How to be happy every day. Become a happy person with our tips for men and women How to be happy in this life

Well, how to become happy man? If you are asking this question, it means you are not feeling very happy. Many people go through depression, depression, and apathy. Then advice from psychologists, good books, and positive films come to the rescue.

What is happiness?

Happiness is an individual and relative concept. Everyone strives for a state of happiness, but not everyone knows the way to it. It cannot be expressed in material things. Happiness is the result of painstaking work on oneself, self-development, and awareness of the meaning of life.

If a person lives in harmony with himself, then he is always happy, regardless of the circumstances. A harmonious personality realizes that difficulties are a temporary phenomenon given to us for development. This condition allows you to analyze the overall quality of life. If a person chronically feels depressed and empty, then there is reason to think about whether something needs to be changed? Perhaps you should change your job or improve your personal life. Or maybe we should try to let go of the past and learn to forgive? The most important thing is that it is necessary.

Barriers to happiness

  1. Mental trauma. There have been events in everyone's life that have had a strong negative impact. You can forget about them, but they will still remind you of themselves until a person decides to eliminate them.
  2. Grievances. They can accumulate - as a result, small grievances turn into big resentment.
  3. Fear of change. Psychologists usually suggest imagining that your greatest wish has come true right now. Is a person always ready for this? As a rule, no. Routine sucks, and in the end we simply avoid positive changes.
  4. Bad habits. Excessive drinking and smoking are naturally negative habits. But also the habits of scolding yourself and doubting your every step have a very negative impact on the quality of life.
  5. Stereotypes. Society has certain stereotypes, moving away from which a person hears reproaches and dissatisfaction addressed to him. As a result, a person goes to a job he doesn’t like, communicates with people who are uninteresting to him, and lives in a place that is not where he dreams of living. What's the point of this? It is important to understand that reproaches and discontent will not last forever, but happiness and satisfaction with life will remain forever.

A step-by-step recipe for happiness

  1. Fight stress. You need to distance yourself from negative situations - try to turn on the TV less, and not communicate with pessimistic people. Also, you shouldn’t “bury your head in the sand” and close yourself off from problems. Speak out, cry, share your problems with relatives and friends. If necessary, you can even contact a psychologist, since being alone with your thoughts is dangerous. Assess your workload, school, and household chores. Everyone should set aside time for rest; without it, it is impossible to work productively. Don't be afraid to delegate and don't sacrifice sleep to get important things done.
  2. Chat with friends. Gatherings with loved ones make a person much happier. You can form a tradition - visit each other every Saturday, go to the cinema together, find your favorite cozy cafe.
  3. Accept the situation. It is important to be able to thank fate for what you have. , the opportunity to get an education, parents and a loved one - not everyone has this. Develop gratitude - saying “Thank you” to a saleswoman or bus driver is not at all difficult.
  4. Solve problems. If there are a lot of problems, it is quite difficult to be happy. You need to step by step find solutions to how to become happy and loved, analyze the situation from all sides. If marriage does not bring you more happiness, you should consult a psychologist, read books or listen to lectures about.

Look for yourself

Problems at work - low salary, lack of due respect from superiors, no pleasure and no prospects. Isn't this a reason to find yourself in something else?

  1. Look for the real you. Everyone has their own abilities and talents. A person cannot be completely happy if he does not realize them. Don't wear masks -
    , change your unloved job, look for an environment that is close to your life principles. How to become rich and happy - find yourself.
  2. Develop positive thinking. It is worth paying attention to the pleasant aspects of life, and not just the negative aspects. In difficult situations, treat what is happening with humor.
  3. Set a goal. Without a goal, a person’s existence can hardly be called complete. It is important to find something that makes you move forward. If a person’s dream is a new car, it’s worth saving at least a little for it every month. Someone dreams of traveling all their life, which means it’s time to start learning languages ​​and getting a foreign passport.
  4. Make your wishes come true. Often women who are married and have children forget about themselves, without thinking about how to become happy and cheerful, they limit themselves in clothes, cosmetics, delicious food and even expensive hobbies. Often this is a unnecessary sacrifice. Becoming a happy wife is the most important task. It is more pleasant for children and husbands to see a woman happy and satisfied than to see a woman loaded with problems and unhappy. This applies not only to women who cannot become a happy wife. Many people develop a victim complex. Believe me, no one will appreciate this.
  5. Look for a hobby. Social media and TV kill time, instead you should engage in self-development. Reading, sports, drawing, dancing, yoga - the list is endless for every taste.

What do you need to do to become happy? The easiest way is to accept yourself for who you are, love life and become happy by loving yourself.

