Let's put things in order in the group. “Let’s put things in order in the group” ECD on cognitive development for children of the older group with mental retardation. Progress of work

Oganisyan Hripsime Rafikovna

Municipal preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten "Fairy tale"

Summary of work organization in the preparatory group

"All together we will restore order in the group»


Educator: Oganisyan R. R.


Educators: Oganisyan R.R., Yatskevich A.I.

Musical director: Penzina S. A

G. Kotelniki 201

Target: teach children to support group order, strengthen the ability to distribute teamwork And implement it together.


1. Develop the ability to plan the sequence of your work.

2. Carry out the necessary tasks independently labor actions: prepare place and equipment for work; improve the ability to wash toys, building materials, wipe dust on furniture, clean order in the book corner.

3. Cultivate neatness, hard work, responsibility for the assigned task, mutual assistance, a sense of satisfaction from implementation labor intention.

Equipment: basins, rags, aprons, tables.

Creating a game situation: V toys are not put away for the group, some items are out of place.

The teacher and children enter group.

Educator: Children, why do we have something like this here? mess? In the morning with us there was order, what happened while we were away? Maybe some of you made such a bad joke? It's not you?

Carlson runs in: Here I am! I send greetings to everyone, friends!

Educator: Guys, who came to us?

Children: Carlson!

Educator: Carlson, so it’s you here put things in order?

Carlson: Yes! Am I really great? Cleaned everything up in one minute?

Educator: Children, what do you think? order in our group? Beautiful? Cosy? Are the toys all clean and in place? (children's answers)

Carlson: Yes, you don’t understand anything! Disorder is the best order! Beauty! Let's go and play!

Children: No, Carlson, time for business, time for fun! Before you leave put things in order, put everything in place.

Carlson: You are so small and you know how to wash and clean everything yourself! (children's answers)

Carlson: Oh, and you're bored, maybe, doing this uninteresting thing...

Children: Not boring at all, but even interesting! The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do! Work- will always come in handy. If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleighs.

Educator: Why don’t you love work?

Carlson: It's so tiring, boring, difficult... But I love fun!

Educator: Maybe you're just lazy?

Carlson: Not really. I just never tried to point order and cleanliness.

Educator: Guys, let's teach Carlson how to direct order and follow the rule “Every thing has its place”! Before you start cleaning group, you need to collect toys from the floor. When everything is scattered, you can accidentally step on a toy and break it or get injured. (children put toys back in place).

Educator: Guys, what do we need to wash the toys and wipe the dust off the shelves?

Children list: aprons, rags, basins with water.

Educator: Before work you need to remember the rules labor who will help us get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Children: You cannot be distracted from work;

Any work must be completed to the end with high quality and accuracy;

Handle water carefully;

Finish what you started,

Help your friend if he is unable to cope with his work with advice or action;

Whoever finishes the work the fastest must help those whose work has not yet been completed; accept help with gratitude.

After work, you must clean your workplace.

Educator: Children, now let’s divide ourselves into teams, choose the eldest and distribute who goes to what will work hard.

Children put on aprons, roll up their sleeves, independently take the necessary equipment, and get to work.

Carlson approaches working children, asks what they do, how they do it, and tries work yourself.

At the end labor activity children clean their workplace and approach the teacher.

Educator: Children, you are all so great! Look how clean, beautiful and cozy it has become in our place! group. Let's remember what we did for this? What were we doing?

Children list species labor which they carried out.

Educator: Why do you think we did the work quickly?

Children: Everyone worked together, in harmony, and helped each other in their work.

Educator: You're right. Cleanliness and order in our group, because you worked without quarreling, quickly, efficiently, helping each other. It’s not for nothing that people say, "Patience and labor - everything will be crushed, “Friendly - not burdensome!”

Carlson: How wonderful, hardworking children! Thank you for teaching me and helping me guide group order. Now I will always be too work, it's so interesting. I will always support

cleanliness and order in your play corner. Now can you play with me and have fun?

