2nd lunar day. Lunar birthday. Potential given by nature

Symbols of the day: cornucopia, mouth

Stones of the day: agate, chalcedony, jadeite

Description of the day

According to occult tradition, the second lunar day is the day of Eve. Compared to the first, this is a more suitable time for active action. Now you can begin to implement your plans. But don’t rush to rush into the breach: you don’t have much energy yet, and your body is trying to stock up on strength for the rest of the lunar month.

Haircut on this day

A haircut at the beginning of the lunar month will have a beneficial effect on the health of the hair and the whole body. This will help renew the body's energy. It is recommended to use only natural hair dyes. You can try to get a new hairstyle, cut it, touch it up - all this will enhance your energy, give a new impetus, raise your tone and performance

Gardening on this day

With the beginning of the New Moon, a new cycle of plant growth begins, so gardeners need to devote more time to their summer cottage. Due to the weakening of the Moon's gravity in this phase, plants absorb more moisture along with a variety of useful substances that flow from the roots to the upper parts of the plant. Also during this period, the activity of the earth’s biofield increases, the earth becomes “floating” and “breathing”.

Use the special power of this day. After all, today everything is given to us in order to turn dreams and ideas into reality. Whether we can do this depends on us. When you plan the affairs of today, take into account the fact that the first half of it is suitable for making plans and plans, but they will succeed only if you do not talk about them. If you start talking about what ideas came to you, then in the afternoon all your efforts will come to naught, you will literally be flooded with small and vain things, and you simply physically will not be able to do what you had in mind.

When you take action, always remember how important the first step is. Especially today, on the day of beginnings. Your determination is of great importance.

If you are determined to do something, then, once you start, never doubt your success. You had time to overcome your doubts; now you shouldn’t think about them at all. Otherwise, like poison, they will poison your every action, and you will not be able to do anything.

What kind of work can you start on the 2nd lunar day? To anyone, actually. To everything that is important to you. It has been noticed that projects related to education are especially successful on this day: you can start studying a subject, sign up for courses, etc. It is also a good day to go on a long trip.

Features of the day

At the 2nd lunar day There is characteristics. First: everything that fate sends today will be useful to you in the future. Even if it seems that you are faced with something meaningless or not entirely pleasant. In fact, you need this: after all, today you are creating a foundation for the future.

Never forget that there are no failures, only unused opportunities.

The second feature of the 2nd lunar day is that today nothing can be done between 12 o’clock at night and 3 o’clock in the morning. Even if you are a night owl, try to sleep during this time or at least do something unimportant, while remaining careful. At this time, energy vibrations are very unstable, and the most unexpected events can happen. Sometimes very unpleasant.

There is one more feature characteristic of this day. There is no funeral allowed today. After all, if, when deciding what the month will be, we begin it with a funeral, then we immediately kill everything that was supposed to begin. There is also such a sign: if on the 2nd lunar day you attended a funeral, then you will have to attend another one at the end of the lunar month.

General forecast

The symbol is a cornucopia, a mouth, an open mouth, a mouth, a “grasping mouth.”

On such a day, it is recommended to do gastric lavage and start a diet. And under no circumstances should you show your anger. It is necessary to develop generosity in yourself. During such a period, it would be good to start a set of physical exercises or knowledge of some kind of information cycle. As for medicine, on this lunar day it is worth paying close attention to the oral cavity, the upper part of the palate, and teeth.

The first half of the lunar day is favorable. At the same time, you should not dedicate others to your personal plans that you have planned, otherwise the 2nd half of the lunar day may negatively affect the implementation of everything you have planned. It is very good in the first half of the lunar day to make a request to your superiors and make new contacts.

Love and relationships. In your personal life it can be very good or very bad. The fact is that today each of us is determined to receive gifts, compliments and increased attention. If this is the case, then everything is fine, if not, then problems and grievances can arise out of nowhere. In general, the second lunar day is quite a good time for dating, but show generosity and care towards your partner, do something nice, and you will be rewarded good mood, joy, love. After all, in the end, giving gifts is much more pleasant than receiving them. The 2nd lunar day is ideal for marriages.

Housework. Secondly lunar day He is very good at any household chores. In addition, since ancient times this day was considered favorable for the start of construction.

Business and money. Favorable for work, both individual and collective. You can start any business, start any issues, anything that is important to you. It has been noticed that projects related to education are especially successful on this day: you can start studying a subject, enroll in courses, etc. In addition, in general, this is a rather positive day for solving material problems. Business trips scheduled for the second lunar day often bring great benefit. You can also go on a trip or hike. An enterprise registered on the second lunar day can quickly bring profit and quarrel between co-owners in the process of dividing it. Contracts concluded on this day can be profitable, but in practice they are very difficult to sign, since both parties will try to “pull the blanket over themselves” and the signing of the contract will be postponed to another day.

Dreams. They can be dreams - pointers to the path that you have to choose to solve your karmic tasks, especially if these tasks have begun to manifest themselves in life. Therefore, you need to be especially attentive to dreams at this time. These dreams carry a bookmark for work for the whole month; in the future, the images that will come to you in a dream will only be a development of what you dreamed about today. Therefore, it is advisable to interpret the dream correctly and not be afraid to face the truth. Dreams reveal to us what is written in our subconscious, and what guides us in Everyday life, therefore, if some side has been revealed to you that at first glance seems unpleasant and not truthful, think about it and try to work with the problem that has appeared. There may also be empty dreams that should not be given meaning, which means your tasks have not yet been identified. They may not be very pleasant, but that doesn't matter. Before you go to bed, you can identify a task if you want to understand what you need to work on. If on this day you had a dream where you cannot overcome some obstacle, then in life you will easily overcome it.

Health. Follow a diet. If you feel sick today because of some type of food, then in the near future you need to exclude this type of product from your diet. Those who fall ill on these lunar days usually recover quickly. Dental diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, may worsen. Psychosomatic diseases may worsen. It is good to take infusions and decoctions as treatment and to take procedures to cleanse the body. There is no point in dieting today, but of course you shouldn’t overeat. Food should be something that brings pleasure. Very effective today cosmetic procedures, which will nourish the skin, since the skin today is most receptive and absorbs everything well.

  • Beginning of 2 lunar days in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 6 at 09:06
  • February 5 at 08:49
  • March 7 at 07:53
  • April 6 at 06:47
  • May 5 at 05:28
  • June 4 at 04:55
  • July 3 at 04:26
  • August 2 at 05:57
  • August 31 at 06:25
  • September 29 at 06:51
  • October 28 at 07:16
  • November 27 at 09:05
  • December 26 at 09:08
2nd lunar day in other years



Bathing in the sauna


Dreams of the 2nd lunar day are usually pleasant, but rarely significant. Even if the dream is not very pleasant, you probably shouldn’t believe it.

Guardian stones

Jadeite, chalcedony, agate.

Conceiving a child

If you decide to conceive a child on the 2nd lunar day, then know that this day is perfect for conception, especially for girls. Children conceived on this lunar day will have life - a full cup, fulfillment of desires, they will be patronized by Lady Luck.

Weather forecast

With the new moon and its end, the weather changes: wet to dry, warm to frosty, cloudy to clear.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Protects a person from negative alien energy. It strengthens self-confidence and strength, builds self-esteem and instills self-respect. Restores the thickness of the aura. Eliminates depression, anxiety and despair. This aroma fills a person with the energy of joy and well-being, as well as optimism. Jasmine opens a pragmatic view of such negative events as betrayal, betrayal and irreparable losses, muffling useless emotions.


Second lunar day - good period for marriage. A family created on this lunar day will be strong, friendly and united; the spouses will never be afraid to take a step towards their partner.

To a greater extent, this lunar day is suitable for young couples who are going to lead an active lifestyle with kayaking and traveling to all parts of the globe, those who strive to make their married life filled with adventures and pleasant events.


Now you should only buy what you really need, which will help you realize your plans for the current month. This could be a computer, laptop, some tools, clothes. In a word, something that will allow you to exist more effectively in society or make your life easier. But buying trinkets is extremely undesirable. If on the second lunar day you purchase something only at the behest of your fleeting whim, you will doom yourself to a senseless waste of money.


symbols: mouth, cornucopia
stones: agate, chalcedony
body part: temporal part of the head

Taking a vow, consecrating a temple or personal ritual space, consecrating idols of the gods. It is not advisable to carry out other rituals on this lunar day.

It is best to guess about upcoming events, the time frame of which does not exceed one month. good time to start a program to develop clairvoyance abilities and any other mystical practices aimed at personal improvement.

Description of other lunar days all lunar days → Share

These creepy lanterns, called Jack-O-Lanterns, were originally carved from turnips or rutabaga rather than pumpkins. IN modern world Carving jack-o'-lanterns is one of the most common Halloween activities. However, few know that it has its roots in an ancient Irish tradition.

Ancient people believed that on Samhain, or Halloween, the veil separating the world of the living from the world of the dead (the other world) becomes so thin that spirits from the world of the dead enter the world of the living. Like most spirits, they are divided into good and evil. People happily welcomed good spirits into their homes and celebrated them with fun and feasting.

Wheel of the Year,

You call it Halloween...we call it Samhain.

Halloween has its origins in the British Isles. Although the modern tradition of trick-or-treating originated in the United States, it is also based on folk customs that came to this country with Irish immigrants after 1840. Since ancient times, in Ireland, Scotland and England, October 31st has been celebrated as a feast for the dead, as well as a day marking the beginning of the new year. In Mexico, Day of the Dead is celebrated on this day, as in other world cultures. In Scotland, the Gaelic word "Samhain" (pronounced sa-mine) literally means "end of summer".

Wheel of the Year, Samhain. Rituals and ceremonies

A weight loss spell designed to speed up your metabolism will help your body burn calories faster. Of course, you shouldn’t count on instant results, but after a while you will notice that the extra pounds have disappeared. If you wish, you can speed up the process if you follow the correct and healthy eating and exercise regularly.

Weight loss, PRACTICAL MAGIC, Rituals, ceremonies and spells

You are drawn to people because you lack energy. In fact, you don't need their energy. You are looking for your energy in them, but you are turning to the wrong address. You need your own energy, which can be found in the warehouse of the past.

We leave a lot of energy in the past and future, and in the present we become weaker. When we anticipate some event, strongly desire something, we send our energy to the future.


Lately a lot of women come to me with the same problem. They complain that a man does not work, does not provide, does not develop, does not show himself as a man. I’m tired of repeating the same thing to everyone, so in this article I will tell everyone at once what’s what and how to do it. My colleague, Ekaterina Polishchuk, also contributed some thoughts to this article, based on her practice.

Wax is not only a convenient material for various manipulations. Wax also belongs to different elements. When it is melted from the honeycomb, it becomes solid (earth) when exposed to high temperature, it first turns into liquid (water), then begins to evaporate (air) and these vapors are capable of burning (fire). So, how easy it is to make a candle.

Uncategorized , NATURAL MAGIC , Candle magic

Decoction: A decoction is used to extract the quintessence from solids such as bark, roots and stems. Place the raw material in a saucepan and fill it with water. Simmer over low heat until the water level has reduced by 1/3. Strain the liquid to remove solids, then use as needed.

Infusion: Pour fresh boiled water over the grass and stems, approximately 200 ml of water per teaspoon of dried plant parts. When using fresh herbs, 3 times more are required.

Plant magic, NATURAL MAGIC

What is internal negativity? When a person has been programmed, cursed, cursed, damaged, then this essence or program first sits on the person’s field. And this is all external negativity. And if a person decided for himself after an unsuccessful love: “all women ...” or “all men ...”, “there are no decent ones”? Is the picture familiar?

Lammas is often called Lugansad or Lunaza, in the name of the god of grain Lug, many believers believe that this is his holiday. But this day is celebrated not only in his honor. It is one of the most forgotten holidays in the pagan faith, and I hope to shed some light on this event. Remember that in Celtic, August is called Lunaza.

The symbol is the mouth, mouth, cornucopia, according to the ancient Indian tradition - “grabbing mouth” (mythological parallels - Charybdis, Leviathan, Whale).
Symbolic correspondence: 13th - 24th degrees of Aries.
Anatomical compliance: mouth, jaws.
Action: consumption.
Titles: big fish, mouth, Bharati, cornucopia.
On the 2nd day of the moon, diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended that everyone, before the moon rises or in the morning, rinse their stomach, drink a liter of salted water with lemon, and for those who are used to it, do the Raven pose, sit quietly and slowly remember the foods you eat; If, when remembering something edible, you feel nausea or an unpleasant sensation, the product is harmful to the body. (You can check your friends in the same way: the one who makes you sick is not a friend).
Anger is completely contraindicated on the second day of the Moon; generosity, on the contrary, should be developed and cultivated in oneself in every possible way.
Social influence: bad for close contact (selectively), for marriage, for theft, lawsuits. It's better not to quarrel.
Household influence: Good for travel, creativity, trade, big business and apprenticeship.
Medical influence: The sick person will recover quickly. They suffer from periodontal disease and other dental diseases, lichen appears, the function of the digestive tract suffers, and psychosomatic diseases worsen.
Mystical influence: The main direction is physiology.
Dietetics: if nausea occurs, the product should be discarded, phyto-effects, cleansing procedures (without hunger). Any type of physical exercise is recommended, but without fatigue. On this day it is difficult to realize generosity and greed.
People born on this day strive to absorb everything into themselves. They strive for abundance, are sometimes greedy, attached to their environment and property. Diligent, smart, rarely make mistakes in their assessments. They never get fat.
In undeveloped people this manifests itself in the form of aggression and greed; never gaining weight, they eat everything indiscriminately. People of this day may develop greed, aggressive instincts, and attachment to things.
Effect on conception: quite good. Particularly successful for conceiving a girl and procreation. Those born will experience success, fulfillment of desires and necessarily someone’s intercession.
It is good to start a cycle of physical exercise or a large information cycle on this day. If this is not done, the physical body may harden (salts, stones), teeth begin to hurt, periodontal disease, lichen are possible (with a bad Saturn).
In medical terms, you should also pay attention to the mouth, teeth, and upper part of the palate.
Stones - jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.
Meditations: consumption process.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half of this day is favorable, but plans and ideas that appear must be kept to yourself. Otherwise, the second half of the day may cross out new thoughts and trends for improvement, and vanity or unfulfilled obligations will seem to erase the emerging positive prospects. The first half of this L.d. favorable for contacts with superiors, for requests, for any public endeavors, but specific individual matters on this day will be difficult to resolve.

"Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

Happy to set out on a journey by land and water and to conceive children, to build, to sow; those who steal on this day are soon caught. Illnesses are short-lived. Dreams don't mean anything. Babies grow quickly.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

Symbols - "Cornucopia" or "Maw". Begins with the first moonrise after the new moon and continues until the next moonrise. Lasts a little over a day.
On the 2nd day there is burning, cleansing and saturation of the dense body. Therefore, by the sensations that will be in our body, we can find out whether what we are thinking about is useful or not. You can imagine food, friends, and if they make you sick, it means they are harmful to us.
The process of the day is helped by a bath, dry fasting, and a mono-diet. The best results will be obtained from cereals cooked without salt and oil. Cereals are unique products that remove toxins and everything that bothers us.
You can do various cleansing practices, clean any organ that bothers you, but it is best to choose an organ that corresponds to the sign where the Moon will be at that time.
On this day it is necessary to show generosity, there is no need to regret what we are freeing ourselves from. On the 2nd lunar day, information cycles are also laid. And the information that comes on this day will be important for the whole month.
A special practice on the 2nd lunar day is learning what you need and what you don’t need. Anger and irritation are contraindicated - this will interfere with the cleansing of the dense body. The energy center that is associated with the 2nd lunar day is non-classical. It is located under the nose, you need to concentrate on this point.
The mouth, lips, teeth and upper part of the palate are associated with the 2nd lunar day. On this day it is good to treat your teeth. Unused energy of the 2nd lunar day leads to periodontal disease and tartar. If Saturn is bad, a person may become covered with lichen.
People born on the 2nd lunar day, as a rule, have a plurality system. Whatever they don't do, they do a lot. Since the day is called “Cornucopia” or “Fall”, people on this day eat a lot, but are never full, since they are constantly undergoing a cleansing process.
You can and should do and eat:
- Dry fasting
- Diet
- Ablution, visit to the bathhouse
You cannot do or you must abstain, do not eat:
- Quarrel, swear

The first lunar day is characterized by the fact that any plans made on this day tend to be implemented with minimal effort. On the 2nd lunar day, you can gradually begin to bring these same plans to life. This period is also favorable for solving your financial problems. Emotionally, the second lunar day is not easy either. The moon influences a person in such a way that aggression, greed and other negative character traits will awaken in him.

Features of the 2nd lunar day:

  • The second lunar day is characterized by low performance and passivity
  • Earthly forces are activated
  • Lucky color - brown
  • The most vulnerable organs in humans during this period are the teeth and mouth.
  • The lucky number that can bring good luck is 2

During the second lunar day, it is worth devoting yourself to new discoveries and endeavors, especially those that can bring good income. The symbols of the 2nd lunar day are: a cup of abundance, a mighty whale and a wide open mouth.

The special energy of this day suggests that you can begin to take active action to bring previously conceived plans to life. Moreover, it is important to understand that in the morning you should not tell anyone, even your family, about your planned activities. If they ask, it is better to wriggle out or limit yourself to general phrases. This also applies to ordinary everyday life. Plans, like money, do not tolerate fuss and talkativeness. But the strong energy of the second lunar day enhances this characteristic.

Secret signs of the Moon

On the second day, the Moon can send people signs that should not be ignored. For example, if an interview was scheduled, but the person was late for the required train or bus, it is important not to panic. Perhaps the Moon thus protected the person from an unscrupulous employer. Such signs are possible throughout the day, so you should pay closer attention to the details.

Some astrologers say that on the 2nd lunar day you can find out about the attitude of dear and close people towards you. Intuition is especially strong at this time. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, preferably in privacy. After which you should think about your loved one, relative or friend.

In the image of the chosen person, it is important to imagine everything down to the smallest detail, then listen to the sensations. If you have unpleasant associations, feelings of anxiety or self-doubt, this means that the person at this stage of life is having a negative impact on you. In this case, it is better to increase the moral distance when communicating with him.

Work on the 2nd lunar day

The 2nd lunar day is also favorable for work. Moreover, the activities of both freelancers and hired workers will be fruitful. This day is very favorable for starting your own business. In terms of career, at this time you can start any business, it will go as it should. Also on the second lunar day you can start self-education or enroll in a university, courses, and so on. The process of acquiring knowledge will be more effective, and in the case of self-education, it will bring you great benefit.

The second lunar day is the right time for action and vigorous activity, the fruits of which will delight you very soon!

Business people can devote 24 hours to searching for additional sources of income. Many of the undertakings undertaken will be successful and will bring considerable profit if you immediately begin to implement your plans. The second day of the moon is suitable for signing contracts and concluding agreements.

The motto of the 2nd lunar day is “Start bringing your plans to life”

The 2nd lunar day “sets the rhythm” for the entire next month. On this day, it is highly undesirable to make a scandal, engage in unpleasant activities, or borrow money. Otherwise, you risk dooming yourself to 28 unlucky days.

Beware of envying other people on the second lunar day, as well as being greedy.

At night, powerful streams of energy circulate. If you have to stay awake at night for any reason (for example, working a night shift), then use extreme caution!

Physical activity on the 2nd lunar day will bring many benefits to your body. But it is better to refrain from intense emotional experiences, stress and showdowns.

If you have been planning to sign up for a fitness class or go on a diet for a long time, then it is best to do this on the second lunar day. These days are simply ideal for changing your usual routine and for new positive beginnings.

Health on the 2nd lunar day

Today you may feel slightly unwell, but there is no reason to worry about it. If the disease begins on this day, it will be mild and will soon stop.

When it comes to nutrition, you should listen to your body. On the second day of the moon, the body is able to send signals about what food it now needs. So if you are suddenly drawn to gastronomic delights, then do not deny yourself this pleasure! Of course, unless you plan to go on a diet.

Moon and dreams

Any dream that you have on the second lunar day will become for you a clear answer to a question that has long been troubling you. Many dreams that occurred during this period contain direct guidance for certain actions, and some will give hints on how to resolve a particular problem.

Most people who dream always try to interpret them only with positive side. But not every dream can speak of good things. Sometimes dreams warn of unpleasant events or warn against negative consequences. The dream that you had on the 2nd lunar day is important to understand correctly. To interpret it, you can use our . It’s better to contact a specialist in dream interpretation.

Marriage and relationships between lovers

For lovers who have long been planning to formalize their relationship, the period of the second lunar day is perfect. The couple will definitely have a strong and long marriage, and everyday problems will practically not annoy the spouses. Lovers who got married during this period will always find a compromise on any issue. Their love relationship will be very strong.

Favorable time for emerging love relationship are precisely the second lunar day. The concluded union, thanks to common hobbies and interests, will be strong and durable. Couples who love active recreation will remember this day for a long time. It will bring them a lot of emotions and impressions that they will remember for many years.

Intimate relationships

The second lunar day characterizes intimate relationships as a bright and unforgettable event. It is worth inviting your other half to try something new, for example, discover new Kama Sutra poses. Feel free to actively express yourself in intimate relationships. You can get a lot of pleasant sensations and emotions.

Making love is an art that is important in family life. During the second lunar day, it is worth strengthening your relationship with your spouse and awakening your faded passion. New poses and experiments will help you with this. Don’t be shy about buying books on the topic of sex; study this issue and the bright colors of intimate relationships will be revealed to you in a new way.

Hair care: cutting and coloring

The second lunar day is a great time for cutting and caring for your hair. This day is marked by the waxing phase of the moon, which can affect rapid hair growth. A new haircut will also improve your emotional state.

Esotericists claim that hair coloring on this day can attract cash flows. The day is favorable for various experiments with your hairstyle. You can change your image and behavior style. This will allow you to feel more confident and begin long-planned work.

The description of the second lunar day was prepared specifically for the site Belshasar (http://site) - fortune telling, horoscopes, mysticism, Moon today