Report “Development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age through different types of activities in the game” methodological development (junior group) on the topic. Coursework on the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age Pos

Marina Vasilenko
Formation of cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age in the process of play activities

An object: cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age

Item: play activities of children of primary preschool age

Hypothesis: IN systematic process, purposeful play activity the level of development increases cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age.

Target: Develop cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age through play activities.


1. study the theoretical foundations gaming activity and cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age

2. organize systematic work with children younger preschool age for the purpose of developing cognitive activity

3. Analyze the impact gaming activities on the cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations cognitive activity and play activity of preschoolers

1.1. Cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age

Despite the widespread use in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice of the term« activity» , this concept is now becoming very difficult and ambiguous in understanding and vision by many authors. Some correlate activity directly with activity, others - with results activities, still others judge that activity the concept is much broader in meaning than activity .

So, according to A. N. Leontyev activity is a term, denoting the ability of living beings to carry out involuntary and voluntary, as well as spontaneous movements, to change under the influence of external and internal stimuli, i.e. irritants

N. N. Poddyakov believes that there are two types of children's activity:own activity and activity of the child, stimulated by an adult, teacher educator, parent Own activity The author sees the child in a specific and universal forms. In his opinion, it is characterized by the diversity of its manifestations in all areas of children's psyche: cognitive, emotional, volitional, personal

Therefore, it can be argued that activity, in general, is initiated and chosen by the object itself - the child, and it also corresponds to his internal state.

IN active preschooler acts as a self-sufficient person, free from external impact: he sets goals himself, determines ways, methods, ways to achieve them, thereby satisfying his interests and needs.

It is on our own activity, according to N. N. Poddyakov, children's creativity was founded. At the same time, the child masters the content activities given by the teacher, and it, based on the experience of previous actions, is transformed into his own achievement.

Second type activity - activity stimulated by an adult - characterized by the fact that an adult organizes and accompanies preschooler activity, shows, helps, tells. During such preschooler gets results from activities, which were predetermined by the adult.

This category is associated with process of cognition, With cognitive activity of the individual. « Cognition- acquisition of knowledge, comprehension of the laws of the objective world and reality”; " Cognition due to the development of socio-historical practices, This process, reflecting and reproducing reality in thinking; this is the interaction of subject and object, as a result of which new knowledge about the world appears.”

In the psychological and pedagogical literature there is no unity in the concept human cognitive activity. To designate this phenomenon there are many terms: G. I. Shchukina - “valuable personal T. I. Shamova - « active state» , T. I. Zubkova - "man's desire for knowledge» .

Using the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature a generalized concept has been formed« cognitive activity of younger preschoolers» - this is a personal education, a state that is expressed in the child’s intellectual and emotional response to process of cognition: this is the desire to obtain knowledge, and mental stress, and the manifestation of efforts associated with volitional influence in process of acquiring knowledge; this is the child’s readiness and desire to learning process, performing individual and general tasks, showing interest in adult activities, etc.. d.

It is known that there are sensitive periods in development cognitive activity of the child. Mainly this preschool childhood.

According to many researchers, preschool age 3 – 5 years is a sensitive period for formation of cognitive activity. Among them are L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, E. A. Kossakovskaya, A. N. Leontiev.

Cognitive activity of preschool children manifests itself in the process their mastery of speech and is expressed in word creation. It is known that in younger preschool age a child can not only cognize and to assimilate the visual properties of phenomena and objects, but is also able to notice and understand the connections and patterns that underlie many phenomena.

T. I. Shamova, guided by the peculiarities of development children in early preschool age, believes that cognitive activity is an active state, manifested in the child’s attitude towards objects and processes of the activities carried out.

Thus, the basis cognitive activity of young preschoolers the child’s desire to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge and experience gained, and study the relationships between phenomena and processes surrounding reality. Cognitive activity of younger preschoolers is activity, arising directly in the process of a child learning about the world. Feature of development cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age can be considered: showing interest in elements of creativity; interested listening and further acceptance information; desire to clarify, ask questions, deepen your knowledge; independent search for answers to questions that interest the child; ability to learn and accept the method knowledge, subsequently applying it in other situations.

