Children's theater studio. Our partners Preparatory special course for the Academy of Children's Musical

“We care what your children grow up to be”

The founders of the Academy of Children's Musical and the production center ArtSymphony are Tatyana Plastinina and Anna Sahakyan.

"Academy of Children's Musical" was founded in 2005. By creating a commercial partnership, Tatyana Plastinina and Anna Sahakyan brought one of their boldest ideas to life. Being devoted fans of theatrical art and caring mothers, they created what many parents dreamed of for their children. This is how the Academy of Children's Musical and its first studio on Chistye Prudy were born.

Tatyana Plastinina and Anna Sahakyan tell:

- Each of us is a mother who raised two children. From the first years of their lives, we took care of giving our kids the foundation that in the future will allow them to become versatile and successful people. All our projects are created for people like us, caring parents.

CHALLENGE 4: Financial inclusion

Unfortunately, high-quality additional education is not always affordable. Not all children's organizations offer discounts to clients and preferential training for those who need it.

"Academy of Children's Musical", being a commercial project, nevertheless strives for affordability with a decent level of quality of education. Children from large and socially vulnerable families study at our studios at a discount. There is also a loyalty program for especially gifted children.

PROBLEM 5: Creative selection

Any audition or exam is always alarming and unpleasant. Succumbing to excitement, children often do not show all their talents at castings and undeservedly find themselves on the sidelines.

Anyone can become a student at the Academy of Children's Musical. The desire and love for creativity is perhaps the main and only selection criterion for us. The main goal of studying at the Academy is the comprehensive aesthetic and personal development of the child, and not his professional career in show business. Our teachers have unique techniques that allow them to awaken “dormant” creative abilities, sometimes unnoticed even by parents. The main thing is that the child learns to understand and express himself freely, and with talent and good luck there is always the opportunity for further professional growth.

In addition to acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge in the classroom, each child gets a unique opportunity to play a role in a real performance created by the teachers of the Academy of Children's Musical, and to appear on the professional stage. Once a year, all branches gather together at one of the largest theater venues in Moscow to participate in the “Festival of the Academy of Children's Musical”, where they present to the audience performances that were staged during the training process during the year.

Problem 6: Lack of stage practice

The child attends a creative studio, but has the opportunity to demonstrate his successes only once a year at a school matinee. The problem here is not only that parents would like to see the child on stage more often, but also that the experience of performing in public is an irreplaceable school of life and is very important for the child.

Therefore, we actively provide our students with stage practice. In addition to performing at various venues in Moscow with concert numbers, every year young “academicians” demonstrate their skills at the reporting winter concert, as well as the “Festival of the Academy of Children’s Musical” in the spring. In colorful scenery and costumes, surrounded by professional light and sound, in practice mastering the work with hand-held microphones and microphone headsets, the children get the opportunity to feel like real artists. You can watch video reports about all events. In addition, Academy students annually participate in various competitions and festivals, charity and city concert events.

The most important stage practice that the Academy of Children's Musical provides to its best students is participation in theatrical productions along with professional actors. For these purposes, another project by Tatyana Plastinina and Anna Sahakyan was established, the production center "ArtSymphony", which presented the audience with more than one wonderful children's performance with the participation of young artists - students of the Academy of Children's Musical.

Under the patronage of the Moscow Operetta Theater, a special course was created on the basis of the Academy of Children's Musical, where the most talented children were selected. Their education was carried out by director Zhanna Zherder, composer Gelsyat Shaidulova, choreographer Igor Maklov, choreographer Alexandra Smirnova, teacher Marina Torkhova. Students of the special course have managed to prove themselves worthily in several theater projects, take prizes at competitions and festivals, and play their first roles in the repertoire play “Free Wind of Dreams” on the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater. The special course of the Academy of Children's Musical is expanding every year; in September 2015, three groups of students will begin classes.

The first project of the ArtSymphony production center was “Carlson, who lives on the roof.” The Academy students played all the children's roles in this performance - Baby, his brother Bosse, friends Christer and Gunilla, little chimney sweeps. The role of Carlson was played by the inimitable Eduard Radzyukevich, and other adult roles were played by artists of the Moscow Operetta Theater and other theaters in the capital.

The next production was “The Snow Queen” at the Variety Theater (2012). For three seasons in a row, along with the soloists of the Moscow Operetta Theater, students of the Academy of Children's Musical have been performing the leading roles in the play - Kai, Gerda, the Little Robber, the parts of Snowflakes and Penguins.

In 2013, “” was born - a unique performance in which only three adult actors take part, and the remaining roles are performed by children from the Academy’s special course. The guys played two brilliant seasons on the stage of the Moscow Music Hall. gathering a full auditorium.

In 2014, another successful project was launched - the musical “Nightingale the Robber & Co” on the stage of the Variety Theater. And again, performed by students of the Academy of Children's Musical, the audience saw the leading children's roles: Geese-Swans, Snake-Gorynych, six-year-old Ivanushka. The rest of the Academy students played in the play the roles of Pirozhkov, Nastenka’s girlfriends, and servants of Koshchei the Immortal.

The smallest “academicians” (from five to seven years old), taking their first tentative steps on stage, have been participating in the play “Cinderella” at the Moscow Operetta Theater for several theater seasons in a row, playing the roles of elves in the Fairy’s retinue (People’s Artist of Russia Svetlana Varguzova) .

And for those who dream of performing on the same concert stage with the stars, the Academy annually gives the opportunity to take part in the Gala Concert of the International Competition for Young Operetta Artists "OperettaLand", established by the Gerard Vasiliev Foundation and the Academy of Children's Musical with the support of the Moscow Department of Culture and the Moskovskaya Theater operetta". Soloists of leading musical theaters from all over Russia and abroad come to Moscow for this honorable event, the Gala concert of which can be seen on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Culture".

Friends of the Children's Musical Academy

Of course, over the years of the Academy’s existence, she made many friends. And we are honored that each of them takes part in the life and development of our project. Their advice and professional experience help us a lot.

Gerard Vasiliev- People's Artist of Russia, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV and III degrees, soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater, president of the Foundation for the Preservation and Development of the Operetta Genre, president and chairman of the jury.

Eduard Radzyukevich- a popular actor, director, known to everyone from the famous “6 frames” and other TV programs. Not everyone knows that Eduard Vladimirovich is also an excellent theater teacher, communication with whom is a wonderful master class for students and teachers of the Academy.

Alexander Zhurbin- composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of International and All-Union Prizes, holder of the Order of Honor (2010), member of the Union of Composers (as well as the Union of Cinematographers, the Union of Theater Workers, the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists). Alexander Zhurbin is rightly called the “legend of Russian musicals”; he has produced more than forty musicals, two hundred songs, fifty soundtracks for Russian and foreign films, eight operas and three ballets.

Alexander Zatsepin- composer, People's Artist of Russia, author of many hits of the 60s - 90s and unforgettable music for films by Leonid Gaidai. His song “There is only a moment...” is recognized as the best Russian song of the twentieth century.

Zhanna Zherder- Honored Artist of Russia, soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater, author of the libretto and director of the musicals "Cinderella" (Moscow Operetta Theater 2007), "Carlson Who Lives on the Roof" (Academy of Children's Musical together with the Gerard Vasiliev Foundation 2009 g.), “Caesar and Cleopatra” (Moscow Operetta Theater 2010), art director of the International Competition for Young Operetta Artists “OperettaLand”.

Andrey Semenov– composer, Honored Artist of Russia, musical director of the Satire Theater and the Hermitage Theater. Author of music for numerous “Kremlin Christmas trees”, as well as many dramatic performances, musicals, symphonies and even operas, creator of the musical “Carlson Who Lives on the Roof” - the first large-scale project of the Academy, beloved by young Muscovites and their parents.

Gelsyat Shaidulova– composer, Honored Artist of Russia, professor of the variety department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). Author of symphonic and chamber music, as well as a large number of popular songs, the first performers of which were: Lev Leshchenko, Renat Ibragimov, Larisa Dolina, Valery Syutkin, Vladimir Troshin, Valeria Lanskaya, Nonna Grishaeva, Victoria Makarskaya. The composer's children's songs are also very successful, performed by the group "Fidgets" and the Children's Choir of Radio and Television of Russia. Among the many well-known works of Gelsyat Shaidulova are five children's New Year's musicals: “Magic Dreams”, “By the Pike’s Command the New Year Comes”, “Brave Gerda”, “Because Winter is Great!”, “Hot Road to the New Year”, which in Over the years, the performances have been successfully performed on the stage of the Olimpiysky sports complex.

NUTELLA Company with great enthusiasm supports all the ideas and initiatives of the Academy, understanding the importance of projects related to the development of children's and youth creativity.

KINDER company. Which became one of our partners in the creation of our new children's musical “The Snow Queen”.

If you are interested in our project, we invite you to join the wonderful community of the “Academy of Children's Musical”!

To ensure that your child is enrolled in a group that is suitable for you, you need to:

  1. Select branch and group.
  2. Call +7 495 624-88-88.
  3. Sign up and pay the entry fee.

At the beginning of the school year, there may not be enough places in the group you are interested in.

At the Children's Musical Academy, children are more likely to play musical theater than study. This is the format of learning that children like. It also has its own film studio.

Not only schoolchildren, but also children 4-5 years old can enroll here. After all, preschoolers also love to sing and dance, they just need to learn it a little.

Academy teachers stage small musicals with their students, children are taught acting and speech techniques, the basics of dance and vocals. Productions in which little actors participate - the real ones - take place on a real stage with backstage and scenery, and before the performance the actors put on costumes and apply stage makeup.

Classes at the Academy are taught by experienced professional teachers. Each branch of the Academy prepares two performances a year, which are then shown to parents on the big stage. Thanks to the peculiarities of the genre, children are simultaneously introduced to choreography, music and drama. And all the songs that are heard at the performances are performed in English - so in addition to dancing, vocals and acting, Academy students are also taught a foreign language.

In addition to the Academy branch on Chistye Prudy, there are 9 more branches in Moscow, so you can study close to home. To enroll, you do not need to go through a competitive selection process, because the Academy believes that all children are talented, you just need to develop your talent.

Addresses of Academy branches in Moscow:

m. Akademicheskaya
st. Kedrova, 13, bldg. 2
Class days: Wednesday, Friday

m. Alekseevskaya
Zvezdny Boulevard, 1
Club center for the development of creative abilities "Dauphine"

m. Belyaevo
st. Miklouho-Maklaya, 18, building 2. Avanti School of Arts

m. Vodny Stadium
Leningradskoe highway 52a
Class days: Monday, Thursday

m. Dubrovka
Shirokopodshibnevskaya 11 building 5
Shopping center "Strelka"

m. Kolomenskaya
Andropov Avenue, 22, business center
Class days: Monday, Wednesday

m. Kutuzovskaya
Kutuzovsky Prospekt 36, building 5
Class days: Monday, Thursday

m. 1905
2nd Zvenigorodskaya st., 12, p. 18 (Dance hall Gold&Dance)
Class days: Saturday, Sunday

metro station Perovo (metro station Shosse Entuziastov)
Zeleny Prospekt, building 3A
Class days: Wednesday, Friday

m. Gorchakova Street
st. Admirala Rudnev, building 4, fitness club “Fitness Guru”
Class days: Tuesday, Friday

m. Yugo-Zapadnaya
Vernadsky Avenue, 95, building 4, sports club “Balance”
Class days: Tuesday, Friday

The Children's Musical Academy is a theater studio that trains children aged 5 to 15 years. Its founders are Anna Sahakyan and Tatyana Plastinina.

To create the basic program, the musical genre was chosen, since it represents an organic combination of a number of components that play an important role in the development of the child. Among them are vocals and music, acting and choreography.

Students simultaneously master several disciplines. In addition, during classes the child is immersed in the world of literature, music, dance and painting. Classes take place 2 times a week and last an hour and a half.

The Academy's management strives to provide its students with active stage practice. Young artists participate in various festivals and competitions and, most importantly, play in performances alongside professional actors. From the age of 5-7, little “academicians” play the roles of elves who make up the Fairy’s retinue from the children’s musical “Cinderella”, staged at the Moscow Operetta Theater. Older children participate in the Gala concert of the International Competition of Young Operetta Artists, held under the auspices of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Gerard Vasiliev Foundation.

At the same time, children are admitted to the Academy without creative selection, because its teachers are confident that hidden talent can be found in every child.