A person must live life to the fullest, then he can become happy. The main thing is to start and gradually move towards happiness.


If a person is satisfied with himself, he will not make claims to the whole world. Often, dissatisfaction with others is hidden dissatisfaction with one’s own behavior.

What we say to others Questions we need to ask ourselves
I am tired of this! What am I tired of about myself?
The whole world annoys me! What irritates me about myself?
Do you understand me. What do I not understand about myself?
Get a hold of yourself. What do I need to take control of?
You do not love me. What don't I like about myself?
How dissatisfied I am with someone! What am I dissatisfied with about myself?
How tired I am of life! Why am I tired of myself?

Truly harmonious individuals understand that the responsibility for happiness and attitude towards life lies only with them.

Books about happiness

It so happens that representatives of the fair sex often ask questions about happiness. After all, there must be a way to find out how to become a happy woman. And then books help you understand yourself. Artistic or psychological - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they find a response in the soul and make you look at the world differently.

The right books help you find inner harmony

  1. Osho is a sage from India, spiritual leader and mystic. His views on life may be shocking, but his statements on happiness have helped many people live fulfilling lives with kindness in their hearts. His book “Joy. Happiness that comes from within" is based on the conversations of a sage. He challenges a society whose morality is based on suffering, showing a different perspective on life.
  2. Dale Carnegie, renowned psychologist and bestselling author. His book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, encourages you to get rid of everything that prevents you from enjoying happiness.
  3. Not everyone in Russia knows Daniel Keyes and his book “Flowers for Algernon,” but in America the book is included in the compulsory school curriculum. The book allows you to think about how important it is to remain yourself. It also touches on the topic of the immorality of human experimentation.
  4. Eleanor Porter wrote the book Pollyanna about an optimistic little girl who can see the good in people. Pollyanna “plays for joy,” teaching the game to other people. Its point is to find the positive in every situation. Isn’t this what all the psychologists in the world teach us?
  5. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, together with the American psychologist Howard Cutler, published the book “The Art of Being Happy. A guide for life." It is created for those who have no prejudices against Eastern techniques and the Buddhist approach to life. Even if there are prejudices, they must disappear after reading this book.


Answer the question “What is happiness? “Philosophers, psychologists, writers and poets have been trying for many years. Many agree that a happy person strives for virtue. A harmonious person cannot commit evil acts, so it makes sense to strive for happiness.

The desire for happiness is natural for humans. Books, optimistic people around, good films, hobbies, self-knowledge and self-development help us with this.

October 23, 2014

Happiness is a very interesting thing. If only because each person perceives it differently. This emotion simply cannot be permanent. It comes and goes easily, so people are often interested in how to become happy. Some people have a dark streak in their lives, while others just want to feel something warm and pleasant in their souls. By the way, in many cultures happiness is considered the best emotion, since it combines many other feelings (love, care, etc.)

I thought that quite a few people would want to know more about this. Moreover, this information will remain relevant almost always (unless, of course, they invent some kind of electronic stimulator implanted into the brain). I analyzed domestic and foreign literature and found many methods, techniques and tips confirmed by science. Here are 7 of the best.

Exercise more - at least 7 minutes a day

Exercise really does help us feel happier. I can say even more: in most cases, it is the absence of such a load that causes a bad mood for no reason. Many people don't exercise simply because they don't want to. The most popular excuse: “ I don't have enough time" But there is a solution. It’s not for nothing that you are reading this article about how to become happier.

Now there are many sets of exercises that take no more than 10 minutes, but allow you to use all types of muscles well. For example, the very famous Tabata technique. For many people it may seem quite complicated, but you can always find the best option that will suit you. Analyze the options that can best fit into your daily schedule. In the end, just try morning exercises, as you were advised to do as a child.

Exercise really does help you feel better. This is also confirmed by experiments related to the treatment of depression. Shawn Achor's book describes a study that involved three groups of patients suffering from different shapes depression. One group was given only drugs, the second was forced to do physical exercise, and the third combined both methods. The results surprised even me, since I was not completely sure of the effectiveness of each method.

Although positive result everyone had it, the end results are radically different from my ideas. Those who took medication alone began to improve the situation, but within 6 months, 38% percent returned to their original state of affairs. People from the third group showed better results: only 31% of them slipped back into depression. But in the second group, where they only did physical exercises, this figure was (!) 9 percent! This is truly amazing. The girls from that group are unlikely to be interested in how to become happy.