Play activities of younger preschoolers

Activity- this is the interaction of a person with the environment in which he achieves goals that arise from human needs. Activity emphasizes the connection of the subject himself with the objects of the reality surrounding him. It is impossible to directly transplant knowledge directly into the subject’s head, bypassing his own activity.

Presenter activity is that activity within the framework of the social situation of development, the implementation of which is determined by the statement and formation he has the main psychological neoplasms at this stage of development. In the period from the birth of a baby to entry into school, three types of leaders change: activities. First it’s emotional communication, then it’s substantive communication. activity, finally, a story-based role-playing game.

One of the largest game researchers of our time, S. L. Novoselova, gave both very imaginative and very accurate definition: game – “this form of practical a child’s thoughts about the reality around him,” which is “the genetic prototype of the theoretical thought of an adult”.

Junior preschool age- stage of mental development of a child, covering in domestic periodization age from 2 to 4 years. Since in children's age, the leading activity is play, therefore, all mental development children also goes through the game, through actions with objects, including toys.

We must remember that the game always has two aspects - educational and informative. In both cases the goal of the game is is being formed not as the transfer of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but as the development of certain mental processes or the child's abilities.

To make the game really captivating children, personally touched each of them, the teacher and parents need to become a direct participant. Through his actions and emotional communication with children, an adult involves children in joint activity, making it important and meaningful for them, becomes the center of attraction in the game, which is especially important in the first stages of getting to know a new game.

According to S. L. Novoselova, the modern version of the classification of children's games includes three class:

Games that arise on their own initiative children. These are games - experimentation and story-driven amateur games

Games initiated by an adult. These are educational games and leisure games

Traditional or folk games. These are ritual, training and leisure

Role-playing game is of a social nature and is based on the child’s ever-expanding understanding of the life of adults. A new sphere of reality that is being mastered preschooler in this game, motives, meanings of life and adult activities. The child's behavior in play is mediated by the image of another person. Preschooler takes the point of view of different people and enters into relationships with other players that reflect the real interaction of adults.

Fulfilling a role puts the child in front of the need to act not as he wants, but as prescribed by the role, obeying social norms and rules of behavior. Preschooler takes the position of another person, and not just one, but different ones. Thus, not only the rules of behavior are revealed to the child, but also their importance for establishing and maintaining positive relationships with other people. The need to follow the rules is realized, i.e. is being formed conscious submission to them

Compliance with the rules and the child’s conscious attitude towards them shows how deeply he has mastered the sphere of social reality reflected in the game. The child’s attitude towards rules changes throughout preschool age. At first, the baby easily breaks the rules and does not notice when others do this, because he does not understand the meaning of the rules. Then he records the violation of the rules by his comrades and opposes it. He explains the need to follow the rules, based on the logic of everyday life connections: It doesn't happen that way. And only then the rules become conscious and open. The child consciously follows the rules, explaining that following them is necessary. This is how he learns to manage his behavior. “The game is a school of morality, but not morality in performance, but morality in action,” wrote D. B. Elkonin.

The scientific basis for the game forms organization of life and children's activities in kindergarten is contained in the works of A.P. Usova. In her opinion, the teacher should be at the center of the child’s life, understand what is happening, and delve into the interests of the players children, skillfully guide them. For the game to fulfill the pedagogical process organizing function, the teacher needs to have a good idea of ​​what tasks of education and training can be solved with the greatest effect in it.

Features of cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age

First, let’s figure out what the term “activity” means, and then we’ll turn to clarifying the essence of the concept of “cognitive activity,” as well as the features of its development in younger preschoolers. The above terms are widely described in the scientific literature.

Despite the widespread use of the term “activity” in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice, this concept is currently becoming very difficult and ambiguous in understanding and vision by many authors. Some correlate activity directly with activity, others - with the result of activity, and others judge that activity is a much broader concept than activity.

