How to quickly develop intuition: rules and exercises. How to develop intuition: exercises to identify hidden abilities How to develop the subconscious and intuition

Every person has intuition, although not everyone can hear it. Often people make the right decisions without being based on any arguments or knowledge.

Although, probably, every person has many examples of manifestations of clairvoyance or intuition. Only those who know how to immerse themselves, listen to the subconscious, who have hypersensitive perception, are able to manifest and develop this feeling.

Since the zone responsible for such insight is located in the subconscious, it is studied by psychology.

Various psychological techniques help determine the degree of your sixth sense. The simplest is testing. How to recognize your intuition and determine its degree of development? You can take several tests posted on the Internet or in books by practicing psychologists.

Ways to develop intuition

It has been proven that after serious head injuries, stress, and extreme experiences, some individuals discovered superpowers. To avoid resorting to such methods of opening the subconscious, use the developed techniques. Recommendations to help develop your sixth sense:

  1. Faith. You need to believe in the existence of intuition and its power, and be prepared for its manifestations.
  2. Meditation. Open chakras, peace of mind, focus on feeling yourself and your desires will help activate insight.
  3. Feeling real. Memories that evoke ambiguous feelings can be projected and interfere with the manifestation of the subconscious, becoming confused with it. Therefore, you need to let go of everything, leaving only the present.
  4. Maintaining your internal energy level. Control over emotions and feelings. It is important not to give in to strong emotions; they reduce the ability to hear your inner voice.
  5. Expression of sensuality. Be sure to use all your five senses, be sure to develop them. Listen more and more attentively, peer, etc.
  6. Trusting your hunches, maintaining a balance between your inner mind and rational thinking. In the early stages of intuition development, a premonition appears that you need to rely on, but not give up logic.
  7. Ask your intuition the right questions, the answers to which are yes or no. This makes it easier to get a hint.
  8. To achieve a good effect in improving the inner mind, special texts are read that influence a person’s consciousness, helping him to open up. Such conspiracies can not only contribute spiritual development, but also to improve health, improve financial condition, and protect.
  9. The development of this feeling must be systematic. You need to constantly repeat the exercises without missing classes.
  10. Trust in the mentor. You need to allow a specialist to help you develop your abilities.

If we consider intuition in a gender perspective, then we can confidently say that women have a greater degree of foresight than men. Girls are endowed with feminine intuition from birth. Due to upbringing, when desires are broken and stereotypes are imposed, the connection with the inner mind weakens.

Exercises to develop intuition

Regular practice and focused study will help reveal your inner sense. Basic techniques allow you to increase intelligence and unlock the potential of the human brain.

  • Method 1. Psychodar. The training is aimed at developing spatial perception. You need to select and focus on an object. Close your eyes and spin around your axis. Try to feel the object, see its energy field. Open eyes. If it doesn’t work, then analyze why, then repeat again.
  • Method 2: Hand replacement. Take a pen and two sheets of paper. On one, write the questions with your usual hand, on the second - the answers, with the hand you usually don’t write with. This simulator connects both hemispheres to solving a problem, the whole mind is included.
  • Method 3. Traffic light. The technique requires making a traffic light yourself. It needs to be placed in front of your eyes. The goal is to include a specific color along with the emotions that are associated with it.
  • Method 4. Alphabet. The method trains the brain and also promotes quick decision making. We need a special table - the alphabet. When selecting a particular letter, you need to raise your arms and legs in the correct combination.

The ways to develop intuition are very simple, similar to children's games, but the results are amazing.

Self-help guide for developing intuition

To start developing your abilities on your own, you need to leaf through a lot of literature. It's worth getting a typing assistant. Laura Day's book, Self-Teacher for Developing Intuition, is an excellent option for exploring yourself and your capabilities. As you explore your inner mind, turn to listening to music at frequency 432. This frequency is in harmony with cosmic movement and natural vibration. When listening to it, a connection with the universal mind opens and the mechanisms of the surrounding world become clear.

Hypnosis allows you to penetrate a person’s subconscious, even manipulate it. It is also effective in developing this ability. Allows you to recognize deeply hidden problems and feelings.

Mantra for developing intuition

You can also turn to esoteric techniques. Mantra is a divine song that helps develop hypersensitivity. There are songs for immersion, enhancing the perception of reality. They can be used in combination.

Mudra is a technique used in meditation. It allows you to remember something long forgotten or understand the unknown. It is performed by joining the fingertips of both hands into a comb. Using mudra improves memory and activates intuition.

Qigong is a technique that teaches you how to manage your energy, intuition and self-control. It will become relevant with the independent development of inner feelings.

Maps are intensively used in various methods of self-knowledge. Tarot arcana are a tool for developing intuition and communication with the subtle world. Learning to communicate with the deck is the road to yourself.

Let's look at a few exercises to strengthen your intuitive powers. Based on your training and abilities, you should determine what exercises you need at this stage. Many people trust their intuition, and many turn it off and do the exercises.

Do the exercises and listen to your intuition, be careful.

Exercise 1. Works with energies

Wear comfortable clothes, take a comfortable position, throw away all thoughts and focus on the exercise, the muscles should be relaxed, remove external stimuli and interference, turn off the phone, turn off the TV and music, it is advisable that there is no one at home, because they will still distract you with some sounds. Turn off the light and light a candle instead.

If it is more convenient for you to do the exercises while lying down, then the mat should not be soft so that you do not fall asleep and not hard, because you will not be able to relax. Your hands can be placed on your stomach or extended along your body. Breathing should be smooth and calm. The room should be comfortable temperature air.

For the first time, you can close your eyes, then in the future you can meditate with your eyes open, as is more convenient for you.

In any position, be it sitting or lying down, you don’t need to cross your arms or legs. Energy must flow freely through the body. Relax your facial muscles, your mouth may open slightly, if you are sitting, relax your tongue.

For lying position

You should feel that your arms and legs are free, the tension has gone away, no one is bothering you quietly and calmly. Follow your breathing, it becomes calm, even, and you evenly turn into breathing itself. The body disappears and you begin to feel the energy field, you feel good and calm.

For sitting position

The spine must straighten and assume a vertical line. There is no need for support; you need to sit straight without any backs or walls. After this, you need to find a comfortable position for your head. The head, like the back, also does not need to be supported. Place your palms loosely on your thighs without tension. Spread your legs slightly and relax, resting them on the floor. Now we monitor our breathing, calm it down, the breathing becomes even and deep, and begin to direct energy to the seat where we are sitting. It gives you strength and warmth.

This is the first stage, the foundation for further and successful actions.

Next you will have to learn to direct the energy of your breath upward, this energy should cover your head. You get a pleasant feeling of coolness and freshness. The energy then goes out into the space directly above your head. You consciously feel it all above your head. In a calm state, thoughts are connected only with space. The channels for your intuition are open.

With the help of breathing and a calm state, expand the space of energetic influence on you. Next, everything that you did while sitting or lying down, you must do while standing and you must understand in what position it will be more convenient and comfortable for you to receive the messages of your intuition. If you do everything right, you will succeed. We wish you good luck.

Exercise 2. Installing an intuitive traffic light

The second exercise is considered very useful and simple. It will help you penetrate inside yourself and must be repeated several times.

In this exercise, you can identify beneficial influences for yourself to install an intuitive device.

Let's consider 3 main settings:

  1. Green color means that everything is fine on your way there are no obstacles.
  2. Yellow color tells you that you need to be more careful and be prepared for something.
  3. Red color means danger, be alert and careful.

Now you can draw a traffic light on a large sheet of paper and place it so that it is clearly visible. Sit or stand in front of this traffic light, whichever is more convenient and comfortable for you. Breathing should be calm and even. Start breathing deeply and calmly. In this exercise you can include all the colors: green, yellow and red. If you feel that all colors are working, then you can start the exercise. To start, you can ask yourself questions to which you know the answer.

First example

I turned 20 this year. Or my cat's name is Murka. If your traffic light is working well, the color will be green. Focus on this color, it means something good is on your way, where there are no obstacles.

If you see a green color with a red tint, this means that your decision is correct, but untimely.

Perhaps you were in a hurry. Green color means confidence, well-being and your path is correct.

Now you can move on to the yellow color. All attention must be concentrated on him. Looking at this color you should have a feeling of wariness. Feel this feeling and remember it. Take your time calmly. If you see a yellow color with a green tint, there is no need to worry, this color is warning you about something. Just be careful and careful. If you see yellow in combination with red, then be wary, this color means attention to danger.

Now you can move on to the red color. Calmly focus on this color. Looking at this color, you will see danger, this color serves as a warning, it says, stop, don’t do anything. Maybe you will hear a voice that is inside of you and it will tell you no.

At the first stages of your training, you need to spend more time on each color, for example, 15 minutes. Later, when you do this constantly, you can reduce the time, working with each color. You can imagine shades for each color, then you will have a more complete picture.

To move on to practical exercises and make any decision, you need to ask your intuition; the traffic light will give you the answer.

Second example

If you go into a big store you can feel all the colors of the traffic light. Here you can see all color scheme traffic light and its shades. When you go to the vegetable department, you may feel the color green, but if you look at all the vegetables, the color may change to yellow and even red. This can be influenced by many things: color, smell, appearance, the quality of the product itself and much more.

After visiting other departments of the store, the color scheme can also change either towards green or towards red.

Third example

You start looking for a job, look through advertisements on the Internet, in the newspaper, in the employment center and accidentally find what you wanted. Turn on your intuition, listen to your inner voice. It is possible that if you have a good impression of the ad, you will see a yellow color. Then you need to focus carefully and move on to other factors:

  1. what organization is this
  2. what future employees
  3. what is the situation in their department or workshop?
  4. what is the salary
  5. what social benefits
  6. career
  7. and most importantly, what is your future boss like?

Look carefully at all the points, and which point gives you green, which gives you yellow, and which gives you red? After this, you can decide whether you need this job or not.

Your intuition traffic light can tell you the color in any situation, even if you haven't asked it a question.

From intuition to superintuition

How to activate the right hemisphere of the brain?

You need to stand up straight and calm down, spread your arms to the sides, palms up. Imagine that in your right hand you are holding the right hemisphere of your brain, and in your left the left. Close your eyes and bring your right and left hands closer to each other and ask a question. By joining your hands, you connect the right and left hemispheres.

Movements must be done calmly and consciously. After your hands touch, press your palms tightly against each other. Your right and left hemispheres have connected and will remain connected to each other. Your intuition begins to work.

A look into the future

An important condition for development is self-development. Self-development is very important in your life; it gives you perspective for the future. You can look into the future.

You need to sit comfortably in silence, where no one will disturb your concentration. Place a pencil and a piece of paper in front of you. Close your eyes, your breathing should be calm and even, then begin to breathe deeply.

The abdomen slowly inflates first forward, then deflates and becomes flat and moves back. Once you have settled into a calm state, you can ask your intuition: “What is my vision for the future?” You need to focus on your future, imagine what it is like - it has to do with your family, your health, your work, and so on.

You will feel some sensations. What feelings come to you? What silhouettes did you see? You need to see this calmly, observe and not make any plans; your brain is not working in terms of construction. You must be able to accept what you see, pictures and impressions and different sensations. There is no need to interfere if you see something bad, but calmly accept it and observe.

After you have looked and felt your life, you can see what changes await the people around you. Then you can imagine what will happen to your country and to everyone living on earth.

If you feel your future and the future in general, you can calmly open your eyes, think and comprehend what you saw. If you want, you can put it on paper in the form of sketch drawings or just notes.

How to change consciousness?

Changing your consciousness and learning to meditate has always been interesting throughout the centuries.

Let's get ready for meditation. Take a sheet of paper and draw a spiral on it. The diameter of the spiral turn should be no more than 5 centimeters. The number of spiral turns should be seven. Sit down comfortably in a calm environment and look at the spiral. At this point you shouldn't see anything other than the spiral.

