Communication games to overcome shyness. Exercises and games with shy children. Psycho-gymnastics and relaxation. Relieving emotional stress. Corrective games with aggressive children

Aggressive child

Organize the system of requirements, monitor your actions, showing your child a personal (positive) example.

Maintain discipline and follow the established rules.

Use your own example to teach your child self-control.

Let your child understand that you love him for who he is.

Direct his energy in a positive direction (for example, sports, where the child can learn to control emotions, manage his behavior (martial arts, boxing, wushu), drawing, singing).

When presenting your demands to your child, take into account his capabilities, not your desires.

Ignore mild manifestations of aggressiveness, do not focus the attention of others on them.

Include your child in joint activities, emphasize his importance in the task at hand.

Establish a strict ban on the manifestation of aggression in cases where aggression, not being a defensive reaction, serves as a kind of “entertainment” for the child.

Teach your child to feel sorry. He must understand that his behavior causes grief and causes suffering to loved ones.

Never make your child forget that he is kind. For example, tell him: “Why are you doing this, because you are good, kind!”

Practice emotional rewards for acts of kindness. In this case, the child will quickly be able to outgrow “natural age-related aggressiveness” and learn to be humane and kind.

If a child has a need to throw out aggressive emotions, he is given such an opportunity in the game.

You can offer him the following games: fight with a pillow; tear paper; using the “screaming glass”, express your negative emotions; beat a chair with an inflatable hammer; sing your favorite song loudly; pour water into the bath, throw several plastic toys into it and bomb them with a ball; run several laps around the house or along the corridor; throw the ball against the wall; arrange a competition “Who will shout louder”, “Who will jump higher”, “Who will run faster”.

If possible, restrain the child’s aggressive impulses immediately before they manifest themselves, stop the hand raised to strike, and shout out to the child.

Teach your child to express his negative emotions in a socially acceptable form. At the first stage, invite the child to transfer his anger from a living object to an inanimate one (For example: “If you want to hit, it’s better not to hit me, but to hit the chair”), and then teach the child to express his feelings and experiences in verbal form.

Remember that you need to fight aggression with patience, explanation, and encouragement.

There are several steps to overcome aggressive behavior The child has.

1 step – stimulation of humane feelings:

– encourage aggressive children to recognize own mistakes, experiencing a feeling of awkwardness, guilt for aggressive behavior;

– teach him not to shift his blame onto others;

– develop in your child a sense of empathy, compassion for others, peers, adults and the living world.

For example:

· “Misha, don’t you really feel sorry for the other children?”

· “If you don’t feel sorry for others, then no one will feel sorry for you.”

· Ask the child why the offended child is crying.

· Offer to make peace with the offended child (“Make up, make up and don’t fight anymore...”)

2 step – orientation to the emotional state of another.

Strive to draw attention to the state of another, without expressing an evaluative attitude towards what happened.

For example:

· “Do you feel like a winner now?”, “Who is feeling bad now, do you think?”

· If an aggressive child witnessed how Lena was offended, then the adult suggests to him: “Let's take pity on Lena!”

· “Do you think it’s just you or someone else who feels bad right now?”, “Are you sad now?”, “Are you angry?”, “Are you feeling tired and don’t want to talk to anyone?”

3 steps – awareness of aggressive and insecure behavior or condition:

– help an aggressive child adequately assess the emotional state of the child victim, and not just his own;

– try to understand the nature of aggressiveness – defensive or more similar to cruelty without sympathy for the offended;

– stimulate awareness of the characteristics of hot-tempered and insecure behavior in children;

– strive to put the aggressive child in the place of the victim child;

– talk more often with an aggressive child about the range of his own emotional states;

– ask him more often about options for getting out of a conflict situation;

– explain what other non-aggressive ways he can assert himself;

– tell us what an outburst of anger is and what it means to “control” your own aggression, and why this needs to be done.

– ask your child in what cases he most often becomes angry and loses control over himself;

– explain to the child why it is necessary and what it means to “control” one’s own aggression.

For example:

· You hit Vera because... and why?

· The adult says: “Now I’ll take a piece of paper and make an angry face. It's a wolf! Dima, take a rubber band and draw an evil (or kind) face from the wolf! Why do you think the wolf has an angry face?”

· These questions can also be addressed to a child victim of oppression. “Why do you think Igor offended you? And why?"

Strategies for correcting aggressive behavior in children

Strategy for responding to aggressive behavior:

– help your child express negative emotional states not with anger and hostility, but with other emotions and behavior;

– learn to express anger in an acceptable form;

– teach an aggressive child to speak in words about what he likes or doesn’t like;

– teach your child to express aggression with words rather than physical aggression;

- try to use your sense of humor and explain to a child prone to aggression the following: “If someone barks at you, then you don’t need to bark (react) back.”

State switching strategy:

– stimulate positive emotions in the child in order to switch from an aggressive state to another. Use novelty, unusualness, and surprise of playful and non-playful behavior and actions with objects to switch the child to non-aggressive behavior.

Strategy for preventing aggressive conditions:

– in a child: do not label an aggressive child: angry, bully, brawler, mischievous and more offensive;

– for an adult: remember that you have many ways to change behavior.

Games for aggressive children

Sparrow fights (removal of physical aggression).

Children choose a pair and turn into pugnacious “sparrows” (they squat, clasping their knees with their hands). The “sparrows” jump sideways towards each other and jostle. Whichever child falls or removes his hands from his knees is eliminated from the game (the “wings” and paws are treated by Dr. Aibolit). “Fights” begin and end at a signal from an adult.

A minute of pranks (psychological relief).

The presenter, at a signal (strumming a tambourine, etc.), invites the children to play pranks: everyone does what he wants - jumps, runs, somersaults, etc. The leader’s repeated signal after 1-3 minutes announces the end of the pranks.

Good – evil cats (removal of general aggression).

Children are asked to form a large circle with a hoop in the center. This is a “magic circle” in which “transformations” will take place. The child goes inside the hoop and, at the leader’s signal (clap of hands, sound of a bell, sound of a whistle), turns into a feisty, despising cat: hissing and scratching. At the same time, you cannot leave the “magic circle”. Children standing around the hoop repeat in chorus after the leader: “Stronger, stronger, stronger...”, and the child pretending to be a cat makes increasingly “evil” movements. At the leader’s repeated signal, the “transformations” end, after which another child enters the hoop and the game is repeated. When all the children have been in the “magic circle”, the hoop is removed, the children are divided into pairs and again turn into angry cats at the adult’s signal. (If someone does not have enough pairs, then the host himself can participate in the game.) A categorical rule: do not touch each other! If it is violated, the game stops immediately, the presenter shows an example of possible actions, and then continues the game. Upon a second signal, the cats stop and can exchange pairs. At the final stage of the game, the host invites the “evil cats” to become kind and affectionate. At a signal, children turn into kind cats that cuddle each other.

Karateka (removal of physical aggression).

Children form a circle, in the center of which lies a hoop - a “magic circle”. In the “magic circle” the child is “transformed” into a karateka (moving his legs). Children standing around the hoop, together with the leading choir, say: “Stronger, stronger, stronger...”, helping the player to throw out aggressive energy with the most intense actions.

Boxer (removing physical aggression).

This is a variation of the game “Karateka”, and it is played in the same way, but actions in the hoop can only be performed with your hands. Fast, strong movements are encouraged.

Stubborn (capricious) child (overcoming stubbornness, negativism).

Children entering the circle (hoop) take turns showing the capricious child. Everyone helps with the words: “Stronger, stronger, stronger...”. Then the children are divided into pairs “parent and child”: the child is capricious, the parent persuades him to calm down. Each player must play the role of a capricious child and a persuading parent.

Stubborn pillow (removing general aggression, negativism, stubbornness).

Adults prepare a “magical, stubborn pillow” (in a dark pillowcase) and introduce the child to a fairy tale game: “The fairy sorceress gave us a pillow. This pillow is not simple, but magical. Childish stubbornness lives inside her. It is they who make you capricious and stubborn. Let's drive away the stubborn ones." The child punches the pillow with all his might, and the adult says: “Harder, stronger, stronger!” When the child's movements become slower, the game gradually stops. An adult suggests listening to the “stubborn ones in the pillow: “Are all the stubborn ones out and what are they doing?” The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. “The stubborn ones are scared and are silent in the pillow,” the adult answers (this technique calms the child after excitement).

Clowns swear (removing verbal aggression).

The presenter says: “The clowns showed the children a show, made them laugh, and then began to teach the children to swear. Angrily swearing at each other with vegetables and fruits.” Attention is drawn to adequate, angry intonation. Children can choose pairs, change partners, “scold” together, or take turns “scold” all the children. An adult directs the game, announces the beginning and end of the game with a signal, and stops it if other words or physical aggression are used. Then the game continues, changing the emotional mood of the children. The presenter says: “When clowns taught children to swear, parents didn’t like it.” The clowns, continuing the game, teach children not only to swear with vegetables and fruits, but also to affectionately call each other flowers. Intonation must be adequate. The children again break into pairs and affectionately call each other flowers.

“Zhuzha” (removal of general collective aggression).

The presenter chooses “Zhuzhu”, who sits on a chair (in the house), the rest of the children begin to tease “Zhuzhu”, making faces in front of her.

“Zhuzha, zhuzha, come out,

Zhuzha, Zhuzha, catch up!”

“Zhuzha” looks out of the window of her house and shows her fists. stomps his feet out of anger, and when the children go beyond the “magic line”, he runs out and catches the children. Whoever “Zhuzha” catches is eliminated from the game (he is captured by “Zhuzha”).

Little ghost (learning to express pent-up anger in an acceptable form).

The presenter says: “We’ll play good little ghosts. We wanted to misbehave a little and scare each other a little. When I clap, you will make this movement with your hands (the adult raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and pronounce the sound “U” in a scary voice; if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are kind ghosts and only want to joke.” The adult claps his hands. At the end of the game, the ghosts turn into children.


The child lies on his back on the carpet. Legs spread freely. Slowly he begins to kick, touching the floor with his entire leg. The legs alternate and rise high. The strength and speed of kicking gradually increases. For each kick, the child says “No,” increasing the intensity of the kick.

Bobo doll.

When a child manages to throw out the accumulated energy, he becomes calm and balanced. This means that if you let the child take out aggression on some object, some of the problems associated with his behavior will be solved. For this purpose, a special “Bobo” doll is used. You can make it yourself, for example from a pillow: sew arms and legs made of fabric to an old pillow, make a “face” - and the doll is ready. You can make it denser. To do this, sew a cover oblong shape, attach “handles”, “legs” and “face” to it, stuff it tightly with cotton wool or sand and sew it up. A child can calmly hit and kick such a doll, venting on it the negative feelings that have accumulated during the day. Having painlessly expressed his aggression, the child becomes calmer in everyday life. Important! Do not use for these purposes a ready-made toy depicting an animal or a baby - “Bobo” etc. a little impersonal.


“Imagine that you and a friend had a fight. A fight is about to start. Take a deep breath, clench your teeth very tightly, clench your fists as tightly as possible, press your fingers into your palms until it hurts, hold your breath for a few seconds. Think about it: maybe it’s not worth fighting? Exhale and relax. Hooray! The troubles are over! Shake your hands. Did you feel relieved?

“Go away, anger, go away!”

The players lie down on the carpet in a circle. There are pillows between them. Closing their eyes, they begin to kick the floor with all their might and kick the pillows with their hands, shouting: “Go away, anger, go away!” The exercise lasts 3 minutes, then the participants, at the command of an adult, lie down in the “star” position, arms and legs spread wide, and lie quietly, listening to calm music for 3 minutes.

Important! All games should end positively, you need to help the child (or group of children) calm down. It is worth paying special attention to hyperactive children - it is difficult for them to “switch” from one emotion to another, “transition” from an excited state to a calm one.

Hyperactive child

Try to restrain your violent emotions as much as possible, especially if you are upset or dissatisfied with your child’s behavior. Emotionally support children in all attempts at constructive, positive behavior, no matter how small. Cultivate an interest in getting to know and understand your child more deeply.

Avoid categorical words and expressions, harsh assessments, reproaches, threats, which can create a tense environment and cause conflict in the family. Try to say “no”, “you can’t”, “stop” less often - it’s better to try to switch the baby’s attention, and if you succeed, do it lightly, with humor.

Watch your speech, try to speak in a calm voice. Anger and indignation are difficult to control. When expressing dissatisfaction, do not manipulate the child’s feelings or humiliate him.

Useful games and exercises

Relaxation games:

Exercise “Snowman” (for children under 8 years old)

This exercise can be turned into a small game where the child will play the role of a snowman:

Winter came. The guys made a snowman in the yard. The snowman turned out beautiful (you need to ask the child to portray a snowman).

He has a head, a torso, two arms that stick out to the sides, he stands on two strong legs...

At night a cold, cold wind blew, and our little snowman began to freeze.

First, his head froze (ask the child to tense his head and neck), then his shoulders (the child tenses his shoulders), then his torso (the child tenses his torso).

And the wind is blowing more and more, trying to destroy the snowman. The snowman rested his legs (the child strains his legs a lot), and the wind did not manage to destroy it.

The wind flew away, morning came, the sun came out, saw a snowman and decided to warm him up. The sun began to heat up and the snowman began to melt.

The head began to melt first (the child lowers his head freely), then the shoulders (the child relaxes and lowers his shoulders). Then the arms melted (the arms gently drop), the torso (the child, as if sinking, leans forward), the legs (the legs gently bend at the knees).

The sun warms, the snowman melts and turns into a puddle spreading across the ground...

Then, if the child has such a desire, the snowman can be “blinded” again.

Exercise "Orange"

The child lies on his back or sits comfortably.

Ask him to imagine that he is holding an orange in his right hand.

Let the baby try to squeeze as much as possible out of the juicy fruit healthy juice(the child’s hand should be clenched into a fist and very tense for 8-10 seconds).

Then the fist unclenches and the hand rests.

Then the orange ends up in the left hand, and the procedure of squeezing the juice out of it is repeated.

It is advisable to do the exercise twice in a row. When squeezing the juice a second time, the orange can be replaced with lemon.

Games to develop attention:

Doing these and similar exercises every day by your child can significantly improve his ability to concentrate. The main thing is to make the classes systematic. You will see the first results after two months.

Detective "Keen Eye"

In order to win this game, the child needs to be very attentive and be able not to be distracted by extraneous things.

Choose a small toy or some object that your baby will have to find.

Give him a chance to remember what it is, especially if it's a new thing in the house.

Ask your child to leave the room.

When he does this, leave the selected item in an accessible place, but so that it is not immediately noticeable.

In this game, you cannot hide objects in desk drawers, closets, behind curtains, or similar closed places. The toy should be positioned so that the child can find it without touching the objects in the room - he just needs to look at them carefully.

"Little Teacher"

This game is especially liked by those who study in elementary school. At this age, children easily identify themselves with the teacher and enjoy playing “school,” where the child himself acts as the teacher, and dad, mother, or, for example, a favorite teddy bear plays the role of a careless student.

While doing your homework, you (or the schoolchild - the bear in your face) will have to copy several sentences from the book. At the same time, you must intentionally make several mistakes in your text. It is better not to make spelling or punctuation mistakes, because the child may not know some of the rules. But you can allow omissions of letters, changes in endings, typos, and inconsistency of words in person and case.

Let the little teacher check your work. When all the errors are found, invite him to give a grade for such cheating. Be mentally prepared that your son or daughter will, with obvious pleasure, “slap” a deuce in your imaginary diary.

Examples of texts with errors:

Task No. 1

1) Children sing a song in chorus.

2) Apples grow on an oak tree.

3) Grandma is knitting a sock.

4) Igor drinks sk.

5) Sparrows sit on the branches of old birch trees.

6) Tomorrow I went to the library.

7) Books, notebooks, notepads were lying on the table.

8) The boy draws with crayon.

9) Olya washes her hands with soap.

10) The peacock has an edged tail.

Task No. 2

1) Yesterday mom will make raspberry jam.

2) The hare feasts on sweet carrots.

3) There is a pair of roller skates in the suitcase.

4) There is a red tomato on the table.

5) Vitya will sleep on the ceiling.

6) Masha ate a lot of ice cream and her throat hurt.

7) Petya flies a kite.

8) Girls make wreaths because of dandelions.

9) Irinka is jumping over a jumping rope.

10) A woodpecker is knocking on a tree.

Anxious child

Address your child by name more often;

Celebrate your child's successes daily by communicating them in his presence to other family members (for example, during a shared dinner);

Do not compare your child with others; rather, compare his successes or behavior with his successes in previous situations;

Avoid words that demean the child's dignity;

Do not demand an apology from your child for an offense; it is better to let him explain why he did it;

Try to make as few comments as possible to your child;

Be unanimous and consistent in your actions, encouraging and punishing the child;

Do not make excessive or unreasonable demands on your child;

Demonstrate examples of confident behavior, be an example to your child in everything;

Help increase your child’s self-esteem by praising him more often, but so that he knows why;

Discuss with your child difficult and conflict situations in which he finds himself or may find himself;

Trust your child, be honest with him and accept him for who he is.

Useful games and exercises

Increasing your child's self-esteem

To achieve success in this matter, it is necessary that the adult himself sees the child’s merits, treats him with respect (and not just love) and is able to notice all his successes (even the smallest ones). In addition, an adult should often praise a child, and it is very important to do it correctly: children should always know why they are being praised and understand that praise is not just a reflection of the mood of the teacher or parent, but an assessment of his specific activities. In relation to school work, this is easy to do: here it is easy to see that today the letter turned out more beautiful than yesterday, or in the dictation there are no longer fifteen errors, but only ten. But when it comes to behavior or communication, it is not easy for even teachers to assess children’s successes.

Therefore, it is better for you to think in advance what positive qualities the child already has, and which ones he needs to acquire. Also think about how you will let your child know that you see his successes and strengths? If you mentally answered these questions, then it means that you are sufficiently armed and ready to insure your child on the path of self-change. Now feel free to play with him the games and exercises described below, and try to enjoy it so that your child feels like an interesting person with whom it is pleasant to communicate.

"Treasury of Achievements"

This is a very good game that should develop into the habit of seeing and appreciating your small victories every day. You can really achieve such a seemingly global goal if you systematically use this gaming technique. In the future, it will be possible to replace it with an oral discussion of your daily achievements.

So, take some cardboard box or a capacious jar and, together with your child, decorate it the way he would like the piggy bank of his main values ​​to look like - his own small and large successes in life. Maybe on the surface of this piggy bank there will be drawings that reflect objects that are somehow connected with the concept of “success”, or they will just be cute patterns. Leave the choice to a boy or a girl. Separately, prepare small pieces of paper. Now introduce a rule: when the child returns home, he must remember and write on this piece of paper some evidence of the success he has achieved today. So, phrases will appear on the notes: “I read the poem well at the blackboard,” “I drew an excellent drawing on the theme “Autumn,” “I gave a gift to my grandmother, which she really liked,” “I was still able to write a math test with an A.” , although I was afraid" and many others. These records are placed in the piggy bank of achievements. It is important that even on the most unfavorable day the child can find something that he succeeded in. "Weightening" the piggy bank over time in itself fills children with pride and greater confidence in in his own strength, especially if parents and other family members treat his small victories with respect (and not from the height of their age and experience).

You can turn to this piggy bank when it seems to the child that he has encountered difficulties that are insurmountable for him, or during periods when his critical gaze is directed at his abilities and he sees himself as a worthless loser. During such times, it is helpful to remember that your child has experience overcoming difficulties and achieving success. This will help him get into a positive mood.

Note. This game can be used first to raise the child’s self-esteem in general, and then to increase self-confidence in a specific activity, for example, learning the Russian language at school. Then in your “treasury of achievements in the Russian language” there will be entries like: “I immediately remembered the new rule and understood the topic”, “I wrote the presentation well - close to the text”, “I made only one mistake in the essay”, etc.

"Star of Apartment No. 10"

(the number must match your apartment number)

Although this game is aimed at helping a child, it is intended rather for adults. They are the ones who must reinforce the child’s self-esteem and show him the best that is in him.

Create a small stand dedicated to your child in your apartment. Specify the time period for its use, say a week or two. During this period, your child will become “the star of your apartment,” as all other household members will follow his successes and celebrate his merits. Place a photo of the child in the center of the stand. Glue the petals nearby on which you will make notes (you can also make a simpler version, which will be more appealing to secondary school students school age- in the form of a fence on which everyone writes what they want and in any place). During the specified time, inscriptions made by family members should appear on this stand and relate both to the permanent characteristics of the child that they value, and to those of his achievements and good deeds that they have noticed during the current day. If desired, the child himself can add any note about himself.

Note. If there are several children in your family, then, of course, you need to create the same “star” stand for others, but you need to use them in turn - the “star of your apartment” should feel its exclusivity and uniqueness during the time allotted to it, get the full amount attention of loved ones, at least in the game without sharing it with brothers and sisters. After the expiration date of the stand, it is given to the child himself as a souvenir, and he, if he wants, can place it in his room.


This is a great game that allows you to receive “psychological strokes” from others, which are so necessary for every person in order to feel loved, needed, and successful. Therefore, it must be carried out in an atmosphere of goodwill, surrounded by people important to the child. An ideal occasion for this is a child's birthday. You can organize this game when small and large guests have eaten and are ready to communicate and have fun.

Switch their attention to the child with the words: “Look, our birthday boy is completely cold. Let’s play the game “Sunny” and warm him up together!” Seat all guests in a circle (if there are not enough chairs, you can stand or sit on the floor). Place your child at the center. Give each guest one colored pencil. Explain that this is a ray of sunshine. It can be presented to someone who is cold with kind words, saying what the guest likes about the birthday person, for which he can be respected. Set an example yourself by saying one sentence of compliment to your child and giving him a ray of sunshine. The one who is being warmed up must remember to say “thank you,” you can add “very nice” if he is especially happy to hear something. Then all the guests in a circle say something good and give the child their pencil. During this, the child turns to face the speaker.

Note. The little guests present at the holiday may also have a desire to be “warmed up” and to be the center of attention. You can provide them with this opportunity by repeating the game, or you can leave it for such special occasions, promising the children that many more interesting games await them (do not forget that promises made to children must be fulfilled immediately).

"Finish the sentence"

No matter how much others tell the child about how wonderful he is, the most important moment is when the child accepts their opinion and agrees that he really has a number of advantages and deserves respect. So this game is good way check what your child accepted for himself and how it affected his self-esteem.

Take the ball. Explain to your child the rules of the game: you will throw him a ball and start a sentence, and he must throw it back, saying the ending that came to his mind. All proposals will concern the child. The same “beginnings” can come to a child several times, but the “endings” he comes up with should be different. Now throw the ball to the child with the words: “I can...”, “I can...”, “I want to learn...”.

Note. Repeat each beginning of a sentence several times so that the child realizes how much he can do that he usually didn’t think about, but he once learned it.

Ability to relax

It is important for all children to be able to relax, but for anxious children it is simply a necessity, because the state of anxiety is accompanied by tension in various muscle groups. Teaching a child to relax is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. Children know well what it means to sit down, stand up, and run, but what it means to relax is not entirely clear to them. Therefore, some relaxation games are based on the simplest way to teach this state. It consists in the following rule: after strong muscle tension, their relaxation naturally follows.

In addition to this principle, the games described below also use children’s ability to imagine. Here the harmony of soul and body helps us: when a child imagines something very pleasant and calm, his body also relaxes. However, this method only works well with children who have reached older ages. preschool age, and the first one can be used at any age.

In addition to special play exercises for relaxation, it is good to use tactile contact with the child; massage and simply rubbing the body are also useful.


This game will help the child relax the muscles of the lower face and hands, as well as relieve emotional tension and partially express the aggression that anxious children try never to splash out.

Help your child imagine such a situation. He and his friend had a fight. He got terribly angry. Now he really wants to give his friend a good beating. Therefore, his fists are clenched tightly, even the bones have turned white (let the child depict this by clenching his fists forcefully). The jaws are closed, tension is felt in them. (Your child should feel this tension by clenching his teeth tightly) From excitement before the fight, the child even held his breath (ask him in this state to hold his breath for a few seconds). And then the boy (girl) looked at his friend and remembered how he once helped him out. Maybe it's not worth fighting? The child exhaled and relaxed (have your child do the same). Now all issues can be resolved calmly.

Note. As you probably already guessed, this game is useful to use not only with anxious, but also with aggressive children. For them, there is an important corrective point here: the joy of relaxation (physical and emotional) is associated with the decision not to fight, but to resolve conflicts peacefully.

"Mouth shut"

This exercise will help your child learn to relax his lips and lower jaw, depicting what the figurative expression “Mouth shut!” actually looks like. Have the child purse his lips tightly. Now, without letting go, he will press them in so that they are not visible at all. You need to hold on like this for a few seconds, pleasing your parents with silence, and then you can relax your lips. Emphasize to the child that now his lips are soft and relaxed again.

Note. It is advisable to repeat this game several times for greater effect. To prevent your child from getting bored, you can alternate it with a similar game “Elephant”, when a boy or girl stretches their lips forward like a tube, imitating the trunk of an elephant, and then relaxes them.


This game will help you learn to relax your abdominal muscles. First, talk to your child about the last time you inflated balloons. How does the ball change as air enters? Of course, it increases in size and becomes tense, and its walls become difficult to push through with a finger. Now let the child imagine himself as such a balloon. You need to take a very deep breath and hold your breath. Ask the player to place their hand on their stomach and feel if it is round and tight. If you do, you can exhale and feel how nice it is when your stomach is relaxed. Repeat the game three to five more times: tension while inhaling, holding for a few seconds, exhaling and relaxing.

Note. Pay attention to the fact that it is the stomach that is tense, watch the child’s shoulders - they should not rise. The second important point is that the exhalation should be done without effort; the air will come out on its own if you stop straining your stomach.

"Magic Journey"

In essence, this is a meditation game that helps you relax not only your muscles, but also your soul, taking your thoughts into the sky. Invite your child to sit comfortably and close his eyes. You can turn on some smooth, pleasant melody (the music must be without words!). Explain that now you will play a magical journey. Ask your child to relax, take a deep breath, exhale and try to imagine what you will tell him about.

And you can tell something like the following.

"Imagine that we are sitting in a room and looking out the window, and there is a blue, blue sky. Clouds are slowly floating across the sky. Very beautiful. Suddenly we see that one fluffy cloud is approaching our window. Its shape resembles a pony. We fell in love this sight, and the cloud floated very close to us. Look, it waves its paw at us, as if inviting us to sit down! We carefully open the window and sit down on the warm cloud. Make yourself comfortable, feel how soft and cozy it is here. You can even lie down. Where can we go? shall we fly? You should probably think about a place where you always feel good. Think about such a place.

Note. Pay close attention to the child’s story - it may contain very important information about where and what makes your son (daughter) feel most comfortable. And this can already be used not only for fantastic travels, but also to “make a fairy tale come true.”

"Waterfall of Light"

This game also uses the child's imagination. She will teach you how to relax your body and experience joy. The skills of this game are already closer to the relaxation methods used by adults.

So, let the child sit (or lie down) comfortably, relax, take a few deep breaths and exhale calmly. Next, his task is to imagine as vividly as possible what you are telling him about, to feel it with his whole body.

Slowly, with pauses and very soft intonations, tell your child this.

"Imagine that you are standing at an extraordinary waterfall. There is no water in it, but instead soft sunlight flows down. Come closer to this waterfall, stand under its streams. Feel how this wonderful light falls on your head. It makes you relax all the muscles. The forehead, mouth, and neck have become relaxed. Wherever such a beam of light has passed, the body is calm, warm and as if glowing. Warm light flows down to the shoulders, to the arms - they have become very pliable, soft. Streams of light flow down the back , and you feel how the tension in it disappears. The waterfall washes away the tension from your chest, from your stomach. You are pleased to feel that you are breathing calmly and easily. Streams of light move through your hands, elbows, fingers. Not even a drop of tightness remains anywhere The light flows through the legs, to the feet, to the toes... Now everything your body glows with warm light. It's relaxed and soft. You can breathe easily. You feel how your body has released tension and is filled with fresh strength. Stay under this waterfall while I count to ten, and then you will open your eyes cheerful and rested."

Note. The child may not be able to fully master this exercise right away. You shouldn't be upset about this. Periodic training will not be in vain. But if, watching the child during this meditation, you do not see how the tension really leaves his body in waves, then try repeating this game at another time, preferably before bed, when the child is already in a calm, half-asleep state.

"My Pearl"

The image of a pearl is most suitable to represent all that is best, valuable and unique that is in every person. For some, these qualities are visible and others can appreciate them, like pearls inserted into earrings or pendants. And someone hides them, like in a sea shell, under their modesty, solitude, and external unremarkability. But everyone has them, and it is important that the child knows this. Before you start playing, it would be a good idea for your child to refresh his memory of the image of a sea pearl. So you can “accidentally” go with him to the nearest jewelry store, where you can draw his attention to the pearl products you like. It is important that it is not artificial, but natural pearls. On the way home, you can start an educational conversation about the origin of pearls and how they have been valued throughout time (including stories about pearl divers). If you play the game “My Pearl” some time after this mini-excursion, the image in the child’s imagination will be more natural and rich.

So, encourage your child to sit down and relax. Have him close his eyes and take deep breaths in and out several times. Now you can invite him on a journey through the inner spaces. Ideally, if you have a melody as musical accompaniment, including the sounds of the sea (of course, without words).

You can start a story-meditation: “The soul of every person is like the sea. Sometimes it is bright and calm, the sun’s reflections glow on its surface, delighting those around them. Then a storm comes, the waves bubble, crush and sweep away everything that comes their way. During these moments, those around us may be afraid of the sea and avoid it. But no matter what the weather is, at the bottom of the sea everything is different. Let's try to descend into the transparent turquoise water. Do you see a school of small shiny fish swimming past us? Starfish. Let's swim even deeper. There, at the very bottom of the sea, lies the true treasure of your soul. This is a gem. Only you can take it in your hands. Swim closer and look at it. What kind of light does it emit? What are her dimensions? What is she lying on? Take it carefully in your hands. Other people also have such pearls in their souls, but nowhere are there even two identical ones.

Do you hear sounds? She probably wants to tell you something important about yourself! Listen to her carefully, because she knows that you are unique, good, special. Did you hear well what she told you? If yes, then carefully lower the pearl again to the bottom of your soul. Thank her for making you feel happy. Well, it's time to swim back. When I count to ten, you will swim to the surface of the sea, emerge and open your eyes."

Note. This game will quietly perform two tasks at once: relieving the child’s muscular and emotional tension and raising his self-esteem, belief in his uniqueness and usefulness.

"Get a Star"

“To get a star from the sky” means in our language to do something impossible, to achieve fantastic success, to make a dream come true. Well, now you and your child will do this, using your imagination.

Unlike previous games, the child must stand comfortably and close his eyes. Then, as before, he will try to imagine and do what you tell him about. If you want, you can turn on suitable slow music, which will become the sound background for your words:

"Imagine that you are standing in a clearing. Above you is a dark night sky, all strewn with stars. They shine so brightly that they seem very close. The clearing is filled with soft, gentle blue light. People say that when a star falls, you need to make a wish, and it will definitely come true. They also say that you can’t get a star. But maybe they just haven’t tried? Find the brightest star in the sky with your mind’s eye. What dream does it remind you of? Imagine well what you would like. Now open your eyes, take a deep breath, hold your breath and try to reach the star. It's not easy: stretch with all your might, strain your arms, stand on your tiptoes. Just a little more, you've almost reached it. There! Hurray! Exhale and relax , your happiness is in your hands! Place your star in front of you in a beautiful basket. Rejoice while looking at it. You have done something very important. Now you can rest a little. Close your eyes. Mentally look at the sky again. Are there any more stars there, reminding you of other cherished dreams? If there is, then take a close look at the chosen luminary. Now open your eyes, breathe and reach for your new goal!”

Note. This game, as you already understand, combines both methods of relaxation: mental meditation and alternating intense tension with relaxation. In addition, it has an important psychological meaning - it sets the child up to achieve success, teaches him to believe in the unlimited possibilities of his abilities, and not to give up on his dreams!

Ability to manage yourself

This is the third very important area in working with anxious children. It involves a transition from new acquisitions of the child’s inner world (in the form of more high self-esteem and the ability to relax, make one’s condition comfortable) to their external expression. That is, we must teach the child to apply his knowledge and skills in practice so that not only his perception, but also his behavior changes.

When parents of anxious children turn to a psychologist, they usually want to jump straight to this point, bypassing the work on the invisible to the naked eye steps of self-esteem and relaxation. But for correction of a child’s behavior to be effective, competent and systematic work is needed at the previous stages. So don't rush to this section. Classes using the games described here, of course, can be started in parallel with the previously proposed games, but not from the very beginning, but when part of the assistance program has already been completed.

"Portrait of a Brave Man"

First of all, we note that anxious children are overly prone to constant self-evaluation and self-criticism. In addition, in their imagination there is usually an image of a brave person - a certain standard who is not afraid of anything. Therefore, the task of this game is not to help the child realize his shortcomings, but rather to realize his ideal and make it more real and achievable.

So, ask your son or daughter to imagine a brave person. What does he look like? How does he walk? How does he communicate with other people? How do you deal with difficult situations? When the picture appears in your imagination, ask to reflect it on a piece of paper. Discuss the resulting drawing. Let the child name the drawn brave man. Next ask, does this, say, Nikita have any anxieties or fears? Most likely, you will receive a negative answer, because the picture is of a very brave person, akin to a winning superhero. Then ask leading questions that should lead the child to the conclusion that there are no people who are not afraid of anything. And a brave person is one who can cope with his anxiety and fears.

That is, your task in this game is to “humanize” the image of the drawn daredevil as much as possible, to make it more accessible to the child. Therefore, in addition to questions about character traits such as courage, you can be interested in the favorite dishes of a brave person and how he likes to spend his free time, who he is friends with, etc.

When you feel that the image has become more real, you can ask your child an unexpected question: “How are you similar to this brave man?” If you have difficulty answering, help your child yourself by comparing what you hear with what you know about your son or daughter, as well as with manifestations of courage that occurred in his life.

Note. To get completely closer to your unattainable ideal, you can invite a boy or girl to talk to this person. The child himself will speak for both, either sitting on his own chair (when he is responsible for himself), or moving to an empty chair (when the Brave person must answer).

"If I were... Pinocchio"

(put here the name of a literary or film character that your child likes)

This game will help the child switch from his anxiety and doubts about the correctness of his words and deeds to another goal - to play the role of his favorite character as accurately and expressively as possible.

Use this play technique when your son or daughter cannot do something due to anxiety and embarrassment. For example, you are sure that your child knows a poem well, but cannot answer in class, or he demonstrates excellent sports success when you are together, but during training he gets lost as soon as he approaches the uneven bars. In such cases, it will be useful to invite the child to perform the action about which he is worried, as if on stage - to enter into the role of a character in some fairy tale or film.

For example, you can ask a child how he thinks Pinocchio would read a poem in class. Was he worried about this? How would you feel about the grade the teacher gave him? Practice playing this role at home. Let the child try to convey not only its external side, but also its internal content. Now agree that in the classroom the child will try to secretly play this role. It will be a secret joke for others, only you will know about it. Say that today you are not interested in success in literature. But when the classes are over, you will discuss the success of the role you played: did you manage to feel like Pinocchio? Be reckless and cheerful? Be “philosophical” about evaluation?

Note. The characters for this game should be chosen as energetic, cheerful and fearless, but anxious children have enough responsibility and seriousness even without them. In order for the child to be able to focus on his role, and not on the task at hand, you must also concentrate on the game and not make comments about the reading of the poem itself, otherwise the child will notice duality and insincerity.

"Show me who you're afraid of"

It is not uncommon for anxious children to become more anxious if a certain person or animal is nearby. At the same time, they are not afraid of them, but rather feel vague apprehensions and discomfort. Their negative emotions may be a consequence of the uncertainty, unknown and incomprehensibility of these creatures and their inner world. To make them stop being so alien and scary, you can use this game.

Ask your child in what situations he almost always feels uneasy. For example, you heard the following: although the teacher has never behaved rudely towards him, he still gets very worried when he answers at the board or is left alone with the teacher.

Invite your child to act out such a scene. Let him choose a toy that will play his role. He himself must transform into a teacher and begin conversations or actions typical for the situation. When it is the student’s turn to answer, the child must voice the toy by picking it up and moving it in accordance with the script.

The skit can last as long as the young director-performer wants. If, on the contrary, you see that the action has reached a dead end, then you can play impromptu for other characters, for example, for the school principal who accidentally dropped by or for another student. The main thing is to support the game with your actions, perhaps giving it a deeper meaning.

After the “premiere” ends, talk with your child. Find out how he felt as a teacher. What did he want from the student? What made the teacher happy and what made him sad? Was the teacher himself afraid of anything? Such a view from “behind enemy lines” will help the child see the situation differently and realize, no matter how trivial it may be, that “teachers are people too.” If it is possible to arouse in a child sympathy for the teacher and a desire to help him, then this will be simply wonderful both for the most anxious child and for his relationship with the teacher.

Note. Children often invite their loved ones to play some role in the game. Don't refuse them such requests. The game will only benefit from this, since you will be able to influence its course. Take on the role of a student in the above story. And worry in this role with all your might! This way, the child will be able to see from the outside the absurdity of such worries and learn how the teacher feels when such a student is in front of him.

"Confidence Contest"

Ask your child what competitions he knows. Of course, there are a great many of them. If you make an effort, then together you will remember the competition for the best joke, sporting achievements, the most mysterious trick, the best musical performance, etc. In addition to these, a beauty contest will probably pop up in your memory. This is a pompous celebration with a jury and even television viewers. Girls competing for the title "Miss Moscow" (or insert any other city) must be not only beautiful, but smart, self-confident, and so on. In general, confidence is an important quality that helps to win any competition - physical or intellectual. So let's have a confidence contest.

Invite your child to imagine how this competition would go? What tasks would it contain? Who would he invite to the jury? How would a person have to behave in order to reach the finals? Listen to these answers and try to analyze what image of confident action has formed in your child’s head.

Now act out short episodes that could be shown on TV. For example, let the child depict how the person who was the first to leave the stage performed, that is, the most insecure. Be the host and ask any question to such a participant. And the child should try to answer it in such a way and at the same time move and gesture in such a way as to create the maximum bright image. The next scene will be the complete opposite. In it, the child will try to answer questions the way Mr. or Miss Confidence did.

Note. If the child does well in the role of Miss (or Mister) Confidence, then you can end the game on this triumphant note by asking the new star to take a photo as a souvenir and presenting an honorary prize. If you see that such a participant clearly would not have reached the finals, then discuss with your child how a confident person behaves, or even better, ask the child to “hold the camera,” while you climb onto the stage and demonstrate to him the standard of confidence. As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

"Calm, just calm!"

In this game, the child will train to remain calm in a variety of situations, in case of fear, surprise, surprise, disgust. He will later be able to use these gaming skills in everyday life.

Ask your child to remember a simple, well-known poem. Now he will have to read it as calmly as possible, saying one line at a time, no matter what happens around him. And what will happen around you is something that you can come up with that is scary and unpleasant. This is your role here. You can say, like the old woman Shapoklyak, but only you know that this is for the benefit of your beloved child (it’s like going to the doctor).

Have your child start reading the first line. Let's say he says: “I was driving a Greek across the river.” Meanwhile, you will sneak up from behind and clap your hands. But the reader must calmly continue: “He sees a Greek: there is cancer in the river.” Then you can turn off the light or even unexpectedly push the child on the shoulder. In general, this way you will “mock the little one” until the last line of the poem.

Note. To make it easier to maintain the role of an imperturbable person, you can remember Carlson and try to imagine how he would read this poem, showing everyone how calm and even bored he is. If you yourself find it difficult to step out of the role of a loving parent and turn into a harmful spiteful critic, then the role will also save you - put on the hat of the old woman Shapoklyak or stuff a toy rat in your pocket. This will indicate the boundaries of your role, that is, these actions will be performed “not by you,” but by the chosen character. Dads can also use the image of Karabas Barabas.

Shy child

Parents or a teacher must encourage (motivate) those around them to communicate with the child.

It is important to show and tell the baby that you understand him and that you know about his characteristics and preferences, that the language of his thoughts and communication is close to you.

It is useful to encourage your child to talk about how he feels about a new situation by playing with children, drawing a new type of drawing, or listening to new music.

We need to let him know that it doesn’t matter how long it takes him to achieve what he so strives for. It is important that he achieves his goal and makes progress!

It is necessary to use non-verbal communication techniques more often - smiling, physical contacts, body language (pointing with a finger or gaze). At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the child’s comfort level and all changes in mood so that background noise and the number of physical contacts do not have a traumatic effect on him.

Encourage him to play independently with dolls or cars, but do not play instead of him.

Help him come up with or organize a game with an aggressive motive (which is very difficult for such children) such that a wolf, for example, attacks three little pigs, and soldiers attack enemy soldiers.

Help him, with the help of games and your everyday communication, learn to defend his opinion and be persistent and even moderately stubborn.

If your child experiences a feeling of fear, for example, before parting with loved ones, then you need to use such cases and try to help him cope with fear, feel support and support from adults, and, most importantly, self-confidence.

Encourage the manifestation of initiative and the ability to control the situation.

A big mistake on the part of parents or educators would be to “throw him into the water” so that he “swims up” on his own - he may be scared and even depressed, and will also lose trust in his loved ones.

Do not leave the child unattended. You shouldn't wait for it to "ripe" on its own. He, like an ostrich, would prefer to bury his head in the sand.

Useful games and exercises

Drawing "What I am and what I would like to be"

The child is asked to draw himself twice. In the first picture - as he is now, in the second - as he wants to be. Next, you look at the pictures and compare them. The differences between the drawings reflect the child's self-esteem.

In the drawings of some children, there is a coincidence between the “real” and “ideal” selves. Such children have somewhat inflated self-esteem.

There is a discrepancy in the drawings of other children, but it is small; their self-esteem is adequate. Children with low self-esteem draw themselves in one color, often dark, small in size, the drawing is sloppy. And when drawing the ideal Self, a large number of colors, bright clothes are used... After drawing, it is useful to discuss with the child what needs to be done to become what he wants to be.

"Playing out situations"

For role-playing and discussion, you can offer situations that are the most difficult for the child:

You came to new group kindergarten, meet the children...

You went to the store...

Children play in the yard, you also want to play with them; What do we have to do...

Guests have arrived, show them your room, toys...

Game "Cake" (from 4 years old)

Place the child on the mat with other children or relatives around him. Host: “Now we will make a cake out of you.” One participant is a torment. Another is sugar, the third is milk, etc. The presenter is a chef, now he will prepare a magnificent dish. First you need to knead the dough. Flour is needed - “flour” is “sprinkled” with the hands of the person lying down, lightly massaging it. Now he needs sugar - he “sprinkles” the body, carefully touching it, then the milk “spills” with his hands over the body, etc. When everything is in place, the cook thoroughly “stirs” (massages) the dough, puts it in the oven, the dough rises there (evenly, breathes calmly, all the “components” also breathe). Finally the dough was baked. To make the cake beautiful, you need to decorate it with cream flowers. All participants, touching the cake, give it a “flower” and describe it. The cake is very beautiful!

Watch the expression on the “cake’s” face, it should be happy, you can laugh too. Instead of a cake, you can cook whatever your child wants - chicken, pancakes, compote...


This game can be played alone with a child or with several children. The child looks in the “mirror”, which repeats all his movements, gestures, and facial expressions. The "mirror" can be a parent or another child. You can portray not yourself, but someone else. “Mirror” must guess, then switch roles. Play helps the child open up, feel more free and relaxed.

You can play “Hide and Seek”, and “Shop”, and simply inflate balloons to see who is faster. The main thing is that the child successfully copes with tasks and learns to lose with dignity.

Slow Child

Talk calmly with a slow child.

Do not be hasty or nervous when doing something with a slow child. Don't push it. Give him extra time so that he can complete some task, craft or drawing, etc. no rush. Even if you have to finish it in several stages.

Clear daily routine. When and what to do, in what order.

Slow children need constant work responsibilities: hanging clothes in place; watch your appearance; wash your small items, etc.

Conduct the training in a playful manner and against a good emotional background.

Useful games and exercises

Games with changes in tempo:

Walk-run-walk slowly. The change of tempo occurs at a verbal signal from an adult, or when the musical accompaniment changes. Clap your hands at different speeds, again at the signal.

Games with the fastest possible movements:

Children are given pieces of paper with a 10x10 cm square drawn and pencils. At a signal, children place dots in the square; the one who places the most dots receives a prize.

Floral spinning top. Each child chooses the name of a flower (dandelion, chamomile, rose). The teacher launches the top, then says the name of the flower:

Chamomile! - I! - “Chamomile” responds and quickly spins the top. Twist it and say the name of the next flower.

Anyone who did not have time to respond or whose top fell leaves the game.

Games to develop internal inhibition:

Game gymnastics. The children repeat his movements after the psychologist: clapping above their heads, behind their backs; jumping; squats, etc.

"Forbidden Movement"The rules of the game are familiar to many.

The teacher says to the children: “If I name someone who can fly, for example, a butterfly, then raise your hands up and say in unison: “Flies!” If I name a flightless animal, for example, a lion, be silent and do not raise your hands.”

Relay races. There are different options here, for example, run with a glass of water so that it does not spill (first fill the glass 1/3 full, later - almost to the top); run, hitting a balloon with your hand, etc.

Elena Elkina
Working with a shy child

1. Explanatory note.

2. Characteristics of the child.

3. Tasks of individual support.

4. Ways, means, methods of individual support.

5. Plan for implementing the assigned tasks.

6. Report on the work done.

7. Application

Explanatory note

A shy child is a child who, on the one hand, treats other people kindly and strives to communicate with them, but on the other hand, does not dare to express his communicative needs, which leads to a violation of consistency in interaction. The reason for such violations lies in the special ambivalent nature of the shy child’s attitude towards himself.

A shy child’s uncertainty about his value to other people blocks his developing need-motivational sphere and does not allow him to fully satisfy his existing communicative needs.

Shy children's attitude towards themselves is characterized by a high degree of reflexivity and fixation on their personality in any type of interaction. A shy child acutely experiences his Self. The peculiarity of his personality is such that everything he does is passed through the core of the image in which another “lives”, questioning the high value of his personality.

Anxiety about one’s self often obscures the content of both joint activities and communication. A shy child has a special structure of the need-motivational sphere: personal motives always act as the main ones for him, overshadowing both cognitive and business ones, which prevents the development of behavior that is adequate different forms communication. In communication with close people, where the nature of the attitude of adults is clear and familiar to the child, the personal factor goes into the shadows, and in communication with strangers it clearly comes to the fore, provoking defensive forms of behavior that can manifest themselves in “withdrawal” and sometimes in adopting a “mask of indifference.”

The painful experience of one’s self, of one’s vulnerability, fetters the child and does not give him the opportunity to show sometimes very good abilities and express his experiences. But in situations when a child forgets about himself, he becomes as open and sociable as his unshy peers.

Characteristics of a shy child (description of the problem)

A…. age 4.5 years.

The only child in the family, the family is complete and prosperous. She entered kindergarten at the age of 2.6 years, adaptation was difficult - the girl was very attached to her mother, had a hard time parting with her, felt overprotective on the part of her mother, did not communicate well with adults, and did not come into contact with children, very I was often sick.

At the moment, upon arrival at kindergarten, the girl also has a hard time parting with her mother, preferring to communicate with close and well-known people. When meeting and communicating with strangers, the child experiences emotional discomfort, which manifests itself in timidity, uncertainty, and tension.

A…. - shy girl. He tries not to engage in playful interactions with children.

In class she is assiduous, listens attentively to teachers, but avoids answering questions. asked question, lowers her eyes to the floor, answers only after personally addressing her - excessive shyness interferes.

Loves to collect puzzles, mosaics, and play with toys he brought with him from home.

Educator: Elkina E. G.

Tasks of individual support

To study the individual characteristics of a child’s development in the unity of the intellectual, emotional and behavioral spheres of their manifestation.

Create an emotionally favorable microclimate for the child in the group, when communicating with children and teaching staff.

Help your child increase confidence in themselves and their abilities;

Develop the language of gestures, facial expressions, speech as a means of communication;

Develop teamwork skills.

Expected result:

Positive attitude towards yourself and others;

Development of self-confidence;

Ability to constructively build communication;

Development of the child's creative potential.

, means, methods of individual support.

Playing out problematic situations that are traumatic for a shy child (public speaking, dating situations, etc.);

Outdoor games to develop communication skills;

Staging performances;

Drawing (isotherapy) - ( effective remedy To reduce anxiety, the process of drawing itself has a calming effect and relieves stress. The child experiences the joy of creativity and overcomes difficulties);

Using elements of fairy tale therapy (with the help of a fairy tale, many problems are solved, it helps to find a way out of a particular situation. A fairy tale is a means for a child to comprehend the world - both external and internal. Fairy tales speak to children in an emotionally rich language close to them, without direct instructions, works of art with clearly drawn character traits of the heroes and clear resolution of problems;

Training in dialogue communication in role-playing games.

Game therapy - in preschool age, play is the leading activity of children. With the help of games, you can help your child adapt to life around him and establish relationships with other children.

Plan for implementing the assigned tasks.

1. Creating motivation for communication and acquiring communication skills (game therapy, story therapy).

2. Teaching children to establish contact (group games, acting out situations, drawing).

3. Development of the child’s emotional world (play therapy, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation).

4. Creative use of communication skills (isotherapy, creative games, free communication with peers)

Report on the work done.

At my request, the psychologist conducted observation of A.... Together with a psychologist, we selected methods and techniques for working with the girl. The psychologist talked with the girl’s parents about their problem and developed recommendations. On my part, the work is carried out not only in the educational process, but also in free activity, while walking.

I try to constantly reinforce the child’s confidence in himself and his abilities. I tell her: “You’re great! You did it! You were able to do it!” The positive assessment given by me strengthens self-confidence A. I involve the child in carrying out various tasks related to communication. I suggest working in tandem with someone she trusts. For example: “Help me organize the sheets of paper and pencils for my work. Decide for yourself who will do what,” or before the walk I give the child an instruction: “Please help Vika tie a scarf, it’s very inconvenient for her.” It is important to show your child that you also need his help.

I also gave recommendations to expand the circle of acquaintances, invite friends to your home more often, take the child to visit familiar people, diversify walking routes - provide the child with a certain measure of freedom and open action. It is important not to show your anxiety and desire to do everything for him.

The main thing is that the work be systematic. The child will feel more comfortable with peers and adults, adapt easier to a new team, and feel more confident.

In the process of a systematic, integrated approach to supporting the development of a child, organized interaction with peers, A... normalized interactions with a small group of children, and stable friendships appeared. The girl began to show herself more actively. She developed an interest not only in herself, but also in those around her. Constant inclusion in theatrical games, group work, and participation in outdoor games help A... self-actualize, self-reveal. At this stage, work with the child continues, all preschool specialists are included in the work.


Various exercises and games with shy children

Overcoming shyness, isolation, indecisiveness; development of paralinguistic means of communication;

Formation of adequate self-esteem, increased self-confidence; reduction of psycho-emotional stress

Exercises "Smile".

Goal: to form motivational readiness to create a friendly atmosphere of communication.

1) imagine that you see the sun in front of you, smiling at you. Smile back at the sun and feel how the smile goes into your hands, reaching your palms. Do it again and try to smile wider - smile and your arms and hands will be filled with the smiling power of the sun.

2) How nice it is to see smiles on your faces! A smile lasts a moment, but remains in the memory forever. After all, it costs nothing, but gives so much. It enriches those who receive it, without impoverishing those who give it.

Exercise “Tender name”.

Children stand in a circle and, passing the ball, call each other affectionate name, for example: Serezhenka, Tanyusha, etc.

Game "Who is it?"

The teacher invites the children to show how a cat, bear, fox, hare, and lion move.

Children complete the task.

Then each of the children, without naming the animal, depicts it using expressive movements. The rest of the game participants guess who the driver portrayed.

Game "Live Illustration"

The poems of A. Barto are ideal for this game. She has a lot of poetic genre sketches that accurately convey various childhood experiences and are colored with gentle humor, which often turns out to be more healing than any medicine for nervous children. One player reads a poem, and the other uses facial expressions and gestures to illustrate the events and emotions being described. Teach your child to gradually capture and convey subtle shades of feelings. A. Barto's poems provide rich material for this. The rhymes “Bear”, “Bull”, “Ball” are more suitable for kids. For older children – “Resentment”, “Lyubochka”, “Sonechka”.

When there are several players, I introduce an element of competition. I evaluate the performances and award the winners. But, naturally, an adult should not forget about the main goal of the game and encourage a shy child even if he is not up to par. My task is in this case- psychocorrection, not the establishment of justice.

Outdoor game "Planes".

The teacher says:

“The planes are preparing to take off. Take a ready position, stand straight and spread your arms to the sides.

Now each of you will imagine that his plane is accelerating and, having taken off, is gaining altitude.

Wings cut through the air. The motor hums smoothly and powerfully. The plane flies confidently above the clouds. Remember the feeling of flying.

The plane comes in for landing and lands smoothly.

Game "Snail".

With the help of a counting rhyme or at will, the driver - “snail” - is selected. Children stand in a circle, the driver stands in the center of the circle, and is blindfolded. The child pointed to by the teacher, changing his voice, says:

“Snail, snail.

Stick your horns out.

I'll give you sugar

Piece of pie. Guess who am I?"

Exercise “Complete the sentence.”

Children take turns completing the following sentences:

I can.

I will achieve it.

After the child says the end of the phrase, everyone claps their hands.

Game "Dunno".

The teacher says:

“Imagine that each of you is Dunno. I’ll ask questions, and you just shrug your shoulders and throw up your hands.” Sample questions:

Did you have breakfast today? kindergarten?

It's cold outside (warm?

Do you have warm clothes?

What color is the sky?

Do you like fish in the aquarium?

Are you going for a walk today? Etc.

  • At this stage, it is planned to use different options for correctional dramatization games (psychodramas) and plot sketches, which enable preschoolers with behavioral problems to “transform” into heroes with opposite character traits - shy to feel determined, aggressive to feel friendly, impulsive - restrained. At the same time, this kind of games allows you to simulate the most difficult situations for preschoolers with negative symptoms in a playful way, to develop communication and interaction skills in difficult situations for them.

Liberating games for overcoming

childhood shyness

"Guess the Emotion"

Here, almost the most important thing is to correctly motivate the need for the game. The fact is that the children in question are usually embarrassed about their faces. And even more so, they are ashamed to make faces in public. And this exercise will be perceived by them as antics. Therefore, you must take an active role and lead by example. In addition, since shy children are usually happy to be in the role of actors (of course, when they are convinced that they can do it), you can introduce facial expressions, pantomime, etc. exercises as useful acting training. Play together first. Then, when he can easily cope with tasks, involve his friends in the game. The rules of the game are very simple: the presenter shows some emotion with facial expressions, and the players name it and try to reproduce it. Whoever does this first gets a point. Start with easy-to-guess emotions: surprise, fear, joy, anger, sadness. They need to be shown in an exaggerated way, even caricatured. Gradually expand the range of feelings, introduce different shades of emotions (say, irritation, indignation, anger, rage). Older children can be given the task of not only guessing an emotion, but also acting out a small scene impromptu (either with dolls or “live”) with an appropriate plot.

"Live Illustration"

The poems of A. Barto are ideal for this game. She has a lot of poetic genre sketches that accurately convey various childhood experiences and are colored with gentle humor, which often turns out to be more healing than any medicine for nervous children. One player reads a poem, and the other uses facial expressions and gestures to illustrate the events and emotions being described. Teach your child to gradually capture and convey subtle shades of feelings. Barto's poems provide rich material for this. For kids, rhymes like “Bear”, “Bull”, “Ball” are more suitable. For older children - “Resentment”, “Lyubochka”, “Sonechka”, “On the way to class” and many others.

If there are several players (and, I repeat, your goal is to gradually remove the shy child from the closed world of the family), then you can introduce an element of competition. Let the presenter evaluate the performances and reward the winners. But, naturally, an adult should not forget about the main goal of the game and encourage a shy child even if he is not up to par. Your task in this case is psychocorrection, not establishing justice.


The sorcerer casts a spell on one of the game participants so that he loses the ability to speak. The child will answer all questions with gestures. Through the questions he asks, he tries to tell the story of how he was bewitched. The other children must retell what the “bewitched” one shows.

"Tell poems with your hands"

The child tries without words, with the help of pantomime, to tell a well-known poem or fairy tale. The other children are trying to understand what he is saying.

"Fairy tale"

The child is asked to come up with a fairy tale about a person whose name is the same as his. This exercise not only promotes better self-awareness, but also develops the ability to talk about yourself without embarrassment.

“What I am, what I wanted to be”

The child is asked to draw himself twice. The first picture shows him as he is now. On the second, what he would like to be.

"Draw an animal"

This game is used by many specialists. Children are asked to pantomime various animals and birds. It is important to consider two points here. Firstly, we must try to create an atmosphere of unbridled fun, so that each performance is greeted with an outburst of laughter and applause, and secondly, do not give too difficult tasks. Try to imagine first every time: how would you yourself depict this or that animal? (For example, can you draw a similar image of an armadillo or a hippopotamus?) Try to choose animals with bright distinctive features and easily recognizable habits. Be sure to discuss with your children later what the character of the animal shown is. Shy children have difficulty communicating with others. And the inability to correctly express one’s feelings, stiffness and awkwardness play a significant role here. Some psychologists claim that a child remains a non-verbal being almost until school. Those. he mainly communicates not at the verbal level, but at the level of facial expressions and gestures. I really think this is somewhat exaggerated, but, of course, facial expressions and gestures are very important for full communication. It is believed that children with unexpressive, “motionless” faces lose at least 10-15% of information when communicating. They do not fully grasp what is being communicated to them on a wordless level, and often incorrectly assess the attitude of others towards them. So pantomime games will help your child not only relax, but also better understand other people.

“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

The purpose of this common children's game is to show some action without words. If there are a lot of guys, you can split into two teams. One shows, the other guesses. Then they change places.

"Pantomime Scenes"

The presenter briefly outlines the situation, and the child (or several children who have divided roles among themselves) depicts it through pantomime. Situations should be uncomplicated and emotionally charged. For example:

The boy is skating. Falls. He wants to cry, but holds back, remembering that the boy should be courageous, and even smiles. Although with difficulty.

The child notices a piece of fruit on a plate. He carefully looks around to see if his mother sees him, otherwise she will be angry, because his mother allows him to eat fruit only after lunch. He puts a piece of fruit in his mouth and makes a face - it turns out there was a lemon on the plate. (Play the mother, and then switch roles with the child. The more roles the shy child plays, the better).

The fighter swings at another child. At first he gets scared and wants to run away, but then he gathers his courage and fights back. The fighter is crying.

The child goes out into the yard and sees children playing. At first he does not dare to approach them, but then he still approaches and introduces himself (without words, only with gestures).

A girl walks through the forest, picks mushrooms, looks at trees, admires beautiful flowers. Then he almost steps into an anthill. Shakes off ants crawling on your leg. Oh! The ant bit her. Hurt! (You can invite the child to continue this story himself).

"Conversation with a deaf grandmother" "(variant of the game proposed by M.I. Chistyakova)

A child talks to a deaf grandmother. She speaks, and he explains to her with gestures, because the grandmother does not hear anything. Naturally, playing with school-age children should become more complex and tinged with humor. For example, it is enough for a four-year-old child to simply show where his grandmother’s glasses are, and a third-grader is already able to use gestures to depict the glasses themselves and the fact that they broke because someone carelessly sat on them. In this game, as in the previous one, there can be a great many options. It all depends on your collective imagination.

To help you tune in to the desired wavelength, here is a small fragment of such a game:

Grandmother opens the door for her grandson.

Grandma: Where have you been, mischief maker?

The grandson shows with gestures that he played football.

Grandma: So, how are you feeling?

Grandson raises thumb up - they say, great.

Grandmother: Why are you limping?

The grandson waves his hand: they say, it’s nothing, don’t pay attention.

Grandmother: No, after all... Did you fall?

The grandson shows without words how he caught the ball and fell, bruising his knee. He was in pain, but he didn't show it.

The simplest technique for creating comic situations is if a grandson asks his grandmother for something with gestures, but she understands him incorrectly and does the wrong thing. Here, of course, a lot depends on the resourcefulness and artistry of the adult. Remember: the more humor there is in the game, the sooner your child will relax and become more at ease.

"Through the Glass" (game proposed by N. Kukhtina)

Imagine that you are communicating with someone through soundproof glass and must convey a message to them without words, through pantomime. For example: “You forgot to put on a hat, and it’s very cold outside,” “let’s go for a swim, the water is warm today,” “bring a glass of water, I’m thirsty,” etc. You can guess the message and get points for it, or, on the contrary, you can complete the task of the presenter. In this case, he must evaluate whether the meaning of his words is correctly conveyed by gestures. Like other similar games, this one, among other things, develops intelligence.

"Different gaits" (exercise suggested by V. Levi)

Invite a shy boy or girl to act like:

A baby who has recently gotten on his feet and is doing his first steps,

Deep old man

Drunk, lion,


Artist on stage.

Games to help a shy child learn

defend your opinion

« Naughty double"

The presenter agrees with the children that they repeat all his gestures, except for one, instead of which they make their own, also pre-agreed gesture (for example, when he jumps, they will have to sit down). The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

With children 6-7 years old, you can, firstly, increase the number of unique gestures, and secondly, individualize them. Each child will have to do something different. That is, he will be faced with the goal of not succumbing not only to the leader’s suggestions, but also to the influence of the other players. And this is not so easy, given that truly shy children are very suggestible.