So, according to Leontyev A.N. activity is a term denoting the ability of living beings to carry out involuntary and voluntary, as well as spontaneous movements, to change under the influence of external and internal stimuli, i.e. irritants irritants .

N.N. Poddyakov believes that there are two types of children’s activity: their own activity and the child’s activity, stimulated by an adult, teacher, parent. Own activityThe author sees the child in specific and universal forms. In his opinion, it is characterized by the diversity of its manifestations in all spheres of the child’s psyche: cognitive, emotional, volitional, personal. The author also notes that self-activity is of a phase nature, i.e. in everyday life and in kindergarten classes, it will be replaced by his joint activity with an adult, and then the child is again ready to act as the subject of his own activity, etc. .

Consequently, it can be argued that activity, in general, is initiated and chosen by the object itself - the child, and it also corresponds to his internal state.

In active work, the preschooler acts as a self-sufficient person, free from external influence: he sets goals, determines the paths, methods, methods of achieving them, thereby satisfying his interests and needs.

It is on one’s own activity, according to N.N. Poddyakova, children's creativity was founded. At the same time, the child assimilates the content of the activity given by the teacher, and it, based on the experience of previous actions, is transformed into his own achievement.

The second type of activity is adult-stimulated activity. – characterized by the fact that an adult organizes and accompanies the activities of a preschooler, shows, helps, and tells. In the course of such activities, the preschooler receives results that were predetermined by the adult. .

Based on the above, we can say that the two types of activity described usually do not appear in their pure form, because they are extremely closely intertwined in the child’s mind. The own activity of preschoolers, in any case, is connected with activities directed and emanating from an adult, and knowledge, abilities, skills (KAS) received from adults are accepted by the child, outgrowing and transforming over time into his experience.

Now, having understood the definition of the concept of “activity”, it is possible to consider the term “cognitive activity”.

This category is associated with the process of cognition, with the cognitive activity of the individual. “Cognition is the acquisition of knowledge, comprehension of the laws of the objective world and reality”; “Knowledge is conditioned by the development of socio-historical practice, it is a process that reflects and reproduces reality in thinking; this is the interaction of subject and object, as a result of which new knowledge about the world appears."

In the psychological and pedagogical literature there is no unity in the concept of human cognitive activity. There are many terms to refer to this phenomenon: G.I. Shchukin - “valuable personal T.I. Shamova - “active state”, T.I. Zubkova - “man’s desire for knowledge.”

With the help of an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, a generalized concept of “cognitive activity of younger preschool children” has been formed - this is personal education, a state that is expressed in the child’s intellectual and emotional response to the process of cognition: this is the desire to obtain knowledge, and mental stress, and the manifestation of efforts, associated with volitional influence in the process of acquiring knowledge, this is the child’s readiness and desire for the learning process, his fulfillment of individual and general tasks, showing interest in the activities of adults, etc.

It is known that there are sensitive periods in the development of a child’s cognitive activity. This is mainly preschool childhood.

According to many researchers, the age of preschool children 3–5 years is a sensitive period for the formation of cognitive activity. Among them are L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, E.A. Kossakovskaya, A.N. Leontyev.

The cognitive activity of preschoolers manifests itself in the process of their acquisition of speech and is expressed in word creation. It is known that in early preschool age a child can not only cognize and assimilate the visual properties of phenomena and objects, but is also able to notice and understand the connections and patterns that underlie many phenomena.

T.I. Shamova, guided by the developmental characteristics of children in early preschool age, believes that cognitive activity is an active state that manifests itself in the child’s attitude to the objects and processes of the activity being carried out.

The physiological basis of cognitive activity is the inconsistency between the existing, real situation and past experience.

The orienting-exploratory reflex, which implies the body’s reaction to any changes in the external environment that bring the cerebral cortex into an active state, is important at the stage of including a preschooler in active cognitive activity. Excitation and the onset of activity of the exploratory reflex is an important and necessary condition for the cognitive activity of a child in early preschool age.

