How to make it stop burr. How to get rid of burr. The most reasonable and effective method is treatment by a specialist - a speech therapist.

Natalya Shcherban

Burr or dyslalia is a defect not related to the development of the speech apparatus. It is advisable to correct the deficiency in childhood by seeking the help of a speech therapist. If parents constantly work with the baby, he will quickly learn to pronounce the letter “r” correctly. Otherwise, the defect will become fixed and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it in the future.

Why do people burr - causes of speech impediment

Dyslalia can develop for several reasons. For example, a frenulum that is too short limits the movement of the tongue. The child may simply not understand how to place his tongue when trying to pronounce “r”. The muscles of the tongue itself may be too weak to produce the booming sound.

Sometimes the defect has a psychological cause. If a child is surrounded by a loved one who cannot pronounce “r”, the baby begins to burr, subconsciously imitating an adult.

Should I worry if the defect cannot be fixed? It is believed that for an adult, the inability to pronounce the letter “r” can negatively affect career growth. In fact, more importance in a career is still given to knowledge rather than clarity of speech. Even for speakers, such a defect is not decisive. Lenin's burr did not prevent him from captivating the crowds.

There is a whole nation where this disadvantage, on the contrary, is considered an advantage. Why do the French burr, and this dialect is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world? And currently, a huge number of schoolchildren and students are puzzled by the problem of how to learn to burr the letter “r” in order to improve their French.

However, if Lenin and the French are not authorities, you can make an effort and get rid of the deficiency already in adulthood. However, experts say that it may take 1-2 years to correct an established defect.

Exercises for an adult, how to stop burring

There are specially designed exercises with which you can get rid of dyslalia forever. Of course, any exercise will become much more effective if performed under the guidance of an experienced speech therapist.

However, you can achieve it yourself positive result, showing patience and persistence.

Before starting the main complex, it is recommended to perform a simple warm-up:

  • you need to stretch your lips and then pull them forward, as if alternately pronouncing the sounds “and” and “u”.
  • with the tongue they touch the upper as well as the lower palate;
  • move the tongue in the mouth from left to right;
  • Having opened your mouth wide, you must first touch the upper palate with the tip of your tongue and only then press your wide tongue against it, trying to touch the palate with the larger surface of the organ.

It is advisable to perform each of the given exercises for at least 2 minutes.

Upon completion of the warm-up complex, you can proceed to the main exercises:

  • You need to learn how to perform a “growl”. Open your mouth and tap the top row of teeth with the tip of your tongue. First, you should pronounce the sound “d-d-d”, gradually trying to translate it into “d-r-r” or “tr-r-r”. The sound should resemble the sound that is heard when you start the engine. Using the sounds “d” and “t” before “r” will help you more effectively master the science of “growl”;
  • When the “growl” begins to emerge, but the letter “r” itself does not yet sound, more attention should be paid to reading poems in which the combinations “dr” or “tr” are often found. Gradually, other words are introduced where the sound “r” is combined with other consonant letters;
  • A wonderful effect is obtained by pronouncing tongue twisters. It is important to continue practicing every day;
  • Another great exercise is how not to burr the sound “r”, slowly pronounce the sounds “de-te-le” for 1-2 minutes. You need to speak without stopping, increasing your pace. It is advisable to spend 5-6 minutes a day on the exercise. Special attention pay attention to pronouncing the sound “le”. In this case, the tip of the tongue should be placed under the upper teeth and touch the tubercles located behind them;
  • Having mastered this exercise, move on to the next one. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce a set of sounds “de-te-de”. The first “de” is pronounced as usual, the second time the combination of sounds is performed by placing the tip of the tongue on the tubercles under the upper teeth, as in the previous exercise with the combination “le”. Develop these sounds for about 5-7 minutes;
  • When the sounds become clear, increase the tempo until the letter “r” begins to be clearly heard. This means that we can move on to pronouncing words containing this sound;
  • As a rule, it is recommended to pronounce at least 10 times: tremble, shot, dart, bustard, choke, hip, subway, cunningly, bucket, etc. Feeling that the words are beginning to work out, the exercise is diversified by introducing into it: haircut, correct, stand, furrow, tarragon, hello, discharged, etc.

When they say about someone that he is burry, I remember Zheglov’s words from “The meeting place cannot be changed”: “And now - burr! I said - burry! What kind of person is this - a burr?

