Class hour "resist aggression." Prevention of antisocial behavior in students Introduction by the teacher

WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR CHILDREN and in order not to blame yourself and not think about where you missed, use preventive measures

Goal: Prevention of suicidal behavior in minors.

Preparatory work:

We need to look at this problem through the prism of three components:

1. . Find out what sites the kids visit, what they are interested in, what they talk about, how they sleep at night. Constant close communication with parents will help clarify this.

2. . We know that thoughts of death visit us all in moments of despair. Despair sets in Last straw patience from the impossibility of finding ways out of relationship conflicts, and relationships with their peers among teenagers come first in their world. Class observation. Involve parents, if there are suspicious symptoms, immediately tell the educational psychologist and parents.

3. Intrafamily problems. Know the family relationships of each student, if possible. We know that sometimes this is impossible due to the isolation of parents and children.








(from my own experience)

Evloeva Victoria Vladimirovna,

Class teacher and

English teacher

Ukhta, Komi Republic



Universal techniques for eliminating antisocial behavior in adolescents.

Goal: Prevention of suicidal behavior in minors.

Preparatory work:

We need to look at this problem through the prism of three components:

  1. Dangerous organizations that zombify minors. Find out what sites the kids visit, what they are interested in, what they talk about, how they sleep at night. Constant close communication with parents will help clarify this.
  2. Peer interaction. We know that thoughts of death visit us all in moments of despair. Despair sets in as the last straw of patience from the impossibility of finding a way out of a relationship conflict, and relationships with their peers among teenagers come first in their world. Class observation. Involve parents, if there are suspicious symptoms, immediately tell the educational psychologist and parents.
  3. Intrafamily problems. Know the family relationships of each student, if possible. We know that sometimes this is impossible due to the isolation of parents and children.
  1. It’s easy to play with children aged 10-13, 14 (depending on circumstances), creating a fun, friendly atmosphere.
  2. It is necessary to first talk with older teenagers about what worries them - this is best done individually or in small groups, boys separately, girls separately.

Exercises to prevent suicidal behaviorin the classroom, during homeroom hours, can be used in any other lesson to relieve fatigue and relieve tension among students, as well as tension in relationships with the subject teacher, class teacher.

  1. Tactile greetings. Greet each other with a smile. We stand in a circle and greet our neighbors with our hands, stroking or shaking hands; With your backs to each other, greet the backs of your heads and shoulders. Turn to face each other, greet with your knees, and now interlace your right legs in a greeting.
  2. Game "Guess who it is." We sit down in groups. Pull out a piece of paper with the name of a group member. Assignment: talk about a member of your group so that we would all be proud of him. Let the rest know who we are talking about.
  3. Exercise "Rain in the Jungle". Please pay attention to this exercise; it is familiar to us in another interpretation, “Zoo,” which once again tells us that such exercises are universal: they are suitable for adults in case of emotional burnout and for children to prevent suicidal behavior. We will make it more difficult, listen to the instructions carefully and follow them. Let's stand in a circle, one behind the other, like a train. We are giving a massage to the neighbor in front: a light rain began to fall, a light breeze blew, leaves crawled on the ground, the rain began to fall harder, the wind began to sway the trees, the wind began to blow away the leaves and we all fly to a new place - we change places. We stand behind each other again - we found ourselves in the jungle - a mouse ran, a cobra crawled and began to sting, an elephant walked, a lion attacked us and we ran away, and changed places again, walked again heavy rain, it began to weaken, a weak breeze blew and we all scattered to our places.
  4. Hand exercise. Trace your hand on a piece of paper and sign your name. Pass to your neighbor on the right and write one kind adjective on one of your fingers that matches your neighbor on the left. Get your piece of paper back, read it and make sure that everyone around you is friendly towards you.
  5. And the last breathing exercise. You can raise your hands or not raise them as you wish. Observe your normal breathing, it will be on a count of 2 or 3. We inhale on a count of 4 and exhale on a count of 4, and so on until a count of 8 or 9 (with children I do it up to 7). I'm not saying anything else, I'm just counting. Slowly and evenly, the brain is filled with oxygen, the mood changes, tension is relieved, the topic has changed, we are talking about something bright and cheerful, for example, about premieres at the local cinema.

I propose a situation for discussion: Let me tell you the situation yesterday at recess before class. Someone took someone else's thing and started throwing it around the classroom. Sound familiar? There is no one to blame. We almost got into a fight. The conflict grows, leading to tears. What to do? What would you guys do in my place, use some technique you already know or give another solution to resolve the conflict. And, in general, is there any way to stop children from taking other people's things? (I listen to the children’s suggestions and discuss the most suitable one, then I tell them what I did myself)

Target: Contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities of high school students.

Form: Information and psychological conversation.

Participants: Class students, classroom teacher, school psychologist.

Preparatory stage: The class teacher preliminarily studies the literature on the problem.

Equipment, design:

Exhibition of literature on the problem of the classroom.

Prepare workplaces for small groups of 4-5 people.

For each microgroup, prepare printed sheets with the text of the psychological workshop and questionnaire.

Progress of the class hour

Teacher's opening speech

What is a volitional habit?

Strong-willed character traits occupy a special place in the characteristics of a person. Will is called the basis of character, its backbone. Everyone has probably heard and even used the following expressions more than once: “a man of character”; “he has a strong character” or, conversely, “mumble”; “neither this nor that.” It is here that the expressiveness of the strong-willed character traits of a person is emphasized first of all.

A person without a will is like a car without an engine: it looks impressive, but is of no use. What is will? First of all, this is a person’s ability to perform conscious actions that require overcoming external and internal difficulties.

If our will is silent and asleep, then we reveal ourselves as a “person of habit.” This is almost a “mechanical man”.

The “man of habit” works in us, on the one hand, making our life easier, and on the other, making it more difficult. If we only had good habits that correspond to the demands that our life makes of us, we would do our things without any effort. However, we have habits that complicate our lives and harm our health.

People with a sufficient supply of strong-willed habits are the masters of their time, their affairs, their plans and, as a rule, their entire lives.

A person who has not developed strong-willed skills to the required extent suffers from his lack of composure and disorganization. At the same time, it seems to him that he is being treated unfairly, that he has been passed over, that he is being treated poorly. A failed life, bitter disappointments... How can one not recall the famous proverb “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a character; sow character, reap destiny.” There is no exaggeration here. Even very gifted people, in order to realize extraordinary opportunities, need appropriate character traits - the same strong-willed habits.

A study of 1,000 children was conducted in the United States over a period of 20 years. They were 10-11 years old, and they were all distinguished by their extraordinary abilities and in most cases good health. Along with intelligence, gifted children also showed personal characteristics, in particular their volitional qualities - determination, perseverance. If the first five years (during the training period) the successes of the subjects largely corresponded to their abilities, then after 10-15 years it turned out that 70% of these already adults had relatively modest results of activity that did not correspond in any way to the initial level of their abilities. Moreover, the development of their abilities themselves turned out to be inhibited. Only 30% of the subjects had professional results that were more or less outstanding and corresponded to the level of their abilities. Moreover, they showed continuous intellectual and personal growth. It turned out that the former “prodigies” who were included in this 30% differed from the rest not in their level of ability (initially, all of them had a very high level), but in two main qualities: the presence of a goal and perseverance in achieving it.

It may very well be that the ability to exert volition, determination, and the ability to effectively organize one’s activities—all these skills are “more scarce” than even high intelligence. And in any case, they are no less important for humans.

Psychologists have even discovered that people with stable hard work (with a developed strong-willed habit of work) are less susceptible to diseases, especially mental ones; They are distinguished by greater physical and emotional stability. Of course, it is not always easy to distinguish where the cause is and where the effect is. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the habit of regular work is the basis of human existence.

There is hardly any need to convince of the benefits, or more precisely, the necessity of strong-willed habits. It is more important to find out the main thing: how exactly to educate them.

First of all, let’s look at exactly what volitional habits make up the “gold reserve” of a truly organized person.

The main thing is, of course, as already mentioned, the habit of regular work. “Man lives by work” - in many cases this expression takes on a literal meaning. It has been established that hard work is a characteristic feature of long-livers.

Another important volitional habit, which, by the way, is not always properly appreciated, is the habit of physical and hygienic culture. This includes not only keeping the body clean and exercising, but also the habit of physical exercise and the need for movement. For many people, physical activity becomes the greatest need, “muscular joy.”

One can distinguish the habit of a certain restraint in particularly acute emotional situations, and the habit of being obligatory in relationships with people. There are, of course, many more human virtues, behind which there are not only moral values, but also strong-willed habits.

How should strong-willed habits be formed?

. Work in micro groups:

1) Discussion possible options formation of volitional habits.

2) Discussion own experience on the formation of strong-willed habits.

3) Discussion of the proposed psychological workshop exercises.

Psychological workshop

1. Exercise “Freeze”.

Sit in a chair without moving for 5 minutes, completely relaxed. Only eyelid movements (blinking) are allowed. For 6 days, add 30 seconds each, thus bringing the relaxation time to 8 minutes, and then for another 3 days, “freeze” for 8 minutes.

2. Exercise “Walk”.

After leaving home, return exactly an hour later (the error should be no more than ±1 minute). This exercise requires precise timing, so it is not as easy to perform as it seems at first glance. The task completion time may vary (from 40 minutes to 1.5-2 hours).

3. Exercise “Musical Hour”.

Turn on your tape recorder (or any other playback device) and listen to music for 45 minutes. An error is any distraction that is your fault. This exercise is especially useful for passionate lovers of modern music. But for those who don’t really like music, it is also useful: in such cases it is very difficult not to be distracted by something else.

4. Exercise “TV”.

Mark 1-3 programs in your weekly TV program that you can watch to the end. But you have the right to watch other programs for no more than 7 minutes (less is possible). Experience shows that for some this is the most difficult exercise.

5. Exercise “Charging”.

Start charging with 10 minutes, then after a week add one minute at a time and bring it up to 17 minutes. Here two conditions must be met:

- start at the same time whenever possible;

- carry out exercises so that you feel tired after doing it.

Gradually, you need to tighten the time allotted for exercise, and to do this, record how many jumps, squats, push-ups, swings, etc. are done. It’s good if a few weeks after starting this task the number of movements increases by 20-30%.

An exercise is considered mastered if it is performed for 3-4 weeks without failure. Then it just stays in your life.

6. Exercise “Alarm clock”.

When your alarm rings, count down to 35 and get up. Every two days, decrease by 2. The exercise is considered mastered if within three weeks without failure you get up to the count of “10”.

7. Exercise “Desk”.

This is a difficult exercise - a habit, but it is the most important.

You should clearly indicate the time when you will sit down for lessons (say, at 16.00 or 17.00 with fluctuations of 1-3 minutes). After exactly 40 minutes, break for 20 minutes.

If the exercise does not work, then analyze it according to the following scheme:

- what is the time error at the start of the exercise;

— are the time frames respected, were there any distractions;

- what is the total amount of work done.

It would be very important and useful to follow a daily routine as a volitional habit.

This stage of work is quite long and can take at least 3-5 months. Basically, all the above habits related to the formation of time self-organization skills. Next, it is necessary to develop a habit of a higher level - mobilizing oneself during educational and practical activities, i.e. we're talking about about the quality of work.

At this stage, the criteria for success should be carefully considered. A formed set of strong-willed habits and an established level of organization are sufficient for creative development personality, independent determination and achievement of significant goals. At this stage, goals are set that relate not only to the immediate, but also to the distant future.

4) Determining the level of self-organization using a questionnaire.


1. To what extent have you developed basic household skills (making your bed, keeping your room in order, meeting basic requirements for appearance)?

A) Mostly formed quite stable;

B) formed, but not stable enough;

B) not formed.

2. Do you know how to organize your time independently?

A) Mostly I can;

B) I can, but I don’t always do it;

B) I practically can’t.

3. Are you able to organize your time yourself, without external coercion?

A) Mostly capable;

B) I do it irregularly;

B) I almost never do this.

4. Do you sit down without any reminder to do your homework?

A) Almost always;

B) only sometimes;

B) only when reminded.

5. Are you able to do something for a long time (for several weeks or even months)?

A) Mostly capable;

B) capable only in rare cases;

B) is not capable.

6. Do you show interest in self-education?

A) Constantly;

B) from case to case;

B) does not appear.

7. If there is an interest in self-education, then to what extent is this interest effective?

A) I regularly make attempts at self-education;

B) attempts at self-education are made from time to time;

B) I am not making any specific attempts.

8. Do you have any self-education program?

A) Such a program exists;

B) there is no specific program, but there are some outlines;

B) there is no program.

9. Do you have the habit of finishing all your tasks?

A) Sufficiently characteristic;

B) I don’t always finish things;

B) I very rarely finish things.

10. Do you plan your free time (especially on Sundays and holidays) or do you act as you have to?

A) I mostly plan;

B) I plan only sometimes;

B) I almost never plan.

11. Are you attentive enough when performing intellectual activities?

A) Enough;

B) not always enough;

B) is usually very inattentive.

12. Do you know how to restrain yourself in emotional situations?

A) Mostly I can;

B) sometimes I can’t help myself;

B) as a rule, I don’t hold back.

13. Do you know how to seriously and responsibly carry out a task that you yourself consider important?

A) As a rule, I can;

B) I don’t always know how;

B) I can’t.

14. Do you find yourself trying to define a serious life goal for yourself (mastering extracurricular but important skills, choosing a profession)?

B) from case to case;

15. If there is any serious goal, is anything being done to achieve it?

A) Something is being done;

B) very little is done;

B) nothing is done.

When evaluating the results, calculate the total amount of points: answer A - 3 points, B - 2 points, C - 0 points. Compare your results with the results of your classmates, whom you consider to be strong-willed and purposeful people.

Speech by representatives of microgroups about how workshop participants plan to form strong-willed habits.

municipal government educational institution

"Dezhevo Secondary School"

Solntsevsky district, Kursk region

306130, Kursk region, Solntsevsky district, village. Dezhevka, per. Shkolny, 1

Tel: (471-54)3-13-23, e - mail : degevskaya @ mail . ru

Development extracurricular activity

about teenage aggression and antisocial behavior

Class hour in grades 8-11

Subject: "From teenage aggression to antisocial behavior"

Target: preventing and overcoming aggressive, conflict behavior of adolescents

and prevention of antisocial behavior.


    Cultivate moral personal qualities: kindness, desire to help, empathy.

    Promote the formation of a positive attitude towards people, a desire to master communication skills and social interaction.

    Encourage children to cooperate and understand each other.

    Develop the ability to assess the situation and behavior of others.

    Learn about ways to prevent conflicts.

    To familiarize students with the origins of drug addiction, types of drugs, signs and

the consequences of their use;

7. Lay the foundation for students to grow in self-awareness and self-esteem.

Form: round table

Preparatory work : sociological survey of students, invitation of PDN employees and representatives of the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector (presentation, video)



    Watch a video

    Discussion of the video


    Group work

    Situations in Russia and the world.

    Questionnaire to determine the level of aggressiveness.

    Consequences of conflicts.

    From the criminal code.

    Consequences aggressive behavior.

    Results of a sociological survey in our school.

    What is drug addiction?

    Drug addiction in Russia.

    Carrying out the activator game “Pyramid”.

    Causes of drug addiction.

    Game "Drugs and Addicts"

    Truths and lies about drugs.

    How to say “no!” to drugs.




The modern world is very active, changing quickly, life values ​​and moral standards are changing. People with increased anxiety, irritability, and aggressiveness are becoming increasingly common.

Today we will talk about the aggression and cruelty of adolescents, antisocial behavior, we will try to understand these serious problems, we will determine the causes and consequences of the aggressive behavior of adolescents towards each other. I ask everyone to express their point of view, enter into a discussion, prove their opinion.

What is aggression?

Aggression is behavior or action aimed at causing physical or mental harm to others.


(A video from the Internet in which a group of girls beats a classmate is shown by representatives of the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children)


    How did the video make you feel?

    How do you feel towards the offenders and the victim?

    Do you admit that the victim herself is to blame for the current situation?

    What motivates teenagers?

    Have you found yourself in such a situation? And if so, in what role?

4. CONVERSATION : teenage cruelty, its forms, causes, consequences,


What is happening to us? Why do parents fear for the health and lives of their children? Why is cruelty becoming the norm in our time?

Teenage cruelty manifests itself not only in physical violence against peers, but also in moral violence.

Types of aggressive reactions:

Physical aggression – specific physical actions directed against a person or damaging objects.

Verbal aggression- expressed in verbal form

Indirect aggression – indirect aggression (rumours, gossip, etc.)

Auto-aggression- expressed in self-harm

Teenage cruelty throughout the world is acquiring horrifying forms and proportions: schoolchildren shoot classmates; they beat up their peers by filming the action on a mobile phone and posting the video on the Internet; drive classmates to suicide.. In almost every team there are rejected children, and the attitude towards them can be completely different: from ignoring to humiliation and bullying, which sometimes lead children to suicide. When bullying such a child, teenagers do not think about what this might lead to. And everyone who is friends with an outcast automatically loses authority in the class. You can improve your attitude by letting them cheat, but this is until the first refusal, and then you become an outcast again.

The weaker one will become the victim.

Aggression is something that poisons the lives of many. And even when they simply don’t communicate with you much in class, it seems like nothing compared to the constant ridicule and insults. Some get away with a verbal attack, while others are targeted with heavier artillery: spitting, hitting, staining clothes with chalk, tripping them, bathing in the toilet.


What are the reasons for aggression and cruelty in the school community? (work in groups)

    Family reasons

Indifference or hostility on the part of parents, disrespect for the child’s personality, excessive or lack of control, prohibition of physical activity, denial of the right to personal freedom.

    Personal reasons

Dissatisfaction with oneself, desire to assert oneself, increased irritability.

    Situational reasons

Poor health, overwork, food influence, media influence.

So, let's summarize

Teenage aggression is

    A way to get attention.

    Consequences of improper upbringing.

    The school and society are to blame.


Teenage violence is sweeping the world. Here are just some facts confirming this: (read by students)

Russia. In one of the schools in Blagoveshchensk, 8th grade students beat up a fellow student, filmed the beating and posted it on the Internet. The girl was kicked and spat on by the crowd.

Russia. In Tyumen, 14-year-old schoolgirl Natasha Suvorova jumped from the 8th floor, unable to withstand bullying from her classmates.

Poland. A 14-year-old student of the 2nd Gymnasium in Gdańsk hanged herself after her classmates stripped her naked during a lesson and filmed her on a mobile phone camera. Currently, a criminal case has been opened against five of her classmates under the article “Incitement to suicide.”

Russia. At nine in the morning, 19-year-old Sergei Andryushin got into an argument with a group of younger guys on a narrow Ulyanovsk path. Sergei came from another area, according to one version, this was enough for him to be beaten to death with iron bars and rebar in the schoolyard.

Great Britain. In January 2005, the trial of two schoolgirls who took their 12-year-old girlfriend captive and abused her for three hours ended in the UK.

Great Britain. Last October, a 12-year-old college student had her face slashed with a knife simply because one of her classmates didn't like her academic performance.

Russia. A group of 14-15 year old guys are enthusiastically beating up a helpless boy. They kick him in the face, head, and back. The boy loses consciousness, but the young monsters do not pay attention to this. A girl's voice behind the scenes comments on the details of the execution. Laughter and encouraging voices of the “spectators” gathered on the sports ground where the massacre took place can be heard. The eighth-grader spent several days in intensive care. The guilt of the defendants was proven largely thanks to the creepy “video”

Let's check how aggressive you are. Answer “yes” or “no” to the statements in the questionnaire.

7. Questionnaire to determine the level of aggressiveness

1. At times it feels like you have been possessed by an evil spirit.

2. You cannot remain silent when you are dissatisfied with something.

3. When someone does you harm, you definitely try to repay the same.

4. Sometimes you feel like cursing for no reason.

5. It happens that you enjoy breaking toys, breaking something, gutting something.

6. Sometimes you insist on something so much that others lose patience.

7. You don't mind teasing animals.

8. It’s difficult to argue with you.

9. You get very angry when you think someone is making fun of you.

10. Sometimes you have a desire to do something bad that will shock others.

11. In response to ordinary orders, you try to do the opposite.

12. Often grouchy beyond his age.

13. You perceive yourself as independent and decisive.

14. You like to be the first, to command, to subjugate others.

15. Failures cause you great irritation and a desire to find someone to blame.

16. You quarrel easily and get into fights.

17. You try to communicate with younger people.

18. You often have bouts of gloomy irritability.

19. You don’t take into account your peers, you don’t give in, you don’t share.

20. I am confident that you will complete any task better than anyone else.


A positive answer to each proposed statement is scored 1 point.

High aggressiveness - 15-20 points.

Average aggressiveness -7-14 points.

Low aggressiveness -1-6 points.


What is the harm of conflicts between teenagers?

    Firstly, human dignity suffers from conflicts.

    Secondly, for every minute of conflict there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when work does not go well, and in general, everything falls out of hand.

    Thirdly, physical health suffers - the nerves, heart, and blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to prevent such conflicts.

What consequences could such a conflict lead to?





    inability to achieve a goal



    retaliatory aggression


    criminal liability


REFERENCE (read by student)

In accordance with part two of paragraph “a” of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, intentional infliction of minor harm to health from hooligan motives is punishable by compulsory labor for a period of 120 to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a period of six months to one year, or arrest for a term of from four to six months, or imprisonment for up to two years.

10. Consequences of aggressive behavior:

From conflicts with peers

Before antisocial behavior in adulthood


The problem of teenage cruelty is as pressing in our country as it is throughout the world. Let's see the attitude of our school students to this issue

    Has anyone ever used physical force against you?

    Have you ever taken out your aggression on other people?

    Why do you think teenagers fight?

    violence in family

    “bad company” (surrounding teenagers on the street, at school, etc.)

    popularity of violent computer games

    popularity of crime feature films


    desire to assert oneself


    aggression as a method of self-defense

4. If you became a victim of peer aggression, where?

    on the street

    at school (during lessons, during breaks, after school)

    in the school yard

    at the entrance


    another variant

5. If you were a victim of collective aggression, who would you tell about it?

6. How do you think the collision could have been avoided?

    Don't walk out late alone

    Use your cell phone on time

    Try to talk to the offender

    Attract attention to yourself


7. Is everything done at school to prevent bullying from happening?

8. What should schools do to stop bullying?

So, we see that this problem is acute in our country, and it is necessary to find solutions and prevent the creation of conflicts.

How to overcome conflicts?

How to avoid becoming a victim of conflict?

How to avoid exposing others to your own aggression and cruelty? Why is it wrong to be cruel to others?

It is impossible to live in a society without contradictions; people will always have different views, tastes and preferences. But these contradictions cannot be led to conflicts. To maintain mental, mental and physical health, you need to learn how to prevent conflicts, and if a conflict has already flared up, you need to be able to get out of it.

Tolerance is readinessacknowledge, accept behavior and views of other people that differ from one's own.

    If you are an aggressive person and do not know how to control yourself, go to the martial arts section. Learn to control yourself and your emotions.

    Organize regular physical exercise. After good training, uncontrollable aggression does not happen.

    Have a full rest. If you sleep 2 hours a day, there is no question of managing yourself. You don’t have enough resources for this, your body is tired, working at the limit and is not able to take care of limiting its aggressiveness. Provide your body with decent rest.

    Practice quiet presence. How does the surface of the lake react to environment? No way: it just reflects that’s all. The same goes for you - train yourself to simply perceive what is happening around you and not react in any way to what is happening.

    Develop a positive worldview.

13.What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction is one of the most terrible curses of the human race. This is slow suicide, this is a conscious, voluntary destruction of one’s life, will, mind, and abilities.

Drug addiction (Greek nagke - numbness, numbness + mania - madness, insanity) is a disease associated with the use of narcotic drugs and manifests itself in an irresistible attraction to them.

Drugs are the scourge of our time!!!

A person who uses psychoactive substances becomes a drug addict. The drug makes him do not what a reasonable person needs, but what he needs.

A person begins to lie (to others and to himself), steal (at home and from strangers), becomes unnecessary and lazy. The drug begins to control a person’s actions, thoughts, and behavior. A person falls out of life. Having fallen ill, a person begins to live according to the rules of the disease.

A drug addict always has joyless feelings: shame, guilt, resentment, anger, self-pity, vindictiveness, loneliness, fear. They often lead to suicide.

You are, I am, he is,

And everyone has their own life.

And her price is dignity and honor,

There is an age of transitional years,

No matter how difficult it may be.

For many the dawn begins,

And someone plunges into darkness.

You are, I am, he is,

Only together can we stop evil

Prevalence of drug addiction.

Drug addiction is widespread almost all over the world. The rate of spread of drug addiction forced the then US President R. Nixon to officially declare in 1971: “If we do not destroy the advance of drugs, then drugs will destroy us.”

A similar situation developed in other leading Western countries. The weekly Express published a disturbing chart a few years ago. In 1974, only one person died from “overdose” (too strong a dose of the drug). In 1975 - already 11, after another 4 years - 129, in 1980 - 207, in 1984 - 392.

The main population of drug addicts are boys and girls aged 16–20. And those who are just starting to “dabble” with marijuana may be 12 years old.

All researchers and experts on drug addiction problems agree that the “white death” is dangerous primarily for young people and children.

The famous American journalist Rod Christophsen writes:

“I have never met a chronic drug addict over the age of 30. The fact is that if a person starts using drugs at the age of eighteen and by the age of twenty becomes a “chronic”, that is, needs daily consumption of his doping, he has practically no chance of living to thirty, even if before the start of his addiction he was athletic and the best player on his baseball team.”

Drug addiction among children is another nightmare creation of the modern world.

In recent years, a wave of drug addiction has swept our country.

More and more young people, teenagers, and children are becoming victims of the “white death.”

14.Drug addiction in Russia.

The problem of drug addiction affects about 30 million people, i.e. almost every fifth resident of the country.

Today in Russia there is not a single region left where cases of drug use or their distribution have not been recorded.

The average age of initiation into drugs in Russia is 15-17 years, but cases of primary drug use by children aged 11-13 have become more frequent.

15. Conducting the activator game “Pyramid”.

- I will choose one of you. He will go to the middle and invite the other two to join him. Those two will each choose two more players, etc. Thus, each invitee must invite two more people.

The game ends when there is no one left who is still sitting in his place.

The guys line up in a “pyramid”.

- Look how little time it took you to get everyone present out of their seats!

Drug addiction is spreading at the same speed, like an epidemic. Every person knows what terrible grief drugs bring. But why are there more and more drug addicts?

16. CAUSES of drug addiction.

(Speech by PDN employee)

Characteristic feature During adolescence, factors that contribute to drug addiction are increased suggestibility, a tendency to group and imitate actions.

WHO experts say that among young people who use drugs, the following motives most often operate:

1. Satisfying curiosity. 75.3% of all drug users first tried them out of imitation or curiosity. Many teenagers try drugs without considering drug addiction as something reprehensible. Those. They don’t even imagine the danger that drug addiction poses.

2. Imitation. When a teenager finds himself in a company, he is usually guided by the behavior of the company leader. And if someone from the company, and especially the leader, uses drugs, the teenager tries to try them too. Thus, he seems to assert his belonging to this group. Almost 1/3 of teenagers who tried a drug or intoxicant for the first time did so by imitating their authorities.

3. The collapse of ideals and spiritual and moral guidelines. Lack of ideas and lack of spirituality are the fertile soil on which many human vices take root, including drug addiction.

What's the worst thing about drug addiction?

Drug addicts realize too late that they are not just “indulging in drugs”, but can no longer live without them.

As a result, physical dependence forces you to use drugs regularly, without giving any respite. A drug addict himself experiences such a marathon very hard.

Sensitivity to the drug is constantly decreasing, the patient has to take a dose 200 times more than the original.

No one should have to say to themselves, “I can just try this or that drug and nothing bad will happen.”

17. Game “Drugs and Addicts”:

The game participants are divided into two equal groups. The first group sits on chairs in a circle - these will be drug addicts. The second group stands behind the chairs of the members of the first group - these are drugs or the mafia. One chair in the circle is free, there is a person behind it - this is freedom from dependence. The game is played according to the “flashing lights” principle. Freedom winks at any drug addict from the circle and he must run to her chair. The goal of the mafia is to keep its victim. You can only hold drug addicts by their shoulders. When a drug addict resorts to freedom from addiction, it must be explained that freedom for the drug addict is a temporary thing and now he is again in the chains of addiction, and freedom becomes the person who let the drug addict go.

(During the game, it becomes clear which drugs are called soft (if someone easily misses their drug addict), and which are hard.)

After the game, it is discussed which was easier: holding the victim, escaping from the hands of the mafia, or winking? The first and second groups have their own problems (with health, with the law), and those who winked ended up in a better situation.

I wish you to wink and smile throughout your life, and not fall into the circle of addiction.

18. Truth and lies about drugs

Opinion: “Drugs are used by strong and talented people!”

Fact: “All of them, even if they were such, very soon changed, and all

about the same"

Opinion: “Drugs make a person free!”

Fact: “The drug addict is absolutely free from all the joys of life.”

Opinion: “Drugs can be “seriously” and “not seriously” - you can always refuse”

Fact: “You can only refuse once - the first time”

Opinion: “Drugs, like an adventure novel, relieve you of the everyday life”

Fact: “This is absolutely true, but, unfortunately, often along with life!”

Opinion: “Drugs help solve life problems

Fact: “The approach: “What I don’t see is not there!” can hardly be called a solution! Exactly like this

and how drug addicts approach life"

What makes young people voluntarily take this poison?

The man did not find the answer to the question that tormented him...

His closest friends did not understand him

Your favorite girl or guy has gone to your best friend!

You saw blatant injustice and became disappointed in everything...

The world is ruled by evil and it seems to you that no one and nothing can change anything...

There is a dead end ahead, and you don’t see a way out of it...

Look at how many reasons there are to be upset, but is it worth being upset? "Always after dark night morning comes." You just need to endure the difficult time. Therefore, we can say that the person who risked trying drugs did so not out of great intelligence, but from a lack of willpower. But it’s better not to learn from your mistakes!

The drug hits without a miss.

What are the reasons for drug use?

It's easier to communicate this way

For company

Reluctance to appear “weak”

Strength is not to try and be like everyone else, but to refuse and show your individuality and uniqueness .

From grief

Forget yourself

From pain

Take your mind off your problems

Drugs provide relief from problems, but for a very short time, and soon they become an even bigger problem. Problems are growing like a snowball. (Where to get money, drugs? Loss of friends. Problems with parents. Where to live? Loss of health.)

Opportunity to experience new sensations

For energy

The sad fate of those who tried to replace the work of the soul or stimulate it by using drugs - Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Mikhail Bulgakov, Marodonna, the lead singer of Ivanushka International.

To be more mature and cooler

Desire to leave parental care

A drug addict falls into a terrible addiction from which there is no escape.

Do you need drugs?

Do you want to turn your body into a place of accumulation of toxic waste? People who use drugs pollute the most important area on our planet - the human body.

Drug addicts die from an overdose or as a result of destruction of the body. Despite these facts, their number is growing. Why? You've probably heard the opinion that in this life you need to try everything. But besides opinions, there are also facts. Therefore, it’s easier to give up the first time than to try to do it all your life!

The addict loses all control over himself, his will is paralyzed. There is an official name for this pathology: “brake failure.” The patient rushes into the abyss and does not notice it.

Here is one of the case histories of such a person:

He's been smoking for a long time. I smoked especially a lot on that ill-fated day, when I stood on the ninth floor balcony and got high, looking down at the pavement. The doctor wrote down from the patient’s words in the medical history: “I looked down and kept thinking: I wonder what will happen to me if I throw myself. Do I have the willpower to step over the railing and go back... Will I be able to hold the child in my outstretched arms and not let go.” To “test” himself, he took the sleeping child out of the crib and carried it out onto the balcony. He held it for a minute or two with his arms outstretched. And he threw it onto the pavement. The brakes didn't work.

There are hardly any other problems in medicine in which doctors felt their powerlessness so acutely than in the problem of drug addiction. To date, no drug addiction treatment method has been developed that guarantees at least a 10% success rate.

It should also be said that there has never been a case where a drug addict could be saved from the desire for drugs against his will.

It is impossible to cure it with medical methods alone.

And often it is not detoxification, nor psychotherapy, nor hypnosis that saves a drug addict, but the acquisition of faith in the possibility of life without drugs and the presence of a person nearby who instills this faith.

Drug addiction is a terrible thing, and in its destructive power it is probably incomparable to anything else.

19. How to say “no!” to drugs

All more people realize that the risk is extremely high, and drugs can completely cripple their lives. Millions of people around the world say NO to drugs! Here are some of the ways to help you do the same.

It is known that people who use drugs want to involve others in it.

Beware of pressure from people telling you to try drugs. These could be distributors of the “potion”, hired by drug traffickers, with the goal of involving more and more users in drug addiction.

Avoid common pitfalls that may lead you to drug use

Parties where drinking alcohol is a prerequisite for socializing.

When you are in the company of someone you don't know very well.

Examples of canned responses to help counter pressure tactics :

If you loved me...? - If you cared about me, you wouldn’t have offered me this.

Don't spoil my mood, it's just entertainment - I'm not going to interfere (spoil) your joy, you do it yourself.

Everyone does it - Are we the same as everyone else?

It won't cause you any harm - I won't touch it under any circumstances.

Simple ways answer NO to an offer to try a drug.

Say a resounding NO and, to avoid unnecessary arguments, leave immediately.

Pretend you don't understand what's going on.

Apologize and then offer more acceptable alternatives.

As soon as you feel something is wrong, change the topic of conversation.

Make a joke about the drug being offered to you - humor will help reduce the situation to a joke.

Act bewildered (you're simply shocked) that your friend could offer you this.

Respond with pressure to pressure - repel the attack.

Live happily without drugs!

Don't let anyone infringe on your right personal choice!

Lead an active lifestyle - exercise is the best natural way to get pleasure.

Say yes to health and wellness.

Turn your gaze to nature - start to show more attention and interest in nature and the world around you, enjoy it all.

Discover previously unknown aspects of life - develop a creative approach to life.

Life is Beautiful! Learn to rejoice and enjoy it.

Use music - play musical instruments, sing, (if you know how) compose music and perform it.

Relax naturally instead of using drugs.

Express your feelings - write letters, compose poetry, prose.

Help other people is The best way get satisfaction from life.

Make your city/region a better place

Tidy up and clean instead of littering.

Become an expert in any field - find a hobby, read, broaden your horizons.

Improve your skills and strive for new heights.

Travel around the world - start with your country.

Feel like a self-actualized person

Strive to improve your self-esteem

Learn to appreciate true success in life

Strive for what has eternal values

Develop the mentality of a winner, not a loser.

Give yourself a chance to become who you see yourself in your dreams!

20. Conclusion.

Nature has created everything to make a person happy. Trees, bright sun, clean water, fertile soil. And us people - strong, beautiful, healthy, intelligent. A person is born for happiness, and it seems that there is no place in his soul for an evil spirit and base vice.

We were born to live

Maybe we shouldn't destroy the planet?

There is a better answer than “yes”,

Let's say, guys, no to drugs!

Every person in his life must ask himself the following questions: “Why did I come into this world? What can I do to change it for the better? Is it good, is it comfortable for those around me to be with me?”

At the end of the lesson, I turn to the words of Omar Khayyam:

“Don’t make others angry and don’t be angry yourself -

We are guests in this mortal world.

And if something goes wrong, accept it,

Be smart and smile.

Think with a cold head

After all, everything is natural in the world:

The evil you emitted

He will definitely come back to you."

I really want you to remain tolerant and socially moral people after our lesson!

Thank you all for your cooperation! Good luck and success in overcoming aggression!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Bolshepikinsky Basic School

g.o.g. Bor Nizhny Novgorod region

Methodological development classroom systems

on the prevention of antisocial behavior

junior schoolchildren

(2nd grade)

teacher primary classes

Petrova Olga Sergeevna



Primary School- the stage at which the foundations of behavior, learning, and interaction of the child with peers and adults are laid. This is the time of formation of the child’s character, habits, and hobbies.

Therefore, it is so important during this period to direct the child’s development along the right and, most importantly, safe path:

Develop a positive attitude towards school

Determine his social status in the team, help with the choice of like-minded friends

Develop his talents

Strengthen negative attitudes towards bad habits

Determine how important it is to be healthy and tell what needs to be done for this.

How to achieve this?

The main thing, of course, is family and the positive example of parents. But, unfortunately, in many families little time is devoted to the prevention of antisocial behavior, and sometimes parents themselves do not see these problems.

In addition, it is no secret that many parents smoke, drink alcohol, and use obscene language in front of their children.

Then the main source of correct information is the school, the teacher.

The teacher’s task is in no case to turn the child against the family, but to show that sometimes adults can also make mistakes and that they can be helped. The child must know. that it is not the norm to smoke and swear. An adult cannot always be an example.

A lot of work is being done with parents. This is what they are aimed at parent meetings, individual conversations with a teacher, psychologist, social worker, joint events with parents, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The system of classroom hours for the prevention of antisocial behavior will help the child draw his own conclusions about his behavior and form the correct life position will help you find a way out complex problems. Cool watch on this topic are held once a month. But the conversation about correct behavior takes place every day and in every lesson.

“It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.” The same applies to a child’s antisocial behavior. How earlier child, playing, solving problems, analyzing works of art, he will learn the norms of correct behavior, the easier it will be for him in adolescence find your way, leave bad company, say “no” to bad habits.

Classroom topics on the prevention of antisocial behavior in 2nd grade


Class topic


Rules of conduct at school ( role-playing game)


It's impossible to live without... fights?


What is tolerance? (To international day tolerance)


How to observe rights and fulfill responsibilities? (to the Constitution Day)


“The city’s politeness takes over!” (for International Thank You Day)


“DO NOT steal...” (solving problem situations)


Bad habits let's say no


How to live to be a hundred years old? (preparation of projects)


Here is my class, here I am. These are all my friends! (lesson-concert)

Tishakova Lyubov Sergeevna
Prevention of antisocial behavior in students

“Even if a person suffers because of himself,

Isn't it better to get help for him?

if anyone is capable of this?

Soren Kierkegaard.

In recent years, we have observed a significant increase in juvenile delinquency, so the importance of working on them prevention among teenagers today has already become obvious.

Only through systematic work and while maintaining the unity of all participants in the educational process (teachers, parents, community, etc.) stable results in correction are possible antisocial behavior.

the main task preventive work - find"key" to understanding "difficult" child. That "key", which will allow us to develop a system of adequate educational measures, to help create conditions under which the child would want to change his behavior. You must remember the rule of three "P"- Understand! Accept! Help!

Behavior of some students in my class, attention is drawn to the violation of norms, inconsistency with the advice and recommendations received. This behavior is called deviant. In my 9th grade class it includes anti-disciplinary behavior. Most often this behavior- this is the reaction of adolescents to difficult circumstances that have arisen in their lives. In my opinion, most of emerging deviations in behavior child is also associated with the characteristics physical development, conditions of education and social environment.

Behind Last year together with the guys we went through various crises situations: this is also an assessment of your body when in words "long", "clumsy", "fatty" the boys rushed into the fray; this is also an assessment of one’s appearance: "I `m ugly", “my hair is bad”(girl, “why do I need these curls” (boy). Hints and reproaches from others caused a violent reaction and distorted behavior.

Tall boys are convinced of their masculinity and strength. They may not fight for the respect of others. In this regard, they behave more confidently, naturally, they are more obedient and require less attention. But there are short boys in the class who, until recently, seemed small, immature and unadapted to others. They felt the need for care and showed rebellion. To change the unfavorable impression of themselves, they were forced to constantly show ingenuity, enterprise, "bravery", be in sight, and with your own "achievements" to prove their usefulness and even indispensability in the group to which they belong. This activity leads to communication difficulties and emotional stress in class.

Currently there is a significant impact on behavior Puberty affects children. Some people experience emotional disturbances behavior(pretentiousness, hot temper, aggressiveness; others experience slowness, lack of composure, uncertainty, impulsiveness and difficulties in adapting.

At the age of 14-15, teenagers are concerned about the right to independence, they are looking for their place in life. Purposefulness and perseverance at this age still coexist with impulsiveness and instability. Excessive self-confidence and categoricalness are combined with sensitivity and self-doubt. The desire for broad contacts coexists with the desire to be alone, unceremoniousness with shyness, romanticism with pragmatism and cynicism.

K. is inquisitive, active, interested in everything, ready for good deeds and deeds. However, her life experience is still small, so sometimes it is difficult to evaluate an action from a position "good bad". She does everything to attract the attention of others, to always be the center of attention.

T. tries to please his friend, so he tries to copy her behavior and support in everything.

N. felt embarrassed among his peers because he was the only one who did not have a cell phone, and this made him feel "damage" in a circle of peers. Having successfully demonstrated your mathematical knowledge, "rose" in the eyes of classmates.

A. and J. are impetuous, very active, can be rude in words and actions, sometimes they are cunning and lie. Their peers don't trust them. They are in different ways (sometimes false) trying to attract their attention. Constant supervision from parents and teachers is required.

As a class teacher, I use various shapes and methods of individual preventive work with students.

I'm studying individual characteristics children, their employment in their free time in institutions of additional education, social status and material and living conditions of families. Based on the results of these surveys at the beginning school year compiled a social passport of the class, identified difficult children, children from a socially unprotected category; ward children, children "at-risk groups" for further assistance.

With the aim of crime prevention, drug addiction and alcoholism, smoking, improving the legal culture of minors in the classroom, I conduct monthly thematic class hours, collective creative activities. Class hours were held on topics: "What for you healthy image life?, "Rights and Responsibilities of Adolescents", "Problems in modern world» , "Let's say NO to smoking" and others.

I believe, that preventative Propaganda in the classroom should be carried out regularly and purposefully, since single unsystematic events cannot form stable correct beliefs in adolescents.

I accompany lectures and conversations with references to specific facts from life, give examples from fiction and popular science literature, feature films, from the media, and highlight the legal aspects of the surrounding society.

I would like to involve more often preventive the work of police officers, KDN inspectors, doctors, psychologists.

The effectiveness of educational preventive classroom work is the result of a huge labor:

1. I monitor difficult-to-educate children,

2. Every day I monitor the attendance of difficult-to-educate students.

3. I notify parents about absences on the same day.

4. Together with subject teachers, I constantly keep the issue of academic performance under control.

5. I keep track of the grades in the diary.

6. I control the employment of difficult-to-educate children in their free time.

7. I involve the difficult-to-educate person in work, sports and creative activities of the class, using public assignments.

8. I teach children methods of self-education.

9. I neutralize the harmful influence of parents and try to normalize the family environment.

10. I attract the parent community to re-educate difficult-to-educate children.

11. B conflict situations I don’t try to win at any cost, I think that sometimes you can give in.

12. I act only by tactical maneuver and never by direct attack.

13. I listen to everything without reacting immediately, and only then, without irritation, express an opinion that amends what I heard.

14. I try to strengthen the trust of children so much that they share their troubles with me.

15. I always start a conversation with a friendly tone.

16. In the process of communication, I keep the initiative in my hands, I try to conduct the dialogue on equal terms.

17. I try to look at things through the eyes of a teenager. I believe that to achieve success in matters prevention When working with teenagers, the main emphasis should be on development personal qualities and social skills of adolescents, teach children new forms behavior, to form stress resistance, to educate a person capable of independently and responsibly building his life.

Important areas of our work I think:

Establishment trust relationships with parents;

Explaining to parents the reasons for negative manifestations in child's behavior: anger, aggression, resentment, fear, etc., for them to realize that the real reason destructive experiences may lie deeper than external manifestations;

Forming in parents the need for attention to the child’s successes and his need for recognition;

An attitude aimed at developing in parents a sense of self-confidence in solving emerging problems in education.

Some specific ADVICE from a PSYCHOLOGIST for us FOR TEACHERS:

Remember, any activity involves the resistance of the material. Your "material", is particularly difficult to process. Do not prepare for easy success, do not lose composure and restraint when your teaching efforts are resisted. It takes time for the seeds of good to sprout.

Take care of your good mood, emotional tone, attractive appearance. Learn to relax, relieve the stress of the working day, see beauty, and appreciate friendship. Remember, in order to educate others, you yourself must be a harmonious, happy person.

I would like to end my speech with the words Goethe:

"Learn from those you love".

To change others, you must love them. Our influence on others is directly proportional to our attitude towards them.