Eyebrow shape. How to make perfect eyebrows depending on your face type How to determine eyebrow thickness

In some cases, your natural eyebrows require additional care. But simply plucking them along the bottom edge is usually not enough. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the desire to paint your eyebrows with a pencil every morning is zero, or often there is no time left for this at all. Eyebrow correction and tinting at home or in a salon is a way out of this situation.

Of course, it is easier for specialists to make a form suitable for you, but what to do if you are afraid of getting to an inexperienced amateur. Then the best option would be to create the perfect shape at home, and we will help you with this. Let's figure out how to choose the shape of eyebrows according to your face type, and also consider what rules you should follow.

Makeup secrets: how to highlight your eyes at their best

The very first thing that should be striking about a woman’s appearance is her eyes. They should be expressive and charming. But what to do if the eyes have, for example, a small shape, or are set far apart from each other. How to choose the shape of the eyebrows so as not to overshadow the expressiveness of the eyes and make them definitely beautiful:

  • For those with small eyes, the main focus is on the eyebrows. Against the background of too wide ones, they will not be noticeable, but the average thickness with slightly lowered ones is an excellent match;
  • Current practice shows that wide eyebrows are an ideal choice for large eyes. By the way, this feature will add toughness and severity to the lady’s image. A technique with an arched shape will make the eye smaller and visually combines the proportions of the entire face.

How to choose eyebrows according to your face type

For each face type, there are recommendations for their correct outline.

The correct eyebrow shape determines:

  • Expressive eyes;
  • Using less makeup;
  • Look younger than your age;
  • Create the correct facial symmetry.

So, are you looking for the perfect eyebrows for your face? Then let's find the right eyebrow solution for your face type, created by makeup artists around the world. First, let's look at the available types of eyebrows.

They are divided into six types:

  • Arc-shaped;
  • Curved;
  • With a break;
  • Horizontal;
  • Rising;
  • A little house.

Square face

A square jaw emphasizes the angularity of your face, so softly rounded eyebrows are a solution to the visual relationship of all parts of your appearance. But be careful not to make them too rosy. Eyebrows for a square face with a sharp arch will make the face look surprised.

When deciding to create the right shapes, you should exclude those that are too thin; this option suggests looking very unaesthetic in relation to a square face type.

Round face

A round face lacks a cheekbone line. In this case, eyebrows for a round face should have a slight angular shape; such a feature will only brighten up a woman’s appearance. A kink is a great solution for a round face. The exception is the arched straight line, which will create the impression of a lush ball. As a result, the eyes will fade into the background, and only overly rounded shapes will attract attention.

You should pay close attention to tattooing a round face, because if you have such shapes because you are overweight, then if you lose weight, they will take on new shapes that may not suit you and make your face unattractive.

Oval long face

The visually stretched vertical line of the face requires the balance of a horizontal counterweight. The best option would be eyebrows that create an extension in the part of the tails, and it is also good if they extend slightly beyond the corner of the eye.

The ideal shape in this case is considered straight, which will make the face appear wider.

Oval face

This type of face is lucky, because here you can combine almost any eyebrow shape, the main requirement is width - you shouldn’t unnaturally make them thicker. Eyebrows for an oval face smoothly go up, and then smoothly round down if the eyes are almond-shaped.

It would also not be amiss to mention the arched shape. Especially suitable for girls with bangs or a high forehead. Eyebrows of a straight shape should be positioned extremely symmetrically so that they look perfectly well-groomed and neat.

Heart-shaped face (triangular)

Because of the small jawline, it is important to choose an eyebrow shape that is not too wide, otherwise the entire emphasis will be on the upper hemisphere of the face, which will present the contours of the woman’s face in an extremely unfavorable position.

Diamond face

A diamond-shaped face shape is not common: a powerful chin, pronounced cheekbones, a wide upper hemisphere proportional to the lower - these are the features of a diamond-shaped face. It is worth noting that eyebrows make the appearance expressive thanks to a slight bend of the classic shape.

