Protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays. UV protection. Fat pads in the hypodermis

Human health is one of the main values ​​of life. The environmental situation and physical processes occurring on Earth lead to a decrease in the planet’s ozone layer, which protects living organisms from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The nature of this electromagnetic radiation is wave, and is classified according to wavelength.

The influence of ultraviolet radiation on humans and other organisms is enormous

Depending on this range, they penetrate through the ozone layer. The influence of ultraviolet radiation on humans and other organisms is enormous. It also depends on solar activity, geographic location, altitude and climatic conditions.

In addition to the main source of the Sun, ultraviolet radiation occurs during gas welding work, with some types of artificial lighting, and in solariums. Protection from ultraviolet radiation is an important aspect for a living organism. Each of us knows from childhood that we should not look at welding. Welders call this “catching a bunny,” or in medical parlance, getting a burn to the retina of the eye - electroophthalmia.

The same effect can occur in skiers and climbers in sunny weather if they do not use glasses and special equipment due to the reflection of sunlight from the surface of snow or ice.

Our health and UV radiation

Humans and all living organisms are affected by ultraviolet rays. There is nothing useless in nature, but the abuse of these natural resources is not beneficial, but rather harmful to health. The skin, hair, eyes, and immune system suffer from the effects of radiation. The incidence of skin cancer (melanoma) is very high throughout the world. As a result of ultraviolet radiation, people suffer from vision loss caused by cataracts.

Excessive use of UV radiation is not beneficial

The purpose of this article is to draw your attention to the problem, to outline its importance and methods of maintaining health, taking into account the climatic conditions that nature dictates to us. Learn to enjoy life, without harm to health, and proper protection from ultraviolet radiation. In order to take care of oneself, a person needs to have information, so let’s talk a little more broadly about the dangers of UV exposure.

About the everyday and medical aspects of this problem. Ultraviolet light, in small quantities, is needed by the body to produce vitamin D. Solar warmth and light is necessary for all living things and with proper consumption, a person will be healthy and happy.

Causes of diseases caused by ultraviolet radiation

The first thing loving parents do during the holiday period is take their beloved children to relax at the seaside. And there are already sunbathing until sunset, so that you can show off your tan at work in new fashionable glasses, and “make the kids healthier” in the sun. Without getting into the intricacies of the process, acclimatization, changing water and other stresses, the most they do is use creams for the skin of the face and body, hide their hair under panama hats and wear questionable quality, but beautiful sunglasses.

People get burns regardless of their darkness and skin color

You can sunbathe early in the morning and in the evening and for a very short time, what is the result? A tough test for the body. The skin suffers first. Many people have seen people with burns of varying degrees of severity on the beach. Red backs and legs, skin peeling off as if snakes are molting. People get burns regardless of their darkness and skin color.

The whole truth about tanning is that your body fights the effects of ultraviolet radiation. It produces pigment and its function is to reduce the access of radiation into tissue. Close access for a deeper burn. A more severe degree is sunburn. In place of which, the skin is already more sensitive to the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. Some people suffer from photosensitivity, an allergy to exposure to sunlight.

Under the influence of the sun, photoaging appears, the signs of which - wrinkles on the face, loss of elasticity - will not please tan lovers. And the most dangerous disease is skin cancer. Their nature has not been fully studied, but it has been confirmed that exposure to ultraviolet radiation accelerates the process several times.

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the organs of vision

Eyes need to be treated with care

Anatomically, nature has protected humans from the harmful effects of sunlight. But this is not enough when the body is exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time. The eyes, which occupy a small area on the face, are capable of receiving this impact deep into the body and especially need careful treatment. When there is an excess of UV radiation, diseases such as:

  • electroophthalmia;
  • photokeratitis;
  • photoconjunctivitis
  • pterygium;
  • cataract;
  • cancerous lesions of the eyes.

Cataracts are one of the main causes of blindness in world practice. Ultraviolet radiation does not spare the eyes, therefore it is a person’s responsibility to their health. Protecting the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, the main task. Therefore, it is necessary to use modern, high-quality sunglasses.

The glasses are ideal in shape - they have a form-fitting shape and minimize the penetration of rays. Therefore, you need to approach the selection of glasses very seriously and not skimp on your health.

Now there are special sprays and coatings on glasses lenses; these coatings are safe for the eyes and protect against the penetration of UV rays. On special skiing and mountaineering equipment, glasses are marked UV-380 and UV-400, as maximum protection against ultraviolet radiation.

It is necessary to use modern, high-quality sunglasses

Security measures

You need to remember the safety rules. Do not look at the sun and snow-capped peaks without sunglasses, so that you do not receive first aid for electroophthalmia, which takes a very long time and is painful and will ruin your entire vacation. Hair and facial skin suffer from the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but this is more likely cosmetic problems. They are eliminated with the help of protective creams and shampoos designed to protect hair from ultraviolet exposure.

Hair unprotected by a headdress burns out, loses its elasticity, splits, and turns into a scorched dry washcloth. Therefore, if you are temporarily without a headdress, you need to strengthen your hair care. Now they produce shampoos to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation.

To protect your skin from burns, you need to use protective creams, follow a regime of going out into the open sun, and wear clothes made from natural fabrics in light colors that reflect the sun's rays. New modern technologies are now being developed to increase the reflectivity of clothing. Titanium dioxide is applied to clothing, and this chemical composition reduces the penetration of rays.

Washing powders and additives are being invented that also reduce risks. We are on the verge of developing car and residential windows with anti-ultraviolet coating. Science does not stand still, but people must value their health themselves. Follow safety measures and the sun will bring you joy and smiles.

Hair and skin suffer from ultraviolet radiation

First aid

A person is designed in such a way that he does not think about his health while he has it. A beautiful tanned body is presented to us as a symbol of health and sexuality. But if you take an excursion into the past, then all the nobility boasted of white complexion, hid their hair under hats, they were more enlightened. If preventive measures They didn’t help you, didn’t save you from a burn, you should be able to provide first aid to yourself. If a burn to the skin and face has already occurred.

  • Stop staying in the sun and hide in the shade.
  • If there is severe pain and the area of ​​the burn blister is larger than the palm of your hand, you should seek help from a doctor.
  • Do not use anything other than burn remedies on the affected areas!
  • Be careful with burns to the face and neck, especially in children, as they can cause severe swelling and difficulty breathing.
  • For minor burns, you can take a cool shower and apply lotions to your face, use face and body moisturizers.
  • Until the burns heal, wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics so as not to irritate the affected skin. Cover your head and hair from the sun.

To avoid eye burns from ultraviolet radiation, you must use glasses, visors, and shields. The requirements for glasses are very high, beautiful and fashionable glasses do not mean high quality. Help with burns.

  • Dark room (photophobia).
  • Ice water lotions.
  • Cool compresses made from tea leaves.
  • Artificial tear eye drops.

Don’t let your vacation and everyday life force you to provide help, follow a relaxation regime in the sun and enjoy life.

  • and what diseases it can cause
  • children
  • . What dose is unsafe for the body?
  • How does it affect a small organism?

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is electromagnetic radiation invisible to the eye with a wavelength of 200 to 400 nm, occupying an intermediate position in the electromagnetic spectrum between visible light and x-rays.

There are three regions of UV IR: UVA - with a wavelength from 400 to 315 nm, has a relatively weak biological effect; UVB - with a wavelength from 315 to 280 nm, promotes tanning; UVC - with a wavelength from 280 to 200 nm, acts on proteins and fats, has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun in the A range is not absorbed by ozone. If exposure to A-band rays is accompanied by the action of certain chemicals, then it becomes harmful to human health.

UVC rays are the shortest wavelengths, but are no less dangerous than X-rays. They are completely dissipated by the Earth's atmosphere. If they reached us through the Earth's atmosphere, they would be absorbed in the upper layer of the skin, literally burning it.

UVB rays are the most dangerous. They are more carcinogenic than A-band rays. UVB irradiation can cause skin cancer and lead to skin aging. But these rays are filtered by the ozone layer of the Earth's atmosphere.

UVI in small doses has a beneficial stimulating effect on the body, activates the activity of the heart, metabolism, increases the activity of respiratory enzymes, improves hematopoiesis, enhances oxidative processes in the body, which promotes the rapid elimination of poisons.

Under the influence of UPI, the body's resistance to colds increases, fatigue decreases, and efficiency increases.

UV irradiation promotes the production of vitamin D 3 in the body of humans, animals and birds, which regulates the process of calcium metabolism.

UV irradiation in large doses causes the breakdown of the most important parts of cells, in which substances appear that block the processes of DNA reproduction and RNA synthesis.

It has been established that ultraviolet rays have a strong effect on the body's immune system. Ultraviolet rays activate many viruses, including the AIDS virus. UV radiation from an electric welding arc, a mercury-quartz torch, or an autogenous flame can cause electroophthalmia - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, manifested by a sensation of a foreign body or sand in the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation, blepharospasm, erythema of the skin of the face and eyelids is often found. The disease lasts 2-3 days.

FI production sources ionize atmospheric air. At the same time, man-made ozone and nitrogen oxides are formed in the air with concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible values, which can cause poisoning of the human body.

Hygienic standards for ultraviolet radiation in industrial premises are carried out in accordance with SN 4557-88 “Sanitary standards for ultraviolet radiation in industrial premises”, which establish permissible radiation flux densities depending on wavelengths, subject to the protection of the organs of vision and skin.

The permissible UV intensity for workers with unprotected areas of the skin surface is no more than 0.2 m2 (face, neck, hands) with a total duration of exposure of 50% of the work shift and a single exposure duration of more than 5 minutes should not exceed 10 W/m2 for the UVA region and 0.01 W/m 2 - for the UVB irradiation region. UV irradiation under such conditions is not allowed. When using protective clothing and face and hand protection, the permissible radiation intensity in the UVB and UVC areas should not exceed 1 W/m2.

To protect against ultraviolet radiation, collective and individual methods and means are used: shielding of radiation sources and workplaces; removal of maintenance personnel from sources of ultraviolet radiation (protection by distance - remote control); rational placement of workplaces; special painting of premises; PPE and protective equipment (pastes and ointments).

To shield workplaces, screens, shields, or special booths are used. Walls and screens are painted in light colors (gray, yellow, blue), zinc and titanium white are used to absorb ultraviolet radiation. PPE against ultraviolet radiation includes: thermal protective clothing; mittens; special shoes; safety helmets; safety glasses and shields with light filters.

There are ultraviolet rays A (UVA, UVA), B (UVB, UVB) and C (UVC), which not only cause skin aging, but can also become a provoking factor for the development of skin cancer and cause depression of the immune system - immunosuppression.

UVB rays cause sunburn, melanin production and tanning. SPF is the protection factor in sunscreens that indicates the effectiveness of protection against UVB rays.

UVA rays do not cause burns, but they penetrate the skin much deeper than UVB rays, so they can damage deeper layers of the skin.

Ultraviolet C is the most dangerous, but, fortunately, it is almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the ozone layer is being destroyed and it may be necessary to seek protection from these rays in the future.

Ultraviolet radiation causes harm and this harm can be minimized. Skin protection is provided by certain clothing () and cosmetical tools with a protection factor.

Ultraviolet index

The UV Index is a prediction of the expected risk of overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun at different locations on Earth. UFI exists from 1 to 11. You can view the index of your city, or the place where you are going on vacation, on the website Here is the index as of December 29, 2017 on the world map:

Now let’s enter some southern city, for example in Australia:

You can see when it is most dangerous to be in the sun during the day, and what UVI is right now. We also see how quickly the skin will get burned without the use of protective equipment and what specific products should be used for this UVR. In this case, a sunscreen with SPF 30 is recommended. If you check the box next to the cream, we will see recommendations for how long you can stay in the sun, provided you use a cream with this protective factor:


What is SPF

The sunscreen has the inscription SPF - sun protection factor, which translates as “sun protection factor”. SPF indicates the level of protection against UVB radiation. How is SPF determined? Compare the time required for the appearance of skin redness without cream and with protective cream. The SPF value shows how many times longer it will take for redness to appear. But this value is not absolute. SPF 20 does not mean that tanning time can be extended by 20 times. There are too many additional influencing factors, besides, sunscreen is easily washed off with water or sweat and needs to be reapplied, both after swimming in a pond and after heavy sweating.

No cream protects against ultraviolet radiation 100%:

  • SPF 15 blocks 93% of UV rays
  • SPF 30 blocks 97% of UV rays
  • SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays
  • SPF 100 blocks 99% of UVB rays

What are the types of ultraviolet filters?

UV filters are divided into organic, which partially absorb radiation, and physical, which act as barriers to radiation - scatter and reflect it. Synthetic filters are more effective than natural ones, which are often added only because the consumer “buys” into the natural ingredients.

The more UV filters in a sunscreen, the better?

Unfortunately, there is a certain amount limit, exceeding which leads to an increased risk of adverse reactions (allergies, photodermatitis). Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of sun protection, they combine filters with different absorption spectra, thereby expanding the range of protection, and try to increase the water-repellent properties of the products so that it stays on the skin longer.

The foundation matters

The base of the sunscreen plays an important role, because it is due to it that the filters are evenly distributed in the preparation, rather than settling to the bottom, they are evenly distributed and stay on the skin for a long time. Silicone base is better than organic in this regard.

Choosing a sunscreen

On every day will do daily cream or powder with protection factor 15. To tan on the beach you need a special product: the further south the country, the higher the factor.

Sunscreen should contain protection from both UVB and UVA.

SPF more than 30 is not needed, since protection does not increase significantly, but the likelihood of allergies increases significantly.

Rules for using sunscreens

It is better to regularly use a cream with a lower SPF than occasionally use a cream with a high SPF.

The first time you should apply protective cream not on the beach, but 15-30 minutes before going outside.

You cannot skimp on sunscreen - you should apply a lot of it to all areas of the skin. Areas behind the ears and the back of the neck are often missed. It is recommended to use 2 tbsp. cream for the whole body.

It is better to protect your head with a hat, but you can additionally apply sunscreen in the form of a spray.

Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, after each contact with water, after drying with a towel or anything else (the cream is removed mechanically along with skin particles), and after heavy sweating.

Do not use sunscreen on children under 6 months of age - a child of this age should not be exposed to the sun at all, and the cream may harm him.

Do not use spray sunscreens on children - children can easily inhale the fumes and may develop allergies or other respiratory problems, including asthma.

The protective properties last for a maximum of 3 years when stored in a cool, dark place, which is often impossible, because sunscreens also used on the beach. So sunscreens should be thrown away promptly. However, if you use sunscreen in the required quantity, they will be used up before their protective properties are weakened.

>>UV protection

According to the World Health Organization, 50% to 90% of skin cancers occur as a result of exposure to UV radiation. The main cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or artificial sources such as tanning equipment. In 2000, there were 200,000 cases of melanoma worldwide, of which 65,000 resulted in death. Approximately 18 million people worldwide suffer from blindness due to cataracts, of which 5% are caused by exposure to UV radiation.

Main factors of increase UV radiation:1) The height of the sun above the horizon: the higher the sun is in the sky, the higher the level of UV radiation. 2) Geographical latitude: the closer to the equator, the higher the level of UV radiation. 3) Altitude: for every thousand meters you rise, UV levels increase by about 5%. 4) Reflection from the earth's surface. Soil and water reflect less than 10% of UV radiation; fresh snow reflects up to 80%; dry beach sand reflects 15%, and sea foam reflects 25%.

Ultraviolet rays are a variable part of solar radiation. Increases sharply ultraviolet radiation during chromospheric flares on the Sun - one of the most striking manifestations of solar activity. The increased influx of ultraviolet rays also causes intense formation of ozone. In turn, ozone, formed at an altitude of 30-40 km, absorbs UV rays almost completely. The amount of ultraviolet rays not absorbed by ozone reaches the earth's surface and consists mainly of UV-A radiation and a small part of UV-B radiation.

The UV Index (UVI) is an international standard for the quantitative assessment of UV, developed by WHO, the United Nations Program for environment and the World Meteorological Organization. If the UV index is 3 or higher, sun protection is recommended.

Eye protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Quality sunglasses provide 99% protection against UVB rays and 95% protection against UVA rays. Mountaineering sunglasses have markings indicating the degree UV protection. UV-380 or UV-400 icon (UV-A range). This means almost 100% UV protection. Their ultraviolet spectrum protects against waves up to 400 nm. If the number is below 400 nm, then the glasses partially transmit near ultraviolet radiation. There is also an indicator - refractive index: 1.4; 1.5; 1.6, etc. The higher the coefficient, the better the lens, that is, thinner and more transparent. For UV protection Various coatings are applied to the surface of glass and plastic. These are anti-glare and antistatic, water-repellent, photochromic and photoprotective coatings and shading. These coatings on plastic lenses, single-layer and multi-layer, guarantee absolute harmlessness to the eyes. But class (1-4) sun protection regulates only the brightness of sunlight, but not protection from UV radiation. The best protection is provided by form-fitting glasses that limit the flow of rays that not only pass through them, but enter the eyes not through the glasses.

Protecting skin from ultraviolet radiation.

An unheard of phenomenon in past generations is the rise in skin cancer among teenagers. Although melanoma is more common in fair-skinned people, skin cancer mortality is higher in Hispanics and African Americans. Even before the 1990s, the world did not know about sunscreen cosmetics. Today, most cream foundations have at least a UPF or SPF level of 15.

The newest trend in the field protecting skin from ultraviolet radiation is the sun protective clothing industry. It is known that due to its reflectivity, white T-shirt protects from UV rays only ka 5%. The trend is developing by integrating various UV protection products V daily life. Protection is enhanced by applying chemical layers to the surface of clothing, such as titanium dioxide, which increases the reflective effect. IN summer clothes With long sleeves, an additional level of UV protection is built in, for example, Omni-Shade ® UPF 50 sun protection, Columbia. For example, an addition to washing powder Sun Guard increases UPF levels from 5 to 30%.

As thermal glass technologies emerge, we should expect technologies to provide levels of UV filtration in cars and homes.

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Many women, especially those over thirty, will agree with the sad observation made by English writer Edith Sitwell. As she remarked, “everything that is ugly is perishable, but everything that is beautiful is eternal, with the exception of the skin.”

95 percent of the aging that occurs in the skin is due to exposure to ultraviolet light. It is no coincidence that the sun's rays are called “rays of aging.” It is “thanks” to them that elasticity is lost and the texture of the skin changes at a young age. Other signs of premature photoaging also appear: pores expand, pigmentation occurs, and wrinkle lines deepen.

Sun rays cause irreversible damage to skin health. Due to excess ultraviolet radiation, the skin's immunity is reduced and suppressed. If the skin's protective mechanism cannot cope with the effects of sunlight, then the risk of sunburn develops. And, as a result, soreness, burning, burning sensation, peeling, red skin color.

No woman will ignore these painful symptoms and will try to protect her skin from the sun. And jars and tubes containing skin care products will be used.

If you want your skin to have a healthy, well-groomed appearance, do not rely only on a tube with a miracle potion. Become a helper to your skin: use those products that can protect it from harmful sun rays.

What products will reliably guard the beauty and health of your skin?

It all depends on the substances they contain.

“Drinking” for healthy skin

Under the influence of heat and UV radiation, the skin loses water and becomes wrinkled. How to resist sun exposure?

You will have smooth, healthy-looking skin if you moisturize it not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Pure water (preferably spring or melt water) has truly wonderful properties. It is involved in metabolism and helps all body systems function efficiently. Pure water perfectly cleanses the body, including the skin, of toxins.

If you poorly saturate your body with ordinary water, the moisture reserves in the skin are depleted. First of all, the middle layer of skin - the dermis - suffers. But this is where the fibers of both elastin and collagen are located. The skin takes on a parchment-like appearance and wrinkles appear.
To prevent the skin from suffering from dehydration, women drink on average two liters of water per day. A more accurate calculation is this: for every kilogram of your weight there should be forty milliliters of life-giving moisture.

There is no need to be afraid that due to such heavy drinking you will develop or become excessively pronounced swelling. The opposite is true: water is retained by the body only due to its insufficient quantity.

A UK study found that women who drank enough water experienced a nineteen percent reduction in wrinkles.

Try to drink in the first half of the day most: about two-thirds of the total volume. When going to bed, limit your intake to one hundred and fifty milliliters. And one more taboo: never drink liquids (water, juices, etc.) while eating.

Drinks are very useful for the whole body in general, and for the skin in particular. green tea and cocoa. The flavonoids contained in them help protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays.

One or two cups will help quickly relieve inflammation from your reddened skin after exposure to the sun. But no more. Do not forget that tea also contains caffeine, which tries to remove moisture from the body. And dehydrated skin has a corresponding appearance.

In addition, green tea, as well as white and black tea, contain polyphenols, which help fight UV rays. However, white tea contains much more of them than green tea (about three times more), which is why it is called the “elixir of youth.”

Polyphenols are very effective scavengers of free radicals - substances that are produced in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Free radicals have been found to be involved in chemical reactions that damage DNA and biological membranes, promoting mutagenesis, plaque formation, tumors, and aging.

Alcohol has the opposite effect on the skin. When drinking alcohol-containing drinks, the amount of hormones responsible for regulating water in the body becomes significantly less, as a result of which the skin instantly becomes dehydrated - causing undoubted harm.

What foods should you eat to protect yourself from harmful rays?

Scientists have identified food products that protect our skin from dangerous ultraviolet radiation. They become “protectors” thanks to the substances they contain.

Don't let your body become dehydrated

Let's start with a vegetable that is a real source water(more than 90 percent of it in this low-calorie product) - from cucumber.

By eating 8 medium-sized fresh cucumbers a day, you will prevent your body from becoming dehydrated. Choose vegetables with pimples. They contain silicon, important for everyone's health, which will help retain water inside the cells of your body.

Use a natural sunscreen

Flavonoids, which were described above, have the ability to act as a natural sunscreen filter. Therefore, the presence of chocolate in your diet (choose the darkest, preferably without additives, especially without sugar), grapes will help reduce the power of unwanted reactions in your skin. A day will be enough to eat a bunch of grapes or two slices of chocolate.

Protect yourself from burns

Blue grapes contain another substance that protects against harmful rays of the sun. This lycopene, the main function of which is antioxidant. It neutralizes the action of free radicals that threaten our skin with burns.

Tomatoes are primarily considered an excellent source of lycopene. Their fiery color is precisely due to this pigment. Moreover, the concentration of the lycopene pigment increases significantly after evaporation or frying. For example, in ketchup, and even more so in tomato paste, the content of this useful substance is much higher than in fruits that have not been subjected to heat treatment. In fresh tomatoes its content is up to 50 mg/kg, and in tomato paste - 30 times more. The concentration of lycopene increases in sun-dried tomatoes.

The daily consumption rate of this pigment is 5-10 mg per day.

Lycopene will also enter your body when consumed watermelons, pink grapefruits, plums, apricots, red peppers.

The scientific hypothesis that lycopene prevents skin stress from UV radiation has been confirmed. Damage and irritation of the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation decreased by 40-50% in white-skinned women who ate 1 tablespoon of tomato paste daily for a month.

A precursor to beta-carotene, lycopene tends to accumulate in the body. In the blood, the peak of this pigment is observed after 24 hours, in the skin - after a month. As a result
the epidermis acquires a golden hue.

So, if you want to get a beautiful, even tan without burns, start consuming products containing lycopene a month before sunbathing.

Please also note that this carotenoid pigment is a fat-soluble substance. This means that its absorption occurs better in the presence of fats. And it is preferable to consume foods rich in lycopene with fats.

Prevent active oxygen from performing its destructive function

Pomegranates also contain a group of antioxidants that block free radicals. Found in these fruits ellagic acid- one of these antioxidants that prevents active oxygen from performing its destructive function.

In order to protect yourself from the damaging effects of the sun, you need to eat 100 g of pomegranate seeds per day.

Reduce harmful effects of UV radiation

Consume foods with selenium. This element also reduces the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin. pay attention to seafood, porcini mushrooms, chicken, whole grain products, garlic, sesame, peanuts.

Prevent wrinkles from appearing

Prevents wrinkles from appearing by fighting oxidative stress and vitamin A.

A lack of this vitamin causes the skin to become rough, dry and flaky.

Thanks to vitamin A, collagen production is stimulated, which allows our skin to become smooth and elastic.

Let's give short list products that contain vitamin A. This liver, butter, egg yolks, as well as vegetables, fruits and berries with green, yellow and red colors. Eg, carrots, green onions, red peppers, apricots, melons, tomatoes.

Remember, in order for vitamin A reserves in the body to be properly distributed and spent, the presence of zinc is essential. It is this substance that delivers vitamin A to the necessary tissues. Therefore, to escape harmful rays, use foods containing zinc in your food. Most of it is contained in pumpkin seeds, oysters, beef liver, lentils.

Do not allow pigment lesions to form

What other vitamins do we need to protect ourselves from ultraviolet radiation? Of course, the vitamin of youth is E. It not only works as an antioxidant itself, but also increases the concentration of natural antioxidants produced by the body itself.

Vitamin E does not allow pigment lesions to form. Like a lightning rod, it absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation, preventing it from causing damage to skin cells. Thus, it protects our skin from aging.

Avocados are also rich in vitamin E; nature provides them with the right amount of monounsaturated fat. This allows the fat-soluble vitamin to be better absorbed.

You will find vitamin E V olive oil, in spinach, in Brussels sprouts, in nuts, in wheat germ.

Don’t forget about a kind of protective barrier

Probably many women will ask the question: “Can vitamin C help protect against unwanted reactions associated with the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin? Without a doubt.

Vitamin C is a kind of protective barrier that protects the skin from harmful rays. Without this vitamin, it is difficult to create an elastic framework for the skin.

It must be remembered that only in certain daily doses vitamin C can have its beneficial effect (this is due to its rapid leaching from the body). Moreover, it is advisable that you distribute its daily dose over several times. Daily minimum for healthy person reaches 30 milligrams. How much vitamin C is contained in 33 grams? bell pepper or in 100 grams of oranges. And, for example, for smokers or older people this threshold is higher.

Where is vitamin C found? In almost all fresh berries, vegetables and fruits.

Protect your skin from the sun for several days at once

I would especially like to say about broccoli - a reliable shield from the harmful effects of the sun. Scientists at the Johns Hopkins Institute (USA) have found that a component of this vegetable is sulforane- stimulates at the cellular level the production of an enzyme in the skin, which provides its protection from ultraviolet radiation for several days.

This conclusion was made after a series of experiments on volunteers. They irradiated a small area of ​​skin with ultraviolet light, pre-treated with broccoli sprouts extract in various concentrations.

After comparing skin redness (which indicates cell damage, including DNA damage) in treated and untreated areas, we realized that the concentrated extract reduced swelling and redness by 37%.

Broccoli sprouts contain much more sulforaphane than the mature vegetable.

This active anti-cancer substance is also present in other types of cabbage.

Unfortunately, heat treatment destroys it. Therefore, eat cabbage raw, or, as a last resort, steam it.

Additional UV protection, or what products should not be consumed

Trying to eat as much as possible healthy products, remember that there are others that should be avoided in all situations. This applies primarily to sugar.

Why, in an effort to protect yourself from UV radiation, should you reduce your consumption of sweets to a minimum? After entering the bloodstream, sugar attaches to proteins and becomes a new harmful molecule - a glycosylated protein. Because of this new molecule, the collagen protein turns from stable to fragile. It is clear that this causes the skin to lose its elasticity.

So limit yourself to sweet foods, especially in summer, during solar activity.

Relax, game: