How to curl synthetic hair. How to curl artificial hair - Video master class

Every girl dreams and wants to have luxurious long hair, but not all endurance is enough, and patience will take a long time to grow them.

And I want it so bad! It is currently possible to have a build-up method different lengths hair. This procedure is not cheap at all.

Another option for having long hair is artificial hair extensions with clips. It is more accessible to girls. If you want to change your image, buy extensions, they will help you change and become less recognizable. They help lengthen hair, transform it, make it more voluminous, and the strands wavy or straight, dark or light in color.

The set most often includes strands of up to 9 pieces, but in other sets there may be fewer. If desired, it is enough to purchase only one strand. The set includes strands of different lengths, they are of two types - occipital and temporal.

Material used for strands

Strands from natural hair do, and also use for them artificial hair on hairpins. They look natural, almost like natural hair. In order for artificial hair strands to last longer, they need proper care. Stylists advise that strands should be protected from bad weather or sun with various protective sprays.

How to dye artificial strands?

Girls often worry about how to dye artificial strands? And which is better to use paint, regular or tinted tonic? Try to choose strands of color close to your hair. Experts believe that there is no need to use dyes, they can harm the structure of the “hair”. Today there is a huge selection of artificial hair of different shades.

Is it possible to curl your hair?

In order not to torment yourself with styling artificial hair, it is better to purchase strands that have already been curled, especially since artificial hair cannot be twisted onto a curling iron yourself. You can use a curling iron or curling iron only for protein strands, but the temperature of the curling iron should be no more than 180 degrees.

Another option is to curl artificial hair like this: wrap the false strands on regular curlers and place them in a slightly heated oven, hold for 40 minutes. As soon as the strands have cooled completely, they should be untwisted.

Another way to style synthetic hair with curlers is to use boiling water and ice water. Pour boiling water over the strands wound on ordinary metal curlers, then with ice water. Dry, after this treatment you will get very natural curls with a natural shine.

How to comb artificial hair?

If you just washed the strands of artificial hair, wait until they dry before combing them. Do not comb wet artificial hair. For such hair, it is better to use a wooden comb; you can use a brush with natural bristles. If your artificial curls suddenly start to get tangled, use a conditioning spray.

How to wash artificial hair extensions?

Washing artificial hair is the most crucial moment when washing strands. Professionals recommend using neutral shampoos and conditioners. Remember - you need to avoid moisturizers, they can ruin artificial strands. It is also recommended to wash artificial hair every three months.

Use soft, lukewarm boiled water to wash them, add a little shampoo to the water and only then put the artificial hair in there. Keep them in the solution for 10 minutes, then rinse well with cool water. Don’t forget to use conditioner after washing your synthetic hair, it gives softness to the strands. It is better to dry them by laying them on a towel.

What you need to know when choosing strands

If you want to wear artificial hair strands, when purchasing, look carefully to see if the strands are damaged or tangled, how thick and long they are. What kind of hair is at the base and is it split, what kind of tress weave - it should be thin and look neat.

Not all women can boast of thick and beautiful hair, so many of the fair sex use false hair. These can be not only wigs, but also individual strands and hairpieces. To create a beautiful hairstyle, you need to know how to curl artificial hair so that its texture in the end does not differ from yours.

Basic ways to curl artificial hair

The modern hairdressing industry offers a lot of ways to use artificial hair, which women especially like. You can perform incredible manipulations with such strands; you don’t have to feel sorry for them, just like your own. But there are some secrets without which a good hairstyle will not work. Let's consider one of them.

  1. Before creating a hairstyle using extensions or a chignon, choose to choose both. Make sure your hair length and texture are similar to your desired style.
  2. It is best to conduct experiments in your free time, without rushing. And especially not to go out in public with this hairstyle right away.
  3. Make a trial version at home, take a closer look, try walking around the house with it for several hours: is it comfortable? Is your hair falling apart? What's the best way to curl it?
  4. Look at it under different lights - go outside, return indoors and look at yourself in the mirror under lamps of different brightness, take a photo. Note the pros and cons and details. What will need to be done differently?
  5. When you get your hair done and go somewhere, you should be confident. Otherwise, no amount of styling will save you - you will only think about whether there was an accident on your head, whether your interlocutor sees artificial strands, etc.

If you decide to go with curls, your faux locks, hairpiece or wig will need to be curled. How to do it?

How to curl a wig

  • preheat the oven to 95 C,
  • take wooden or metal curlers. Do not take plastic ones, they can melt from high temperature,
  • comb your hair, divide it into strands,
  • Carefully twist each strand. For small curls, take medium-sized curlers; to create large curls, use large ones.
  • leave for 45 minutes, then turn off the oven and wait until it cools completely.

As a result, you will get graceful curls that will emphasize the sophistication and beauty of your hairstyle.

Tip: untwist the curls only after they have completely cooled down.

Curling artificial hair with curlers

You will need metal or wooden curlers. You can also take plastic ones, having first checked them for heat resistance.

  • Curl the strands with curlers
  • Then scald them with boiling water, or immerse them in boiling water for half a minute.
  • Rinse your hair in ice water and your curls are ready.

At home, you can curl curls on a wig with artificial hair. For this you also need to use metal or wooden curlers. You can also use plastic curlers if you dry your curls at room temperature.

The wig must be placed on a wooden block, which is purchased in a specialized store or ordered from a wood specialist, according to the circumference of your head.

Do curls on a wig the same way as on regular hair: separate a strand and wrap it in the selected curlers. Don't forget to put a piece of cardboard under your bobby pins so that your curls don't get tangled and your hair looks neat.

How to curl a wig at home

I am often asked if it is possible to curl. There is only one answer, you can only curl those artificial hairs that are marked thermal, this means that these extensions can withstand temperature. If you try to curl artificial hair without a thermal mark, it will burn and stick to the curling iron. Thermal hair curling is based on the ability of Kanekalon to take a given shape when cooling (this is how plastic bottles of the desired shape are melted: they are heated, shaped and allowed to cool)

First way

1. Take a previously turned on curling iron (desirable temperature 190 degrees);
2. Twist the strand of the set in the usual way and wait 50-60 seconds;
3. The most important point. Remove the curl without unraveling it; the curl should remain in the ring. You can fasten the ring with a hairpin or hairpin so that it does not fall apart and leave it until it cools completely, this is the only way the curl will turn out tight and beautiful

Attention, if you release the curl immediately after curling, it will not take shape. In that main mistake girls who cannot curl artificial thermo hair.

The second method was suggested by the client Anna from Sevastopol

1. Take any curlers
2. Twist it on with bobby pins
3. Place it on the battery and leave it until the morning. It is important that all strands warm up well.
4. Remove in the morning and leave until completely cool. Gorgeous curls are ready

Third way

1. Take a thermal strand with clips and twist the curl into a ring by hand
2. Secure with a bobby pin or foil
3. Place in boiling water for 5-10 seconds
4. Leave until completely dry without unwinding the ring.
5. Unwind the curl ring and enjoy beautiful curls
You can twist all the curls and lower the entire set into a boiling pan for 10 seconds as in the photo.

Trick 1. If you want bouncy, large curls, grab more hair, the strands should be thicker. If you like smaller curls, grab thin sections. I curl my hair with large curls, it's faster and looks more natural.
Trick 2. If you want to straighten your curls, take a straightening iron and run it thoroughly along the entire length of the strand, pulling the tip of the hair well. Stretch until it cools completely, then the curl will straighten and take the desired shape. There is no need to wash your hair after curling, as all thermal hair quickly loses its appearance after washing, any washing causes tangling and faded hair.


Wash your wig with shampoo warm water at a temperature of about 35 degrees and apply to a special mask. After rinsing thoroughly, wring it out lightly and wrap it in a terry towel. Never wash your wig in hot water, and start combing it only after it is completely dry. Attach the wig to a special blank or three-liter jar. You can also ask someone to hold the wig so that you can comb it.