Five golden rules

Regardless of the shape of the face, eyebrow correction should follow several principles:

  1. The eyebrow should start from the line of the bridge of the nose. It is enough to apply an even pencil from the wing of the nose to the corner of the eye vertically. Anything outside this line must be plucked out.
  2. Never use an overly arched shape.
  3. Don't have short eyebrows. Its tail should be at least equal to the corner of the eye. To do this, we use a pencil again. We lean one end against the wing of the nose, and the other end against the outer corner of the eye. We pluck out everything that happens to be abroad.
  4. The width between the eyebrows should be the same as the width of two fingers (except for close-set eyes).
  5. If the recommended eyebrow shape is curved, make it extremely smooth and neat to avoid the “Barbie effect.”

Eyebrow oil

Unfortunately, only those females who have this feature genetically inherited can have chic, thick eyebrows. The rest of the girls will have to look after them. Evidence of the chaotic shape of the eyebrows can be their thin and sparse structure.

Such eyebrows are difficult to dye, and tattooing differs slightly in the visual appearance of its application. But you shouldn’t be upset; in modern times there are many ways to restore or strengthen hair growth. What is the best oil to use for eyebrows, taking into account their saturation and how effective it is, we will consider further.

The main advantage of oils is the strengthening and growth of eyebrows. After a day of work, they must be cleaned with gel. The use of massage will have a positive effect on the eyebrow area - it helps improve blood circulation. It would also be a good idea to comb your eyebrows with a special brush, then they will keep their desired shape for a long time.

The following oils nourish the bulbs well: castor, olive, flaxseed, burdock, rosehip, chamomile, cornflower. 5-7 minutes will be enough to give a relaxing massage using a brush and oils. They strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

I would like to make a special note about castor oil. It is applied to prevent hair loss. If you want to speed up the effect, use oils at night. You just need to apply it to cleansed skin half an hour before bed. In the morning, rinse everything off thoroughly.

How to shape eyebrows

Oddly enough, eyebrows can depend not only on the type of face, but also on character. An experienced makeup artist will always draw conclusions based not only on external data, but also on the characteristics of style and character. Because each eyebrow shape adapts into a peculiar note of emotion. For example, straight, wide eyebrows argue for seriousness and a certain severity in character. An upturned eyebrow means lightness and coquetry.

Threaded eyebrows are strictly contraindicated for young ladies, as well as women with heavy eyelids. Eyebrow correction will be correct from the very beginning if you choose the right eyebrow starting point. We talked about this earlier.

In an effort to create ideal outlines, do not forget that they need to be plucked only in the place where the outline is blurred, i.e. below the main line. If you pluck the hairs from the top side, the eyebrow can take on an unflattering picture that can change your facial expression.

How to do it correctly. Using tweezers that are convenient for you, you need to take the hair at the very root and sharply pull it in the direction of its direction. If it seems to you that it is terribly painful and unpleasant, use special pain-relieving gels or creams.

If your decision is in favor of dyeing your eyebrows, then remember one rule - it is recommended to make your eyebrows the same color as your hair roots. If we compare coloring with permanent makeup, the second one wins significantly. The only disadvantage of permanent makeup is the high cost of the service.

Many makeup artists believe that if there is no time left for makeup, they should paint their eyebrows beautifully. Don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes. To do this, buy stencils and draw, paint, and in the end you will find a suitable shape for yourself. Don’t be lazy to ask the opinions of your friends and family about your new look. If your search has led you to success and you have found the ideal option for yourself, then feel free to make your exit unforgettable.

In this case, permanent makeup can also become relevant, since the choice was made based on numerous positive compliments and reviews. The only caveat is about the color. It is not recommended to make the eyebrow color different from the color of your hair roots, i.e. There should be harmony between the balance of shades.

Being the “mirror of the soul,” our eyes need a worthy frame. The role of framing is played by eyelashes and eyebrows, giving the look a unique charm and expressiveness to a woman’s face. How to choose the right eyebrow shape, taking into account your face type, age and your own preferences? So, first we determine the type of face: round, square, oval or triangular face. The second step will be to determine the length of the eyebrows and the distance between them. We will also consider what manipulations, depending on the type of face, should never be performed with eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape according to face type

Before choosing the correct and beautiful eyebrow shape, I would like to note that Mother Nature in most cases takes good care of her children, and a complete change in the shape of the eyebrows, as a rule, is not required. A small correction with cosmetic tweezers is enough; an eyebrow pencil and shadow will also come to the rescue. Don't be afraid to experiment. Once you have decided on your face type and optimal eyebrow length, draw in your eyebrows with a pencil before plucking any excess hair. It happens that the general rules do not apply, and a woman feels uncomfortable choosing the correct eyebrow shape from the point of view of makeup artists. Take into account fashion trends, for example, the beautiful shape of eyebrows in 2012 is quite wide eyebrows, neatly combed with hairs up. So, let's learn how to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face.

Eyebrow Shape for Round Face

For a wide, round face, eyebrows with a broken arch line are most suitable, since smoothly rounded eyebrows will make a round face visually wider. However, when choosing a shape, do not make the break too large, reminiscent of the famous Pierrot mask. A sharp bend can give a round face a surprised-sad expression, which will not add joy to the owner of this eyebrow shape, and the attitude of others will also correspond.

Eyebrow shape for oval face

For an oval, elongated face, you should choose an eyebrow shape without a break or rounding, since round and break eyebrows lengthen and make an oval face heavier. The correct eyebrow shape for such a face is straight eyebrows with a smooth transition to finish.

Eyebrow Shape for Triangular Face

A round eyebrow shape is more suitable for a triangle or heart-shaped face. A straight shape or an overly elongated eyebrow line will further expand the upper part of the face, which will optically make the face disproportionate.

Eyebrow Shape for Square Face

A square-shaped face with wide cheekbones will suit perfectly rounded eyebrows. If this eyebrow shape seems difficult to execute, then you can choose a straight eyebrow line, smoothly rounded at the end.

Nuances when shaping the eyebrow line

It should also be mentioned that facial expression largely depends on the thickness of the eyebrows. For example, round and square face types should not have thin eyebrows. Threaded eyebrows weigh down the facial features and in this case, wide cheekbones and roundness of the face are highlighted. For women with small facial features, on the contrary, it is better to give preference to thin eyebrows or eyebrows of medium width. Straight eyebrows visually expand the face, while a rounded shape narrows the face. Close-set eyes are optically “spread apart” if the gap between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose is more than two fingers wide.

How to determine the ideal eyebrow length

It’s easy to calculate the correct eyebrow shape yourself, and you don’t need the help of a specialist. To determine the starting point of the eyebrows, you need to take a ruler or pencil and place this simple tool so that one end is on the side of the nose, near its wing, and the line passes through the inner edge of the eye. Where the imaginary line intersects with the line of the eyebrows is their beginning. To calculate the highest point of the eyebrow, a line is drawn from the nose to the outer edge of the iris until it intersects with the eyebrow line. The final point is at the intersection with the eyebrow if a line is drawn from the nose to the outer edge of the eye.

No amount of bright lipstick or trendy makeup will save you if your eyebrows look sloppy.

To make them look organic and harmonious, they need to be given the correct shape. You can determine it by your face type.

There are several different types of faces - oval, round, elongated and triangular. The oval shape is considered ideal. She is characterized by a slightly pointed chin and smooth, beautiful features. An oval face is universal; any eyebrow shape will look harmonious with this appearance.

General scheme

The ideal shape of the eyebrows is created according to a general algorithm, which in practice is adjusted to suit the features of the appearance, according to the type of face.

Any eyebrow consists of four points - the beginning, the lifting point, the highest point and the tip. The rise and the highest point can often coincide. The start and end points should be on the same horizontal line.

The beginning of the eyebrow is traditionally located on the same vertical line with the wing of the nose. If the wings of the nose are wide, draw a line from the middle of the wing. If the eyes are set close to each other, this point should be moved closer to the temples. This feature is often found in people with narrow faces. If the eyes are far from each other, the beginning of the eyebrows should be moved closer to the center of the face. This feature is often found in people with round faces.

If the eyebrows grow far from each other, you can adjust their length with a pencil or shadows. Use a pencil one tone lighter than the hairs. Normally set eyes should be at a distance equal to the width of the nose.

There are also close-set eyebrows that are a short distance from each other. Once you determine where the beginning of the eyebrow should be, the excess hairs will need to be plucked. But they need to be removed one at a time, since in this area the hairs usually do not grow thickly and do not grow back well after plucking.

If there is a problem with drooping eyelids or the outer corner of the eye naturally has a drooping shape, the tip of the eyebrow should be raised. A drooping tip will highlight the problem.

