A person is a kinesthetic person in psychology. Kinesthetic, visual and other sexual types. Kinesthetic - who is it?

People who are not specialists in the field of psychology cannot always recognize kinesthetics. Specific behavior specific to a given individual may lead to misunderstandings or conflict. This can be avoided if you regularly educate yourself and study various psychotypes.

A kinesthetic person is a person who better perceives external information through tactile contact. For such people, touch is of great importance. During a conversation, they need to touch the interlocutor. At the same time, they may not think about their actions and perform them unconsciously.

Kinesthetic learners perceive information through touch.

It should be noted that this psychotype of personality receives pleasure not only when it touches a person, but also when it touches animals or various objects. They like to feel structural surfaces and materials. Kinesthetic learners do excellent physical work and get special pleasure from doing handicrafts.

It was among them that mobile phone users were noted, who until the last moment remained loyal to models with buttons rather than touch screens.

How to define kinesthetics?

If you pay attention to the appearance of kinesthetics, you will find that they have common characteristic features. Most often, people of this psychotype tend to stoop, but at the same time feel good about their body. Therefore, they are quite graceful, their movements lack sharpness and spontaneity.

In addition, it should be noted that kinesthetic people, due to their love for tasty food, may suffer from excess weight. However, even with large volumes, this psychotype will have a beautiful gait. This category of people can be recognized by their clothes and shoes. Kinesthetics prefer natural fabrics that do not restrict movement.

Terry and knitted items deserve special attention. This psychotype prefers comfortable shoes. Most often, kinesthetic people prefer a sporty style. They can be caught wearing old things for too long, because this category of people prefers convenience to beauty.

It should be noted that a conversation is an excellent opportunity to make sure that the interlocutor better assimilates information through tactile contact. During a lively discussion, kinesthetic learners actively gesticulate and unconsciously try to close the distance. However, they may not look directly into your eyes.

However, this behavior does not mean at all that the topic of conversation is not interesting to them. It’s just that eye contact doesn’t have much meaning for a kinesthetic learner. The situation is completely different with touching. This psychotype tends to touch the interlocutor to make sure that he is interested.

Kinesthetic learners involuntarily use facial expressions and gestures during a conversation.

Therefore, wrinkles appear on their faces earlier than their peers. In addition, when talking, they often touch something with their hands, such as a pen or pencil. This often gives the impression that the interlocutor is nervous. However, it is not.

Kinesthetics are characterized by a melancholic temperament, which is often mistaken for timidity. They are sensitive to their feelings and focused on their inner world. Their calm speech and slow movements are combined with unexpected spontaneity when making important decisions.

At the same time, this psychotype will more often listen to intuition than to logical judgments. It is important to note that thanks to the latter they avoid dangers that were about to happen. For example, unexpected accidents or plane crashes.

A kinesthetic person is a person who always prefers the old to the new. Their conservatism is associated with an unconscious fear of what cannot be predicted. They make new acquaintances with caution. After communicating with a new person, the kinesthetic learner will form a complete image in his head. After all, this psychotype does not tend to notice individual qualities of people and separate the particular from the general.

Kinesthetic woman

Such a girl can become an excellent life partner and a tender mother. Self-care is especially important to her. All necessary cosmetic procedures for a kinesthetic woman are not a boring routine, but an opportunity to get another dose of endorphins.

Therefore, despite the presence of facial wrinkles, This category of representatives of the fairer sex will always look younger than their peers. But at the same time, a woman will always prefer comfortable shoes to heels.

Kinesthetic girls know how to attract the attention of men. They often touch their bodies, straighten their hair, and move gracefully. At the same time, they are characterized by an easy-going character. They know how to enjoy life. Girls of this psychotype love to do needlework and cooking..

In addition, they will always keep their home in order, although cleaning does not bring them joy.

Kinesthetic man

These men are the most silent. This is due to the fact that they are constantly immersed in their inner world. Kinesthetic people love comfort, so often young people belonging to this psychotype can look sloppy, preferring old, comfortable clothes. They are prone to mood swings.

Kinesthetic men, when choosing a life partner, do not pay attention to the girl’s appearance, but focus on the sensations when touching her.

For example, they can easily be put off by rough skin or dry hair. Representatives of this psychotype always value in their partners the desire to spend time together. They need affection. These men are real gourmets. Therefore, a woman who knows how to cook delicious food always has a chance to win the heart of a kinesthetic person.

