the desires of expectant mothers

Quite rare, but, alas, noted olfactory desires of pregnant women to sniff hairspray, acetone or gasoline vapors should be strictly controlled by expectant mothers. Indulging them, of course, is dangerous. This is harmful for both mother and baby. In a situation where such desires become too intrusive, you should definitely report them to the doctor.

The reason for such oddities may be changes at the neurochemical level in the processes of inhibition and excitation. It is their body that may be trying to put it in order, forcing the expectant mother to inhale volatile substances that affect brain function. With the help of medications prescribed by a doctor, you can improve metabolic processes in the brain without indulging in your weirdness.

Cravings for harmful things (alcohol, fatty foods, etc.) What to do?

First of all, discuss your strange taste preferences with your doctor.

How to avoid strange taste quirks during pregnancy:



In the first trimester, I was most drawn to sausages, fish with mayonnaise and sausage. Now only for dessert. I accidentally dug up a bag of caramels in my nightstand and cracked it without thinking. 🙂 And I also got hooked on chocolate Picnic with walnuts. It's just a pity that it doesn't happen everywhere. Therefore, you have to take a lot at once. 🙂


I remember eating coffee grounds like crazy during pregnancy. Just spoons. I didn’t drink the coffee myself, but I finished the grounds after everyone else. It was just terrible how they looked at me. 🙂 As soon as I gave birth, the desire immediately disappeared. And I always wanted chalk. I even ground up eggshells and ate them. And raw potatoes. I plan on soup, and then, imperceptibly, a couple of slices. 🙂


And I heard that if you have a terrible craving for sweets, then perhaps there are problems with the liver and bile ducts. Can . You need to do gymnastics, and everything will be ok. And the desire for meat, more and more crispy, is a protein deficiency. But the baby simply needs it, so you urgently need to lean on protein-rich foods. But sauerkraut contains the most vitamin C. 🙂


And I smell it all the time sunflower oil. My husband laughs and calls me a drug addict. 🙂 And you can’t just pull me away by the ears. I also crave salty foods, pickled mushrooms and eggplants. Sweets immediately cause a gag reflex. It's time to go and get checked for problems in the body. 🙂


After the third month, my daughter-in-law started eating jam with fried potatoes, vegetables with a lot of mayonnaise and ice cream drowned in a jar of jam. 🙂 And my friend constantly licked her lipstick. 🙂


And for my daughter and I, fast food has become the main problem. 🙂 As I walk past, that’s it! Gone. Fried potatoes, nuggets... But it turns out that you just need to go to the doctor... 🙂 And I always want another snack. I pour boiling water over it, I can’t even wait for it to brew, and I pounce. I also leave some green peas in there and pour mayonnaise over everything. 🙂 My family looks at me with horror, but I enjoy it. 🙂


With my first child, I really wanted beer and sprat in tomato. Simply unbearable! Some guy walks by with a bottle, and I’m already drooling - even if you ask him to give me a sip. 🙂 And I cracked the sprat in the tomato like boxes. And with my second daughter, I already had more aesthetic desires. The first half I just wanted oranges. The husband, poor fellow, would sometimes come after them in the middle of the night. 🙂 And the second half I just chalked everything. I gained 20 kg during pregnancy (I was about to give birth at 70 kg). A month after giving birth, I returned to my usual 50 kg. 🙂

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