Healthy lifestyle consultation. Consultation for parents on the topic: “healthy lifestyle in the family. "Healthy lifestyle in the family"

Consultation for parents on the topic


All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and resilient. But very often they forget that good physical data is determined by the lifestyle that the family leads and the physical activity of the child. The results of recent studies confirm that in a modern high-tech society it will be necessary to pay much more attention to healthy lifestyle, physical development person, as there are fewer and fewer incentives for natural movement. We live in economically built apartments, the pace modern life forces us to often use personal or public transport, obtain information through radio, television, the Internet - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work necessitate motor compensation - through physical education and sports, games, and active recreation. In this regard, we are obliged to teach our children to promptly and fully use the beneficial effects of physical exercise - as a vital necessity as opposed to the “diseases of civilization.”

“Take care of your health from a young age!” - this proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person already develops a conscious attitude towards his health.

** The conditions on which the direction of the formation of a child’s personality, as well as his health, depend, are laid down in the family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence in the family in the field of moral, ethical and other principles determines all his future behavior in life, attitude towards himself, his health and the health of others.

** Therefore, parents themselves must embrace the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health.

** There is a rule:“If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.

Firstly, adherence to the daily routine.

    IN kindergarten the regime is observed, but not always at home. It is necessary to explain to children that they need to go to bed early and get up early. And strictly follow this rule.

Secondly, these are cultural and hygienic skills.

    Children should be able to wash themselves properly and know why they should do it.

    Together with your children, consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink outside; Always wash your hands with soap when returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet.

    Together with your children, count how many times a day they have to wash their hands;

Thirdly, food culture.

    You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods they contain and what they are needed for.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley.

(important for vision).

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart).

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds).

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

Fourthly, these are gymnastics, physical exercises, sports, hardening and outdoor games.

    If a person plays sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children need to know why they say this. Be sure to do gymnastics daily

Among the many factors that influence the growth, development and health of a child, physical activity plays a major role. The development of motor skills, memory, perception, emotions, and thinking largely depends on the degree of development of the child’s natural need for movement. Therefore, it is very important to enrich the child’s motor experience.

** At preschool age, a child is not yet able to consciously and adequately follow basic hygiene and sanitation standards, fulfill the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, and take care of his health. All this brings to the fore the task for parents to develop in a small child the skills and abilities that contribute to maintaining their health.

** Of course, the health of children directly depends on living conditions in the family, health literacy, hygiene culture of parents and their level of education.

** As a rule, we, adults, become interested in the problem of developing healthy lifestyle habits only when the child already needs psychological or health care. The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.

** The child must learn the best Russian family traditions, understand the meaning and importance of family in a person’s life, the role of the child in the family, master the norms and ethics of relationships with parents and other family members. Spiritual health is the peak that everyone must climb to for themselves. A healthy lifestyle serves to strengthen the entire family.

** The main task for parents is to form in the child a moral attitude towards their health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health. In this, nothing can replace the authority of an adult.

** A preschooler’s home routine is one of the important components family education, allowing you to maintain a high level of performance, delay fatigue and eliminate overwork. The family organizes a rational home regime - it must correspond to the regime in the preschool institution.

** When creating a healthy lifestyle for a child, parents must instill in their child basic knowledge, skills and abilities:

Knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of premises, clothing, shoes;

The ability to correctly build a daily routine and implement it;

Ability to interact with environment: understand under what conditions (house, street, road, park, playground) it is safe for life and health;

Ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict consequences and find a way out of them;

Knowledge of the main parts of the body and internal organs, their location and role in the life of the human body;

Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle for personal health, well-being, and success in classes;

Knowledge of the basic rules proper nutrition;

Knowledge of the rules of maintaining health from colds;

Ability to provide simple help for minor cuts and bruises;

Knowledge of the rules for the prevention of diseases of the spine, foot, organs of vision, hearing and others;

Understanding the importance of physical activity for the development of a healthy body;

** Another very important problem related to children’s health is watching TV and using a computer. A computer and TV are undoubtedly useful for the development of a child’s horizons, memory, attention, thinking, and coordination, but subject to a reasonable approach to the choice of games and programs, as well as the child’s continuous time spent in front of the screen, which should not exceed 30 minutes.

** The importance of physical education of children in the family, to prove that this is a very serious problem in modern education children. We are surrounded by cars, computers, virtual games - objects that are very interesting to us, but precisely because of which we move very little. Today's children find more interest in a virtual game than in a real game of football or tennis. The main disease of the 21st century is physical inactivity, i.e. inactivity.