The tip of the eyebrow is usually found like this. Draw a line from the wing of the nose that passes through the outer corner of the eye. Where this line intersects the eyebrow is where its end point should be.

The top point is on a conventional line that runs from the wing of the nose through the middle of the pupil.

When constructing an eyebrow, its width from the beginning to the highest point should be the same, i.e. the lines of its upper and lower borders should run parallel.

The distance from the tip of the nose to the highest point of the eyebrow should be equal to the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

Below you will learn how to choose the shape of your eyebrows based on your face type.

Round face

The correct eyebrow shape for a round face is with clear lines. Arched lines will highlight imperfections in appearance. The future shape of the eyebrows for a round face is drawn with a pencil. Hairs that are outside the boundaries will need to be plucked out with tweezers.

In this case, the head of the eyebrow should be straight. Therefore, we put a straight line at the beginning. Then we find the highest point of the eyebrow and draw a straight line from the beginning to this point. The bottom line should run parallel and not taper. Then we draw the tail, which should also have clear outlines. The tail should not be very long. If your own hairs are not enough to give this shape, they need to be completed with a pencil. Over time, they will grow back and will not need to be painted.

After you have created the boundaries of your future eyebrows with a pencil, you need to pluck out excess hairs.

If the upper eyelid is narrow, you need to apply light shadows under the eyebrow when creating makeup. This way you can expand this boundary. The wide area above the eyelid is corrected with darker shadows.

Now you know what eyebrow shape is needed for a round face and you can create perfect eyebrows at home in 3 minutes.

Elongated face

For girls with such a face, eyebrows with a clear break are contraindicated. This shape will make the face even more elongated. Therefore, the correct eyebrow shape for this appearance is straight or slightly rounded.

The beginning of the eyebrow can be straight or smooth. Here you can experiment. The lower line of the eyebrow should be straight. The top line tapers towards the tip. In this case, the hairs can be plucked from the upper part of the eyebrow, which is not recommended in other cases.

For these face types, it is better to have thick eyebrows, otherwise they will look like a mime's.

Triangular face

To begin, find the top point of the eyebrow and raise it a little. On the contrary, the head and tail need to be lowered a little. We connect the points with a smooth arc from above and below and remove excess hairs. Make the tail thin.

Rounded eyebrows also suit a square face.

Plucking process

Beautiful eyebrow shapes are usually created using three tools:

  • tweezers. Good tweezers allow you to pluck hairs without breaking them. Therefore, it is better to spend money and buy a quality tool. You buy tweezers once every few years, so you don’t have to save money here;
  • small scissors. You can use manicure;
  • eyebrow brush. It can be replaced with a mascara brush.

There is also eyebrow correction with thread. This method for oriental beauties is best done in a salon, as it requires special skills. Eyebrow correction with thread allows you to remove even the smallest and most invisible hairs.

How to get perfect eyebrows? First, comb the hairs to the highest point of the eyebrow from bottom to top. We comb the hairs that are beyond the highest point downwards. We shorten the hairs that extend beyond the lower and upper borders. We apply scissors 2 mm above the border. You can skip the scissors step if you don't like defined eyebrows.

Now let's start working with tweezers. To do this, you need to decide in advance on a suitable shape; if necessary, you need to create it with a pencil. Then you should pluck out excess hairs, starting from the area under the eyebrow.

It is not recommended to pluck hairs in front of a mirror that has magnifying power. It distorts the actual dimensions, causing us to create eyebrows that are too thin. It is best to correct the shape in front of a regular mirror and in natural light.

It is very important to pluck hairs in the direction of their growth. Otherwise, ingrown hairs may appear in their place.

It is also important to grab the hair at the root so that it is completely removed. And you don't need to pull it out. Just pull the hair a little and it will come out on its own. This results in less skin damage.

Before plucking, you need to disinfect your skin, tweezers and your hands.

Makeup correction

Now you know how to make a beautiful eyebrow shape, and if they are not thick enough, this can be corrected with cosmetics - pencil and shadows. First we apply cosmetics, then blend with a brush to create a more natural look.

If you work with shadows or pencil, you must remember that the eyebrow cannot have a uniform color. The tip is usually the darkest, the middle is lighter, and the beginning is the lightest. This rule will allow you to create perfect eyebrows at home.