Despite the inconsistency, it is among representatives of this psychotype that a large number of athletes and heavy smokers are found.

This phenomenon can easily be explained by the ability to enjoy one’s own sensations. Kinesthetic learners also have a special love for drinks, including alcoholic ones. Such people are able to recognize the difference between them and enjoy their use. Therefore, they need to especially avoid bad habits.

Features of a kinesthetic child

A child with this psychotype shows his positive emotions through hugs from a very early age. At the same time, he himself will especially need affection. Otherwise, such children grow up withdrawn with age. In infancy, kinesthetic learners are always more capricious. What is important for them is a feeling of dryness, the absence of internal seams on clothes and well-stretched bed linen.

Little children with this psychotype prefer to play with soft toys. They will also enjoy activities that focus on developing motor skills. For a six-month-old kinesthetic child, you can sew small bags yourself and fill them with various cereals.

Such homemade toys will not only distract the child for a while, but also develop fine motor skills. However, when preparing, you should pay attention to ensure that the baby cannot reach the contents of the bag. Parents and teachers must understand the characteristics of a kinesthetic learner.

They are briefly described in the table below:

Sign Memory Perseverance Handwriting Development
PeculiaritiesBetter reproduction associated with movements and behaviorShort termSloppyThe physical always precedes the intellectual

To achieve the best results when teaching a kinesthetic child, it is important to take into account all of the above points. In order to help remember useful information, you should not force your baby to sit still. You can encourage him to gesture or walk while studying the material. It is important to take frequent but short breaks.

You should not scold your child for his handwriting, you just need to accept this feature.

When learning, we must not forget about the development of fine and gross motor skills. It is also necessary to support the theory with practical exercises. The baby’s tendency to stoop is another problem that the loved ones of little kinesthetic learners face. This fact can easily be explained by a craving for convenience, because keeping your back tense is quite uncomfortable.

It is important to understand that Trying to explain to your baby that he looks ugly can only make the situation worse. Thus, the kinesthetic person will begin to feel complex and stoop even more. Playing sports or dancing will help solve this problem.

During puberty, parents need to be most attentive to their kinesthetic teenager.

After all, this psychotype is distinguished by a subtle mental organization, so it is during this period of time that kinesthetics are especially vulnerable. Moreover, this applies equally to both girls and boys. It is necessary to prepare for the transitional age of a child from early childhood.

It is precisely such a teenager who is inclined to get angry with his parents because of spankings received even in the preschool period. That's why it is necessary to exclude any unpleasant physical impact on the kinesthetic system from infancy. Parents should take care to maintain a trusting relationship, which touching the child can help establish.

A good option could be a ritual of a good night hug. This environment will help the teenager trust his parents with his secrets and feel needed.

How to deal with kinesthetic learners?

A kinesthetic person is not just a psychotype for whom touch is important.

This person still needs the following items:

Using just a few of the above points, you can easily win over a kinesthetic learner. For a comfortable environment, first of all, it is necessary to avoid stuffiness and maintain an optimal temperature. It should be noted that most people of this psychotype do not like the presence of drafts.

To create coziness, you need to exclude bright lighting.

In addition, for kinesthetic learners it is important to have comfortable upholstered furniture or chairs. If you need to win the favor of a person of a given psychotype, then you can invite him to dinner. However, before doing this, you should ask about the preferences of the future guest. When cooking, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of the dish. It is better to focus on taste and smell.

Kinesthetic learners love comfort. Therefore, in order to achieve the favor of such a person, you can give comfortable shoes or clothes. It can be something inexpensive, but always warm. For example, gloves. In addition, terry bedding can be an excellent gift for a kinesthetic learner. You can please a person with such features by visiting a spa.

When communicating with people of this psychotype, you should remember their tendency towards conservatism. Therefore, a sudden change of plans, moving, or even an unexpected pleasant trip can cause irritation in a kinesthetic learner. In addition to all of the above, you should not neglect tactile contact. A simple pat on the shoulder will encourage such a person better than pleasant words.

How can a kinesthetic learner achieve his goal?

A kinesthetic person is a person who can hardly be called purposeful. Such people need to be instilled with a desire to win from childhood. To do this, parents, from preschool age, should notice the slightest successes of their child and praise him more often. It is much more difficult to work with an adult kinesthetic learner.

However, you can use the needs of a given psychotype for motivational purposes. For example, a kinesthetic person with a great desire will earn money for a car, with the help of which they could make life more comfortable.

A person of this psychotype does not know how to properly organize his time.

Therefore, in order to achieve your goals, you should use the following time management rules:

If you follow all the rules described above, you can gradually achieve any goal.

Kinesthetics in the profession

It is necessary to understand that people of this type have a well-developed sense of smell and receptors responsible for taste. That's why there are many restaurant critics among them. However, kinestheticians working in this area need to be careful. After all, the vast majority of them are prone to obesity. It should be noted that people of this psychotype are excellent for the profession of taster or samilie.

A kinesthetic person is a person who by nature knows how to control his body well and feel the rhythm. That's why Dancing classes are suitable for him. In addition, sports are an excellent profession for such people. There are many yoga teachers among kinesthetics. Here their desire for relaxation and the ability to feel their body is manifested.

A kinesthetic person can make a good massage therapist, cosmetologist, hairdresser or manicurist.

These professions are directly related to tactile contact and touching the client. Therefore, in this case, work can be a favorite thing. It should also be noted that Kinesthetic learners are good at manual work, so some of them earn money by doing various crafts.


Auditory is the rarest psychotype. This includes people for whom hearing is the best way to remember information. They are easy to identify during a conversation. They are very chatty. Able to start a conversation with a stranger and support third-party topics. During a conversation, they, like kinesthetic learners, can avoid eye-to-eye contact.

It should be noted that people of this psychotype are demanding of all sounds. For example, the humming of the refrigerator or the creaking of the floor will irritate them more than others. It is quite easy to win the affection of the audio audience. To do this, you need to make your speech more expressive and pleasant. In this case, be sure to use different intonations.

Auditory learners react very strongly to screaming. They perceive speaking in a raised voice as an insult. It is important to note that people of this psychotype rarely pay attention to the external type of the interlocutor; for them, a pleasant conversation is most important.

Little auditory learners tend to eavesdrop on adult conversations. They usually draw ugly and have clumsy handwriting. There is no point in scolding the baby for this. It is better to use his natural data and direct his development in the right direction. For example, buy a musical instrument.


This category of people includes those who perceive information better using visual images. For them, comfort is less important than a beautiful interior. Visual learners are very demanding of order. At the same time, not only the cleanliness of the room is important to them, but also the organization of things.

During a conversation, people of this psychotype easily make contact and are able to express their thoughts well. It is quite easy to distinguish a visual person during a conversation. Usually, at the end of communication, they like to briefly outline what was said earlier. This is how they try to remember information figuratively.

Visual people love to look neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Even men of this psychotype know how to wash and iron things well. They are meticulous about their hairstyle. They get their haircut done on time. Visual artists have a good sense of style and combine colors correctly. Therefore, among the most suitable professions for people of this psychotype, designers, fashion designers, and hairdressers should be highlighted.

In addition, visual people are prone to imaginative thinking, so they are perfect for the role of teacher. In medicine, they perform well in the field of diagnosing ultrasound and MRI.


Digital people master the world around them with the help of logical judgments. They are not characterized by stooping and thinness. They gesture little and try not to express their emotions. In general, these people are characterized by balance.

Digitals are rational, closed-minded and can even be arrogant.

To win over such an interlocutor, it is necessary to maintain distance during the conversation, show respect and refuse to lie. Regarding the last point, digitals easily recognize deception and try to exclude communication with people who tend to resort to cunning.

People of this psychotype know how to clearly plan and organize their lives. While still at school, they begin to make plans for the future and later strictly follow them. Thanks to their determination, they achieve great heights in life. Digital people can make a good career or build their own business.

They develop well in such areas as management, economics, politics, medicine and psychology.

It is worth noting that digitals can try their hand at criticism. They know how to express their thoughts well and use logical reasoning to easily explain their point of view.

Currently, there are 4 main psychotypes. The most common of these is kinesthetic. Every adult needs to be able to distinguish between psychotypes and understand their characteristics. This knowledge will help you more easily establish contact with people around you and avoid conflict situations.

Article format: Oksana Grivina

Video about kinesthetics

How to determine kinesthetics:

Kinesthetics is the perception of the world through receptors located on the human body; in fact, kinesthetics can be called synonymous with touch, and the term tactile sense is also widely used. Naturally, we receive the largest amount of tactile information through our hands, to be precise, our palms and fingers.

Many people, out of ignorance, do not attach importance to this sense organ, but a person’s kinesthetics can be very developed. Probably, many have seen how blind people read; for an ordinary person this seems almost beyond the realm of possibility. But the receptors on our fingers allow us to work wonders.

The term kinesthetics has become widespread due to the widespread popularity of NLP techniques, and the emphasis there on non-verbal communication.

Kinesthetics in sales.

From a sales point of view, kinesthetics are important for choosing the correct behavior for a salesperson when communicating with a client. All people are divided into three categories according to the channel used to perceive information -. As it turns out, the biggest problem for sellers is presentation for kinesthetic learners.

It is not difficult to identify a kinesthetic person; he tries to invade your personal space - touch, hug, put his hand on your shoulder. When a kinesthetic learner sees something interesting, he immediately silently begins to touch the object. This behavior often causes misunderstanding and irritation among others. Often the seller makes the mistake of prohibiting touching the goods; this should not be done under any circumstances. The seller, not understanding who is in front of him, can, instead of demonstrating the product and offering it to the client, get acquainted with it and begin to talk about the properties and benefits. A kinesthetic learner will not listen to what is said to him if he is busy studying the product.

The most correct behavior would be to offer to touch the quality elements of the product. Focus the attention of the kinesthetic student on how high-quality the plastic of the car interior is, offer to touch the metal elements of the structure to make sure of their strength, etc.

In addition to building the correct behavior with kinesthetics, the seller should use body language, this is described in detail in the article on non-verbal communication. But it is worth mentioning that the position of your body, the strength of your handshake and the use of gestures have a huge impact on the subconscious of your interlocutor. Based on these factors, a person may develop trust in you or, on the contrary, feel anxious or even irritated.

Kinesthetics in psychology.

It has been scientifically proven that touch and non-verbal communication have a much stronger impact on the unconscious part of consciousness than words. A touch can give you confidence, wish you luck, motivate you to action, or make you think. Kinesthetics is the strongest tool for influencing a person and at the moment its potential is only being studied.

In psychology, quite a lot of attention is paid to describing the psychotype of a kinesthetic person. As stated above, such people often have problems with communication. In fact, all people begin to study this world through the organs of touch; those who have children know very well that until the child has mastered speech, he touches and feels everything. But as soon as the child masters new channels of information, he begins to focus less and less on touch.

The following behavior is typical for a kinesthetic person:

  1. It is difficult for him to look into the eyes during a conversation; he tries to concentrate on one point.
  2. Distracted by internal experiences, he falls out of the conversation.
  3. Kinesthetics are annoyed by the slowness of others, kinesthetics are people of action.
  4. Kinesthetic learners value convenience and comfort.


Quite often, kinesthetics is called kinesthesia; in fact, it is a slightly different concept. Kinesthesia is a sense of the location of one’s own body and individual organs in space. Without this feeling, we would not be able to perform actions with our eyes closed.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We all perceive the world through sensations (we look, hear, feel, comprehend), but each individual person has a preferred channel of perception.

In psychology, people are divided according to the type of their perception into four main groups: visual (sight prevails), auditory (sounds are important), kinesthetic (appreciate tactile sensations) and digital (mind prevails).

Moreover, the main method of perception also affects the character of this person. Therefore, understanding who is in front of you, you will be able to establish contact with him much easier.

Today I want to talk in detail about kinesthetics, since such people stand out from the crowd and are “atypical”.

Auditory, visual, digital and kinesthetic

Each person is an individual person who perceives the outside world differently.

  1. Someone listens to every word, timbre of voice, and perceives information better by ear. This audio.
  2. Some people focus on color, shape, appearance. Such people are called visuals.
  3. Digital is a person who primarily perceives the world through logical thinking, paying less attention to perception through analyzers (eyes, ears, hands).
  4. Kinesthetic is a person who perceives the world by touch, tactilely.

In addition to the specifics of the main channel through which information is received, auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners differ from each other, for example, in the method of learning that must be used for an effective result, and in their manner of behavior.

A kinesthetic person is a person who...

Auditory, visual, kinesthetic – these groups of people are not accurate and exclusive when it is impossible to find). Each of us perceives the world with different analyzers. Just one of the channels more clearly expressed and prevails over others.

Therefore, according to some characteristics it is possible classify a person as a kinesthetic person to a greater extent than to other groups. To understand this, you need to look at the behavior of this person:

Kinesthetics depending on gender

Let's start with women kinesthetics. Spa salons are rich in clients of this particular type of perception. Women love massages and jacuzzi baths. They also enjoy going to the hairdresser.

There they comb the hair, dye it, dry it, and apply dye or mousse with light rubbing. Therefore, such girls look good because of their love of touch: well-groomed hair and body.

Men love such women very much because they are always affectionate in relationships. They love to hug, kiss, and massage their partner's back. They act very romantic. But at the same time, she will not walk in large stiletto heels if low-soled shoes are more comfortable for her. She will not throw away an old warm sweater, even if there are a lot of new clothes in the closet.

Kinesthetic man- this is a person for whom the appearance (visual) appearance of a woman is not important. When he chooses a partner, she simply must have the shape of a body, along the contour of which it is pleasant to run his hand. The skin should be soft and velvety and smell good.

Such a man always takes care of his hair, carefully trims his nails, and can often be found in a massage parlour. But at the same time, just like the girls of this perception group, he can wear comfortable, but not new (uncomfortable) clothes. He is often a silent partner who will do most of the talking through touch.

A kinesthetic child: how does this manifest itself in childhood?

Kinesthetics is a skill that has been established since childhood. Every child begins to explore the world by touching, squeezing objects, and tasting toys. Therefore, a person who truly belongs to this group can be recognized back in 2-3 grade.

Such a child retains the desire to touch a toy or any other object. He likes to show something rather than talk about it. When playing with others, he pulls girls' hair, hugs friends, and kisses them on the cheek.

The kinesthetic student can’t wait to see the model in science class and tries to study it himself. True, at this age it can be difficult to distinguish: either the child really has this type of perception of the world, or these are manifestations of attention deficit disorder. Since both children show themselves to be very active and restless.

If such a child is slouching, then you are unlikely to be able to convince him to straighten his posture. Even if you give him a lot of facts why it is harmful to health. Or show from the outside how ugly it is. The child doesn't care. The main thing is that he is so comfortable sit.

Kinesthetic children They love to experiment with their body. Therefore, they try to write with their right hand, then with their left. They love going to different clubs. For example, for dancing, figure skating, gymnastics, karate.

In order for such a child help you understand your studies better:

  1. suggest making diagrams or layouts for lessons - this will concentrate attention and provide a visual representation of the information;
  2. learn poetry or theory with him while he does physical exercises;
  3. do not stop him if he is running, but at the same time solving a problem in his head - the child has his own approach;
  4. send them to a school with a sports focus, since physical education is an activity in which such children feel like fish in water;
  5. If this is not possible, then be sure to sign up for some section in which you need to move a lot and feel your body.

How to deal with kinesthetic learners?

A kinesthetic person is a person who no need for perfect order. Therefore, you should not scold him for this, but simply perceive him as he is.

A bitten pie on the table next to crumpled pieces of paper is normal for him. You can calmly ask him to clean it up or do it for him, and the kinesthetic person will then sincerely thank him with a tight hug.

If he works, he can do it standing at the computer. Or he may walk between desks at work when he is thinking about something. A manager should not stop such behavior, as this contributes to his greater efficiency and performance.

Does your loved one dress sloppily, in old clothes? Don’t worry, it’s so comfortable for him and this is the most important thing - for him to feel good. You can calmly try together choose new comfortable clothes for him that will not restrict movement, will be made of fabrics that are pleasant to the touch, and will not form wrinkles.

Is the child slouching? You will not be able to force him to level out with any explanations, threats or screams. It is better to send him to the sports section, where the spine will straighten itself and the child will have to maintain his posture. In addition, during classes he will release all his energy and come home calm and balanced.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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It should be noted right away that you rarely meet a person who perceives information exclusively in this way. However, even the appearance betrays true kinesthetics.

What do they look like:

  • Distracted look. Quite often, such individuals try not to make eye contact with their interlocutor, even during a lively discussion. All they need to do is touch him or pat him on the shoulder encouragingly. They usually look down rather than directly even when talking to close people.
  • Habit of old clothes. Kinesthetic people are able to wear trampled shoes that are comfortable to them and a stretched sweater that is pleasant to their skin for years. At the same time, such people may have an unkempt appearance, which does not at all confuse such unique people. They always give off a good smell, but the overall impression of these individuals is spoiled by their love for old and unpleasant things.
  • Involuntary hand movements. Kinesthetic learners constantly twirl some kind of trinket in their hands or try to stroke a surface that catches their eye. During a conversation, they automatically pat their interlocutor on the shoulder or shake his elbow.
  • Mimic folds. Nasolabial changes in this area of ​​the face are characteristic of kinesthetic people, because they react to any aggression exclusively in this way. Instead of screaming, such people frown and do not express their indignation out loud.

Character and habits of a kinesthetic person

To determine any type, it is necessary to take a closer look at the internal and external needs of the object under study. Lovers of tactile contact usually have the following qualities:
  1. Impetuousness in decision making. It is very difficult to explain to kinesthetics that you first need to measure seven times and then cut. He is ready to correct the work that has been done, but not to carefully analyze its prospects.
  2. Calm in communication. In very rare cases, the kinesthetic type implies aggressiveness towards other people. They anticipate contact with a dangerous person (thanks to their intuition) and skillfully avoid him.
  3. Silence. Sometimes this quality of theirs is confused with timidity, but such an assumption is not true. They're just not as articulate as auditory learners (people who receive information through sounds).
  4. Melancholy. Quite often, the perception of kinesthetics depends on external factors. Despite their certain pragmatism, they are sometimes so deeply immersed in their own thoughts that they do not see anyone around them.
  5. Conservatism. Among such people you are unlikely to meet innovators or rebels. Kinesthetic learners are wary of what they do not know and cannot touch.
The listed qualities do not indicate the negative traits of the voiced personality type. The characteristics of a kinesthetic person testify to his flexibility and the need to have reliable and trusted people around him.

Peculiarities of kinesthetic behavior

To establish contact with such a person, you need to observe his way of presenting himself and respond appropriately to his manipulations.

Let's take a closer look at how such people behave:

  • Selection of specific phrases. The types of information perception by different people imply the use of different expressions. Kinesthetic learners cannot do without words that could fully define their tactile sensations. Their vocabulary will always contain characteristics of objects in the form of “warm/hot”, “soft/hard”, “rough/smooth”, etc.
  • Unusual behavior while eating. Kinesthetic learners try to prolong the pleasure when tasting food that they like. They will savor every bite, which is unusual for other types of people in their perception of the surrounding reality.
  • Refusal of small details of what you see. A kinesthetic learner, when in contact with an object, will try to create a general impression of it. He simply will not remember any of its nuances, because the overall picture in the form of the color, smell and material of the object he saw will be important to him.
  • Refusal to visit any exhibitions. It is so important for a kinesthetic student to touch the object that he liked that he will definitely refuse an excursion to the same museum where the exhibits are under glass.
These types of people are quite easy to recognize. At the same time, it is better to get to know them, and not test their patience with numerous tests.

Suitable professions for a kinesthetic learner

For individuals who have excellent control over their body, it is best to try their luck in the following areas of human life:
  1. Dancing. When you are passionate about this activity during movements, the characteristics of kinesthetics manifest themselves most clearly. During the dance they can touch both themselves and their partner.
  2. Sport. Particularly bright in this regard are those people who deal with any available means. A gymnast will not just show her skills in exercises with parallel bars, clubs, rope, hoop and ball. At the tactile level, she begins to actively contact with wood, plastic, rubber and nylon, from which the sounded sports items are made.
  3. Massage. The hands of such specialists are rightly called golden. An exceptionally kinesthetic person is able to stretch every muscle of his client with special care and understanding of all the nuances of the work being done.
  4. Cosmetology. The skillful actions of these specialists do amazing wonders on the faces of many people. Only a person who not only sees, but feels with his hands can touch the skin of another person without any consequences.
  5. Tasting. The kinesthetic type of perception allows him to express himself in this profession. The tactile receptors of such people are much more developed than those of anyone else. The characteristics of a kinesthetic person can be illustrated by an example from the film “A Dangerous Age,” in which a person lived exclusively in the world of aromas.

How to deal with kinesthetic learners

Many people, when they make mistakes in wanting to establish contact with someone, justify themselves by saying that even an old woman can get screwed. However, with a competent approach to solving the problem, it is possible to become a close soul for a kinesthetic person.

Communication with kinesthetic adults

Some mature people sometimes behave like children. Kinesthetic people, although calm by nature, are quite touchy. Therefore, the following measures must be applied to them:
  • Touch. In other conversations with such people, one gets the impression that they absolutely do not hear the information presented to them. To prevent the intended dialogue from smoothly turning into a monologue, you just need to touch the kinesthetic person. After such manipulations, he will immediately return to the topic of conversation.
  • Creating comfort. When communicating with a partner with a kinesthetic type of perception, significant others should remember that the main thing for his comfort is not ideal cleanliness. It is necessary to promptly eliminate stuffiness, dampness or low temperature in the room. In this case, under no circumstances should you rearrange the things of a kinesthetic student without his consent. Not only will he not be able to find them later, but he may actually be offended.
  • Cooking your favorite dishes. The kinesthetic type of perception of gastronomy implies precisely that the path to the chosen one’s heart lies through his stomach. He loves to eat delicious food, and this is worth taking into account when building a relationship with him.
  • Selecting appropriate clothing. The main thing to remember is that it should be wrinkle-resistant and made from natural fibers. The kinesthetic person will like it, and his other half will return inner peace in the form of the absence of constant washing or the inevitability of purchasing a new product in a fairly short time.
  • Flavors. People of this type can wear faded clothes, but everyone will happily accept perfume or eau de toilette with a pleasant smell. They will not refuse musical things that somehow emit aromas.

It should immediately be noted that all people in their early youth perceived the world around them exclusively through touch. So they learned the danger in the form of careless handling of fire, in contact with sharp objects and aggressive animals. However, at the same time, they gained positive experience when studying fur by touch, soft tissues and other pleasant things in terms of tactile sensations.

It should be remembered that the kinesthetic personality type, even in infancy, requires the following approach to itself:

  1. Maximum affection. It is impossible to spoil such children with hugs and kisses. It is thanks to them that a kinesthetic child feels that his parents need him. Otherwise, he will withdraw into himself, because this type is a rather difficult little person to communicate with.
  2. Purchasing soft toys. Some skeptics call them dust collectors. However, it is very important for a kinesthetic child to fall asleep cuddled with his favorite stuffed hare or bear. At the same time, the risk of a child having night terrors is reduced, because his soft friend will always be nearby.
  3. Comfortable furniture. In this case, it is important for a child or teenager to have a comfortable relaxation area. Under no circumstances should you purchase a table and chair in the style of office furniture. A kinesthetic child should sit and lie on something that is pleasant to his skin, and not his eyesight. Instead of a standard cover, it is better to cover your son’s bed with soft fabric.
  4. Choice of bed linen. Experts recommend buying your child a cotton sheet and duvet cover. During the cold season, you can add a sheep's wool blanket to your child. Not only warmth is important to a child’s skin, but also a pleasant sensation.
  5. Buying a pet. In this case, it is best to pay attention not to aquarium fish, but to a cat or dog. If living conditions do not allow this, then you can buy a hamster, chinchilla or rabbit. The main thing is to adhere to two factors: so that the child enjoys petting the pet, and the pet does not bite him in return.
  6. Register for a section. Psychologists first of all advise parents to send their children to dance or martial arts. A quite useful event would also be for your child to go to a swimming pool, where he can once again feel the water on his skin.
  7. Game of "daily routine". Kinesthetic children can be slobs, but only in the generally accepted sense of the word. They will find the thing they need by touch in the dark, because in the chaos he creates there is a certain logic for the little ugly ones. In this case, it is necessary to agree with the child where his toys will be located.
  8. View required programs. Kinesthetic children will never become visual learners, but they also need to be familiar with the same cartoons. In this case, it is worth choosing film industry products in the form of “Luntik” (fluffy, unusual, pleasant to touch) to watch them.
Who are kinesthetic learners - look at the video:

There are several gradations according to psychological types. One of these classifications is based on how a person receives and perceives information from the outside world. Everyone knows that humans have 5 main sensory systems: smell, touch, vision, hearing and taste. Depending on which way a person receives the maximum amount of information, he is classified into the following psychotypes:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • kinesthetic;
  • digital


Who is a kinesthetic learner? This is the individual who receives the most information through touch. The skin is the largest human organ by area and has the most receptors.. Heat, pain, cold, tenderness, pressure - we feel all this through the skin. However, due to genetic or external factors, these receptors are developed differently in each person. It is because of this that everyone has their own pain threshold, their own perception of temperature. Even a small child, despite the fact that all children have fast metabolic processes, and due to this they feel the decrease in temperature worse, has its own individual gradation. A person with this psychotype relies most on his feelings. Every event, good or bad, is associated with the fact that he feels the moment of touch.

Features of a kinesthetic child

From an early age, a kinesthetic learner prefers to learn everything by touch. The child touches everything, reaches out to everything with his little hands. As a rule, such children are very sociable and fearless, they very easily get close to strangers and quickly go into their arms. A child with this type of perception requires special attention from his parents: he needs to make sure for himself that the salt is salty, the water is wet, and if you put your hand near the fire, it will hurt. A kinesthetic learner learns and remembers everything from his own experience. Such children prefer active outdoor games. They cannot sit still, they have to touch something, make something, break it, explore it by touch.

There are several specific tests to determine the dominant type of perception. As a rule, they are all quite subjective and are based only on the responses of the subject. Determining the psychological type greatly simplifies the work of parents in teaching their children. It is easier for them, knowing the way of perceiving information, to determine the teaching methodology.

Such a child is a great joy for parents in the sense that he is not shy and does not hide his feelings. Even in infancy, a kinesthetic student practically does not get away with it; as an adult, he loves to hug and kiss his parents and even more so his younger brothers or sisters.

At school, such a child, as a rule, does not study very well and usually experiences discipline problems. A kinesthetic student wants to try everything himself, to feel how this or that action occurs. It is difficult for parents and teachers to keep him in check. Such children are positively influenced by research clubs and sections. It is very important for a kinesthetic child to switch. In order to be able to do one thing for a long time, it is necessary to take breaks with physical exercise. This will help the child concentrate better.

Kinesthetic in adulthood

For a girl, this psychotype has a number of advantages. By nature, the fair sex loves to take care of itself, pampering itself with all kinds of cosmetic procedures, pleasant aromas, delicate fabrics, and the kinesthetic person simply needs this. Such people become frequent clients of massage therapists, baths, and saunas. The kinesthetic person ends his day with a hot, relaxing bath and a warm, soft bed, as he values ​​comfort most of all. A kinesthetic person never has to choose what to wear: comfortable sneakers or fancy stilettos; he will prefer comfort to appearance.

The psychology of girls is such that they are more romantic, their speech is rich in epithets, images and much more, but even the speech of a man with this psychotype is replete with statements like “I felt”, “a chill ran through my skin”, etc. Such a man, when making decisions, even very difficult ones, relies on his emotional experience and feelings that he felt when he encountered this problem. These men love to take care of themselves. They often visit the gym, swimming pool, sauna, massage room, regularly get their nails done and take care of their hair. And this often goes completely against their appearance. Such a man will wear his old favorite sweater and jeans. You will almost never see a man of this psychotype in clothing that restricts movement.

Another advantage that a kinesthetic person has: he has a better developed sense of smell and taste analyzers than others. They often try to combine the characteristics of their psychotype with their choice of profession. They are excellent tasters, fabric texture experts and many others.

Appearance Features

A kinesthetic person, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, has a characteristic appearance. Usually these are people predisposed to obesity, their movements are very soft and smooth, they are particularly graceful even with significant volumes. They have a specific posture, the body is constantly in a forced position: slightly tilted forward, while the shoulders are lowered and the arms are relaxed, and the impression of stooping is created. Also, a kinesthetic person has a specific way of speaking: he has a quiet, insinuating, very soft voice.

Such a person prefers to minimize the distance with the interlocutor. Ideally, he tries to touch his companion. Very often this behavior of men is misinterpreted by the fair sex.

There are a number of diseases or genetic developmental abnormalities in which one or more pathways of information perception are disrupted, but this does not always lead to disability. A person may have impaired or absent pain and tactile sensitivity in certain areas or throughout the skin.

The kinesthetic person experiences some difficulties in communicating with other psychological types. Due to the manner of their communication, it is difficult for kinesthetic learners to find a common language with visual and auditory learners. Communication with digital media is less problematic due to its versatility. It is also worth noting that there is no pure psychological type of perception, it’s just that a particular person is more likely to have the characteristics of one particular psychotype.