When the holidays end. How to prepare your child for returning to school. The holidays are over. How to make a child study? Life phrases on the topic of taking a break from studying

All good things come to an end. That's New Year holidays flew by as if they had never happened. Some are already thinking longingly about the coming everyday life, others are sad to say goodbye to their favorite holiday for the whole year. We decided to cheer you up and came up with three dozen reasons not to be upset that the weekend is behind you.


Active activity is the essence of life. Sometimes rest is necessary, but it is work that gives meaning to existence. Admit it, do you miss work at least a little?


Idleness negatively affects the psyche. It can cause serious stress and emotional depression, according to researchers from Sweden. So long holidays are not exactly good for your health.



Gastronomic temptations will no longer await you at every turn. Sweets, cakes, high-calorie salads. Was this really a bad dream? It's time!


The children will go to school/kindergarten. Thinking every day about what to do with a child and working as an animator from morning to evening is not an easy task.


The annual quest “Find gifts for everyone” has been successfully completed. It’s nice to please your loved ones, but all this fuss is pretty exhausting (and hits your wallet). Luckily, you can now relax.


It's time to clean up the tree. You no longer need to keep an eye on the cat who is looking lustfully at the shiny balls. And congratulations to those who installed a living tree on getting rid of needles! It's not very comfortable to walk on them -)


You can chew tangerines, make gifts and watch “The Irony of Fate” any day. If you really want to.


Do you know how dangerous firecrackers, sparklers, fireworks and even garlands are? Ask the Ministry of Emergency Situations workers! Now breathe out. The hottest days are over.


The isolation that single people find themselves in during the holidays can lead to real depression. Are you sitting at home and worried that you have no one to spend the holidays with? Don’t be sad, life will soon return to normal.


Ya crivetko. This meme quite accurately reflects the feelings of every second Russian during the New Year holidays (especially January 1). According to linguist Maxim Krongauz, the original meaning of the phrase is “self-deprecation, recognition of oneself as an insignificant shrimp and, possibly, falling out of reality.” Not the most pleasant state.


Colleagues are eager to talk about their New Year's adventures. Aren't you interested?


Okay, not just colleagues. You also want to gossip and show off your gifts -)


The brain degrades when you sit on the couch all day long and watch the ridiculous “Blue Lights.” And work and difficult tasks help.


On the street, a dubious bearded man in a red robe will no longer approach you and force you to recite rhymes.


The queues in stores are finally clearing up.


Before the New Year, you promised yourself to change your life. Now you can move from plans to real actions.


Relatives who came to stay are preparing to return. You, of course, love your aunt, grandmother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and second cousin, but it’s somehow calmer without them.


Serpentine, confetti and sparkles ruin all the cleaning. Rejoice: this nightmare will repeat itself only in a year.


Silence all around. Especially at night. No fireworks or shouting outside the windows.


Wow! There is only a month and a half left until spring.


Factories and factories will begin to work. This is not the time to relax, there is a crisis in the country!


The hits that your neighbors rabidly adore will be heard less often from behind the wall. If you are tormented by home concerts not only on holidays, then at least at work you can take a break from “Oh my God, what a man,” “ Ensign, young boy” and “The best day came yesterday.”


Airfare prices are starting to drop.


Miracles surround us every day. You are in vain yearning for the fading “feeling of a fairy tale.” Look at the world with different eyes: everything that we are accustomed to consider ordinary is surprising. The very fact of your existence is true magic.


Everyone is tired of cliched congratulations. It’s good that we won’t hear the banal words from others for a long time: “Happiness, health...”.


A shield that can hide you from the unbridled joy of others has not yet been invented. Extroverts do not suffer from this, but for introverts holidays- an ordeal that is now coming to an end.


This is how a person feels when the sleep-wake pattern is disrupted. Everyday life is good because we are forced to go to bed and get up on time.


Aesthetes triumph. Some people don’t like the paraphernalia that no one can do without. New Year. An excessive amount of garlands and shiny decorations traumatize people in this category, so they have good reason not to regret the past holidays.


Users will return from the virtual world to reality. Many people don’t know what to spend a whole week of weekends on, so they spend days on the Internet. Naturally, there is nothing good about computer addiction.


Ardent fans of the New Year, who are not consoled by any of the above arguments, can celebrate their favorite holiday according to the old style - from January 13 to 14. And then again - according to the eastern calendar.

We all remember very well what it was like to return to school after a long holiday. Why are we still convinced that the child must prepare himself for learning on his own and do not want to help him in any way? How to help your child concentrate on school?

It's all about adaptation, which the child needs after the end of the holidays. One situation has given way to another and the baby needs to get used to it, so to speak, “swing”. But after the summer, the longest holidays, children often have a very difficult time.

When a child is on vacation, he does not follow a daily routine, characteristic of his school life. Finally, children have the opportunity to get plenty of sleep, go to bed late, play, read, or take a walk on the street. He eats heavily, watches TV and generally enjoys life. However, if such a paradise lasts from the beginning to the end of the children's holidays, it will be very difficult for the child to return to his desk and start learning. After all, judge for yourself how difficult it is to get up at seven in the morning if you got up at ten for three months in a row. Of course, this is stress, which in no way can lead to successful studies.

To make the holidays beneficial

Ideally, during the holidays it would be better not to allow changes in the children's schedule. Still get up at 7 a.m., go to bed at 9 p.m., and so on. But we all understand that this is very difficult to achieve and not a single loving mother can force a child to get up on legal weekends.

In this case, we just have to “return” the daily routine three to four days before the end of the holidays. Of course, this is also not an easy task, of course, you will have to endure all the insults and tears, but in the end it will be much easier for your child to get used to the school regime again. Therefore, we strictly prohibit films that end late at night, we don’t let you lie in bed until noon, and we active lifestyle. And so that the child can still spend his holidays interestingly, here is a wonderful game - a replacement for movies.

I like that you...

A wonderful game for creating a special trusting and friendly atmosphere in the family. It will reveal a new side to all participants and allow you to get closer to your child.

The essence of the game simple: take some soft toy, ball, no matter. Pass this item to each other with the words “I like that you...”, of course, instead of an ellipsis there should be your personal continuation. For one transfer of an object, you can come up with only one human dignity. Of course, the more you pass the subject on to each other and speak out, the better. Another variation of this game is the game “I want you to…” the principle of the game is the same, but the results are completely different.

Let's start doing homework

Often, children are given some tasks during the holidays. Parents should monitor the completion of absolutely all tasks so that you don’t end up sitting all night studying textbooks the day before school starts. It is best, of course, to do homework at the beginning of the holidays, so that later the child has the opportunity to rest peacefully. You shouldn't put off completing tasks indefinitely, and this is what you need to keep an eye on.

To overcome your child’s laziness, you must first overcome your own. Therefore, let’s not be lazy, open the baby’s diary and see what he needs to do during the holidays. Agree when the child will sit down for homework. For example, for the entire holiday period, you can spend 20 minutes every day completing tasks.

This is not much time, which means the child will not protest much. In addition, if the load is distributed evenly, it will be much easier for the child to complete tasks, and it will be easier to return to school.

In addition to homework, do not forget about walks on fresh air. It is unacceptable for a child to spend the entire holiday watching TV and a computer, so be sure to organize family outings. Even just going out with your child in the evening and walking around the yard will be beneficial for you and your baby.

last night

The mood with which the child will return to class again depends on how the last evening before returning to school is organized, and, consequently, how easy it will be for him to get used to the new environment.

Firstly this the evening should be calm. Try to avoid scandals and reproaches, even if your child forgot to pack his briefcase or didn’t complete his homework - don’t yell at him.

Secondly , help him prepare for tomorrow. Let him collect the briefcase under your control. Note - under control. This does not mean that you have to put together the necessary textbooks and notebooks. Just open the diary and let your child check the contents of the backpack with the schedule. Also prepare in advance the clothes that your child will wear to school. Don't forget about such important little things as tights, bows, socks, and so on. Otherwise, the morning before going to school is sure to turn into chaos, when you turn the whole house over in search of something forgotten. Hang your ironed clothes on a chair or closet.

Third , motivate your child. The kid should want to go to school tomorrow, so talk to him, try to convince him that it will be interesting and just as fun as it was during the holidays.

Let's continue the exercise

Home should be pleasant, cozy and comfortable environment. Even if your child gives unsatisfactory grades at first, there is no need to raise a scandal. Your child still needs time to get in the mood for learning, and if you yell at him, your grades may never improve.

If you have found a perfect one for your child section or circle, wait until a couple of weeks into the new quarter to start visiting. The fact is that the child already spends a lot of emotional energy trying to adapt to new conditions. A new activity can unsettle him, even if he himself is eager to attend this circle.

Don't forget about walks in the fresh air. No matter how difficult it may seem, try to walk with your child in the park or at least in the yard every evening for at least half an hour.

It is very important that the child ate right. Fruits and vegetables should be a mandatory addition to a schoolchild's diet.

In order for your child to have an incentive for successful learning, do not forget about affection. Children desperately need kindness and praise from you, and if they don’t receive all this, they simply suffer. Moreover, this applies not only to first-graders, but also to high school students.

Communicate with your child when putting him to bed, do not forget to say a few kind words to him. Spend time with him, read, play, walk and the like.

Feeling parental support and care, it will be much easier for your child to start a new school day and strive for new heights.

The New Year holidays are inexorably ending, and you catch yourself thinking that you don’t want to go to work at all. But we have never been lazy and a freeloader. Don't rush to scold yourself. New Year holidays in our country it is really a serious test for the body, so the feeling of some weakness and reluctance to do anything is quite understandable.

For all 10 days we conducted, to put it mildly, not the best healthy image life: they ate too much, drank too much, violated the regime in every possible way and were lazy. The body, accustomed to such a life, really does not want to get involved in work, which means it needs a little help.

