Sample menu for teenage athletes for a week. Proper nutrition for athletes. Menu during the drying and fat burning period

When playing sports, proper nutrition is especially important. A well-designed diet plays a decisive role in some sports.


The menu for an athlete should be much higher in calories than for a person who does not play sports.

Playing sports can serve different purposes. For most people, sport is a way to improve their figure and exercise 3 times a week, and for some it is daily work and performances. Sometimes people want to get ripped muscles, and sometimes they just want to get rid of excess fat. For professional athletes, an individual diet is prepared by sports nutrition specialists.

In addition to a sufficient amount of calories, nutrition should provide the human body with vitamins and microelements that are consumed during physical activity.

Proper nutrition implies 4 – 5 meals a day. The main amount of food should be eaten during second breakfast and lunch. Overeating contributes to weakness and poor health, so you should not eat a large amount of food at one time.

Nutrition Basics

For an athlete, the correct ratio of nutrients is especially important. The approximate amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the diet is 30%, 10% and 60% respectively.


A sufficient amount of protein is the basis of dietary and sports nutrition. It is from it that the body restores muscles. Proteins are involved in the formation of hormones and are catalysts for biochemical processes.

Protein-rich foods:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • eggs.

In some sports, protein shakes and bars are used to saturate the body with protein.


The combination of vegetable and animal fats in an athlete’s menu is considered the most useful. The diet should include:

  • vegetable oils;
  • fatty fish;
  • butter;
  • nuts;
  • olives and black olives;
  • dietary supplements - fish oil, flax and rosehip oil in capsules or others.

Fats are necessary for the functioning of internal organs, proper heat exchange and restoration of muscle and skin cells. Without them, normal metabolism is impossible, so it is impossible to remove all fat-containing foods from the diet, even when you want to lose weight.

An athlete's menu should contain approximately 1.5 grams of fat per 1 kg of his weight.


All energy processes in the body require carbohydrates. During sports they are used up very quickly. It is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy for a long time.

It is useful to include rice, buckwheat, millet and fruits in an athlete’s menu.

Sugar, lemonade and sugary confectionery products are usually excluded from the diet, since these products are not related to a healthy diet.


During sports and when recovering from exercise, the body uses a large amount of water. To maintain health, it is important to maintain the body's water balance and not suffer from thirst.

Before competitions, some athletes leave only protein on the menu and limit their water intake to make muscle definition more noticeable. This is a temporary measure harmful to health, which is resorted to only for a few days. For an organism that is not resilient enough, such actions are dangerous with serious consequences.

When playing sports, the average volume of fluid you drink per day should be approximately 2.5 liters. The exact figure depends on age, gender, weight and many other factors.


Proper nutrition usually eliminates the need for additional intake of synthetic vitamins, but for athletes this may not be enough. During training, a large amount of vitamins and minerals are consumed, without which recovery after training will be difficult.

Vitamins are necessary for:

  • synthesis of collagen and amino acids;
  • absorption of nutrients and microelements;
  • synthesis of hormones;
  • growth and restoration of muscle tissue;
  • restoration of cell membranes;
  • proper metabolism in the body.

Vitamin complexes should be taken in courses. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage indicated on the package, since some vitamins are toxic in large quantities.

During regular and hard training, you should pay attention to vitamin and mineral complexes that are intended specifically for athletes. They can be purchased at sports nutrition points of sale or in online stores. If sports occupy a small part of a person’s total employment, then it will be sufficient to take vitamins from the pharmacy - Duovit, Multi-Tabs and others.


To consistently adhere to proper nutrition, you can plan your diet for the week in advance. After compiling the menu, the list of products will be almost ready. It is convenient to immediately buy some of them, especially meat and fish, for the whole week and freeze them.

Popular menu base:

  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken breast;
  • rice and buckwheat;
  • beef;
  • milk;
  • fish for boiling or stewing;
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal, rolled oatmeal;
  • seasonal fruits and vegetables, bananas;

It is useful to include in your diet:

  • squid;
  • fermented milk drinks, yoghurts, sour cream, butter;
  • potato;
  • natural juices;
  • noodles;
  • minced meat for meatballs and cutlets;
  • seaweed.

If you refuse harmful products sports nutrition for a week will be no more expensive than with a regular diet.

Approximate nutrition for main meals is given in the table.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
  • oatmeal;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • chicken breast;
  • seasonal vegetable salad;
  • beef chop;
  • seaweed;
  • a glass of kefir.
  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled red fish;
  • meatball soup;
  • chop;
  • tomato and sour cream salad;
  • dried fruits compote.
  • steamed fish cutlets;
  • vegetable stew;
  • drinking yogurt.
  • meat with cheese;
  • banana;
  • milk.
  • vegetable stew;
  • chicken broth with meat;
  • cauliflower or broccoli;
  • chicken breast;
  • kefir.
  • boiled red fish;
  • borsch;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • cutlet;
  • cocoa.
  • hot cheese sandwich;
  • vegetable salad;
  • zrazy.
  • multigrain muesli;
  • banana;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish cutlet;
  • compote.
  • eggplant with rice;
  • drinking yogurt.
  • stuffed pepper;
  • seasonal fruits;
  • stewed pork;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • vegetable salad;
  • baked fish;
  • vegetable side dish;
  • oatmeal with dried apricots;
  • 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • a glass of milk.
  • cheese soup with mushrooms;
  • chicken breast;
  • salad;
  • vegetable stew;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • kefir.

Proper nutrition is the basis for excellent health and good results during sports. For athletes, it is especially important to create a complete menu and select vitamin complexes.

It is important for both professional athletes and ordinary people involved in fitness to improve their figure and improve their health to eat right. It has been proven that on average 70% of the result depends on the chosen nutrition system, and only 30% comes directly from training.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

A common misconception is that you only need to watch your diet when losing weight, while you can eat almost anything to gain muscle mass. But this is not so, because build beautiful body With developed muscles, it won’t work without a special diet.

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    Nutrition Basics for Athletes

    Basic principles of nutrition for athletes:

    1. 1. The need to count calories. In order for nutrition to contribute to achieving a specific goal, you need to calculate the caloric content of the diet. To lose weight, you need a calorie deficit, and to gain muscle mass, you need a surplus.
    2. 2. You need to eat every 3-4 hours. Then digestion will function correctly. This principle works for both weight loss and muscle building. Only the portion size will differ depending on the required daily calorie content.
    3. 3. When preparing your diet, you should take into account your body type. Ectomorphs who have difficulty gaining weight need to eat in a calorie surplus. Mesomorphs with a proportional build can only maintain their shape by consuming their daily calorie intake. Endomorphs who easily gain excess weight should eat at a deficit, that is, spend more than they consume.

    Body types

    The quality of the body is also determined by what exactly a person eats, that is, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Therefore, it is important to know which foods athletes are allowed to consume and which ones should be avoided.

    Authorized Products

    The diet, both when burning fat and when gaining weight, must include all macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

    Therefore, an athlete’s diet should be varied and complete.

    How to quickly gain weight for a man - nutrition principles and training program


    Protein is essential for building muscle fibers. Therefore, it should be consumed in sufficient quantities by all people who play sports and care about their figure. After all, muscles are responsible for the quality of the body, making it elastic and toned.

    Healthy protein foods for athletes are:

    • lean meat (lean beef, chicken breast, turkey, etc.);
    • dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, milk);
    • eggs;
    • fish;
    • legumes

    Moreover, the listed products must be prepared correctly. For example, it is advisable not to fry meat, but to stew or boil it. After all, during frying, the amount of protein in the dish decreases. In addition, if you use a lot of oil, fats (saturated and trans fats) that are harmful to the human body are formed.


    People who are losing weight often diligently avoid foods containing carbohydrates. It is believed that this will help you lose excess weight faster. However, carbohydrate-free diets are not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous to human health.

    This is due to the fact that during intense training, the body requires energy to burn fat. Its main source is carbohydrates, the lack of which leads to loss of strength, decreased brain activity, etc. Therefore, carbohydrates must be included in your diet in sufficient quantities. But it is worth remembering that they are divided into simple and complex.

    The first ones are also called fast, since they almost instantly break down into sugars and enter the blood. This leads to increased sugar levels and insulin production. As a result, fat-burning processes are blocked, and the sweets eaten are deposited on the sides, thighs, etc.

    Complex carbohydrates nourish the body for a longer time because they take longer to break down. They should form the basis of a sports diet to provide the body with sufficient energy.

    • buckwheat;
    • whole wheat bread;
    • oatmeal;
    • potato;
    • durum pasta.

    Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from the following foods:

    • sugar;
    • fruits and vegetables;
    • White bread;
    • honey, preserves, jams;
    • cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate, buns and other sweets.

    You shouldn’t completely eliminate simple carbohydrates even when losing weight. They can be consumed (in reasonable quantities) immediately after training. This will allow you to quickly restore the body’s energy resources and block processes that destroy muscles.


    Fats are an important component of an athlete's diet. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, just like proteins and carbohydrates.

    The opinion that all fats are harmful, are deposited in problem areas and form cholesterol plaques, is erroneous. There are also healthy fats that help strengthen hair, nails and immunity. In addition, they are involved in the production of growth hormones and help muscles recover faster.

    Products containing healthy (unsaturated) fats include:

    • natural vegetable oils (olive, corn, flaxseed, etc.);
    • fish (tuna, trout, salmon, mackerel);
    • nuts;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • avocado.

    Saturated fats do not harm the body and even promote muscle growth, but their share in the diet should be very small. Otherwise, you may experience an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

    • dairy products (milk, cheeses, butter, etc.);
    • egg yolks;
    • salo;
    • sausages, bacon.

    The third category includes trans fats obtained from the hydrogenation of vegetable oils. They are often used in the preparation of fast food (french fries, chips, pies, etc.). Eating them is strictly not recommended, as this leads to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, deterioration of metabolism, decreased sexual function and other unpleasant consequences.

    Recipes for sports nutrition

    To eat healthy when playing sports, you need to know how to prepare healthy meals. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems. Many people think that eating healthy means being lean and tasteless. But this is not true at all. Meals for athletes can be not only healthy, but also very tasty.


    Granola is usually prepared for breakfast. This dish is a mixture of nuts, dried fruits, seeds and some other ingredients. It can be purchased at finished form or make it at home yourself.

    In the second case, you will need to take the following components:

    • 1 cup oatmeal;
    • 100 grams of nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.);
    • dried apricots - 5 pieces;
    • dried dates - 5 pieces;
    • dried figs - 4 pieces;
    • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Rinse nuts and dried fruits with running water.
    2. 2. Place the nuts on a baking sheet and place it in the oven. Dry for 5 minutes at 180 degrees.
    3. 3. Cut dried fruits into cubes.
    4. 4. Pour oatmeal, pumpkin seeds and chopped dried fruits onto a baking sheet with the nuts.
    5. 5. Resetting the temperature to 180 degrees, bake the dish for 7 minutes.
    6. 6. Wait for the granola to cool. If desired, you can grate dark chocolate on top. A small amount of it is not contraindicated even when losing weight.

    Granola is eaten with yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk or kefir. It is prepared very quickly and easily, does not contain sugar or flavorings, unlike store-bought analogues. In addition, this breakfast option is suitable for vegetarians who especially need a sufficient amount of protein.

    A cooked serving contains 12 grams of protein, 38 grams of carbohydrates and 21 grams of healthy fats. The calorie content of a serving is 471 kcal.

    Protein pancakes

    Pancakes are considered a harmful dish for athletes, as they are high in calories. You can make it useful by slightly changing the usual recipe.

    To do this you will need the following ingredients:

    • half a scoop of protein powder;
    • 3 egg whites;
    • 50 g low-fat cottage cheese;
    • a quarter cup of oatmeal.

    Cooking steps:

    1. 1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
    2. 2. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
    3. 3. Mix all the necessary ingredients and, if necessary, add water to the dough so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream.
    4. 4. Heat a frying pan and pour the dough onto it.
    5. 5. Turn the pancakes when the edges begin to brown, frying them on both sides.
    6. 6. Protein pancakes go well with peanut butter.

    Pancakes prepared according to this recipe can be eaten both when losing weight and when gaining muscle mass. 100 grams contain as much as 32 g of protein, only 16 g of carbohydrates and 9 g of fat. Calorie content - 272 kcal.

    Salad with chicken breast and broccoli

    At home, you can prepare a salad with chicken breast and broccoli. It contains a large amount of protein and fats that are healthy for the body. Therefore, this dish is perfect for a light lunch or dinner.

    Required ingredients:

    • 200 g chicken breast;
    • broccoli - 1 piece;
    • 50 g peeled peanuts;
    • one bell pepper;
    • half a red onion;
    • 3 tablespoons olive oil.

    Step-by-step preparation:

    The prepared salad contains 24 g of protein, 13 g of carbohydrates and 27 g of fat. The energy value of the resulting dish is 376 kcal.

    Banana cookies

    Another healthy dessert for athletes is banana cookies cooked in the oven.


    • 3 bananas;
    • 2 cups oatmeal;
    • 1 cup dried dates;
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla.

    Cooking instructions:

    1. 1. Mash the bananas into a puree.
    2. 2. Add dried fruits, oatmeal and vanilla.
    3. 3. Pour a third of a glass of sunflower oil there.
    4. 4. Mix the dough thoroughly and leave it for 15 minutes.
    5. 5. At this time, turn on the oven and preheat it to 175 degrees.
    6. 6. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, forming individual bars.
    7. 7. Bake the cookies for 20 minutes until they are light brown.

    100 grams of cookies contain 43 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of protein and 15 g of fat. Calorie content - 359 kcal.

    Rules for creating a diet

    Now it’s worth taking a closer look at which nutrition plan is suitable for achieving a particular goal. After all, you need to eat differently to lose weight and gain weight.

    Many beginners in fitness are interested in whether it is possible to build muscle and get rid of excess fat at the same time. This cannot be done over the same period of time, since the nutritional conditions will be different.

    For gaining muscle mass

    To build muscle, the body needs considerable resources. After all, growth in a vacuum is impossible.

    Therefore, the main goal in gaining weight is to ensure the supply of sufficient nutrients. This is necessary for both men and women. Girls are often afraid to eat with a calorie surplus. But without this, it will not be possible to make the shapes more expressive, and the body will not be elastic.

    Basic Rules

    Calorie norm = weight (kg) x 30

    It is this number that needs to be increased by an average of 20–30%. Ectomorphs should add more - 40–50%. Endomorphs can limit themselves to an increase of 10-15%, otherwise there is a high risk of gaining excess fat.

    Having calculated the calorie content, you need to distribute the shares of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. They should be something like this.

    BJU ratio for muscle growth

    Most of it is carbohydrates, as they are needed to maintain energy reserves and prevent muscle breakdown.

    Proteins play a special role in muscle building. Without them, the construction of muscle fibers is impossible. The protein norm for weight gain is 2 grams per kilogram of weight per day. That is, an athlete weighing 70 kg needs to eat 140 g of protein every day.

    Sample menu

    An example of how you can create your menu for a week during the period of gaining muscle mass is presented in the table.

    Eating Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
    BreakfastCottage cheese with sliced ​​banana, milkRice porridge with milk, appleOmelet, orange juiceCottage cheese with milk, dark chocolate, teaBoiled eggs, cheese, cherry juiceOatmeal with milk, orange
    LunchNuts, yogurtCereals with milk, orange juiceBoiled eggs, kefirSandwiches with cheese, teaProtein barTwo bananas, an appleBoiled eggs, kefir
    DinnerRice, lean beef, vegetable saladBaked potatoes, boiled chicken breastBuckwheat, tunaRice, turkey, sliced ​​vegetablesBuckwheat, steamed chicken breastPotatoes with dill, beefChicken breast with vegetable stew
    Afternoon snackProteinProteinProteinProteinProteinProteinProtein
    DinnerBuckwheat, breaded chicken filletRice, turkey, cucumber and tomato saladPotatoes baked in the oven, beefBuckwheat, trout baked in the ovenBrown rice, chicken cutlets, vegetable saladFish baked with vegetablesBoiled potatoes, lean beef, assorted vegetables
    Evening snackCasein protein or a serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or a serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or a serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or a serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or a serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or a serving of 9% cottage cheese

    The portion size should be determined independently, based on the calorie intake calculated individually. Also, when creating a menu, it is worth considering the way you distribute meals throughout the day.

    For weight loss

    When losing weight, you need to adhere to other principles in nutrition. You will need to expend more energy than you consume through food. Only then will the kilograms begin to melt away.

    But this does not mean that it is necessary to set strict restrictions and eat only vegetables. In order for your body to become not just thin, but also fit, and for the lost weight not to return after completing the diet, you need to create a balanced, healthy diet.

    This is especially true for teenagers, who are most susceptible to the influence of newfangled diets. Tormenting a growing body with hunger strikes is a very bad idea and can lead to serious health problems.

    Basic Rules

    The fundamental condition for losing excess weight is a calorie deficit. Without this, any physical activity will be ineffective.

    The deficit should be 10–20% of your daily calorie intake, calculated using the formula above. You should not cut calories any further, as this will not speed up weight loss, but will lead to a slowdown in metabolism.

    The ratio of BZHU for fat burning will also differ from that recommended for mass gain.

    That is, the greater the calorie deficit, the higher the proportion of protein in the diet should be. Many people believe that it is more important to eat protein when gaining muscle, but this is not true. When losing weight, the norm is on average 2.2 grams per kilogram of weight per day. And during drying, when you need to get rid of fat to the maximum, this value can be increased to 2.5 grams.

    After all, the main goal of drying is to make muscle relief visible. If there is not enough protein, the muscles will begin to break down. As a result, after losing weight, the body will become thin and flabby.

    Sample menu

    An approximate menu for every day for weight loss is presented in the table.

    Eating Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
    BreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese, orange juiceBoiled eggs, a couple of pieces of dark chocolate, green teaOatmeal with water, apple, kefirLow-fat cottage cheese, yogurtOmelette, orange, teaMuesli with skim milkOatmeal with water, orange
    LunchApple, banana, kefirMuesli with skim milkTwo apples, yogurtProtein bar, kefirCottage cheese, appleBoiled eggs, yogurtNuts, kefir
    DinnerBrown rice, chicken cutletsBuckwheat, beef, pumpkin saladVegetable stew, baked turkeyGreek salad, chicken filletBrown rice, baked fish with lemonBuckwheat, chicken breast, sliced ​​vegetablesVegetable stew, steamed fish cutlets
    Afternoon snackProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein bar
    DinnerVegetable stew, chicken filletVinaigrette, steamed fish cutletsBrown rice, brizol, cucumber and tomato saladBuckwheat, chicken cutletsVegetable stew, beefPeppers stuffed with meatBrown rice, baked turkey, vegetable salad

    It is advisable to cook without using oil. The meat should not be fried, but boiled or steamed. Salads should not be dressed with mayonnaise. It is better to use a small amount of low-fat sour cream or olive oil. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the amount of salt. You only need to add a small pinch.

    Sports supplements

    It would also be useful for athletes to use various supplements. Taking them allows athletes to improve their strength and speed, increase endurance and quickly achieve their desired goal.

    But you need to understand that sports supplements themselves do not lead to weight loss or weight gain. They should only be taken during regular training. Then the effectiveness of the training will increase, which will give a positive result.

    This applies to natural supplements that do not change human hormonal levels. Steroids work a little differently - special drugs that affect the production of hormones and give quick results. But it is not recommended for ordinary people to drink them, as they are unsafe for health. Such supplements are usually used by professional strength athletes and other athletes preparing for competitions.

    Natural sports supplements, the effectiveness and safety of which have been tested, include the following.


    Protein is a powder on the basis of which a protein shake is prepared. It contains practically no carbohydrates and fats, so it is suitable for both muscle building and weight loss, when you need to gain protein without exceeding the calorie content.

    In addition, protein contains a whole range of valuable amino acids. The protein obtained from this supplement is absorbed by the body much faster and easier than when taking solid food.

    Taking sports nutrition may be a solution for vegetarians who want to build muscle. After all, without consuming animal products, protein deficiency occurs, so it becomes very difficult to pump up. In this case, you can drink soy protein, which contains only plant proteins, as well as essential amino acids and other beneficial microelements.


    Gainer, in addition to protein, contains a large amount of carbohydrates. This allows you to block the processes of muscle destruction and provide the body with energy.

    Its use is indicated when building muscle mass and is contraindicated when losing weight. The gainer is best suited for ectomorphs who practically do not gain fat. Others should use it with caution.


    BCAA is an amino acid complex that is a combination of leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three amino acids are directly involved in the process of muscle growth and prevent their destruction.

    The body is not able to synthesize BCAA on its own, so they must be obtained from food. But it is quite difficult to obtain the required norm of essential amino acids from food for athletes. For this reason, it is recommended to take a special supplement.


    Creatine is a substance produced in the human liver. It is necessary for the resynthesis of energy during exercise.

    The natural supply of creatine is sufficient for ordinary people. But with heavy physical work, it runs out very quickly. You can replenish it through food. However, the creatine content in them is low, so it is easier to take this substance in pure form in the form of a sports supplement.


    L-carnitine is used in sports to burn excess fat. This substance is also produced in the human body. Its additional intake improves brain activity and increases resistance to stress.

    In addition, L-carnitine has a fat burning effect. The mechanism of its operation is quite simple: fats are transported to the mitochondria, where they are destroyed, accompanied by the release of energy.

    But L-carnitine will only work with regular exercise. This can be either cardio or strength training. Taking the supplement will also increase endurance and reduce fatigue, resulting in much more effective exercise.

    Sports supplements help you achieve results faster, but completely replace food with themunder no circumstances is it possible. After all, food contains many other components vital to the body. Therefore, an athlete’s diet should be varied and balanced.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Not only girls want to be fit and attractive. Representatives of the stronger sex also expect admiring glances.

Every man spends several times more calories per day than a woman, and if we talk about athletes, then this figure increases several times more.

A sports diet for men is necessary to reduce fat reserves without reducing muscle mass, which is so necessary for any athlete.

The essence of this diet is to exclude fatty foods, sweets and alcohol. An athlete should have 5-6 meals per day. The most calorie-rich meals should be consumed in the first half of the day.


Don’t think that losing weight means giving up food almost completely. Correct techniques, compiled by nutritionists or nutritionists, exclude harmful foods: vegetables, fruits, protein foods.

The essence of a sports diet for weight loss for men is that the calories consumed are less than those expended, otherwise sports exercises and nutrition will not bring results.

In addition to proper nutrition, you need to remember about moderate physical activity. This is the only way to quickly deal with overweight, give the muscles the desired relief and improve endurance.

Important!To compile proper diet nutrition, you must first undergo tests, since the diet must be compiled individually, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Remember that an incorrectly designed diet can lead to a lot of trouble and harm your health.

The essence

The essence of a sports diet for men is to reduce the calories consumed, replacing them with the right protein and carbohydrate foods.

For some men, it is enough to adhere to only the right diet to get the desired shape. For sedentary men, and those who want not only to remove a loose belly, but also to get sculpted abs and muscles, physical activity is a must. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Typically, a sports diet for men when losing weight takes from 1 to 3 months. However, if you notice a serious deterioration in your health, it is better to stop the diet and consult a doctor.


A sports diet menu for weight loss for men should contain:

Attention!You should take vitamin supplements only in consultation with your doctor.

It is very important to observe the ratio of BZHU in the diet. In particular, for weight loss the indicators should be as follows:

  • Proteins – 40-45%;
  • Fats – 15-20%;
  • Carbohydrates – 30-40%.

The weight loss formula is very simple. D To calculate the optimal amount of kcal. take the desired weight (kg) and multiply by 24. The only requirement here is that you must be overweight no more than 10 kg. For example, a man weighs 95 kg and wants to lose weight to 85 kg. We calculate the calorie content of the diet according to the formula: 85 x 24 = 2040 kcal. As you can see, everything is simple!

Menu options

Option No. 1


  • Curd cheese + vegetables + boiled egg or fried egg.
  • + bread with bran.
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.


  • Baked apple.
  • Low-fat kefir.


  • or .
  • Tea or juice + marshmallows or oatmeal cookies.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese with cranberries and raisins.
  • Apple or orange.


  • with spices without salt + vegetables.
  • Brown rice.
  • Tomato and cucumber salad + feta or feta cheese.

Option No. 2


  • Vegetable sauté + poached egg.
  • Bran crispbread or rice biscuits.
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.


  • Plums/apricots/pears. You can have a fruit salad dressed with yogurt or kefir. Sugarless.
  • Low-fat yogurt. Sugarless.


  • Vegetable soup or pickle. With vegetable broth.
  • Salad from sauerkraut no oil.
  • Rose hip decoction.


  • Fruit salad or low-fat cottage cheese.


  • Steamed shrimp with vegetables or baked chicken fillet with vegetables.
  • White rice without oil.
  • Caprese salad with mozzarella and olives.

By shuffling the dishes, a similar sports diet menu for men can be used throughout the week. You can replace some foods in this menu, but the fat content should not exceed 20% of the total calories per day.

Indications and contraindications

Many men wonder if there are contraindications that can affect their health while dieting.

Of course, there are a number of contraindications in which adherence to a sports diet is prohibited:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system.

As for the indications for use, everything is simple. A sports diet is recommended for people who want to reduce fat reserves without reducing muscle mass. Mostly this diet is chosen by people who are not used to being on a “starvation diet”. The main advantage is eating small meals frequently throughout the day. A person never leaves a feeling of fullness, so this diet can safely be called the most optimal for those who cannot tolerate the feeling of hunger.

Do's and Don'ts

  1. This diet should not be mixed with any other.
  2. You need to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. At the same time, chew your food thoroughly.
  3. You can't skip breakfast. 30 minutes before meals you need to drink a glass of warm water, this will speed up your metabolism.
  4. Regular exercise is necessary.
  5. It is important to give up alcohol and smoking.
  6. You need to reduce calories gradually.
  7. After physical activity, you should only take light food, and it is better to do this after 1.5 - 2 hours.
  8. It is necessary to maintain a sleep schedule. A good rest will give the body vigor and strength.

Benefits and harms

If you stick to the diet and follow all the recommendations, the benefits of the diet will manifest themselves in weight loss and improved well-being.

However, with a sharp transition from regular nutrition to dietary nutrition, your health may worsen, hidden diseases may also appear and chronic ones may worsen.

In this case, you need to correctly and gradually switch to a non-diet diet. Also, abruptly quitting smoking and switching to a diet can cause deterioration in health.

Expected effect

Most men who have used this diet report quick and positive results. You can go on a sports diet for men for literally a week, and already during this period you will notice weight loss. In 2 months you can get rid of 5-8 kilograms, while improving the condition of the body, acquiring muscles and abs.

Men note that their sagging belly quickly disappears and their skin condition improves. The diet has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To eliminate excess weight effectively, you should not switch to a diet suddenly. In most cases, people break down and the diet lasts no more than 2 weeks. Gradually eliminating unhealthy foods will speed up the weight loss process.

The sports diet menu for men helps burn fat, but remember that portions should be small and meals should be frequent. At the same time, when buying products, you need to carefully study the composition, because sugar and sweeteners, which are harmful to health, are found in a large number of products.

Physical activity should also be in moderation. You don't need to train every day. 3-4 active sessions per week are enough.

It is very important to maintain water balance. Dehydration will affect your well-being, and the weight will not go away.

In order to achieve results in sports, you need motivation, perseverance and endurance. You will have to train a lot, take care of your health and physical condition. Health in this matter is very important, since if the immune system is weakened or there is a problem with certain organs and systems, the body may not be able to cope with the stress, and one will have to give up on one’s sporting goals. A healthy diet is very important for athletes to keep them in good shape and help them reach their goals.

Proper nutrition for an athlete will depend on what kind of sport. we're talking about. It is important that the body receives sufficient amounts vitamins, minerals. You also need to take into account that sports activities lead to large losses of energy by the body, so you need to monitor both the caloric content of your diet and ensure that the food is healthy. The following requirements apply to the nutrition of a person who is actively involved in sports:

  • The amount of calories should be sufficient.
  • The body must receive sufficient vitamins and microelements.
  • Additionally, it is recommended to use dietary supplements that activate metabolism.
  • The diet should be planned depending on what your goal is - to reduce or increase body weight.
  • The menu should be designed so that it helps reduce fat mass and build muscle.

Also, when planning meals for athletes, remember about water. Lack of fluid leads to muscle fatigue and spasms. And during active training, the body loses a lot of water, so it is important to replenish my reserves.

The basis of any diet is three elements: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Each of them influences the athlete’s diet in one way or another.


Carbohydrates are a group of compounds of organic origin, found in the cells of all living organisms and necessary for normal existence. They are, in fact, the main supplier of energy in the body.

Carbohydrates are divided into two types - simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides: fiber, starch, and so on. The body breaks them down slowly, so blood sugar levels change slowly, without sudden jumps.

Sources of complex carbohydrates- these are beans, beans, peas, lentils, grain crops, pasta from durum wheat. This also includes fruits, vegetables, berries, and mushrooms.

Simple carbohydrates are mono- and disaccharides such as fructose, glucose, sucrose and so on. Unlike complex carbohydrates, these carbohydrates dissolve more easily in water and, accordingly, are quickly absorbed by the body. Eating simple carbohydrates before a workout can make you feel tired quickly. They useful after workouts, because they help to restore strength well.

Sources simple carbohydrates - these are flour products, sugar, sweets, honey, bananas, dried fruits, potatoes, pumpkin, rice, corn sticks and so on.

As for carbohydrates, when planning your healthy diet for an athlete, consider the following point. Before training you need to eat complex carbohydrates, after - you can eat simple ones. The amount of carbohydrates per day should be 5-9 grams per kilogram your weight. And the emphasis should be on complex carbohydrates. Best time for their use - this is the first half of the day. In the process of preparing for competitions, which in professional circles is known as “cutting,” the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to 2.5 grams per kg of body weight.


A proper diet for an athlete should include squirrels. These are organic substances consisting of amino acids that are connected in series. They include proteins and peptides. Proteins are extremely important for all tissues in the body, they are necessary for the digestive and immune systems.

Depending on the type of activity, the amount of protein needed per day may vary. The average diet for an athlete recommends consuming 1.4 g protein per kg body weight.

Protein sources- this is chicken, beef, turkey, fish (especially trout, tuna, pink salmon), seafood (caviar, shrimp), eggs, white beans, dairy products. Proteins are also found in rice, oatmeal, and rolled oats. Proteins are very important for athletes, since they are the main building material for muscles.


The next component that is included in the rational nutrition of athletes is fats. They are natural organic compounds that have two main functions - organic and structural. Normally, it is advisable to consume 0.4-0.6 g of fat per kilogram of body weight per day.

Fats are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are made up of molecules full of hydrogen. At normal temperatures they do not become softer. Therefore, they are considered harmful because they contribute to the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Once in the body, these substances slow down metabolism, thereby complicating the process of losing weight and leading to excess weight.

Products with saturated fats are margarine, butter, coconut oil, animal fat, chicken skin and so on. Also these are fatty sauces, pastry creams, fast food.

The molecules in unsaturated fats are not entirely filled with hydrogen. Their main sources are herbal products. At normal temperatures, these fats can become liquid, so the body quickly processes them, and no health hazard.

There is an opinion that fats in the diet should be limited. In fact, the body needs them, but only the right ones and in moderation. Their lack can disrupt hormonal levels, worsen the formation of muscle tissue, and reduce the functioning of the immune system. Unsaturated fats are also needed to help the body absorb vitamins better. It is worth choosing them, and their quantity in the diet should not exceed 20% of its total calorie content.

Healthy fats are found in olive, soybean, corn oil, nuts and nut butters, caraway oil, fish, and seafood.

Proper nutrition for athletes

It is worth understanding that the nutritional characteristics of athletes and bodybuilders will differ from the characteristics of the usual diet, because these people have a serious load, and regularly, so you need to take into account the following aspects when planning the menu:

  • The diet must be of high quality and complete. You need to lean on those foods that are healthy and productive for the body.
  • Amount of food consumed. Everything will depend on the specific type of activity. Some people need to eat a lot to gain weight, others need to eat little to lose it. You need to consider your goals when planning a balanced diet for athletes.
  • Number of meals. It is better to eat in small portions, but often enough. This will help not to overload the body before physical activity, maintain the body in one energy rhythm and avoid the feeling of heaviness. In addition, this way the food will be processed better and absorbed faster.

Diet options for athletes depending on the regime and load

As is already clear, proper nutrition for athletes will depend on the training regimen, type of activity and level of load. A simple diet option for approximately 2600 kcal, might be something like this:

  • Breakfast. A couple of boiled eggs, about 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a plate of oatmeal with milk with a little olive oil, a couple of pieces of bran bread, tea.
  • Lunch. A couple of fruits, a bun, a glass of natural low-fat yoghurt.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat with milk, steamed omelette chicken eggs, about 200 grams of vegetable salad, 3 slices of whole grain bread, about 50 grams of low-fat cheese, tea.
  • Afternoon snack. 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, half a plate of any porridge with fruits or berries, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner. 250 grams of fresh fruits or vegetables, a couple of slices of bran bread, a glass of kefir.
  • An hour before bedtime, you can eat an apple and drink a glass of milk/kefir.

And this enhanced diet athlete, which is designed for 3500 kcal.

  • Breakfast. A plate of oatmeal, a four-egg omelette, an orange, a couple of pieces of toast or bread.
  • Lunch. A glass of yogurt, a couple of bananas, 50 g of nuts.
  • Dinner. 200 grams of boiled beef meat, 4 medium potatoes, 150 grams of vegetable salad, tea or juice.
  • Afternoon snack. A glass of boiled rice, 150 grams of fruit salad, a glass of milk.
  • Dinner. Boiled fish, 4 boiled potatoes, salad of 120 grams of grated carrots and olive oil.
  • A couple of hours before bed, eat half a plate of oatmeal, four boiled eggs and drink a glass of milk.

The following diet for athletes is suitable for training days.

  • Breakfast. Three eggs, a couple of pieces of toast with jam or peanut butter, a bowl of oatmeal, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch. Energy protein bar, tea or coffee.
  • Dinner. 250 grams of mixed vegetables, half a liter of chicken soup, 250 grams of boiled beef, juice, a little cracker.
  • Afternoon snack. Compote, fruit drink or juice, bun.
  • Dinner. 150 grams of stewed fish, 180 grams of boiled vegetables, tea.
  • An hour before bedtime - a piece of bran bread, a milkshake with a banana.

This menu is suitable for enhanced training:

  • Breakfast. High-carbohydrate sports drink, 180 grams of boiled rice with vegetables, a couple of slices of bread.
  • Lunch. 3 pancakes with honey or condensed milk, a quarter of pineapple, juice or compote.
  • Dinner. Salad with mayonnaise, 6 baked potatoes with cheese, 250 grams of beef stew.
  • Afternoon snack. Protein bar and sports drink.
  • Dinner. Stewed fish, half a plate of buckwheat, herbal tea.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of juice and eat 200 g of oatmeal.

And one more option for the daily diet is calculated directly on the day of the competition:

  • Breakfast. A couple of buns with raisins, a plate of buckwheat, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch. Banana, meat sandwich, 60 grams of dark chocolate, coffee.
  • Dinner. 500 ml of chicken broth, boiled lean fish, a plate of vegetable stew, a couple of pieces of oatmeal bread, juice or compote.
  • Afternoon snack. A bun with raisins, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner. 160 grams of chicken stew, green tea.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime - a portion of oatmeal, a couple of pieces of bran bread, one pear, tea.

Thus, an athlete’s diet can be different depending on the level of load, goals, and type of activity. But it is important that it saturates the body with everything it needs.

Useful video about the diet of athletes

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Modern sport, regardless of its type, is based on intense physical activity and high neuro-emotional stress. To achieve high sports results, along with the training process, the leading place is given to the proper nutrition of the athlete. This is the basis for intense physical performance and restoration of the energy expenditure of the athlete’s body during the rest period. It is proper nutrition that can expand the boundaries of the body’s adaptation to high physical activity.

A sports diet is a broad concept that includes various nutritional systems and specialized products of increased biological value (sports supplements) that help achieve the desired result. In modern professional sports, pharmacology and nutrition are mandatory components for the successful performance of athletes. Numerous books and scientific articles are devoted to the issue of sports nutrition, giving advice on organizing sports nutrition. Of course, carefully developed sports nutrition is designed primarily for highly qualified athletes during periods of intense physical activity in the conditions of a training cycle/competition, monitored by a nutritionist. But amateur athletes involved in sports for health purposes should pay due attention to their nutrition.

The diet for athletes is determined by a number of indicators, namely: the type of sport (nature of physical activity, energy costs), the stage of preparation for competitions (active training, competitions, recovery period), the nature/volume of the training process, gender, body weight, characteristics. The predominance of one or another type of physical activity in different sports/stages of the training process forms the predominance of various food ingredients in the athlete’s diet: the protein component during strength/speed-strength work, carbohydrates and fats during endurance work. Moreover, adaptation to systemic physical activity for both a professional and an amateur athlete always goes through several different stages, at each of which the needs for food in general and food nutrients separately differ.

Proper nutrition for athletes, first of all, should take into account the volume and nature of training/competitive loads, since the athlete’s body’s need for energy and food nutrients at different periods is determined by the structure and content of training in each microcycle and the specifics of metabolic changes caused by high physical/neuro-emotional loads.

Thus, during training characterized by low power but relatively prolonged physical effort (endurance training), aerobic processes predominate with almost complete coverage of oxygen deficiency in the absence of changes in (there is no accumulation of lactic acid). Accordingly, during prolonged physical activity, carbohydrates act as the main energy reserve ( glycogen muscles), as well as free fatty acids. At the same time, with increasing duration of physical activity, the mobilization of fatty acids increases sharply. Aerobic type ATP synthesis starts as oxygen reaches the muscles. The accumulation of lactic acid is almost completely absent, as are the absence of breakdown by-products.

In the aerobic system, carbohydrates (primarily glycogen reserves) are the first to be included in energy expenditure, followed by fats, which gradually occupy the main role in energy metabolism. The share of proteins in this type of energy supply accounts for 5-15% of the generated energy. This type of energy supply is typical for team sports, athletics, cycling, rowing and so on. Accordingly, when working in an aerobic mode, nutrition for athletes at the physiological norm of protein should have an increased total caloric content of the diet due to an increase in the content of complex carbohydrates and lipids (polyunsaturated fatty acids). It is also necessary to include a sufficient amount B vitamins , A , folic and, mineral elements.

With the predominance of anaerobic training (without the participation of breathing), occurring in the maximum load mode (performing strength/speed-strength loads in a short period of time), energy supply to muscle activity is carried out due to the glycolytic/creatine kinase type of ATP synthesis and is accompanied by uncompensated acidosis (with high blood levels of lactate and urea). This type of energy supply is typical for speed-strength sports - weightlifting, bodybuilding, all-around. This pathway is the main one during anaerobic exercise, and the ATP produced is enough for 2-5 minutes of work. Working in an anaerobic mode (dynamic/static muscular efforts aimed at developing strength or increasing muscle mass) requires the formation of a diet with an optimal (usually increased) protein content, an increase in the proportion of carbohydrates and a decrease in the amount of fat.

Training in a mixed anaerobic-aerobic mode is characterized by a lower blood lactate content compared to anaerobic training and the development of relatively uncompensated acidosis . The nature of nutrition during physical activity of this type is based on the principles balanced nutrition with a BJU ratio of 1:0, 9:4, for which a properly balanced menu is used.

Thus, an athlete’s diet, depending on the focus and mode of training/sports, can have a protein, carbohydrate, and protein-carbohydrate orientation. There are other features of proper nutrition for sports. Obviously, the nutrition program for girls and men will have significant differences, in particular, this concerns caloric intake, protein content per kg of weight, and the ratio of basic food nutrients. Also, a number of parameters will differ and nutrition, if necessary, can be solved relatively narrow specific tasks, in particular, change morphological parameters: increase muscle mass or reduce the level of body fat (see diet for gaining muscle mass, fitness diet for burning fat, diet for drying the body).

If the preparation of the correct diet for highly qualified athletes is monitored by a specialist nutritionist and coach, then the nutrition of amateur athletes is most often not controlled by anyone and is often incorrect.

The main mistake is violating the optimal ratio between proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Many amateurs have no idea at all about the principles of rational nutrition, and some do not even think that sports and proper nutrition are inseparable concepts, regardless of what results the athlete is pursuing (weight loss, muscle building, general improvement of the body). Most have a monotonous, narrow range of products used. At the same time, in their diet they include in excess quantities high-calorie refined foods, which are sources of fats and carbohydrates.

Fats of animal origin are consumed predominantly (fatty sausages, fast food products, butter, sour cream) against a background of low consumption vegetable fats, which leads to a deficiency of an essential component of an athlete’s diet - unsaturated fatty acids.

The diet of amateur athletes contains large quantities of white wheat bread, sugar, cookies, sweets, pastries, cakes, sweet soft drinks, and ice cream. At the same time, consumption bakery products from whole grain flour and cereals is extremely limited.

There is insufficient consumption of protein products, seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, juices, which contributes to an unbalanced diet in vitamin and mineral composition, insufficient provision of the body with biologically active substances and dietary fiber.

To summarize, we can identify two main disturbances in the diet of non-professional athletes - a pronounced imbalance of dietary fat on the one hand and its excess/insufficient calorie intake on the other. To play sports, amateur athletes must formulate their diet taking into account the calorie content of various foods. For this, a special table can be used, which is not difficult to find in specialized literature/on the Internet, giving an idea of ​​the average energy value of any food product. Frequent mistakes are an unregulated diet, with 2-3 meals a day and plenty of it in the evening, and insufficient fluid intake.

Biological value of main food ingredients for an athlete

Proteins and their sources

Proteins are the most important component of an athlete’s nutrition, playing a major role in building muscle fibers. Insufficient protein in the diet of an amateur athlete is a determining factor in the reduction of muscle mass and impaired muscle contractile function.

The average daily requirement of an athlete for protein is determined by the type of physical activity and the focus of the training process and can vary between 1.0-3.5 g/kg of weight. However, the biological value of various proteins is not equivalent and this should be taken into account when preparing a diet.

The most valuable sources of protein are meat (beef, pork, rabbit and poultry), fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, which contain the optimal ratio amino acids . At the same time, it is recommended to clean the meat as much as possible from connective tissue (films, tendons, joint capsules). It contains connective tissue proteins, which are biologically low-valued and elastin with an insufficient set of essential amino acids and poorly absorbed by the body. Preference should be given to lean boiled, baked or stewed meat.

Fish, like meat, is one of the best sources of high-quality protein, containing all the necessary essential amino acids . However, unlike meat, fish proteins contain large quantities contains (an important essential amino acid). The advantages of fish proteins also include a low content of connective tissue formations, the overwhelming amount of which more easily passes into a soluble form - glutin (gelatin). Thanks to this, the fish is quickly cooked and boiled, and its tissues are easily exposed to gastric juice, ensuring protein digestion at the level of 93-98%, with meat protein digestibility at 87-89%.

A chicken egg contains the most complete protein, which is completely absorbed by the body. Egg white contains everything essential amino acids in the most optimal ratios. Eggs are rich in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, sulfur, zinc). Egg white is almost completely digestible even after heat treatment, but raw egg white is poorly digestible because it contains compounds ( ovomucoid , avidin ), suppressing the action of digestive enzymes. When cooked, these compounds are destroyed and the egg white is absorbed by 98%. Plant proteins are not complete and are not taken into account in the diet during serious sports activities.

Fats and their sources

Fats (triglycerides of fatty acids) are an essential component of sports nutrition. Fats are a kind of concentrated energy reserve for the body, since their energy value is twice that of carbohydrates. Insufficient intake of fats into the body from food negatively affects the health of the athlete and his results in sports. Lipids enter the body with products of animal and plant origin. Their biological value is determined primarily by the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which cannot be synthesized in the body, but are supplied exclusively with food.

Sources of PUFAs are primarily vegetable oils, 25-30 g of which provide the athlete’s daily requirement for polyunsaturated fatty acids. The diet for athletes provides for a wide variation in their content (within 15-30%), which is determined by the objectives of the training process. The athlete’s diet includes the consumption of largely vegetable fats (seeds, nuts, cold-pressed vegetable oils) and, to a lesser extent, animal fats: dairy fats (butter, dairy products), fish oil (salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna) .

Carbohydrates and their sources

Carbohydrates make up the majority of an athlete’s diet (400-500 g/day), since in the process catabolism generate energy for vital processes. However, with large volume/intensity loads in athletes, the need for carbohydrates can increase to 800 g/day. Carbohydrates accumulate in the liver and muscles (in the form glycogen ), perform the function of a limited energy reserve. When there is a lack of glycogen in the muscles and its reserves in the body are depleted, the body’s own muscle protein begins to be used for energy. Accordingly, muscle function decreases. In addition, an insufficient supply of energy in the body quickly leads to the development of fatigue. Therefore, an athlete’s body needs a sufficient supply of carbohydrates.

For athletes, the most suitable are complex carbohydrates that are utilized in the body over a long period and do not cause a sharp increase in glucose. Simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jam, sweets, preserves, baked goods, flour products) are quickly utilized and give a short-term sharp increase in blood glucose. Therefore, in an athlete’s diet, preference should be given to complex carbohydrates contained in whole grain porridges (millet, brown rice, corn, buckwheat), whole grain bread, hard grain pasta, legumes, and vegetables.

Simple carbohydrates should be consumed only during the “carbohydrate window” (after training for 30 minutes), since glucose, under conditions of increased production of anabolic insulin, is quickly utilized at this time, which has a beneficial effect on muscle condition. One of the indicators of an athlete’s body’s readiness for competition is normal/increased levels of glycogen in the liver and muscles, which is achieved either by reducing the intensity and volume of training 7-10 days before the competition, or by increasing the consumption of the carbohydrate component. At the same time, it is necessary to increase carbohydrate intake gradually throughout the week before the competition. A combination of both is possible. However, we should not forget that increasing the carbohydrate quota in an athlete’s diet can lead to an increase in body weight, since 1 g of muscle glycogen binds about 3 g of water.

No less important ingredients in an athlete’s diet are minerals, dietary fiber and other biologically active substances, the presence of which in the diet in sufficient quantities contributes to the achievement of high athletic results. Sports products, the range of which is extremely wide, are also widely used in the diet of high-class athletes.

However, their intake should not replace natural, familiar products. In general, their share in the total energy value of an athlete’s diet should not exceed 15-20%. Their intake should be carried out taking into account the general nature of nutrition and the direction of physical activity and be under the supervision of a specialist, since unregulated use can lead to an imbalance of food nutrients in the diet and have a negative impact on the general and special performance of the athlete.

Nutrition for children involved in sports

Properly organized nutrition is especially important for children involved in sports. It is based on healthy and rational nutrition, which allows not only to solve sports problems, but also to ensure the necessary level of metabolism, satisfy energy, plastic and other needs child's body necessary for its growth and development. It is important to understand that a child athlete expends much more energy than his peers who do not play sports. Accordingly, energy needs to be replenished. The nutrition of a young athlete should be not only balanced and complete, but also enhanced. It should be taken into account that, in general, the basal metabolic rate in children is 1.5-2 times higher than the basal metabolic rate of an adult. Accordingly, in children involved in sports, the intensity of metabolic processes is even higher, which requires the formation of an energy indicator of the diet, on average, for boys athletes 9-12 years old at the level of 1800-2000 calories per day, for girls - 1600-1800 calories.

It is equally important when developing food rations for child athletes to ensure a sufficiently high level of animal protein content, since intense physical activity on the child’s body is accompanied by an increased need for the protein component. Protein is the basis of a child’s nutrition, so even minor protein starvation (deficiency) is unacceptable. In this case, the recovery processes in muscle tissue will suffer, the process of formation of new muscle cells will be disrupted and difficulties will arise in maintaining the muscles in good working condition, which will ultimately affect athletic performance.

Children-athletes especially need protein of animal origin, which ensures a high level of protein synthesis in various tissues of the growing body. Accordingly, its share in the diets of child athletes should be at the level of 70-80% (for young children) and 60-65% for schoolchildren of the total (daily) protein content. Of particular importance is ensuring a high level of protein nutrition in children practicing high-intensity speed and power loads, since in such sports there is an increased intensity of protein metabolism. At the same time, there is a relatively rapid decrease in adenosine triphosphate activity myosin relative to other types of loads.

When forming the diet of child athletes, it is necessary to take into account the qualitative characteristics of proteins. First of all, it is important to include in the child’s diet foods containing essential amino acids with a pronounced growth effect (, lysine , ).

Their highest content is found in the protein of meat and fish. At the same time, in these products they are in favorable ratios for absorption. Cereal proteins (vegetable proteins) from flour and cereals contain little lysine, but are rich in arginine. Therefore, it is advisable to include milk porridges in the diet of child athletes, thereby providing a good protein combination of milk rich in lysine and arginine contained in cereals.

Also, in order to prevent the occurrence of fatty infiltration of the liver in children experiencing prolonged maximum and moderate intensity exercise, it is important to include in the diet foods containing lyotropic substances (liver pates, eggs, cottage cheese, veal, poultry). No less important is the presence in the child’s diet of phosphoproteins (complex proteins containing phosphorus compounds) contained in milk and egg yolks.

As for carbohydrates in the diet of child athletes, then, unlike adults, who often sharply limit their content in the diet, their presence is mandatory for children. Children involved in sports should consume carbohydrate-rich foods at all meals, since the process glycolysis in them it occurs with great intensity, and accordingly, the need for carbohydrates is increased. These should be foods containing complex carbohydrates - bread, cereals, rice, pasta.

Along with complex carbohydrates child athletes should also receive simple carbohydrates, in the amount of 30-35% of the total carbohydrate quota. The main sources of easily digestible carbohydrates are: honey (in the absence of allergies), jams, preserves, marshmallows, marshmallows, fresh fruits, berries and freshly prepared juices from them, which supply the child’s body with glucose and fructose, which are quickly utilized to glycogen. An important source of simple carbohydrates is milk, which contains lactose (milk sugar).

Another important nuance in the nutrition of a child athlete is the consumption of a sufficient amount of fluid, since the process of sweating in children is different from adults, they are susceptible to frequent overheating, which leads to a rapid increase in body temperature and the development of dehydration. To prevent this phenomenon, the child should consume 100-120 grams of liquid every quarter hour.

In this case, you should avoid liquids containing a lot of sugar or sugar substitutes, carbonated soft drinks. Reviews of sugar substitutes indicate the need to completely exclude them from an athlete’s diet. Preference should be given to sports drinks, which can be bought in specialized stores, and still mineral water.

No less important is the issue of the diet of children involved in sports. The basic principle is a fractional diet (5-6 times/day), including main meals and snacks.
This will avoid feelings of hunger and provide the child’s body with the necessary energy. Snack food should be predominantly carbohydrate type (fruit, yogurt, cheese sandwich).

The next rule is the mandatory presence of hot dishes in the child’s diet (soups, main courses, cereals, warm drinks). In addition, children involved in sports should receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, which is achieved by additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes or products developed for athletes. The child should not eat food immediately before sports activity, and after training, food intake is allowed no earlier than 15-20 minutes later.

Authorized Products

The diet for athletes includes the following products:

  • Soups, borscht in low-fat meat broth.
  • Lean red meat (beef, veal, pork), rabbit, turkey, chicken.
  • Various types of sea and river fish (salmon, sardines, pike, trout, tuna, perch, hake, herring, cod), as well as seafood (shrimp, crabs, squid, mussels).
  • Cooked chicken eggs.
  • Yeast-free bread with bran/added grains, crackers.
  • Cereal products (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, brown rice), wholemeal pasta.
  • Dairy/fermented milk products of medium fat content (milk, cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk).
  • Vegetable oils (corn, olive, sesame, flaxseed), fish oil, butter.
  • Soy and soy products, legumes (beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils).
  • Vegetables with a low content of starchy substances (cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage), garden greens.
  • Sour fruits/berries (citrus fruits, apples, currants).
  • Seaweed, various nuts, seeds, bran, sesame/flax seeds, honey, preserves, jams, dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, figs, prunes, raisins).
  • Herbal tea, freshly squeezed juices from orange, pomegranate, apples, plums, green tea with lemon, rosehip infusion, coffee, still mineral water.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

greenery2,6 0,4 5,2 36
eggplant1,2 0,1 4,5 24
beans6,0 0,1 8,5 57
zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
broccoli3,0 0,4 5,2 28
boiled cauliflower1,8 0,3 4,0 29
potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
bulb onions1,4 0,0 10,4 41
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
salad pepper1,3 0,0 5,3 27
salad1,2 0,3 1,3 12
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
soybeans34,9 17,3 17,3 381
asparagus1,9 0,1 3,1 20
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
Jerusalem artichoke2,1 0,1 12,8 61
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28
beans7,8 0,5 21,5 123
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143
lentils24,0 1,5 42,7 284


avocado2,0 20,0 7,4 208
oranges0,9 0,2 8,1 36
bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
pomegranate0,9 0,0 13,9 52
grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
kiwi1,0 0,6 10,3 48
lemons0,9 0,1 3,0 16
mango0,5 0,3 11,5 67
tangerines0,8 0,2 7,5 33
nectarine0,9 0,2 11,8 48
peaches0,9 0,1 11,3 46
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65
gooseberry0,7 0,2 12,0 43
Red currants0,6 0,2 7,7 43
black currant1,0 0,4 7,3 44

Nuts and dried fruits

raisin2,9 0,6 66,0 264
cashew25,7 54,1 13,2 643
sesame19,4 48,7 12,2 565
flax seeds18,3 42,2 28,9 534
fenugreek seeds23,0 6,4 58,3 323
sunflower seeds20,7 52,9 3,4 578

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat groats12,3 6,1 59,5 342
cereals11,9 7,2 69,3 366
wheat bran15,1 3,8 53,6 296
millet cereal11,5 3,3 69,3 348

Bakery products

whole grain bread10,1 2,3 57,1 295


jam0,3 0,1 56,0 238
marshmallows0,8 0,0 78,5 304
meringues2,6 20,8 60,5 440
paste0,5 0,0 80,8 310

Raw materials and seasonings

honey0,8 0,0 81,5 329


skim milk2,0 0,1 4,8 31
kefir 2%3,4 2,0 4,7 51
cream 15% (low fat)2,3 15,0 3,6 161
sour cream 15% (low fat)2,6 15,0 3,0 158
curdled milk2,9 2,5 4,1 53
natural yogurt 2%4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363
cottage cheese 1.8% (low-fat)18,0 1,8 3,3 101
curd tofu8,1 4,2 0,6 73

Meat products

pork liver18,8 3,6 0,0 108
beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
beef liver17,4 3,1 0,0 98
boiled beef tongue23,9 15,0 0,0 231
boiled veal30,7 0,9 0,0 131
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


chicken fillet23,1 1,2 0,0 110
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84


chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157

Fish and seafood

fish18,5 4,9 0,0 136
squid21,2 2,8 2,0 122
mussels9,1 1,5 0,0 50
seaweed0,8 5,1 0,0 49

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748
linseed oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898
olive oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898
sunflower oil0,0 99,9 0,0 899

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
instant chicory0,1 0,0 2,8 11
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -
black tea20,0 5,1 6,9 152

Juices and compotes

carrot juice1,1 0,1 6,4 28
pumpkin juice0,0 0,0 9,0 38

Fully or partially limited products

The diet excludes from the diet of athletes:

  • White wheat bread, semolina, products from various types dough, pastries, cookies, waffles, dumplings, dumplings, pastries, pancakes, cakes.
  • Fatty (pork) and stringy meat, fatty sausages, goose meat, duck meat, semi-finished products, canned food, smoked meats, fast food products, animal fats, fried foods, fatty milk sauces.
  • Sugar, chocolate, ice cream, candy, cakes, pastries, condensed milk, sweet confectionery desserts, sweet carbonated drinks.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
white radish1,4 0,0 4,1 21
red radish1,2 0,1 3,4 20
black radish1,9 0,2 6,7 35
sorrel1,5 0,3 2,9 19


mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520

Cereals and porridges

semolina10,3 1,0 73,3 328
white rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344

Flour and pasta

pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337


candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
pastry cream0,2 26,0 16,5 300
cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417
cake3,8 22,6 47,0 397
dough7,9 1,4 50,6 234

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627


milk 3.6%2,8 3,6 4,7 62
milk 4.5%3,1 4,5 4,7 72
condensed milk7,2 8,5 56,0 320
cream2,8 20,0 3,7 205
sour cream 25% (classic)2,6 25,0 2,5 248

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 11%16,0 11,0 1,0 170
cottage cheese 18% (fat)14,0 18,0 2,8 232

Meat products

fried pork11,4 49,3 0,0 489
pork kidneys13,0 3,1 0,0 80
pork fat1,4 92,8 0,0 841
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
beef kidneys12,5 1,8 0,0 66
beef brains9,5 9,5 0,0 124
raw smoked pork belly7,6 66,8 - 632


smoked sausage16,2 44,6 0,0 466
smoked sausage9,9 63,2 0,3 608
sausages10,1 31,6 1,9 332
sausages12,3 25,3 0,0 277


smoked chicken27,5 8,2 0,0 184
duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
smoked duck19,0 28,4 0,0 337
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364

Fish and seafood

dried fish17,5 4,6 0,0 139
smoked fish26,8 9,9 0,0 196
salted fish19,2 2,0 0,0 190
canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88
semi-finished fish products12,5 6,7 14,7 209
cod (liver in oil)4,2 65,7 1,2 613

Oils and fats

creamy margarine0,5 82,0 0,0 745
coconut oil0,0 99,9 0,0 899
cooking fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16%0,5 0,0 16,0 153
cognac0,0 0,0 0,1 239
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Non-alcoholic drinks

cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
Pepsi0,0 0,0 8,7 38
sprite0,1 0,0 7,0 29
energy drink0,0 0,0 11,3 45
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

The athlete's menu is compiled individually, taking into account the focus of the training process, the required calorie content and the ratio of dietary fat in the diet, taking into account the list of permitted/prohibited foods.