Educator: Carlson, don’t think, our children are having as much fun as are working. Now they will play you a cheerful melody on wooden spoons.

Carlson: Well, I’ll listen with great pleasure. Now I also know the saying about labor: “Time for business, time for fun!”

Children play on spoons with musical accompaniment.

Carlson: Thank you guys for teaching me work. And now it's time for me to return home. See you again!

Etc. ass. teach children to independently perform the necessary labor actions: wash doll clothes; improve the ability to wash toys, building materials, and wipe dust on furniture; consolidate the ability to distribute collective work and perform it together;

To form knowledge and understanding of the components of work (goal, motive of work, subject of work), to establish the relationship between them;

Develop initiative, independence, self-control, self-organization;

To cultivate accuracy, hard work, responsibility for the assigned work, mutual assistance, and a sense of satisfaction from the implementation of the work plan.

Equipment: basins, rags, soap in soap dishes, clothesline, clothespins, oilcloth aprons, doll linen, tables.

Progress of the lesson

Creating a game situation: the toys in the group are not put away after the game, some equipment is out of place.

The teacher and children are part of the group

Q. - Children, why are we in such a mess here? In the morning we had everything in order, but while we were away someone played such bad jokes on us. Maybe one of you made such a bad joke? It's not you? (O.D.)

Humpty Dumpty runs in: - Here I am! I send greetings to everyone, friends!

V. – Who are you? We don't know each other!

Sh.-B.: - Everyone around me knows me

Humpty - They call him Dumpty.

I was in your garden, guys

At first I played an acrobat,

Then he built a big house,

Of course, the dolls lived in it.

Toys came to visit,

Some by car, some on foot...

I'm so tired of these games

I quickly put away the toys,

I barely made it home.

I slept a little, and in the morning

I am here again! Hooray! Hooray!

I greet you, friends!

The teacher and children greet Humpty Dumpty.

V. - Humpty - Dumpty, so you put things in order here?

Sh. – B.: -Yes! Am I really great? Cleaned everything up in one minute?

V. – Children, do you think there is order in our group? Beautiful? Cosy? Are the toys all clean and in place? (O.D.)

Sh.-B.: - Yes, you don’t understand anything! Disorder is the best order! Beauty! Let's go to the music room to sing songs and have fun. Let's play there now.

O.D. - No, Humpty - Chat, time for business, time for fun! You tripled the mess here, before you leave you need to restore order, put everything in its place, wash the dusty toys. We love our group, our place is always clean and tidy. We always put our toys away and take care of them. We take care of them: wash them, wipe off the dust.

Sh.-B.: - You are so small and you know how to wash and clean everything yourself?! To restore order?! (O.D.)

Sh.-B.: - Oh, and it’s probably boring for you to do this uninteresting thing...

O.D.: - Not boring at all, but even interesting! The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do!

Sh.-B.: - why do we need to restore order? Isn't it better to scatter everything and not clean it up? I wanted to play something - all the toys were lying on the floor at hand. I picked it up, played it, and quit it again. Great!

O.D.: - in our garden we have this rule: “Every thing has its place!” and in such a mess you won’t immediately find the toy you need. We also know and will tell you proverbs and sayings about work.

Children name proverbs and sayings about work.

Working hard is always useful.

The hut is red in its corners, but the man is in his skill.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleighs.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

What is expensive is not what is made of red gold, but what is from a good craftsman.

A good thing lives for two centuries.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove. And etc.

The teacher praises the children and addresses Humpty Dumpty:

Why don’t you like to work?

It's so tiring, boring, difficult... But I love fun!

Maybe you're just lazy?

Not really. I just never tried to restore order and cleanliness.

Children, advise him how to learn to put things in order and what to do to prevent such a mess.

O.D. “You have to put away your toys after yourself as soon as you finish playing.” Before playing another game, you need to put everything back in its place. You have to remember where you get what from, so that you can put it back later. It is imperative to follow the rule “Every thing has its place”, then there will always be order. Before you go outside, you need to clean everything up after yourself. Before classes, you also need to put everything in place. When everything is scattered, you can accidentally step on a toy and break it or get injured.