You don't have to be depressed to experience the benefits of exercise. Not only will it make you happier, but it will also help you relax, make your body more attractive, and even improve your brain performance. A study in the Journal of Health Psychology showed that people began to feel noticeably better, even if they had no changes in their body. That is, you don’t need to go to the gym and pump up your muscles to become happier - you just need to do some physical exercise.

16 men and 18 women were divided into two groups and parameters of their figure, lifestyle and body weight were taken. Then one group was asked to exercise 6 times for 40 minutes, and the other group read books for the same time. The studies that followed the test showed that there were no changes after reading the books, but physical exercise brought really good results. So here is the answer for those who want to know, how to become a happy person– just train more.

I researched this a little more and found out what exercise does to our brains. If we talk in simple language, then they simply release more endorphins, which make us feel happier. This can be seen in the image on the right.

Sleep more - you will become less sensitive to negative emotions

Probably everyone knows that sleep helps our body feel better, rest from the physical, spiritual and mental stress experienced during the day. Good and healthy sleep allows the brain to focus better and become more productive. It turns out that this is another important component of our happiness. In the journal NatureShock, authors Poe Bronson and Ashley Maryman explained how sleep affects our well-being:

Negative stimuli are processed by the tonsils; neutral and positive - hippocam. Lack of sleep affects the latter much more than the former. If a person does not get enough sleep for a long time, he remembers better negative events. The pleasant moments are slowly erased, and the bad ones, on the contrary, become clearer and more distinct.

There is also one famous experiment in which a group of subjects were told to stay awake for two days and memorize certain words. The results were quite surprising: participants remembered 81% of words that had a negative connotation, like “cancer” (read about that) or “war.” Moreover, only among positive and negative words, participants remembered only 31%. This once again proves that sleep has a profound effect on our perceived happiness. Just sleep more.

One cannot help but recall an experiment conducted by BPS Research Digest, which was able to prove that sleep greatly influences a person’s susceptibility to negativity. Scientists placed cameras in front of the workplace of employees of a Japanese company without warning them in advance. The study was carried out for about a week. The task was to determine what emotions each person experiences and systematize the data obtained. So, those people who did not take a break to sleep became much more sensitive to anger and fear by the end of the working day.

As you can see, the duration and quality of your sleep directly affects your positive emotions. Of course, you should not confuse the sensations immediately after getting up and throughout the day. Surely in the morning you are very aggressive and negative, but over a longer period of time this difference is noticeable. In the picture to the right you can see how brain activity decreases throughout the day.

Try to move closer to work - a few minutes' drive costs more than a new house

Our commute can have a surprisingly powerful effect on our happiness. In fact, the fact that we are forced to do this twice a day, five times a week and about 22 times a month adds a plus to the plausibility of this fact. Even if at first there is nothing wrong with this, over time stress and negativity will accumulate, making us less and less happy.

According to research from The Art of Manliness, many people simply don't understand how long commutes can negatively affect us. There are many conditions that negatively affect our happiness in the long term. People are unlikely to ever get used to long and tedious work when there are more interesting ways to spend their time. As renowned Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert puts it: “Driving in traffic is an example of a daily alternative hell.”

As a rule, we try to compensate for this stress with what we have good car, which you can ride comfortably or big house, in which you can relax after tiring work, but these compensations simply do not work. No need to say " I want to be happy" you just need to try to make your job and the road to it more attractive.

Two Swiss economists who considered the level of satisfaction with these compensations claim that they do not work at all.

Spend more time with family and friends - no regrets on your deathbed

One of the most common regrets of dying people is that they did not communicate enough with their family and friends. If you don't believe enough that it actually helps make you happy, let me present you with some scientific studies that prove this fact. Just don't ask later how to become happy and loved.

Communication with loved ones is a very valuable time for you when we're talking about about happiness, and we are talking even about introverts (people who prefer to be alone). Moreover, this largely depends not only on relatives, but also on friends with whom you would like to spend more time.

Daniel Gilbert, mentioned above, explains it this way: “We are truly happy when we are surrounded by family, we are truly happy when we are surrounded by friends and many other things. We think that other things make us happy, but deep down in our hearts we know that they don’t.” It's hard to disagree with this statement.

  • Family;
  • Health;
  • Time;
  • Goals;
  • Friends;

Go outside more often - the temperature of happiness is 13.9C o

However, he was not the only one making such statements. One study found that walking for 20 minutes does not fresh air They not only help to significantly improve your mood, but also improve memory function and expand your thinking.

This is good news for people with very busy work schedules. Perhaps everyone can find 20 minutes. You can spend them during your lunch break or just walk from work to home. Research from the University of Sussex (UK) also conducted an experiment that showed the beneficial effects of walking in the fresh air on positive emotions.