To fix the position of the hairs, use transparent mascara. It has a brush that simultaneously applies the product and shapes the eyebrows.

You can also use colored eyebrow gel for correction. It not only gives shape and direction, but also deepens their color.

Makeup artists usually use mixed techniques to shape eyebrows. The tip is drawn with a pencil, the rest with shadows. Then the result is fixed with gel. In addition, the area under and above the eyebrow is drawn with a certain corrector color, which creates the necessary light and shade and makes the face more vibrant. This corrector can also correct the width of the nose and the shape of its wings.

Periodically, eyebrow correction needs to be done in the salon, then you just need to maintain the result.


For girls with an oval face, straight eyebrows are suitable. When decorating, try to create a very soft angle, that is, do not raise part of the break too high, as the face may become even narrower and elongated. And due to their natural width, straight eyebrows will make your facial features proportional.


But for girls with a round face, the opposite is true. The eyebrow line should be highly arched to visually elongate the face. It is important not to overdo it here, since too high an arc can create an emotion of constant surprise. The outer corner should be slightly pointed, in harmony with the main part of the eyebrow.


A square-type face is characterized by rigid angles of the chin, the same width of the forehead, cheekbones and cheeks. Eyebrows without a clear bend line and having a semicircular shape are suitable for such a face. It will help soften harsh facial features.


For girls with a triangular face shape, a slightly rounded eyebrow line is suitable. Create a natural, slightly lifted shape. Eyebrows with a subtle semi-circle closer to a straight line will balance the top and bottom of the face.

Elongated (rectangular)

If you have a long face, choose straight eyebrows with a smooth curve. This will make your face more rounded. Naturally wide eyebrows with a slightly pointed tip are also suitable here.


The diamond type has wide cheekbones and temples, so you need a brow shape that will help soften this part of the face. Slightly semicircular eyebrows with a barely raised corner are suitable here. When decorating, you can slightly expand the natural shape. With such eyebrows, your facial features will look softer and more feminine.

How to correctly determine the shape of the eyebrows

When creating the desired shape, we will need a regular pencil. Apply it to the inner corner of the eye and to the point of the wing of the nose. The line that crosses the eyebrow is its starting point. And the hairs on the space between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose must be removed with tweezers.

Determining the highest part of the eyebrow, place the pencil at the point of the wing of the nose and draw to the edge of the iris of the eye. The line crossing the eyebrow is the highest angle.

Now we determine the end point of the eyebrow. Again, apply the pencil to the wing of the nose in the direction of the outer corner of the eye. The point where the pencil intersects the eyebrow is its end. However, some eyebrows may have the wrong direction, for example, too low or, conversely, with the corners raised up. In this case, the highest point of the eyebrow, going to the ear, or more precisely to the beginning of the cheekbone next to the hairline, will be the direction of the end. The hairs located behind the end point of the eyebrow should also be removed with tweezers.

How to properly shape eyebrows

First of all, you need to have high-quality tweezers with sharp tips. It is important to pluck your eyebrows only in the direction of hair growth to avoid damaging the hair follicle. When starting to shape your eyebrows, don’t forget to comb them with a special brush.

Today, the market offers a huge number of cosmetic products and their varieties to create any shape: pencils, shadows, gels, lipsticks. Using these products, you can give your eyebrows both a natural shape and a more defined one.


The shadows softly tint and help fill the space between the hairs. Do not overdo the starting point of the eyebrow; it should be slightly highlighted, in harmony with the main shape. When applying shadows, the movements should be very light, not creating clear lines. This way you can get one of the most current shapes - natural eyebrows with a slight carelessness.


Pencils are the most popular and versatile eyebrow products. They will help you create any shape. Using a soft pencil you can get a very natural eyebrow shape, and a harder pencil will help visually enlarge the hairs.


Eyebrow lipsticks have a very pigmented and long-lasting consistency. They will also need a special beveled brush. With its help, fondant will help draw in missing hairs and create a clear shape. It is important to very carefully choose a shade that should be as close as possible to the natural color of the eyebrows.


Gels perfectly color hairs, giving them additional volume. They are also ideal for unruly eyebrows as they have a strong hold. Another plus: tint gels have a huge palette, so it will be difficult to make a mistake with the choice of color.