**Parents consider caring for the health of their children to be important, but only a few truly use the possibilities of physical education for this.

** Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of a child. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom your child to sports. Observations show that parents are usually active and inventive in creating good living conditions, in making sure that their children are beautifully dressed, tasty and nourishingly fed. But excessive comfort and plentiful nutrition with insufficiently active motor mode often lead to everyday laziness, weaken health, and reduce performance. Parents should show their children an example of an active, interesting and active life. Movement is the main manifestation of life, a means of harmonious development of personality.

It is important to sharpen the child’s sense of “muscle joy” - the feeling of pleasure experienced healthy person during muscular work. Every person has this feeling from birth. But a long-term sedentary lifestyle can lead to its almost complete extinction. Don’t waste time - that’s the main thing that parents need to know in this regard.

** Sports also helps develop important personality traits: persistence in achieving goals, perseverance; positive results these activities are beneficial for mental state children, especially if these are joint activities between children and parents.

Such activities bring positive results:

Arouse parents’ interest in the level of “motor maturity” of children and promote the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;

Deepen the relationship between parents and children;

They provide the opportunity to exercise in a short period of time not only for the child, but also for the adult: the parent shows the child certain exercises and performs most of them with him;

They allow the free time that a mother or father devotes to the child to be spent productively, serve mutual enrichment, and contribute to the all-round development of the child.

It’s great if parents teach their child, help him and take part in competitions and sports events in kindergarten. Sports interests in such a family become permanent.

Outdoor games are of great importance for the comprehensive, harmonious development of a child. The child’s participation in play tasks of varying intensity allows him to master vital motor skills in walking, running, jumping, balance, climbing, and throwing.

A feature of outdoor play is the complexity of its impact on all aspects of the child’s personality:

    physical, mental, moral and labor education is carried out.

    All physiological processes in the body increase, the functioning of all organs and systems improves.

    the ability to use acquired motor skills in a variety of ways develops.

** Children who are captivated by the plot of the game can perform physical exercises with interest many times without noticing fatigue. Increasing the load, in turn, helps increase endurance.

**During the game, children act in accordance with the rules. This regulates the behavior of the players and helps develop positive qualities: endurance, courage, determination, etc.

Changing the conditions of the game contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, intelligence, etc.

Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

We wish you to be healthy!

Parent meeting

"Family - a healthy lifestyle."

Target : Improving pedagogical cultureparents on healthy lifestyle issues .

Tasks : increase knowledgeparents on health issues and develop in them a responsible attitude towardshealth children and ownhealth .

Contribute to the aspirations and desires of everyonefamilies restore and maintainhealth using health-saving technologies . Consolidate knowledge about the benefits medicinal plants and their application in folk medicine and recipes.

Progress of the meeting:

Educator : Good evening, dearparents . The purpose of our meeting today is to find out what it ishealthy lifestyle and how it affects the development of our children. I want to tell you that man is the perfection of nature. But in order for him to enjoy the benefitslife , enjoy its beauty, it is very important to havehealth . Even the wise Socrates said “Health is not everything , but withouthealth is nothing” . And it's unlikely

can be foundparents who would not want their children to grow uphealthy . And in your opinion, what is he like?healthy child ?

Statementsparents .

Speech by a pediatrician. Morbidity of children. Group Analysischildren's health .

Educator : So, first of all,healthy child , if he gets sick, it is very rarely and not seriously. Hecheerful and active , treats people around him – adults and children – kindly. The development of motor qualities proceeds harmoniously. Normal,healthy the child is quite fast, dexterous and strong. Unfavorable weather conditions, their rare changes,not scary for a healthy child , because it is hardened. This “portrait” is perfecthealthy child , what inyou don't see it often in life . However, raising and raising a child close to the ideal is a completely feasible task, justrequired : With early age teach your child to take care of his ownhealth ! To do this you need to develop skills and habits.healthy lifestyle according to age.

It’s about how to build skills and habitshealthy lifestyle we will tell you today andwe'll show you :

Every morning in the group begins with morning exercises.

Morning exercise helps the body awaken from sleep;

helps improve performance;

improves well-being;

gives vigor.

Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical activity for the day. You need to make it as much a habit as washing your face!

“If you start the day with exercise, then everything will be fine!” - so goes the popular saying. And alsoThey say : “Movement + movement =life !”.

Gymnastics are also performed every day after sleep.

Sleep is an important condition forhealth , vigor and high human performance.

Physical education classes are held three times a week(show video film of physical education class)

And now we will check : how are speed, agility, speed, accuracy, jumping ability, and strength developed among our respectedparents - dads and moms .

All tasks are performed to music

Task 1 – “Hit the target”: throw a wad of paper into a hoop.

Task 2 – “Jumpers”: jumping rope.

Task 3 – “Twist the hoop.”

Task 4 – “Catch the cap.”

Hardening. We know that a hardened person is little susceptible to any diseases, so hardening the body can be confidently attributed to habitshealthy lifestyle . Impact of sun, air and water on the human body(within reasonable limits) very helpful.

Staying children outdoors is the use of natural factors forhealth improvement and hardening the body, so in kindergarten 2 times a day with children we walk outside for about two or more hours - this is during the cold period, and in the summer - unlimited. During the walk, children move as much as possible, play sports and outdoor games.

There is also an unconventionalhardening :

Contrast air hardening (children go from a warm room to"cold" ).

Walking barefoot. At the same time, the arches and ligaments of the feet are strengthened, and flat feet are prevented.

Contrast shower is the most effective method hardening at home(in kindergarten it is held in the summer) .

Gargling with cool water while lowering the temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease.

Every day, when soiled and before eating, wash your children’s hands.

It's better to wash your hands twice. When scientists looked into this problem, they found that washing hands once had virtually no effect, even if people used antibacterial soap. Therefore, wash your hands twice in a row if you want to ward off illnesses.

Our chefs prepare tasty and healthy food for children. After all, good nutrition is another aspecthealthy lifestyle , and you include in your diet foods rich in vitamins, mineral salts, and protein. Prepare all meals for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices or preservatives. Include cottage cheese, buckwheat porridge, and oatmeal in your children’s diet more often.

Educator : I learned from the children that eachfamily has its own secret . And this secret is cooking delicious dishes. The guys told me what the most delicious dishes are prepared in yourfamily . Listen(children's answers on tape recorder) .

Parents If desired, they can tell and demonstrate their traditional medicine recipes.

I have also prepared a reminder for you“Delicious cold recipes for children” (distribute parents ) .

Soway , the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine.

We must remember that correct implementation of the regime, alternation of work and rest are necessary. They improve performance, teach accuracy, discipline a person, strengthen himhealth .

Educator : It's time to take a good rest. Let's remember together the proverbs and sayings abouthealth . I'll start, you continue.

Take care of the dress again, andhealth (from a young age) .

Thatdoesn't know health , Who is sick(can not be) .

If you are sick, get treatment, buthealthy (watch out) .

Care abouthealth is the best (medicine) .

You'll ruin your health , new(you won't buy) .

Move more - you will live(longer) .

Lie down after lunch, after dinner(walk around) .

Healthy for food yeah heel(to work) .

Onionseven ailments (heals) .

. Educator : And now the pediatrician will introduce you to some acupressure exercises that will help savehealth for your children .

Dearparents have fun as often as possible. According to research, people who have a positive emotional style are happy, calm and enthusiastic, and are less likely to catch colds. Fun andhealthy lifestyle inseparable from each other.

I wish you all to play sports. Exercise stress improves the general condition of the body and the functioning of the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body. According to studies, people who regularly exercise are 25% less likely to get colds. However, don't be too zealous. Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day will allow you to becomehealthier . Be sure to include push-ups in your program - they help better work lungs and heart. Be sure to do abdominal exercises - this will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

What about ourfamilies improve their health – we’ll see now by watching the short films that made up ourparents .

Parents show videos.

Educator : Our meeting is coming to an end!

Rememberhealth baby in your hands.

At the same time, it has long beennoticed : in thosefamilies , where adults get sick a little, and children, as a rule,healthy .

Now let's make a decisionparent meeting :

Solutionparent meeting

1. Implementhealthy lifestyle for every family .

2. The child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine.

3. Systematically carry out hardening of the child in conditionsfamilies .

4. On weekends, be sure to organize walks with your children. Let the child move more during the walk and play outdoor games.

Memo for parents.

« Healthy image life is the key to the health of our children"

1. Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout.

2. Follow a daily routine.

3. A smart book is better than aimlessly watching TV.

4. Love your child - he is yours. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your journey.

5. You should hug your child at least 4 times a day, and preferably 8 times.

6. There are no bad children, only bad actions.

7. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.

8. A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.

9. Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.

10. Remember: simple food is healthier than elaborate dishes.

11. Best View relaxation - a walk with the family fresh air.

12. The best entertainment for a child is playing together with his parents.

“Morning exercises with a smile”

Selection of exercises included in the complex morning exercises Large enough for small children. They must correspond to the age and physical level of the child. Here are some interesting and effective exercises:

    "Bunny." The baby jumps, imitating a hare. At this time, you can ask to show where the bunny’s ears, nose and tail are.

    "Heron". The baby takes steps, raising his knees high. Then you can stand for a few seconds, first on one leg, then on the other.

    "Bike". Lying on his back, the baby raises his legs up and makes forward circular movements with them, as if pedaling a bicycle.

    "Watch." The baby puts his hands on his belt and tilts his body left and right.

    "Big small". The baby, holding his hands on his belt, does deep squats.

Seven tips for parents

Tip 1. Carefully and systematically monitor the child’s health, physical, mental and mental development;

Tip 2 . Contact specialists in a timely manner in case of deviations in health status, as well as to prevent child illnesses;

Tip 3. Create a daily routine taking into account the individual characteristics, health status, and employment of the child and strictly observe the main routine points: sleep, work, rest, nutrition;

Tip 4 . Remember that movement is life. Choose a set of morning exercises for your child, take walks and outdoor games together with your child;

Tip 5 . Monitor the child’s physical development: height, weight, formation of the musculoskeletal system, monitor posture, correct its violation with physical exercises;

Tip 6. If the child is irritated, divert his attention from the “irritant”, switch to another activity, or give him the opportunity to rest. The main thing is not to aggravate the conflict;

Tip 7 . Read popular scientific literature on the problems of children's health and its conservation.

Consultation for parents

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children

Children's curiosity is limitless; children want to know everything about themselves and the world in which they live. They have the right to know everything about their physical and emotional development, about the structure of the body, about diseases that can affect them.

Know your weaknesses and strengths learn to help yourself different situations, strengthen your will and body. At this age, habits are formed that will later become a necessity.

The need for a healthy lifestyle is formed in children, including through a system of knowledge and ideas, a conscious attitude towards physical education.

Today there is a lot of talk about a healthy lifestyle, including for children, but what exactly refers to the concept of a healthy lifestyle?

First of all, and perhaps the most important section is:

- daily routine (when, according to the child’s age, as well as individual characteristics there is a change in activity and rest modes)

- rational diet regime.

- hardening

And who else, if not you, our dear grandfathers, should engage in hardening with your grandchildren and granddaughters. Hardening is training the immune system with short-term cold stimuli. Once upon a time, our ancestors were much more seasoned than us and our children. The kids ran barefoot in the snow in their shirts, even in severe frosts! Wet shoes were in use in the villages. This is what Russian peasants called linden bast shoes. They put fresh leaves of dandelion, coltsfoot, plantain, alder, and violet in them. It turns out that the herbs provided a kind of restorative and hardening massage. In wet shoes you could safely walk through any swamp - runny nose and colds did not arise. And to prevent hypothermia, they rubbed the body with juniper oil. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov took barefoot walks every morning, even in severe frosts. After which he doused himself with cold water. (Ask: are there any grandfathers in the hall who douse themselves with cold water and how they harden their grandchildren). Of course, all hardening procedures are carried out flexibly, taking into account the time of year, the health of the child, his emotional mood, against the backdrop of the thermal comfort of the body. The intensity of hardening measures should be increased gradually, always starting with gentle ones. The basic principle is a gradual expansion of the impact zone and an increase in the time of the procedure. (About bad habits: the dangers of alcohol and smoking). Personal example comes first.

The most effective type of hardening is natural hardening. Almost all children talking about their grandfathers named walks. Daily walks for children are essential for children preschool age, since the growing body’s need for oxygen is more than twice that of adults. Under the influence of air baths, not only does the tone of the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems increase, but also the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases.

It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. A.S. Pushkin wrote about the beneficial effects of walks in the fresh air

"My friends! Take your staff

Go into the forest, wander through the valley.

And as long as the night is deep your sleep..."

Memo for parents on developing healthy lifestyle habits

Dear fathers and mothers!

If your children are dear to you, if you want to see them happy, help them maintain their health. Try to make sure that physical education and sports in your family become an integral part of joint leisure time.

- From early childhood, instill in your children the habit of physical education and sports!

- Respect your child’s sporting interests and passions!