It was published in 2011. During it, the students were divided into two groups. One was asked to stay at home as long as possible, while the other, on the contrary, was asked to spend more time outside. At the end of the experiment, the second group felt much better. So if you want to know how to be happy without a man, then just try to start spending more time outside.

The American Meteorological Society also conducted an experiment in which people's sense of self and weather conditions were studied in order to identify the relationship. It turned out that people feel happier when the temperature outside is 13.9 degrees Celsius, a slight warm wind is blowing, and the air is at an average level of humidity.

Help others - 100 magic hours

This advice is one of the most common in psychological literature. I even remember a small quote like:

When will I be happy?
When you stop thinking only about yourself and start helping others.

Well, perhaps that makes sense. Moreover, a person really begins to feel better when he understands that his actions bring great benefit to others. By the way, many are built on this principle. social programs. However, this is a topic for a separate article. If you don't want to miss new posts, just subscribe to blog updates.

Here's what Shawn Achor writes about this: “Researchers interviewed more than 150 people. They were asked about their last purchases, as well as about the emotions they were experiencing at the moment. So, charity concerts and exhibitions of emerging artists brought maximum satisfaction. At the same time, the purchase of new clothes or equipment was characterized more neutrally.”

From all this we can conclude that spending money on someone is actually more pleasant than on yourself. Of course, if we are talking about voluntary donations and you know that you are helping people. As you can see, there are also such ways to be happy. It was also found that non-material assistance also makes us feel much better.

You don’t even need to conduct experiments to see that volunteers smile much more often, are more sociable, are always ready to help and are generally happier people. You can see this for yourself if you find a real volunteer who has been involved in this activity for a long time. Beginners will not be suitable, since many people like voluntary help only at first, and only a few remain in this field for a long time.

How to become happy - smile more often

Even if you smile on purpose, you will still feel much better. The only exceptions, perhaps, are those situations when you try to please a person and smile through force. IN in this case this is unlikely to give you positive emotions. But in other cases it can really help you. Try it right now - go to the mirror and try to smile for a minute. You will see, it will become a little easier for you.

In addition, a smile will help eliminate many negative emotions including getting rid of pain. And on this, perhaps, it’s worth finishing the article about how to become happy in life.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. There you can express your thoughts about this material. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye bye!

Text: practicing psychologist Elena Sultanova

Happiness is a state to which, consciously or not, almost everyone strives. Another thing is that everyone has their own happiness: some have a prosperous family, some have professional self-realization, some have material wealth.

Being a happy person is both simple and difficult. The difficulty is that in order to become happy, you need to know some conditions for achieving happiness, more about them below. But the main difficulty is that happiness has ceased to exist interesting people. Almost any modern book, film or song can easily convince you of this: the fate of the heroes is distorted by some tragedy, someone’s untimely death, an accident, unrequited love. And thus, we learn to empathize not with happiness, but with misfortune. And it is misfortune that we most often try on ourselves. The one who is happy is of no interest to anyone, best case scenario. And at worst, it causes hostility. Remember how Toska said in “Girls”: “You are happy, Katka, but happiness blinds people.”

Another difficulty on the path to happiness is our misconception that happiness is difficult to achieve. We are generally accustomed to thinking that good things must be earned, and that what comes easily is worth nothing. There is even an expression - “hard-earned happiness.” Often, instead of becoming truly happy, we begin to obtain this happiness by inventing obstacles and suffering for ourselves out of the blue. We don't believe in happiness if it just comes into our hands. We consider real what has been suffered, obtained, earned, and never what was easily and joyfully in our hands.

How can one still be happy?