Burr is a speech defect, one of the forms of impaired pronunciation of sounds. As a result of this disorder, the speech of a burry person becomes very specific. Many people who have this disadvantage are embarrassed by it. They avoid, which limits their prospects for professional growth. The range of professions they could choose is also narrowing. burry people are often quite understated.

How does burr manifest itself?

A burry person either replaces the sound “r” with other sounds, for example “l” (and speech therapists call this phenomenon pararotacism), or the sound “r” is distorted or missed (rhotacism).

As you know, everyone burrs in childhood - childhood burr is called age-related or physiological. And it is associated with underdevelopment of the organs of articulation. Resourceful children, in response to an adult’s request to say the word “fish,” say: “Herring!” Physiological burr goes away on its own with age, up to 5–6 years.

According to statistics, by the age of 9, approximately 26% of children burr. Their burr is caused by more complex reasons, which a speech therapist, dentist or ENT specialist should tell parents about. If parents ignore visiting these doctors, the child, becoming an adult, will speak like the would-be speech therapist from the film “For Family Reasons”: “Like yaz na yaznyh. One is on Kievskaya, and the second one is on Kievskaya!” (Instead of “Just on different ones. One is on Kievskaya, and the second is on Kirovskaya!”) Sometimes burr that is not cured in time can be observed even in some TV presenters.

The speech therapist is clear: his task is to help the patient overcome speech and psychophysical disorders with the help of individual lessons. But what does the dentist and ENT have to do with it? The fact is that the reasons for burring may lie deeper, and the speech therapist will not be able to correctly place the sound. For example, burring can be caused by the specific structure of the oral cavity: a short hyoid ligament, a protruding lower jaw, weak muscles of the tip of the tongue, sparse teeth.

Various auditory pathologies and, as a result, hearing loss can also lead to burr. In addition, there is a genetic predisposition to burr, that is, it can be inherited. It also happens that a child begins to imitate, copy someone with this speech impediment from his immediate environment and “gets infected” himself.

In any case, the doctor determines the cause and prescribes appropriate treatment, including surgery. In cases that do not require surgical intervention, a speech therapist will help, and patients of any age can be treated. However, you should not put off a visit to the doctor for a long time, because the consequences of burring often affect the child’s psyche. Children may tease him, which is why he begins to avoid them, feeling like a “black sheep” among them. He may develop other mental illnesses.

In some cases, you can get rid of burr on your own

To do this you need time and perseverance. Speech therapists offer a special set of exercises that must be performed daily, doing at least three approaches. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the tongue and ligaments of the oral cavity. So:

  1. Open your mouth wide and stroke the palate with your tongue. Repeat at least 10 times.
  2. Open your mouth as wide as possible and place your tongue on your lower lip. We make soft stroking movements up and down with it, while trying to pronounce the sound “r”.
  3. We stretch our mouth into a wide smile. The tip of the tongue touches the inside of the upper dentition. We make smooth movements to the right and left, reminiscent of the movements of a toothbrush when brushing your teeth.
  4. The following exercise strengthens the speech apparatus: we fold the tongue into a “groove” and try to pronounce the letter “f” so that a stream of air passes along this groove.
  5. We slowly pronounce the syllables “te”, “le”, “de” - each 10 times. Then we combine them into one word “telede” and clearly pronounce it several times.
  6. We touch the tip of the tongue to the gum of the inner side of the upper dentition. Now, in exactly the same way, slowly and clearly we pronounce the same syllables “te”, “le”, “de”, and then “telede”.
  7. In the same way, first in the usual way, and then touching the gum of the inner side of the upper row of teeth with the tip of the tongue, we pronounce words that contain one letter “r”.

Additionally, you need to develop the correct pronunciation of the sound “r” with the help of tongue twisters.

For example:

The tongue twister quickly spoke, quickly spoke, that he would re-speak all the tongue twisters, re-speak quickly. But having quickly spoken, he quickly said that all tongue twisters cannot be quickly spoken, not spoken too quickly.

Does not work? You can start with a simpler tongue twister:

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters sharpened their axes. The axes are sharp for the time being. The axes are still sharp.

Or even simpler:

During a thunderstorm, the body collapsed from the load of watermelons.