"Reflection in the Mirror"

The rules seem to be even simpler than in the previous game:

repeat the presenter’s gestures - and that’s it. But just portray his double in the mirror. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. However, despite the apparent simplicity of this game, it is not easy to win. Children will certainly get confused if they need to, say, lean to the left when the leader leans to the right. Therefore, tasks need to be made more difficult gradually. At first, the ratio of gestures that are completely copied and movements that require mental correction should be approximately 7:1. For example: they crouched, straightened up, jumped, leaned forward, straightened up, stood on tiptoes, lowered themselves, raised their RIGHT hand (“reflection” raises the left). Then it should shrink. But keep in mind that the most difficult thing is not when the ratio becomes 1:7, but when “mirror” and “non-mirror” movements are given alternately. (1:1 or 2:1).

"Late Mirror" »

The players sit in a circle. They need to imagine themselves primping themselves in front of a mirror. We made one movement - paused for a second, looked in the mirror. Another movement is a pause, the third is a pause. The neighbor on the left must repeat the leader's movement, but only when he begins the second movement. The third one on the left will also repeat this, but with a delay of two steps (that is, when his right neighbor begins to reproduce the second movement of the leader, and the leader himself makes the third movement). Thus, the last player will have to keep quite a lot of previous movements in mind, so children aged 8-9 should not play in a large group, they cannot bear such a load.


The adult leader distributes the letters of the alphabet among the children. Then the presenter pronounces a word, and the players “print out” it on a “typewriter”: first, the first “letter” claps their hands, then the second, etc. If the children are small and there are few of them, distribute not all, but several letters, and form short words from them.

"Stubborn Donkey"

Truly shy children are easygoing. Parents almost never complain about their stubbornness and negativism. A child of a different type begins to rebel when pressure is placed on him. And the “invisibles” endure, although the pressure exerted on them by their parents is usually greater than in other families.

Therefore, it is useful for a truly shy child to at least be stubborn in the game. Don't be afraid, he won't pick up bad habits, he'll just loosen up a little more. Moreover, according to the plot, the donkey will end up in funny and absurd situations. The game is played on a screen. Everything should revolve around the donkey’s reluctance to obey its owner. Here he comes laden from the market and halfway lies down on the road, refusing to go further. So he saw a delicious thorn and ran to it, not giving in to the entreaties of the owner. And then he is silent when he needs to shout, and vice versa, he shouts when he needs to be silent, etc. Ask the child’s opinion (but not at the very beginning of the game, but a little later), whether the donkey’s owner is kind, and whether he overburdens the donkey with various tasks. Maybe the donkey is just tired and therefore stubborn? Change roles during the game.

"Mothers and Daughters"

It is useful for a shy girl to play with her mother, who will play the role of a daughter. Moreover, in this case, the mother should not lead the game. Her task is exactly the opposite: to completely submit to the will of her daughter, trying not to bring into the game the usual stereotypes of family relationships. I warn you in advance, the task is not easy. So keep an eye on yourself!

« Who has more reasons?

The presenter makes a statement, and the players confirm it. You can also give some examples from life as arguments. (Sometimes this is easier for children.) If many children take part in the game, shy child risks remaining in the shadows, so it’s worth playing with three people, or even better, two people. If you notice that the child is having difficulty, tactfully help him with leading questions.

It's bad to quarrel (because...).

It's better to do your homework quickly.

It's better to have many friends than few.

Having a dog is great!

Five is better than four.

“How can I say this?”

This time, not so indisputable statements are selected, and players will have to not only confirm them, but also refute them. For example:

It’s good to have a lot of money (someone will probably mention thieves and the mafia, and an older child, especially one who loves to read, will probably remember a fairly common motif in literature of the experiences of rich people who suspect others that they love not him, but only him capital).

It's always good to win.

When people make comments to you, it is unpleasant.

- Sitting at home alone is boring.

Adults are always right.

Watching TV is harmful.

« Cunning debater"

With older children, you can try to complicate the game “Who has more arguments?” and try to come up with counterarguments to the above (and similar) statements.

For example, the statement “Reading is useful” will not be perceived at all as an axiom for people with severe myopia (and depending on what books to read, and also depending on what time - reading at one in the morning will do more harm to the child than good!).

Quarreling, of course, is bad, but having quarreled with a person who offended either you or your friend, you will feel right. And in general, it’s better to finish the lessons as quickly as possible, but if they are done in a hurry, it’s unlikely that this will delight the teacher. And a B in Russian is better than an A in physical education. At least this is the opinion of the vast majority of parents. And with a dog everything is not so clear...

"Show yourself"

You can try to untie this painful isolation by giving children the opportunity to express themselves, to play the role of another, speaking in someone else's voice. Masks and costumes release unexpected aspects of behavior that are usually inhibited. Give masks to children or let them make their own. Each child will take a new name and behave in the game in accordance with his new role. You can also transform yourself by painting your face. Dolls can be used to express feelings

Games to build trust and self-confidence

"Caterpillar" (Korotaeva E.V., 1997)

Target: the game teaches trust.

Almost always the partners are not visible, although they can be heard. The success of everyone’s promotion depends on everyone’s ability to coordinate their efforts with the actions of other participants. “Guys, now you and I will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around this room together. Form a chain, put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Hold a balloon or ball between the stomach of one player and the back of the other. hot air balloon(ball) is strictly prohibited! The first participant in the chain holds his ball at outstretched arms.

Thus, in a single chain, but without the help of hands, you must follow a certain route." For those watching: pay attention to where the leaders are located, who regulates the movement of the "living caterpillar."

"Change of Rhythms"

Target: help anxious children get involved in the general rhythm of work, relieve excessive muscle tension.

If the teacher wants to attract the attention of the children, he begins to clap his hands and count loudly, in time with the clapping: one, two, three, four,.. The children join in and also, clapping their hands together, count in unison: one, two, three , four... Gradually the teacher, and after him the children, claps less and less, counts more and more quietly.

"Bunnies and Elephants" (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.)

Target: enable children to feel strong and courageous and help increase self-esteem.

“Guys, I want to offer you a game called “Bunnies and Elephants”. First, we will be little bunnies. Tell me, when a hare feels danger, what does it do? That’s right, it trembles. Show how it trembles. It curls up its ears, he shrinks all over, tries to become small and unnoticeable, his tail and legs are shaking,” etc. Children show. "Show me what bunnies do if they hear a person's steps?" Children scatter around the group, class, hide, etc. “What do bunnies do if they see a wolf?...” The teacher plays with the children for several minutes. “And now you and I will be elephants, big, strong, brave. Show how calmly, measuredly, majestically and fearlessly elephants walk. And what do elephants do when they see a person? Are they afraid of him? No. They are friends with him and, when They see him and calmly continue on their way. Show how. Show what elephants do when they see a tiger..." Children pretend to be a fearless elephant for several minutes. After the exercise, the guys sit in a circle and discuss who they liked to be and why.

"Magic Chair" (Shevtsova I.V.)

Target: help improve a child's self-esteem, improving relationships between children.

This game can be played with a group of children for a long time. First, an adult must find out the “history” of each child’s name - its origin, what it means. In addition, you need to make a crown and a “Magic Chair” - it must be high. The adult has a short introductory conversation about the origin of names, and then says that he will talk about the names of all the children in the group (the group should not be more than 5-6 people), and it is better to name the names of anxious children in the middle of the game. The one whose name is told becomes the king. Throughout the entire story about his name, he sits on a throne wearing a crown.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children to come up with different versions of his name (gentle, affectionate). You can also take turns saying something good about the king.

"Two cockerels quarreled"( 25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Development of relaxedness and self-control.

Game procedure. Cheerful music sounds (preferably A. Raichev's “Two Cockerels Quarreled”). Children move according to the “Brownian motion” type and push slightly with their shoulders.

Note. It is not allowed for children to be hit too hard or too painful. Children must play “in truth” and at the same time maintain the symbolism of the game (“make-believe”).

Games to develop arbitrariness

"Needle and thread" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Development of voluntariness.

Game procedure. A driver is selected from among the children. To cheerful music, he plays the role of a needle, and all the other children. . the role of the thread. “Needle” runs between the chairs, and “thread” (a group of children one after another) follows her.

Note. If there is a squeezed, out-of-group child in the group, then offer him the role of a “needle”. During the game, when he leads a group of children, he will develop communication and organizational skills.

"The dragon bites its own tail" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Relieving tension, neurotic states, fears.

Game procedure. Cheerful music is playing. Children stand in a chain and hold each other tightly (by the shoulders). The first child is the “head of the dragon” (the last is the “tail of the dragon.” The “head of the dragon” tries to catch the “tail”, and it dodges it. Notes:

Make sure the children don't let go of each other. Also make sure that the roles of “dragon head” and “tail” are performed by everyone.

"It's boring, it's boring sitting like this" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Development of relaxedness, training of self-organization.

Game procedure. There are chairs along one wall of the room, their number equal to the number of children. There are also highchairs near the opposite side of the room, but their number is 1 less than the number of children.

Children sit near the front side of the room. The presenter reads the poem:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

Everyone looks at each other;

Isn't it time to go for a run?

And change places?

As soon as the presenter finishes the rhyme, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to take chairs. The one who is left without a chair loses.


1. Do not allow children to start running before the poem ends.

"Fox, where are you?" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game . Development of voluntariness.

Game procedure. Children become a semicircle, the leader is the center. Children turn away and close their eyes. The leader quietly touches one child on the shoulder, which means that he will play the role of a fox. All the rest are hares.

At the signal, everyone opens their eyes and turns around. Nobody knows who the fox is. The presenter calls: “Fox, where are you?” The fox doesn't respond. The presenter calls a second and third time. And only the third time the fox rushes to catch the hares.

If the hare has managed to squat down, you cannot catch it. Caught hares leave the game.

"Owl" (25 min.)

Purpose of the game. Development of voluntariness.

Game procedure. The children themselves choose the driver - the “owl”, who sits in the “nest” (on a chair) and “sleeps”. During the "day" children move. Then the presenter commands: “Night!” The children freeze, and the owl opens its eyes and begins to catch. Whichever player moves or laughs becomes an owl. Music sounds ("Balalar" by O. Geilfus).

Games to reduce the level of shyness and facilitate the introduction of shy children into the children's group.

Play drama games with your baby. Getting used to the image of different heroes with different characters promotes self-expression and emancipation of the child’s emotional sphere. For example:
"Ugly duck"
Purpose of the game: increasing self-esteem.
Age: for children of senior preschool and primary school age.
For the game, you can use elements of stage costumes.
First, the situation of rejection in the poultry yard is played out. Children play the roles of the inhabitants of the poultry yard.
“Everyone was chasing the poor duckling, even his brothers and sisters angrily told him: “If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak!” And the mother added: “The eyes wouldn’t look at you!” Ducks plucked him, chickens pecked him, and the girl who gave food for the birds, pushed with my foot.” But then the duckling suddenly ran across the yard and flew over the fence! Little birds fluttered out of the bushes in fear.
“They were scared of me - that’s how ugly I am,” thought the duckling and took off running, not knowing where.”
Then the adults, together with the children, remember the further course of events, and the end is played out again. This is a situation where the ugly duckling meets the swans. The children participating in the game now play the roles of proud swans.
“And he flew onto the water and swam towards the handsome swans, and they, seeing him, also rushed towards him.
- Kill me! - said the poor thing and lowered his head, expecting death.
But what did he see in the water, clear as a mirror? Your own reflection. And now he was no longer an ugly dark gray bird, but a swan (the game is accompanied by appropriate expressive movements)!
It doesn't matter if you were born in a duck's nest if you were hatched from a swan's egg. Now he was glad that he had suffered so much grief: he could better appreciate his happiness and all the beauty that surrounded him. Large swans swam around him and stroked him with their beaks.”
In the future, even a shy child can be assigned the role of an outcast duckling, but always with a happy ending.
"Thumbelina with Maybugs"
Goal: correcting rejection, increasing self-worth.
Age: for children of primary school age
Remembering the plot of the fairy tale, the adult invites the children to replay the scene of Thumbelina being with the Maybugs, when the beetle brought her to his fellow tribesmen.
“He sat down with the baby on the largest leaf, fed her with sweet flower juice and said that she was so pretty, although she was completely different from the cockchafer.
Then other cockchafers who lived on the same tree came to visit them. They looked the girl from head to toe, and the lady beetles moved their antennae and said:
- She only has two legs! It's a shame to watch!
– She doesn’t have a mustache!
– What a thin waist she has! Fi! She's just like a person! How ugly! - all the female beetles said in one voice.
Thumbelina was so cute! The Maybug, who brought it, also liked it at first, but then suddenly he found it ugly and didn’t want to keep it with him anymore - let him go where he knows. He flew with her from the tree and planted her on a daisy.”
Children pretend to be Maybugs. Then they remember all the misadventures of the little girl, and then again dramatize the happy ending, playing the roles of cheerfully flying elves.

It is very important for a shy child to learn to communicate with peers. To master these skills, it is recommended to organize games where the shy child must act in close contact with other children. We suggest using the following games.
"Journey through the Forest"
Goal: to develop communication skills with peers.
Age: for children of middle and senior preschool age
An even number of children take part in the game. All participants are divided into pairs, and the tasks are completed simultaneously by both children, who hold hands. You can play both indoors and outdoors.
The presenter suggests taking a walk in the forest.
- It’s so nice to be in the forest. The birds are singing (the voices of birds are heard), the sun is warming. But the path is blocked by a stream. How to get over it? So here is the bridge!
Task 1. “Cross the stream.”
Two lines are drawn on the floor to imitate a stream. There is a bridge across this “stream” (a bench is placed). The task of each pair is to walk along the bench without releasing their hands.
- Well, the stream has been crossed, and we can continue our journey.
Task 2. “Windfall”.
– But here again is an obstacle: an impenetrable windfall.
Balls are placed around the room, playing the role of fallen trees. Children in pairs must collect all the balls, also holding each other's hands tightly.
- The path is clear. Let's go (music accompaniment sounds).
Task 3. “Fill the basket.”
- So we came out into the clearing. How beautiful it is here, what wonderful bells and daisies grow in this clearing. But look: strawberries. Let's fill our baskets.
Baskets are distributed to the children. Reds are laid out on the floor paper mugs- this is strawberry. Children, again in pairs, collect the circles into baskets.
- What a nice walk we had. It's time for us to return home.

A similar game can be organized in the form of a competition between pairs. We offer a version of such a competition.
"Fun Relay Race"
Goal: teach interaction with other children.
Age: for children of senior preschool and primary school age
An even number of children in pairs take part in the game. Tasks are completed one after another. The pair that completes all the tasks faster wins. Two pairs compete at the same time. The losing couple is eliminated from the competition. Children who make up a pair perform all tasks holding each other's hands.
Task 1. “Walk along the path.”
There are two rows of chairs around the hall. The pairs’ task is to reach the end of their row as quickly as possible, and each time they reach a chair, run around it.
Task 2. “Fill the basket.”
On one side of the hall there is an empty basket, on the other - filled with tennis balls. The task of each team is to transfer the balls from one basket to another, while the hands cannot be separated. Children can take only one ball and hold it in their hand without pressing it to their body.
Task 3. “Sharp shooters.”
Children must hit the target with the balls they carry. The task is performed one by one, but again holding hands. For each miss, a one second penalty is deducted.
Task 4. “Narrow path.”
Holding hands, children must walk along the gymnastics bench.
The pair that wins the relay advances to the second round and continues the competition again. If there are many participants, then the competing pairs can be determined by lot, then the semi-finals and finals can be held (“small Olympic games”).
Children love outdoor games. Shy children usually lack liveliness and mobility; participation in such games helps children actively become involved in the children's team, in the general atmosphere of cheerfulness. As a rule, outdoor games are accompanied by noisy shouts, laughter, and wild fun. All this contributes to the outburst of children's emotions, including negative ones, liberation and the ability to express their feelings and experiences. Here are some of the outdoor games - “The sea is worried once...”, “Geese and the gray wolf”, “Where is your house?”, “Pines, fir trees, stumps”, “Merry starts”, “Day and night”, “Merry grasshoppers”, “Living beads”, “Who’s ahead”, “Salochki”. The game “Quiet and Loud” allows children to get involved in a common activity, teaches them to perform actions in coordination with other children, and helps relieve emotional stress. Outdoor games can be played with very young children, starting from 2 years old.
Pantomime games can help overcome shyness, thanks to which the child learns to express his emotions and recognize the emotions that other children are trying to convey with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Such games bring children closer together and establish favorable emotional contact between the players. These are the well-known games “Where we were, we won’t tell you – but we’ll show you what we did,” as well as “What has changed?”, “Who came,” “What is this?”, “What is the rating?”, “Depict emotions.” Such games can be played with children from 4 years old
To increase children's self-esteem, the games “Good Words”, “Compliments”, “The Best” can be used. These games encourage children to compliment each other, which helps create and strengthen camaraderie within the team. Undoubtedly, all children love to hear compliments intended for them, it improves their mood and gives them a sense of self-worth.
Games “Rose-colored glasses”, “The best debater”, “Road of good mood”, “Prickly beast”, “Name-calling”, “I’m good”, “Box of good deeds”, “Laughing games”, “Rain and daisies”, “Because that you are good”, “Good Animal”, “Old People”, “Wishes” will teach children to be attentive to other people and to each other, will help develop in children such feelings as respect, empathy, sympathy. These games will help children learn to express their emotions, communicate cheerfully and easily with peers, and perceive themselves as equal to other people. Such games are best played with children of older preschool age.
The game “At the Zoo” will teach kids how to instantly transform from strong to weak, from good to evil, from cowardly to confident. This game will help shy children feel more confident.
The “Look at Me” game also helps increase self-esteem. The purpose of this game is to bring to the consciousness of shy children the simple truth that close attention paid to them in most cases means sympathy, and not vice versa. Games “Broken Phone”, “Broken TV”, “Who is Hiding?”, “Whose Object?”, “What Has Changed?” contribute to the development of children's ability to be attentive to other people, to concentrate on other people, which is an important skill for shy children.
Shy children are often at a loss if suddenly asked a question. To develop resourcefulness and intelligence, you can play games such as “Answer - don’t yawn”, “Who said meow?” and “Catch the ball.” Successful participation in the game allows children to relieve the emotional stress that arises in shy children when they need to quickly answer a question, feel their equality (or even superiority) with other children, helps to increase self-esteem, and, of course, mood. During the game, the teacher must carefully ensure that shy children do not lag behind the others, otherwise the meaning of the game is lost.
The game “Bunnies on a Tram” will help shy children develop quick thinking, intelligence and the ability to defend their opinions. The game is played for children over 4 years old.
Games such as “Sculptors”, “Touch”, “Catch Me”, “Storm at Sea”, “Living Toys”, “Our Little Friends” will help children emancipate their emotional and volitional sphere, teach them trusting relationships, and help them learn empathize and sympathize with other people.
For children whose parents use an authoritarian parenting style, the games “Everything is the other way around”, “Catch the ball and return”, the goal of which is to perform actions opposite to the given ones, can be successfully used. The game allows children to realize the hidden desire of children to resist the tasks of adults. Games can be played with children over 4 years old.
Various things help a lot in overcoming shyness. role-playing games and fantasy games. A parent or teacher can offer a child a story about a fictional character - this could be fairy tale character or just an imaginary child. The hero of your story should have the same character traits as your child. Come up with a name for him that is similar to your child’s name, but not the same, for example, your child’s name is Misha, let the hero of the game be a boy named Sasha. Think in advance about the plot of a story game that will tell about your fictional character. To do this, you should think about what worries and concerns your child, what story will help you understand his feelings and desires. Start the story with a description of the main character, tell in detail about his life. Let your child recognize his own characteristics in this hero. Let the hero of the narrative game, just like your child, have some kind of animal at home, let him have a younger sister or brother, if your family also has a younger child. Then place the character in a situation similar to the one your child was in. For example, your baby cannot find common language with new classmates - let the hero Sasha, having come to new school, will not be able to make friends with classmates because he is shy and afraid of seeming stupid and clumsy. He gets so excited when interacting with other children that he constantly drops everything, pushes other children and cannot say a word. Because of this, children laugh at him and do not want to play with him. As the story progresses, let your child understand that Sasha is actually a very good, smart and kind boy, but sometimes he just doesn’t know how to start a conversation with children and ask to play. Encourage your child to actively participate in the game, consult with him, ask for help and tips. Sometimes children are embarrassed to talk about their problems and experiences. In a playful way, it is easier for children to express their feelings and attitude towards what is happening around them. An attentive parent, while playing, can learn a lot about his child’s worldview and understand the difficulties that arise when communicating with peers. Having understood what the cause of his problems is, introduce a new character into the story who enjoys authority with your child - this could be a school teacher, an older brother, a friend, a fairy fairy, etc. This person will help your character - he will outline the problem, suggest options for solving it, advise how to behave in this situation, etc. Your story must end well. The older brother talked to Sasha and explained that Sasha behaves this way because he is afraid of seeming funny, so he is nervous and feels awkward. His brother told Sasha how to behave in certain situations. The older brother encouraged Sasha, and from that day everything in his life changed. When the children at school saw how witty and cheerful Sasha was, they changed their attitude towards him and wanted to make friends with him. Your child should find real support in this game, useful tips and a positive attitude. This method will allow you to give advice to your baby in a gentle form, without imposing it or suppressing his will. Try to make your story interesting and memorable. If the child wishes, you can make this story “multi-part”, with a continuation. For young children, you can make the main character tangible - in the form of a toy. For children over 6 years old, the hero may simply be fictional. These games can be played at any time convenient for you and your child. During the game, you can walk with your child in the park or just sit next to him on the sofa. The main thing is that the game is played in a calm environment, without haste and fuss. Then you can discuss the invented story with your child, analyze the behavior and actions of the main characters, think through options: what would happen if... This type of activity teaches children the ability to analyze and reflect, the ability to eradicate not the consequences of a problem, but its origins. Observe what conclusions your child made from the game and whether they find application in life.
All of the above games are designed for group activities with children; they can be played in a kindergarten, in an extended day group at school, in various developmental and health institutions, or just in the yard. Games can be conducted under the guidance of an experienced teacher, psychologist, or simply a loving parent. You have the power to gather the children from your yard and arrange for them a real gaming marathon, which can last as long as you like. It is worth noting that this will serve your child well - your authority, and therefore, the authority of your baby will increase several times in the eyes of the children from your yard.
“The sea is agitated once...”
Purpose of the game: to teach children to depict various objects using the game.
Age: from 5 years.
Progress of the game: using a counting rhyme, children choose a driver, children stand in a circle, and the driver stands in its center. The driver says the following words:
The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
The marine figure freezes in place.
Depending on the driver’s imagination, the figure can be not only sea, but also heavenly, garden, beautiful, ballet, etc. Children in a circle should depict a variation of the figure on the theme given by the driver and freeze. The driver walks among the frozen figures and watches them carefully for 1–2 minutes. The one who moved, smiled or laughed becomes the new driver.
"Geese and the Gray Wolf"
Purpose of the game: developing dexterity and speed in children, relieving emotional stress.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: the playing hall is divided in half. Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected - he will be a wolf. The rest of the children gather in one half of the room, the teacher says the words of the folk nursery rhyme “Geese-geese”, the children answer:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
- We can not.
- Why?
– Gray wolf under the mountain
Doesn't let us go home.
- Well, fly as you wish.
Just take care of your wings.
After these words, the children try to run to the other side of the room. The wolf, running along the line, catches children. The wolf takes the caught children to his lair, and they are eliminated from the game. The game continues, the teacher moves to the other side of the hall and calls the “geese” again. Thus, the game is played 2-3 times, then, using a counting rhyme, the children choose a new driver.
“Where is your house?”
Purpose of the game: development of attentiveness, team spirit, ability to manage one’s behavior.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: children are divided into three teams: fish, birds, bunnies. The teacher explains to the children that each animal has its own habitat, i.e. birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water, bunnies jump on land. A small circle with a diameter of approximately 1.5 m is drawn in the middle of the playground. Quiet, cheerful music is turned on, and children run, jump, and dance to it. After a while, the music turns off and the teacher commands: “Sky”, “Land” or “Water”. Children whose characters belong to the named environment must quickly run into the circle. Children who make a mistake are eliminated from the game. The game is repeated several times. Then the children change roles and the game continues as long as there is interest in it. For kids, you can make mask hats in advance that will help them remember who they are in the game.
"Pines, Christmas trees, stumps"
Purpose of the game: to develop attentiveness and the ability to manage one’s behavior.
Age: from 4 years.
Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, holding hands. The teacher is in the center of the circle. Quiet music plays and children move in a circle. At the teacher’s command “Pines”, “Fir-trees” or “Stumps”, children must stop and depict the named object: “Pines” - raising their arms high up, “Fir-trees” - spreading their arms to the sides, “Penechki” - squatting. Players who make a mistake are eliminated from the game or receive a penalty point. Then the game continues.
"Fun Starts"
Purpose of the game: to develop children's dexterity, speed and reaction, to promote collective cohesion.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: the teacher warns the children in advance that the “Fun Starts” competition will be held, so children must have a comfortable sportswear. The teacher thinks through the content of the game in advance, tasks for the players, and prepares the playground. Children are divided into teams with an equal number of players, and the game itself is played. These competitions can consist of a wide variety of tasks. The teacher can consult with the children in advance and ask them to suggest types of tasks that are interesting to them. The winner is the team that is the first to pass all tests without errors. For kids, the game can consist of a small number of simple tasks; 4–5 tasks will be enough; for older children, the number of tasks should be increased, and the tasks themselves should be made more complex.
Approximate competition plan for players 3–4 years old.
Run like a snake between the placed pins.
Jump over a 30 cm wide strip drawn on the floor or ground.
Climb into a vertical hoop.
Run around the chair on which the ball lies.
Take the ball and hit it into a vertical hoop.
Return to your team and pass the baton to another player.
"Day and night"
Purpose of the game: to develop the speed and dexterity of children, to teach them to freely express their emotions, to help bring children closer together.
Age: from 4 years.
Progress of the game: 7-8 children are chosen at will (depending on the number of participants), they stand in a circle, take each other’s hands and raise them high, the rest of the children are freely placed around the playing hall. At the teacher’s command “day,” the music is turned on, the children run around the hall, running through the circle. The teacher commands “night”, the children in the circle lower their hands and try to catch the children who are inside the circle. Those caught join those standing in the circle and the game continues. The teacher should explain to the children that those who are not standing in the circle should not walk around the circle, otherwise it will be uninteresting to play.
"Happy Grasshoppers"
Purpose of the game: development of speed, dexterity, promoting the establishment of friendly relations in the children's team.
Age: from 4 years.
Progress of the game: relay race, children are divided into two teams and stand in columns in front of the starting line. At the teacher’s command, the first child in the column must jump a certain distance, for example, to the opposite wall, in a manner indicated by the teacher. The child jumps to the wall, touches it with his hand, then returns, and the next player joins the relay. If players walk the distance not to the wall, but to the line drawn on the floor, they must step their foot beyond the drawn line. The teacher shows the next player a new way to jump. The team whose members complete the task first wins. You can jump in the following ways.
On the left leg.
On the right leg.
Big jumps from foot to foot.
On two legs.
Three jumps on the left foot, three jumps on the right foot, etc.
The variety of methods and types of pinning depends on the imagination and age of the children playing.
"Living Beads"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to trust each other, to develop freedom in expressing emotions.
Age: from 5 years.
Progress of the game: children are divided into several teams with the same number of people. The teacher must ensure that the teams are approximately equal in strength; it is unacceptable to have active and proactive children in one team, quiet and shy ones in another, etc. Each team receives its own “needle and thread” - this can be a rope with a safety pin at the end. The task of each team is to collect “live” beads on a string. The beads in this game are the members of each team. The pin is threaded into holes on the children's clothes - into a buttonhole, through a strap, etc. The team that is the fastest to gather all the participants onto the rope and tie its ends wins. The game can be played several times and the fastest team can be determined based on the results. At the end of the game, all children can be awarded small incentive prizes. For older children, over 7 years old, the game can be complicated - each player is “strung” on a thread twice, that is, the string is threaded through two holes at once on different items of his clothing - for example, through trousers and a shirt. If suddenly the child does not have suitable holes on the clothes through which the thread can be threaded, the child can connect the thumb and index fingers with a ring and pull the thread through the resulting loop.
"Who's first"
Purpose of the game: development of speed and dexterity, the ability to get ahead of opponents without using rudeness and force.
Age: from 5 years.
Progress of the game: a small group of children plays - about 6-7 people. Chairs are placed around, their number should be one less than the number of children playing. To the music, children walk around the chairs; as soon as the music stops, the children must quickly sit on the chairs. If there is not enough space for one of the children, he earns a penalty point. Then the game continues. At the end of the game, it is calculated who was left most without a place. The teacher conducting the game must explain that when taking up space, you cannot push, be rude or aggressive. At the end of the game, the teacher can say that it is very good to be fast and dexterous, but the players who were most often left without a place did so not because they are not as fast as others, but because they are used to being polite and giving in to people. This will help slow children not feel disadvantaged and will maintain their desire to play active games.
Purpose of the game: develop speed, reaction, dexterity; bringing children closer together, improving mood.
Age: from 4 years.
Progress of the game: A fairly large number of children can take part in the game. One of them is chosen as the driver using a counting rhyme. The main rule of the game is that the driver must catch up with one of the players and touch him with the palm of his hand - smack him. Children may become inaccessible to the driver if they manage to complete the agreed action. There are many varieties of tags, for example, “cross tags”, when children can “close themselves” from the driver and become inaccessible by crossing their arms over their chest; “tick-in-the-air” - in order to hide from the driver, the child must get off the ground - climb onto a bench, swing, fence; “tick-in-the-house”, children draw a circle around themselves with a piece of chalk; “tick-on-one-leg”, where the child hides from the driver by standing on one leg; “red tags”, in which the child hides from the driver by touching a red object with his hand, etc. There can be a huge variety of options, depending on your imagination and the imagination of the children. It is very important to select the children who play according to their temperament - if your shy child turns out to be the slowest and slowest, he may remain the driver all the time or even leave the game altogether.
"Quiet and Loud"
The purpose of the game: to relieve emotional stress, to teach children to alternately change the rhythm of movements as directed by the teacher.
Age: from 2 years.
Progress of the game: children playing stand in a circle. The teacher takes the tambourine in his hands, sits in the center of the circle and explains to the children the rules of the game, which are as follows: to the loud and frequent beats of the tambourine, the children actively move without leaving their place: they jump in place, stomp their feet heavily, wave their arms, etc. ., depending on the wishes of the child. When the tambourine hits become rare and weak, children reduce their activity and silently walk in place - sneaking, slowly and rising on tiptoes. At the beginning of the game, the teacher changes the rhythm at certain intervals, for example, after 3-4 minutes. Further, the game becomes more impulsive, the rhythms and force of the tambourine's blows change frequently, at different intervals. Children must learn to suddenly change the pace of activities. The game can be played quite often, several times a week. When the children are well acquainted with the game, the teacher can offer the role of leader to one of the children, if desired.
“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”
Purpose of the game: teach children to highlight character traits any action and depict the action itself with their help; teach children to recognize the meaning of the depicted action through pantomime.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: using a counting rhyme, a driver is selected and asked to go into another room. The remaining children agree among themselves what action they will portray. The driver returns and asks a question:
- Where have you been? - children answer:
- We won't tell!
The driver asks:
- What did you do?
– We won’t tell, we will show!
Children depict the intended action, the driver must guess what exactly the children are doing. All children or only some of them can depict the intended action. Then, using a counting rhyme, a new driver is selected, and the game continues. If the driver could not guess what was depicted, he is told the correct answer, and he continues to drive. The teacher should pay attention to ensuring that shy children are not left out during the game.
"Who's come?"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to identify characteristic features in people’s behavior and be able to depict these features with actions; teach children to identify people by characteristic signs of behavior.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: using a counting rhyme, children choose a driver. The teacher tells the child who he should portray, and he leaves the room. Then the child returns to the room and knocks on the door. The other children ask:
- Who's come?
The child answers:
- I won’t tell you, but I’ll show you.
The driver begins to portray someone, the rest of the children must guess who exactly he wants to portray. For example, the driver pretends to be a mother: pretends to open the door with a key, prepares dinner, feeds it to the doll, washes the dishes, puts the doll to bed. The child who first guesses the planned character becomes the new driver. The teacher can help children with the game; if the driving child has difficulty performing the actions, the teacher can ask leading questions. If the same children take an active part in the game, and shy kids remain on the sidelines, the teacher can change the rules a little and offer the choice of a new driver using a counting rhyme or at his own discretion.
"What it is?"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to identify the characteristic features of objects and depict these objects; teach children to guess objects depicted using pantomime.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to divide into teams with a small number of people (4-6 children in each group). Each team is tasked with depicting an object; the opposing teams must guess what exactly was intended. Depicting an ordinary object is not always easy, so the teacher offers objects in which one can easily identify distinctive features or objects located in a certain given situation, for example, a bus with people, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, crane, etc. The teacher should pay close attention to shy children whether they are participating fully in the game or watching the game from the side.
“What grade?”
Purpose of the game: to teach children to depict various manifestations of emotions.
Age: 5–6 years.
Progress of the game: the teacher explains to the children the rules of the game: the child driving must depict what emotions a child experiences when he receives a certain given grade. A child who receives an A portrays wild joy; a child who receives a four is moderately happy; a child who receives a C is sad; a child who receives a two is sad; a child who receives a one is a very upset person. Children choose a driver using a counting rhyme, the teacher secretly tells the child the grade “he received”, the child pretends to show emotions, the rest of the children try to determine which grade the child pretended to receive. During the game, the teacher notes the most artistic children and encourages the shy ones. It is advisable to play the game in groups of children of senior preschool age.
"Picture your emotions"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to portray given emotions, such as sadness, joy, delight, boredom, crying, fun, etc.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: children choose a driver using a counting rhyme. The teacher secretly names the emotion to the driver, who reproduces it using facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the children guess what exactly the driver depicted. The child who first names the correct answer becomes the new driver. For children of primary preschool age, the task can be given in a situational form: for example, the teacher calls a conditional phrase: “Pinocchio is happy (sad, bored, etc.).”
"What is my name"
Purpose of the game: to introduce children to each other, to help remember names.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: children stand in a circle and take each other’s hands. One of the children starts the game. He says his name. The child standing next to him continues the game - says the name of the first child, then adds his own. The next child must say the name of the first child, then the second, then adds his own. All subsequent players continue the game, calling a chain of names of the children standing in front of them, and their given name. Depending on the age of the children, the chain may consist of a different number of names. For three-year-old children, the chain should not exceed three names, for seven-year-olds - no more than five names.
"Good words"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to say kind words to each other.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: the teacher tells the children a story: “In one distant city, children began to say a lot of bad words, and completely forgot the good ones. Good Words were very tired of sitting idle and decided to leave this city to other places where the children would not forget them. And something terrible began in this city. Children began calling names, completely stopped being friends, teachers at school and kindergarten teachers completely stopped praising children, mothers and fathers only began to scold their kids. It was very difficult for the children, and they went looking for Nice words to ask them to return to their city. The children searched for these words for a very long time and finally found them. Good words were very happy that the children needed them again, and happily returned. But now, it's worth telling someone bad word, everyone immediately remembers how good words left the city, and everyone immediately no longer wants to swear. Let's remember the good words we know and say them to each other." Children, addressing others, call good words that are familiar to them.
Purpose of the game: to teach children to find good traits in each other, to say compliments and nice things to each other.
Age: from 4 years.
Progress of the game: first, the teacher explains to the children the meaning of the word “compliment” and tells why people compliment each other. Then the teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and picks up the ball. The teacher turns to one of the children, gives him some compliment and throws the ball. Compliments must be specific and justified in some way. Instead of: “Sasha is good,” you should say: “Sasha is generous, he always shares toys with other kids.” The child must “catch the compliment,” that is, catch the ball and return it to the teacher. The game continues for some time until all the children have received their compliment, then its rules may change. The child who “caught the compliment” chooses one of the children, tells him his compliment and throws the ball. He catches the ball and, in turn, compliments the next one. The teacher gently corrects and guides the children’s play and helps children in case of difficulties. The game should not be played at a fast pace; children should have time to think about the compliment they want to give.
"The best"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to find positive traits in each other, to compliment each other.
Age: from 3 years.
Progress of the game: a “throne” is prepared in advance, for example, an armchair covered with a beautiful fabric. Above the throne in large bright letters is the inscription: “THE BEST.” Children sit on chairs. With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected, who takes a place on the throne. Within a few minutes (the time is regulated by the teacher), the other children explain why this child is the best and come up with diminutive derivatives of his name. At the end, the driver chooses next child who will take the throne. The teacher can suggest that you can thank the children for their compliments and ask the child to describe the emotions that he experienced while on this throne. All children must sit on the throne once. In this game, shy children should not be among the first players, it is necessary to give them time to get comfortable and get used to the idea that they will soon have to be the center of attention. Of course, the teacher must explain to the children that it is unacceptable to say offensive words; that it is very unpleasant to listen to unpleasant things in public, and that if someone is not happy with something in the behavior of other children, it is better to say it face to face in a tactful and gentle manner. If a shy child categorically refuses to sit on the throne, you should not force him, you can invite him to take part later, perhaps he will change his mind. The teacher can tell the child that it is in vain that he refuses to play, because the teacher has long wanted to tell him how much he values ​​this child... (the teacher names the quality of the child that characterizes him with positive side), and now introducing