Vocabulary to describe a person in English. Description of appearance in English: examples

MY GRANDMOTHER. I love my grandmother and spend all my weekends with her. Grandmother is small in stature, thin, with blue veins on her neck and arms. Facial features are expressive, clearly defined, regular. They indicate that she used to be a beauty. I especially like her eyes. In her gaze there was once no falsehood, no slyness, no cunning. Her blue eyes are illuminated from within with a soft, vibrant glow; they radiate warmth and sincerity even when grandma is angry. Whenever I arrived, my grandmother was wearing a white scarf, which sharply set off her black eyebrows and tanned face. Sometimes the handkerchief was pulled to one side, and a strand of gray hair came out from under it. Grandma knows a lot of fairy tales, and I like to listen to her quiet tales. This is how she is, my dear grandmother.

MY COMRADE. They say that the face is the mirror of a person’s soul. And this is, in fact, so. I am convinced of this when I look at my friend. His welcoming, open face always radiates some kind of goodwill. He looks like an ordinary boy. The face is oblong, thin, tanned by the sun. A high forehead, topped with short, thick black hair combed to the side. The nose is straight. Wide black eyebrows fly across the bridge of the nose, like bird wings in flight. From under them look large round eyes, like a foggy sky. Their look is intelligent, good-natured, direct and frank, like every honest person. And even the slightest injustice is enough for the view to change dramatically. The eyes become angry and piercing. My friend is of average height, broad-shouldered, strong, dexterous, and resilient, as he constantly plays sports.

Father's profession. My old dream has come true. I recently visited my father at the factory. My father is a mechanic operator who works in the technical department of software processing. So my father brought a punched paper tape with a program - tasks for the machine. Punched tape is the drawing of a part translated into the language of numbers. My father quickly rewrote the program - the task into the memory of the machine. Blinking the lamp, the machine displayed orderly rows of numbers on the remote control. Then he reached up, selected the tool he needed and transferred it to the spindle. With a soft whirring sound, the spindle entered the neck of the part and began to drill. More and more columns of numbers poured onto the screen. This machine told what and how it does. My father was intently reading out the numbers, watching the operation of the machine. The parts that are manufactured are so complex that it is impossible to check them manually. Having visited the factory, I realized how much I have to be able to do and know in order to work with the most modern machines.

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These English words will help you learn to describe appearance in English. It could be a person or some creature. And colloquial phrases on the topic “Appearance” will help you ask questions and keep the conversation going.

So, we will learn to answer simple questions on this topic, which are divided into two groups, and learn to describe a person's appearance in English:

If you want to know what does a person look like, then ask the following questions:

1. What does he/she do look like? - How he / she looks?

2. What is his/her appearance like? — What is his/her appearance like?

3. What do you do like about her / his appearance? — What do you like about her/his appearance?

You need to answer these questions something like this:

  • He is a handsome young man of average height with short hair and brown eyes.
  • She is a tall blonde with long hair and blue eyes.

1. Appearance. Appearance (general impression)

So, let's get acquainted with the vocabulary. But first, check yourself.

Exercise 1. Remember the words on the topic Appearance. Man's face.

First we need to learn the words, and then we will learn to write descriptions of different people. By the way, your vocabulary should increase by 30 words.

Appearance. Appearance. English words for beginners (list No. 1)


  1. like about- like in
    What do you like about her?
  2. look like- to look like
    What does she look like?
  3. be like- pretend to be
    What is her appearance like?

Don't confuse expressions with verbs like:

  • like - like
  • be like - imagine oneself
  • look like - look like

Adjectives (general impression):

  1. nice - cute
  2. pretty - pretty
  3. beautiful - beautiful (about a woman)
  4. handsome - handsome (about a man)
  5. good-looking - pleasant appearance
  6. plain - simple, unremarkable appearance
  7. ugly - unpleasant appearance, ugly

To answer, use construction with the verb BE:

I am...
She/He is...

I am good-looking. - I have an attractive appearance.
She is beautiful. - She's beautiful.
He is handsome. - He is beautiful.

Task 2. Describe the appearance of your relatives and friends in general terms.

2. Human appearance (detailed description)

Now let's move on to detailed description of appearance in English. First try to describe yourself and answer the questions:

  1. What is your height? - What is your height?
  2. What is your build like? -What is your body type?
  3. What is your hair color? - What is your hair color?
  4. What is your hair like? -What kind of hair do you have?
  5. What are your eyes like? - What eyes do you have?
  6. What is your face like? -What is your face like?
  7. What is your nose like? -What kind of nose do you have?

and so on... If you don’t know the words in bold, then study a list of English words on the topic “Appearance”. These are the nouns and adjectives you will definitely need when describing appearance in English.

English words on the topic “Appearance. Appearance" (list No. 1 continued)

  1. appearance - appearance
  2. height - height
    tall - tall
    short - low
    middle - sized - medium height
  3. build - physique
    thin - thin
    fat - thick
    slim - slender (about a girl)
  4. hair color - hair color
    fair - light
    dark - dark
    black - black
    brown - brown
    red - redheads
    blond - very light
  5. hair - hair
    short - short
    long - long
    straight - straight
    wavy - wavy
    curly - curly
    thick - thick
    thin - rare
  6. eyes - eyes
    big - big
    little - small
    green - green
    blue - blue
    brown (hazel) - brown
  7. face - face
    round - round
    oval - oval
  8. nose - nose
    long - long
    straight - straight
    turned up - turned up
  9. mouth - mouth
  10. lips - lips
  11. teeth - teeth
  12. ears - ears
  13. forehead - forehead
  14. neck - neck
  15. legs - legs
  16. feet - feet
  17. hands - hands (hands)

In addition to the verb BE, to describe appearance you need to use the verb HAVE:

  • I have...
  • She/He has…

Example with BE: He is middle-sized. - He is of medium height.

Example with HAVE: He has medium height. — He is of average height. (He is of average height.)

MORE EXAMPLES with have:
I have a round face.
She has long straight hair.
He has little green eyes.

The simplest description of appearance could be like this:
This is a girl/ boy/ woman/ man/ creature.
I think she / he is….
She’s/ He’s got…..eyes.
Her/ His face is….
Her/ His hair is…..
I like her/his…..


Susan is a short girl. She is thin. She has got long dark hair and a round face. Her eyes are blue and her nose is turned up. She looks pretty.

She has a brother. His name is John. John is a tall boy. He has got short fair hair and an oval face. His eyes are big and brown. He has big ears and his face looks funny.

Exercise. Rewrite the given descriptions using complex sentences.

SAMPLE. Susan is a pretty, thin, short, fair-haired girl with a round face, blue eyes and a snub nose.

Questions on the topic “Appearance” that you should be able to ask:

1. What does he/she look like?

2. What is his/her appearance like?

3. What do you like about his/her appearance?

Description of appearance in English (practice)

Exercise.Practice and describe Shrek first and then Fiona.

Description of a person's appearance- this is a description of a person’s face, his figure, gestures, manners, characteristic posture, clothing. The main task of such a description is to find characteristic features, most importantly in a person’s appearance, and be able to convey them in words. They may be associated with peculiarities of manners, gait, his occupation and profession, and character traits.

The source of essays describing appearance can be anything. As with other descriptions, this can be a life experience when a verbal portrait is recreated from memory (for example, “The appearance of a person I saw once ...”). Or imagination (“My portrait in 10 years”).

Sample essay plan:

1. Introduction.
2. General impression (figure, height).
3. Facial features (oval face, eyebrows, eyes, nose, forehead, lips, chin, cheeks). Hair (color, length and hairstyle). Ears.
4. Clothes.
5. Behavior (gait, manner of speaking, posture...).
6. Conclusion.

Possible definitions:

Eyes - green, gray, brown, blue, black, light blue, heavenly, grayish-blue, radiant, dark, expressive, thoughtful, light, big, small, cunning, running, narrow, slanting, slanting, evil, kind, funny, wild , friendly, distrustful, insidious...

Brows - beautiful, straight, thick, thin, sable, wide, shaggy, spread out, fused, asymmetrical...

Forehead - tall, low, open, straight, Socratic, wide, wrinkled, sloping, flat...

Sight - confused, attentive, expressive, smart, curious, ironic, flirtatious, loving, embarrassed, indifferent, envious, surprised, cheerful, incredulous, open, sad, enthusiastic, cunning, trusting...

Nose - straight, with a hump, upturned, wide, narrow, snub-nosed, long, short, ugly, beautiful, small, potato-shaped, ducky...

Hair - short, long, chestnut, light, blond, straw, gray, with gray hair, thick, lush, curly, shiny, straight, wavy, sticking out like tow, braided, pulled back, combed back, disheveled, styled...

Figure - good, slender, tall, large, plump, thin, squat, masculine, feminine...

Gait - fast, leisurely, light, silent, heavy, collected, waddle, strange, bouncing, funny...

Pose - majestic, intense, graceful, beautiful, picturesque, strange, relaxed, comfortable, uncomfortable...

We will borrow an example of a description of appearance from M.Yu. Lermontov (from the novel “Hero of Our Time”):

“He was of average height; his slender, slender figure and broad shoulders proved a strong build, capable of enduring all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate changes, not defeated either by the debauchery of metropolitan life or by spiritual storms; his dusty velvet frock coat, fastened only by the bottom two buttons, made it possible to see his dazzlingly clean linen, revealing the habits of a decent man; his stained gloves seemed deliberately tailored to his small aristocratic hand, and when he took off one glove, I was surprised at the thinness of his pale fingers. His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - a sure sign of some secretiveness of character. However, these are my own comments, based on my own observations, and I do not at all want to force you to believe in them blindly.

When he sat down on the bench, his straight waist bent, as if he didn’t have a single bone in his back; the position of his whole body depicted some kind of nervous weakness: he sat as Balzac’s thirty-year-old coquette sits on her downy chairs after a tiring ball. At first glance at his face, I would not have given him more than twenty-three years, although after that I was ready to give him thirty. There was something childish in his smile. His skin had a certain feminine tenderness; his blond hair, naturally curly, so picturesquely outlined his pale, noble forehead, on which, only after long observation, one could notice traces of wrinkles that crossed one another and were probably visible much more clearly in moments of anger or mental anxiety. Despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in a person, just like the black mane and black tail of a white horse. To complete the portrait, I will say that he had a slightly upturned nose, teeth of dazzling whiteness and brown eyes; I must say a few more words about the eyes.

First of all, they didn't laugh when he laughed! -Have you ever noticed such strangeness in some people?.. This is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep, constant sadness. Because of the half-lowered eyelashes, they shone with some kind of phosphorescent shine, so to speak. It was not a reflection of the heat of the soul or the playing imagination: it was a shine, like the shine of smooth steel, dazzling, but cold; his gaze, short, but penetrating and heavy, left an unpleasant impression of an indiscreet question and could have seemed impudent if he had not been so indifferently calm.”


Old - old [əʊld]


Thin - thin [θɪn]

My mother is short. My mother is not tall.

She has beautiful eyebrows and blonde hair. She has beautiful eyebrows and blonde hair.

The girl has short hair and dimples. The girl has short hair and dimples on the cheeks.

  • Impression – impression [ɪmˈpreʃn̩ ɪmˈpreʃn̩]
  • average height and build - medium height and built [ˈmiːdɪəm haɪt ənd bɪlt]
  • Hair

If you play sports every day and attend yoga classes, your figure will become beautiful, athletic, and toned. Of course, an ideal figure is only part of beauty. After all, only a combination of a beautiful body, spirit and mind can make a person beautiful, even if the facial features are generally ordinary.

If every day to go in for sports and attend yoga classes, the figure will become beautiful, athletic, fit. Of course, the ideal figure is only part of the beauty. After all, only a combination of beautiful body, spirit and mind can make a person beautiful, even if the facial features are generally ordinary.

I think I've gained a little weight lately. I need to sign up for the gym.

You're in great shape. By the way, you have wonderful freckles.

I think I have recovered a bit lately. I need to join the gym.

You are in great shape. By the way you have great freckles.

Essay Description of a Neighbor

My neighbor Pavel Vasilyevich has a pleasant appearance, always a friendly and mischievous look. He is not very tall with a stately, fit figure. His face is long and dark, and his eyes are brown with golden rays.

Pavel Vasilyevich's eyebrows seemed to be raised in surprise. He has thick, dark brown and gray hair that is neatly combed back. I always see him in light clothes: white shirts, light gray sweaters, blue jeans or light trousers. Attention is drawn to the commander's watch that he wears on his left hand, the numbers of which glow in the dark.

Pavel Vasilyevich always greets with a smile and wishes you a good day. I would like to say about him: “A bright man!”


My neighbor Pavel Vasilyevich has a pleasant appearance, always a friendly and mischievous look. He is not very tall with a handsome, taut figure. His face is oblong and dark, and his eyes are brown with golden rays.

Brows of Pavel Vasilyevich as if raised from astonishment. He has thick, dark blond with gray hair, neatly combed back. I always see him in light-colored clothes: white shirts, light gray sweaters, blue jeans or light trousers. Attention is drawn to the commander’s watch, which he wears on his left hand, the numbers of which glow in the dark.

Pavel Vasilyevich always greets with a smile and wishes a good day. I want to say about him: “Bright man!”


Hello Sofia.

Hello. How are you doing?

Oh, you know, just wonderful! My cousin came to see me for the first time yesterday. Her name is Vita, she is 16 years old, like me. She's an amazing person.

Is it true? What's so special about it?

You know, she has a very interesting appearance - bright red hair, thin lips and brown eyes. .

I want to meet her.

Of course, I'll introduce you to her tomorrow. She is also very polite, courteous, cheerful, and smart.

Don't you praise her too much?

No, what are you doing? You'll see for yourself when you see it.

Thank you.

My pleasure. I simply have to introduce you to this unique person.

Very good. Bye then. Talk to you tomorrow.

Till tomorrow!

— Hello, Sophia.

Hi. How are you?

- Oh, you know, just great! My cousin came to me yesterday for the first time. Her name is Vita, she is 16 years old, just like me. She is an amazing person.

True? What is so special about her?

— You know, she has a very interesting appearance — bright red hair, thin lips and brown eyes. .

I want to meet her.

— Of course, I’ll introduce you to her tomorrow. She is also very polite, courteous, cheerful, intelligent.

—You are not praising her?

No, what are you? See for yourself when you see.

It's my pleasure. I just have to introduce you to this unique person.

Very good. See you tomorrow, then.

You will probably need words and phrases that will help you compose description of a person's appearance in English. We advise you to pay attention not only to vocabulary, but also to examples. After all, they can be an excellent basis for creating your own proposals.

Words to describe a person's appearance in English

Let's start with the most common words for describing a person's appearance in English. If your friend looks great, then you can please her with the following lexical units: beautiful (handsome), pretty (handsome), wonderful (wonderful), attractive (attractive), gorgeous (spectacular), good-looking (attractive). In order to emphasize that a man looks good and not a woman, they usually use handsome (handsome). Also, you can use good-looking And attractive. What if you suddenly need to emphasize the opposite? Remember ugly (ugly, ugly) And unsightly (unsightly).

When describing a person’s appearance in English, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

1. Height

tall (high), short (low), quite tall (quite tall), medium height (average height)

2. Figure

slim (slender), fat (thick), skinny (skinny), thin (thin), plump (full, plump)

3. Age

young (young), old (old), middle-aged (middle-aged)

4. Face

round, oval, thin, a double chin, long nose, straight nose, turned up nose

5. Hair

long (long), short (short), curly (curly), bald (bald), straight (straight), untidy (unkempt), haircut (haircut), hairdo (women's hairstyle)

6. Hair color

a blonde, fair-haired, fair, brown-haired, dark-haired, red, gray

How to describe a person's appearance in English?

Let us now turn our attention to examples of How Can describe a person's appearance in English.

This is a young man. He is rather attractive. The guy is of medium-height. He looks tired. He has short dark hair. His face is oval. His nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is dressed neatly. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and training shoes.

This is a young man. He's quite attractive. The guy is of average height. He looks tired. He has short brown hair. Oval face. The nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is neatly dressed. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and sneakers.

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Enrique Iglesias is a popular Spanish singer. He has recorded nine albums and forty singles. Enrique has won a lot of music awards, including a Grammy, ten World Music Awards, five American Music Awards, etc. He has sold more than 100 million records and is one of the best selling Spanish language singers ever. He is also famous as an actor, a songwriter and a producer.

Enrique is really handsome. He can move and dance very well. He is tall and slender. Enrique is quite browny and broad-shouldered. His arms and legs are long, well-shaped and firm. Enrique has got a muscular chest and back. He is dark-skinned and has got beautiful golden tan.

Enrique has got thick dark hair. It is short and straight. Enrique's face is handsome too. He has delicate features. Enrique has got high forehead and thick dark eyebrows. He has got expressive eyes. They are big and brown with thick black eyelashes. He has got a straight nose. His lips are quite full. He has high cheekbones. Enrique often has stubble on his cheeks.

He usually wears fashionable youth clothes. We can often see him on stage or in his music videos wearing jeans and sport shoes with a T-shirt or a shirt. Enrique often wears chains on his neck.

Enrique Iglesias is a popular Spanish singer. He recorded nine albums and forty singles. Enrique has won many music awards, including a Grammy, ten World Music Awards, five American Music Awards, etc. He has sold over 100 million records and is one of the best-selling Spanish-language artists of all time. He is also known as an actor, songwriter and producer.

Enrique is very nice. He moves and dances well. He is tall and slim. Enrique is quite muscular and broad-shouldered. He has long, slender, but strong arms and legs. Enrique has a muscular chest and back. He is dark and has a beautiful golden tan.

Enrique has thick dark hair. They are short and straight. Enrique has beautiful fine features, a high forehead and thick dark eyebrows. He has expressive eyes. They are large and brown with thick black eyelashes. He has a straight nose. His lips are quite full. Enrique has high cheekbones; there is often stubble on his cheeks.

He usually wears fashionable youth clothes. We can often see Enrique on stage or in videos dressed in jeans and sports shoes, a T-shirt or shirt. He often wears chains around his neck.

My neighbor Alex is 18 years old and he is a student. Alex is quite good looking. He is not very tall. He is well-built and has got broad shoulders, sturdy chest and strong back. His neck is quite short and firm.

Alex is very sporty; he does karate and goes running every day. That is why he has got well-developed muscles. His arms and legs are quite short, but they are very firm, his fingers are stumpy and his feet are not very large. Alex is very strong; he can lift heavy things easily.

Alex is pale-skinned. His hair is red. It is of medium length, curly and very thick. He has got a handsome roundish face. His forehead is quite low; he has got thick eyebrows. Alex has got bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very big and it is a little snub. He has got small ears. His lips are neither full nor thin. He is usually clean-shaven and wears a neat small beard on his chin. As many people with red hair, Alex has got freckles on his face. He also has got a small scar on his forehead.

Alex usually wears casual or sport clothes. He likes wearing jeans very much. He prefers wide blue jeans. He enjoys wearing sports shoes too. He often chooses clothes of brown, green or blue colors. These colors suit him very well.

My neighbor Alex is 18 years old. He is a student. Alex is quite cute. He is not very tall and well built. He has broad shoulders, a muscular chest and a strong back. Its neck is quite short and strong.

Alex is very athletic; he practices karate and goes jogging every day. Therefore, he has well-developed muscles. He has rather short arms and legs, but they are very strong, he has short fingers and small feet. Alex is very strong; he lifts weights easily.

Alex has fair skin. He has red hair. They are medium length, curly and very thick. He has a beautiful round face. Alex has a rather low forehead; he has thick eyebrows. Alex has bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very large and is slightly upturned. He has small ears. His lips are not full, but not thin either. Alex is usually clean-shaven; he has a small, neat beard on his chin. Like many people with red hair, Alex has freckles on his face. He also has a small scar on his forehead.

When communicating in English, we often have to describe something, and this often concerns a person’s appearance. The ability to describe yourself or another person correctly and beautifully will be useful to you both when communicating on everyday topics and when passing various exams, because the creators of tests really love this topic. Previously we wrote about useful adjectives that can be useful when describing films and books. Here you will find the 150 most popular and common words to describe a person's appearance.

Asking questions and answering them

First, let's learn how to ask a question about a person's appearance. The phrase we most often use for this is: What does he/she look like? Translated into Russian as “What does he/she look like?” If you are asked to describe your appearance, the question will sound like this: How do you look like?» Don't forget about the verb "to do", which for the third person singular (he / she / it / anybody / nobody) changes to "does".

In other words, you can ask about appearance like this: How would you describe your / his / her physical appearance?- How would you describe your/his/her appearance? Here, “would” indicates a more polite and formal style, a question you might hear more often from a work colleague than from friends, as in the first case.

There are several ways to answer such questions. The simplest one is to say “ I am / He is / She is" and then the corresponding adjective. For example:

beautiful- Beautiful
nice- good
pretty- cute
cute- Cute
handsome- handsome (about a man)
common, usual- ordinary
ugly- ugly
attractive- attractive
unattractive- unattractive
elegant- elegant
charming- charming
lovely- Cute
plain- rustic
repulsive- repulsive


Now we propose to “walk” through the facial features. What words can describe a person's face? As a rule, we are talking about its shape and color:

round- round
oval- oval
square- square
long- long
puffy- puffy
thin- thin
freckled- freckled
wrinkled- wrinkled
pimpled- pimply
swarthy- dark
sunburned / tanned / browned- tanned
pasty- painfully pale
gaunt- exhausted
pock-marked- pockmarked
clean-shaven- clean shaven
fair- white, light
dark- dark
sallow- sickly yellow

You can talk about facial features using the following words:

delicate- thin
regular- correct
irregular- incorrect
large- large
small- small
chiseled- turned
stem- harsh


The eyes are the window to the soul, and it is very useful to know how to describe them. For this we need vocabulary and their color and shape:

almond-shaped- almond-shaped
keen- insightful
baggy- with bags under the eyes
lively- alive
beady- beady eyes
blue- blue, light blue
narrow- narrow
brown- brown
bulging- convex
close-set- close set
protuberant- convex
puffy- swollen
crinkly- in wrinkles
red-rimmed- reddened, inflamed
cross-eyed- cross-eyed
round- round
dark- dark
dark-ringed- with dark circles (under the eyes)
deep-set, downcast- deep-set
slanted- slanted
gray- gray
green- green
hazel- nut


Now let's see what words will help us when describing the nose, in other words, what it is like.

flat- flat
straight- straight
aquiline- eagle
snub- snub-nosed
turned up, upturned- upturned
hooked- crochet nose
pointed- pointed


As for the cheeks, most often we pay attention to their color and shape. If we want to say that a person has dimples, then in English it sounds like this: dimples in one's cheeks. We will also need the following vocabulary:

chubby/plump- plump
hollow / sunken- sunken
pale- pale
ruddy- ruddy
pink- pink
roughed- rouged
stubby/unshaven- unshaven
wrinkled- wrinkled

You can train new vocabulary to describe a person’s appearance, as well as develop conversational English skills in our Conversation clubs via Skype with native speakers and Russian-speaking school teachers.


When finishing the description of a person’s face, one cannot fail to mention the mouth. So, what does it look like:

large/big- big
small- small
stern- harsh
strong- strong, energetic
firm- solid
vivid- expressive, lively
toothless- toothless


Now let's talk in more detail about what hair is like. Most often, when describing, we are interested in the length, thickness, and color of hair. The following vocabulary will help us with this:

black- black
blond- light
red- redheads
auburn- dark red
chestnut, chestnut-brown- chestnut
golden- golden
gray- gray
long- long
short- short
shoulder-length- up to the shoulders
straight- straight
curly- curly
wavy- wavy
bald- bald

- Hey Kate. How is your friend Mark doing? He is an artist, right?
- Hey Tom, yes, he’s an artist.
- What is his latest work?
- He is painting a portrait of a beautiful woman.
- How does she look like?
- Well, she has almond-shaped blue eyes and cheeks with dimples.
- What about her hair?
- It's long and it's wavy. It has golden color.
- Sounds so beautiful!
- Hello, Kate! How is your friend Mark? He's an artist, right?
- Hi Tom! Yes, he is an artist.
- What is his last job?
- He draws a portrait beautiful women.
- How does she look?
- Well, she has almond shaped blue eyes And dimpled cheeks.
-What about her hair?
- They long And wavy. They have golden color.
- Sounds wonderful!

Body type

Now that we know how to describe a person's face, let's look at their body type. The following words will help us talk about our figure and height:

tall- high
short- short
(of) medium height- medium height
skinny- skinny
thin- thin
slim- slender (about a woman)
slender- slender (about a man)
well-built- well built
neat- graceful
lean- thin
muscular- muscular
overweight- overweight
obese- obese
plump- full, plump
fat- thick
stout- obese
stocky- stocky

The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing the right adjective, so as not to offend the person. Remember that “plump” or “overweight” sounds quite neutral, but calling someone “fat” can come across as rude.


Knowledge of vocabulary about skin color can be very useful when describing a person. It includes the following words:

fair- light
dark- dark
olive- olive
tanned- tanned
pale- pale
silky- silky
dry- dry
rough- rude
smooth- smooth
baby-soft- tender, like a child's
wrinkled- wrinkled
freckled- freckled

How many words do we need to know in English in order to communicate on everyday and professional topics and at the same time feel confident? And most importantly, how to quickly and successfully expand your knowledge with new vocabulary? We know 10 effective ways to expand your vocabulary.


And the last thing that will be useful to us to complete the description of a person is his figure. Is she graceful or clumsy, slender or “potbellied”? Look for a suitable characteristic below:

graceful- graceful
lithe- flexible
well-made- okay
superb- excellent
perfect, great- beautiful, magnificent
stunning- stunning.
a head turner- attracting attention, a person to whom people turn.
gorgeous- fabulous.
slight- fragile, graceful
neat- neat
ordinary- ordinary, unremarkable
bony- bony
flawed- flawed
clumsy- clumsy
shapeless- shapeless
well-fed- fattened
paunchy- pot-bellied, “with a belly”
ill-made- ugly, disproportionate
tattooed(about the body) - tattooed

- I heard, you have a new boyfriend. What does he look like?
- He's tall and muscular, really well-built.
- Is he tanned?
- He has olive skin which is so smooth and a little bit freckled.
- What about his figure?
- It's stunning. He's a real head turner!
- I'm so happy for you!
- I heard you have a new boyfriend. What does he look like?
- He high And muscular, Very well built.
- He sunburnt?
- Him olive skin, Very soft and a little bit freckled.
- And his figure?
- She stunning. He very attractive person!
- I'm so happy for you!

We are sure that this article will become a faithful assistant for you, because the topic of describing appearance, without exaggeration, is one of the most popular topics when learning English. Good luck!

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Big and friendly EnglishDom family

As a rule, when we are asked to describe a person, we immediately have a question: what exactly do they mean in this case? After all description of a person in English(as in Russian) may mean that you are being asked to evaluate a person’s appearance ( appearance), or his character ( character) and habits ( habits). These two criteria make up a portrait of a personality. Therefore, before answering the question, indicate what is required of you - appearance, character traits, or both.

Description of a person in English: appearance

The description is covered in an article of the same name on the blog, which you can find in the “” section. This article presents a large amount of vocabulary that may be required in describing a person in English. But, of course, the vocabulary component of that article is not complete. There are even more words and expressions dedicated to this topic.

For example, when talking about a person’s age, we can say that he is young ( young), middle-aged ( middle-aged), elderly ( old). Besides freckles ( freckles) there may be wrinkles on the face ( wrinkles). You can also mention the voice ( voice): melodic ( tuneful), call ( crisp) or hoarseness ( cracked). Don't forget to mention your smile ( smile). We like people with sincere ( sincere), charming ( charming) or charming ( engaging) smile. And we don’t like it when the interlocutor’s smile is insincere ( artificial), played out ( forced) or cunning ( cunning).

To summarize in describing a person in English, it is necessary to express an opinion about his appearance. You can add words to your collection of words for this purpose: agreeable(nice), engaging(charming), winsome(attractive), stylish(fashionable), lovely-looking(amazing) unique(unique), dapper(neat, well dressed - only about men), awkward(clumsy), ugly / ugly-looking(ugly), scruffy / untidy-looking(dirty, sloppy).

To complement your interesting description of a person in English, add a few idiomatic expressions:

  • be / look the very picture of one’s (mother...) – the spitting image of his mother
  • (as) pretty as a picture- written beauty
  • appearances are deceptive- appearances are deceptive
  • in the flower of life (one's age) / in the prime of life- in the prime of life
  • bear / carry off one's age well– look good for your age

No matter how we look, many believe that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty - Inner beauty is more important than a physical one.

Description of a person in English: character

A description of a person in English may imply a description of his personality, including character traits ( features of character), preferences ( preferences) and habits ( habits). As we know, character traits can be both positive and negative. There are also several criteria for describing a person in English.

Firstly, these are mental abilities ( intellectual ability). The person in this case may be smart ( clever / shrewd / brainy), smart ( bright), resourceful ( smart), talented ( talented / gifted). In the absence of such qualities, we define a person as stupid ( stupid / foolish / brainless), rustic ( simple), pathetic ( silly / half-witted), feeble-minded ( daft / dumb).

Secondly, in describing a person in English you can talk about his attitude to life. We divide people into pessimists ( pessimistic) and optimists ( optimistic). Some of us meet events calm and carefree ( relaxed and easy-going), and the other is tense ( tense / nervous). That's why we judge people as weak ( weak) and strong ( strong). Some are characterized by excessive receptivity and sensitivity ( being sensitive), others remain indifferent ( being insensitive).

A good addition would be to characterize a person in his relationship to other people. In this description of a person in English, your choice of vocabulary is huge: gregarious(communicative), quarrelsome(quarrelsome), cruel / unkind(wicked), even-tempered(balanced), impolite(rude), rude(rude), reliable(reliable), trustworthy(credible), jealous(jealous), envious(envious), kind(Kind), generous / mean(generous / greedy), amiable(kind), consider(attentive), shy(shy), haughty(haughty).

Well, and of course, let’s not forget about phraseological expressions that will make the description of a person in English more vivid and help the interlocutor clearly imagine the person in question:

  • a chip of the old block- I have the same character as my father
  • be a character- original person
  • be a man (woman) of a character– a man (woman) with character

The list of words and expressions to describe a person in English goes on and on. Remember the basic vocabulary, and you can easily mentally draw a portrait of the person you need.