Day of National Unity or Day of Harmony and Reconciliation. Day of National Unity or Day of Harmony and Reconciliation National Unity November 4

Russian Military Glory Day - Day national unity celebrated annually on November 4th since 2005.

On November 4, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-Gorod, liberating Moscow from Polish invaders and demonstrating an example of heroism and unity of the entire people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society. It is this decisive date for Rus' that the Day of National Unity is dedicated to, which through the centuries reminds us that any enemy is powerless before the strength and unity of the people.

© Sputnik / Valery Shustov

Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in Rus' - the period from the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible until 1613, when the first of the Romanov dynasty ascended to the Russian throne.

Some researchers insist that in modern Russia they do not fully understand the meaning of the holiday. For many, this is just another red day on the calendar. However, few people realize that the history of National Unity Day allows it to be placed on a par with May 9th. After all, then, in 1612, the country was in the same chaos and mortal danger, which threatened the very existence of the country.

© Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

Volunteers during a flash mob where flags of all 85 regions of Russia will be unfurled in honor of National Unity Day on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow

On this day, celebrations, concerts, performances and sporting events take place throughout the country. In various Russian cities, political parties and social movements organize rallies, marches and charity events. But the main events dedicated to National Unity Day take place in the heart of the holiday - Nizhny Novgorod, and on Red Square in Moscow.

National Unity Day in 2019 falls on Monday, taking into account the previous Saturday and Sunday, Russians are waiting for a “long weekend”.

Self care day

Self-Care Day is celebrated annually on November 4th. Experts advise freeing one day to pay attention to yourself. Enjoy wonderful moments spent with your loved ones. Treat yourself to a pleasant purchase and a delicious lunch. Go to an exhibition, museum, performance, or find harmony with environment, going out into nature. Visit a beauty salon, sign up for spa treatments.

© Photo: Pixabay

Couple in love with candles

In a word, you need to mark this date on the calendar, besides, in Russia November 4 is an official day off.

Cash Register Day

The first device that counted money was designed by the French brothers James and John Ritty.

© Depositphotos / Regina Avramova

Man with cash register

On November 4, 1879, they managed to patent the first cash register, which was a real breakthrough in business.

Date on the calendar

  • Day of National Unity of Russia.
  • Day of National Unity and Armed Forces in Italy.
  • Flag Day in Panama.
  • Ukrainian Railway Worker's Day.
  • Birthday of the cash register.
  • Self-care day.

On this day many years ago

1493 - Christopher Columbus's expedition discovers the island of Guadeloupe.

1707 - a hospital was opened in Moscow (now the Main Military Clinical Hospital named after N. N. Burdenko).

© Sputnik / V. Pavlov

The building of the hospital named after N.N. Burdenko from Gospitalnaya Street.

1815 - in Berlin, during an official dinner, Russian Emperor Alexander I and Prussian King Frederick William III announce the engagement of Tsarevich Nicholas (future Emperor Nicholas I) and Prussian Princess Charlotte (who became Alexandra after accepting the Orthodox faith).

1862 - Richard Gatling patented the world's first multi-barreled machine gun, the Revolving Battery Gun.

1879 - James Ritty patents the first cash register.

1890 - The world's first underground electric road, the metro, opens in London.

1922 - Englishman Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt.

© REUTERS / Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in a tomb in Luxor, Egypt

1942 - Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) was founded.

1946 - UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - was founded in Paris.

© AFP 2018 / Loic Venance

UNESCO headquarters in Paris

1950 - The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, also known under the unofficial name of the European Convention on Human Rights, was adopted in Rome.

1967 - Ostankino TV tower was put into operation.

© Sputnik / Lev Polikashin

Ostankino tower.

1968 - launch of the first domestic solid-fuel ballistic missile RT-2, Plesetsk.

1993 - the restored Kazan Cathedral was opened in Moscow on Red Square.

Born on this day

1650 - William III of Orange, ruler of the Netherlands (from 1672), king of England and Sweden (from 1689).

1784 - Osip Bove, Russian architect.