Chat with colleagues

Start preparing for your first day of work early. Talk to colleagues on the phone or on social media. Psychologist Maya Temirgalieva considers this an excellent way to quickly integrate into the work environment. Ask how they spent the holidays, tell them about their adventures, and you can even grieve together about their upcoming return to work. Gradually, you can move from informal communication to discussing work plans and any projects. Solving something together is easier and more fun, and two heads are better than one. In addition, you can recharge your enthusiasm from someone who feels more energetic.

Make an action plan

Even if you are not one of those who are used to planning everything, once a year it is worth changing your own habits. This can be done at the beginning of the first day of work or even the day before as a warm-up. Sort your upcoming tasks by importance, and then proceed to complete them in accordance with your plan. If the situation allows, try not to plan for During the first working week, do more than one important task per day and dilute your schedule with simpler activities. And be sure to cross off all the things that you have already dealt with from the list.

Pamper yourself

In the evening, looking at the list of crossed out items (and believe me, this is a very pleasant sight), think about how you can reward yourself for Good work. Treat yourself to a cake, buy some nice change, go to the cinema - there are many options.

Get enough sleep

It’s sad, but we’ll finally have to remember the regime. In many ways, it is difficult for us to integrate into work precisely because sleep is turned upside down. During the first working week, it is difficult to wake up early in the morning and be alert until the evening. So you will have to teach yourself to go to bed early again to restore your performance. At the same time, take into account the characteristics of your body: try to do most of your household chores at the time when you are most active. E if you are a night owl Wash your hair in the evening, think about your clothes for tomorrow, pack your bag so that in the morning all you have to do is wash your face and go to work.

Follow a diet

Yes, yes, and this does not contradict at all previous point. Holidays are certainly accompanied by eating high-calorie dishes: pies, meat, mayonnaise salads. As a result, we feel satisfied, relaxed and... heavy to rise. It's time to change your diet to make your brain work, not your stomach. Let there be more light and low-calorie dishes on your table. Eat low-fat cheeses, broccoli, nuts, carrots, ginger, apples, bananas. You shouldn't go hungry; try not to skip lunch breaks and eat regularly.

Leave social networks

We do not call for destroying all accounts and throwing away gadgets. But in those days when a person is just getting involved in work, social networks invite him to take a little time off from his responsibilities. Therefore, in the first days after your vacation, just leave them and do not get involved in any discussions, especially those related to rest. You can check Contact and Facebook in the evening and respond to everyone’s emails, but during the day it’s better not to go there at all.


During the holidays, the body has lost the habit of concentrating and performing monotonous actions for a long time. Get up every hour. At this time, you can do a little exercise, go get coffee or water, and chat with colleagues. This will not only help you get used to work faster, but will also have a beneficial effect on your health - because your muscles will work, and not just sit on a chair.

The holidays are over and we need to return to everyday life again.

The long New Year holidays, which we look forward to so much, pass surprisingly quickly and leave behind pleasant memories. Along with them come the dear relaxation, carelessness and freedom. While adults can “persuade” themselves and force them to return to their usual everyday schedule, it is much more difficult for children to do this. Increased emotionality, immature nervous system do not allow the student to immediately engage in the educational process, and adult help and a systematic approach are needed here. How to return the baby to everyday life without much shock and unnecessary conflicts?

Of course, the program for returning to the usual rhythm of life should begin with a daily routine. But in this process the most important word "gradual". You shouldn’t try to put your child to bed at nine o’clock in the evening - anyway, after the usual twelve, nothing will come of this idea. The child will toss and turn and will further discourage the desire to sleep. Every day you should shift your bedtime by 15 minutes, so that in a few days the time of going to bed will return to normal. You should also gradually return to your diet - eliminate excess sweets and fast food, which do not contribute to a return to the correct diet.

It is completely normal that after the holidays a child is not particularly eager to gain knowledge. His thoughts are still there - in entertainment, endless walks and favorite activities. Sciences cannot replace them overnight. It will not be possible to achieve diligence through coercion, a harsh tone, threats and punishments. And on the contrary - support, personal interest, friendly conversations about the school will bear fruit. You shouldn’t reproach your child for not having the best results immediately after the holidays. The main thing is the mood, and if a student runs to class with joy, then that’s good. But zeal and diligence will not go away. By the way, a little trick will help in this matter - buy your student new school supplies or something from his school uniform so that he will want to write in a new notebook with a funny pen. This usually works.

The period of adaptation after a long vacation is the time when it is worth remembering the proverb “there is time for work, an hour for fun” and do everything exactly the opposite. Walks, games, joint activities, and in between doing homework, starting with simple exercises and ending with the most complex ones. At the same time, actively participate in the process, making it more interesting. Gradually increase your homework time. Then, after a week, the student will again get used to perseverance, and his regime will return to normal.

Main - patience and friendliness and you will get everything tsya.

How to get your student ready to study after the New Year holidays