Men can be content php r. Socionics and sexual attraction. Introverts are in no hurry

(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

file_get_contents — Reads the contents of a file into a string


String file_get_contents (string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = false [, resource $context [, int $offset = -1 [, int $maxlen ]]]])

This function is similar to the function file() with the only difference being that file_get_contents() returns the contents of the file in a string, starting at the specified offset and up to maxlen bytes. In case of failure, file_get_contents() will return FALSE.

Using the function file_get_contents() It is most preferable if you need to get the entire contents of a file, since the function uses a file-to-memory mapping technique to improve performance, if supported by your operating system.


If you are opening a URI containing special characters such as space, you need to encode the URI using urlencode().

List of parameters

The name of the file being read.



Since PHP 5 you can use the constant FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH to search for a file in include path.


A valid context resource created using the function stream_context_create(). If there is no need to use a special context, you can skip this parameter by passing the value NULL.

The offset at which reading of the original stream will begin.

Offset search is not supported when working with remote files. Trying to find an offset on non-local files may work for small offsets, but the result is unpredictable since it is running on a buffered stream.

Maximum size of data read. By default, reading is performed until the end of the file is reached. Note that this setting also applies to streams with filters.

Return values

The function returns the read data or FALSE in case of an error.


This function can return as boolean FALSE, and a non-boolean value that is cast to FALSE. For more information, see the Boolean type section. Use the === operator to check the value returned by this function.


A level error will be generated E_WARNING, if the filename parameter cannot be found, the maxlength parameter is less than zero, or the search at offset offset in the stream fails.


Example #1 Get and display the source code of a website's home page

$homepage = file_get_contents("");
echo $homepage ;

Example #2 Finding files in include_path

// <= PHP 5
$file = file_get_contents("./people.txt" , true );
// > PHP 5
$file = file_get_contents("./people.txt" , FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH );

Example #3 Reading a section of a file

// Read 14 characters, starting from character 21
$section = file_get_contents("./people.txt" , NULL , NULL , 20 , 14 );

The result of running this example will be something like this:

string(14) "lle Bjori Ro"

Example #4 Using Streaming Contexts

// Create a thread
$opts = array(
"http" =>array(
"method" => "GET" ,
"header" => "Accept-language: en\r\n" .
"Cookie: foo=bar\r\n"

$context = stream_context_create ($opts);

// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$file = file_get_contents ("" , false , $context );

Close_notify. PHP will report this as "SSL: Fatal Protocol Error" the moment you reach the end of the data. To get around this, you should set error_reporting to a level that excludes E_WARNING. PHP versions 4.3.7 and older can detect that there is a problematic IIS on the server side when opening a stream using a wrapper https:// and does not display a warning. If you are using fsockopen() for creating ssl:// socket, it is your responsibility to detect and suppress this warning.

How to make all the girls want you? Isn't this the dream? secret or obvious) the vast majority of readers of this site? Your dream. If No, Honestly No, then please, no problem, there is still a lot of material. And if Yes, then this article is for you.

What do they all want from us? Mountains of jewelry, cool cars and fur coats? If you think so, then I agree with you. Yes, that’s exactly what if you can’t give them what they really want.

Then, apparently, they want to have fun with us in discos, go to the movies, and have fun? Do they want to constantly laugh at our jokes and not get tired of our diversity? Then the main thing is not to let them get bored? Honestly, this is a little closer to the truth than the idea of ​​an expensive golden cage. There is already an emotional component here. And the girl will be happy to strive for you if you know how to entertain her, because you really want not to notice that her true request remains unrealized. And she will hide her dislike for you, who are so cool.

Well, these women, who will understand them if they themselves do not speak directly! By the way, they say something. All of them, every single one, dream out loud about a prince on a white horse, of course. Undoubtedly, they dream, because they have seen this picture since childhood in all Disney cartoons. Their mothers instill this in them from a young age. And all the young ladies, well, or almost all, sincerely believe that a noble knight of noble blood, doing noble deeds for them, will definitely act nobly and marry them all. All fairy tales for girls end with a beautiful noble wedding. But, as you understand, after the end of the fairy tale, the real part begins, which mothers prefer not to tell. Namely: the princess begins to understand that somehow white clothes and sublime songs are not enough for her. Wonderful feelings are, of course, wonderful, but this beauty makes you want to hide more and more, at least for a while. And one day such a man will turn up at court, in whose arms she will unexpectedly find for herself and those around her what she needs.