Start from the ends. If they are very tangled, select small strands and comb them one by one with a wide-toothed, long metal comb, which will help untangle small tangles and snags. After processing the ends, gradually move to the crown of the wig. Do not use force when combing. If puffs and tangles have formed, carefully cut them off with scissors. To avoid noticeable bald spots, do not overuse this method.

Divide your hair into sections: the more tangled it is, the more sections you need to comb. Remove serious tangles. Pay special attention to the back of the head, where the hair gets tangled the most. Get the hair right: it should be parallel to each other. Having untangled your hair, continue combing with a massage brush with thick fingers, the advantage of which is that they are not easily electrified. The brush is designed for styling strands and shaping hairstyles. Direct it from top to bottom and make sure that the hair does not form lumps. Do not pull the wig when combing, otherwise the curled hair will lose its shape.


Combing is the initial step of any wig care procedure, since tangled hair makes it very difficult to do anything with it. When dyeing, it will be impossible to achieve uniform distribution of the dye along the entire length of the hair, and when curling, it will be difficult to quickly separate the desired strand.

The wig must be combed before each wear.

Wigs always relevant - with their help you can instantly and radically change your image, hide a bad hairstyle, try on a new image. In order for a wig to serve you for a long time and please your eyes, you need to properly care for it. They come from natural and synthetic hair, and care for them varies.


Wigs made from human hair allow them to be dyed, curled with curlers, styled, perm and so on. After use, the wig should be carefully combed with a wide-tooth comb, often sold with the wig.

It is better to store it on a round blank that follows the shape of the head. It is best if you use your wig frequently to have it professionally cleaned. But you can also clean it at home, yourself.

Wigs should not be washed, but rather washed like you wash your hair. Use a mannequin that holds the wig. Wet your hair with water (preferably from the shower, pouring in the direction of hair growth). Apply shampoo, carefully, trying not to tangle your hair, and wash. Then apply conditioner - so that your hair is easy to comb and style, distribute it over the entire length, then wait a few minutes and rinse with cold water/

Gently wring out the wig in a terry towel without twisting it, then leave to dry. After the wig is completely dry (do not use a hairdryer to dry it - this will damage the hair), comb it. After that, you can style it the way you need or put it on right away.

Wash it, wring it out (just squeezing it in your hands, not wringing it like laundry), and then rinse it in cold water. The effect will be better if you add conditioner, which you add when washing. The result will be similar - artificial hair will be easier to comb, better styled, and will not electrify.

Wring the wig in the towel, again avoiding and twisting, and then leave to dry. Also, do not use a hair dryer or comb your hair until it is completely dry. This needs to be done once every two months.

To maintain the long-lasting and natural beauty of a wig, proper and timely care is necessary. One way to achieve this is to wash the product infrequently. It needs a process when it acquires a specific smell or looks dirty.


When caring for a wig made from natural or synthetic hair, you must use neutral products (mild shampoo, conditioner and fixative). The product should be washed no more than 1-2 times every three months.
Before the procedure, comb it using a comb or comb, starting from the ends of the hair and gradually moving up to the roots. Gently separate tangled hair. Straighten curly or wavy hair using your fingers rather than a comb.

To wash a wig, dissolve a small amount of shampoo in a liter of water at room temperature and completely place the product in the solution for 10 minutes. Then rinse it thoroughly and carefully in cool water and, wrapping it in a towel, gently wring it out. Use a balm or conditioner in the same way.

When washing your human hair wig, wet it with warm water and apply shampoo to the product, lightly stroking the curls from roots to ends. After this, rinse your hair with the same water several times until the product is completely removed.
Apply balm or conditioner to them using similar movements as when treating with shampoo. If necessary, rinse your wig with warm water.

After washing, wrap the item in a towel. It will absorb excess moisture. Do not twist the hair or rub the wig. Dry your hair naturally at room temperature or with a hair dryer using cold air.
Comb your dry wig from the roots, starting from the ends of the hair. Do not touch the base of the wig with a comb.

Video on the topic


When caring for a synthetic hair wig, to avoid damage, do not use a hot hair dryer, hot rollers or curling iron. Keep the product away from open flames and any sources of high temperature.

Currently, wigs are very popular among the fairer sex. And this is not without reason. A well-chosen product can diversify your image and create a new hairstyle of the desired length, color and texture. However, keeping a wig in good condition is not as easy as it seems at first glance.


Caring for human hair wigs is similar to caring for your own hair. Firstly, to maintain the life of such products, you should use only high-quality detergents and other care products, and also be careful with the item itself.

Before washing your wig, gently comb your hair, starting from the ends and gradually moving towards the roots. Avoid contact of the brush with the base of the product. Remove all knots.

It is necessary to wash the wig in water at room temperature without making sudden or vigorous movements. Place the greatest emphasis on the area of ​​the back of the head and forehead, because... These are the places that are most susceptible to pollution.

To preserve the life of natural hair and give it a natural look and silkiness, use only high-quality and proven balms. Rinse your wig with cold water, pouring it from the hair roots to the ends.

You need to dry your wig in a special way. Wrap the wet item in a dry towel and gently wring it until it is completely dry. You should not try to speed up the drying process by placing it close to heat sources. This may cause the wig to change shape and cause hair loss.

The dried product should be gently shaken and combed using the above method. Do not comb wet or damp hair.

There are often situations when the wig may not fit in its original form, or she wants to slightly adjust the length of individual strands. In this case, you need to contact your hairdresser to change your hairstyle.

A wig is an ideal opportunity to both experiment with changing your own image and provide your hair with a good rest from the effects of chemicals, dyes and hot styling. If the wig begins to lose its beauty and fullness, then it's time to clean it.

Synthetic hair wig

Caring for a synthetic hair wig primarily comes down to gentle combing. To do this, it is fixed on a special blank or on a jar of a suitable size - this measure prevents hair from being pulled out, which often happens when combing a wig lying on your hands.

For combing, use a special brush or comb with rare teeth. Tangled curls are first carefully sorted out with your fingers, after which they are combed, starting from the ends of the strands and moving to the top of the wig. If the hair is curly, comb it only with your fingers; you cannot use combs and brushes, because. This causes curls to develop, and hair is easily damaged.

You need to wash your synthetic wig in lukewarm water with mild shampoo dissolved in it. The wig is immersed in water and left for 5-10 minutes, after which it is carefully rinsed in cool water, being careful not to tangle the hair.

After washing, you can use a balm that will give the artificial hair additional softness - the balm is dissolved in lukewarm water, the wig is immersed in the solution, and left to act for 10 minutes. There is no need to rinse your hair after using the balm.

Drying the wig is done first on a towel to absorb excess water, then on a blank until completely dry. A wet wig should not be wrung out, twisted or deformed. While your hair is damp, you can spray conditioner on it, which will give your hair fullness and avoid the accumulation of static electricity.

Artificial hair is styled without the use of a hair dryer, hot rollers or curling irons.

Human hair wig

The natural hair on the wig is combed in the direction of styling, without sudden movements, using a special brush or comb with wide teeth.

Wash a wig made from natural hair on a blank, after moistening the hair with water at room temperature. The shampoo is applied to the palms and gently distributed over the hair in the direction of its growth. After this, the shampoo is washed off with cool water, without turning the wig inside out. To maintain the natural look and healthy shine of hair, it is recommended to use a balm.

The wig is dried on a towel; after the hair is completely dry, you can begin styling. The shape is corrected using any tools: a hot hair dryer, hair curlers, straightener or curlers.

Today, artificial strands are perceived as natural as natural ones. The extension service is gaining more fans every year; there is no need to wait for years for the hair to grow to the desired length. With the development of hairdressing art, extended curls have changed qualitatively, are not noticeable and are almost impossible to distinguish from “our own”. Let's talk about whether it is possible to curl artificial hair and what are the best ways to do it.

Curling methods

Before choosing curling methods, check for the “thermo” mark. If it is not there, the curls will not be able to withstand high temperatures and will simply stick to the surface of the curling iron.

Curling with a curling iron

Note, many girls prefer this curling option, as it is simple, affordable and convenient. You can give your hair more stability with hairspray.

If you don’t have a curling iron at home, other options will do.

Curling with curlers

The method is universal. Any curlers that are in the house will do:

  • artificial strands are wound on curlers;
  • scald the strands with boiling water or leave them in boiling water for a minute;
  • Now you need to rinse with ice water.

Exists another way:

  • the strand on the clips is manually twisted into the shape of a ring;
  • fastened with a hairpin or foil;
  • immerse in boiling water for 5–10 seconds;
  • dry your curls without unwinding the rings;
  • unwind.

The curls can be completely immersed in a pan of boiling water.

New uses for the oven

Curling in the oven is done as follows:

  1. Preheat the oven to 95 degrees.
  2. Take wooden or metal curlers. It is better to put plastic ones away, they will not be able to withstand high temperatures.
  3. Divide all the curls into parts and curl each one in turn. For small curls, use smaller curlers; for large rings, use larger ones.
  4. Place the “dish” in the cupboard for 45 minutes. When the time has expired, turn it off.
  5. You can collect your hair only when the curls have cooled completely. Therefore, if you decide to “prepare” your hairstyle for the evening, take care of it in advance.

Attention! If the curls do not curl, most likely they are made of Kanekalon; it cannot be curled.

Rules of care

Boiling water will help your curls return to their original shape. Just lowering them for one minute is enough. After this, the hair is pulled out, straightened and dried.

How to quickly dry or cool strands

To cool your hair faster, use cold water, and a simple hair dryer is suitable for drying. There is no need to dry it in summer; your hair will dry on its own.

When choosing curls, you should not skimp on the price and buy the cheapest ones. Cheap strands will quickly deteriorate and become dull and brittle.

How to shoot correctly

Artificial curls, just like natural ones, require careful handling, If you take them on and off too often, you'll soon have to say goodbye to them.

There are a number of rules on how to secure them correctly:

  1. Carefully remove the product from the packaging.
  2. Place them on a hard, flat, horizontal surface.
  3. Carefully separate, straighten where they are tangled.
  4. Comb carefully until they become one continuous sheet.
  5. Each package includes instructions. Read it carefully and fasten the tresses strictly as written.

Removal requires patience:

  • tilt your head so that all the strands are in front;
  • open the hairpins, being careful not to injure the natural strands;
  • without haste, carefully remove each tress separately from each other;
  • lay it out on the table and comb it carefully;
  • After combing, put the hair back into the packaging.

Important! Movements should be as smooth as possible. Avoid tugging or you risk damaging not only your hair but also your scalp.

How to comb

Combing is a mandatory procedure for caring for hair extensions. The procedure must be carried out regularly, otherwise the curls will become matted and lose their attractiveness.

  • lay the strands on a flat surface;
  • separate a small strand and lift it a little;
  • the curls are carefully combed from the ends to the top;
  • repeat the steps until the curls are completely smooth.

How to wash artificial hair

Curls are washed once every one and a half to two months. If you use them regularly, or daily - more often. Do not rinse with tap water. She's too tough. Soda is added to soften. If there is none, freeze the water in the freezer and then melt it.

How to wash your hair extensions:

  1. A teaspoon of shampoo is dissolved in 2 liters of water and whipped until rich foam appears on the surface.
  2. Place your curls in water for 20 minutes.
  3. Take them out and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  4. Apply any hair mask or balm. Leave your hair for a few minutes, as stated in the instructions for the cosmetic product.
  5. Rinse it off with warm water.
  6. Don't wipe. Lay them out on the table and wait until they dry completely.
  7. Comb, untangling any crumpled areas.

Storage conditions

  • the room in which the curls will be stored must be dry and clean, free of dust or mold;
  • need to be ventilated regularly;
  • the box should be kept away from direct sunlight;
  • Long hair is best stored in a special net. They should already be combed and carefully rolled up.

Careful handling will extend the life of your curls, leaving them soft and bright for a long time after purchase. Extended strands will add femininity, softness and beauty to your look. Experiment and enjoy the created image.

Useful videos

How to curl artificial hair.

How to curl artificial hair with clips.