Focus on the drawing and look at it without looking up for at least five minutes. You need to turn off thinking so that it doesn’t bother you. Look at the spiral and gradually clouds begin to float, you notice how some changes begin to occur, but you only observe, you do not interfere with this process.

Look at the spiral and you will gain access to the limitless space beyond it. You begin to overcome the vast space, don’t be afraid and don’t worry - this is an indescribable, incomparable feeling, take advantage of its vastness and infinity. You feel like a free person, you can breathe easily, and you get great pleasure from it.

Now you can close your eyes and slowly compose for yourself a report of what you saw, the extraordinary sensations that visited you at this time, or some sounds or melodies. Look again at the images and silhouettes you saw.

This exercise helps you enter an altered consciousness. Through the spiral you find yourself in a hidden space that was unfamiliar and unknown to you before this exercise. By moving into this hidden space, you are enriched with very important and necessary experience. During the transition process, it may seem to you that the spiral turns are moving - these can be both external and internal turns. You may hear some noises, see various colored or black and white tones, do not be afraid of these manifestations, and the sensations exist within the framework of consciousness, which is at the end of this spiral.

In our Everyday life we don't notice it because our consciousness is not configured to see it. Our consciousness can be compared to an out-of-tune instrument. If you tune the instrument, it will sound beautiful and gentle. If we tune our consciousness, we can see, hear, feel a lot.

How do you feel when you do this exercise? If you don't succeed the first time, don't despair, calm down and repeat this exercise next time. If you fall asleep while doing this exercise, this means that you are very tired and you need to rest and get a good night's sleep. This exercise is best done when you are good mood when your body is ready to perceive something new, interesting and inexplicable. We wish you good luck.

Bottom line

In this article, we looked at several powerful exercises for developing intuition that will help develop it in the initial stages.

Greetings to all. If your intuition has helped you out in life more than once, then you know how great it is. But how to develop intuition on your own? Did you know that you can develop your sixth sense in the same way as building your biceps? No? But in fact, this is exactly so - it is quite possible to learn how to develop your inner voice, and it is worth doing this without delay.

Sixth or seventh sense?

Intuition is a premonition or the inner voice of a person that can tell him what to do, or vice versa - not to do. Socrates, G. Ford, Mozart, Edison and other great people turned to the inner voice.

Learn to listen to yourself. You can even write down your premonitions, your dreams. Then analyze which feeling or premonition came true, and which dream turned out to be prophetic.

When you train your intuition, do not argue with it, but agree, and then analyze.

We must use our hidden abilities. What are we doing? As soon as our intuition begins to tell us correct solution, we immediately begin to think logically. Intuition is often similar to fears. If there are reasons for fear, then reason tells you: check again, isn’t it dangerous?

Be confident that your subconscious will find exactly the answers to the specific question you need and that you yourself have powerful clairvoyance. And think that now your subconscious will tell you the correct answer.

Exercises to train your intuition

To train your sixth sense, you also need to do some exercises.

Exercise 1: Psychodar

To complete it, you will need some goal, some object. Stand up with your arm and index finger extended. Try to feel your target: how far is it located, what vibrations come from it.

After making contact, close your eyes and spin around yourself. When you stop, feel in which direction and how far from you this object is.

Did you feel it? Open your eyes, see if it's right. If you made a mistake, then try to understand why it happened, what prevented it. Do the exercise a few more times.

Train your psychoradar until you can “see” objects with your eyes closed. After this, do housework with your eyes closed, first for 5 minutes, then longer.

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Exercise 2: Question and Answer

Write any question on a piece of paper using the hand you always write with. Then, take another pen and write down the answer.

By performing the exercise with the wrong hand, you include your mind in the work, that is, you give free rein to your intuition. This means that the answer to the question will be made according to intuition, that is, truthful.

Note: Try starting sentences with your working hand and finishing them with your other hand. For example, “I drink milk because...”, etc. These exercises will not only help develop the gift, but even help in the fight against excess weight.

Exercise 3: Traffic light

Draw a traffic light on paper, attach the picture in the center of the wall, and sit in front of it. Give each color a designation:

  • Red - Stop! It's not safe ahead.
  • Yellow – Attention!
  • Green - Go! The path is cleared.

The task is this: you need to “light” all the lights of the traffic light, while imagining how they light up. Remember how emotions are “turned on” from these actions.

Then we will learn to “turn on” the green light. First, ask yourself questions that you know you can answer correctly. (Husband's birthday, your name, etc.) Green is confidence, serenity, true certainty. If the green light turns on, it means everything is fine, you have chosen the right decision.

Then we go to the yellow light. Feel the tension, remember all the impressions you have with this color. Most often, the color yellow warns that there is already danger ahead, and caution will not hurt.

Let's go to the red light. Try to sense the danger or lack of result. You should certainly have the conviction that nothing can be done yet.

First, give the lights 10 minutes each. Then speed up the switching speed, increase the variety of colors, and present more possibilities. Along with switching the lights, try to learn how to change your state and manage your feelings.

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Exercise 4: Alphabet

You need to train every day.

How to do? At first it is better to do the exercise while standing, then try sitting. We record how many seconds we perform the exercise to see progress every day.

Say the letter out loud (for example A), next to the letter there is a red letter P, which means we raise our right arm and left leg up (at the level of the elbow and knee, no need to go high). Then say B and raise your left arm and right leg,... letter G, raise both arms and stand on your tiptoes. If you make a mistake, you need to repeat the letter. Like this simple game, but the result is incredible!

The point is this: there are neural connections between the right and left hemispheres (there are approximately 100 billion of them at human birth). They are intended for clear expression of their thoughts, quick response in non-standard situations (which include situations of interaction).

A well-functioning, trained brain is the key to quick and accurate decision-making, the ability to persuade, influence, and interact effectively. Do you ever have such cases: watching TV, you realize that you know this actor, but you can’t say his name out loud...

Or vice versa, you read a paragraph of the technological instructions, move on to the second and realize that you didn’t remember the first, you have to re-read it again. This happens to everyone, because neural loops arise in both the right and left hemispheres.

How to put it into practice

Start with the simplest, for example, choosing shoes for an evening out. Imagine alternately wearing black and orange shoes. When you combine a dress with orange shoes, a red light will light up, and as soon as you imagine black shoes, a green light should light up. If the light turns green, it means your choice is correct.

  • Acting intuitively, try to write a recipe for a dish by its name, then compare it with the real recipe. When you receive a phone call, try to guess who called.
  • Ask yourself questions and answer them yourself, quickly change your state, that is, quickly concentrate and relax easily.
  • Flip a coin and guess what will come up: “heads” or “tails”. After the 200th toss, your accuracy will noticeably improve.
  • When communicating with any person, try to guess his emotions. “Read people” is very effective exercise to develop intuition. Tune in to the feelings and thoughts of the object, try to recognize them. This skill can serve you well in the future.
  • Imagine any event that should happen to you throughout the day, for example, what your boss will look like when you give him a completed, very difficult task. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail, do not miss even the tiniest details.

Ask yourself questions: why, who, when, how. Remember - the correct answer is already “sitting” inside you. Develop your intuition to become the kind of wizard who makes only the right decisions!

"Third Eye"

There are ways to learn to see whatever you want. How to do it? First, relax, it is better to do this before going to bed.

Close your eyes and begin to look at your eyelids from the inside. You will see unclear, black and white pictures, but this is only at first. Then clear color images will appear.

Do this exercise every day, gradually the outlines will take on clear forms. The energy will flow to the brain and begin to awaken the nerve endings that are responsible for clairvoyance.

Ask questions to your subconscious. After daily training in a relaxed, calm state, you will learn to find answers to your questions. This technique you need to train every day for 15 minutes.

After a certain time, you will enter this state in a matter of minutes and find answers to questions.

Everyone has a sixth sense, but not everyone is able to feel it and recognize the signals of the inner voice. To learn to use intuition, it must be developed and trained, like any other human ability.

If you want to figure out how to develop intuition, you need to clearly understand how it works.

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres:
The left is responsible for logic and analytical thinking, according to which most ordinary people live. They do not listen to signs, but follow the voice of reason, often making wrong decisions, ignoring their sixth sense.

The right hemisphere is responsible for inspiration, makes you do illogical things, and is well developed in creative people. It contains the subconscious, which contains everything that happened in our lives, all feelings and thoughts. The subconscious mind is capable of capturing a million pieces of information per second and storing this knowledge to use for making the right decisions.

Intuition is a kind of channel for communication with the subconscious. Through it, insights necessary for non-standard solutions to problems and answers to important questions come from the right hemisphere of the brain.

What is needed to develop intuition?

To develop intuition, you need to learn to listen to your subconscious. First of all, increase your self-esteem. People who do not believe in themselves cannot use intuition, because if they hear its advice, they will be afraid to follow it. A person with low self-esteem tends to do what stronger, more confident people tell him.

Once you have built up your self-confidence, trust that intuition exists. Without this faith, you won’t be able to use the channel, because it only works for those who believe. It is important to learn to ask the right questions. They need to be spoken clearly and clearly, preferably in an affirmative form.

How to learn to hear intuition

If you expect to hear a straight answer to a question, you will be disappointed.

The subconscious mind sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells. For example, there are widely known cases when passengers checked out plane tickets at the last moment, because on a subconscious level they sensed impending misfortune and thereby saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings. Signals of intuition manifest themselves in a rapid heartbeat; you may suddenly feel hot or cold. Some people feel a tingling sensation in the pads of their fingers.

Before making an important decision, listen to your feelings. If they are joyful, the subconscious mind sends you a positive response. When the chest is compressed by an unpleasant feeling and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is negative.

In rare cases, the subconscious mind sends responses through intuition, expressed by different smells. There have been cases when people, before an important joyful event, smelled the smell of oranges, and before troubles, the aroma of rotten fruit. Sometimes a person is not able to subtly sense signals from the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside.

For example, when you are suffering for a long time and cannot make the right decision, an article comes across your eye that points to the right path, or a bird knocks on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, various events can happen.

How to tune in to the desired channel

Meditation helps to develop intuition. Find a quiet place and get lost in your thoughts. Having completely relaxed, ask your subconscious a question that worries you and wait for an answer.

The sixth sense does not always answer immediately, but the answer will definitely come, you just need not to miss it. When inspiration strikes you and appears new idea, turn off logic, follow your intuition and see what comes of it.

How to use your intuition

To avoid making mistakes in people, use your intuition.

Everyone has had a case in life when, during an acquaintance, they did not like a person, despite decent clothes and manners. An inner voice whispered: “Be careful and don’t trust him.” Your subconscious sensed the negative energy emanating from this person and sent a warning through the channel of intuition.

If, when you first meet a person, you have a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, a stomach cramp or a headache, do not ignore the warning, but listen to your feelings and try to trust them. The subconscious mind gives us the ability to distinguish lies from truth using intuition.

When a person tells a story with all sincerity, his energetic vibrations are picked up by your sixth sense. If he is lying, intuition speaks about this with internal resistance and anxiety.

Learn to recognize these signals; they will help you avoid many mistakes. The development of intuition begins when you listen more to feelings rather than thoughts. Pay attention to your instincts and the world around you, trying to catch what your inner voice is saying.

Technique for developing intuition

The American psychologist’s technique, which he called “Glass of Water,” helps to develop intuition well. To implement this, before going to bed, pour a full glass of clean water, tune in to the problem for which you want to know the solution and drink half of the water with the words:

“I know the answer to the question I’m thinking about.”

After this phrase, go to bed, and in the morning drink your water, repeating the same words.
In a few days, the subconscious will reach you and send you a dream with an answer to a question or give a sign to solve a problem. The main rule for receiving answers from the subconscious is the specific formulation of the question in a positive way. Don't forget that you can ask one question at a time and not use the particle " Not ».

Train your intuition, play a psychological game with yourself: try to guess who is calling you. This is a very interesting training for developing intuition. If you train yourself well, then at the moment of the call you will be able to feel or see the image of the caller.

Aerobatics - guess his mood and the purpose of the call. Reward yourself with something if you win.

You can always practice developing your intuition, whether you are alone or among people, at home or at work. Try, for example, while communicating with a person significant to you, to guess what your interlocutor will now say, how exactly he will answer your question. In this way, you will gradually learn to scan another person, determine his thoughts, feelings and mood. If you succeed, you will understand his true interest, and not the one he talks about.

Another practical tip.
If you don’t know what to do in a situation, then first decide: you don’t know what to do at all, or you are choosing between two possibilities. Convert your uncertainty into two possibilities. Then imagine that you will now come into contact with your subconscious mind, and it will use your body for feedback.

Let's say the hand channel
Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms up, and imagine that your hands are scales. Place one option on the left and another on the right. Imagine that you are weighing two possibilities in terms of the consequences that may occur in the future. Imagine that your heart and consciousness are an axis of balance. Listen to which weight will pull in terms of the consequences of the two possibilities.

Before you make a decision, you can mentally live through each of these possibilities, feeling the consequences.

Find what's lost
With the help of intuition, you can find a lost thing, you just need to tune in to the right channel and release energy for the search.

If you have lost your keys or phone in your apartment, close your eyes, relax and allow the energy waves emanating from the subconscious to fill the entire house. Listen carefully to your inner voice and you will feel where the loss is. You may not succeed the first time, but if you practice constantly, you will be surprised at the accuracy of your sensations.

Maps and flashcards
The development of intuition is improved by a regular deck of cards.

Place 4 cards face down on the table and try to determine what suit they are. To do this, start slowly moving your hand over each card and listen to your sensations. You may feel heat or cold coming from a certain suit of cards. Trust your first impression, turn over the shirts and check how many suits of cards you guessed.

Hello, friends!

In this post, I decided to tell you about ways to develop intuition. I believe that intuition plays a very important role in our lives. On my blog I talk about various practices in which it is impossible to succeed without developed intuition.

The methods that I will describe today are also ways to use intuition, that is, with the help of them you can get answers to various questions from your subconscious.

I share those that I practice myself and that suit me best, and it’s up to you to decide which ones to choose.

Method 1 - Direct Question and Answer

This method is actually not as simple as it sounds. On the one hand, it may seem easy, because its essence is simple - you just need to ask yourself a question, close your eyes and listen to the answer that appears in your head.

On the other hand, we are so unaccustomed to listening to ourselves that we often simply block messages. Or we immediately connect logic and reject “impossible”, in our opinion, options. For some people, logic runs non-stop, and it's even harder for them because they can't turn it off to begin with.

It took me a while to learn how to use this method myself. It took me several months to learn how to get into the right state. At the moment of receiving information, it is important that the consciousness is clear, free from the words of the “inner critic”, because this comrade is capable of bringing everything to naught)

The state should be both relaxed and concentrated. There is no need to invent anything and create unnecessary tension. Just wait for the answer to appear.

How do the answers come? Sometimes in the form of words and phrases, sometimes a picture or image may appear. If you close your eyes and visualize, for example, a white screen, you can see them on the screen in the form of a recording. In order to learn this method faster and better, I recommend using meditation.

Method 2 - Meditation

I highlighted meditation in independent method development of intuition, because it gives exactly the state we need, which can be used in all other techniques.

Whether you receive an answer directly by asking yourself a question, whether you are peering into a crystal ball or interpreting Runes, it is important that your consciousness is clear. Having “found” this state in meditation, you can easily transfer it to any situation.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and just listen to your breath. There is no need to deepen or strengthen it artificially, just watch it. After a few seconds, your attention will most likely be distracted by extraneous thoughts, images and emotions. This is absolutely normal.

It’s very good if you managed to keep your attention on your breathing the first time for 7 seconds. If it doesn’t work right away, don’t be upset, just turn your attention back to your breathing. You can concentrate on anything, it doesn't matter. For example, at some point on the body. The duration of meditation is from 15 to 30 minutes.

Method 3 - Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a whole huge topic that will be covered in detail in articles on my blog. But here I will only say that by entering a lucid dream, you can literally directly connect with your subconscious and receive answers to questions in one of many ways.

For example, in such a dream you can call on your totem animal or open a book and read the answer in it. In a lucid dream, you can ask questions to the people you dream about, or find a sheet of paper with a message in boxes, drawers, etc. It all depends on your imagination and the environment around you in your dream.

Read about what a lucid dream is and how I found myself in it for the first time.

Method 4 - Association cards

Associative cards are pictures with photos or drawings of nature, portraits, animals, people, symbols or abstractions. A person, looking at pictures, puts his personal intuitive meaning into them, and thus can receive important information about himself or his situation.

Here, too, it is very important not to take an evaluative approach to the process itself. Sometimes our subconscious can give out completely unexpected interpretations and meanings, and it is not always and not immediately clear to us how they relate to our situation. It is better to write down such answers and put them aside for a while, returning to them later. By that time, the consciousness will process the result, the situation will become clearer, and you will be able to see connections that were previously hidden.

Method 5 - Fortune telling with Tarot cards and runes

Tarot cards and runes contain primordial archetypal images. These can be gods and various creatures, as well as forces of nature and energy states. By receiving an answer to our question during fortune telling, we begin to better understand where we are now and in what direction we should move. For beginners, I recommend starting with the Rider Waite Tarot cards.

As we move forward, we can track the changes happening to us and compare them with the information we have received. This allows you to further adjust the interpretations, making them more accurate. Accordingly, our intuition also sharpens along with this.

It is best to write down the results of fortune telling, as well as your thoughts that arise during it, so that you can later return to them in a month, a year, or even several years. This makes it possible to build a holistic picture of events and see aspects that were not obvious until this moment, as well as connect them with your earlier interpretations.

Method 6 - Crystal Ball

A method that may not be simple for everyone, but it is quite interesting. Preliminary setup and entering the “state” are very important here. It is believed that a session with a crystal ball is best done in the dark, by candlelight, placing it on a black surface.

When I first bought the ball, that's exactly what I did. At the very first session, I was able to see the answer to my question, and I was able to immediately check it. The question concerned my grandfather, who died more than 15 years ago, and I knew practically nothing about him. However, the information I received was confirmed by my grandmother.

Of course, I was inspired by such luck, and I immediately tried to get other answers, however, the ball didn’t tell me anything else that day. Afterwards, I practiced with the ball for some time (by the way, it was with the help of it that I was able to see my totem animal), and then I did not practice with it for a long time.

One day (this was a year after the last session), before going to bed, I suddenly wanted to communicate with a crystal ball. I had a question that had been bothering me for several days, and the answer had not come. I didn’t turn off the light or light the candles, but simply took the ball in my hand and looked at it for a while, concentrating on the question. And the answer came!

This was quite unexpected and made me think that intention and concentration are still more important than the environment. Moreover, I cannot boast of regular practice in this matter and attribute it to her.

On the other hand, I have had cases when, despite careful preparation, I was not able to get answers, and here, perhaps, it was the intense expectation of the result that played a role. In general, not everything is clear here yet.

However, it is quite clear that with the help of a crystal ball you can receive answers to questions in the form of pictures or symbols, which, as far as I understand, are projected onto it, like a screen, straight from our subconscious.

What else is important here? The ball should be large enough, somewhere from 7 cm in diameter, otherwise it will be difficult to “immerse” your gaze in it and maintain attention. It should also be transparent - it is important that there is no interference on the “screen”.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a ball made of real rock crystal, and even one that is absolutely transparent, but this is not necessary, so one made from artificially grown crystal will do.

Some, I heard, also practice on ordinary glass. However, I would not recommend it for the reason that micro-scratches quickly appear on the glass, which makes the ball no longer clean and transparent.

The practice of working with a crystal ball is described in more detail.


I guess I'll end here. Of course, there are many more methods for developing intuition, but I talked about those that, in my opinion, are not only effective, but also interesting in the process itself and which I use myself.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments, I will definitely answer you.

Well, I’m not saying goodbye - see you in the next post!

With warmth to you,