Oh bitch, oh prostitute! Traitor! You yourself spoke about eternal love just yesterday! How could you? Just anger will certainly send the scoundrel to the stake, and therefore she will try to hide her act. It is precisely for this instinct of self-preservation that we consider all women to be insidious liars. But that's a different topic.

However, we are very concerned about what they really need? What are they always missing? Either they are waiting for a brutal, mature alpha male, or an excited, trembling young man in love, or a protective knight, or a protective dad... Exactly, you say. All women compare men with their fathers, from whom they received a model of male behavior in childhood. This... what's his name... well, the smartest psychologist also wrote about this. Yes, all psychologists write about this.

If you're still here, I'll explain it to you. We were all brought up in a patriarchal civilization, where feelings, sensations, emotions are perceived as something that interferes with success. No one will praise you for your tears or weakness. A girl who acts like a tomboy is admired in many films. A boy who shows his soul will, at best, be rewarded with leniency. Everything masculine is welcomed, everything feminine is despised.

Although, this is only at first glance - in fact, male covers are welcomed, but not the essence. But that's a different conversation.

So, neither girls nor boys in our civilization receive enough intimacy with their mother. We were all deprived of this and we all secretly want to make up for it. Precisely secretly, because obviously we don’t need veal tenderness. We are quite mature and quite strong. Girls are more honest in this regard, they at least hug each other, kiss, exciting our fantasies about lesbian beauty. They do this because they are women. While we were hunting in ancient times, providing food for the tribe, they were at home, building social connections based on pleasant contact. They cared for the children, touching them, talking to them, kissing them.

From infancy, we receive the experience of contact with another person from our mother, and the experience of achievement, success, and strength from our father. And we are all traumatized since childhood by the denial of intimacy from our busy mothers. From our mothers, frightened by excessive closeness. And we are all extremely afraid of the intimacy that we so badly want.

And we, who received the first bodily pleasure from our mother, are looking for her to give more, we need to receive it in abundance, we need to fill this emptiness. This bottomless hole that we are trying to plug with respect, clothes, luxury. Or from which we want to distract ourselves, drowning out the cry of our inner child with the noise of discos and clubs, with our own laughter. The main thing is to prevent boredom, which will manifest a thirst for contact. Or we try to create a romantic mood. Or we turn to patriarchal reinforced concrete dogmas.

And the more we repress the baby's cry ( By the way, have you noticed that you are probably annoyed by children’s crying?), the stronger the craving becomes. And the more likely it is that O As soon as some beauty lets you know that she could be your mother, you yourself will complete your fantasy and rush to her, headlong.

Here's the secret weapon of every successful Casanova - be prepared for close contact. Consciously prepare for the touch of souls, for the touch of words, for the touch of bodies, and the girl will not resist. No girl can resist the inner openness of an embrace. Even the one that has a very unapproachable appearance. This look is put on by those who are afraid that they will be deprived of maternal love, but this is another topic.

To consider sexual relationships between types, we will divide them again into 4 subgroups, just as we did earlier, but we will use two other pairs of characteristics, namely: sensory-intuition on the one hand and discursiveness-resolution on the other. The last pair are not Jungian signs, so let’s say a few words about them separately.

Using this pair of signs, 16 types are divided into two pairs of quadra. The second and third quadras turn out to be “resolute” - decisive (lat. resolvo - I resolve, unravel, untie), i.e. prone to tough acts of will that sharply resolve contradictions. The first and fourth quadras are “discussive” - deliberative (Latin discutio - discussing, discussing), i.e. prone to open and broad discussion of contradictions that arise during the course of action. This pair of typological features, closely related to the life values ​​of the quadras, apparently originates in Jung’s archetypes of the collective unconscious.

Let us analyze the groups identified using these two axes through the prism of the hidden psychosexual tendencies of sociotypes. Here we will rather talk about the instinctive, carnal aspect of erotic relationships as opposed to the spiritual, platonic one, the consideration of which is devoted to the first half of this article. So, the “sensory-intuition” axis, intersecting orthogonally with the “resolution-discussion” axis, forms four psychoanalytic groups of sociotypes:

1. Resolution sensors - “aggressive” or “hunters” (Zhukov, Gorky, Napoleon, Dreiser).
2. Resolute intuitives - “victims” or “victims” (Yesenin, Hamlet, Balzac, Jack London)
3. Discussive sensory - “caring” or “father-mother” (Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)
4. Discussive intuitives - “infantile” or “son-daughter” (Robespierre, Don Quixote, Dostoevsky, Huxley)

Let's look at male and female types separately.

