Speech therapy session spring. Speech therapy lesson “Spring” in the senior group. improve reading skills

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

Sigodina Natalia Alexandrovna

MBOU Secondary School No. 160, Novosibirsk

Description of the lesson: This lesson summary is for children 6-7 years old on the topic “Spring”. The material is selected and structured according to the requirements for a given age category, designed for the capabilities of children of this age. A general lesson. It has a developing and educational character. The lesson used gaming, health-saving, ICT technologies, technologies for person-oriented interaction, technologies based on an activity approach.

Target: Generalization of knowledge about spring and birds.

Correctional educational tasks:

Summarize and expand children's vocabulary on the topic; consolidate word formation and inflection skills: agreement of nouns with adjectives; Improving the skills of sound analysis and word synthesis. Work on composing sentences from given words, based on a picture, strengthen the ability to answer questions with complete answers; Improve phonemic awareness.

Correction and development tasks:

Development of coherent speech, articulation, fine and general motor skills. Automation of correct sound pronunciation in free speech, development of coordination of speech with movement, development of memory, attention, thinking and creative imagination.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Evoking positive emotions to what is depicted in the paintings. Cultivate an attentive, caring attitude towards nature. Relieving emotional and physical tension.

Equipment: Audio recording of music passages “sounds of nature”, ball, puzzles, reproduction of a scene from the fairy tale “12 months”, cards with words, album, paints, pencils, marker board, markers, object pictures, projector, laptop.

Methods and techniques: Game techniques, descriptions, surveys, visual demonstrations, practical: comparison, selection of the correct wording. Active methods reflections, kinesiological exercises. psychogymnastics.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

The speech therapist invites the children to take their places, naming them in order of the month. (slide 2)

Psycho-gymnastics with elements of self-massage

We rub our hands (rubbing our palms) and warm them up (claps)

And we wash our face with warmth (run our palms over the face from top to bottom)

We use a rake to rake away all the bad thoughts (movements of the fingertips from the middle of the forehead to the temples)

We rub the ears up and down quickly (rubbing the ears along the edges from bottom to top and top to bottom)

Pull down by the earlobes (pulling down by the earlobes)

And then we run to the cheeks (fingers run to the cheeks)

We knead the cheeks (index, middle and ring fingers knead your cheeks in a circular motion)

And then we flow from the nose to the lips (movements of the fingers from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth)

And we begin to move our lips left and right (the index fingers are placed on the lips parallel to each other and move towards each other)

We pull the chin and pinch it (kneading the chin while pulling it down: pinching the lower jaw from the chin to the ears)

And then we run our hands down the neck (stroking the neck with the palm from top to bottom)

II. Main part

Guys, who remembers in which fairy tale the girl visited her brothers for months?

Now close your eyes, we too will go on a fabulous journey, to visit the seasons. (Musical excerpts are heard (blizzard, winter, drops, spring)).

Who did you visit? (winter spring)

Name the winter and spring months.

What season is over? Which one started? By what changes in nature do we know that spring has arrived?

Who can we compare winter to? spring? (words are given: old man, grandmother, girl,...) (slide 3)

What winter? Spring? (Children select adjectives for these words)

Let's help spring come into its own. And here is the first task.

Task (slide 4)

Before you is a palette of colors. Let's create a palette of colors for winter and spring.

What are the winter colors? Spring colors?

(Children display colored chips for each season and comment - What happens is white..., blue..., green..., yellow....)

How do colors change with the arrival of spring?

Speech therapist:- Oh, this winter, it doesn’t want to go away. ……. We can give strength to spring by completing the following tasks of the months. And for correctly completing tasks you will receive rays of the sun, and you know, the brighter the sun shines, the warmer it is. And at the end of the lesson we will post our spring sun.

Task 1: “Say the opposite”

How does everything change with the arrival of spring?

In winter the snow is clean, but in spring it is...dirty

In winter the days are cold, and in spring -

In winter the sun is dim, and in spring -

In winter the weather is often cloudy, and in spring -

Task 2: “Spring Forest”

(Drawing with two hands - development of graphomotor skills and interhemispheric interaction)

Each child receives a landscape sheet and two pencils. We draw the general picture on the board.

And now we have to draw a spring forest. (sun, cloud, tree, stream, snowdrop, snowdrift, ....

Well done, you drew a beautiful forest and for this you get another ray of light.

Task 3:

But we forgot to draw something else, and you will learn what from the poem. (poem).

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Spring has legs.

(- How do you understand this comparison?)

What sign of spring did you hear in the poem? (thawed patches appear precisely in the month of March).