  • 1 Determine the parameters of your happiness Remember that being happy is also a goal. And in order to achieve the goal, you need to see it, know it. Determine for yourself by what signs you will understand that you are happy, otherwise it may come without you even noticing. If happiness for you is when you are loved, decide how you will understand that you are loved. The more parameters and characteristics you find, the clearer your goal will be and the easier the path to it. Try to play at your happiness. Remember how we used to play mother and daughter and build an ideal family and an ideal home? Try your happiness by taste, color, smell. Choose key roles and settings - this will determine where your happiness is possible and with whom.
  • 2 State what brings you pleasure in life In order to feel happy, it is important not only to paint the scenery, but also to fill it with things that bring you joy. Make your list of what invariably makes you happy and gives you pleasure, something without which life would turn into dull everyday life. This could be weekly get-togethers with friends in a cafe, A new book, shopping, etc. Make it a rule to periodically check your list, and as you implement it, cross something off and add something. See how much of this list you implement in your life. If it’s not enough, then what’s stopping you? Check how you can realize what brings you joy. Maybe for this you will have to give up some boring and uninteresting things.
  • 3 Live in the moment You cannot be happy yesterday or tomorrow, only today. Remember that only in the present time do we have all our strength, energy, and attention at our disposal. During the day, listen to your thoughts - you will find yourself thinking about what happened yesterday, as well as what will happen tomorrow. So it may turn out that you are practically not in the present. Therefore, become happy right here and now. If nothing makes you happy in the present, then it is very likely that the future will not make you very happy either, because it also tends to someday become the present.
  • 4 Rely on what you are willing to do Happiness must certainly be built on a combination of “I can” and “I want.” It’s not enough to want something, you also need to be able and ready to do it, otherwise happiness will turn into soap bubble which one day will burst, leaving disappointment in its place. Remember again the parameters of your happiness and look at the list that you made in point 2 - this is what you want. But what of this do you want and are you ready to do in order to be happy? Remember that your list should only contain things that you can do for yourself. Because “everyone is the architect of his own happiness.”
  • 5 Accept yourself for who you are Happiness is built on accepting yourself as a person, on agreeing to be who you are. American psychologists have a saying: “If you are in Chicago, then you cannot call from anywhere but from Chicago.” This means that if you want to be happy, then you can only do this from the state in which you are now. Happiness is not built on who you will one day become, but on who you already are. Write down your strengths on a piece of paper, study it and remember: your strengths are what you can rely on in life. Write down your shortcomings on a piece of paper and do the following thing: turn each shortcoming into a virtue. Remember: “I’m not a brake, I’m a slow gas”? Or “I’m not boring, I just pay a lot of attention to detail.” Or “yes, I am like that, and this is my way of acting”?
  • 6 Shape your employment Life is more interesting the more activities we are involved in. We often dream about relaxation, about the opportunity not to work. However, according to psychological research, the less busy we are with something, the more likely we are to become fixated on one activity or to settle for a less desirable activity. This is why there are more dysfunctional women among housewives than among women who work a lot.

At the very beginning, we said that being happy is not only difficult, but also simple. In order to be happy, you only need an inner desire and intention to be happy. It is not circumstances that make a person happy, but the internal readiness to be happy and the ability to be content with what he has. Surely everyone is familiar with the state when everything seems to be there for happiness, but there is no happiness itself. But happiness does not come when there are no problems. When you are happy, troubles and failures can happen in life. However, a happy person understands that there can be troubles and failures, and accepts them not as obstacles, but as springboards - in order to better push off.

Friends, contrary to popular misconception, happiness almost does not depend on external circumstances and phenomena. Happiness is within us.

In other words, no one and nothing from the outside can make us happy. And even if he does, it won’t be for long, since often we simply don’t know how to preserve and increase our happiness.

So how can you become a happy person? How to keep happiness in yourself forever?

Read this article or watch the video in it?

How to become a happy person?

Below are five simple tips, following which will make you much happier. A healthy lifestyle guarantees: putting into practice just one point out of five can radically change your life for the better. What will happen if you take all five steps? Try it and you will be amazed at the changes in your life.

Wonderful illustrations for the article were made by the artist Alisa especially for our website. Alice, thank you, your creativity makes the world a better place :)

Friends, are you ready? Then we begin our quest for happiness. Let's try and walk this path to the end. After all, our happy life is at stake!

How to become a happy person? The power of optimism lies primarily in the fact that an optimist takes control of life into his own hands. “Everything that didn’t happen was for the better!!!” - this is the motto of a person with an optimistic outlook on the world. And this is the right approach. For in any difficulties, an optimist sees new opportunities. And he doesn’t just see them, but uses them to his advantage.

We ourselves determine what awaits us ahead. Everything depends only on our attitude to what is happening. If we interpret problems and troubles as new opportunities and prospects, then that’s how it turns out in the end.

And vice versa: if due to some difficulties we plunge into the abyss of despair, then in the future the situation only gets worse. There is more and more negativity, life turns into a continuous black streak.

The fact is that the world always agrees with . If we believe that only good things await us next, then so be it, the world will take care of it.

If a person is infected with pessimism, then the world will certainly throw up situations that will allow him to say: “Well, I told you that nothing would work out, that everything would only get worse!” Friends, we get what we believe in. So why set yourself up for bad things if it is pointless and even destructive?

Optimism is the key to happiness.

By looking at the world with optimism, we tune in to the frequency of a happy life. It's like a radio: in order to hear what we want, we need to catch a specific frequency. So, when you catch the optimistic wave, dear readers of Lifestyle and Healthy Lifestyle, you will be simply amazed at how much your world will transform. Everything around will indicate that your life is filled with happiness.

Please make no mistake that becoming an optimist is difficult. Even if you are now an inveterate pessimist, everything can change, and you yourself will not notice this transition. Rapidly or gradually, you will definitely become an optimist if you want to.

In fact, our a pessimistic or optimistic attitude towards everything that happens is just a matter of choice. It's just a habit. The habit of reacting in one way or another to external stimuli.

If we realize that optimism makes us happier, and pessimism makes us unhappy, then everything falls into place. What kind of desire for masochism does one have to have in order to know this and be a pessimist? I can't wrap my head around it! However, this is not the fault of a person with a pessimistic view of the world. It's simple bad habit, which you need to get rid of. A is to replace it with a useful one. In our case - optimism.

Let the statement “Everything that is not done is for the better!” will become your motto. Purposefully find the good in the bad, but pay less attention to the bad in the good. Be happy, friends, and illuminate the world around you with your happiness.

How to become a happy person? Give thanks often! A happy man is experiencing. Otherwise he will not be happy (it’s as simple as that). When we feel grateful, our brain releases chemicals that make us feel happy. But this is not just about chemical processes.

To give thanks means to give a benefit. By radiating gratitude into the world, we attract into our lives more people, events, things that deserve our gratitude. It turns out to be such a nice vicious circle:

As with optimism, we fall on those lines of life that our attention is aimed at. If you concentrate on everything good, feeling grateful, then this good automatically becomes more and more. Which, in turn, significantly increases our level of happiness.

It seems to be a truism, but how many people are there who don’t know this or don’t want to know? We run after happiness, but it constantly eludes us. And we don’t even know that happiness is always nearby. It was, is and will be. We just don't notice it.

In order to become a happy person, you just need learn to appreciate what you have at the moment. Even if everything seems to be worse than ever, find those little things that make your life better. They are definitely there, you just have to look closely. And when you find them, just try to feel grateful for the fact that they exist.

The more often you notice and appreciate such little things, the more reasons for gratitude you will have in your life. Gradually, these little things will turn into something that you cannot even imagine right now. Dreams will come true, goals will be fulfilled - you will get everything that previously seemed unattainable. And then, perhaps, you will remember how it all began. And you will say: “Thank you, world!”

How to become a happy person? Use yours best qualities! Each of us is unique and has our own talents and inclinations. I emphasize - each of us! You just need to understand what exactly you like in this life. By applying your skills to what interests you, you will undoubtedly achieve results. No one promises that it will be quick and easy. The point is different. When you find a hobby you like or even, your work will certainly begin to be popular and arouse genuine interest among other people. You will become not only a happy, but also a successful person.

There's not much in the world that . Therefore, the result of your work will certainly be appreciated, that’s a fact.

Isn't this happiness? Doing what you love, which provides a decent life - what could be better?

Separately, I would like to emphasize that the thing you like should be put first, and only then money issues. If you choose an activity for yourself, assessing first of all the profitability of the activity, and only then your interests and skills, then you are more likely to become another squirrel in the wheel and spend your life on something that is alien to you and even disgusting. Therefore, dear readers of Lifestyle and Healthy Lifestyle, first of all answer one simple question. What would you do if you didn't have to make money?

Using your best qualities is the shortest path to happiness. The main thing is to find them in yourself. Find it and let it reveal itself to the fullest! And then it will become clear and understandable why you are here.

Finding your purpose is happiness.

We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid. (c) Albert Einstein

Don't let other people's judgments lead you astray. They say it’s stylish, it’s prestigious, but what you’re doing is hopeless crap. Nonsense!

The main thing is that you yourself discover your best qualities and actively put them into practice. In this case, success is inevitable. And there is no need to talk about happiness - it will always be with you.

When you direct your best qualities towards achieving your goals, you will find amazing harmony in life. So find these qualities!

Guys, here are a couple of useful articles on how to find your goal:

Let this help each of us to reveal and use our best qualities.

Enjoy the little things. How to become a happy person? Learn to enjoy the little things, that is, notice and appreciate those moments that most people will not pay attention to. After all, our whole life for the most part consists of simple little things. By paying attention to them, we become happier.

If a person believes that happiness can only be built from huge boulders (great joys), and ignores small bricks, then most likely this construction will never be completed. It will turn out to be an eternal unfinished project.

If you enjoy the little things, enjoy every moment, then such construction will go much faster. Moreover, you will be “in the know” - by communicating with small suppliers of bricks (rejoicing in the little things), you will also get access to large suppliers of happiness. You won’t even notice how you will live a happy life!

In other words, by paying attention to pleasant little things, we get:

  1. A feeling of happiness here and now that will always warm us.
  2. The prospect of receiving everything that can make us happy on a much larger scale.

Therefore, the ability to enjoy little things is not only pleasant, but also beneficial. So let's take advantage of it and appreciate what we have.

Do good. How to become a happy person? Do good deeds and show mercy, and you will feel a surge of happiness. Yes, doing good is a pleasure in itself. But there's also a great bonus: our good deeds tend to come back.

There is only one caveat. You should not do good while expecting a reward. If you are motivated only by self-interest, then you will be disappointed.

Generally, acts of kindness are long-term investments. And it is far from a fact that the person to whom we do good will answer us in kind. And even if he does answer, it’s not a fact that he will answer immediately and in the way we want.

In fact, we cannot know when and from whom we will receive goodness in return. Therefore, you should not hysterically demand rewards for your actions. Do it and forget it. Someday your goodness will definitely return to you. And you will feel happiness from the good deeds you have done now.

The golden rule of morality says: “ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.“This rule is known in the religious and philosophical teachings of the East and West; it underlies many world religions. What does this rule teach us? It's simple.

By giving good to the world, we receive the same from it. And in order to be sure that we are truly giving the good, we should first try on such a gift for ourselves. Would you be pleased to receive this? Would this make you happier? If yes, then act, create, help!


The article talks about the same thing from different positions. Everything we do comes back to us. If we show optimism, feel gratitude, use our best qualities for the good of the world, enjoy the little things and do good, then rest assured that all this will return many times over.

It really works. Just start putting these tips into practice and you will see for yourself.

Be happy! And please share this information with your friends.

More on the topic:

How to become a good man and find friends What matters is what you do now A man's century is not enough! How to become a long-liver?

22 379 1 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to become a happy person. And also about how a woman can become happy and loved, even if she is alone and has no one. Today you will receive the best psychological advice on this issue.

Probably each of us dreams of waking up one morning and feeling maximum happiness and peace of mind. Happiness is a state of complete satisfaction own life. This is an entirely subjective characteristic.. Looking at a person from the outside, we can only guess whether he is happy. Only he himself feels it.

The feeling of happiness never directly depends on status, financial capabilities, social environment, etc. Often people with material wealth, many friends and a good family feel unhappy. And sometimes a person who is not particularly wealthy, with a difficult fate, can experience real happiness. Here everything completely depends on ourselves.

What influences the feeling of happiness

  • Values. Each of us has a certain set of significant values ​​( “to love and be loved”, “family”, “interesting work”, “freedom”, “constant development” etc.), and if they are present in our life, then the feeling of happiness does not leave us.
  • Achieving your goals. Some people have simple and quickly achievable goals, while others have ambitious goals that require a lot of effort. But one way or another, the main criterion of happiness here is the result obtained.
  • Satisfying needs. The key is to satisfy precisely those needs that a person puts at the forefront. You can be a hungry artist, but if the most important thing for him is recognition or self-expression and this is realized, then he is likely to experience happiness. But if the most significant needs regularly remain unsatisfied, then the person is unhappy.
  • . If we are satisfied with ourselves and adequately evaluate ourselves, then we become more confident and feel inner harmony. If we are not at peace with ourselves, we are constantly engaged in self-digging, then we cannot feel completely happy.
  • Health. Health problems always affect the feeling of happiness to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to your condition in order to be able to prevent serious violations in time.

What prevents you from being happy

Unfortunately (or fortunately, excuse the tautology), our own attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts almost always prevent us from being happy.

  • Creating obstacles. Quite often, we ourselves come up with various difficulties and obstacles on the path to happiness, believing that it does not come easy and we have to pay for everything. It seems that true happiness must be suffered and won... But paradoxically, while we are struggling with imaginary barriers and obstacles, it goes away and we don’t notice it. We don't allow ourselves to be happy. .
  • The weight of the past. Being happy is often hindered by negative events that have ever happened to us. The experiences associated with them constantly return us to that time, and we become fixated on the problems of the past.
  1. Turn around. It simply cannot be that nothing brings joy and at least for a moment is not a reason for happiness. It consists of little things. You were given a compliment, you successfully completed an important task, your baby smiled at you, you attended an interesting event... Every day we are faced with many reasons to be happy. Our task is to notice them and rejoice.