  • Fiction defects
  • A gift of fate
  • Comes from childhood
  • Patience and work
  • Victory

I have had problems pronouncing the sound “r” since childhood. It’s not that I didn’t pronounce it at all, I just did it in the French manner, resulting in a guttural sound. Those around me even found it piquant and giving me a special charm. But my parents were not at all happy: everyone in the family except me spoke correctly. Still would! Dad is a famous lawyer, mom is also a lawyer, head of the legal department of a well-known company. As part of their duties, they regularly have to speak in front of large audiences, so there is simply no talk of any burr.

Fiction defects

My incorrect pronunciation caused confusion in the family, but after reading in specialized literature that the sound “r” is the most complex and appears later in speech, my parents decided to wait. Although I remember how my dad sat opposite me and we growled at each other. Only with him it was a real roar, but with me something strange came out. My father read that the path to the correct “r” lies through the hard sound “d”. There's even an exercise for this. You need to raise your tongue to the upper palate and tap on the tubercles with the tip of your tongue, pronouncing the sound “d”, gradually adding “r” to it. You can imagine it as the roar of an engine “drrrrrr”. If this works, then the “d” is removed, leaving only “rrrrrr”. But I didn’t really succeed. My mother made another attempt to rid me of burr: she took me to a speech therapist.

But the classes at that time did not bring any effect. My burr didn’t bother me, so I didn’t want to exercise and didn’t repeat the exercises at home. My parents gave up all attempts to reason with me.

The vast majority of people with speech impediments speak softly. A subconscious defense mechanism kicks in: if I lower my voice, no one will notice that something is wrong.

A gift of fate

So I lived with my French “r”. Graduated from the university, received a law degree according to family tradition and got a job. My colleagues immediately nicknamed me the Parisian; everyone was very pleased with my pronunciation. Grassing the “r” sound became my specialty, and I never thought that one day I would want to get rid of it. It happened unexpectedly: after several years of successful work, I received an offer to head the legal department of our subsidiary. This appointment was a godsend. But there was one “but”. At this point, a rival company filed a claim against us to protect our business reputation. The battles ahead were serious. And the very first meeting with my opponents made me understand that these people are ready to use all methods, even getting personal. During my first performances, I noticed the malicious grins of my opponents, and in the corridor one of them mimicked my grazing “r”. I realized that my speech had to be perfect, otherwise I wouldn’t win the case. In court, my “zest” may turn against me.

Violation in the pronunciation of at least one sound leads to a change in the entire speech pattern. An incorrect sound casts a shadow on everything else - the clarity of diction disappears, the voice becomes dull, loses sonority and depth.

Comes from childhood

To begin with, I decided to find out whether it is possible to get rid of burr as an adult. After browsing the forums, I realized that the problem is quite common. Incorrect diction comes from childhood, and only in a small percentage of cases the defect is caused by physiological characteristics - for example, an incorrect bite or the shape of the tongue. As a rule, the child was simply not taught to pronounce the sound correctly in time. Pronunciation is formed around the age of seven, and at this age it is not difficult to correct diction: just put the correct sound and make sure that the child uses it. But by middle school, the formation of the speech zone of the brain is completed. Therefore, an adult has to not only be taught to speak correctly, but retrained, broken habits that have entered the subconscious. On the one hand, this is not easy. On the other hand, sometimes it’s even easier than in childhood, because it’s easier to explain and show everything to an adult.

According to statistics, about 12% of children do not overcome difficulties with the pronunciation of certain sounds (“l”, “r”, whistling “s”, “z”, “ts” and hissing “sh”, “sh”) without the help of specialists ", "g".) Pronunciation problems in oral speech (dyslexia) sometimes lead to problems in written speech (dysgraphia).

Patience and work

I found a speech therapist who asked how results-oriented I was. Strong motivation is half the success in any business. Working on correct diction very painstaking, you can easily break down and give up everything. I replied that my career was at stake. My tongue turned out to be a real lazy person: it didn’t want to rise to the required height and bend as it should. To make it work correctly, there are special exercises. For example, these:

  • stick out your tongue, making the tip as narrow as possible - thinner than your own finger;
  • click your tongue - the main thing is that the sound is clicking and not smacking;
  • lick upper lip with the thin tip of your tongue, as if you were licking jam;
  • stroke the palate: move the tongue from the upper teeth deep into the mouth and back;
  • move your tongue from one side of your lips to the other, trying to get the tip of your tongue exactly into the corners of your lips.