Task 4: Isolating the last sound in a word

Let's add thawed patches to our forest. (cards)

In what order will our thawed patches appear? (Arrange the thawed patches on the board in order (according to the last sounds)).

Task 5: Exercise on agreeing a noun with an adjective

Let's look at our forest and name everything we see with the word "spring".

spring thawed area,

spring forest,

spring birdhouse,

spring tree,

spring cloud,

spring leaf,

spring stream,

spring grass,

spring sun,

spring Flower.

Task 6: Tension and relaxation exercise “Ice - water”

Task 7: Birds (puzzles)

Listen, what do you hear? (bird sounds are heard). With the arrival of spring, birds return to us. You will find out which birds flew into our forest by solving the puzzles. (slides 5-9)

What can birds do?

Dynamic pause. (Children name and show the action of birds.)

(Birds fly, build a nest, peck, chirp, sing, ...)

Task 8: Game “Change the word” (slide 10)

Our forest is getting warmer and warmer. With the arrival of spring, the sound “R” began to hide in my words. Let's name which word remains.

term - juice

baby - cat




Physical education minute. “Spring” (Exercise on coordinating speech with movements).

Our sun is high (reach up)

The sun makes us feel warm. (Light stroking of hands)

The snow melts from the rays (relaxation)

The stream ran loudly.

You are running after a stream,

And smile at each other.

Task 9: Exercise on auditory attention and memory

Now let’s see if you can distinguish spring words from others. As soon as you hear words related to spring, immediately raise your hands to the sun (up)!

(Closet, April, warmth, jug, heat, melts, puddle, snowfall, flowers, snowdrop, leaves, greens, sugar, frost, February, grass, thawed patches, wakes up, driver, drops.)

What spring words have you heard? Children name the word, clap and determine the number of syllables in the words.

(April, warm, melts, puddle, snowdrop, leaves, grass, thawed patches, wakes up, drops)

III. Reflection

Children close their eyes and listen to the audio recording “Sounds of Nature”.

Words of the speech therapist: “The spring sun smiles tenderly at people, animals, birds and plants. His warmth makes everyone feel warm. I’m in a great mood and I want to do good.” (everyone opens their eyes).

With the arrival of spring, everything changes. Let's remember what we learned today about spring. Each time, naming a sign of spring or a change in nature, we will add a ray of light to our sun on the board.

Start your answer with the word - “In the spring...”.

(slide 11)

More on this topic:

The speech therapy lesson notescan be carried outwith preschoolers 5 – 7 years.

Goals: to clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Spring”; continue to learn how to create sentence patterns with prepositions; consolidate the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns; practice forming nouns with diminutive suffixes; develop visual perception, attention, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement; cultivate an attentive, caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, magnets; record player; ball; plot and subject pictures, word diagrams; didactic game “Seven-flowered flowers”; colored pencils, sheets of paper.

Lexical material: primroses, drops, thaw, ice drift.

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter to the music of F. Mendelssohn’s “Spring Song”, go to the “meadow” (carpet) and sit on the cushions.

It gets light early in the morning,

Thaws here and there.

The stream roars like a waterfall

Starlings fly to the birdhouse,

Drops are ringing under the roofs,

The bear got up from the spruce tree,

The sun caresses everyone warmly, -

Who knows this time of year? (Spring.)

2. Main part: conversation on issues.

Show a story picture.

What signs of spring do you know?

- Who remembers the spring months?

- What is the first month of spring now?

— What changes occur in the spring?

3. Didactic games.

“Say with the word “spring” ...” (with a ball).

Speech therapist. Catch the ball - call the words spring!

Spring – day, ray, forest, flower.

Spring – weather, puddle, drops.

Spring – sky, sun, mood.

“Seven-flowered flowers” ​​(on a magnetic board).

Speech therapist. Today primroses bloomed in our “clearing”. Look carefully at the picture in the middle of the flower and match this image with as many words as possible (petals).

Example: sun – radiant, warm, spring, kind, hot.

“Make a proposal.” Drawing up diagrams of sentences about spring using subject pictures.

Children choose pictures, look at them and make sentence diagrams.

In the spring, birds arrived from the south.

— The sky is clear, blue, spring.

Physical education minute

Children stand in a circle, facing the circle. — We'll rest a little and walk along the path.

