Electronic textbooks on the Russian language. Sergey Georgiev. Grandpa Exposition by Alyosha entered the telephone booth

Sometimes a person needs so little to be happy! A phone call, a couple of phrases, a little sincere interest... But we often ignore the needs of our loved ones, causing them to suffer unbearably. Today's story by Sergei Georgiev is exactly about this. About an old pilot, forgotten and of no use to anyone. And about his new grandson...

Alyosha entered the telephone booth and dialed Slavkin’s number. Busy... Having nothing else to do, Alyosha began to look at the numbers carelessly written and scratched on the inside wall of the booth.

But this one, away from everyone else, is written neatly. Without knowing why, Alyosha suddenly dialed this strange number.

It was still possible, without saying a word, to quickly press the lever, but Alyosha unexpectedly said to himself:

- It's me…

The invisible man was not surprised at all, quite the contrary. His voice somehow immediately warmed up and became louder.

- Hello, baby! I'm very glad you called. I was waiting for your call, baby... You're in a hurry as always, right?..

Alyosha didn’t know what to answer. That person, of course, mistook him for someone else; he had to immediately tell him about it and apologize.

- How are you doing at school?

“At school... it’s fine...” muttered Alyosha.

The interlocutor apparently felt something; his voice again became as hoarse.

- You're probably going to the pool now? Or to the studio? You're running, right? Well, run! Thanks for calling. I wait every day, you know.

The whole next day Alyosha thought about the man who was really looking forward to a call from some “baby”.

And Alyosha decided to call again to apologize.

The phone was picked up immediately.

- Hello, baby! Thank you for not forgetting your grandfather! Maybe you can come by sometime? You know, I hardly go out... My wounds, damn them!

“Wounds?..” Alyosha was horrified.

- I told you, baby. You really were still just a little kid, you probably forgot everything? I was wounded when I was still flying on Ilyukha the Humpbacked. Yes, you called, and it makes me feel better. I'm feeling really good.

Alyosha suddenly realized that he simply could not tell this old, battle-wounded man that he was talking to a deceiver.

In the evening, Alyosha casually and casually asked his father:

- Dad, what is “Ilyukha the Humpbacked”?

- “Ilyukha the Humpbacked”? This is the plane that was used during the war - the Il-2 attack aircraft. The Germans were terribly afraid of it and called it “the Black Death.”

– And if my grandfather had not died in the war, would we often go to see him?

Father squeezed Alyosha's hand.

- If only my father were alive...

He didn't say anything else, big and strong man. And Alyosha thought that the grandfather of this unknown “baby” could also have died.

But the “baby” is amazingly, simply incredibly lucky in life!

And you just need to call that person.

- Well, now every day is a holiday! What's up, baby?

- Fine! – Alyosha answered unexpectedly for himself. – How are you, please tell me.

The old man was very surprised. Apparently, he’s not used to anyone being interested in his affairs.

- Yes, everything is still the same for me. Things are old people's things.

-Did you see tanks during the war?

- Tanks? I covered them from the air. Eh, baby, it happened once...

And the battle is all around, on the ground and in the sky. And far below, a tiny tank, like a bug, is heading towards the enemy. And only he, the pilot of the formidable Ilyukha-Humpbacked, can still save this little one from a direct hit...

Uncle Volodya, Alyoshka’s neighbor from the ninth floor, worked in the police. Coming to him in the evening, Alyosha confusedly told everything, and the next day the neighbor brought Alyosha a small piece of paper with his address and last name.

An old pilot lived not very far away, six stops by bus. When Alyosha approached his house, he became thoughtful. After all, the old pilot still thinks that he talks to his grandson every day.

Maybe, having learned the truth, he won’t even want to talk!.. We should probably at least warn him first...

Alyosha went into the telephone booth and dialed the number.

“Is that you?” the boy heard a familiar voice on the phone. – I immediately realized that it was you... Are you calling from that machine downstairs?.. Get up, I opened the door. Let's meet, grandson...

It is important for older people to know that there is someone to care for them. As people get older, they become more lonely and they simply need support. Georgiev poses the problem of attentive attitude towards older people.

The little boy Alyosha, dialing the number written on the wall of the telephone booth, called an elderly man. He was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. The old man mistook the boy for his grandson. And then Alyosha began to call him more and more often. The boy understood that the old pilot was very lonely and he made a noble decision to visit the old man.

In my opinion, the author's position is that older people need attention from their children and grandchildren. I agree with the author, and I think that they deserve an attentive and respectful attitude towards themselves, since they managed to do a lot for us.

A striking example is the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov “Tosca”. The main character Jonah's son died. He works as a cab driver and every time he tries to tell his clients about his grief, but no one listens to him, no one cares about him.

He tries to overcome his loneliness and goes to his horse; it seems to him that it was she who listened to him and sympathized with his grief.

Also in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Station Warden” the problem of the loneliness of the old man Samson is raised. He is a stationmaster, his daughter, Dunya, left with the young officer without telling him anything. The old man looked for his daughter for a long time and really wanted to see her. But, seeing her, Dunya’s husband, Minsky, exposes the old man. Samson was very lonely without his daughter. And only after his death Dunya came and cried at her father’s grave.

I believe that Georgiev touches on a very important issue. We must take care of our elderly and love them.

Alyosha entered the telephone booth and dialed Slavkin’s number.

In this text, Georgiev talks about the acquaintance of the boy Alyosha with an old pilot, a war veteran.

This question is always relevant. How often do we remember our grandparents and visit them? After all, the attention of loved ones is so important for them, because it is so necessary to feel needed by someone, to think that you are loved and appreciated. So the author talks about an old man who is waiting for a call from his grandson. The hero of the story, Alyosha, dialed a random number carelessly scribbled on the inside of a telephone booth. The first conversation with a stranger who mistook him for his grandson was not forgotten. The stranger’s words: “I wait for your call every day,” made the boy think about his interlocutor. The author talks about how Alyosha repeatedly called the already familiar phone, how he found out that he was talking to a former combat pilot, and how the boy finally decided to find the old man. At the end of the text, Georgiev writes that a familiar voice on the phone said to Alyosha: “Let’s get acquainted, grandson.” After reading this story, we understand that the real grandson did not often spoil his grandfather with his attention, that, apparently, the old man was lonely and missed his loved ones. Now the unfamiliar boy had become so close to him. And most importantly, Alyosha not only developed an interest in this man, but also a sense of responsibility for him settled in his soul.

The author’s position is this: he wants to say that love, care and attention are very necessary for old people who have lived a long life, that we must not forget about them. One cannot but agree with this. Relatives suffer from the neglect of loved ones; each of them needs love and care.

Let's look at examples from fiction.

Let us remember Bazarov from the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Yes, of course, he loved his parents, but how often did he remember them and visit them? Very rarely. The work talks about only two visits to Bazarov’s home. He pays little attention to his mother and father, is busy with his thoughts and affairs, so on his son’s second visit, the old parents try to come into his sight as little as possible, so as not to get bored, so that he can stay in his home as long as possible. At the end of the novel, the writer creates the following picture: two very old men often come to a small rural cemetery and cry bitterly at the grave of their son. Now he is forever next to them...

Often, not only grandchildren, but also children forget about old people. Let us recall the story of the writer K. Paustovsky “Telegram”. It talks about an old lonely woman, Katerina Ivanovna, who has been waiting for a long time - she cannot wait for her daughter Nastya. She is reputed to be a sensitive and sympathetic person, because she helps unrecognized artists, organizes exhibitions, and listens with pleasure to praise addressed to her. And he rarely remembers his mother. When her mother died, Nastya didn’t even have time for the funeral. The next day, early in the morning, so that people would not see her, she leaves the village. She was ashamed in front of people and bitter about her guilt. But how long will this pain remain in her heart?

Not far from us lives an old woman who is over ninety. It's very difficult for her to be alone. She gave everything she could to her children and grandchildren. And now the children appear in her apartment very rarely, the grandchildren do not come to see her. She spends almost all her days alone and cannot go outside on her own. The indifference of her loved ones is outrageous. How can you leave your mother and grandmother without help? After all, attention and care are not rare phone calls, but everyday work and spiritual compassion.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this text made me think about my attitude not only towards my own grandparents, but also towards all old people who have lived a long life and who cannot be left without attention and care.

Alyosha entered the telephone booth and dialed Slavkin’s number. Busy...
Having nothing else to do, Alyosha began to look at the numbers carelessly written and scratched on the inside wall of the booth.
But this one, away from everyone else, is written neatly. Without knowing why, Alyosha suddenly dialed this strange number.

“I’m listening,” the telephone receiver suddenly spoke in a quiet, hoarse voice. - I’m listening, who’s talking?
It was still possible, without saying a word, to quickly press the lever, but Alyosha unexpectedly said to himself:
- It's me…
The invisible man was not surprised at all, quite the contrary. His voice somehow immediately warmed up and became louder.
- Hello, baby! I'm very glad you called. I was waiting for your call, baby... You're in a hurry as always, right?..
Alyosha didn’t know what to answer. That person, of course, mistook him for someone else; he had to immediately tell him about it and apologize.
- How are you doing at school?
“At school... it’s fine...” muttered Alyosha.
The interlocutor apparently felt something; his voice again became as hoarse.
- You're probably going to the pool now? Or to the studio? You're running, right? Well, run! Thanks for calling. I wait every day, you know.
The whole next day Alyosha thought about the man who was really looking forward to a call from some “baby”.
And Alyosha decided to call again to apologize.
The phone was picked up immediately.
- Hello, baby! Thank you for not forgetting your grandfather! Maybe you can come by sometime? You know, I hardly go out... My wounds, damn them!
“Wounds?..” Alyosha was horrified.
- I told you, baby. You really were still just a little kid, you probably forgot everything? I was wounded when I was still flying on Ilyukha the Humpbacked. Yes, you called, and it makes me feel better. I'm feeling really good.
Alyosha suddenly realized that he simply could not tell this old, battle-wounded man that he was talking to a deceiver.
In the evening, Alyosha casually and casually asked his father:
- Dad, what is “Ilyukha the Humpbacked”?
- “Ilyukha the Humpbacked”? This is the kind of plane that was used during the war - the Il-2 attack aircraft. The Germans were terribly afraid of it, they called it the “Black Death”.
– And if my grandfather had not died in the war, would we often go to see him?
Father squeezed Alyosha's hand.
- If only my father were alive...
He said nothing more, a big and strong man. And Alyosha thought that the grandfather of this unknown “baby” could also have died. But the “baby” is amazingly, simply incredibly lucky in life!
And you just need to call that person.
The old man's voice was almost cheerful.
- Well, now every day is a holiday! What's up, baby?
- Fine! – Alyosha answered unexpectedly for himself. – How are you, please tell me.
The old man was very surprised. Apparently, he’s not used to anyone being interested in his affairs.
- Yes, everything is still the same for me. Things are old people's things.
-Did you see tanks during the war?
- Tanks? I covered them from the air. Eh, baby, it happened once...
The old man’s hoarse voice became ringing, young and cheerful, and it began to seem that old man sits in an empty old man's apartment, and a combat pilot controls his formidable plane. And the battle is all around, on the ground and in the sky. And far below, a tiny tank, like a bug, is heading towards the enemy. And only he, the pilot of the formidable Ilyukha-Humpbacked, can still save this little one from a direct hit...
Uncle Volodya, Alyoshka’s neighbor from the ninth floor, worked in the police. Coming to him in the evening, Alyosha confusedly told everything, and the next day the neighbor brought Alyosha a small piece of paper with his address and last name.
An old pilot lived not very far away, six stops by bus. When Alyosha approached his house, he became thoughtful. After all, the old pilot still thinks that he talks to his grandson every day. Maybe, having learned the truth, he won’t even want to talk!.. We should probably at least warn him first...
Alyosha went into the telephone booth and dialed the number.
“Is that you?” the boy heard a familiar voice on the phone. – I immediately realized that it was you... Are you calling from that machine downstairs?.. Get up, I opened the door. Let's meet, grandson...

Alyosha entered the telephone booth and dialed Slavkin’s number. Busy...
Having nothing else to do, Alyosha began to look at the numbers carelessly written and scratched on the inside wall of the booth.
But this one, away from everyone else, is written neatly. Without knowing why, Alyosha suddenly dialed this strange number.
“I’m listening,” the telephone receiver suddenly spoke in a quiet, hoarse voice. - I’m listening, who’s talking?
It was still possible, without saying a word, to quickly press the lever, but Alyosha unexpectedly said to himself:
- It's me...
The invisible man was not surprised at all, quite the contrary. His voice somehow immediately warmed up and became louder.
- Hello, baby! I'm very glad you called. I was waiting for your call, baby... You're in a hurry as always, right?..
Alyosha didn’t know what to answer. That person, of course, mistook him for someone else; he had to immediately tell him about it and apologize.
- How are you doing at school?
“At school... it’s fine...” muttered Alyosha.
The interlocutor apparently felt something; his voice again became as hoarse.
- You're probably going to the pool now? Or to the studio? You're running, right? Well, run! Thanks for calling. I wait every day, you know.
The whole next day Alyosha thought about the man who was really looking forward to a call from some “baby”.
And Alyosha decided to call again to apologize.
The phone was picked up immediately.
- Hello, baby! Thank you for not forgetting your grandfather! Maybe you can come by sometime? You know, I hardly go out... My wounds, damn them!
“Wounds?..” Alyosha was horrified.
- I told you, baby. You really were still just a little kid, you probably forgot everything? I was wounded when I was still flying on Ilyukha the Humpbacked. Yes, you called, and it makes me feel better. I'm feeling really good.
Alyosha suddenly realized that he simply could not tell this old, battle-wounded man that he was talking to a deceiver.
In the evening, Alyosha casually and casually asked his father:
- Dad, what is “Ilyukha the Humpbacked”?
- “Ilyukha the Humpbacked”? This is the kind of plane that was used during the war - the Il-2 attack aircraft. The Germans were terribly afraid of it, they called it the “Black Death”.
– And if my grandfather had not died in the war, would we often go to see him?
Father squeezed Alyosha's hand.
- If only my father were alive...
He said nothing more, a big and strong man. And Alyosha thought that the grandfather of this unknown “baby” could also have died. But the “baby” is amazingly, simply incredibly lucky in life!
And you just need to call that person.
The old man's voice was almost cheerful.
- Well, now every day is a holiday! What's up, baby?
- Fine! – Alyosha answered unexpectedly for himself. – How are you, please tell me.
The old man was very surprised. Apparently, he’s not used to anyone being interested in his affairs.
- Yes, everything is still the same for me. Things are old people's things.
-Did you see tanks during the war?
- Tanks? I covered them from the air. Eh, baby, it happened once...
The old man’s hoarse voice became clear, young and cheerful, and it began to seem that it was not an elderly man sitting in an empty old man’s apartment, but a combat pilot flying his formidable plane. And the battle is all around, on the ground and in the sky. And far below, a tiny tank, like a bug, is heading towards the enemy. And only he, the pilot of the formidable Ilyukha-Humpbacked, can still save this little one from a direct hit...
Uncle Volodya, Alyoshka’s neighbor from the ninth floor, worked in the police. Coming to him in the evening, Alyosha confusedly told everything, and the next day the neighbor brought Alyosha a small piece of paper with his address and last name.
An old pilot lived not very far away, six stops by bus. When Alyosha approached his house, he became thoughtful. After all, the old pilot still thinks that he talks to his grandson every day. Maybe, having learned the truth, he won’t even want to talk!.. We should probably at least warn him first...
Alyosha went into the telephone booth and dialed the number.
“Is that you?” the boy heard a familiar voice on the phone. – I immediately realized that it was you... Are you calling from that machine downstairs?.. Get up, I opened the door. Let's meet, grandson...

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The text proposed for analysis raises the problem of attitudes towards older people. After all, we so often deprive old people of attention and indifferently perceive their life’s hardships.

This problem belongs to the category of moral ones. For the purpose of illustrating it, S.G. Georgiev gives the example of an elderly veteran, forgotten by his children and grandchildren. The writer draws the reader’s attention to the trepidation with which the old man awaits a call from his loved ones. He mistakes Alyosha for his grandson and touchingly addresses him: “Hello, baby!” The veteran needs attention and simple communication, but his family has forgotten the old man. At the same time, Alyosha’s sensitive attitude towards to a stranger worthy of respect. The child calls the veteran every day and asks about his affairs: “How are you, please tell me.” The ability to sympathize is a skill acquired in the family. We can see this from the example of Alyosha’s father, who painfully remembers his own father and mourns his death in the war: "If only my father were alive..." This simple phrase eloquently expresses the reverent, loving relationship to his dead father.

S.G. Georgiev condemns the indifferent attitude towards older people. The writer encourages the reader to take care of the elderly.

The works of many Russian classics are devoted to the problem of attitude towards older people. One striking example is the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". The author tells about the fate of Katerina Petrovna, abandoned by her daughter Nastya. The work very subtly describes experiences elderly woman, her melancholy and deep loneliness.


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