Female types

"Caring" woman, or woman-mother
(Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gaben)

Tends to take care of her male partner. She is attracted to weak but intelligent men who obey her in everyday affairs. She is pleased to protect them, support them, and encourage them. Such character qualities, which in the mass consciousness do not evoke respect for males, are forgiven by this woman or considered completely acceptable.

Woman - "Aggressor"

He always tries to compete with a man, including in erotic relationships. Prone to irony and ridicule of the opposite sex. Likes to feel more competent than a man in any matter. During a love game, she expects ingratiation, ostentatious weakness, and emotional instability from a man.

"Victim" woman or female victim

The ideal of such a woman is a physically strong man, reminiscent of supermen from American action films. She wants to experience his strength, resist his onslaught, feel like a victim. In love games, he prefers different forms of confrontation that inflame the passion of his partner. Women of this type sometimes have inherent masochistic traits. True, not all of them are aware of this.

"Infantile" woman, or woman-daughter

The ideal of this woman is a kind and experienced man, well adapted to life, usually older than her. In the presence of such a man, she feels like a little girl, dependent on him for almost everything. In a love game, preference is given to the psychological factor - sincere conversation, relaxing music, creating conditions for relaxation. Above all, he values ​​condescension and care.

Male types

A "caring" man, or a man-father
(Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gaben)

An experienced and attentive partner to a woman’s spiritual world, who knows how to win her over with protective courtship. In the game of love, he greatly values ​​women’s tenderness and vulnerability and expects admiration for his life experience and skill.

Man - "Aggressor"
(Zhukov, Gorky, Napoleon, Dreiser).

This sociotype has a tendency to violently take possession of a woman. In love play he likes to demonstrate wrestling. He can indulge in rudeness, sometimes causing women pain - both physical and moral. Expects women to submit to force.

"Victim" man
(Yesenin, Hamlet, Balzac, Jack London)

Idealizes a powerful woman. Adapts to her tastes, respects her strong-willed qualities. His behavior either emphasizes his dependence and obedience, or breaks out of control. In a relationship with a woman, he subconsciously expects orders, tricks, and reproaches. Not receiving such reactions, he involuntarily provokes their manifestation.

"Infantile" man, or man-son
(Robespierre, Don Quixote, Dostoevsky, Huxley)

Dependent, naive in everyday affairs, expects business and emotional support from a woman. He involuntarily emphasizes his lack of attention, ruined abilities, and inability to cope with the struggle of life. Respects experience and responsiveness to his problems in women.

Psychosexual compatibility

"Caring" woman.

Does not accept strong but rough caresses from a man. Deprived of foreplay, erotic power play depresses her sexuality, which is why male supermen disappoint her. The behavior of a man compatible with her should be infantile, i.e. timid, expectantly inviting. Such a woman loves affection, which is expressed in gentle, childishly weak touches to the erogenous zones. The relationship with the Victimized man also does not suit her, since his capriciousness, tricks and provocation of force surprise and repel her. Relationships with a caring man who is identical in psychosexual aspirations disappoint her over time, although, in principle, she has nothing against it. Sooner or later, amid the comfort with which she was surrounded, she will feel a lack of spirituality.

"Aggressive" woman

He is looking for an object for his powerful and active erotic actions. Most of all, she is satisfied with a man who behaves obediently but capriciously with her. Then she has a reason for aggression. A victimized man idolizes such a woman and at the same time is afraid of her. His behavior can be compared to the behavior of a page who devotes himself entirely to serving the “beautiful lady.” Constant play is the best cure for satiety. In a relationship with an Infantile man, she will lack playful submissiveness on his part. His reluctance to adapt to aggressive attacks cannot but bring such an alliance to the brink of rupture. Relationships with a male “Aggressor”, on the one hand, flatter her and spur her passion, but, on the other hand, they also repel her, since they do not lead to the desired victory. Therefore, they can only have varying success. A caring man will irritate her with his attitude towards her like a small child, which she perceives as humiliation.

"Victim" woman (victim)

Skillfully plays on his weakness, insecurity or disorganization, thereby provoking an Aggressive man to take active and decisive action. In love games, the greatest importance for her is the strong embrace and strength of the male body, yielding to which she demonstrates her submission to the will of the man. Men of the Caring type seem to her to be comfortable, but too boring partners, and in her heart she considers Infantile men to be completely weak-willed weaklings. With men of a similar type, a victimized woman enters into complex, subtextual relationships, competing with them in sacrifice and demanding special privileges for this. Often such games literally exhaust both. At this point, I think it is necessary to mention that psychoanalytic groups are considered without special detail, so individual more subtle differences within them disappear. In particular, among Victim T-types, the fact remains unnoticed that they are usually divided into “tragic victims” (ET and TE) and “comic victims” (TR and RT).

"Infantile" woman (child)

In the erotic life of a woman of this type, subtle caresses and psychologism of relationships are of greatest importance. She, without any special intentions, demonstrates through her actions fragility and childish naivety. An infantile woman easily accepts the affairs and hobbies of a partner with whom she sympathizes. In love games, she gladly takes up the initiative of a caring man, showing her own sophistication and imagination. On supermen, i.e. Men of the Aggressive type, such a woman, of course, pays attention, but is afraid to get close to them because of their instinctiveness and rudeness. A man of the Victim type suits her only partially: he starts out romantically, but then confuses her with his demonstration of suffering and unpredictability. With men of the same Infantile type, she will definitely feel discomfort from the lack of care for her daily needs. In such a couple, the degree of alienation will slowly increase.

file_get_contents() pretty much does the following:

$filename = "/usr/local/something.txt"; $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle);

Since file_get_contents() is disabled, I'm pretty convinced the above won't work.

Depending on what you're trying to read, and in my experience hosts disable reading remote files, you may usually have other options. If you are trying to read remote files (over a network, i.e. http, etc.), you might want to look at the cURL library functions

Can you open a file with fopen , get the contents of the file and use it? Or maybe cURL is useful for you?

A bit of everything.

Function ff_get($f) ( if (!file_exists($f)) ( return false; ) $result = @file_get_contents($f); if ($result) ( return $result; ) else ( $handle = @fopen( $f, "r"); $contents = @fread($handle, @filesize($f)); @fclose($handle); if ($contents) ( return $contents; ) else if (!function_exists(" curl_init")) ( return false; ) else ( $ch = @curl_init(); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $f); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $output = @curl_exec($ch ); @curl_close($ch); if ($output) ( return $output; ) else ( return false; ))))

The most obvious reason why file_get_contents() is disabled is that it loads the entire file into main memory first. Code from code_burgar can create problems if your host has assigned you a very low memory limit.
As a general rule, only use file_get_contents() (or -replacement) when you are sure the file being downloaded is small. With SplFileObject you can SplFileObject using a user-friendly interface. Use this if your file is large.

Try this code:

$ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; // set to zero for no timeout curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $content = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);

I'm guessing that you are trying to access the file remotely via http:// or ftp://.

In theory, there are alternatives such as fread() and, if all else fails, fsockopen(). But if the provider is good at what they do, they will be disabled too.

Use PEAR package package. This is like officially replacing native PHP functions with PHP coded solutions.

Require_once "PHP/Compat.php"; PHP_Compat::loadFunction("file_get_contents");

Or if you don't want to use the class, you can load it manually.

Require_once "PHP/Compat/Function/file_put_contents.php";

  • All the compatibility functions are wrapped in if(!function_exists()) so it will actually work if your web browser updates the server functions later.
  • All functions can be used exactly the same as native PHP, and the corresponding constants are also available!
  • List of all available functions

If all you are trying to do is trigger a hit on a given URL and don't need to read the output, you can use curl() if your web host is enabled on your server.

The documentation provides an example of calling a url using curl.

If all else fails, there is always cURL. There's a good chance it's installed.

… “Mom, I beat everyone at badminton during training. I am cool?"
“Mom, I solved the math test better than anyone in the class. Cool, yeah?"

My sons often ask me to recognize their achievements.
Ideally - loudly and publicly...

So that everyone can hear that their mother considers them successful and recognizes the fact of achievement.

This is very important for a boy...
In order to feel like a man - strong, smart, capable of action.

Recognition is a male function; the Father recognizes achievements, and thereby helps the boy feel significant and successful.

However, the Mother's assessment is also critically important for the boy.

Her praises and recognition are important to him.

No wonder…

It is the mother who is the first woman in a man’s life who influences the formation of his male sense of self.

Unfortunately, mothers most often:
...They don’t “filter” their unconscious dissatisfaction with their life and “dump” it on their son.

Namely, when a boy needs recognition, she accuses him of not being “good” enough.

So a child, who still needs to be good, becomes dependent - first on his mother, hoping through his efforts to earn her praise.

Then, as an adult man, he will try to earn the recognition of another significant female figure - his partner (often his daughter)

...In their own traumatic underestimation, they begin to praise the child for “eating, walking, peeing.”
That is, trying to give him what they themselves were deprived of, they overfeed him with cotton candy, creating the same dependence on an influential female figure as in the first case.
Without her: “Oh, good girl, well done!” he cannot feel wealthy, significant, courageous.

What happens next?

Then he unconsciously waits for confirmation that he is a “good boy.”

Actually, it’s expected from the whole world – both at work and with friends.

And in partnerships it waits first.

Praise and strokes - “how wonderful and wonderful you are, and how lucky I am to have you.”

It doesn't matter whether he realizes it or not.

The expectation can be so strong that it becomes the central “figure” of the relationship:

...She was nice, smiled, “didn’t pester” - the day went wonderfully.
... She frowned, was dissatisfied, made complaints - the day was not going well.

Rarely does a man himself see that he is falling into his own trauma of undervaluation and “badness.”

In any of her “I need support, I feel bad,” he hears “You are to blame for this”...

The link “works”: “If she is unhappy, then I am bad.”

Feeling guilty for his “unmasculinity,” he is inclined to project his own dissatisfaction with himself onto his partner, and “turn” this accusation against her.

It is she who “burdens” him, is always dissatisfied, “tortures” him with her hysterics and “showdowns.”

Whenever a crisis or simply problems arise in a relationship, he runs away, refusing to talk about them, or simply interact.

Ultimately, either the woman adapts and agrees to “compliment”, keeping him dependent on her, or, if she does not want to “play along,” the relationship may fall apart.

In order for the boundary between mother and son to appear “then,” it was necessary for the mother to say: “Son, I’m not unhappy with you... It’s somehow hard for me myself, I can’t cope with my feelings.”

In order for this boundary to appear now, a man will have to admit his fact of dependence...

Learn to see your “injuries”;

To be sad and grieve that he was forced to try to be a “good boy” in order to earn praise;

And that, more often than not, he did not succeed, because his mother was no longer happy (or, on the contrary, praised him undeservedly)...

Learn to separate yourself, your personality from other people’s feelings, without trying to manage your internal self-esteem with the help of external figures.

And thus, stop blaming these figures for not maintaining his self-esteem at a level acceptable to him.

If he learns to rely on himself, “appropriating” the fact of his achievements, refusing to be the “good boy” that everyone likes, withstanding other people’s dissatisfaction with himself...

Then he will “accept” his woman’s feelings without blaming or destroying himself.

He will be able to give her the support she needs, and he will be able to ask for it himself.

The woman, in turn, is “freed” from the need to maintain the man’s feeling in the spirit of “You did well, well done, good boy”;

She will be able to give him sincere admiration for what he does for her and for himself.

… “Mom, I beat everyone in training today! I am cool?"
“Mom, I wrote the math test better than anyone else! I'm cool, right?

I listen to myself.
No admiration is born.
I see that my son needs to make sure that I am happy with him.

“What do you think?”
"I think I'm cool"
"Glad for you…"

I remember moments when I felt real admiration...

“Mom, I went down the slide called Harakiri.”
There the slope is 75 degrees!
I overcame myself.
I was scared, but I convinced myself and went!”

He doesn’t even say “I’m cool!”, apparently reliving his fear and the joy of overcoming...

I feel proud of my son.
I express my real, sincere admiration...

He didn't expect it, but he got it.

He did it himself, not for me. For myself. And that's why I admire him.

We are back in the experience of intimacy that I value so much.

...I admire a man not when he childishly expects support and recognition from me.

In this case, I resist in my unwillingness to be a “good Mother” to him...

I admire him when he is proud of himself.