V. – Children, can we now find a way out of this situation? After all, Humpty Dumpty invites us to play and have fun, and you probably want to play and have fun with him? So what should we do?

O.D. – We must first put things in order, and then play and have fun.

The teacher invites the children to help Humpty Dumpty restore order in the group, and at the same time teach him how to work. Advises children to go through the group and see what needs to be done so that everything is in order in the group.

Children determine the subject of labor: put the chairs in place, put the equipment in place, wipe the building material and put it in place, put dolls in place, wash the toys that Humpty Dumpty scattered on the floor and put them on shelves, wipe the dust on furniture, put everything in place.

The teacher asks what equipment is needed for work.

O.D. – Rags, basins of water, soap, oilcloth aprons.

V. - Children, think and tell me who will do what kind of work. (O.D.)

V. – before work, we need to remember the labor rules that will help us get the job done quickly and efficiently.

O.D. – You cannot be distracted from work; any work must be completed to the end with high quality and accuracy; handle water carefully; bring the work started to completion, help your friend if he cannot cope with the work with advice or deed; After work, you must clean your workplace; whoever finishes the work the fastest must help those whose work has not yet been completed; accept help with gratitude.

Humpty Dumpty approaches the dolls. One of the dolls “whispers something” in his ear. He talks to her, drawing everyone's attention to his dialogue. He reports that the doll Tanya is upset that it turns out that the dress he put on her is not hers, and it is all dirty, stained with dust, and all the dolls are also offended by him because the dresses are not the same and, moreover, they are all dirty.

Sh.-B. - I don’t want the dolls to be offended by me. But I don’t know what to do. I don't have clean dresses. What to do?

V. - Children, we can help Humpty - Humpty not to quarrel with the dolls? What do you think we can do with doll clothes to make them attractive and clean so that our dolls will like them?

O.D. “It needs to be washed and ironed, then its mistresses will like it again, and they will happily put it on and make peace with Humpty Dumpty.”

V. – Yes, indeed, clothes need to be washed. We'll do this now. (The children say that they don’t know how to do laundry).

V. – I’ll teach you now. But first, listen to what I have to tell you. You are already familiar with washing. Remember, we went to watch our laundress Natalya Ivanovna do the laundry. Remember? And at home, of course, you saw how your mother did the laundry. Washing clothes consists of three stages: washing, rinsing, drying. Before washing, the laundry must be sorted by color: put colored laundry in one direction, and white, light-colored linen in the other, and you need to start with it, because... colored linen can stain the water, and then white and light-colored things will be tinted. And white light underwear will no longer be white, but with colored ugly spots. We will wash with soap. We need 2 basins with warm water: in one we will wash, and in the other we will rinse.

Q. – Children, tell me, why do you need to wash with soap and not without it? (soap removes dirt).

V. – think and tell me what else can be called our assistants when washing clothes?

O.D.- Washing powder, bleach, washing machine, soaking laundry.

The teacher sums up the children's statements: - You are right. There is machine wash and hand wash. Today I will show you hand washing and teach you how to wash by hand.

The teacher shows and explains: - I already told you: you need to start washing with light-colored laundry. We take a light dress, lower it into the water, soak it, wring it out lightly, and lay it out on the left palm. We take a piece of soap from the soap dish in our right hand, also soak it in water, and soap the dress, gradually moving it on the palm of our hand so that we soap it all. Now you need to rub it, also gradually rubbing the entire dress from all sides: the collar, the sleeves, the front, the back, and the hem. Then you need to put it in water and wash off the soap. Now wring out and rinse in clean water to remove all dirty soap. Then again you need to squeeze it out, shake it off and admire your work. Now you need to dry it on a string. And to prevent the laundry from falling, they pin it down. How? Guess the riddle: “Are your fingers holding a blanket on a rope?” What is this? (O.D.)

V.- I showed you how to wash clothes by hand. Do you remember?

Sh.-B.: Oh, how difficult! I didn't remember anything. Do you, children, remember? Can you tell me again what came first and what came next? How to wash these panties correctly?

Children repeat the teacher's story about the sequence of hand washing.

The teacher offers the girls, future housewives, to wash clothes, and the boys to clean up the group.

Children put on aprons, independently take the necessary equipment, roll up their sleeves, and get to work.

Humpty - Dumpty approaches working children, asks what they are doing, how they do it, and tries to work himself.

The teacher asks him if he has learned how to wash doll clothes. Humpty - Dumpty comes up to the girls and tries to do the laundry, but he doesn’t succeed. The girls help him with advice, showing him what and how to do correctly.

At the end of their work activity, children clean their workplace and approach the teacher.

V. - Children, you are all so great! Look how clean, beautiful and cozy it has become in our group. Let's remember what we did for this? What were we doing?

Children list the types of work they performed. The girls say that today they learned how to wash doll clothes by hand.

Q. - Why do you think we did the work quickly?

O.D. - Everyone worked amicably, in concert, helped each other in their work, and decided who would do what.

V. - you are correct. We have cleanliness and order in our group, because you worked without quarreling, quickly, efficiently, helping each other. It’s not for nothing that people say, “Patience and work will grind everything down!”, “Working together is not burdensome!”

Sh.-B.: What wonderful, hardworking children! Thank you for teaching me and helping me bring order to the group. Now I will always work too, it’s so interesting. I will always keep my play area clean and tidy. Now can you play with me and have fun?

V.- Humpty Dumpty, don’t think, our children have as much fun as they work. Now they will sing ditties for you about work.

Sh.–B. : Well, I’ll listen with great pleasure and remember it. Now I also know the saying about work: “Time for work, time for fun!”

Children perform ditties about labor accompanied by music. Then, Humpty Dumpty invites the children to visit him, as they are very cheerful, friendly and, most importantly, hardworking and kind. He promises to show them his favorite toys.

The children go to visit Humpty-Dumpty.

Notes on GCD in the senior group of labor education.

Subject:“Let’s put things in order in the group” (collective work)

Target: teach children to maintain order in the group.

Tasks. Educational: develop the ability to work carefully and bring the job started to completion.

Developmental: develop the ability to work together.

Educational: instill in children a positive attitude towards work.

Equipment: aprons according to the number of children; basins with water; rags.

GCD move.

Creating a problematic situation: toys in the group are not put away, candy wrappers are scattered.

The teacher and children are part of the group.

Educator: children, why are we in such a mess? We had our order in the morning, what happened while we were away? Maybe some of you were joking like that? It's not you? (children's answers).

Educator draws attention to the candy wrappers and traces scattered around: children, look who scattered the candy wrappers? Let's think together, who did this? (children's answers)

Carlson runs in to cheerful music.

Carlson: here I am! I send greetings to you, friends!

Educator: Carlson, is it you who brought this order to us?

Carlson: Yes it's me. Disorder is the best order! Beauty! Let's go and play!

Educator: no, Carlson, before you go, you need to tidy everything up and put the toys in their places!

Carlson: yes, it's so boring! Children, tell me, do you like to work?

(children's answers)

Educator: Carlson, why don’t you like to work?

Carlson: I think it’s so uninteresting and difficult...But I love fun!

Educator: maybe you're just lazy?

Carlson: no, I just never put things in order and cleanliness!

Educator: children, let's teach Carlson? (children's answers)

Educator: Today I suggest you clean our group so that it is clean and beautiful. To do this, we need to wash the chairs and tables, wipe the dust from the shelves, remove the toys and throw out all the candy wrappers.

Educator: children, let us divide into groups: those who have red mugs will wash the chairs and tables; Those who have blue mugs wipe dust from the shelves and put away toys. Well, Carlson is putting away the candy wrappers! Before we get started, let's remember the rules:

    don't quarrel;

    to help each other;

    complete the work efficiently and accurately;

    Clean up your workplace after work.

