We measure basal temperature correctly. Rectal temperature during ovulation. Study of the menstrual cycle, temperature curve When to measure basal temperature

The standard human body temperature is 36.6°C, but if you dig deeper, this is not exactly the same number. During the day it fluctuates, as energy exchange occurs in the body every minute. Some proteins, fats and carbohydrates break down, while others are formed. These processes are caused by the release of thermal energy, which is concentrated in the intercellular substance and body cells.

Most of these processes occur in the liver, so this organ is the hottest - 38°C. The temperature in the rectum and oral cavity varies from 37.3 to 37.6 ° C, and skin at the same moment it is much cooler: 36.6 in the axillary zone and approximately 28 ° C in the heel area.

Basal temperature demonstrates the amount of heating of the human body only by internal organs. Without taking into account the heat that muscles produce during the work of the lower, upper limbs and torso. Simply put, basal temperature is the body temperature recorded immediately after waking up only the brain, and not the entire body as a whole. You need to measure it immediately after sleep, lying in bed with your eyes still closed.

Basal temperature can be measured to:

  • Determine ovulation and favorable days to conceive a child;
  • Determine the days on which you can not use protection during sex;
  • Diagnose pregnancy at an early stage;
  • Assess the woman's hormonal state.

Today this is the most effective, accessible and cheap method for determining hormonal imbalance and ovulation. It is not very suitable for early diagnosis of pregnancy, only if the woman has healthy body and a stable menstrual cycle.

Basal body temperature is measured every morning at the same time (± 30 minutes), without getting out of bed and using a regular mercury thermometer;

  • Sleep before the measurement should last at least 4-6 hours;
  • The thermometer is inserted into the rectal opening (rectum), or can be inserted into the vagina or mouth. The most accurate readings will be if the thermometer is inserted into the rectal opening. In the oral cavity, the temperature is only 0.25-0.5°C higher than in the armpit. This method is used in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases;
  • Measurement time – 7-10 minutes. You can't take your temperature every day different ways. If you decide to measure in the vagina, then throughout the entire time you need to measure only there. BT is not measured under the arm. You cannot change thermometers;
  • For the reliability of the indicators, it is advisable to quit smoking, taking alcoholic drinks, avoid stress. Inaccurate readings can be caused by insomnia, oral contraceptives, sleeping pills, various diseases (inflammations), frequent flights or moving, sexual intercourse several hours before waking up, overeating at night;

  • To prevent your efforts from being in vain, do not forget to put the broken thermometer next to the bed in the evening, so that you can easily reach it with your hand;
  • Indicators for 3-4 cycles of measurements are entered into a chart, which must then be presented to the doctor. The graph represents two coordinate axes: temperature and day of the month. A few days' worth of information is enough to determine pregnancy.

Basal temperature increases with each additional hour of sleep, so it should be measured at the same time and preferably before 8 am. During the day, the temperature of the body and internal organs of a person constantly changes and this is normal. It depends on physical activity, food intake, tested emotional stress, clothing and other environmental factors.

Finding the optimal time for measurement during the day is almost impossible. If the biological activity of the body is moderate in the evening and morning, then during the day it can approach its maximum value.

BT in the evening is always higher than morning readings; measuring it at this time of day is not recommended. But if you are awake at night, you can measure BT during the day after sleeping for at least 5 hours.

The basal temperature recorded in the morning when you wake up may differ from the temperature in the evening by one degree. For medical analysis, this is quite a large discrepancy. It is the morning value that is the norm from which women and the doctors treating them are based.

You can start keeping a graph of basal temperature when planning pregnancy and finish monitoring after the first trimester. It provides relatively reliable information about the functioning of the ovaries and the state of the uterine epithelium. The functioning of these organs is controlled by the hormones progesterone and estrogen, periodically increasing and decreasing on certain days.

The “thermometer method” is often criticized: failure to follow the measurement rules leads to blurred results and confuses the woman during the analysis. Undoubtedly, medical examination much more reliable, but there is nothing wrong with independently monitoring your own health during pregnancy. There will be no harm from additional precautions unless mandatory medical support is avoided.

Due to evening loss of strength, basal temperature during pregnancy can drop by 0.1-0.2°C. Daytime temperature is not taken into account, from varying degrees The activity of the body tends to decrease and increase every hour.

How does temperature change during a cycle?

The menstrual cycle consists of two phases. Basal temperature varies depending on the phase. In the first phase of the cycle, estrogen exerts its influence, and after ovulation (second phase), progesterone begins to act. During menstruation, the temperature is always elevated (37°C). At the end of menstruation it decreases to 36.2 - 36.7°C. Ovulation occurs with a jump to 36.9-37.2°C over three days, so it can be easily calculated and the date of release of the egg next month can be found out. The second phase of the cycle is caused by increased temperature, and a week before the next menstruation there is a decrease to the previous value - 36.2-36.7. If BT continues to remain at 37°, then the hormone progesterone has begun to prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. This is the first sign of pregnancy before the delay.

However, it must be taken into account that in addition to pregnancy, increased BT at the end of the second phase can be caused by infectious gynecological diseases, physical exercise and some medications. The elevated rate persists throughout almost the entire pregnancy.

There is an opinion that before a miscarriage or fetal death, a decrease occurs. There is no need to take this information seriously. A one-time decrease may be associated with the general condition of the body or measurement error during pregnancy. But if there is a persistent decrease, then you can play it safe and consult a doctor. An increase to 37.8°C or higher can also be an alarming signal from the body about the occurrence of inflammatory processes during pregnancy.

Basal temperature is the most low temperature inside the body, measured after a long rest. Fluctuations in this temperature reflect the processes that occur in the female body. Measuring BT indicators and its fluctuation graph helps to find out the day of ovulation in women and use this information to plan or prevent conception.

Basal temperature: how to measure correctly

The reliability of determining ovulation will depend on the correct measurement. Let's look at how to measure temperature.

BT should be measured without getting out of bed, immediately after sleep. The main condition is not to make any movements, not to raise the body to a vertical position, not to stand on your feet. Any movement activates blood flow and increases the temperature inside the body. It is for this reason that the temperature is higher in the evening.

It is necessary to determine the minimum temperature that is formed only due to the work of internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to measure BT immediately after waking up, before washing and going to the toilet.

The following conditions must be met:

It is necessary to take into account that the temperature indicator can be affected by the following factors:

  • lack of sleep;
  • disease of the digestive organs (inflammation of the liver and pancreas, intestinal disorders);
  • stress, nervous experiences, mental overload;
  • alcohol taken in the evening.

The above factors reduce the effectiveness of the chart, as they violate the measurement rules.

BT indicators and measurement techniques

The thermometer must be inserted into any open body cavity (anus, vagina, mouth). According to the technique that was developed by Professor Marshall, basal temperature is measured through the anus. This is often done if the temperature of a newborn baby needs to be measured. There is no way to hold the thermometer under the arm, so it is inserted into the anus.

For women, determining the temperature in the vagina or anus allows you to find out fluctuations in tenths of a degree. It is fractions of degrees that show significant jump during ovulation basal rate.

Meaning of measured indicators

The BT measurement method was developed to determine ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle membrane, which occurs after its maturation. The egg begins to exit into the fallopian tube and move towards the uterus. These changes accompany an increase in temperature by tenths of a degree. Before ovulation, BT initially decreases slightly and then increases sharply. From the time the egg is released, conception is possible.

Daily temperature determination makes it possible to find out the day of ovulation. This, in turn, allows you to take appropriate measures to prevent pregnancy or, conversely, try to get pregnant on these very days.

BT schedule

The measured indicators are entered into a table and a graph begins to be drawn. In addition, additional factors need to be recorded in the table, affecting the accuracy of measurements(presence of headache, infection, cold).

The graph looks like a broken line. At the beginning of the month, the indicator is approximately 36.9−37.1C (fluctuations of 0.1−0.4C are possible).

After menstruation, the degrees drop to the lowest levels - 36.6−36.9C. This is the temperature required for the egg to mature. The ripening period can take up to 2 weeks, so in the next decade the graph will begin to fluctuate around one indicator - from 36.7C, down or up by 0.1-0.3C.

The day before ovulation, the degree decreases (by 0.3−0.5), then sharply increases by 0.4−0.7C and reaches 37C.

Temperature during ovulation

BT during ovulation is a slight decrease before increasing to 37C. By the way, the highest probability of conception on this day is 35%. Therefore, if you are not planning a pregnancy, then you need to limit sexual intercourse or use protection (a condom or other contraception).

After ovulation, basal temperature is e e rise to the upper level ( with minor fluctuations at the top of the graph).

The subsequent schedule will depend on whether the body is preparing for menstruation or pregnancy has occurred. If pregnancy has occurred, the basal rate will be at a high level. The female body produces progesterone, which maintains a high temperature.

If conception does not occur, then the hormonal levels normalize and the indicator decreases. This is noted a week before menstruation (BT decreases by 0.4−0.7 C).

Healthy women usually have this BT schedule during ovulation. If there are any violations, the normal broken graphics get lost and the jump becomes less pronounced. Then the biological method of contraception turns out to be ineffective. Pregnancy can occur despite the apparent absence of a temperature rise.

Diagnosis of diseases using BT

The entire cycle of changes over the course of a month makes it possible to identify the causes of infertility and other disorders. The most common cause of infertility in women is considered to be lack of ovulation. Measuring temperature makes it possible to determine which days of the cycle are easiest to get pregnant and whether the egg begins to be released.

In addition, BT indicates the presence inflammatory process in other organs and systems. This affordable way helps you examine yourself completely free of charge, independently and simply, to identify hidden diseases.

Days of desired conception and safe sex

Monthly BBT measurements make it possible to determine a typical schedule of temperature changes in the body. Using the schedule, it is possible to predict with high probability the days when pregnancy is possible and the days when conception is impossible under any circumstances. This data can be used to prevent pregnancy, or to conceive a child. Let's consider when conception is possible and how to use this method as contraception.

The days of possible conception are two days immediately after the egg leaves the follicle. And also 2-3 days before the start of ovulation.

During these days, the egg cannot yet be fertilized. However, sperm remain viable for several days. Therefore, entering the uterus through the vagina, they stay in it for 2-3 days and fertilize the egg immediately when it leaves the follicle. That is, several days before ovulation can be added to the days of probable conception.

The time of ovulation, as well as the days before it (approximately 4-6 days) are called fetal periods. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then it is better to abstain from sex. If you are planning a child, then you need to have sex the day before ovulation. How to find out about the release of an egg, what BBT in the vagina must be measured during ovulation?

The day of ovulation according to the schedule is a slight decrease in temperature, and a few days later there is a sharp jump upward. These two days must be considered fertile (for those who want to get pregnant) or “dangerous” (for those who are opposed to conception).

The time after ovulation is called absolute infertility. The lifespan of an egg after release is 24 hours And. Unfertilized egg after this it is destroyed, the possibility of getting pregnant after ovulation two days later is minimal.

The above division of days into periods of impossible and possible conception is not fair for all women. The contraception system will only work if menstruation is stable. For others, this method is ineffective.

Deviations and norm

Any changes in BT indicator are the result of a hormonal disorder. In a woman’s body, all vital processes are determined by hormonal changes. Therefore, pregnancy occurs due to changes in BT.

During pregnancy, BT is at a high level (more than 37.3C). The presence of increased BT creates the hormone progesterone, which is intensively formed in the first 4 months of gestation. Therefore, the BT indicator is high at this time. Afterwards, the amount of progesterone decreases, and at the same time B.T. decreases. Therefore, after three weeks of pregnancy, it makes no sense to measure its value.

In the first stage of pregnancy, BT is the main symptom, by which conception is judged even before your period is missed. But this is an ambiguous sign. Maintaining a high temperature level can accompany the use of certain medications, physical activity, and inflammatory diseases. Therefore, a test can definitely tell you about pregnancy. And high BT is indirect.

Definitions of pregnancy using BT

Attention should be focused on two main conditions:

  1. BT is measured at the same time in the morning (a difference of no more than 20 minutes is acceptable).
  2. BT is measured without getting out of bed. In order to measure the temperature correctly, the thermometer must be left on the table near the bed, where it can be reached with your hand, without turning your body.

There is no need to take your temperature throughout the day. BT during the day will not be able to show important changes in the body. Only daily measurements in the morning will reflect the real level of hormones.

Basal temperature chart for a healthy woman during pregnancy

The BBT chart during pregnancy looks like a broken line, fluctuating in the range of +37.5C. A decrease in the indicator by less than 36.9C indicates that the progesterone content in the body has decreased. This indicates the likelihood of a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy or a threat of failure. A doctor's consultation is required.

But this diagnosis is also ambiguous. You've probably heard a lot of stories about difficult births or overwork has taken its toll. Any experiences, overloads and stress reduce the BT indicator and lower hormone levels. Just try to get back to normal and leave your nerves for later.

The maximum BT value during pregnancy can reach up to +38C. If your BT level is higher, you should consult your doctor. This indicator is often accompanied by inflammation and internal infections.

What should be the BBT before menstruation? And why is this indicator important? Measuring temperature before and during menstruation makes it possible to determine the presence of inflammation in the body. If the temperature during menstruation jumps above 38C, this means that there is a hidden source of inflammatory disease inside.

  1. BT before menstruation is high. During menstruation, the amount of progesterone decreases, so the basal rate begins to decrease. From higher values ​​(37.8C on the first day of menstruation) it decreases to 37.1C (by the 4th–5th day of menstruation).
  2. BBT during menstruation is the average between the elevated temperature of the previous period and the decreased temperature after menstruation. During menstruation, BT remains at approximately 37C or slightly lower.
  3. BT after menstruation is the lowest indicator of the cycle (except for the day of ovulation, when the indicator additionally decreases by several degrees).

Why is it necessary to know what BT is before menstruation? Measurements are required for early diagnosing pregnancy. If you have had sexual intercourse without a contraceptive, then you will be able to detect the presence of pregnancy even before your period is missed. Why do they measure B.T. If the basal rate does not decrease, then there is a pregnancy.

If you follow all the rules for determining basal temperature, you can discover a lot of new things for yourself. But do not forget that you should not draw certain conclusions yourself, taking into account the obtained graphs. This can only be done by a qualified gynecologist and only after additional examinations.

After conception has occurred, the female body immediately begins to undergo some changes that occur according to a certain plan. Thanks to clear physiological rules, you can predict possible fertilization even before your missed period, and also check whether your pregnancy is proceeding normally. This can be done using the usual measurement of basal temperature (BT). Its level is significantly affected by a sharp surge and decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. Let's look at the principles of measurement and the rules for deciphering the obtained basal temperature standards from the moment of planning to the end of gestation.

Basal is the body temperature measured under conditions of complete rest immediately after waking up. Its level changes cyclically during menstrual cycle under the influence of two main hormones - estradiol and progesterone.

In gynecology, the BT chart is considered an indicator women's health. Studying several graphs can determine whether a woman’s hormonal levels are normal, whether there are inflammatory pathologies, whether ovulation occurs normally and whether it occurs at all.

At the planning stage, BT allows you to “catch” ovulation without special expensive tests or undergoing a diagnostic ultrasound. But the effectiveness of the technique is observed with regular measurement of BT while adhering to the prescribed rules for the procedure.

The principle of determining BT is based on temperature fluctuations based on the phases of the female cycle. As you know, the cycle consists of two phases, and the equator between them is ovulation. The essence of observations comes down to daily entering temperature indicators into a simple graph. In the first half, the temperature is low, and in the second, under the influence of progesterone, it is higher.

Ovulation is characterized by a sharp drop - the temperature drops, and on the second day it rapidly rises. And as menstruation approaches, it begins to decrease again. If fertilization has occurred, the graph will display a consistently increased basal temperature during pregnancy, before the delay it will exceed 37⁰C. In the absence of fertilization, BT before menstruation will drop to 36.7⁰C or even lower.

In obstetric practice, scheduling BT is used if:

  • There has been no pregnancy for more than 12 months without obvious reasons.
  • It is necessary to establish the correspondence of hormone production relative to the phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • It is necessary to clarify the present pathology of the woman’s hormonal background.
  • It is necessary to calculate favorable days for conception, when it is not possible to constantly be sexually active.
  • There is a suspicion of a latent course of endometritis.
  • It is necessary to establish the fact of fertilization before the delay due to the possible threat of interruption against the background of alarming symptoms ( brown discharge, lower abdominal pain).

Important! If there is no temperature jump during the ovulatory period, and the difference between the average BT of the two phases is less than 0.4⁰C, it means that the woman has hormonal pathologies and ovulation does not occur.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

An accurate BT is obtained by inserting a rectal thermometer into the anal lumen. The manipulation must be carried out every day at the same time. Which thermometer to use is your personal decision, the main thing is to do it according to the rules.

How to measure basal temperature during pregnancy:

  • You need to monitor your BT in the morning. At the same time, it is forbidden to sit down suddenly or leave the bed. Sleep preceding measurement should be more than 6 hours. Frequent awakenings at night will make the morning temperature uninformative.
  • During the daytime, BT changes a lot. This is affected by activity, anxiety, and fatigue. Therefore, BT is measured in the morning, while the body is still “sleeping”. And checking your basal temperature during pregnancy in the evening is pointless, since the result will be unreliable.
  • The duration of the procedure is 5-6 minutes. If you use an electronic thermometer, you need to hold it for another 3-4 minutes after the sound signal.
  • It is better to start recording the temperature from the first cyclic day, otherwise it will be impossible to assess the ratio of indicators between the phases. If the measurement is carried out for the purpose of diagnosing hormonal levels, it will take at least three months to draw competent conclusions.
  • All received figures should be noted on a special chart.

Important! A graph of basal temperature during pregnancy will be uninformative if it was compiled during an acute illness, or against the background of stress, alcohol abuse, or hormonal pills, frequent flights and trips. BT readings will also be false if they are obtained less than 6 hours after intercourse.

Norms of basal temperature during pregnancy

The entire cycle is based on a certain dynamics of BT. To understand whether pregnancy has occurred, you need to focus on the usual indicators before and after conception:

  • The follicular phase lasts approximately 11-14 days, but this is just a guideline, because every woman's cycle is different. To navigate the phases, count from last day cycle for two weeks and get the approximate date of ovulation. Under normal health conditions, BT in the first half ranges from 36.1 to 36.8⁰ C.
  • The moment of ovulation is the climactic moment: the egg is released from the proovulated follicle, which is accompanied by a sharp production of hormones. The graph shows a jump in BT to 37.0 – 37.7⁰С.
  • Then comes the luteal phase, which lasts until the onset of menstruation. At this stage, the temperature remains high, and only a few days before menstruation begins to decrease by 0.3-0.5⁰С. If such a decrease does not occur, there is a high probability that fertilization has occurred.

Advice! The level of BT during gestation is very individual and in some women pregnancy proceeds well even at 36.9⁰C. For this reason, there are no clear indicators of what the basal temperature should be during pregnancy. Therefore, the only diagnostic criterion is the absence of a decrease in BT after ovulation.

In order for a fertilized egg to be fully implanted into the endometrium and further develop, the body creates special conditions for this. To do this, it begins to produce large quantities of progesterone. This hormone provokes a persistently high BT, which remains elevated until a certain period.

Depending on the characteristics of the hormonal system in different women basal temperature during pregnancy early stages equal to 37.0-37.4⁰С. Such values ​​indicate that the pregnancy is developing well and there is no threat of miscarriage. In individual cases, BT can even rise to 38⁰C, which is also considered normal.

Pathological basal temperature after conception: causes of deviations

Basal temperature during gestation does not always correspond to prescribed standards. There are exceptions, because every woman’s body is different. In some cases, there is no reason to worry, and minor deviations are considered a variant of the norm. Unfortunately, the majority of cases of pathological fluctuations in BT are caused by various complications during pregnancy.

Basal temperature in case of threat of miscarriage

Instead of the ovulating follicle, a corpus luteum appears. It produces a huge amount of progesterone, which ensures the safety of the fetus. If a woman had hormonal problems before conception, the resulting corpus luteum may not function correctly. As a result, progesterone deficiency develops, which increases the risk of pregnancy termination.

On the BT chart it is very difficult to miss such a pathology: the temperature remains at a too low level, below 37⁰C. Therefore, if the basal temperature is 36.9 during pregnancy, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of this condition.

A very high BT level can also indicate a possible termination of pregnancy. Thus, a temperature of 38⁰C is often caused by an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity, which can provoke egg rejection. A one-time rise is rarely a threat to the fetus, but if such an indicator persists for more than three days, you need to see a gynecologist.

Basal temperature during frozen pregnancy

When the embryo stops developing, the corpus luteum begins to regress and progesterone production stops. As a result, BT gradually drops to 36.4-36.9⁰С. By the way, low temperature does not necessarily indicate fetal death. There is a high probability of measurement errors or the aforementioned state of progesterone deficiency. Therefore, do not rush to diagnose yourself before visiting a doctor.

Advice! It happens that anembryony (embryo freezing) has occurred, and the temperature is persistently high, so there is no need to focus only on BT indicators. In case of uncharacteristic pain, pathological discharge, or poor health, you should immediately visit a gynecologist.

Basal temperature during ectopic pregnancy

The fertilized egg implanted in the fallopian tube does not block the functioning of the corpus luteum. For this reason, progesterone is fully produced and the BT schedule looks quite normal. That is why it is simply impossible to judge an ectopic pregnancy only by basal temperature figures.

However, as the embryo grows, an inflammatory process develops in the fallopian tube, which provokes an increase in BT. On the graph, the temperature can rise even above 38⁰C. But at this stage, other symptoms indicate the presence of ectopic implantation - acute abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and sometimes internal bleeding.

How to correctly draw up and decipher a BT schedule: a detailed guide

A graph for maintaining basal temperature can be easily drawn on a piece of paper or can be printed ready-made template.

The graph shows several values ​​at once:

  • Menstrual cycle by day (from 1 to 35 days, taking into account the length of your cycle).
  • Daily temperature readings.
  • Special notes (poisoning, stress, insomnia, ARVI, etc.)

To record BT, the table is marked as follows:

  • The checkered sheet is divided into two axes: the X axis is the day of the cycle, the Y axis is the BT indicator.
  • An indicator is indicated daily, all points are connected by a line.
  • A solid line is drawn through the top six indicators in the first phase, with the exception of menstruation days, then the line continues until the end of the second cycle.
  • On the day of expected ovulation, a vertical line is drawn.

To understand what a temperature graph might look like, look at how basal temperature fluctuates during pregnancy in the photo:

The figure clearly shows ovulation and an increase in BT in the second phase. On the 21st day of the cycle, a jump in temperature is noticeable as a result of implantation of a fertilized egg, and from 28-29 days the third phase begins - gestational. Pregnancy can also occur at low basal temperatures. Even if BT does not rise above 36.8⁰C, and the delay has been present for several days, you need to go to the doctor.

This photo shows a graph with full phases of the cycle inherent in a healthy woman outside of pregnancy. In the first phase, BT confidently remains below 37⁰C, after ovulation it begins to rise and remains at this level for 11-14 days, and three days before menstruation it begins to return to its original values.

The next type of BT schedule is anovulatory. The follicle does not grow, does not ovulate, and the egg, accordingly, has nowhere to come from. Throughout the cycle, it is clear that BT “jumps” chaotically without a natural change in values ​​and an ovulatory jump. In appearance, the graph resembles a monotonous straight line, the points of which range from 36.4⁰С to 36.9⁰С. Such a schedule is quite possible once or twice a year and is considered the norm. But if such a picture appears regularly, the woman definitely has gynecological or endocrine problems.

You can determine estrogen deficiency using a schedule. For this reason, in the first phase there is a pathological increase in BT to 37.4⁰C. Should be produced in the follicular phase a large number of estrogens that suppress BT to a level below 36.5⁰C. Lack of estrogen also causes high temperature in the second cycle (above 37.5⁰C), which has nothing to do with ovulation and conception.

Judging the state of women's health or the onset of pregnancy using the BT schedule is not entirely correct, because there is a risk of false readings if the rules for measuring temperature are not followed. And everyone's influence external factors It is also impossible to completely exclude. Therefore, plotting a graph serves as an additional diagnostic tool.

Now you know how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy, so you definitely won’t have any difficulties. Carefully measure your BBT, keep a chart, and then you will definitely guess about your pregnancy even before the delay.

Video “Top 5 rules for accurately measuring basal temperature”

Measuring basal body temperature (BBT or BT) is a home diagnostic method that allows you to obtain information about the phase of the menstrual cycle, the approach and onset of ovulation, the state of hormonal levels, confirms pregnancy and gives an idea of ​​the nature of its course. It is also used as a natural method of contraception. BT is the lowest temperature level that the body reaches in a state of complete rest, in particular during sleep.

Today, measuring basal temperature and analyzing graphs obtained during ovulation are rarely used in medical practice. Modern equipment and the availability of ultrasound reduce the relevance of this study. However, the method is suitable for self-control and is easy to use at home. Reviews from women confirm this.

What is the method based on?

A woman’s body temperature depends on many factors, the main one of which is changes in the concentration of sex hormones during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, fluctuations can be observed not even by weeks, but by hours and minutes.

  • First phase of the cycle. It is caused by the work of estrogens, under the influence of which the egg matures. During ovulation, the levels of these hormones, regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), reach their peak. As a result, the mature egg is released from the follicle for fertilization. An increased concentration of estrogen inhibits metabolic processes. Accordingly, the temperature in the tissues of the pelvic organs decreases.
  • Second phase of the cycle. Regulated by progestins. After ovulation, the concentration of these hormones increases and affects the formation of the endometrium. Progesterone is also responsible for the normal course of the gestation period, which is why it received the name “pregnancy hormone”. It stimulates thermoregulatory processes, which causes increased basal temperature during pregnancy, before menstruation.

By regularly measuring your basal temperature over several months, you can determine how the phases of the menstrual cycle change, when ovulation occurs and the most likely days of conception. And also find out whether it took place.

To do this, BT indicators are entered into a special chart every day. You can create it yourself or use separate calendars and electronic applications.

Basal temperature indicators are quite relative, since the concentration of sex hormones is constantly changing in absolute values. But that doesn't stop me this method to be one of the most common when planning pregnancy due to its accessibility and information content. Also, knowing how basal temperature changes, a woman can calculate “safe” days for intimacy. Of course, provided the cycle is stable.

What does basal temperature show?

BT data are informative not only for the patient, but also for doctors. If you correctly decipher the basal temperature chart, you can determine pregnancy, as well as:

  • relative concentration of estrogens and gestagens;
  • approach and onset of ovulation;
  • abnormalities in the menstrual cycle;
  • pathology of pregnancy in the 1st trimester:
  • suspicion of infertility;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

6 rules for accurate results

Basal temperature is a very sensitive indicator and can be influenced by various factors. Therefore, the reliability of the conclusions depends only on the accuracy of the measurements. To achieve this, you need to prepare to build a BT schedule. Here are the main recommendations:

  • limit sex - a few hours before measuring the BTT indicator;
  • avoid stress- physical and emotional at the time of measurements;
  • follow a diet - it is useful to limit the consumption of salty, fatty, fried foods;
  • rest - before measuring your basal temperature, you need to sleep for at least three hours.

To measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, it is necessary to adhere to the following six rules.

  1. Measurement frequency. Temperature readings should be recorded at the same time every day, noting them in a special chart (table). BBT measurements should also be taken before and during menstruation.
  2. Method. BBT is measured rectally - in the rectum. Oral and vaginal methods are not standard for this procedure and do not provide accurate results.
  3. Times of Day . The procedure is carried out in the morning. Before it, the woman must be in a state of complete rest (preferably sleep) for at least three hours. If there was a night shift at work the day before, you should make a note, as this may affect the result. There is no point in conducting research in the evening - it is uninformative at this time. Any physical activity should be limited. It is not even recommended to shake the thermometer before measuring. Any activity changes the basal temperature readings, so the procedure is carried out at the moment of awakening and before getting out of bed.
  4. Thermometer. Measurements should be carried out with the same thermometer, without changing mercury to electronic and vice versa. The most reliable readings are provided by a mercury thermometer. It needs to be brought down to a minimum level the night before, so as not to put effort into it immediately before the procedure.
  5. Duration. It is acceptable if a woman does not ovulate every month, especially closer to 40 years of age. Therefore, measurements should be carried out over a long period of time (at least 12 weeks). During pregnancy, it makes sense to measure up to the 2nd trimester; in the 3rd trimester, the hormonal profile “at its own discretion” changes the temperature.
  6. Recording indicators. It is best to note the obtained result immediately in the graph: since the difference in indicators can be tenths of a degree, they are easy to forget or confuse. As basal temperature markers are set, it is recommended to connect them with lines. The graph should also note any factors that could affect the changes and reliability of the data.

BT indicators: normal...

There are relative norms for basal temperature, according to which you can, without the help of a specialist, calculate what phase the cycle is in and the days of highest female fertility.

  • First phase (downgrade). Regulated by estrogens. Occurs on days 1-13 of the cycle. Immediately after menstruation, the basal temperature drops to 36.6-36.2°C.
  • Ovulatory phase (fluctuations). Peak activity of estrogen, FSH and LH. Lasts up to three days. A day or two before ovulation, BT reaches 36.6-36.7°C. Basal temperature during ovulation rises by 0.1-0.4°C. After the follicle ruptures and the egg is released, the indicator is 37-37.4°C.
  • Second phase (increase). Regulated by progesterone and occurs on days 16-28 of the cycle. During this period, BT is increased, its values ​​vary between 37-37.4°C.

A few days before the onset of menstruation after ovulation, progesterone levels rapidly decrease and a low basal temperature is again noted (within 36.8-36.6 ° C).

...and deviations

The basal temperature chart is a kind of indicator of a woman’s health status. Deviations from the norm in BT indicators may indicate the following.

  • Inflammation . If an elevated basal temperature is recorded before and during menstruation, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Disadvantage of the second phase. BBT levels in the luteal phase of the cycle that are below normal indicate progesterone deficiency.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. Small deviations (in tenths of a degree) that persist throughout the entire cycle may be individual manifestations of the body’s functioning.
  • Ovulation offset. Moving the BT jump horizontally according to the schedule (to the right or left side) indicates early or late ovulation. Only a specialist can judge its success.
  • Double ovulation. It is characterized by two peaks of temperature increase. Moreover, the second is possible in the late second phase, superimposed on the main value and therefore difficult to notice.

No ovulation

If the cycle has passed without ovulation, several options for basal temperature charts are possible.

  • High temperature in the first phase. When in the first half of the cycle the temperature is more than 36.6°C, this indicates that estrogen levels are low. There are not enough of them to control the temperature, so the egg cannot mature.
  • Smooth rather than rapid rise in temperature. Such dynamics of BT during ovulation indicates the inferiority of the egg, which is why the follicle does not rupture.
  • Sudden drop and then rise in temperature. In the second phase, this indicates that the egg has died.
  • Smooth temperatures throughout the entire cycle. The complete absence of a jump in basal temperature indicates the absence of ovulation.

The use of hormonal drugs (for example, Duphaston, oral contraceptives) changes the basal temperature. The jumps depend on what type of hormones were used.

Values ​​during pregnancy

Often women resort to the method of measuring basal temperature to increase their chances of conception. Many people rely on BBT readings to determine whether a pregnancy has occurred and how it is progressing. This method is effective (including for twins and triplets), but only in the early stages - already from the 2nd trimester more modern and reliable diagnostic methods are available.

Basal temperature during pregnancy can have the following indicators.

  • Current pregnancy. If fertilization has occurred, after ovulation until menstruation is delayed, an increase in basal temperature is observed, which will subsequently remain at a high level. This is due to the influence of progesterone. If menstruation does not occur and the temperature has dropped, this indicates a cyclic failure. The normal basal temperature in early pregnancy is within 37-37.5°C.
  • Frozen pregnancy. If the fact of conception is established, but there is a sharp decrease in BT during early pregnancy, which subsequently remains at the same level, this indicates the death of the embryo.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Most often, in the early stages, such cases do not affect the basal temperature and the schedule corresponds to the developing pregnancy.
  • Risk of miscarriage . Often the cause of miscarriage is progesterone deficiency, as indicated by low basal temperature both before and after the delay. If bloody discharge appears, you need to sound the alarm and seek medical help.

The basal temperature chart during pregnancy can be influenced by many factors, so it should only be an auxiliary and not the main method of monitoring health during this period.

We have heard about temperature more than once. It happens; high, low, subfebrile. We monitor the temperature outside, in the house, in the water. Of course, we measure the body temperature of humans and animals. But in Lately You can often hear and read about this type of temperature as basal.

Women who are planning a pregnancy often find themselves charting their basal temperature. Especially if it doesn’t work out for a long time, the wait itself has already been somewhat delayed. Therefore, I would like to devote a few words to this topic. After all, not everyone knows what it is and how to measure basal temperature correctly.

Basal temperature is the body temperature at rest for at least 5-6 hours. Usually, its measurements are carried out in the morning. It is at this time that the body is in a relaxed and rested state.

For a woman, the basal temperature curve changes under the influence of various hormonal surges, and its peak comes on the days of ovulation. Using such data, a woman can determine the best one (ovulation), find out the exact days of menstruation, determine the safest days for sex, and even see women's problems.

Quite often, gynecologists resort to basal temperature when they need to find out:

  • how many days left ;
  • does the patient have it?
  • trace the hormonal background of a woman;
  • identify the reasons why and identify the causes of infertility;
  • this temperature is used to diagnose early pregnancy;
  • there is a persistent claim that it can even help a certain gender. But this fact is not scientifically confirmed.

To do this, representatives of this beautiful part of the planet must keep a basal temperature chart. This is a fairly simple method. BT is measured every day and marked on the graph.

According to the basal temperature graph, you can see the dynamics of hormonal changes in the body.

Usually, the BT chart needs to be maintained several cycles in order to more accurately see the picture of what is happening.

Rules for measuring BT

To accurately plot a graph, you need to know how to measure basal temperature. For this, there are special rules for measuring basal temperature. If they are not followed, the BT schedule may not be accurate.

They must be adhered to, especially if you are concerned about reproductive problems.

Choosing a thermometer and measuring method

So, let's remember:

  • The first thing I wanted to highlight was the choice of thermometer. In principle, it makes no difference whether you take electronic or mercury. The main thing is then to take the same thermometer throughout all the days of measurement. True, mercury ones are more preferred, they seem to be better and more accurate. Everyone else hesitates. But if you are confident in your other thermometer, then it is worth using it.
  • Basal temperature is measured in three ways: in the mouth, in the rectum or in the vagina. It is usually recommended to use the rectal method. It is considered the most accurate. And this is very important, because we need favorable days for pregnancy?! The tip of the thermometer is inserted into the anus 3-4 cm, after which minutes of measurement are expected. To measure your basal temperature in your mouth, place the thermometer under your tongue for five minutes. Keep your mouth closed. The vaginal method involves inserting a thermometer halfway into the vagina.

And remember, you should always stick to one measurement method.

There is a debate around the world about how many minutes to spend measuring. According to doctors, a person will have the lowest temperature after 4-5 hours of sleep. That is, it turns out that those who go to bed early, for example at 22:00, should wake up at 2 am and measure for 10 minutes, and then sleep peacefully again. But everyone understands that this is practically impossible. Although, what can’t you do for the sake of the unborn child.

Therefore, everyone agreed that it is necessary in the morning at about 6-8 am. And you should adhere to this recommendation.

There is no need to delay the measurement too much. Let’s say it’s convenient for you to do this at 10 am. But then the indicator is influenced by human biorhythm. Therefore, we learn self-control and measure it at the right time.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

By adhering to strict rules for drawing up a clear BT schedule, you can know all the changes in your body.

To do this, you need to be patient and do this procedure for several months.

Basal temperature will tell you the exact temperature, a possible pregnancy or some kind of malfunction in the woman’s reproductive system.

So, the rules:

  • It is better to start measuring basal temperature in the morning, when the body has been calm for more than 5 hours. It is measured immediately after waking up for several minutes. At the same time, the woman moves minimally: she does not sit down, does not get out of bed, does not rock. In general, try to stay as much as possible in the position in which you woke up. Otherwise, the organs will begin to move, the blood supply will accelerate and the temperature will begin to rise. This will no longer be the indicator that we need. Therefore, all experts and experienced ladies recommend placing a thermometer at the head of the bed at night at the level of an outstretched hand, so that in the morning you will be less likely to reach for it in the morning. Be sure to reduce its indicator to a minimum in the evening.
  • It is necessary to measure BT if the body has been stationary for 3-6 hours. Situations where a woman got up in the morning to go to the toilet, and then lay down and slept for less than 3 hours are not acceptable. Otherwise, the meaning of measuring temperature is lost; there will definitely be no accurate data.

After inserting the thermometer, you need to wait about five minutes and only then remove it if the thermometer is mercury. If you are using an electronic thermometer, you need to wait a few minutes and when the beep sounds, remove it.

You should always measure your basal temperature at the same time. Even if a girl has a day off and can lie in bed longer, it’s still worth waking up and taking her temperature at the time at which this usually happens.

As for critical days, this process is done constantly, then the schedule will be reliable.

How to keep a schedule and what needs to be taken into account?

Many factors influence the BT rate. First of all, any activity. This is why the body must be in a state of complete rest after sleep.

Even a sleepless night due to stress or overexcitement of the body can make its own adjustments.

Try to take into account every factor to build an accurate basal temperature chart.

What you should pay attention to:

  • After measuring your basal temperature, the resulting readings should be immediately recorded in your chart so as not to forget its data. You can build a graph yourself, or you can also use special programs and websites to build it. The World Wide Web offers many sites where many girls build their schedules. There you can find photos of charts, and then compare them with your own, and you can also discuss the nuances on girl forums. Here you will see that you are not alone and you can share your story with someone else. The Internet has made life easier for many. He even offers a video where they tell, and maybe even show, how to measure basal temperature correctly.
  • As for the schedule, it is worth making notes on it. For example, the day before you had a feast or you couldn’t sleep all night, or maybe you’re stressed today in the form of an exam at the institute. You should also write down if you have a cold and what medications you took. All of this is worth noting because it affects your readings.
  • The schedule is done daily and over several months. Why how many? Because the more photo graphs, the more accurate the result will be.

And if something is not clear in what is written, then you can find a video on the Internet where the luminaries of the world will tell you what needs to be done to measure your basal temperature.

Basal temperature by phases

It is known that during the monthly cycle, the female body experiences several phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulation phase and luteal phase.

When it comes to basal temperature, it is conventionally divided into two phases: before and after ovulation, as well as menstruation itself.

The graph curve will change depending on the phases, so it is important to know how many degrees the thermometer will show at different stages.

  • First phase– This is the phase of low temperature. Characterized by low temperature. It's somewhere around 36.5-36.8. When the temperature rises, it indicates women's health problems.
    In the first phase, the follicle matures, and then the egg. The culmination of this phase is ovulation. It shouldn't be too long or too short. If this is the case, gynecologists talk about disturbances in the ovulation process. It happens that there is no ovulation at all, and then it becomes impossible.
  • Second phase begins when the process of ovulation occurs. This phase is considered the high temperature phase. Her height reaches 37-37.3. A few days before the expected period, it gradually decreases.
  • Let us separately note ovulation. Before ovulation, the temperature is reduced and rises. It turns out that if a woman sees a sharp rise in basal temperature, this means that ovulation has already occurred. Often women observe that on the day of ovulation the temperature drops. After the ovulation process has taken place, conception has not occurred and the egg dies, a sharp upward jump in BBT is observed. There are also several ovulations per cycle, but this is more an exception to the rule than a pattern.

Now about the temperature difference between the two phases. This is very important: BT must have a difference of at least 0.4-0.5 degrees. When the difference is smaller, additional tests are prescribed to detect the causes of the failure.

Situations where the graph curve remains virtually unchanged may indicate anovulation. This can happen, but if this happens every month, then you need to go to the doctor to find the reason for the absence.

In the absence of ovulation, conception is also impossible, because the egg does not mature. And without it it is impossible to get pregnant.

Basal temperature and pregnancy

Many people are interested in the question: “what should be the basal level during pregnancy?” We will tell you now:

  • The first is that the temperature continues to remain high, over 37.2 degrees, for more than 18 days of the second phase, and there are no critical days. This is what the hormone progesterone does. Such heat will last until the 20th week of pregnancy. If a woman has previously had miscarriages or fetal failure, the doctor recommends continuing to measure the temperature to avoid a recurrence of the problem.
  • If there is, but the basal level remains high, then this may indicate. Therefore, you urgently need to contact an antenatal clinic to maintain your pregnancy.
  • By the way, pregnancy can be assumed even at the stage of the second phase, when implantation occurs. This process will be reflected on the graph as a drop in temperature for several days. True, this does not manifest itself in everyone and may not necessarily indicate the presence of conception.

What affects basal temperature

In the female body, many different processes occur in one. All of them are interconnected and repeat themselves cyclically.

But as soon as you change something, move away from your usual way of life, a lot changes.

When a woman becomes pregnant, the normal cycle stops and a new schedule for the body begins. We can not only feel it, but also observe it with the help of BT.

It is important to remember that the body is not a clock; it cannot always work in the same mode.

Therefore, it is worth considering this:

  • Deteriorating health status has an impact on the curve;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • Climate change;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Active strength exercises;
  • Alcohol, etc.

Basal temperature – quite mild and available method to monitor processes in the reproductive system. There is no need to buy expensive tests to determine the day of ovulation, tests to determine. A pleasant bonus will be the opportunity to monitor your women's health.

So go ahead, dear ladies, and be healthy.