1897 - Dmitry Pavlov (shot in 1941), army general, Hero of the Soviet Union.

1929 - Shakuntala Devi, Indian writer and phenomenal counter.

1947 - Alexey Ulanov, Soviet figure skater, Olympic champion, four-time world and European champion.

1956 - Igor Talkov, Soviet singer, poet, singer-songwriter.

© Sputnik / Aleksandr Polyakov

1966 - Sergey Trofimov, Russian poet, musician, singer.

1969 - Matthew McConaughey, American actor, screenwriter, director and producer, Oscar winner.

Getty Images

1972 - Luis Figo, Portuguese footballer, world football star.

1976 - Dmitry Yaroshenko, Russian biathlete.

Date November 4th in the church calendar

  • Celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
  • Memorial Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Averky, Bishop of Hierapolis, wonderworker.
  • Day of Remembrance of the Seven Youths of Ephesus: Saints Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, Dionysius, Antoninus, Exacustodian (Constantine) and John.

Name day is celebrated on November 4th

Alexander, Vasily, Vladimir, German, Gregory, Denis, Zakhar, Ivan, Irakli, Konstantin, Maxim, Maximilian, Nikolai, Fedor, Anna, Elizabeth.

Orthodox calendar: Celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a holiday in honor of the day of the liberation of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612.

© Sputnik / RIA Novosti

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

For a long time in Rus' this day was celebrated as a public holiday. The whole country glorified one of the most beloved images in Rus', the Kazan image of the Mother of God, who showed her miraculous intercession for Rus' during the Time of Troubles.

In 1737, the revered image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was transferred to St. Petersburg to the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God, on the site of which a cathedral (Kazan Cathedral) was built in the 1810s.

The Kazan Icon was in the militia led by Kuzma Minin and Prince Dimitry Pozharsky when Russian troops liberated the Kremlin and Moscow from the enemy. In memory of this event, the Kazan Cathedral was erected on Red Square, which was liquidated in the summer of 1936.

A significant event was marked on November 4, 1993, when the restored Kazan Cathedral was opened in Moscow on Red Square.

Folk signs

  • On this day they tried to have a wedding, as it was believed: “Whoever marries on Kazanskaya will be happy.”
  • If it rains, then winter will follow the rain: “It rains on Kazanskaya in the morning, and in the evening the snow lies in drifts.”
  • On Kazanskaya, a clear day means cold weather.

Date November 4 in the calendar of South Ossetia

10 years ago, the last formation of the Ossetian peacekeeping battalion of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces took place in Tskhinvali. Earlier, on June 18, the President of the Russian Federation decided to disband the peacekeeping battalion from the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

The peacekeeping mission was unique and had no analogues in the world. Peacekeeping forces Russian Federation, The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania fulfilled its duty to Russia, to the people of the Republic of South Ossetia.

National Unity Day- the holiday is quite new, but with long historical traditions. It appeared in Russia in 2005, actually replacing the main Soviet holiday - November 7, which today is a working day.

National Unity Day: how we relax in November 2018 in Russia

In 2018, the last public holiday remained in Russia - National Unity Day. In the first week of November, in connection with this holiday, Russians will have a three-day weekend, followed by a shortened working week.

Let us remind you that according to the production calendar, in November 2018 in Russia there are nine days off and 21 working days.

What date is National Unity Day?

National Unity Day - a day off or a working day?

This is a public holiday and is a day off. This year the holiday falls on Sunday, so the day off will be postponed and Russians will be able to relax from 3 to 5 November.

Saturday, November 3rd,- day off. Sunday, November 4,- National Unity Day, according to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is an official non-working holiday. Monday, November 5th- a holiday day off, which appeared as a result of the postponement of the day off from the fourth day.

From the history of the National Unity Day holiday

If we briefly tell the history of this holiday, then it all began with the Time of Troubles, which, according to historians, was in Russia from 1598 to 1613. This period, which coincided with the change of centuries from the 16th to the 17th, was accompanied by natural disasters, riots, civil war, Polish intervention and other troubles. The result of this was a severe state-political and socio-economic crisis that almost destroyed Russia.