Thus, the basis for the cognitive activity of young preschoolers is the child’s desire to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge, experience gained, and study the relationships between phenomena and processes of the surrounding reality. The cognitive activity of younger preschoolers is an activity that arises directly in the process of a child’s cognition of the world. A feature of the development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age can be considered: manifestation of interest in the elements of creativity; interested listening and further acceptance of information; desire to clarify, ask questions, deepen your knowledge; independent search for answers to questions that interest the child; the ability to assimilate and accept a way of knowing, subsequently applying it in other situations (skill).


1. Current problems in the development of the child’s psyche // Questions of child psychology (preschool age). News of the APN of the RSFSR, vol. 14).M.; L., 2014, p. 24-37

2. Poddyakov N.N. Essays on the mental development of preschool children. – Enlightenment-Alpha, M., 2012. – 341 p.

3. Shchukina G.I. Activation of students' cognitive activity in the educational process. – Fortuna, M., 2013. – 207 p.

Natalia Burdakova
Development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age (second youngest group, 3–4 years)

Development of cognitive activity in children of primary preschool age(2 junior group, 3-4 of the year)

Educator: Burdakova Natalya Petrovna

Early child age- a real researcher. Striving for knowledge permeates all areas of his activity. And the most important thing is that the child not only wants to look at objects, but also to act with them - to separate and connect, to construct from objects, to experiment.

The baby discovers the world with the help of sensations, feelings, experiences, actions: He learns.

"This is interesting. According to an outstanding scientist in the field age psychology of Lev Vygotsky, a child’s individual creative activity will be productive if the child has seen, heard, read, and participated in different events more - compared to other children.”

Development of cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the pressing problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. Experimentation is the leading activity for little ones. children: “The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of children’s life, all children’s activities, including play.”

Cognitive activity is aimed at:

Obtaining new knowledge and assimilating it

Mastering the necessary skills and abilities

The emergence of the skill to reproduce and apply acquired knowledge.

U younger preschooler It is quite possible to develop the makings of a researcher. Children of this age characterized by a high interest in everything that happens around. Every day on their way they encounter new objects, which the children compare, learn the names of, and strive to remember them. Maintaining interest children to everything new, you can stimulate them all the time cognitive activity. The basis for improving children’s aspirations to knowledge may become daily "rituals": getting up, washing, dressing, eating, walking, playing. An adult, being a guide to the world of objects and phenomena, tells the child about the purpose of objects and phenomena: from the field of nature, activity, things. So the baby receives the necessary knowledge about everything from an early age and, showing curiosity, develops itself. Cognitive the child's activity involves development of his thinking, perception, speech and understanding of it, the formation of the ability to generalize.

Yes! For younger preschooler characterized by increased interest in everything that happens around. Everyday children will know more and more new objects, they strive to find out not only their names, but also their similarities, and think about the simplest causes of the observed phenomena. By maintaining children's interest, you need to lead them from acquaintance to understanding.

For this it is very important to enrich the representations children about plants, animals, objects of inanimate nature, found primarily in the immediate environment.

Activities with objects help development of perception, thinking, memory and others cognitive processes. Most intensively perception develops. It forms the center of the child's consciousness. Perception is a fundamental mental function that ensures the child’s orientation in the environment.

Thinking younger preschooler is distinguished by its qualitative originality. A child is a realist; for him everything that exists is real. Therefore, it is difficult for him to distinguish between dreams, fantasies and reality. He is an egocentrist, because he does not yet know how to see a situation through the eyes of another, but always evaluates it from his own point of view. He is characterized by animistic representation: all surrounding objects are capable of thinking and feeling, just like himself. That is why the child puts the doll to sleep and feeds it. When examining objects, as a rule, he singles out one, the most striking feature of the object and, focusing on it, evaluates the object as a whole. He is interested in the results of an action, but he does not yet know how to trace the process of achieving this result. He thinks about what is now, or about what will happen after this moment, but is not yet able to understand how what he sees was achieved. In that age Children still have difficulty relating the goal and the conditions in which it is given. They easily lose their main goal.

The ability to set goals is still in its infancy formation: Children experience significant difficulties when it comes to setting new goals on their own. They easily predict the course of only those events that they have repeatedly observed. Younger preschoolers are able to predict changes in certain phenomena using only one parameter, which significantly reduces the overall forecasting effect. Children of this age are characterized by a sharply increased curiosity, the presence of numerous questions like "Why?", "For what?". They begin to be interested in the causes of various phenomena.

In progress practical and cognitive activity(surveys, experiments, experiments, observations, etc.) The pupil explores the environment. An important result of this activity is the knowledge gained from it.

IN younger preschool age Research activities are aimed at objects of living and inanimate nature through the use of experiments and experiments.

Experimentation is carried out in all areas of children's activities: eating, exercising, playing, walking, sleeping, washing.

One of the areas of children's experimental activities that we actively use, – experiments. They are carried out both in classes and in free independent and joint activities with the teacher. (once a week on Fridays).

During the experiment, children express their assumptions about the causes of the observed phenomenon, choose a solution cognitive task.

Thanks to Through experiments, children compare, contrast, draw conclusions, express their judgments and conclusions. They experience great joy, surprise and even delight from their small and big discoveries, which cause children feeling of satisfaction from the work done.

IN the younger group was let down by the children to understand natural phenomena such as rain and snow. We carried out simple experiments with snow, water, and ice. Watching heavy rain from the window, the children saw how water flows down the glass and what puddles there are on the roads after the rain. After several observations we made conclusions: rain varies (cold, warm, drizzling, large, showery). Most often it rains when clouds appear in the sky, but sometimes it happens in good weather when the sun is shining, such rain is called "mushroom". It is warm and goes away quickly. To form children interest in this phenomenon, they used a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Rain", Russian folk nursery rhyme "rain" and etc.

To show the relationship between living and inanimate nature, we paid attention to how green it becomes after rain, how easy it is to breathe. The children were convinced that rain is water. We compared water from a tap and from a puddle, noted: in a puddle the water is dirty, but from the tap it is clean. If you boil water from a tap, then it is suitable for drinking, but from a puddle it is not suitable for drinking, but a sparrow can wash its wings in this puddle (my children and I have seen this more than once). Used the reading of a poem by A. Barto "Sparrow".

We conducted a series of experiments with children to familiarize themselves with the properties of water. The children learned that water is a liquid substance, transparent, and can be warm or cold. They offered to touch the water in a puddle after the rain - it was cold, but after a certain time it became warmer, conclusion: exposed to heat (Sun) the water is heating up. The same thing happens with water in a river, lake, stream; in summer it becomes warm, because the sun heats it up, you can swim.

It is very important that every child is involved in the process of conducting experiments.

IN group Conducted experiments with snow. We looked at the snowflakes on the mittens, on dark paper, and made conclusion: Snow consists of white snowflakes, they come in different patterns. They suggested catching a snowflake on palm, hold it, after a while - release it and see what happened? Why did the snowflake disappear?

Thus, the children were convinced that snow melts in warmth and turns into water. We used the reading of a poem by E. Blaginina in our work "Snowflake". At first, the guys often caught snowflakes on walks, looked at the patterns, and showed them to each other. We examined the icicles with great interest and conducted several experiments to familiarize ourselves with the properties ice:

1. Examining icicles on colored paper.

2. Touch the icicle.

3. Tap with an icicle.

4. Carved icicles.

This is how the children learned that ice is transparent, cold, hard, fragile, and can be thin or thick.

In the process of work, using experiments, we were convinced that in younger children it is possible to form a differentiated idea of ​​living nature and their interrelation.

Introduced the children with the transition of bodies from one state to another (water-ice-water, showed the relationship with living nature.

For this we used the following experiments:

Turning water into ice.

Converting ice into water.

After conducting a series of experiments, the children easily answered the questions about what will happen to an icicle if it is brought into group? Put it in a jar of water? etc. Knowledge acquired in kindergarten was reinforced at home (made colored pieces of ice with my parents). During the walk, we conducted activities in the form of a game, for example, with a snowman made by the children. They offered to take him to group, asked questions:

Is it possible to do this?

Why not?

Or maybe the snowman won't melt after all?

Will the nose melt or not?

What is it made of?

At the end of the walk we took a snowman to group, placed in a basin. After observations, the children were able to correctly answer a number of questions: What happened to the snowman? Why? What melts faster - snow or ice?

Introduced children to the meaning of rain(water, snow, ice for living organisms.

Using illustrations found out: where water is found in nature, in addition to why and how we use it, brought us to the concept - we need to save water, not waste it in vain, do not forget to turn off the tap on time.

Snow helps the hare protect himself from enemies (the hare is white and the snow is white, it is difficult for the wolf to see him in the snow). In spring, snow melts, because the sun heats up more than in winter, it turns into water, then plants drink it, pulling it out of the ground with roots.

Ice protects fish from freezing and helps people move safely across the river. We looked at the picture "Winter", artist B. G. Gushchin. Read a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Drops", "Snowball", I. Surikova "Winter".

We also explore inanimate objects nature: sand, clay, snow, stones, air, water, magnet, etc. Conducted an experiment "Drowning - not drowning". It was determined that not all objects sink in water. They suggested making a figure from wet and dry sand. Children discuss what kind of sand is being molded and why. Examining sand through a magnifying glass, they discover that it consists of small grains of sand crystals, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability.

In order for the child to have a desire to independently use elements of research activities - to conduct experiments and group a certain developing environment. In the corner of products for the moment - testing there are a variety of grain crops (wheat, rye, oats, rice, buckwheat, etc.)

For revitalization children's research activities used equipment: – various containers (mugs, plates, cups, sand cups, etc.); – syringes, tubes (rubber, plastic)– measuring instruments (thermometers, scales, watches, rulers, thermometer, etc.); – tourniquet, bandages, napkins, pipettes; – sponge, polystyrene foam, foam rubber, cotton wool, etc.

The selection of material is carried out as the topic is studied and as it becomes familiar children with certain materials.

By the end younger group in children The vocabulary was enriched, there was an intensive accumulation of knowledge and skills about the world around us, children began to think logically and draw correct conclusions about the relationships between living and inanimate nature.

Analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that specially organized research activities allow our students to obtain information about the objects or phenomena being studied, and the teacher to make the learning process as effective as possible and more fully satisfy natural curiosity preschoolers, developing their cognitive activity.


1. Education and training young children: A book for a kindergarten teacher. Edited by L. M. Pavlova. – M.; Enlightenment, 1986.–176p.

2. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination in childhood age/L. S. Vygotsky. -M.: Education, 1997.

3. Golitsyn V. B. Cognitive activity of preschool children. / V. B. Golitsyn // Soviet pedagogy, 1991, - No. 3.

4. Pedagogy – teaching methods and technologies.

5. Frolov A. A. Development of cognitive activity in preschool children/ A. A. Frolov. – M.: Pedagogy, 1984.

Natalia Prishvina
Formation of cognitive activity of younger preschool children (from work experience)

Formation of cognitive activity in younger preschoolers

Currently actively There is a process of qualitative renewal of education. The need for changes in the education system is caused by the changes taking place in society, which needs competitive specialists with dedication, mobility, the ability to make non-standard decisions, and the ability to think creatively.

As a result, education is focused on formation of independent, active, a creative personality capable of self-education, self-development and solving vital problems.

The traditional nature of interaction between teachers and students in the educational process leads to formation of performers, rather than creative, enterprising individuals, hence the clearly pronounced decline cognitive activity in preschool children. Therefore, in modern pedagogical research, the task of organizing a pedagogical process in which each of the students could become the subject of their own development, in search of those types of active attitude to the world in which the uniqueness of a particular individual can most fully manifest itself and develop, comes to the fore.

One of the effective means of development cognitive activity and cognitive of interest is the subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution. Such an environment should provide every child with equal opportunities to acquire certain personality traits and an opportunity for his comprehensive development.

In order for the educational space to act as a developing environment, during the interaction of its components it must meet the following requirements:

Ensure maximum realization of educational potential;

Provide the opportunity to communicate joint activities of children and adults, motor children's activities, as well as opportunities for privacy;

Should be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The organization of the developmental environment in our group was built in such a way as to provide the opportunity to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations and interests. The subject-development environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to freely engage in any activity. Equipment placement by sector (development centers) allows children to unite in subgroups based on common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation.

At registration groups, we took into account the opinion of the pupils; the inclusion of children in the general process contributes to the development of their aesthetic taste, a more careful attitude towards the environment that was created with their direct participation.

We thought through the zoning of the group, taking into account that the material that stimulates development educational abilities were located in different functional areas. To do this, within the group space the following centers have been formed:

- "Skillful Hands" or a children's creativity center;

- "Merry notes";

The above-mentioned centers allow children to present their ideas about the world around them in productive activities.

- "Want to know everything"- the name already suggests the discovery of new knowledge in experimental and search activities. The required materials in the equipment are: activating cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and model toys, items for experimental work, a large selection of natural materials for studying, experimenting, and compiling collections. For example, the content work on the formation of cognitive independence in children, there were a variety of elementary entertaining mathematical games and tasks that required a non-standard path solutions: puzzles, logic cubes, logical tasks, mazes, games and game learning systems by V.V. Voskobovich and others. The tasks and games gradually became more complex, and while guiding them, effective techniques were used to increase activity and independence of children.

- "Health and Sports". We pay special attention to active children. To satisfy the motor activity The group has a balance beam and a trampoline.

IN "Ecological living room" Children enjoy watching and caring for plants. We display our observations and impressions on seasonal feeds and in the nature calendar.

Children love to engage in theatrical games and dramatization games. For this purpose, we have organized a center "We are artists".

We consider one of the most important principles for constructing a subject-based developmental environment to be the principle of taking into account the gender and age characteristics of children, realizing the opportunity to express their inclinations in accordance with the norms accepted in our society. In this regard, the group has created centers for role-playing games for both girls and boys, equipped with the necessary equipment.

We tried to create conditions in the group that allowed us to provide the most effective formation of cognitive interest in the objective world. Through systematic work we enriched the emotional and sensual experience children with vivid impressions of the objective world, expanded and deepened experience children's knowledge and ideas about the objective world, increased the level educational interest in the objective world.

The content of direct educational activities, to a greater extent than was done previously, included entertaining tasks, assignments with handouts, and games aimed at developing intelligence and independent thinking. The optimal combination was found "direct" teaching methods practical actions(show; explanation) And "indirect"(use is problematic practical situations, experimental games and gaming techniques). For example, with problem-based learning, the teacher’s activity changes radically way: we do not present children with knowledge and truth in a ready-made form, but teach them to see and solve new problems, discover new knowledge. With such training, the child’s activity acquires a search-and-research character and involves collaboration between the teacher and the child in creative activities to solve problems that are new to him.

In the process of solving a problem situation, the adult helps the child use known methods of action, transferring them to unfamiliar conditions. We consider it necessary to evaluate both correct and incorrect decisions when guiding children’s search activities. Pay special attention to incorrect answers, analyzing them together with the children, help them understand their mistake, and lead them to find a new way to solve the task. I encourage cognitive activity of the child, I support his emotional mood and interest in knowledge, which allows the child to react correctly to failure and not be afraid to express his opinion. This atmosphere of emotional creative uplift in class creates a feeling of victory when solving a particular problem, joy knowledge.

Experimental games used in almost all sciences. The experiment involves conducting practical actions in order to deepen children’s understanding of living and inanimate nature, teach them to independently conduct research, achieve results, reflect, defend their opinions, generalize the results experiments.

Before starting any experiment, together with the children we made a plan for the upcoming work:

1. Selected the object of study.

2. Selected equipment.

3. Determine why it is being carried out experience(we predict the result).

4. Determine the sequence of actions.

5. They repeated the rules. security.

6. Analyzed the results (do the expected results coincide with the real ones; at what point experience was the most interesting; what they had difficulty with).

Thus, we can note that the child’s direct contact with objects or materials, elementary experiments with them allow us to understand their properties, qualities, opportunities, awaken curiosity, a desire to learn more, and enrich them with vivid images of the world around them. During experimental activity, the preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, answer questions, establish a cause-and-effect relationship, in other words, develop cognitive independence.

Both in independent and in direct educational activities, the main attention was paid to the gradual complication of skills (methods practical actions, which children mastered. This ensured the transition from executive actions to independent (initiative and creative). At first, the children mastered the simplest games of mathematical content. We paid attention to the development of purposeful perception, manifestations of elementary independence: choose a game based on your interests, solve a game problem identified by us or by the child himself. The result of this work – increasing children’s activity in games, manifestation of the desire to play in small subgroups, "teach" comrades in action.

Organization cognitive activity includes mathematical development younger preschoolers, during which components of cognitive independence are formed. These include the acquisition of new knowledge, the ability to rationally and independently use this knowledge (find characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, classify objects according to certain characteristics, draw correct conclusions and conclusions); ingenuity, resourcefulness, perseverance, observation; speech activity; sensory abilities.

The pedagogical process is unthinkable without the joint activities of children, educators and parents. Therefore, we consider it important to educate parents in matters of upbringing and education. Children often receive initial experience from communicating with parents. It is important to support them in this endeavor in a timely manner. How to do it?

We advised parents to give children the opportunity to choose (when choosing a toy, a dish for lunch, etc., carefully observe the child in order to determine his predispositions, help children discover the world without imposing their interests on him, give children the opportunity to achieve success (using board games and various activities, encourage the child if he expresses his opinion, do not extinguish his initiative, teach children to make decisions themselves, try to prevent children from being passive, encourage active activity and creativity.

Anna Salnikova
Features of cognitive development of children of primary preschool age.

Junior preschool age, and this is approximately 3-4 years of life, is characterized by the onset of a new stage in the baby’s life. The child exhibits a desire for independence. He feels proud when he succeeds at something. The direction of the child's interests changes. If earlier the baby was interested in the world of objects, then in this age all his consciousness is directed towards knowledge of the human world. The child begins cognize social reality. U Children at this age are actively developing speech. Their speech becomes part of the action.

IN cognitive development of children of primary preschool age significant changes are also taking place. They are associated with the fact that children’s objective perception is improved. The child learns to analyze and realize what he is doing. He learns to be productive. At this time, the child is actively experiencing sensory development, he already knows about the shapes, positions and sizes of objects, which can be seen in the child’s drawings, in which form formation appears, and in the fact that the baby begins to solve mental problems at a new level. The baby begins to experiment, his instrumental actions are improved. And most importantly, what characterizes development of children of primary preschool age, this is what the child begins to think, rather complex cause-and-effect relationships arise in his brain. That is, he begins to understand what he is doing and why he needs it.

In this period cognitive activity increases: perception develops, visual thinking, the beginnings of logical thinking appear. growing cognitive abilities promotes formation of semantic memory, voluntary attention. How a child’s perception, visually effective and visually imaginative thinking is formed depends on his cognitive abilities, further development of activities, speech and higher, logical forms of thinking.

U children there is a feeling of self-confidence, independence in decisions, thanks to the accumulated knowledge age experience with various things. The child begins to set bold and varied goals for himself, to achieve which he is forced to use more and more effort.

Significant changes occur in the formation of the child’s personality. His lifestyle, content and forms of communication with other people change; sharp increase physical and mental capabilities development, generating new needs, interests, as well as new incentives for increasingly diverse types of activities.