- Support the desire to participate in class and school sporting events!

- Participate in class and school sports events, this helps strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!

- Cultivate in your children respect for people involved in sports!

- Tell us about your sports achievements in childhood and youth!

- Give your children sports equipment and equipment!

- Demonstrate your example of physical education and sports!

- Take your child for walks in the fresh air as a family, hikes and excursions!

- Rejoice at the success of your child and his friends in sports!

- Place awards for your child’s sporting achievements in a prominent place in the house!

- Support your child in case of failures, strengthen his will and character!

Recommendations for parents on promoting a healthy lifestyle in children

The health of your child is the most important value and our common goal is to preserve and strengthen it.

REMEMBER: the example of parents is decisive in shaping the habits and lifestyle of a child.

A child’s growing body needs special care, so children need to follow a work-rest schedule.

Teach your child to take care of his own health: perform hygiene procedures, ventilate the room, etc.

Control your child’s leisure time: watching TV shows, meeting with friends, walking in the fresh air.

Traditions healthy eating in the family is the key to preserving the health of the child.

In shaping a child’s responsible attitude towards his health, use the example of people who are authoritative for him: famous actors, musicians, athletes.

Consultation for parents on the topic: “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IN THE FAMILY”

Prepared by teacher: Tatyana Viktorovna Fokina.
MBDOU No. 18 "Rainbow" Tikhoretsk.

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and resilient. But very often they forget that good physical data is determined by the lifestyle that the family leads and the physical activity of the child. The results of recent studies confirm that in a modern high-tech society it will be necessary to pay much more attention to healthy lifestyle and physical development of a person, since there are fewer and fewer incentives for natural movement. We live in economically built apartments, the pace of modern life forces us to often use personal or public transport, receive information through radio, television, the Internet - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work necessitate motor compensation - through physical education and sports, games, and active recreation. In this regard, we are obliged to teach our children to promptly and fully use the beneficial effects of physical exercise - as a vital necessity as opposed to the “diseases of civilization.”

“Take care of your health from a young age!” - this proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person already develops a conscious attitude towards his health.

1. The conditions on which the direction of the formation of a child’s personality, as well as his health, depend, are laid down in the family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence in the family in the field of moral, ethical and other principles determines all his future behavior in life, attitude towards himself, his health and the health of others.

2. Therefore, parents themselves must embrace the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health.

3. There is a rule: “If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.
Firstly, adherence to the daily routine. In kindergarten the regime is followed, but not always at home. It is necessary to explain to children that they need to go to bed early and get up early. And strictly follow this rule.

Secondly, these are cultural and hygienic skills. Children should be able to wash themselves properly and know why they should do it.
Together with your children, consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink outside; Always wash your hands with soap when returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Together with your children, count how many times a day they have to wash their hands;
Thirdly, food culture.
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods they contain and what they are needed for.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.
- Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread

Consultations for parents

"Healthy lifestyle for your children"

Children, as you know, are a product of their environment - it shapes their consciousness,

habits. Therefore, it is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle

Starting from childhood: taking care of your own health as a core value will become a natural form of behavior.

So what is health? It would seem that the simplest answer should be that health is the absence of disease. But this is not enough to explain to a child. Health is happiness! Health is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. In developing concepts about a healthy lifestyle, you need to make it clear to children what they need to do to be healthy? You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.

This is firstly: compliance with the daily routine.

In kindergarten, the regime is observed, as this is one of the important conditions for ensuring activities preschool. But at home, the routine is not always followed; children need to be taught to go to bed early and get up early.

Secondly: These are cultural - hygienic skills.

Children must be able to wash themselves correctly, know why they need to do it: to be clean, to look good, to feel pleasant and have healthy skin, to be hardened, to wash away germs.

Wash yourself with soap! Do not be lazy!

Don't slip out, don't get angry!

Why did you fall again?

I'll wash you first!

About microbes:

A microbe is a terribly harmful animal,

Insidious and most importantly ticklish.

Such an animal in the stomach

He climbs in and lives there quietly.

The scoundrel will climb in wherever he wants

Walks around the patient and tickles him.

He is proud that he is causing so much trouble:

And a runny nose, and sneezing and sweating.

Did you children wash your hands before dinner?

Oh, brother Fox, you look like you have a cold.

Wait a minute, your forehead is hot.

There must be a microbe inside you!

Together with your children, consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink outside; always wash your hands with soap,

returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Invite children to count how many times a day they have to wash their hands; there is only washed vegetables and fruits; when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue; eat only from clean dishes.

Third: These are gymnastics, motor activity, hardening and outdoor games. If a person plays sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children need to know why they say this. Be sure to do gymnastics daily.

Fourthly: food culture. Playing out the situations “Visiting Mishutka” and “Winnie the Pooh visiting the Rabbit”, looking at and discussing pictures for the games: “Beware of the virus”, “Be healthy!”. Tell children that vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods contain them and what they are needed for. For better memorization You can use a literary word.

I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

It is very important early in the morning

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

Remember the simple truth,

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots,

Or drinks carrot juice.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

Well, it's better to eat a lemon

Although it is very sour.

Games on the Basics of a Safe Life and on the Rules of the Road help in creating a culture of a healthy lifestyle.

Just talking about the importance of health is not enough; it is necessary to take daily, albeit small, but certainly numerous steps. Then a healthy foundation will certainly be formed on which a beautiful edifice of human life can be built in the future. So let's teach our children from a very early age to take care of their health and take care of it! "Movement is the basis of health"

Everyone knows how important movement is in human life. But the distance between knowledge and practice is often very large. Meanwhile, it is also known that people who train their muscular system, even if it is very small, but certainly through daily activity, are much less susceptible to accidents and illnesses. Statistical data from the practice of children's doctors, medical commissions and insurance companies indicate the extreme importance of movement and proper nutrition in the lives of children and adults.

Very simple, non-boring advice for parents on the problem: “Movement and health”

The human brain, especially when it comes to unconscious thinking, is saturated

impressions. In the future, 80% of our activities are guided by this

unconscious experience. Therefore, educating children about their needs plays an extremely important role. healthy body, education, training, both in kindergarten and in the family. It is necessary to explain to children the significance of not only certain actions and habits, but this is the main thing - to set their own example.

Do morning exercises, move more, engage in physical exercise and sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, involve your children in active activities and they will grow up to be healthy and successful people. Parents are an unquestioned authority for children, they will accept them as role models.

From an early age, teach your children to take care of their health and take care of it. Joint activities unite and unite children and adults. The position of parents largely determines the attitude of children towards physical education and sports. If adults lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly perform at least the simplest physical exercises with their children, are active and easy-going, this is “fertile soil” on which good seedlings will sprout - strong, healthy children who love physical education.

Just talking about the importance of health is not enough.

We must take daily, albeit small, but certainly numerous steps. Then a healthy foundation will certainly be formed on which a beautiful edifice of human life can be built in the future.

Participate more often in physical education and sports activities held in kindergarten. Children enjoy the presence of adults and are proud of their parents. Sports holidays, in which family teams compete, unite the family, bring a lot of joy and are remembered by adults and children for a long time.

Organize holidays for your children at home; spare no time or effort. All this will pay off in the health of your child, his active life-affirming position, and further success in life.

The best days are Saturday, Sunday, holidays, holidays, vacation.

Anyone can command - mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, son or daughter, aunt, uncle, etc. You can divide the “periods” and then everyone is responsible for their “event” for their own period of time.

In the morning, while still in bed, do a few muscle stretching exercises:

Lie on your back, stretching your legs and arms, stretch your whole body;

Tighten your feet and toes;

Moving your hands far behind your head, straighten your palms, extend your fingers, inhale;

Then relax, moving your arms along your body, and exhale.

It is good to accompany the exercise with thoughts or words, saying them in a whisper or out loud: “ Good morning! How good! I am well! Everyone is healthy! I love my family!"

From the same starting position, placing your arms bent at the elbows under your head, stretching your legs (you can hook your toes onto the headboard of the bed or hide them under a folded blanket), do several half-lifts of the upper body without lifting your legs from the bed.

Lying on your back, arms straight along your body, or elbows bent under your head, raise your legs up several times, trying to make a “right angle.”

Continuing to lie on your back, perform several rotational movements with your palms and feet in one direction and the other.

From a position lying on your back, with your arms and legs extended, roll over onto one side, onto your back, onto the other side, onto your stomach.

From the starting position, lying on your stomach, stretching out your arms and legs, make a “boat”, bending in your back, lift your head, upper torso, and legs.

Say: “Okay! Very good!" Stand up.

It is worth repeating the exercises from two to four times with a smile and a good mood.

The general uplifting command coming from the other room is very invigorating, uniting the whole family with a common idea, a common action, a common cheerful mood, saturating everyone with positive emotions.

"Hello everybody! Hello everyone!"

Joint gymnastics in a large room or hallway - what could be better?! The exercises are the simplest and accessible to all family members from the smallest to the largest. Improvisations and imitative movements are especially good.

Shower! From this morning procedure, everyone, especially children, will enjoy a real fun water holiday.

Now for a delicious breakfast! After all, this is the most important meal of the day. That's why we don't eat breakfast on the go. A beautifully set table, favorite dishes, loved ones - how wonderful it is! Over breakfast we have peaceful conversations about the day ahead, including the needs of the body.

Then all sorts of calm, active yard games, initiated by all family members. Grandparents will offer to play old folk games, dad and mom - in the games of their childhood, children - in modern outdoor games. It will be interesting and useful for everyone. Play games such as: “Forfeits”, “Don’t say yes and no”, “Loto”, “Burners”, “Salki”, “Kvach”, “Zhmurki”, “Hide and Seek”, “Cossacks-Robbers”, “ Freeze", "Colors".

From home to the street, to nature.

A walk or excursion, a trip, a hike, a visit to cultural and entertainment institutions, parks, children's attractions, and theaters are required. Talking about the beneficial effects of nature and recreation on health is helpful.

You can have lunch at the catering point. It is pleasant and interesting, and contributes to the social and communicative development of children.

Sit on a bench, admire the sky, river, trees, flowers, etc., breathe calmly - it is so peaceful, promotes relaxation, deep rest.

You can still move actively. Or visit the cinema. It is important that during the day the child performs various exercises: stretch, and then relax your muscles, and you will have a feeling of warmth throughout your body, tense your back muscles, squeeze your shoulder blades together, stand straight, lower and raise your head several times and you will have a beautiful posture.

In the evening at home there is a common dinner, hygiene procedures, quieter games, family reading (preferably fairy tales or entertaining stories - everyone loves them). If you can’t watch an interesting program together without TV, but not for long, it’s harmful for children.

Children going to bed. "Good night!" It’s very good if the children sing a lullaby and sit next to him with kind words- such moments are remembered forever

life, they convince the child of his own security and importance for the family, awaken peace of mind in him, improve health, help him to be confident and successful.

Be healthy!

Consultation for parents

Introducing preschool children to a healthy lifestyle.

Currently there is an increasing deteriorationchildren's health , there are more and morechildren with frequent colds, posture disorders. Therefore, developing in a child the ability to take care of his ownhealth - one of the most important tasks of educational work.Health means not only the absence of disease, but also mental and social well-being.

First of all, it is necessary to actively use healing natural environmental factors: clean water, ultra-violet rays sunlight, clean air, medicinal properties plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the organism. A child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate.

We must not only protect children's body from harmful influences, but also to create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And the important thing here is a properly organized daily routine, which optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, and physical activity. In addition, the regime disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, and accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Walking is one of the essential components of the regime. This is the most effective type of rest; it well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions.

At the same time, clothing and shoes must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. During a walk, children should not be allowed to remain in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should go for walks at least 2 times a day for 2 hours, in summer - unlimitedly.

An equally important part of the regimen is sleep, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).

Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine.

Nutritious food– inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices or preservatives. Include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in children's diets more often.

When creating a healthy lifestyle for a child, it is necessary to instill in the child the following: basic knowledge, skills and needs:

Knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of premises, clothing, shoes, etc.;

The need to strictly adhere to the daily routine;

Ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict consequences and find a way out of them;

The ability to interact with the environment, to understand under what conditions the habitat (home, kindergarten, street, road, forest) is safe for life;

Need to know criteria for the effectiveness of promoting a healthy lifestyle:

Positive dynamics of your child’s physical condition;

Reduced morbidity;

Formation of the child’s skills to build relationships with peers, parents and other people;

Reduced levels of anxiety and aggressiveness.

Health is one of the main values ​​in life. Every child wants to be strong, cheerful, energetic: to run without getting tired, ride a bike, swim, play with the kids in the yard, and not get sick. Poor health and illness are the causes of stunting and failure in educational activities, in games, in sports. A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society, but if we teach children from a very early age to value, take care of and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then we can hope that the future generation will be healthier and more developed not only physically, but also personally, intellectually, spiritually.

It is quite obvious that a positive result can only be achieved through close interaction between the preschool institution and the family. Since the needs for a healthy lifestyle will be formed only if parents and teachers have an unambiguous attitude towards them. Only if this condition is met will the child perceive caring for his health as an immutable truth, the only correct lifestyle.

Prepared by: Abdrekhmenova K.V., teacher

Nina Khalitova
Consultation for parents “Healthy lifestyle in the family”

Municipal government preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 1" working village of Kropachevo, Ashinsky municipal district, Chelyabinsk region

Consultation for parents

« Healthy lifestyle in the family»


Educator Khalitova N. S.

Consultation for parents on the topic« HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IN THE FAMILY»

Each of us wants our child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, resilient. And very often we forget that good physical data is due to the fact way of life which leads family.

Formation healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person has already developed a conscious attitude towards his health. Conditions on which it depends health, are laid in family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence family determines all his further behavior in life, attitude towards oneself, one's health and health of others.

What's happened healthy lifestyle?

Maintaining a daily routine. In kindergarten the regime is followed, but not always at home. It is necessary to explain to children that they need to go to bed early and get up early. And strictly follow this rule.

Cultural and hygienic skills. Children should be able to wash themselves properly and know why they should do it.

Review germ protection situations with your children and draw conclusions that children should be good at learn: do not eat or drink on the street; Always wash your hands with soap when returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Together with your children, count how many times a day they have to wash their hands;

Food culture. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods they contain and what they are needed for.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for heart).

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currant(for a cold).

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for seeds).

Gymnastics, sports, hardening and outdoor games. If a person plays sports, he will live longer. "Take care health from a young age". Children should know why they say this. Be sure to do gymnastics daily.

Ready for healthy lifestyle is formed in a person from an early age, primarily inside families, wherein was born and the child was raised. The child must learn the best family traditions, understand the meaning and importance family in a person's life, the role of the child in family, master the norms and ethics of relations with parents and other family members.

The main task for parents is: formation in a child of a moral attitude towards his health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy, maintain a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health for a person the most important value, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for preserving and strengthening their health.

The home regime of a preschooler is one of the important components of family education, which allows you to maintain a high level of performance.

Forming healthy lifestyle of a child, parents must instill in the child basic knowledge, skills and skills:

Knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of premises, clothing, shoes;

The ability to correctly build a daily routine and implement it;

Ability to interact with the environment environment: understand under what conditions (house, street, road, park, playground) is safe for life and health;

Ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict consequences and find a way out of them;

Knowledge of the main parts of the body and internal organs, their location and role in vital activity of the human body;

Understanding the importance of healthy lifestyle for personal health, good health, success in classes;

Knowledge of the basic rules of proper nutrition;

Knowledge of conservation rules health from colds;

Ability to provide basic assistance for minor cuts and bruises;

Knowledge of the rules for the prevention of diseases of the spine, foot, organs of vision, hearing and others;

Understanding the importance of physical activity for development healthy body;

Another very important problem related to health children are watching TV and using a computer. A computer and TV are undoubtedly useful for the development of a child’s horizons, memory, attention, thinking, and coordination, but subject to a reasonable approach to the choice of games and programs, as well as the child’s continuous time spent in front of the screen, which should not exceed 30 minutes.

The importance of physical education of children in family, to prove that this is a very serious problem in modern child rearing. We are surrounded by cars, computers, virtual games - objects that are very interesting to us, but precisely because of which we move very little. Today's children find more interest in a virtual game than in a real game of football or tennis. The main disease of the 21st century is physical inactivity, i.e. lack of mobility.

Parents consider concern for strengthening children's health is important, but only a few truly use the possibilities of physical education for this.

Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of a child. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom your child to sports. Observations show that parents usually active and inventive in creating good living conditions, in making sure that children are beautifully dressed, tasty and nourishingly fed. But excessive comfort and plentiful nutrition with insufficiently active motor mode often give rise to everyday laziness, weaken health, reduce performance. Parents should show their children an example of an active, interesting and mobile life. Movement is the main manifestation life, a means of harmonious personal development. Playing sports also helps develop important qualities personalities: persistence in achieving goals, perseverance; the positive results of these activities are beneficial for the mental state of children, especially if these are joint activities between children and parents.

Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Health Everyone needs it - children, adults, and even animals. We wish you to be healthy!

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “Healthy lifestyle in the family”"Healthy lifestyle in the family." All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and resilient. But very often they forget.

Consultation for parents of the first junior group “Healthy lifestyle in the Family”

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and resilient. But very often they forget that good physical data.

Consultation for parents on the topic: “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IN THE FAMILY” All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong.