Teenage cosmetology. Caring for teenage skin: possible solutions to cosmetic problems

Adolescence is a time of physiological restructuring of the child's body, a period when hormonal levels change, skin type is formed, sebaceous glands are activated and testosterone levels increase. At the age of 12-14, children's skin begins to produce much more sebum, becomes vulnerable to infections and easily becomes dirty, so every second teenager suffers from various skin rashes, closed comedones and acne.

To solve skin problems in teenagers, the MedexCom medical center operates a department of teenage cosmetology. The department employs highly qualified doctors who specialize in the careful and delicate treatment of the following diseases of children's and adolescent skin:

  • acne (acne);
  • seborrhea;
  • demodicosis;
  • rosacea;
  • post-acne (scars, hyperpigmentation).

Specifics of solving skin problems in adolescents

It is necessary to seek treatment for acne and pimples in children and adolescents only from specialists who understand the characteristics of young skin. The skin of teenagers has a different pH, it is more sensitive and susceptible to influences, and reacts more sharply to infections and stress. Therefore, the choice of methods for treating adolescent problems must be approached very carefully. MedexCom Medical Center uses methods suitable for teenagers to treat acne, which show excellent results. A set of measures aimed at improving the condition of teenage skin in the clinic includes the following stages:

  • deep cleansing skin, getting rid of impurities, comedones, sebaceous plugs;
  • sebum-regulating agents aimed at reducing sebum production;
  • keratoregulating agents and procedures, allowing the ducts of the sebaceous glands to be released;
  • aesthetic procedures, aimed at evening out skin texture, structure and color.

Treatment of acne in adolescents at the MedexCom center

Cosmetology appointments for teenagers at the MedexCom clinic are conducted by a qualified cosmetologist with extensive experience in the treatment of teenage acne. The basis of the author's treatment method teenage acne, developed by our doctor medical center, lies a careful and gentle approach combined with the most effective procedures. To treat acne at MedexCom, cosmetologist Alisa Kalashnikova uses the following modern procedures using drugs that are safe for teenagers:

  • peelings;
  • mesotherapy;
  • laser procedures;
  • atraumatic cleansing;
  • professional masks.

The choice of treatment tactics and methods of carrying out procedures is carried out by a cosmetologist individually, taking into account the gender and age of the young patient, individual characteristics skin and severity of the disease.

Cosmetologist Alisa Kalashnikova also considers suitable and effective home care to be an important part of the treatment of teenage rashes, which allows you to achieve and maintain lasting results. Therefore, the cosmetologist at the MedexCom center not only prescribes procedures in the clinic at the appointment, but also selects safe and non-comedogenic home care for the teenager based on professional cosmetics. This comprehensive approach allows MedexCom to achieve sustainable results and clear skin for a long time with minimal supporting procedures.

IN adolescence Mechanical cleansing helped transform my face. I was a pimply teenager, I struggled with acne together with a dermatologist and Dimexide, which she prescribed to me.

The dermatologist also scheduled a visit to a cosmetologist, since my face was dotted with blackheads. In my case (my face was full of dots), the cosmetologist said that it would not be possible to get my skin in order in one go. I didn't take before and after photos.


Washing and skin before the procedure should be cleansed of cosmetics.

Steaming, opening pores.

Removal of comedones and sebaceous plugs.


Soothing mask


I was prescribed several mechanical cleansing procedures and six bodyagi peeling procedures, which got rid of my acne.

The procedure is, to put it mildly, very unpleasant and painful. In some places, on my cheeks, it hurt so much that tears flowed like a river, but I endured it in silence, because I wanted to be beautiful.


This is a deep cleansing of the facial skin by squeezing out blackheads with your fingers.

In some places, cleaning is done with special tools.

The advantage of this cleansing is that you can cleanse the skin even of deep comedones that clog the sebaceous ducts.

As a result of such cleaning, the appearance skin, pores narrow, the face is transformed. However, this is a painful procedure that causes trauma and redness of the face.


  • herpes
  • allergic reactions
  • dry skin prone to inflammation
  • eczema, dermatitis
  • bronchial asthma

First, I sat over the steamer and steamed with hot steam. This is necessary in order to open the pores so that blackheads and comedones are squeezed out well. It doesn’t cause much discomfort, but I didn’t like it, since it took about 15 minutes. You sit, breathe and sweat... Then you wash your face with warm water.

I went to the cosmetologist every other day, because my face needed time to heal and come to its senses. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist treated my face with an antiseptic, wrapped a sterile bandage around my fingers and began the cleaning procedure, placing me on a special chair-table for comfort.

This took 20 minutes. The most painful places are near my eyes, cheeks and wings of the nose. The cosmetologist calmed me down when my tears were flowing, the girl said, be patient, I really want to help you, yes, the attitude is excellent.

After cleansing, there was a mask that relieved inflammation and soothed the face. Then the cosmetologist treated her face with darsonval, you can read what it is.

And I applied talc (white baby powder) to the pimples, which were also squeezed out, for drying and faster healing. After the procedure, my face shines like a May rose, yes, it is red, at least for me.


  • blocked sebaceous ducts
  • enlarged pores
  • comedones, acne


Deep cleansing of pores and sebaceous ducts



Teenage rashes on the face are a real talk of the town. Probably, a practical girl and almost every young man at a certain period of his growing up encounters such a nuisance. And of course, The best way to combat rashes - seek advice from a dermatologist and cosmetologist, and follow the recommendations of specialists. In some situations, the doctor may recommend the use of special medications for external or internal use. But most often you can cope with acne with the help of proper care. So, today we are talking about whether mechanical facial cleansing of blackheads from a cosmetologist will help a teenager.

Why do blackheads appear in teenagers??

On the face of each of us there are many pores through which the secretion of the sebaceous glands is released, designed to moisturize and protect the skin. This phenomenon is completely normal. But when pores become clogged with dead skin particles, as well as dust and sebum, blackheads, also called comedones, appear. In adolescence, their appearance can be facilitated by insufficient hygiene, as well as natural hormonal surges, explained by the active functioning of the endocrine system.

Will mechanical cleansing help remove blackheads on the face during adolescence??

In fact, mechanical cleansing can quite effectively cope with the problem of comedones. But in order for such procedures to truly produce the expected result, they must be carried out only by a qualified cosmetologist and combined with other methods of influence: the use of suitable skincare products, diet, etc.

On the face, mechanical cleansing can only be performed if there is no active inflammation on the skin. In addition, it is not carried out too often - more than once a month.

What is mechanical cleaning??

The name mechanical exactly reflects the essence of this procedure. After all, with such cleaning by a cosmetologist, blackheads are eliminated directly by the hands of the master. Therefore, it is clear that only a highly qualified specialist who has information about the structural features of the skin and has certain experience in such work can really perform such a manipulation efficiently. In fact, the effectiveness of cleaning largely depends on the degree of pressure of the cosmetologist’s fingers, as well as on the angle of their location. Of course, the chosen clinic must comply with all possible sanitary and hygienic rules.

Don't be afraid to do it mechanical cleaning due to its pain. Although this procedure is not comfortable and pleasant, the unpleasant sensations during it are quite tolerable. In some cases, in order to make cleaning as effective as possible, a cosmetologist can work not only with his own hands, but also resort to the use of special tools, for example, a Uno spoon. This device looks like a spoon with miniature holes (one or several), it helps to remove shallow blackheads as effectively as possible. A Vidal needle can also be used for mechanical cleaning; this device helps to pry or soften a complex comedone. True, some cosmetologists believe that all additional devices somewhat increase the likelihood of traumatic skin damage during cleaning, so they prefer to work exclusively manually.

How does the procedure work??

When you visit a cosmetologist, you will need to take a comfortable position in a special chair. Afterwards, the specialist will cleanse the skin and prepare it for future cleaning. For this, steam can be used, which is supplied by a special device called a vaporizer. A cosmetologist can also apply special warming agents and other substances to the skin. Next, the specialist proceeds directly to the cleaning process, and upon completion, treats the skin with all kinds of antiseptic lotions and applies a soothing mask or cream to it. Such products soothe the face and give a pleasant cooling effect.