Get ready, kids! Clap your hands.
Spring is calling: “It’s time to go for a walk!”
Let's walk through the forest, They walk in place.
Breathe fresh air. Inhale and exhale.
On tiptoes along the path We follow each other. They walk one after another on their toes.
We won’t step into small puddles, we’ll go around. Walk with high knees.
There are Christmas trees on the way. We need to get around them. They walk like a snake one after another.
Walk, children, carefully: you can prick yourself on branches.
The magpies flew by They run in circles on their toes,
They, magpies, have no time to sleep! smoothly waving your arms
White-sided magpies chatter: up down.
- Spring is coming! Spring is coming!
Let's follow the spring, They walk in a circle, holding
We'll start a round dance! by the hands.
Let's sing and dance to welcome the red spring! They stop, raise their hands up, and bow.

“Call me kindly” (a game with drawing elements).

Speech therapist. You and I already know how to call different objects affectionately. Now I will give each of you a sheet of paper with a drawing on the left. And you name this object affectionately and draw it on the right, but in a smaller size. (Stream, cloud, tree, leaf, flower, sun, puddle.)

- “What did the artist mix up?”

Speech therapist. Guys, please look at the picture that the absent-minded artist painted. It depicts spring. But did he portray everything correctly?

Children find mistakes (leaf fall, autumn flowers, etc.).

4. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Let's remember what we did in class. Which game did you like the most?

Summary of an open speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Spring.”
Goal: to form ideas about spring as a period of awakening of nature, to give an idea of ​​what changes occur at this time of year and what it is connected with.
Correctional and educational tasks:
1. Expand and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Spring”;
2. Strengthen the ability to correctly construct a sentence. Answer questions with complete answers, using word formation and inflection skills, coordinate nouns with different parts of speech;
3. Learn to compare natural phenomena with each other.
Correctional and developmental tasks:
1.Improve phonetic perception;
2.Develop gross and fine motor skills;
3.Develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination.
Correctional and educational tasks:
1. To instill in children a caring attitude and love for the natural world around them. Learn to behave correctly in nature without disturbing its harmony.
Preliminary work: observing changes in nature on the site and beyond, reading literature and memorizing poems about spring, looking at illustrations of images of different periods of spring.
Desired results: children should learn when spring comes, what its main signs are, what happens in spring, what does not happen at other times of the year. Know and name the months of spring.
Materials: pictures from images of the seasons, depicting early and late spring, a paper sun on the board, colored pencils, sheets of paper.
(There is a drawn sun on the board)
Speech therapist: children, look carefully, don’t you see anything new and interesting in our group today?
Children: Sunny!
Speech therapist: That's right, honey. Look how cheerful and friendly it is, I’m very glad to see you. Let us greet the sun. Hello, golden sun (palms extended towards the sun), Hello, blue sky (hands raised up), Hello Mother Earth (bend down, hands down), Hello my friends (hug each other).
Speech therapist: children, look how bright, warm and welcoming the sun is shining. Why do you think? (children's answers) That's right, because spring has come. And today we will talk about the season of Spring.
Speech therapist: Guys, look, here are pictures with images of the seasons. (Look at the drawings, answer the teacher’s questions) Let’s remember and name the seasons, what’s first, what’s next. What time of year is it now? What time of year is it before spring? Which one will come after? Determine which picture depicts spring. Prove why you think so? (Children's answers: for example, It's spring, because there is ice on the river... thawed patches have appeared... the snow has begun to darken, etc.).
Speech therapist: Well done! You answered very well, now let's relax and play.
D.I: “True or false.”
Speech therapist: Now I will name the words, and you clap if they relate to spring and stomp if they do not. Be very careful! Words: Snowflakes, thawed patches, blizzard, icicles, falling leaves, melting, drifting ice, murmuring, melting, freezing, flying, drops, snowfall, snowdrop, buds, flood, sun, blizzard, brighter, hotter, etc.
Guys, how many of you know what the words thawed patch, primrose, flood, drops, ice drift mean? (children answer questions)
Speech therapist: Great!!! Let's remember the names of the spring months (March, April, May. There are pictures on the board depicting different spring months). Children, let's take a look and tell us how the months differ from each other? They are all brothers of the same mother, but like everyone else they are different. (children name the differences between the early months of spring and the later ones)
Finger gymnastics: “Flower”.
Speech therapist: In the spring, primroses - the first flowers - bloom in thawed patches, and let’s show with our fingers how they do this. A tall flower grew in a clearing (fingers gathered together - “bud”), On a spring morning it opened its petals (spread the fingers), All the petals received beauty and nutrition (rhythmic movements of the fingers together and apart), Together they gave roots underground (fingers looking down - "roots")
Didactic game: “Pick up and name.”
Speech therapist: Guys, I will name the words, and you will select as many words as possible - signs and words - actions. For example, spring, what is it like? – early, warm, colorful, etc. The sun..., buds..., leaves..., birds..., what does the sun do in spring? – warms, shines, bakes, caresses, etc. leaves on trees, what do they do?... snow, what do they do?... etc.
Didactic game: “The first sound in a word”
Speech therapist: Guys, I will name the words, and you must name the first sound in the words: April, March, May, sun, leaves.
Didactic game: “Divide into syllables.”
Speech therapist: Guys, I will say words, and you must clap them, divide them into syllables: drops, spring, ice drift, thaw, snowdrop.
Game: “Make rays from clothespins”
Speech therapist: Guys, let’s make some rays for our sun.
Didactic game: “One-Many”
Speech therapist: Guys, I will tell you the words in singular, and you must tell me in the plural: grass, leaf, stream, bud, snowdrop, bird.
Didactic game: “Name it affectionately”
Speech therapist: Guys, I’m telling you words, and you should call me this word affectionately: grass, leaves, stream, tree, bud, flowers, sun.
Game "Put it out of a string."
Speech therapist: Guys, let’s make a sun or a twig out of a string.
Breathing exercise “A brook is babbling”
Speech therapist: Guys, let's make wave-like smooth movements with folded palms, inhale through the nose, as we exhale we say “ding, ding, ding”! Let's repeat 2 times.
Coordination exercise “Sunshine, show yourself”
Sunny, show yourself!
(children cross their arms above their heads, right hand in front)
Red, dress up!
(cross arms above head, left hand in front)
So that year after year
(make rhythmic clapping overhead)
The weather gave us:
Warm summer
(stretch arms forward)
Mushrooms in birch bark,
(spread arms to the sides)
Berries in a basket,
(put hands on belt)
Green peas.
(raise their hands up, shake them smoothly)
Speech therapist: Guys, now, let’s sit on the chairs, close our eyes, and put our hands down.
Let's imagine that the sun is shining above us, we open our eyes, raise our arms, stretch, first one leg, then the other. We get up slowly.
Well done!
Speech therapist: Guys, look at the sun outside the window, let's go for a walk!

Attached files

Summary of frontal lesson

Topic: “Spring is coming”

Goal: continue to form coherent speech.

Main objectives of the lesson.

Correctional and educational:

Generalization of ideas about spring and typical spring manifestations in nature;

Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic “spring” (spring, ice drift, drops, thawed patches, primroses, snowdrop, bud, icicle);

Improving the skill of viewing a picture, forming a holistic idea of ​​what is depicted on it;

Strengthening the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns;

Improving the skill of sound analysis.
Correctional and developmental:

Development of coherent speech, phonemic processes, speech hearing, thinking, all types of perception, creative imagination.

IN developing an emotional response to what is depicted in the picture;

Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

Lesson equipment (ball, story pictures, colored pencils)

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment.

Educator: Hello, guys. Today I came to your kindergarten, and on the table I found an unusual envelope with a letter. And who is the letter from when you solve the riddle?


It gets light early in the morning,

Thaws here and there.

The stream roars like a waterfall

Starlings fly to the birdhouse,

Drops are ringing under the roofs,

The bear with the spruce tree became a bed,

The sun caresses everyone warmly, -

Who knows this time of year? (Spring)

This letter was sent to us by Vesna. Let's see what's inside. And there are interesting tasks. So, let's start doing spring tasks.

2. Main part

Show a story picture.

Who remembers the spring months?

What is the first month of spring?

What month is it now?

What changes happen in spring?

3. Didactic games.

1) What kind of snow? Grey, soft, wet

Puddle - what? - dirty, deep, cold...

Drop - what? - transparent, small...

The sun is what ?-radiant, warm, hot, cheerful, bright...

What leaf? -green, smooth...

What kind of cloud? - white, fluffy, tall

What kind of wind? - warm, southern...

What kind of sky? – blue, clear, dark blue, cloudy..

What's the weather like? - clear, warm...

2) “Name the first sound in the word”(throw the ball)

Now I will tell everyone a word, and you must pronounce the first sound in it and determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant. And pick up the corresponding pencil. Let's remember what sounds we denote in red?

What sounds are blue?


3) Physical exercise: "Spring"
“In order for the back to be level, we really need a warm-up,
Come on, get up, don’t yawn and repeat after me!”
"In the morning the sun rises and sends a warm ray to the children (children stand up and spread their arms)
Hello, sunshine, hello, without you we have no life (spinning around themselves, showing rays with their hands)
The sun warmed the earth, (spread their arms around themselves)
The bird sang joyfully (hands depict flapping wings)
Streams began to gurgle (put your palms together, draw a stream with wave-like movements)
Flowers of unprecedented beauty bloomed around (squat and stand up again, raise your arms up)

4) “Find the mistake”

I will tell you sentences, and you listen carefully and find the mistake.

Spring has come.

Streams gurgle merrily, icicles drip from roofs.

Leaf fall has begun (drops)

The days are getting shorter and shorter (longer), and the nights are getting longer (shorter).

Wintering (migratory) birds are returning.

People have already taken care of the rooks (starlings) - they have put together birdhouses.

The bear climbed into his den and decided to sleep all spring.

Insects wake up from their winter sleep: grandmothers (butterflies), bees, flies.

The first spring flowers, bluebells (snowdrops), are about to bloom.

5) “What did the artist mix up?”

Speech therapist. Guys, please look at the picture that the absent-minded artist drew. It depicts spring. But did he portray everything correctly?

4. Summary of the lesson.

Let's remember what we did in class. Which spring game did you like the most?

SUMMARY OF Speech Therapy Classes in a Senior Group of Children with Disabilities

Topic: “Spring has come”

speech therapist MBDOU No. 148 Bakhtina E.G. G. Ulyanovsk

Goals:- expansion of vocabulary on this topic lexical topic;

Formation of diminutive

forms of nouns and their agreement with verbs;

Agreement of numerals with nouns;

Agreement of nouns with adjectives;

Development of verbal and logical thinking;

Development of a sense of rhythm.

Equipment: subject pictures .

Progress of the lesson:

1.Org. moment.

Game "Additions".

Tell me the missing word:

Everything has woken up from sleep,

Everything is blooming - it has arrived...


Here are the flowers lying on the desk -

We give them to the girls in... (March).

It wakes us up in the morning with drops -

Came to visit us...


Take off your warm jackets

It's a month outside... (May).

2.Explanation of new material.

- Tell me, what time of year will we talk about today?

After what time of year does spring come?

Look at the pictures, which one depicts spring?

1) Exercise “Spring has come to us.”

Look at pictures with children that depict different

signs of spring. Offer to provide complete answers to the following questions:

- What is spring? (season)

- How does the sun begin to warm up?

- What happens from this?

- What happens when a lot of snow melts?

- Where does the snow melt faster in the open or in the forest?

- What appears on the ground where the snow has melted?

- What grows in thawed patches?

-What swells on the branches?

- What happens to the ice on the rivers?

-Who wakes up after winter?

-Who returns from warmer climes? Why?

- What do people wear?

2) Game “Clap your hands.”

I will say the words, if the word is about spring, the children clap their hands:

The falling leaves are warming, the blizzard is melting

The warm murmurs brighter than the cold

The frozen thawed patches swell and arrive

Ice drift blizzard sun icicle

3) Game “Say it correctly.”

Are leaves or flowers blooming?

Are birds or titmice fluttering?

Is a snowflake or a tear melting?

Are streams babbling or rooks?

Are the buds or leaves swelling?

Are insects or birds flying in?

Is the ice cracking or drifting?

3. Physical exercise.

Na-na-na - spring is coming to us.

We have to clap and walk on words

Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside.

Hands up for syllables, hands up for words

Well, well, well, we welcome spring.

Hands forward on syllables, hands forward on words

Now, now, now, there has been no spring for a long time.

Claps on syllables, bends to the sides on words, hands on the belt

Yes, yes, yes, spring is good

Step on syllables and words

4. Didactic exercise “Call it kindly.”

The speech therapist names the word, and the children repeat it in the diminutive form.

affectionate form ( pictures are posted on the board):


flower - thawed icicle -

Explain the meaning of the word thawed.

5. Coordination of words with the adjective “spring” in gender and number with words from task No. 4.

Spring…. Spring... Spring...

What else can you say that about?

5. Didactic exercise “Give me a word”

The speech therapist names action words, the children select the appropriate

Warms... ( Sun), appear... (thawed patches), blooming..., blooming..., flying...., dripping.... .

6. Count "1-5"

Icicle, thawed patch.

7. Working on a story.

Compose the story “Spring” with the help of a speech therapist using painting and graphics

chelic plan.


The sun is warming up. It's getting warm. Snow is melting. Thawed patches appear. Green grass grows in thawed areas. Insects wake up. Ice drift begins. The buds are swelling on the trees. This is how spring comes to us.

8 .Guess the riddle and color the answer(work in a notebook with a crossed image):

An ice bag hanging outside the window

It is full of drops and smells like spring.

9. Summary of the lesson.

The game “What doesn’t happen in spring?”

-In spring there is no leaf fall, snowfall, blizzard, frost, ...

Game "Four Wheel"

frost, snowfall, thawed patches, blizzard

arriving, icicles, leaf fall, ice drift