Photo: cultbeauty.co.uk, artdeco.com, nyxcosmetic.ru, nyxcosmetic.ru, mparfum.ru

Facial features, hairstyle, hair color tell a lot about a woman. Eyebrows are no exception. Experts are able to determine a girl’s character, temperament, and lifestyle based on her eyebrows.

Beautiful eyebrows make your face expressive

A person is born with a certain eyebrow line, but it does not always correspond to his appearance. Cosmetologists offer to correct nature’s mistake and adjust the shape of eyebrows for different face types.

To correctly form the eyebrow line, experts determine the degree of roundness, facial dimensions: find out its shape.

When choosing an eyebrow line, take into account not only the individual shape of the face, but also the size of the nose, swelling and width of the lips.

There are only 7 of them and they correspond to geometric shapes:

  • Rectangle: The face is characterized by a straight, high forehead and wide chin; pronounced brow ridges and cheekbones.
  • Oval: differs from the rectangular type in the softness of its lines. Cheekbones are slightly wider than other parts of the face. The features are not angular. The oval face shape is considered classic.
  • Diamond face type: bright cheekbones, high, rounded forehead, narrowed oval chin.
  • Trapezoid: characterized by clear, bright cheekbones, a straight but not wide forehead; The width of the face gradually decreases from the chin to the forehead line.
  • Triangle: the size of the face gradually decreases from the forehead to the chin. The shape resembles an inverted triangle with the apex down.
  • Square: the line of width and length of the face are approximately the same. The features are sharp: straight and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, straight chin.
  • Round form: all outlines are smooth. The face type is similar to a square shape, but the contour lines are smoothed. The widest part is the cheekbones.

The shape of the face is determined visually or using a soft ruler, measuring its length and width. Hairdressers disguise undesirable features of appearance using hairstyles, and cosmetologists create the appropriate eyebrow shape.

Eyebrows can visually change the type and expression of the face: open the cheekbones or make them invisible, change the height of the forehead or smooth out a pointed jawline.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types
Rectangular faceStraight eyebrow shape with clear contours
OvalStraight line with a slight bend
Diamond-shapedSlight line bend
TrapezoidArc shape: low or high line
TriangularSoft curve without sharp corners
SquareA clear arch line, without kinks: widened eyebrow at the starting point, narrowed towards the end
RoundCurved line without corners or rounded ends

When choosing an eyebrow shape line, not only the individual shape of the face is taken into account, but also the size of the nose, swelling and width of the lips. Thread eyebrows, made in an even arc and located high from the eyes, look ridiculous if the facial features are coarse. A wide eyebrow will not suit a graceful, sophisticated and small face.

Women need to know how to choose eyebrow shapes for different face types.

Eyebrow shape for oval face type

For different face types, cosmetologists offer certain eyebrow shapes. They will emphasize the advantages of a woman’s appearance and hide sharp features. In order not to disturb the features of the classic oval, the eyebrow line is placed low.

It is made straight with a slight rounding from the middle. A high arc and an inclined line will bring the face closer to a rectangular type. Let's allow a soft break in the middle of the line. A “flying”, arched eyebrow is the best option if the face has an oval shape.

Roundness is adjusted by the width of the lines. A narrow eyebrow will visually open up the face, but it will appear elongated. A wide line will add severity to the features and preserve the classic shape. To prevent a wide eyebrow from making your face gloomy, cosmetologists advise plucking the hairs. Correction is made along the lower edge.

The eyebrow-thread is painted dark if the shade harmoniously combines with the overall makeup and does not contrast with the hair. For different face types and certain eyebrow shapes, a competent selection of colors is required.

Eyebrows for chubby girls

Straight, voluminous eyebrows will make your face wider. For chubby girls this is not the best option. A line raised in the middle will look beautiful. The eyebrow shape is brought closer to a triangle. The look will become open and flirty.

In order to slightly raise the eyebrow in the middle of the line, it is plucked a little in the area of ​​the inner corner, where the break begins. The end of the line is made narrower.

For thick eyebrows with a triangular face type, the recommended width is 1 cm.

If the eyebrow is wide, then a sharp lifting line with a break will do.. The “tail” is thin, but not short. It doesn't go away. It is designed with a clear line.