After facial cleansing

Of course, after mechanical facial cleansing, the skin will be swollen and reddish for some time. But her condition returns to normal quite quickly - literally in a couple of days. Therefore, it is best for teenagers to take care of their face immediately before the weekend or during the holidays, in order to be able to sit at home and not have contact with their peers. Also, until the skin condition is completely normalized, it is necessary to avoid visiting the solarium, sauna and swimming pool; it is better not to dye your eyelashes and eyebrows, and also not to use cosmetical tools with the exception of those recommended or approved by the cosmetologist. When going outside after mechanical cleaning, be sure to lubricate your face. sunscreens, for example, a non-comedogenic cream with SPF 30 - 50 (depending on skin type). Concealer It is better not to use it during the recovery period, since its particles can easily contaminate only cleaned pores and will negate the entire effect of cleaning.

Is it possible to carry out mechanical cleaning faces himself?

Not a single qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist would advise a teenager to clean their skin outside a salon. Such experiments are fraught with the development of serious inflammation, after which scars may remain on the skin for life.

Every age needs its own cosmetic care. Those procedures that will be useful for a mother or grandmother are of no use to a daughter or granddaughter.

Don't rush to grow up

For example, for teenagers it is not only useless, but also harmful. During adolescence, hormonal balance is still developing, so using anti-wrinkle products can cause the skin to wear out quickly.

Even a regular manual facial massage at 16-17 years old is an excessive procedure, because the tone and elasticity of the skin of young people is already good by nature. Excessive exposure can stretch the skin. In addition, when performing massage, oils that have a comedogenic effect are often used. And this only aggravates the risk of acne, which teenagers are already susceptible to.

You should not resort to hardware, not only on the face, but also on the body. Due to endocrine changes in the body, the skin of a teenager is prone to the formation of stretch marks. Therefore, vacuum or other intense types of massage are not recommended for teenagers at this time.

Aggressive procedures such as deep chemical peeling and dermabrasion are also undesirable. Even moderate peeling and microdermabrasion can only be done after puberty.

After school - to the salon!

Usually the main problem that young people suffer from is acne, or acne. And here are cosmetic methods that will help cope with this problem.

Cleaning the skin. Indicated only if there are no inflamed acne on the face. Compared to manual methods, hardware methods are more gentle. It is recommended to do cleaning once a month. If you do this less often, you can cause pores to expand. And if too often (more than once every two weeks), then this threatens more active formation of sebum.

Because teenagers' skin contains twice as much water as adult skin, microcurrent therapy is used after facial cleansing to reduce fluid retention.

An alternative to facial cleansing can be superficial peeling. He shouldn't be aggressive. It is optimal to use products based on a small amount of fruit acids. Well regulates the production of sebum (sebum), improves complexion.

Darsonvalization procedures are also effective. Current pulses affect the skin through a vacuum electrode and activate microcirculation, eliminate vascular spasm, increase tissue nutrition and oxygen supply, and normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Therapeutic massage according to Jacquet Specially designed for oily skin with acne. To perform it, not cream is used, but talc. This massage does not last long, only 5-6 minutes. Course - 20 procedures, 2-3 times a week. The difference from other types of cosmetic massage is the nature of the kneading movements: deep pinching movements squeeze out sebum.

Ozone therapy course will help relieve itching and irritation. Ozone is introduced into the skin by injection, just like cocktails of therapeutic drugs during mesotherapy. Healing gas accelerates blood microcirculation, removes toxins, relieves inflammation, disinfects the skin, and reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Cryomassage relieves inflammation, sebum secretion decreases. Using a stick with a cotton swab, liquid nitrogen is quickly applied to problem areas (temperature - minus 196 °C). Temperature changes cause constriction and dilation of blood vessels, as a result of which blood circulation in the skin improves, pores narrow, and stagnant spots left over from acne resolve.