It is believed that the problems began when, after the death of the king, IvanaIV (Grozny) his son ascended to the Russian throne Feodor I Ioannovich. He ruled for quite a long time - 14 years, but was not a strong ruler and did not leave descendants. After his death the dynasty Rurikovich stopped.

In 1598 he ascended the Russian throne Boris Godunov, a representative of a noble and influential boyar family. But he was unlucky. Not only did natural disasters and crop failure hit Russia during Godunov’s reign, he was (most likely unfairly) considered responsible for the death of Ivan the Terrible’s youngest son, Tsarevich Dmitry, who died in Uglich under mysterious circumstances.

Soon they began to say that perhaps Dmitry was alive and was about to return to take the throne that rightfully belonged to him. As a result of these rumors, confusion arose, which was taken advantage of by various rogues who declared themselves to be the miraculously saved prince. In Russian history, these impostors are usually called “False Dmitrys.”

A real leapfrog began on the Russian throne. Following the Godunovs they came False Dmitry I And Vasily Shuisky, then seized power Seven Boyars, then there was a Polish prince Vladislav, and then two more False Dmitry. At this time, the Polish invaders were already in full control of Moscow.

The life of Russians at this time was so difficult that many lands were depopulated and fell into desolation; people fled to the forests, awaiting the Last Judgment and general destruction.

Then the patriarch Hermogenes called on the people to defend the Fatherland and the Orthodox faith and expel the occupiers. This mission was entrusted to the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin and the prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They gathered a huge militia, which included representatives of all classes and peoples who then lived on the territory of Russia.

Taking as a symbol the considered miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, Nizhny Novgorod militia October 22 (November 4, New Style) 1612 took Moscow's Kitay-Gorod by storm and expelled the Polish interventionists from Moscow.

This victory was the first step towards the revival of the Russian state, and the icon of the Kazan Mother of God became a subject of special veneration.

In February 1613, the Zemsky Sobor, which included representatives of all peoples and classes of Russia, as well as many Russian cities, elected 16-year-old as the new king Mikhail Romanov. Mikhail became the first autocrat of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia for three hundred years.

The Zemsky Sobor of 1613 is considered a symbol of the final victory over the Time of Troubles, the triumph of Orthodoxy and national unity.

As for the Kazan Icon, it began to be revered not only as the patroness of the Romanov dynasty - a special church holiday was established for this shrine.

Son of Mikhail Romanov - Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, who reigned in 1645–1676, ordered November 4 to be celebrated as a day of gratitude to the Most Holy Theotokos for her help in the liberation of Russia. This holiday was celebrated before the revolution of 1917 and was preserved in the church calendar as the Day of Celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612.

Thus, the current Day of National Unity, established in 2005, is the legitimate “heir” of the old Russian tradition.

History of the holiday

In the early 2000s, the Russian government planned to cancel the official celebration November 7, which, despite all the renamings and attempts to “upgrade”, remained in the popular consciousness associated with the anniversary October Revolution 1917.

The holiday needed a worthy replacement. Moreover, at the beginning of November in Russia there are school break, when it is desirable to provide parents with more opportunity to spend time with their schoolchildren.

The idea to make it festive National Unity Day November 4 was proposed by the Interreligious Council of Russia in September 2004. The initiative was supported by the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy. On December 27, 2004, the bill was adopted in the third reading, and since 2005, new holiday.

Holiday traditions

On National Unity Day, rallies and processions of various political parties and public associations are held in different cities of our country. The center of the holiday is traditionally Red Square, where the country's leaders lay flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, and then a grandiose festive concert takes place. This year, the Moscow government approved nine applications for events dedicated to National Unity Day on November 4.

On this day, festive festivities and dozens of different patriotic events take place in the capital and other cities. On the eve of the holiday, holiday concerts are held in schools and preschool institutions so that not a single child is left uninvolved in patriotic themes. Children's creative groups actively participate in the festival.

In St. Petersburg, on National Unity Day, the now traditional Festival of Light is held, accompanied by a light show and video installations. This year the festival will be held at the Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex and in Moscow's Victory Park.

A special place of the holiday - Nizhny Novgorod - homeland Kuzma Minin. The main festive events take place on National Unity Square, where, like in Moscow, there is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. A rally-concert takes place there, traditionally ending with festive fireworks.

National Unity Day: congratulations in verse

Happy National Unity Day
Congratulations sound
In peace, friendship and harmony
All peoples want to live.

We wish all of Russia
Live as one family
Let him not know war and troubles,
May peace reign over the country!

Happy National Unity Day!
Happy November!
Let it be in our lives
Place for the holidays, friends.

Congratulations! Let it be
Joy in the world and goodness,
And in our hearts and souls -
It will be sunny and warm!

Happiness to all Russian families,
And health and good luck.
May it be on a beautiful autumn day
Songs of joy sound!

People familiar with history know that this date - National Unity Day - is dedicated to the events of the Time of Troubles, when Moscow was liberated from enemies in 1612 with the help of a militia consisting of ordinary people, led by Minin and Pozharsky.

A reason to create a new holiday in Russia

Initially, the residents of our country celebrated November 7 as the anniversary of the well-known October Revolution. The Soviet Union collapsed, and people, by inertia, continued to celebrate this day, since it remained red on the calendar. Only now it was called. This continued for another 14 years after the collapse of the USSR, until the authorities decided that it was time to establish a new date. So what is the name of the November 4th holiday in Russia?

Alexy II, Patriarch of Russia at that time, at the Interreligious Council came up with the idea of ​​reviving in the memory of people the end of the Time of Troubles and the image of Our Lady of Kazan. So that the people do not have unnecessary questions about what holiday is celebrated in Russia on November 4, the State Duma, after amending Labor Code decided that this date will be recognized as National Unity Day.

People's militia led by Minin and Pozharsky

At the beginning of the 17th century, Russia was in the grip of the Time of Troubles. The country was experiencing severe crises related to politics and economics, crop failures and famines, and foreign intervention. In 1612, she freed herself from the Poles with the help of Kozma Minin, a governor from Nizhny Novgorod, and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They organized which captured Kitay-Gorod and forced the foreigners to recognize the act of surrender.

Pozharsky was lucky to be the first to enter the city. He carried in his hands the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. In Rus' they sincerely believed that it was the Mother of God who protected the people from enemies at that time. In 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, November 4 became dedicated to the Lady of Heaven. Until 1917, until the revolution took place in the country, this day was special for all Russian people.

Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Virgin Mary

Now the Orthodox also especially honor this day. What kind of holiday is November 4th in Russia? This is the day of glorification of the Kazan Mother of God. In 1612, he appealed to the people to pray and stand up for the defense of their native land from foreign invaders. Then a miraculous image of the Ever-Virgin Mary was sent to the militia to Dmitry Pozharsky from Kazan. Having endured a three-day fast, people with faith and hope appealed to the Queen of Heaven with a request that she give them strength to defeat their enemies.

The Mother of God heard their pleas for help, Moscow was liberated. Then the Time of Troubles in Rus' came to an end. Since then, people have known about the miraculous salvation of the country on November 4, which is now considered a holiday in Russia. In honor of this event, the Kazan Cathedral was built on Red Square in 1612. It was destroyed during the years of persecution of the church, and has now been restored.

The people's contradictory attitude towards this event

Many people do not understand what kind of date November 4th is, what holiday is celebrated in Russia at this time? Not everyone knows about National Unity Day, in particular, the older generation is accustomed to the date of November 7, when the events of the 1917 revolution are remembered. People who grew up in the spirit of atheism do not want to recognize the new holiday. They still celebrate theirs 3 days later. The communists in the State Duma were also initially against rearranging the date in the calendar, however, their votes were in the minority and did not have a significant influence on the decision.

Thus, some people believe that it is not good to violate old traditions by shifting the emphasis from one holiday to another, while others (including many Orthodox Christians), on the contrary, are sure that this day is a revival of history. Everything returns to its place. But for 10 years now, November 4th has been celebrated. What kind of holiday is it in Russia without the opportunity to relax? This day is an official holiday.

National Unity Day or Harmony and Reconciliation Day?

Until now, some people are confused and cannot say which name of the holiday is correct. In this case, it will not matter whether each individual person knows what the November 4 holiday is called in Russia. The main thing is that people understand the meaning of this date in the calendar. The Russian people have always been famous for their unity and conciliarity in decision-making. This is how Russia was able to win many wars.

On this day, all contradictions and disagreements that provoke conflict situations should be forgotten. People need to become kinder to each other, since the roots of entire generations are closely intertwined. Only then will the meaning of what is celebrated on November 4 (which is a holiday in Russia) reach every person.

How is National Unity Day going?

Times change. Now more and more people are welcoming the introduction of November 4th. What holiday in Russia takes place without gala concerts and various events? Various events are dedicated to this day: demonstrations, mass processions, distribution of free gifts with state symbols.

A government reception is held in the Kremlin Hall, where people who have made a huge contribution to the development of the country receive their well-deserved awards. In the evening, traditional folk festivities are held, and it all ends with bright volleys of fireworks, so that the people will forever remember the date November 4th, what kind of holiday is celebrated in Russia on this day.

National Unity Day is a fairly young holiday. We started talking about it in 2004, and already in 2005 we celebrated it for the first time by making public holiday and on a non-working day. Many Russians perceive this date only as a day off, completely unaware of its full significance for the history of the Fatherland. We will tell you about the need to know the history of National Unity Day, hoping to raise this event in people’s eyes, but before that, we will tell you how many days off are expected in the Russian Federation for National Unity Day in 2017, and how many days will we rest on November 4.

How to relax on National Unity Day 2017

It should be noted that November 4, 2017 falls on a Saturday, which means that with a five-day workday. week this day is considered a day off. For this reason, the celebration of National Unity Day is postponed to November 6th (Monday). This day has been declared a non-working day. Thus, Russians have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday with as many as three days off: from November 4 to November 6 (see), thanks to which you will have an excellent opportunity to participate in festive events.

history of the holiday

The beginning of the seventeenth century brought many troubles and misfortunes to the Russian land. Against the background of three consecutive lean years, which caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people, more serious events appeared: the heirs of the true Russian Tsar were killed, and the Polish Tsar began to claim their place, whose “sent” to the Russian lands was the False Dmitry first. For more than 13 years, a Time of Troubles occurred on our land, when power passed from one to another. But while the rich shared power, they died simple people, and their faith along with them. Russia was threatened with complete destruction, the adoption of Catholicism and the transition to Polish leadership.
Came out to defend Russian lands Minin and Pozharsky, gathered the militia. Their army marched under the auspices of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. With the help of faith in victory and fortitude, the Russians were able to drive out the Polish invaders from Russian lands.

Holiday symbol

The symbol of National Unity Day has become icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This holiday is perhaps the only one in the entire Russian calendar that combines state and religious interests.

November 4 is a national holiday in Russia

Why did Russia decide to make National Unity Day a public holiday? We all know how strong and unshakable the power and will of the Russian people are. Thanks to spiritual strength, the Russian people were able to raise their beloved Fatherland from its knees. During the Time of Troubles, the most patriotic re-education of Russians took place - people realized that unity and truth could overcome everything. By uniting, Russians are able to get rid of any enemy, heal themselves and their land. This is what this holiday is dedicated to - the unification of the entire Russian state, a call to the unshakable will of our people and faith in the purity of true thoughts.

Congratulations on National Unity Day 2017 - video

The holiday was established by the Federal Law "On the introduction of Article 1 Federal Law“On the days of military glory (victorious days) of Russia,” signed in December 2004 by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

National Unity Day was established in memory of the events of 1612, when the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from Polish invaders. Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in Russia in the 17th century. The Time of Troubles - the period from the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1584 until 1613, when the first of the Romanov dynasty reigned on the Russian throne - was an era of deep crisis in the Moscow state caused by the suppression of the royal Rurik dynasty. The dynastic crisis soon developed into a national-state crisis. The united Russian state collapsed, and numerous impostors appeared. Widespread robberies, robbery, theft, bribery, and widespread drunkenness struck the country.
It seemed to many contemporaries of the Time of Troubles that the final ruin of the “blessed kingdom of Moscow” had occurred. Power in Moscow was usurped by the “Seven Boyars” led by Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky, who sent Polish troops into the Kremlin with the intention of placing the Catholic prince Vladislav on the Russian throne.
In this difficult time for Russia, Patriarch Hermogenes called on the Russian people to defend Orthodoxy and expel the Polish invaders from Moscow. “It’s time to lay down your soul for the House of the Most Holy Theotokos!” - wrote the patriarch. His call was taken up by the Russian people. A broad patriotic movement began for the liberation of the capital from the Poles. The first people's (zemstvo) militia was headed by the Ryazan governor Prokopiy Lyapunov. But due to infighting between the nobles and the Cossacks, who killed the governor on false charges, the militia disintegrated. The anti-Polish uprising that began prematurely in Moscow on March 19, 1611 was defeated.
In September 1611, the “trading man”, Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin, appealed to the townspeople to create a people’s militia. At a city meeting, he made his famous speech: “Orthodox people, we want to help the Moscow state, we will not spare our bellies, and not just our bellies - we will sell our yards, we will pawn our wives and children and we will beat our heads so that someone will become our boss. And what praise will all of us receive from the Russian land that such a great thing will happen from such a small city as ours.”
At Minin’s call, the townspeople voluntarily gave “a third of their money” to create a zemstvo militia. But voluntary contributions were not enough. Therefore, a forced collection of “fifth money” was announced: everyone had to contribute a fifth of their income to the treasury of the militia for the salaries of serving people.
At Minin’s suggestion, the 30-year-old Novgorod prince Dmitry Pozharsky was invited to the post of chief governor. Pozharsky did not immediately accept the offer; he agreed to be a governor on the condition that the townspeople themselves would choose an assistant for him who would be in charge of the treasury of the militia. And Minin became “the elected man of the whole earth.” So at the head of the second zemstvo militia were two people elected by the people and invested with their complete trust.
a huge army for that time - more than 10 thousand serving local people, up to three thousand Cossacks, more than a thousand archers and many "dacha people" from the peasants.

Representatives of all classes and all peoples that were part of the Russian state took part in the national militia, in the liberation of the Russian land from foreign invaders.

With the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revealed in 1579, the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo militia managed to storm Kitay-Gorod on November 4, 1612 and expel the Poles from Moscow.
This victory served as a powerful impetus for the revival of the Russian state. And the icon became the subject of special veneration.

At the end of February 1613, the Zemsky Sobor, which included representatives of all classes of the country - the nobility, boyars, clergy, Cossacks, archers, black-growing peasants and delegates from many Russian cities, elected Mikhail Romanov (son of Metropolitan Philaret), the first Russian Tsar from the dynasty, as the new Tsar Romanovs. The Zemsky Sobor of 1613 became the final victory over the Troubles, the triumph of Orthodoxy and national unity.

The confidence that it was thanks to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God that the victory was won was so deep that Prince Pozharsky, with his own money, specially built the Kazan Cathedral on the edge of Red Square. Since then, the Kazan Icon began to be revered not only as the patroness of the House of Romanov, but by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who reigned in 1645-1676, a mandatory celebration was established on November 4 as a day of gratitude to the Most Holy Theotokos for her help in liberating Russia from the Poles (celebrated before 1917). IN church calendar This day became known as the Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612.
Thus, National Unity Day is essentially not a new holiday at all, but a return to an old tradition.
On National Unity Day, in different cities of our country, political parties and social movements organize rallies, processions and concerts, charity events and sporting events.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources