Children's birthday at school. School holidays - all the children are happy. How is the lesson going?

Every year, parents are faced with the question: where to celebrate their child’s birthday and what to treat their guests with. We propose to solve both issues at once and celebrate the holiday at Culinary School No. 1! Let the child be the host of his own birthday - choose one of four menu options and prepare his favorite dishes together with the guests.

This birthday format compares favorably with a regular celebration in a cafe or at home. After all, in the school kitchen, the little birthday boy is the main character and the real owner of the holiday.

A culinary birthday is a great way for a child not only to have fun with friends, but also to gain new knowledge, master the preparation of different dishes in a playful way, and feel independent and important.

The culinary birthday will be remembered for a long time!


Children's age:

band size:


How is the CLASS going?

The school administrator meets the children and leads them into the hall.

A welcome buffet has been prepared for the beginning of the holiday: sandwiches, fruits, fruit drinks. Guests congratulate the birthday person, present gifts and refresh their strength with a buffet table.

After everyone has had a snack, the chef comes out to the children and escorts the birthday boy and guests to the kitchen, where everyone puts on branded aprons and takes their jobs.

All together the children make preparations for the dishes, and then each participant prepares his own portion.

During the cooking process, the chef talks about the features of the dish and helps in difficult moments.

After cooking, the children solemnly bring their culinary masterpieces to the festive table and taste the dishes.

When holding a holiday with an animator, the program is adjusted for each holiday, according to two scenarios:

The animator meets guests and spends an hour conducting games, competitions, and congratulations.

The animator appears when the children bring the dishes to the table and gets to know the children while tasting the dishes. Within an hour he conducts games, competitions, congratulations and solemnly brings out the cake.

The terms of participation

The cost of the program depends on the number of people in the group:

6-7 people - 1850 rubles per participant;

From 8 to 30 people - 1750 rubles per participant.

Animator services - 2500 rubles per hour.

Birthdays can be held at two venues:

St. Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, building 207;

St. Petersburg, Lesnoy prospect, building 73.

Children's Culinary School is an interesting activity for children with a guarantee of high quality service. Only on the Inlearno website you can order Children's at the Cooking School and. Also pay attention to the suggested , , and . We wish you a great holiday!

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It is better to invite children of the same age to the holiday: peers will be much more interesting together. And under no circumstances turn your child’s birthday into a meeting with your friends. It's the child's holiday, not yours. You can find (by the way, on our holiday information center) many other reasons to meet with friends.

Here are some options for celebrating your child's birthday:

The first option is a holiday in nature

This option is only good if your child was born in the warm season, and weather forecasters promise favorable warm weather on the day you are going to celebrate your child’s birthday.

If you live in a private house with a large yard covered with green grass, then the issue of the venue has been resolved for you. But if you have to take your children somewhere, then, firstly, make sure that there are enough adults to look after the crowd of children having fun. And secondly, take care of transport that will take you there and back.

If this is an outdoor picnic, take with you materials and means to make at least a small fire. As well as folding chairs or blankets and blankets that can be laid on logs or the ground. When you invite guests, be sure to warn parents that the celebration will be held outdoors so that they dress their children accordingly.

Positive sides:
You don't have to sweat in a stuffy apartment.
Children are given complete freedom to move, and a unique opportunity to make noise, scream and go wild, expressing their delight. (The neighbors would thank you).
Outdoor games are great (and at minimal cost) for outdoor games.
In nature, the best food is light food, the best utensils are disposable. This way you kill two birds with one stone: you deprive yourself of the “pleasure” of fiddling around at the stove all day and standing at the sink all evening.

Negative sides:
Bad weather can ruin your plans.
Children who are hot after outdoor games have a chance of catching a cold.
You will have to be constantly on alert and make sure that the children do not get into trouble and do not disappear from your field of vision.

The second option is a children's cafe or McDonald's

This option has its undoubted advantages. And recently, more and more parents are resorting to this method of celebrating their child’s birthday.

Traditionally, it looks like this: You book a room or tables in advance based on the number of guests. And during the ordered time, the birthday boy and his guests will be entertained by elegant clowns or fairy-tale characters. The entire entertainment program falls on the shoulders of these professionals, who undoubtedly know how and what to keep children busy.

Refreshments are ordered and paid for separately. As a rule, these are ice cream, milkshakes, pies, cakes or hamburgers. You can also order a birthday cake. And at the end of the holiday, if this is a café tradition, all guests will receive small souvenirs.

Parents can be present at the common table, become an outside observer at a table by the window, or even relax and unwind in the next room.

Positive sides:
You don’t have to first devote yourself to preparing a festive table, and then thoroughly cleaning the same table plus the entire area where the “fighting” took place.
There is absolutely no need to occupy yourself with thoughts about how to tactfully hint to all the guests, and even the birthday boy himself, that the birthday has come to an end.
There is no need to spend several evenings preparing a festive and entertainment program, and on the birthday itself you can allow yourself to relax by placing your children in the hands of professionals.

Negative sides:
It is not always possible to find such an establishment close to home, and then you will also have to spend money on transport services.
Such a birthday will cost you a pretty penny and will require much greater material costs than a birthday at home.

The third option is to turn to professionals

Today it is fashionable to order not only Santa Claus for the New Year, but also Ponochka and Mickey Mouse and any of the fairy-tale characters on any day convenient for you. You can make a surprise and not tell your child in advance how you plan to spend his birthday. Imagine: children are sitting at the table, and at that moment the doorbell rings, and fairy-tale characters, clowns, magicians, trained dogs and monkeys appear.

Believe me, these people know how to cheer up an entire honest company. And now, in an ordinary apartment, a real theatrical performance unfolds. And little guests are often not only spectators, but also direct participants.

Here everything depends on your wishes, fantasies and finances. It is necessary to invite artists in advance, and it is better to meet in person and find out in detail what they can offer for your child and his guests.

Positive sides:
You will have the opportunity to absolutely not think about how and how to entertain your guests, and you will be able to relax calmly in the next room.

Negative sides:
This is quite an expensive pleasure.
Such services can only be ordered in large cities or if your town is not too far from a large city and you are able to pay transportation costs.

And most importantly: wherever you throw your child’s birthday, first of all ask his opinion. Involve the birthday person in preparing the holiday. And the preparation itself will become no less exciting and exciting than the celebration itself.

And don’t forget about children’s songs, games and competitions, toasts, congratulations and wishes for the birthday boy.

Birthday boy's day at school

Everyone knows that children’s own birthday is perhaps the most favorite holiday, and also the only “personal holiday”. And it would be unfair to deprive a child of this particular holiday, even if they didn’t forget about the holiday at home, baked a cake and gave him new jeans.

The main life of a child is spent at school, his peers are here, they understand him better, they experience all the joys and sorrows with him, and, of course, the birthday boy wants his school friends to celebrate his birthday.

It is rare that parents will allow him to invite the whole class to this celebration, and at school he himself can become the host of his own holiday. Of course, it is impossible to celebrate the birthday of everyone in the class, but it is not difficult to unite some birthday people born in winter (December - January - February), others - in the spring (March - April - May), others - in the summer (June - July - August), others - in autumn (September - October - November).

Thus, four times a year the class will have its own holidays, and none of the birthday children, regardless of whether he was born during the holidays or during school, will remain offended.
Class decoration

As is customary for the holiday, the classroom will have to be put in order, beautiful garlands will have to be hung instead of boring tables, a festive wall newspaper will have to be published with wishes to the birthday people, interesting photographs, and friendly cartoons.

Balloons will greatly decorate the classroom. They are festive in themselves, and if you draw funny faces on them with felt-tip pens, they will add extra fun to the holiday.

And of course, flowers. Even if the birthday is in winter or early spring. If you want to save flowers cut in advance at the dacha, you need to trim their stems in water, wrap them in wet newspaper, and on top in dry newspaper, and put them in the bottom of the refrigerator, where vegetables are usually stored. When the time comes, the “frozen” flowers should be allowed to warm up, the stems should be trimmed again and placed in water.

You can also give beautiful spring flowers to birthday people in winter. To do this, you don’t need to go into the forest and ask the moon brothers to perform a miracle, as the stepdaughter did in the famous fairy tale.

Three months before the holiday, large bulbs of tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils should be planted in flower pots with good soil (a mixture of humus, turf soil and river sand): daffodils - two bulbs, crocuses - four, other flowers - one each.

Pots with bulbs, after watering, should be placed in a cool, dark place; When the first pale leaves appear, you need to move the pots to a warm, lit place and water them. The flowers will bloom for your birthday.

Of course, a teacher cannot give up everything and do floriculture, but by entrusting this work to two or three girls, you can solve their problems with the gift and give them the opportunity to show perseverance and patience.
Holiday program

The holiday program does not have to be clearly formulated in advance. All the entertainment can be indicated on a large cardboard flower: whichever petal the birthday people want to tear off first, that’s where you can start.

Perhaps your favorite literary characters will help with this. On one petal, Hottabych offers to solve riddles, on the other, Pinocchio promises a scene from a puppet theater, on the third, the cat Matroskin invites him to watch a cartoon, on the fourth, Carlson invites him to refresh himself, etc.

Or you can play “Journey - to the birthday country.” All guests are a train. They're going and going: Imeninnaya station. The heroes of the occasion show everything they can: read poetry, sing, dance. (But it’s fairer that the first station be the Guest station. Let the guests first amuse those who have a birthday). Musical station - listen to music, play musical games. Skazochnaya station - they tell fairy tales or watch a filmstrip based on a fairy tale.

You can use a ready-made script where words of congratulations, concert numbers, games and competitions are harmoniously intertwined. If you don’t want to get attached to a clearly structured scenario, just play games and competitions, ask riddles, sing songs and dance. The main thing is that the holiday atmosphere not only fills the class, but also brings joy to the birthday people themselves and their guests.

Birthday - holiday script
The classroom is festively decorated. All the children (except for the birthday boys) and parents are in the classroom, waiting for the “heroes” of the occasion to enter the classroom. The music “Song of the Crocodile Gena” sounds, and the birthday children enter the classroom and take seats specially prepared for them. The music stops. All those present stand up and sing for the birthday people to the tune of “Happy Birthday”:
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you
Congratulations to our class!

Today is a wonderful holiday. We celebrate the birthdays of our classmates, our friends. Birthday is one of the most important holidays of every person, because on this day a new person, a new life, was born. Everyone knows, it’s no secret that every birthday is a holiday, so accept congratulations.

Children present hand-made cards with wishes and congratulations: each team of children reads a poem or sings a birthday song (The task is prepared by the children in advance). Then the teacher and members of the parent committee present gifts to the birthday children and express their wishes. Birthday people thank you for the gifts.

And now we are going to visit our birthday boys.

The class is divided into 3 teams, each team also has a birthday boy.
1st task.
You are expecting guests. Where do you start? (From cleaning and decorating the apartment).
Each team is allocated its own part of the class, which needs to be colorfully decorated.

2nd task.
Now we need to prepare the sandwiches for the table.
The guys choose the necessary products and prepare sandwiches.

3rd task.
It's time to set the table. (Children set the tables and place everything they need on them).

4th task.
All is ready. But where are the guests? Did you remember to invite them and set a time? How can I do that? (Send an invitation by mail, invite by phone, invite in person, and all this must be done in advance). Acting out situations. Teams receive their task and prepare it.

5th task.
While we are waiting for guests, we ourselves need to dress smarter and more original.
Team members dress up their team's birthday boys.

6th task.
Here are the guests. They must be met and escorted to their places.
Guests are parents, members, jury. The “hosts” treat the “guests”.

7th task.
A birthday would probably not be so interesting and joyful if there were no games and entertainment. So come play with us. (This task can be prepared by children in advance). Each team shows a game or asks riddles.

8th task.
And now for some time we will leave you without birthday people. Do you want them to return to your team? Then you need to complete one very easy task. I hope you remember the names of your friends? This means you can easily complete the task. I say a name, and if he is a member of your team, you raise your hand and call the translation, for example:
His name means protector (Alexey) in Greek.
And this is a Roman name - baby (Paul).
Her name came to us from Scandinavia and means sacred, holy (Olga).
Alexander (Greek). - protector of people.
Anastasia (Greek). - Sunday.
Andrey (Greek). - brave man.
Anna (Egypt). - grace.
Valery (Rome). - healthy, strong.
Daria (Persian). - winner.
Evgeniy (Greek). - noble.
Catherine (Greek). - immaculate, pure.
Elena (ancient Greek). - light.
Igor (scandal). - force.
Irina (Greek). - world.
Constantine (Rome). - constant.
Ksenia (Greek). - hospitable.
Lyudmila (glory). - dear to people.
Maxim (Rome). - the greatest.
Marina (Rome). - sea.
Maria (Egypt). - superiority.
Natalia (Rome). - dear.
Nikita (Greek). - winner.
Sergey (Rome). - highly respected.
Tatiana (Greek). - organizer.

Well done, you completed the task, and your friends are with you again. What are they like? Choose the best words you can say about them. Yes, these are our wonderful birthday people, but so are you. After all, without you, without your support, it would be difficult for them and, probably, not very fun. Let's always remember who we are, try not to offend each other, help each other, like today.

In conclusion, the children perform “The Song of the Crocodile Gena,” lyrics. A. Timofeevskaya, music. V. Shainsky. Everyone is invited to a tea party.

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Both children and their parents look forward to school holidays. It is not surprising, because it is on these days that schoolchildren can feel like real actors, dancers and singers. To make the performance bright and rich, you need to carefully prepare the program.

School holidays (list and dates)

There are quite a lot of holidays that receive due attention in educational institutions. Honorable, evoking positive and bright emotions, school holidays in Russia open up the opportunity to come up with thematic events almost every day. This is a chance to give every child a chance to perform and shine. It is worth knowing each of them so that the school holidays, the list of which you will see below, are full of themes and ideas.

On September 8, they pay tribute to the textbook, which is the first for all students. This holiday is called Primer Day.

The last Sunday in November is Mother's Day.

Of course, not all school holidays are accompanied by matinees and performances. Nevertheless, any of these days is celebrated within the school walls due to thematic drawings, posters and wall newspapers. For those events that involve performances and concerts, it is imperative to think through the scenarios of school holidays to the smallest detail.

Scenario for Knowledge Day

On the first of September, children pack their backpacks again and set off to learn new things. The idea for this day could be as follows.

The school principal and several teachers come out and recite the following poems:

It's time to study again

There's no time to be lazy now

Happy first of September, guys!

Surely you missed school,

We've been waiting for you, the days have already been counted,

To fill you with interesting things again

And open the doors to the classroom.

the school year has begun,

You've all grown up over the summer, you can't really tell, it's beautiful.

Again textbooks, notebooks, paints and albums

It's time for you guys to bring everyone to school.

Several first-graders come out and start dancing a waltz.

Now let's invite our future graduates to the stage.

Three high school students come out and say poetry:

Really, really, the last year of school has come,

It’s so amazing, I didn’t expect it so quickly.

We are at the start of completing and receiving diplomas,

And today we are very glad that we came to this educational institution.

Nothing, guys, we have a whole year,

I want to quickly go to our class.

Leading: And now I would like to hear what our youngest students think about the first of September. We invite first-graders to the stage.

Three children come out and say the following words:

This is no longer a kindergarten, where there are games and horses,

Now we have no time to play, because there are notebooks in our backpack.

I got up early today because I was worried

I was afraid whether I had packed my backpack completely.

I have a blush on my face today,

There are flowers in my hands, and a satchel behind my back.


Accept us, school, we have come to the first grade!!!

The first bell rings and the song “They Learn at School” plays.

Scenario for the autumn holiday

Of course, scenarios for school holidays can be very different. The most important thing is to correctly distribute the roles of the actors.

Autumn (a girl in a themed dress) runs out and says:

"Autumn has already arrived, it has brought us beauty,

It’s a very nice time, let’s go, kids!”

The whole class sings a song about autumn.

Then they dance a dance with umbrellas.

Three boys and three girls come out and recite rhymes:

Autumn will fill your eyes with colors and add sparkle,

Because we really love miracles at this time.

Suddenly a blush will appear on the golden trees,

We collect leaves together to make something from them.

I'll draw nature, decorate it with leaves,

And I’ll paint over the gaps on the sheet with gold paint.

What kind of beauty did I get?

I paint like an artist, autumn looks at me.

I love the soft rustling underfoot very much

And I always trample on leaves when I go to school.

Musicians and poets write

About this most beautiful time.

Everyone sings a song about yellow leaves and leaves the stage.

Scenario for Teacher's Day

School holidays are always full of emotions and celebration. - is also a very important holiday in the educational institution. The scenario could be as follows.

A girl runs out and sings the song “They teach at school.”

After this, five boys dance on chairs with textbooks in their hands.

Girls dance stream.

Three children come out and say the following words:

Maybe we’re already familiar with this, but we can’t help but see it,

Our teachers usually have tired eyes in the evening.

But in the eyes of the tired it is clearly visible: the zeal for science is great.

The dear teacher will convey this zeal reliably and easily.

All in notebooks, books and drawings,

Our dear teacher is sitting,

He gives us grades and checks.

All the children are drawn to her, as if she were a magnet.

Six girls and six boys dance cheerfully to a song about school.

New Year's carnival

Here the main part will be the performance of Grandfather Frost, but the children should also show a couple of numbers.

Dance of snowflakes.

Boys dressed as animals dance a New Year's dance.

Three girls come out and recite poems.

New Year is just around the corner,

Open the gate.

Our holiday will begin soon,

Promises miracles.

You can hear the magical crunch of snow,

Christmas tree smell, tangerine,

This holiday is very nice

Shines with the colors of New Year's shop windows.

Do you hear the ringing?

It's him, it's him!

Grandfather Frost is arriving.

Behind his back is a very huge bag,

Gives gifts to all children.


Let's call him, kids. So that grandfather doesn’t mix up the gates.

Father Frost! Father Frost!

Grandfather Frost comes in and his performance begins with fun relay races and presentation of gifts.

School holidays in spring days

In spring, the season itself is celebrated, and beloved women are congratulated. School holidays inspire and instill new ideas in everyone.

Girls in flower outfits run out and begin a cheerful dance to the song “Spring Day.”

The boys show a gentleman's dance; they are dressed in business suits or tails and hats.

The girls come out and recite poems.

Spring has come, awakens nature,

There are blue buds on the branches.

Everything smells, blooms,

Droplets fly from all the roofs.

On this beautiful day I want to forget myself,

Congratulations to everyone on this day of spring.

May this day give you happiness and beauty.

Let every holiday be held at the highest level, and let children feel like the main characters of the event.

A child's birthday is one of the most important events in any family, which we celebrate every year. You can spend your children's birthday fun and festively in quite a variety of ways. A special place is occupied by the task of organizing such an event at school. This question is more relevant for students in junior grades – first and second, since older children’s priorities are already beginning to change.

Children love to celebrate holidays cheerfully and noisily, in the company of friends, especially when it comes to the most important day of the year. If your son or daughter has many friends among schoolchildren, and for teachers your child is a role model, it makes sense to think about holding the holiday directly within the school walls. Naturally, such an event must be carefully thought out and thoroughly prepared.


First, you need to find out from the school administration whether it is possible to organize a holiday in the classroom. If the answer is positive, you need to inquire in more detail about the existing conditions and rules - find out the possible time of the event, the number of children and parents present (if necessary), types of entertainment, food, etc. The best option is if the child is allowed to stay at school after school, where he can leisurely celebrate his main holiday.

In addition to children and parents, it is necessary to clarify the issue of the presence of one of the teachers at the holiday. This could be the class teacher or other teachers that your children like. Do not forget to warn the parents of invited students that they will be late after classes.

Festive table

When thinking about a treat for the holiday table, consider some important points:

  • At school, you should not organize a table similar to that at home.
  • It is better to replace main courses with sandwiches, not forgetting fruits and vegetables.
  • There may be dishes with sweets and pastries on the table, as well as a birthday cake.
  • The most appropriate type of drinks are juices and mineral water.
  • All food should be extremely simple, not requiring the use of cutlery.

You should check in advance with the parents of the invited children to see if any of them are allergic to certain foods. Even if the answer is negative, it is better not to purchase products for the children's table that are potential allergens.

For serving, it is better to use disposable tableware made of cardboard or plastic. This will allow you not to bother washing the plates after the end of the holiday and quickly put the room in order. Make sure you have dry and wet wipes that should always be at hand.


This item of the holiday plan should be thought out with special care. If entertainment will be organized by animators, you must clarify this point with the school administration in advance. You can come up with competitions and games yourself, involving your child’s friends in running them. If you have time and desire, you can organize a children's performance for the hero of the occasion. If the event will not be complete without musical accompaniment, this should also be agreed upon in advance with the school administration, clarifying the possibility of using a music center within the school’s walls.

Selecting a room

To hold such holidays, they usually use a sports or assembly hall, which is decorated in the theme of the upcoming holiday. An excellent solution would be to decorate the holiday with balloons. This way you can give the hall a beautiful look and solemnity at minimal cost. You can decorate the room yourself, involving children in the process, or contact a special agency.

Holiday gifts

Parents leave this part of the event for home, where they can present the birthday boy with his gifts in a calm atmosphere. If you warn your child’s classmates about the holiday in advance, most likely he will also receive pleasant surprises from the children with whom he studies.

A particularly important moment for any event is a good mood. It is in your power to make sure that all participants in the celebration have fun, and that the holiday itself remains in their memories for a long time. It’s easy and simple to do this, you just need to give the birthday boy a gift “, developed by the Holiday in a Cube company.” The fascinating scenario will immerse children in the gameplay, and funny competitions and the accompanying props will appeal not only to the young participants in the celebration, but also to the adults present.

Our laboratory organizes and conducts children's parties at school! Such a holiday will give the whole class an unforgettable experience and joy. The show of chemical and physical experiments will interest any child: wonderful transformations, exciting experiments, professional animators - all this will allow children to look at their studies in a new way and with great interest, the Smart Holiday laboratory guarantees! Even experienced teachers leave the most favorable reviews of our performances, and the gratitude from parents and students is simply countless!

If you want to give your children real miracles from the world of science, then order our laboratory to conduct holidays at school. We will be able to amuse, surprise and make all children laugh without exception. It is worth noting that all our shows are developed and tested by specialists with higher chemical education, and the presenters have medical books and are professionals in their field. Also, all presenters undergo training from the script creators, study the theoretical and applied parts of the show, participate in numerous rehearsals and improve their skills! All this allows our crazy professors to put on a science show that is fun, safe and exciting!

Carrying out holidays for children, which immerse everyone in the fascinating world of experiments and show interesting sides of chemistry and physics - all this is ours. To hold a fun and exciting holiday, you only need a table, and for some scenarios you also need hot water; everything else will be brought with you by the good-natured and eccentric crazy professor. Children will immediately fall in love with it and will remember for a long time such an unusual and at times fabulous performance - a science show! We conduct holidays for both one class and several, offering programs that are best suited for the audience and the holiday occasion! Our laboratory has accumulated extensive experience in conducting fun, safe, educational programs and will be happy to share it!