(children tell the rules of behavior during work using support diagrams)

After instructions, children put on aprons, roll up their sleeves, independently take the necessary equipment, and get to work.

Carlson puts away the candy wrappers, then approaches the working children, asks what they do, how they do it, and tries to work himself.

Educator: Well, so we worked hard together! Do you think you did a good job? Is it difficult to work in a team? (children's answers).

Educator: Let's remember what we did? What were we doing? (children's answers).

Educator: Why do you think we got the job done quickly? (children's answers).

Educator: and you, Carlson, did you like working together as children?

Carlson: yes I liked it very much! Thank you, children, for teaching me to work! For this I want to give you a sweet gift. (Carlson gives the children a gift, the children thank Carlson).

Carlson: Well, it's time for me to go home! See you again!

(Children say goodbye to Carlson).

- This is the basis of calm and order in the group. Discipline is broken when the freedoms of another child or children are affected. They didn’t share a toy, they don’t want to complete a task, they dress slowly for a walk, they get distracted while eating - there can be a lot of reasons. The teacher needs to keep the situation under control at all times.

There are several games that will help restore discipline in the group. Here are some recommendations.

The teacher should feel comfortable and confident. You should speak clearly and seriously. When addressing a group of children, it is recommended to speak louder, but do not use raised tones.

To attract attention you can use game moments, which attract the attention of children and set them in a calm mood. For example, if before the start of the lesson the children are noisy, say: “Attention! A bunny (or any other character) will come to visit us for class today. She will play with us." Then you should greet the children on behalf of the character.

Don't be afraid to use available tools. Silence in a group can be achieved by using musical instruments: a bell, a tambourine, a toy drum.

The main “disturbers” of the peace, for whom discipline is kindergarten not a decree - hyperactive children. They simply cannot sit still for even a few minutes. Oddly enough, such children have a good memory for rhymes and poetry. Take advantage of this. Start the lesson with an easy rhyme, like “We don’t need to fight, we need to study,” “One-two-three-four-five. Now we will read everything!”

At all, Golden Rule order in the group - the more interesting the activity, the calmer the children. Motivation is important. And, as psychologists say, it’s not children who are uninterested in it, but adults who don’t know how to interest them.

If the children get spoiled in the middle of the lesson, you can try simple exercises.

For example, play game "Hands and Legs". With one clap, children should raise their hands, with two claps, they should stand up, with three clap, they should stomp. Despite its apparent simplicity, even adults are often confused in its actions. However, this is an indispensable game for attracting children's attention and helping them concentrate on the subject.

Another exercise is called “Who Hears Me”. As the lesson progresses, the teacher asks the children: “Whoever hears me, clap once/look at the door/image a cat.” The tasks change every time. Children, being intrigued and waiting for the next task, listen to the teacher more carefully.

Summary of a game lesson in the senior group. Let's bring order to the group

Program content:

1. Teach children to independently perform the necessary work actions.
2. Strengthen the ability to distribute team work and perform jointly.
3. To form knowledge and understanding of the components of work (goal, motive of work, subject of work), to establish the relationship between them.
4. Develop initiative, independence, self-control, self-organization.
5. To cultivate accuracy, hard work, responsibility for the assigned work, mutual assistance, and a sense of satisfaction from the implementation of the work plan.
Equipment: tables, basins, rags, soap in soap dishes, clothesline, clothespins, aprons, doll linen. Educator: Children, why are we in such a mess here? In the morning we had everything in order, but while we were away someone played such bad jokes on us. Maybe one of you joked like that? It's not you?
Humpty Dumpty:(runs in) Here I am! I send greetings to everyone, friends!
Educator: Who are you? We don't know each other!
Humpty Dumpty: Everyone around me knows me as Humpty Dumpty.

I was in your garden, guys
At first I played an acrobat,
Then he built a big house,
Of course, the dolls lived in it.
Toys came to visit,
Some by car, some on foot...
I'm so tired of these games
I quickly put away the toys,
I barely made it home.
I slept a little, and in the morning
I am here again! Hooray! Hooray!
I greet you, friends!

Educator: Humpty Dumpty, so it was you who put things in order here?
Humpty Dumpty: Yes! Am I really great? Cleaned everything up in one minute?
Educator: Children, what do you think is the order in our group? Beautiful? Cosy? Are the toys all clean and in place?

Humpty Dumpty: Yes, you don’t understand anything! Disorder is the best order! Beauty! Let's go to the music room, sing songs and have fun. Let's play there now.
Children's answers: No, Humpty Dumpty, time for business, time for fun! You made a mess here, before you leave you need to restore order and put everything in its place. We love our group; we always have cleanliness and order.
We always put our toys away. We take care of them: wash them, wipe off the dust.
Educator: Guys, Humpty Dumpty scattered the beads, let's help him collect the beads. (Dienesh's blocks “Collect the beads” according to the diagrams).
Humpty Dumpty: You are so small and you know how to wash and clean everything yourself?! To restore order?!
Humpty Dumpty: Oh, and it’s probably boring for you to do this uninteresting thing...
Children's answers: Not boring at all, but even interesting. The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do!
Humpty Dumpty: Why restore order? Isn't it better to scatter everything and not clean it up? I wanted to play something - all the toys were lying on the floor at hand. I picked it up and played it and quit it again. Great!
Children's answers: We have this rule in the garden: “Every thing has its place!”, and in such a mess you won’t immediately find the right toy! We also know and will tell you proverbs and sayings about work:

Work hard and always come in handy.
-Krasna Izba corners, and the person skill.
-You love to ride, and you also love to carry sleds.
- You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
-Work feeds, but laziness spoils.
-If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Educator: Well done boys! Why don’t you like Humpty Dumpty to work?
Humpty Dumpty: It's so tiring, boring, difficult, and I love fun!
Educator:- Maybe you're just lazy!
Humpty Dumpty: Not really. I just never tried to restore order and cleanliness.

Low mobility game “Where did Little Bear go?”(Children walk around the group and look: maybe under the table, under the chair...)
Educator: Children advise him how to learn to put things in order and what needs to be done to prevent such a mess.
Children's answers: You need to put away your toys after yourself as soon as you finish playing. Before playing another game, you need to put everything back in its place.
Educator: Guys, you can find a way out of this situation. After all, Humpty Dumpty invites us to play and have fun, and you probably want to play and have fun with him? So what should we do?
Children's answers: We must first put things in order, and then play and have fun.

A game “We put everything on the shelves”:matryoshka on the top shelf; the typewriter by the nesting doll on the top shelf; a pyramid between the nesting doll and the typewriter on the top shelf; Christmas tree on the bottom shelf; notebook on the top shelf behind the typewriter)

Humpty Dumpty: Is there an extra item on the top shelf?
Children's answers: Notebook.
Educator: Why?
Children's answers: Because all other items are toys.
Educator: Guys, let's help Humpty Dumpty restore order in the group, and at the same time teach him how to work.
Children, go through the group and see what needs to be done so that everything is in order in the group.

Experience "Drowning - not drowning".
Two basins: “We wash toys” (we find out in a practical way: wooden and iron toys).

Educator: Why, guys, does the wooden nesting doll float while the iron car lies at the bottom?
Children's answers: Because all wooden objects do not sink, but iron objects do. heavy.
Physical education minute. "Wipe off the dust"(imitation of movements).
Educator: Humpty Dumpty, where did you put the scarves for the dolls?
Humpty Dumpty: I put them in building material.
Children's answers: No, they should be in the mummers' corner.
Educator: I suggest you embroider a pattern on scarves.

Practical exercise: "Draw a pattern"(individual work with children).
Children perform ditties about labor accompanied by music. Then, Humpty Dumpty invites the children to visit him, as they are very cheerful, friendly and, most importantly, hardworking and kind. He promises to show them his favorite toys.
Children go to the dressing room, where they “wash”, “iron” their clothes, and arrange them beautifully. (activity continues)