I had to train every day for 10-15 minutes. Plus speech therapy massage: the tongue is kneaded in a special way to improve its mobility and blood supply. All this required enormous effort, and after work I was already squeezed like lemon.

I worked with a speech therapist for an hour 2 times a week, plus homework. After 1.5 months, I began to get the correct “r” sound, and not a grading one. The specialist selected reinforcing exercises - various phrases that had to be constantly repeated in order to achieve automatism. Then the speech therapist would say any words with the sound “r” and demand that I pronounce them without thinking. This is the final stage of setting correct diction.


It took me three months from starting classes to getting a lasting result, but sometimes the process takes six months or even more. While I was studying, the trial was already in full swing. The first time was very difficult, and not only because of the diction: our opponents turned out to be real professionals. But with the acquisition of correct speech, my self-confidence grew stronger. Our confrontation lasted six months, and victory was ours.

I had another reason to be proud of myself: at the age of 36, I was able to get rid of burr, and now my speech is correct and beautiful.

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One of the most common speech defects is burr. Half the population doesn't know what it means not to pronounce "r". But some people struggle with this problem all their lives and ask one single question: how to stop burring. Only hard work on yourself will help you forget about this problem forever. And we, in turn, will tell you in detail how to quickly stop burring.

Why do people burr? main question, which interests burry people.

The first thing you need to understand is the main causes of burr in adults and children:

  • Mechanical is a reason that appears as a result of malocclusion, a person’s hard palate or hyperdontia.
  • The acoustic reason arises due to the fact that a person confuses similar sounds with each other (for example, “R” and “L”).
  • The imitative reason stretches from deep childhood. From birth, a child hears incorrect pronunciation of sounds, but does not understand it. Accordingly, he begins to pronounce sounds in the same way as his parents. For example, the letter r is like the letter l.
  • Neuralgic dyslalia occurs due to the appearance of pathologies in certain areas of the brain. They are responsible for correct speech.
  • Functional dyslalia appears due to disorders of the speech apparatus: weak muscles and a short frenulum of the tongue.

There is also an opinion that burring is inherited. There is a high probability that if one of the parents burrs, then his child will also inherit this problem.

Getting rid of burr

Burr is not a dangerous pathology at all. It does not cause any health problems. However, burry people may face a number of problems when looking for work. In this regard, a person’s self-esteem falls and self-doubt appears. For an adult, this can become a real problem, which will prevent one from being fulfilled in life, both at work and in family terms. Therefore, you need to know how to unlearn how to burr.

If you notice your child has speech problems, consult a doctor immediately. Advice from a speech therapist will help you get rid of this problem in early age and forget about her forever. It is best to contact a specialist at the age of 5-6 years. Even at the age of 13-14, correcting such a speech defect will be much more difficult. Only a doctor can accurately tell you how not to burr and what needs to be done for this.

First of all, an experienced speech therapist will tell you what the causes of burr are, and will also determine why exactly you have such a problem and tell you how not to burr. He will also prescribe treatment. These can be easy exercises to correct speech if your case is not very advanced. But, he may also prescribe surgical intervention to correct the burr.

A person with a burr must be prepared for the fact that it will take time to correct the burr.. Only a few months of hard work will help you forget about this problem. Of course, correcting burr is much easier for children than for adults. Even for a 14-year-old teenager, dealing with this problem will be more difficult than at 6 years old.

Light exercises for every day

The first answer to the question of how to cure burr is to do light and simple exercises every day. Just 2 minutes a day for each exercise and within a week you will notice significant progress.

The first step is to direct all efforts to correct the pronunciation of the letter r. It must be said right away that this will not be easy, so be patient and persevering. A speech therapist will tell you what are the reasons for the incorrect pronunciation of “R”. For example, the most common reason is the throaty pronunciation of “R”. In order to correct this you need to perform a number of the following exercises:

  1. We open our mouth wide, smile and try to “brush” the upper row of teeth from the inside. Move the tongues from right to left and vice versa.
  2. Open your mouth and place your tongue on your lower lip. You need to pronounce the letter “f” continuously. In this case, the air stream should be narrow.

Even with these two exercises, you can force your tongue into the correct position when pronouncing the letter r. Then all that remains is to automate the pronunciation of this complex sound.

Do the following exercises:

  1. We raise our tongue up and tap it on the tubercle behind the teeth. In this case, you need to constantly pronounce the letter “d”. After a while, try pronouncing the letter r. To make it more difficult, try saying “dirrr” 5 times. And the most difficult step is to remove the letter “d” and just say “rrrr”.
  2. Next, open your mouth wide and support your lower jaw. Use your tongue to lick your upper lip for as long as possible (at least 5 minutes). The next step is to open your mouth wide again and place your tongue on your lower lip. In this case, you need to pronounce the letter “f”.
  3. Constantly pronounce words with the letter r: lynx, fisherman, work, steering wheel, headlight, mountains, feather, tractor and others.
  4. The last exercise is tongue twisters for burr with the letter “r”. Fortunately, there are a huge number of children's and adult tongue twisters. Start with the simplest poems and gradually move on to more complex options.

Only an experienced speech therapist can tell whether speech problems can be corrected with the help of such simple exercises. He knows exactly why you have burr and how best to deal with it.

Coping with burr as an adult

Among your friends there are probably those who cannot pronounce the letter r. Perhaps over time you have ceased to notice this speech impediment. But you can be sure that most people you know are constantly looking for an answer to the question: how to stop burring. If you see that a person is burring and really worried about this, then you have the opportunity to help him and direct him in the right direction.

How to stop burring as an adult is a difficult question. Even experienced doctors cannot say with certainty a universal method. All you need is patience and time. And all because the speech apparatus of an adult is significantly different from the speech apparatus of a child. Simply put, in an adult it is already fully formed and it will be quite difficult to make any adjustments. Therefore, advice on how to get rid of burr for a child is unlikely to be suitable for an adult over 16 years old.

A universal recipe for how to correct burr in a person over the age of 20 is to find a good speech therapist. It is best to find a doctor with good recommendations and work experience.

Be prepared that you will need to practice a lot and often. Therefore, you need to set aside time to visit the clinic. Of course, you can read the information on how to stop burring at home. But, in this case, you will also need the help of a specialist. Doctor services at home or in the office are many times more expensive.

How to stop burping as an adult is a difficult question. A lot depends on the cause of the pathology, the speech therapist, and also on the patient’s desire.

Therefore, if you or your child burr, immediately study all the information on how to cure burr. Have a lot of patience, do the exercises at least 3 times a day and follow all doctor's orders. Then you will be able to cope with this problem and find the answer to the question of how to stop burring at home and with the help of a speech therapist.

There is a request to correct the “burr.” In this article we will talk about what “burr” is and whether it can be corrected in adulthood.

“Barring” refers to any violation of the pronunciation of the sounds R and Rb. Based on the name “burr”, the sound resembles the voice of a crow, i.e. It is not loud and unpleasant to the ear.

In speech therapy, this disorder of sound pronunciation is called “rotacism” and can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

Usually the sound “R” appears by the age of 5-6 years, because it is quite difficult to pronounce and the child’s speech muscles must be strong and well coordinated. To pronounce this sound correctly, you need to raise your wide tongue to the upper teeth and blow strongly on the tip of the tongue, then you will get the very desired trembling (vibration) of the tip of the tongue and the person will “growl.”

However, for various reasons (weak muscles of the tongue, a short hyoid ligament, an example of incorrect pronunciation of a sound in the environment, etc.), the child is unable to independently master this complex skill. Then, as a replacement, a person looks for a sound similar to a growl, a guttural one, which is formed quite simply and even a three-year-old child can reproduce it.

If the parents noticed this problem and took the child to see a speech therapist, the “burr” will be removed, i.e. They will teach you to pronounce the sound correctly and reinforce the normative sound in your speech.

However, things don't always work out so well. Very often, in childhood (before school), burring could not be corrected (there was no time, opportunity, desire, etc.), and adults think that time has already been lost, it’s too late to change something.

However, experience shows that this is not at all the case, and at the age of 15, 20, 30, 40, everything can be corrected if a person has a strong desire to change his speech and get rid of “burr.”

Specific life stories show that burr is removable, but due to individual characteristics, the time and effort to overcome this problem will vary. Each person is unique, and his “burr” is also unique.

Below we present several real stories from speech therapy practice to correct burr in adulthood.

16 years: A girl, Yulia, came to the appointment; she went to a speech therapist as a child, but was too lazy to study and could not correct the sound “r”. In high school, she started blogging on the Internet and realized that her burr was bothering her. After the examination, it became clear that there were no physiological obstacles to making sound, but the muscles of the tongue were very weak. For 3 weeks there was a stage of sound production (articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises), classes were held 2 times a week with a speech therapist + Julia did the exercises herself at home. After the sound “R” was formed, its automation began. It was not easy, mainly due to the fact that the girl often missed home speech training. But 5 months after the first lesson the problem was solved. Julia learned to use the new sound correctly and fluently. It is important to note that her mother and friend helped her in the difficult work of establishing a new sound. The help of loved ones in working on sounds, as in any endeavor in general, is very important.

19 years: Second-year student Evgenia asked to help her get rid of burr. She actively participated in student conferences and was very shy about her speech. During the examination, it turned out that Evgenia can correctly pronounce the sound “R”, because As a child, I studied a little with a speech therapist, but then the family moved to another city and it was not possible to continue my studies there. For 6 lessons, which lasted for 2 months, because... the girl had a session, and then a vacation, the sound “R” was completely automated and introduced into speech. Such quick results are explained by the fact that the P sound was already formed, so there was no need to insert it, and by Evgenia’s enormous capacity for work. Every day she studied for 1.5 hours at home, “growled” on the way to the institute, i.e. I used every opportunity to practice my new sound. After 1 month, at the control lesson, she said that now she was not shy about speaking and meeting new people.

20 years: second year student Alexandra. Was referred for consultation after undergoing medical examination. commission at the Academy, where he is studying to become a flight dispatcher. The girl was given a condition - either she gets rid of the burr or is expelled. Initially I was very negative, because... Her burr never interfered with her communication. After a conversation with a speech therapist, I decided to try it... and was able to “growl” in the first lesson, without special training. devices, after speech gymnastics and demonstration of correct articulation. Such quick result inspired the girl, she came to a second lesson, and then disappeared for 1.5 months. After that, for a month I studied very irregularly, either canceling classes or rescheduling them. After another conversation with the speech therapist, it turned out that the girl was already psychologically ready for classes, but at the same time she was taking part in a game costume competition (she sews talentedly) and now she has little free time. After the completion of the competition, Alexandra began to study regularly and after 3 months the sound was completely automated in speech, the question of expulsion from the institute no longer arose.

29 years: Alexey, a programmer, was dissatisfied with his burr, because... she interfered with work. After examination, it turned out that he also pronounces whistling sounds incorrectly, which is why his speech becomes unclear. Alexey decided that if he were to correct his speech, it would be all at once, but he wanted to start with the “burr.” The sound “R” was formed quickly, in 2 lessons, and after 26 lessons it was completely introduced into speech. 1 month after completing intensive training, the young man came for a follow-up examination and talked about his feelings from the new sound. After that we started fixing the whistling sounds. Working on them was also easy, because... Alexey regularly trained 2 times a week at the center and trained daily at home on his own.

29 years: Artem, chemist. He was dissatisfied with his diction and burr. I received several lessons on diction from a speech technique teacher, and to correct my burr I turned to a speech therapist. I was able to growl at the very first lesson, after gymnastics and by imitation of correct articulation. After 2 lessons, when the sound P was easy, its automation began, i.e. consolidation in syllables, words, phrases. I worked out regularly 2 times a week and recorded my workouts on a voice recorder or computer (advice from a speech therapist to better control the process). After 2 months, the new sound was introduced into speech and was fully automated.

35 years: Victor, specialist in the field of mass media. All my life I was worried about the fact that I couldn’t pronounce the sounds R and R correctly. Finally I made up my mind and came to class. The first 2 lessons I was very tense, I was embarrassed that I had to sit in front of the mirror and “make faces” (gymnastics for the tongue muscles is a necessary step in establishing correct pronunciation). After the sound was set and its automation began, I relaxed and began to enjoy the process. I studied for 5 months, 2 times a week with a speech therapist and every day at home.

These stories show that if a person has a desire to overcome his speech difficulties and get rid of burr, then adulthood is not a hindrance, but a plus.