Listening to the singing of birds, the rustling of grass in the wind and leaves underfoot are useful actions for inner peace and establishing a connection with the world. Enjoy the simplest things. They charge you with positive energy and allow you to be distracted from bad thoughts and feel happier.

  1. Break the vicious circle.

For example, we may feel sad about not achieving what we want. And we don’t achieve it because we sit and don’t take any action (or act in the wrong way), because all our thoughts are occupied with unnecessary worries and looking for someone to blame. And it often seems that this circle cannot be broken. We are all waiting for circumstances to change dramatically or for some great luck to fall on us. The likelihood of this happening is low. And the only way out is in ourselves. You need to break the circle by stopping worrying and starting to act. Any steps and attempts to change the situation or attitude towards life will bring you closer to happiness.

  1. Get carried away.

You should definitely have something you love – something that inspires and energizes you. Creative activities and sports allow you to express yourself and cope with stress. But this can be more than just a hobby. For example, realizing oneself as a mother, a caring wife, and doing household chores also allows one to feel like a truly happy woman at any age: both at 20 and at 40 years old.

  1. Rest and...

If you're exhausted and don't get enough sleep regularly, you're unlikely to feel completely happy. Healthy sleep not only helps to restore strength, but also to put thoughts and feelings in order.

  1. Follow your goals and finish what you start.

The more completed tasks you have in your piggy bank, the freer and more harmonious you will feel. and do not give up on them when you encounter obstacles.

  1. Bring happiness into another person's life.

The more often you do good deeds and please others, the happier you will become. The positive energy from your good deeds will definitely return to you. This is the pattern. Give gifts to others, talk pleasant words, provide support, do charity work. The feeling that you are making a difference in the world helps you understand how you become happy.

  1. Look at the future not with fear, but with hope.

Stick to the principle and constantly remind yourself: “ It's good now, but it will be even better" Make plans and look forward to their implementation. The more actively you can act and implement your plans, the more interesting the future will seem to you.

  1. Have in your arsenal a list of life-affirming phrases that lift your spirits and make you feel happier. For example:
    “I am getting better and better at coping with difficulties”
    "I like myself"
    “There are many pleasant moments in my life,” etc.
  2. Weigh your “I want” and “I’m afraid”.

It is most convenient to write them down on paper in 2 columns. Try to remember as many of your “I want” and “I’m afraid” as possible. It’s good if there are much more of the former than the latter. After all, the energy of desires always inspires us, makes us more confident, and the energy of fears slows down actions, forcing us to abandon our intentions.

How to become a happy wife

When creating a family, a woman always wants to become happy and loved. What helps to achieve this?

  • It is important to remain feminine, affectionate and attractive. Let your men feel like reliable defenders and knights next to you. This is a powerful incentive for self-realization.
  • Show care and attention towards your husband. Smile while waiting for him to return from work, ask how his day was, give him the opportunity to fully rest, please him with delicious food.
  • Support a man's self-esteem: praise him, recognize his achievements and abilities.
  • Don't be too demanding of your husband, don't control his every move. He needs to feel a certain degree of freedom and independence.
  • Keep your home cozy and tidy, keep it clean, create comfortable living conditions for your family, and take maximum care of your children. A man is always in a hurry to return to the warmth of his home.
  • Give your love, strive for physical intimacy, trust and respect him.

How to become a happy mother

For most representatives of the fair sex, the question of how to become a happy woman is equated with the task of becoming a happy mother.

  • Feel the joy from every contact with your child: when he smiles at you, when you feed him, when you sing a lullaby and watch him fall asleep, when you play with him and just communicate.
  • Allow yourself to rest and exercise personal matters, because the child needs a lot of your attention and care. You need to restore your strength and recharge with positive energy. Don't forget about getting enough sleep and your hobbies.
  • Love yourself and show your child confidence. This will allow you to be convinced that “I am a good mother and am doing everything right.”
  • Be active and emotional while communicating and playing with your baby. The more pleasant emotions you experience with him, the higher your satisfaction with motherhood will be.
  • Try to trust your child at any age, encourage his initiative and respect his personality. He feels it and will treat you the same.
  • Rejoice in your child’s development, notice positive influence your educational influence.
  • Be flexible when raising your baby, listen to his needs and mood.
  • Attend cultural events with your children more often. Interest is guaranteed for both you and them.
  • Children develop us and change us for the better. Be open to this experience. There really is a lot to learn from them.

We summarize all of the above in the following lines:

Happiness adorns our lives

Sow its seeds in your soul,

And hurry to give it to others.

All good things will return - believe it!

Video about how to become a happy woman.