It is important to know! Eyebrows require some care. To strengthen hair follicles, use castor oil. The product is applied to the entire surface of the eyebrows.

The hair is combed with a brush, additionally performing a massage. Once a week, apply a vitamin mask made of castor, burdock and almond oil to the eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape for triangular face type

If your face is triangular in shape, then it is recommended to avoid sharp curves and straight lines. An “S” shaped eyebrow would be ideal.: the beginning of the line is wide, softly curved, thin, slightly raised “tail”.

The ending should not be made too sharp, otherwise the eyebrow will look like a “comma”. It slightly frames the brow ridge, turning towards the outer corner of the eye.

An S-shaped eyebrow is not easy to create on your own. At home, a different type of eyebrows is performed: arched with a rounded end. The bend looks natural, without kinks. At the base the line is wider than at the “tail”. For thick eyebrows, the recommended width is 1 cm.

Rectangular face and eyebrow shape

Straight eyebrows will help soften the harsh features of a rectangular face.. An arched line will make your face visually longer. With this correction option, the cheekbones will not look wide, but the forehead will increase even more.

The distance between the eyebrows is made larger; this technique will visually round out the shape of the face. Thin eyebrows will not work. It is recommended to make wide lines, slightly raised. When correcting eyebrows, the proportions of the lines are observed.

The tips are tapered, but not thin. The lines are moving upward. A downward brow will emphasize the width of the cheekbones, which is not always desirable for a girl of a refined nature. Excessively thick eyebrows will make your facial features look heavier. Cosmetologists recommend thinning hairs or styling them with gel.

Eyebrows for the face with a heart

A heart-shaped face has well-defined cheekbones and a wide but low forehead. Straight lines will visually make the forehead narrower and the cheekbones more expressive. In this case, the chin will not seem so pointed.

The eyebrow is wider at the base than at the end. A light, very soft break is made closer to the “tails”. This technique will soften facial features, making them lighter and more attractive. Cosmetologists do not recommend shaping the eyebrow in the form of a thin line. The recommended width is 0.5 mm at the base, 0.3 mm at the ends.

Scheme for calculating the ideal eyebrow shape

In order for the eyebrow line to be correct, it is necessary to determine where it should begin and end, and where its middle should be.

When making calculations, take the point at the lower edge of the nose as a basis:

  1. Start. Determine the intersection point of the vertical line from the starting point through the corner of the eye to the superciliary arch. Make a mark with a pencil.
  2. Middle. The brow ridge is crossed by an imaginary line running through the pupil. The point will be the top of the eyebrow: in this place it is recommended to make a kink or turn the arc. The middle point is important to correctly correct the shape of the eyebrows for different face types.
  3. Ending. The line goes through the outer corner of the eye. Depending on the shape of the face, the end of the eyebrow is made shorter or longer.

The marked points are connected to better see the correct contour of the eyebrow. Draw kinks and curves. Using the markings it will be easier to remove hairs and make corrections.

Eyebrow shape: fashion trends

Narrow string eyebrows are becoming a thing of the past. In 2017, the trend is wide lines with graceful breaks and drops. There are no sharp, angular shapes. All elements are close to natural. They emphasize the sophistication of female beauty.

If a woman has naturally thin eyebrow shapes, then wide lines for different face types are created with the help of tattooing.

The eyebrow line runs clearly along the superciliary arch. Light smooth bends are performed closer to the ends. The design of the kinks is done not according to the pattern for the perfect eyebrow, but in the third part of the line. The top is drawn with a pencil so that the eyebrow looks clearly defined.

Important to remember! Eyebrow hairs are placed around the perimeter of the designated shape. To give the image a carefree look, make “boyish” eyebrows. The hairs at the base are lifted up using a brush. They are in a bit of a mess. In this case, the hairs do not extend beyond the general intended line.

The shape of the eyebrows is designed to complement the appearance and image of a woman. Strict lines speak of decisiveness of character, light curves - of gentleness and caring.

When performing eyebrow correction, take into account the advice of experts and your own mood. The worldview changes, and the eyebrow line goes down or flies up like a summer butterfly.

How to choose eyebrow shapes for different face types:

How to choose the right eyebrow shape: