Conspiracies against various diseases. Getting rid of diseases and illnesses with the help of magic Spells and rituals for healing

Spells against illnesses help a person get better himself and get rid of illnesses in his loved ones. Spells can be cast independently, and in case of illnesses in children, the most strong prayers mother reads.


What are conspiracies and their features?

Conspiracies to get rid of diseases are divided into the following groups:

  • preventive;
  • universal health;
  • from an illness of unknown origin;
  • from a specific disease.

Also, spells against diseases are divided according to the principle of targeting:

  • for a sick child;
  • for a sick relative or friend;
  • for your own recovery.

Various features of conspiracies are that healing takes place only with words or with the involvement of third-party means.

Among them are the following:

  • Holy water;
  • pectoral cross;
  • church candle;
  • Rye bread;
  • thread or rope;
  • trees, etc.

Preventive and universal conspiracies for diseases

Preventive spells are performed to maintain health and not get sick. Universal spells help heal the entire human body.

An example of a preventative plot:

Angels, heavenly, angels, saints. Take and take all my words and all my request to the Lord God, Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die. Who thought these diseases were, who brought these diseases on people, Get up, you sick people, shake yourself up, go and go to hell. Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name) so that his soul soars and his body stops hurting. Bless, Lord, all my words, all my healing deeds. And what I missed, what I missed, the Lord will order and the Angel will say all the words for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For general health, use the following powerful ritual:

  1. In the temple, approach the icon of the Savior.
  2. Dip the fingers of your right hand in holy water.
  3. Touch the image with the fourth finger.
  4. Touch your forehead with the same finger.
  5. Read the following prayer:

No ring finger name, so my servant of God (name) has no illness.

For those who often visit the forest, the following ritual will help:

  1. Go to the tree.
  2. Hug the trunk so that your hands come together.
  3. Read the following words:

“The disease is painful, the prickly disease reaches to the tree, it is transmitted from my body to the roots. It is not the servant of God (the name of the patient) who will harass and torment, but the tree that will wear away and dry up. I give the illness of the sick servant of God (name of the sick person) to the tree, strength will come to him, he is healthy now. Let it be so!"

For an example of a spell for healing, see the channel RITUALS FOR EVERYONE.

Conspiracy for a speedy recovery

If the disease has already begun, then a conspiracy for a speedy healing can help.

An example of such a spell:

“It’s a month, you’re walking high,
Month, you see far away,
You wander through villages, hills and forests,
In houses, bathhouses, courtyards.
Take away, month, the illness of God's servant (name)
Where birds don't fly
People don't walk, animals don't know the road.
Mother of God, take the blood of the sick
And grant me good health.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

If the sick person is ill for a long time, then the following ancient ritual must be performed:

  1. Bring a blind man to his house and give him a treat.
  2. Ask a blind person to drink holy water from the patient’s left hand.
  3. The youngest member of the family must read the plot:

Christ reigns. Christ commands. Christ saves and heals. Amen to the words. Amen to deeds. Amen, all ills, including you.

Conspiracies for the treatment of specific diseases

Disease magic is effective for healing various ailments.

The most popular conspiracies are:

  • from diseases of the female organs;
  • from childhood diseases;
  • for abdominal pain;
  • for colds;
  • for joint pain;
  • from fatal diseases.

From a female illness

The following conspiracies are most often read for diseases of the female organs:

  • from uterine bleeding;
  • from miscarriage;
  • from the inability to conceive a child;
  • from various women's ailments.

Spell for uterine bleeding

For uterine bleeding, the following spell is useful:

On an oak throne, wearing a golden crown, the Virgin Mary sits, looking at me, the slave (name). No matter how she looks, the blood will not drain from the womb. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When reading this text, you need to put your right hand on your navel and mentally imagine how the blood stops.

Conspiracy against inability to bear a child

For miscarriage, it is useful to perform a ritual with warm milk and reading a prayer:

Holy Mother of God, strengthen. A star in the sky, water in the river, the fruit is strong in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This ritual is performed seven times before bedtime.

To do this you need:

  1. Take a clay mug.
  2. Pour warmed milk (preferably country milk).
  3. Read the prayer.
  4. Drink milk to the last drop.

Conspiracy to get pregnant

To conceive a child, the following ritual is effective:

  1. Take a rope or strong, harsh thread.
  2. Tie one knot for 40 days.
  3. When tying a knot, read a prayer.

I'm getting myself an assistant. Your arms will get fat, your body will become stiff, your legs will pound, you will conceive a child. As the Month-Mesyatsovich grows and arrives, so the servant of God (name) conceives fruit. In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen. Amen. Amen. Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, I call upon the Lord God for help and remove all sorrows and pains.

Conspiracies for other female ailments

To recover from gynecological diseases, a ritual with bread is useful.

During the ceremony the following prayer is read:

The Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, an immaculate person, ate in the new cathedral, dined with appetite, rejoiced and talked. Jesus Christ was baptized in Jordan and thereby got rid of his enemies, washed his white body and wiped it with a thin shroud. And I, the servant of God (name), wash myself, wipe myself with a thin shroud, and drive away all stomach ailments from myself. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. They bake yeast bread (preferably rye) with their own hands.
  2. Break off (do not cut off) the top with the crumb.
  3. The right hand is moved clockwise around the navel and a prayer is read.

To report a severe (fatal) illness

The following ritual helps to reprimand a fatal illness:

  1. You need to take the undershirt that the patient was wearing.
  2. Wipe the dying person with it.
  3. Without washing, take it to the field.
  4. Burn her at the stake.
  5. During the burning, say the following prayer:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord walked across the earth, helping people, raising them from the grave. Raise, Lord, Thy servant (name) from the sickbed, deathbed, from bodily torment, turn away from death, turn to life through Thy name, my deed, extend to Thy servant (name) the earthly age. Amen.

The following conspiracy also helps to get rid of a serious illness:

Heavenly angels, holy angels, take and bring to the Lord God, Jesus Christ, all my words, all my request. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die, who counted these diseases, who brought these diseases to people? Get up, sick people, shake yourself, go to hell, go down, slide, fall off the servant of God (name), so that her soul will perk up and her body will stop hurting. Bless, Lord, all my words, all my healing deeds. And what I missed, what I missed, the Lord will command, and the Angel will say all the words for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In case of fatal diseases, it is useful to contact a sorceress or healer: it is possible that the victim has been cast a spell on the disease.

From diseases if doctors cannot diagnose

The following water spell ritual will help with an incomprehensible illness:

  1. Take holy water from the church.
  2. Speak to her at home with the following words:

On the third day of Easter, Saint Marina walked, Saint Catherine walked with her, they carried the Holy Gifts. Whoever remembers these two names for three evenings will regain health from the Holy Gifts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After this, wash the patient three times with slur water.

For colds and flu

You can speak against a cold infection as follows:

  1. Take a cup of drink for the patient in your left hand.
  2. Cast the following spell on the liquid:

Let Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious, the Mother of God Mary and the Prophet Peter, St. Elijah and St. Catherine, King David and wise Solomon help. May the Lord our Almighty God direct them to help the servant of God (name of the patient), so that his illness passes and goes into oblivion. I pray to you with this conspiracy and act on your orders. Amen.

The ritual for colds and flu should be performed three times a day until recovery.

For skin diseases

The following ritual helps against skin diseases:

  1. Take holy (preferably Epiphany) water.
  2. In the evening, drink it from a spoon to the patient.
  3. Wash heavily affected areas.

During the ritual, the following words are read:

Holy water, cleanse the body of God’s servant (name) so that it is as pure and holy as holy water.

For arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and joint pain

When joints are damaged, this ancient ritual helps, it is performed three times in a row:

  1. If possible, bite the sore spot. If you can’t reach it, then pinch it.
  2. Say the spell:

    Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, help me, the servant of God (name), and bless me to gnaw in the bones! I’m not gnawing on my white body, but I’m gnawing on it. I bite, eat, uproot, remove by the roots. I call you out of your body, I gnaw you from all your bones and joints, from the scarlet blood of the prayerful servant of God (name). I gnaw and drive away any gnawing: midnight, spellbound, and windy. Grant me, the servant of God (name), the Most Holy Virgin, with your strength, so that I can cope and control this insidious illness. Let me be healed, Holy Mother of God! Amen.

  3. While casting the spell, you need to apply a knife blade to the sore joint.
  4. After completing the ritual, wash the joint with holy water.

Products made from enchanted dog hair also help with joint pain.

The wool is cast with the following spell:

Become the servant of God (name), blessing yourself in the morning and evening, wash yourself with the morning dawn and evening, wipe yourself with white light; the red sun bakes in the forehead, the bright moon hits the back of the head, frequent small stars scatter along the braids; he will go out of doors by doors, from the canopy by canopies, from gates by gates, will go out far into an open field, on four heights, will stand to the east with his face, to the west with his ridge: in the east is the light of the true Christ; on the blue sea there is a white stone, on the white stone there is a white man in a white dress, the light of George the Brave; George of the Light the Brave has two young men, two much more daring, great archers: one son Simeon, the other Gerasim, walking with a tight bow, shooting at damp oak. Oh, you, Simeon and Gerasim, don’t shoot at the damp oak, shoot at the inflow wounds, shoot, chop off from the servant of God (name) pritzi, prizors, inflow slander, windy fractures, inflow slander. Amen.

For the spell against joint pain to work, they take hair only from a dog that has never entered the house.

In the treatment of wounds and bruises

When treating minor injuries, the following plot helps:

Just as a leaf on a dry birch tree dries up and falls off, so the wound of God’s servant (name) would heal, the disease would dry up, the pain would disappear. Firmly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The spell must be cast three times, moving your right hand over the sore spot.

From pressure surges, heart pain

The following ritual helps with hypertension and heart disease:

  1. During an attack, pour holy (preferably Epiphany) water into a glass.
  2. Say it three times with these words:

    A dead man rides through distant lands, across distant seas, through distant mountains and to the red hill. On a red hill in a black hole the dead are having fun. Do the hearts of the dead hurt? - They don’t hurt. So let God’s servant (name)’s heart not hurt, not ache, but beat evenly. Amen.

  3. Drink in small sips.
  4. Say the word “Amen” with every sip.

For stomach or intestinal ulcers

The following plot is read three times over a glass of water:

Our eternal Lord, Heavenly King and Creator. Your sinful servant (name) turns to you, begs for mercy with your eyelid. I am punished for my sins, ulcerated, sick inside. My whole insides were eaten away, dried up, and sick. I beg your forgiveness, I bow my knees before the red throne. Deliver Your servant (name) from torment, from burning ulcers, from fierce pain. Send deliverance to your servant (name) with the holy guardian angel, with the Holy Mother of God, with the healer Panteleimon, your saint. Amen.

For diarrhea and vomiting

The following powerful plot helps with nausea and vomiting:

Just as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, so my bad health goes away. On the eastern side the sea blurs, and on the western side the mountains spread out higher than the sky, and everything in my body becomes clear and fine. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you have an upset stomach, it is better to cast the following spell on water:

Diarrhea came from somewhere unknown, not sent by anyone, not caused by anyone. The bosom twists and turns, but it won’t go away. You, holy water, help, calm your stomach. Key. Language. Lock.

You should drink the slander water little by little, in small sips.

For a sore throat

For sore throats, spells are often cast on home remedies.

For example, for tea with honey the following spell is read:

The acute pain dries up, my throat clears, the pain stops, and peace comes to the house. Amen.

You can get by with prayer alone without using medications.

In healing, the following conspiracy is valued for its effectiveness:

I will go, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the sea - on a mallet. On the sea, on the kiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a throne, on the throne stands the Mother of the Altar Mother of God, holding a caparis cross. I ask, Mother of the Altar Mother of God, to heal and eradicate the throat disease of the slave (such and such). As smoke comes from the whole, so, sorrow and illness, pass from (such and such) a slave, throat disease - come from.

For eye treatment

The universal conspiracy to get rid of eye diseases is as follows:

The first water is swill, the second water is Yegorya, and the third water is Maria. There is light in my eyes, there is no blindness in my eyes. Lord, strengthen my eyes, I will bow to the ground three times. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are a number of preventative spells for eye diseases.

Early in the morning on Easter, you need to stand under the icon and read the following words:

Just as people look at an icon, so would my eyes, eye to eye, look well. Amen.

The following spell is pronounced while looking at the first rays of the sun:

Dawn, red maiden, take the red eyes, and give me clear eyes.

For leg diseases

This one helps a lot with problem legs:

Through the mountains of Ararat, through damask steel knives, through holy blood, through sick bone. Through a sieve and wheat, through bread and salt, go, dryness and pain, to the mountains of Ararat, to the knives of damask steel, as the saints walked along the Nile, the saints have painless hands and feet, so that the servant of God (his name) has hands and feet they didn’t dry out or hurt, and the bones didn’t creak. Amen!

Healing water is used to heal feet.

The following conspiracy is read over consecrated water:

Holy angels, pure angels, cover my feet with a wing, the playful feet of the servant of God (name), so that my feet do not hurt, so that my joints do not creak. Amen!

After the ritual, sore spots on the legs are washed with this water.

Conspiracy over a sick relative

Conspiracies for healing a loved one are carried out next to him for a more effective prayer.

It is better for the health ritual to be carried out by the person closest to you by blood.

The following ritual is performed:

  1. A cross is drawn on the patient’s forehead three times with holy water.
  2. Spray the corners of the bed with blessed water.
  3. A prayer is said three times over the sick person:

Come down from the servant of God (name), illness, onto an animal, onto a leaf, onto a dry bush, onto an empty barrel, onto a swamp hummock, cleanse the body of the servant of God (name). My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For the parents to recover, the plot must be read by the son or daughter.

The following prayer is said at the patient’s bedside:

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Most High Lord, Quick to Hear Intercessor of all who come running to You with faith, I pray to You: beg Your Son to hear my prayer. Look down from the heights of Heaven and descend to my tearful petition. Forgive, Lord, all the sins of my parents, voluntary and involuntary. Grant, Lord, your forgiveness to them, both on earth and in Heaven. Extend their life for longevity and strengthen them in health and mind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Spells for any item that then needs to be worn

Usually underwear is used for healing.

It is believed that the best protection against illnesses is the baptismal cross.

But you can speak to any object that a person constantly carries on himself or with him.

Such items include:

  • keychain;
  • amulet;
  • wedding ring, etc.

The amulet is immersed three times in consecrated water and the following plot is read:

Just as I, the servant of God (name), carry you with me (name the thing), so health will always be with me. And you (name a thing) will ward off any illness from me, scare it away. Let it be so! My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a child gets sick

When a child is ill, the mother should pray for him.

The following conspiracy read shortly after birth helps protect the baby’s body:

Man was born, the cross was erected, and Satan became stronger, and God was glorified, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen! Holy Father Ostafius and Holy Father Numius, place him, Lord, the servant of God (name) in a holy place, to think about God and do God: the Holy Spirit will come upon him and all heaven will shine on him, and all the heavenly mercy will come to him, Spasova hand, the seal of Christ, the Mother of God Cross, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

At the very beginning of the child’s illness, you need to speak water for the baby to drink with these words:

You are field grass, you are dry straw, the wind dried you, ruffled you, tossed you in all four directions. Go, all your illness, all your pain, to the dry straw, the grass of the field, to the four brothers winds. Let them torment you, let them shake you, and let my child go. Most Holy Lady Theotokos, pray for my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To prevent the illness from returning and to prevent illnesses in the baby, it is useful to pour enchanted water over him.

It is prepared this way:

  1. Spring water is filled into a jug.
  2. Say a prayer:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us! The Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, called upon the Lord God for help, and washed away all sorrows and illnesses; It’s not me who helps, it’s not me who helps; Jesus Christ Himself and the Mother of God the Most Holy Theotokos help and assist! She washed her Son and sent us rinses for the babies. A silk broom on a paper slave (name) body in good health, for the sake of our cause. Come out, all sorrows and illnesses! After all, just as a mother could bear and give birth to her child, so I, the servant of God (name), can dissuade all ailments! Zosima and Savvaty, Solovetsky miracle workers, come and help our affairs, infantile sorrows! The Sorrowful Mother of God delivers everyone from torment and sorrow; deliver us from all reproaches and sorrows!

Prayers for healing yourself

Healing spells for one’s own bodily well-being are convenient because a person can read them independently without the help of healers.

Morning and night orthodox prayers they read about health to such heavenly patrons:

  • St. Panteleimon;
  • Guardian Angel;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • St. Matrona of Moscow.

Health rituals are carried out taking into account the time factor:

  • lunar calendar;
  • time of day.

An example of a spell for the waxing moon:

Father is a young month, dear friend, golden horn, God give you golden horns, and good health to me.

An effective ritual using a spell, church candles and blessed water.

Before casting the spell, you must do the following:

  1. Come to church.
  2. Place three large candles in front of the images.
  3. Ask the saints for health.
  4. Collect blessed water for your home in the temple...
  5. At home, pour holy water in front of the icons.

In the evening, the following spell is cast over the water:

Oh, holy water, God's tear. Heal me from illness and disease, turn away the damn dirty tricks from me. Pour a healing stream through your entire body and remove the sinful soot from your soul. I believe in you and conjure you for healing. May God not be angry, may the devil not be angry. Amen.

Thus, the charmed water is added to tea and used for cooking.

The following ritual is used daily:

  1. Spit three times over the left shoulder.
  2. The following words are read:

    Just as Judas lost his complexion after his death, so I will lose my illness. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


For examples of effective spells against diseases, see Irinka Kalinka’s channel.

The energy power of words is limitless, speeches have incredible healing power. Prayers and conspiracies against illnesses can save a person from the most terrible ailments. Spell words protect against sorrows and improve a person’s general condition without medical intervention.

The health spell was used by our ancestors. Already at that time, the Slavs believed in the healing power of words, so magical rituals were their life companions. Centuries later, the prayer speeches and spells of our ancestors are very popular among the present generation. Slavic rituals are considered the most effective and efficient to this day.

In the magical world of conspiracies, prayers and spells of the ancient Slavs were considered the most powerful. The complexity of the rituals significantly exceeds the practice of other peoples, and therefore they are very effective.

Types of spells for treatment

Prayers and conspiracies for illnesses have been popular at all times and in all nations. Despite the fact that medicine does not stand still and is currently equipped the latest technologies and knowledge, people very often resort to the power of white magic. There are a huge number of conspiracies for the treatment of diseases. Each ritual is applied separately. It all depends on the nature of the pain. Let's consider the types of rituals:

  • Conspiracies for all diseases. This ritual is universal and can be applied under different circumstances. For painful symptoms of the heart, abdominal and stomach spasms, cramps in the arms and legs, and skin diseases.
  • A conspiracy against all misfortunes. This type of ritual can be considered a preventive method. Even those people who are not bothered by anything use it. A prayer read can protect and protect from all possible diseases.
  • Conspiracies from established diagnoses. This type of ritual is performed when a person knows what ailment is bothering him. By reading a certain prayer, it will not be difficult to cure yourself of diseases.
  • Conspiracies for children's illnesses. Such a magical ritual is special; it can be classified as a special group. In this situation, the baby cannot read the spell on his own, so the mother or grandmother takes over the ritual.

Magic rituals for illness are read both on the waxing and waning moon. For conspiracies, any period is optimal and endowed with special energy power. Magicians and sorcerers are confident that the disease will go away as quickly as the month wanes, and health will appear as quickly as the young moon grows. You can read conspiracies for ailments at a time convenient for you. Only some rituals are performed in the required phase of the moon.

Proper conduct of Slavic rituals

The ancient Slavic peoples very often turned to higher powers for help. Spells and rituals focused on various needs and desires. People prayed for a successful end to the battle, attracted good luck and prosperity, love, and read conspiracies to cure ailments. But the ancient Slavs adhered to strict rules, the violation of which was unacceptable:

  • Before you begin the ritual, fast for seven days. Exclude from the diet: alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, meat food.
  • Read ancient spells in a whisper. No one should hear the words of the conspiracy; only in this case a successful result is ensured.
  • Ancient rituals can only be performed in full healthy people. If a sick person says a prayer, his condition will only worsen. Accordingly, you can forget about the positive outcome of the spell.
  • Our ancestors very carefully chose a magician to perform the ritual. The most basic rule is that a sorcerer must have healthy teeth. If the front two teeth are missing, the spell loses its effective force.
  • If the Slavs performed rituals not for themselves, then no one took a reward in the form of money. You can express gratitude with food.
  • The Man Who Reads Anciently Slavic prayers, must believe in the power of words and magic.
  • So that the words of the treatment conspiracy have an effect in the most short term, you must read the prayer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays.

For many years, the Slavs believed in witchcraft, which helped them solve the most difficult problems, cure illnesses, and gain faith in themselves.

Water spell for all diseases

This water spell will help cure the most severe ailments and improve the condition of the entire body. This rite does not contradict church Orthodoxy and is performed with the help of holy water. In order for the healing, holy liquid to have even greater energetic power, we will replenish it with magical speeches.

The first thing you need to do is visit the church, purchase three candles and holy water. Go to the icons, light candles and ask the Lord for a speedy healing for yourself or your neighbor. Then cross yourself and leave the holy place. When you come home, you need to calm down, believe in the healing process and trust in the power of the Lord. Then place the holy liquid, icons on the table and light the candle. Setting yourself up for the best, say the following spell:

“Holy water, God's tear. Heal me from illness and disease, turn away the damn dirty tricks from me. Pour a healing stream through your entire body and remove the sinful soot from your soul. I believe in you and conjure you for healing. May God not be angry, may the devil not be angry. Amen".

Then take a sip of the enchanted liquid crystals. For fourteen days, add this water to your food, tea and coffee. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated. To completely cure the disease, the spell should be performed in the waxing moon phase.

Water spell for colds

This water spell is very effective and has colossal energy power. It can not only cure an advanced cold, but also remove the evil eye and cleanse objects of negativity. To carry out the ceremony, you will need melt or spring water. Pour it into a glass and add three pinches of coarse salt. After this, read the prayer:

“Mother, fast water will wash away all the pain and all the aches from God’s servant (name). Take them into the depths of the sea, pull them into deep pools, put stone clamps on them. So that they never sail again, forget about the servant of God (name) forever. Amen".

Then dip the middle finger of your right hand into the charmed water and touch it to your forehead, chest, right and left shoulder. Whisper:

“I command with holy water, I conjure with white salt. Let go of all the aches and pains. From a wild head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers and joints. Amen".

This water spell can cure colds not only of an adult, but also of a child. In just two days you will feel much better. The ritual can be performed on both the waxing and waning moon.

Water spell for headaches

In many cases, when a headache occurs, medications, like traditional methods, powerless. But an effective conspiracy against ailments will quickly cure migraines. One of the most effective rituals against headaches is the water spell. It’s not for nothing that most magicians and sorcerers resort to the power of unboiled water. A prayer that is recited over water gives it healing, energetic power. You will need to remember one thing for yourself: to unquestioningly believe in white magic, in higher powers and our creator.

The most unique and widespread substance on earth is water. And water spells are quite popular.

To carry out the ritual, you should purchase holy water, pour it into any container and read:

“Adam has a headache, Adam gives the pain to Eve. Eve is a snake. And the snake is like an apple. An apple will give pain to the sun, and the sun will give pain to the sea. At sea, the wind will pick up the pain and scatter it without a trace. Amen".

This ritual should be performed on the waxing moon, at midnight. Drink the charmed liquid constantly, 2-3 sips per day. Headaches and migraines will disappear forever. You can cast a spell on liquid crystals both for yourself and for loved ones.

Slavic conspiracy for all ailments

Slavic magical ritual has enormous power. He is able to cure any illness. The ancient Slavs were sure that there was no medicine stronger than magical prayer speeches. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy quietly but clearly. It is advisable to learn the lines of prayer:

“In a distant direction, on an island beyond the sea, lies a white stone. Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness. So let him cut off all the ailments and ailments of (the person’s name), put him under a stone and lock him up. He will throw the key into the sea and close all ailments forever. My words are strong, only those who can gnaw away a stone with their teeth can overcome them. Let it be so!".

This Slavic conspiracy is read over the course of one week. You can't miss a single day. A positive outcome will follow faster if you read the plot for the waxing moon. In two days the patient will feel much better!

Slavic ritual for baby health

The birth of a new life can be called a kind of magical miracle. All future parents look forward to this day. The Slavic people believed that performing a ritual before childbirth was simply necessary. The spell was read for a woman in labor, thereby accompanying a successful birth and energizing the health of the unborn child. You need to wait for the waxing moon and whisper over the woman:

“Mother in labor, sister sister, hear our words, our prayers. Accept bloodless gifts and grant healthy offspring to the woman in labor (woman’s name). So that our family thread will never be broken. We sing your glory, and invite you into the mansion. From circle to circle, now and ever! Let it be so!”

Say the magic words at least three times. After this, there is no doubt that childbirth will be quick and painless, and the good health of the baby will bring happiness to all family and friends.

Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. You can't miss a single day.

Slavic conspiracy for rashes on the skin of the face

Slavic beauty was famous throughout the world. Therefore, when the skin of a girl’s face or body became covered with a rash or various spots, special rituals were performed. This ritual is performed at home, without any special difficulties or incomprehensible actions. Despite the simplicity of the plot, all inflammatory diseases will disappear in a few days.

Wait until midnight, at the hour of the waxing moon, go to the mirror. Light the candle, when the mirror object fogs up, run the index finger of your right hand over it. Then apply the drops to the affected areas of the body and say:

“From the clean and transparent glass I send dryness to my sore. You will dry up to a drop, you will go to the pines, you will give me all the water! Amen!".

The plot is read three times. Never doubt yourself and your abilities. White magic can relieve a lot of diseases of various types and create a real miracle.

Slavic conspiracy against infertility

This ancient ritual will help women overcome various ailments associated not only with infertility, but also with all kinds of gynecological diseases. The conspiracy is carried out on the waning moon; prayer words should be read for seven days and without a single omission. If you strictly adhere to all the rules, you can achieve a positive and quick result. When the chimes strike twelve o'clock at night, you should light two church candles. Looking at the flames, whisper:

“Just as the Mother of God was strong and healthy, she did not know women’s torments and problems, so I, the servant of God (name), did not suffer and did not suffer. It will always be like this. Amen!".

In many cases, medicine is powerless. That's when people resort to the magical power of conspiracies. Their advantage lies not only in the quick and positive results, but also in the fact that almost all rituals are carried out in a calm home environment. Negative consequences of rituals to cure various diseases can occur only in one case: if a person uses black magic.

The most basic rule for a happy outcome can be called unquestioning faith in magic spells and compliance with all parts of the ritual. Clear pronunciation of prayers, without a single mistake. If all the rules are followed, the cure will follow very quickly.

Nowadays, many people are disillusioned with traditional medicine, which is slowly killing us with harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, it is not always able to cure the disease. Therefore, many people have a desire to learn about alternative methods of treatment, which our ancestors knew very well. First of all, these are, of course, various prayers and conspiracies for diseases.

If you do not trust traditional treatment, then you should try using the conspiracies that we will talk about in this article.

1. The effectiveness of such treatment will be much higher if you believe in it.

  1. You cannot use the power of conspiracies for your own material gain. You must have a pure soul and good intentions.
  2. There is a possibility of taking on the negative energy of the disease. This is especially true for severe karmic illnesses that the patient provoked through his behavior. In such cases it is necessary energy protection. But it is better to have a professional in this field do this. After all, if you are dealing with damage or a curse, the consequences for you can be very negative.
  3. Do not forget that it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Read conspiracies for the health of your loved ones more often, and illnesses will bypass you.

7 spells for healing from diseases

For a shirt

Take the unwashed shirt of a person who is sick. Take her to a deserted place, into nature. There shouldn't be any strangers there. Read the words of the spell over the patient’s thing and burn it. You don't have to wait until it burns completely. When you leave, you can't look back. You must remain silent all day - this is a mandatory condition of the ritual. The ritual is performed on any day except Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Early in the morning on odd days, go to a flowing pond. Before this, you should not comb your hair, eat food, or talk. Near the water you need to cross yourself three times and say loudly:

Quick recovery on the waning moon

The ritual is performed at night during the waning moon. Looking at the moon, you need to say:

For women's diseases

It will definitely help you with any problems if you do everything according to the rules. At sunrise, you need to take half a liter of clean water, lower a silver cross into the water and leave it on the windowsill until tomorrow morning. At dawn the next day, tie a new scarf around your head, cross yourself three times and pull the cross out of the water. Holding a container of water in your hands, read the “Our Father” three times, then the words of the prayer to Saint Panteleimon. Now let's move on to the plot:

It must be read 6 times, put the water aside and cross yourself three times. Spray water on yourself from top to bottom. Drink the remaining water one day, three sips at a time.

For skin diseases

Buy a red cloth and rub it on the damaged skin 12 times every evening. At the same time, read the following conspiracy against diseases:

On the thirteenth day, when the moon is waning, go to the cemetery where people are no longer buried. When entering you need to say loudly:

Throw away the cloth you used to rub your skin with your right hand. Leave the cemetery, don't look back, don't talk to anyone. When you get home, wash your hands. After that you can talk.

For childhood diseases

The cause of frequent illnesses in children is reduced immunity and weakened protection on the subtle planes. This ritual will help strengthen the child’s magical protection. You need to pour clean water into a transparent container and lower the silver cross there for one day. A day later, take a container of water with both hands, stand in the center of an empty room and read the text:

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Specialist in village magic. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Diseases are the cause of discomfort in a person’s life. Mild ailments quickly pass without leaving consequences, but severe ones can cause serious complications and transform into a chronic form, depleting a person physically and mentally. If treatment with traditional methods does not lead to recovery, use the power of prayer and magic, so that the disease will disappear under the influence of higher powers. Remember that it is much easier to prevent all illnesses than to waste time, effort and money on its treatment. The spell for health effectively and for a long time supports vitality Yours and loved ones.

Rituals for pain - features and types

IN modern world According to statistics, many diseases are becoming younger, the number of patients with a variety of diagnoses is increasing. Growing pharmacy chains, increasing assortment medicines, many years of medical knowledge do not reduce the popularity and demand for pain conspiracies. The secret of success is sincere faith in a complete and speedy recovery, because the spiritual powers of the body, which are activated under the influence of a magical ritual, are limitless and, at times, are stronger than medications and traditional procedures.

Several features of pain conspiracies:

  • used to treat the illness of one’s own and a family member or loved one;
  • if there are no special recommendations, a spell for pain must be pronounced on the waning moon, it is during this period that every word of prayer, every ritual is endowed with special power;
  • if the ritual is performed in a different lunar phase, it should be repeated at the most appropriate time.

What are the conspiracies that relieve pain and illnesses?

  1. To eliminate any disease. These are universal rituals; they can be performed for any pain and pathology.
  2. Protection from disease. Such a ritual is preventive in nature - it is a shield that protects the body from pain and dangerous consequences.
  3. Rituals for specific ailments. There are a huge number of magical rituals, the effect of which is aimed at treating a certain type of pain.
  4. Ritual for a child's illness. Children's rituals are placed in a separate category, since the baby is not able to perform it on his own. In this case, the necessary actions are performed by the mother or grandmother.

Protection from pain and illness

The following prayer will help create reliable protection:

“Our Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, protect and preserve the servant of God (the servant of God) “name.” Restore her (him) health and strength, beg Christ for recovery. Amen."

The optimal time to read the prayer is before dawn. The ritual helps to cope with one’s own illness and the illness of a loved one and child.

Universal rituals

Ritual with the clothes of the sick

You will need the patient's T-shirt, in which he slept at least one night. It needs to be taken to the forest or park. You need to read the prayer when there is no one nearby. The item is then burned. As soon as the shirt is completely on fire, leave without looking back. Try not to talk for a whole day. It is strictly forbidden to perform the ritual on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Words of prayer:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ walks on the sinful earth, heals people, and raises them from the grave. Lord, raise me too, your servant (your servant) “name”, deliver from pain, turn me away from death and return to me the strength of life, prolong the earthly life of your servant (thy servant) name. Amen."

Conspiracy for all pains

The pain appears suddenly and can disrupt the measured rhythm of life. The ritual effectively and quickly relieves discomfort in the heart, back, joints, throat, legs, stomach, and women's ailments. A prayer said at dawn gains maximum power.

“Our Jesus Christ, bless and protect! You are the creator of the earth's firmament, heaven and water, the creator of me - the servant of God (servant of God) “name”. Strengthen my body and spirit, deliver me from pain, illness, do not leave the bad things in my heart, in my bones and veins that were - let them pass without a trace. Amen!"

You must read the prayer seven times and repeat the ritual throughout the week. This ritual will help heal the child.

Rituals against female diseases

Universal conspiracy for women's health

To achieve a complete recovery, it is important to follow all recommendations and carry out the ceremony as accurately as possible.

Before dawn, fill a half-liter container with purified water and lower the cross made of silver. Leave the container on the window, and a day later, again at dawn, tie your head, cross yourself three times, pull out the cross and leave it on the window. Hold the container of water in your hands and read the prayers “Our Father” and Saint Panteleimon three times, then say:

“Women’s ailments, sink into the damp earth, hide in a deep hole, where you sleep, whistle, and play forever. And don’t come to God’s servant “name” either day or night, either seriously or in jest, leave forever. Amen!"

Repeat the words six times without letting go of the container of water, when finished, cross yourself three times, sprinkle the body with sick water, and drink the rest throughout the day. You need to drink three sips at regular intervals.

Ritual for infertility

The main purpose of a woman is motherhood, unfortunately, an obstacle to this is a common disease - infertility. The ritual, like others, must be carried out during the waning moon for a week. Success is largely determined by faith in the effectiveness of the ritual and strict adherence to its algorithm.

  • The ritual should be performed every day; breaks should not be taken.
  • The optimal time to read the prayer is just after midnight.
  • You need to light two candles purchased in the church and say three times:

“Just as our Most Pure Mother of God was strong in body and spirit and did not know women’s ailments, so I, the servant of God “name,” did not suffer from torment. May it always be so. Amen!"

At the end of the ceremony, the candles are blown out. On the last evening of the ritual, each candle burns out completely.

Spells for skin diseases

Universal spell for skin disease

For the ritual, you will need to purchase a red cloth, for example, a scarf, and for twelve days, while wiping the affected skin, say the words:

“Go the sickness beyond the gates, take the rash beyond the swamps, find your yard, your home, your throne. I remove the illness from myself, in a word I cleanse the body and blood, so that the body and blood are clean, white, and have no ailments. Amen!"

Then, on the last day of reading the plot, you need to go to the gates of the inactive cemetery in the afternoon, stand at the entrance and say the following:

“I came (came) to the city of the dead, where the dead are fast asleep, I remove the disease from my body, and send it to you in the ground. I’m giving away the illness, take it, put it in a coffin, hammer it with a nail, so that the body and blood are clean and white, and have no illnesses. Amen!"

Afterwards, you need to throw the cloth towards the cemetery with your right hand, leave without turning around, and remain silent along the way. At home, wash your hands with running water and only then can you talk.

Skin rash spell

The ritual will help those who suffer from rashes, including herpes. You need to do the following - run the index finger of your right hand over the foggy glass, and then over the affected area of ​​the skin, while you need to say the words:

“Clean and transparent glass found dryness for my illness, let it dry up, go into a tree and give me water. Amen!"

Say the words three times. Positive results appear after a few days.

Spells for the most common pains

Universal conspiracy

The ritual is effective against a wide variety of pain, concentrated in all parts of the body. With your right index finger, draw a circle around the sore area of ​​your body and say:

“I appeal to you (indicate the organ that hurts or part of the body), don’t feel pain, don’t get sick, don’t torment the servant of God (servant of God) “name”. As the Moon wanes in the sky, so does my illness recede. Amen!"

Say the words three times; if the situation does not improve within several days, repeat the ritual twice.

Conspiracies for illness from Stepanova N.I.
Conspiracy against illness when you feel unwell
How you can quickly help yourself when you are sick or unwell
If you are sick, exclude all meat from your diet. Give preference to fish, or even better, fish soup (fish broth). Grind in a bowl butter with honey, rub yourself with this mass, warm up in the bath.
See how quickly your strength will return.
* * *
Sleep restores health. Turn off the doorbell, telephone, close the curtains tightly. When you go to bed, say:
Angels, strengthen my health. Amen.
* * *
If you are sick and feel unwell, eat as little as possible, drink lingonberry infusion with honey and hot milk with foam more often. Twice a day - morning and evening - wipe yourself with a terry towel soaked in hot salt water. After this procedure, rub with a dry waffle towel.
* * *
If you have “aching bones”, you are sick or feel unwell, wrap your naked body in a goat’s shawl and when you go to bed, read the spell for illness:
Two-horned, take it from a two-legged one.
I, am, Abu, Ali, Ala.
The two-horned one took, the two-legged one gave.
This spell for illness also helps with colds.
* * *
water spell for illnesses
If your illness has dragged on for a long time, do this. Enter the river (if there is no river, you can go into a bath of water) and pour water over yourself from head to toe with the words of a conspiracy against illness:
The maternal waters have receded,
the mother's labor began.
I am from the water - and I came out of the water.
God gave me a soul and settled me on dry land.
I’ll go into the water and find relief.

* * *
This ritual for illness helps to conjure the disease and alleviate the painful condition.
During the ritual for illness, the sacrificial blood of a freshly killed chicken is taken.
They chop the chicken and place their left hand under the warm blood. Forty crosses are drawn on the naked body with this blood. For each drawn cross, the disease is charmed with the following spell:
You, bird, are dead, and I am alive.
Blood is on the cross, but health is in me.
After this ritual against illness, your health will improve with incredible force.
* * *
Another ritual for illness. If you suddenly notice that you are not walking like yourself, as if you have been replaced, put on your dress backwards, put your slippers on the wrong foot and do twelve circles around the room where you usually sleep, while whispering a spell against illness:
The illness came to the wrong house,
I found the wrong illness.
I'm confusing you, sickness, in circles, taking you out.
I’ll take you out, you sick one, with my feet.
Key, lock, tongue.

Conspiracy against illness resulting from damage
Early in the morning and after sunset, read the conspiracy against illness:
The slave is sick, does not sleep at night,
She knelt down and asked for deliverance.
You sick sick woman, get away from her threshold
Further on the road.
From whom the disease came, go to that person.
So that the guilty person cannot, does not eat,
I didn’t drink, I didn’t sleep.
Let the one responsible for the damage suffer the same,
The power of the word now and forever
To the servant of God (name) will lose. Amen.

Spell treatment for illness
If a person is terminally ill, then his illness can be traced to a dog. If they treat a man, then for a dog, if they treat a woman, then for a bitch. To treat with a plot for a declining month, take dog hair, burn it and read the following plot for illness over the fur:
From under the black stone I call upon the dark force,
A dark force, a sinful thing.
Melancholy, dryness, heart ache, death sickness
Remove from God's servant (name),
Send it to the dog.
Devil Satan, hooves, horns,
Help me, your servant,
Instead of God's servant (name), kill the dog,
Bury it, turn back the clock of your life. Amen.
After performing this ritual for illness, do not give anything away from home (no bread, no salt, no money - nothing at all).

Strong conspiracy against illness
If doctors refused to treat a person for an illness, predicting that he would imminent death, do not despair. Take his undershirt, without washing it, with sweat, with blood, with traces of illness, wipe the patient with it and take the shirt to a field or forest (whichever is closer). Try to ensure that no one is near you during the ceremony to prevent illness. In the forest or in the field, read over your shirt strong conspiracy from illness and set it on fire, but do not wait until it burns, but immediately leave without looking back. If you start talking to someone on the way home, then consider that the ritual against illness was performed in vain - nothing will work. In addition, remember that this ritual for illness is not performed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The words of the conspiracy against illness are:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord walked on the earth,
Helping people, raising people from their graves.
Raise up, Lord, Your servant (name)
From the sickbed, the deathbed,
From bodily torment, turn away from death,
Turn me to life through Your name, my deed,
Extend your servant (name) to the earthly age. Amen.

From a long illness
This conspiracy against illness is needed when nothing else helps. The patient must be raised, seated in pillows and a strong spell for illness read over him:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Holy Baptist, Ivan Postitel.
Spirit of Confession, Ivan the Long-Suffering,
Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious,
Ivan Bogoslov,
And with them the deliverer from all illnesses,
Panteleimon the Healer himself,
Praskovya Friday, Varvara the Great Martyr,
Pray for the sick one
In illness, a grieving slave (name).
Seventy-seven sorrows, seventy-seven pains,
One hundred and fifty ailments:
Sticky, painful, gnawing, back off!
Pump yourself out!
Give me some sleep, I'll calm down,
Good health to the servant of God (name).
Cause mother, you don't belong here,
You won't be in this body
Don't break white bones
Do not stir up red blood.
Holy Baptists, Helpers of God,
Kick out the reason,
Free slave (name) from illness.
Come out, perform, roll out like an apple,
Which Eve tore and took into her white hands.
Roll, little one, from the bones,
From the relics, the violent head, the zealous heart.
There is no place for you here, you will be cramped here.
Your place is in the swamp, in the bumps, in the deck,
Where living things do not live, there
Where not a single bush blooms.
Lord, I call upon You to servant (name)
Heal, heal,
Long life and good health.
My talented hour, my holy day,
God's blessing is with me,
With God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The reading healer must be at least 3 years older than the patient.

From a sudden illness
This conspiracy against illness should definitely be known to those who work on the street.
Anyone who knows this conspiracy against illness will be able to protect themselves from sudden illness.
I will stand, blessing the East, the eastern side.
I have the Holy Cross on me,
Jesus Christ is with me everywhere.
The sky is my castle, the earth is my keys,
And you, you sick-trouble, don’t knock on me.
I step on a stone - there is blood - the ore does not drip,
There is no pinching or pain anywhere in the body.
Angels ahead, angels behind.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For the same thing. The spell for illness is read like this:
On the ocean sea, on a rock, a church stands.
She is strong, she is strong, she is not sick,
Pain, ruts does not know.
So I, slave (name), would not be sick, pain, or ruts.
There is a stone mountain around me,
She protects me and keeps me away from illness.
Iron Tyn, Bogoroditsyn Castle.

Conspiracy against forty deadly diseases
This powerful conspiracy against illnesses helps even in cases where doctors have abandoned a person. They read the conspiracy against illnesses loudly, without stuttering and without being distracted by anything. The words of the conspiracy against diseases are as follows:
Heavenly angels, holy angels,
Take it and take it to the Lord God,
To Jesus Christ, all my words,
All my request.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
People get sick, people suffer, people die.
Who believed these diseases?
Who brought these diseases to people?
Get up, sick people, shake yourself,
Go and go to hell,
Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name),
So that his soul may rise,
And the body stopped hurting.
Bless, Lord, all my words,
All my healing works.
And what I missed
What I missed, the Lord will order
And the Angel will say all the words for me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against an unknown disease on water
This powerful spell against illness, which I will teach you, is read precisely in those cases when a person is clearly ill, but doctors cannot make a diagnosis. On the third day after Easter, take holy water and read this powerful spell against illness over it. Wash your face with the enchanted water three evenings in a row. The words of the conspiracy against illness are as follows:
God created the sky
God created the earth.
Create, Lord,
And health to the servant of God (name).
Like Jesus Christ on the third day
Risen to eternal life,
So that the servant of God (name)
Resurrected to health.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against a child's illness
Unfortunately, there are situations when you get sick infant, and doctors find it difficult to make a diagnosis. In this case, resort to the help of a conspiracy against illness. The plot for a child’s illness is read as follows:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Mother of God took the baby Christ in her arms,
She brought it to the Jordan River,
She opened the silk diapers,
She washed the holy body of the Infant God,
All the ailments, kicked out all the lessons,
She sent them to the river, to the water.
That way all my ailments would go away
They went to the water and from the water to Mother Earth.
Be all my words complete,
Faithful, quick-acting.
Which word was left unsaid,
Which word I retold,
Which are left unsaid
Stand up, all the words, in place, strengthened
By the Word of God, soon,
The Mother of God's order.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy against an unknown disease
If a person has been sick for a long time, and doctors cannot make a diagnosis, read this plot and the illness will go away. The healer must seat the patient on a stool facing east and, walking around him with a candle, read the conspiracy against illness:
I, (name of the healer), ask the Lord God,
I persuade the Mother of God to help.
I speak to the servant of God (name)
From twisted, from twisted,
Cardiac and transverse.
From twelve fireweeds,
From twelve shakes,
For rubella, prurigo, jaundice.
From pricking and aching.
From twitching and blinking.
From deafness, from blindness, from internal confusion,
Which I know, which I don’t know about.
How did all these ailments come to the servant of God (name),
They would have left her the same way.
My word is strong, stronger than damask steel,
I'll lay it down harder.
Not for a day, not for an hour,
And now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Another conspiracy against illness on water
If the disease cannot be treated by doctors, you need to try another sure remedy to treat the disease. On Wednesday, approach the river early in the morning, when there is no one else on the bank. Fill one container with water downstream and another with water against the current. Immediately pour the water into one container and say a spell against illness:
Mother River, give me some water for my health,
For ease, for all sorts of things.
Carry the water silently, without speaking or greeting anyone. Entering the house, pour this water on the patient; he should get better.

How to throw illness away
Far away ailments, far away pains.
You are all counted,
You are all counted.
The East does not accept you,
The West curses you
The south does not allow you to come to it.
The North will freeze you and throw you onto the ice floe.
Go away, my ailments and pains,
To the windy wind, to its strong hump.
He will take you. He'll pick you up.
Father, my wind, take my illnesses with you.
From bones, from relics, from clear eyes,
From the father-in-law's liver, from the zealous heart,
From elbows, from nails, from all body parts.
Carry my ailments, bodily pains to the very heavens,
For the dark forests.
My illnesses will live there, they will be there forever.
My word is strong
My work is sculpted.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
This conspiracy against illness is read only during very strong winds.

Transfer of disease to a tree
If you are sick, then you need to find an aspen tree that is so dry that it has two trunks growing from one root. Come, put a stick between the trunks and say a spell against illness:
Root, bark, branches, foliage.
How are you two dry trunks standing?
So take my misfortune upon yourself,
So that you can dry out in this place,
And from now on I won’t have to suffer or suffer.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for twelve diseases
This conspiracy helps in the treatment of many diseases, even chronic diseases. They read a conspiracy against an illness during an exacerbation or at the very beginning. To do this, close and open the curtains on the windows three times, then cross yourself and say a spell against illness:
Lord, bless, Lord, help.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
On the river under the splash, under the oak tree under the gravy,
The holy righteous Simeon sits,
Sits, reads the Gospel,
He puts down crosses and bows.
Looks: they are coming to him under the oak-gravy
Thirteen daughters of Herod.
The young women bow to him,
Damned devils, and they say:
- What kind of river is this?
What kind of oak gravy is this?
And why are you sitting here, holy elder,
Are you looking at us, thirteen devils?
Elder Simeon does not answer them,
The devil himself asks:
-Where are you, daughters of Herod, going?
And what are you, Herod’s children, talking about?
- And we are going to destroy the human race,
Dry, judge and harass,
Just like our father Herod once did
I wanted to kill the babies.
And again the holy righteous Simeon asks,
What is each devil's name?
And how to call each of them.
And they answer:
- Our names:
Maeta, Blindness, Deafness, Chubby,
Chilling, Yellowing, Lomeya, Kriveya,
Nelyubey, Aslabey, Tryasovitsa,
Ognevitsa and Besovitsa.
- Oh, you Herodian youths,
You shameless devils
Why do you need to go to people?
And what do you want to bring to them? And again they say:
- We are in such a hurry that our heels are burning,
We are going to torture people, to torment them,
Drink their blood.
I, Blinding, will bring blindness;
I, Deaf One, will bring deafness;
I, Yellowing, will make people gall;
I, Fire, will burn both inside and outside;
I, Chubby, will blow their womb apart,
I will lead a man to the tomb;
I, Fever, of all God's people
I'll freeze, I'll freeze,
I’ll send a chill down your skin and inside;
I, Lomeya, will break my head and bones,
People will suffer from my tricks;
I, Kriveya, will bring the crookedness,
Sveta white people I won't show you normally.
Tryasovitsa says:
- I will shake people
Until I can kill them.
- And I will cause dislike,
Evil and hatred will enter people's blood!
And the twelfth, Aslabea, swore to give weakness,
And the thirteenth, Besovitsa, vowed to take away her mind.
And Saint Simeon said these words:
- Strength has been given to me from the Lord Jesus Christ,
In my hands the cross is church beauty,
To the angels of the devil, to his servants,
Deliverance for Orthodox Christians -
And I will give to the sick servant of God (name)!
I invoke Michael the Archangel,
I trust in Archangel Gabriel,
For all four holy evangelists:
On Luke, Mark, Matthew
And to Saint John the Theologian.
King Immanuel suffered from seventy-seven ailments,
And he beat them with this prayer,
He drove Bela away from his body.
So that the servant of God (name) does not get sick,
He did not suffer from twelve ailments.
My words are strong, molded, unchanging,
Independent, unchanging.
The key to my words, the lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spool of red thread– with its help in white magic they get rid of diseases. To do this, tie the finger on your left hand with a red thread, saying the magic spell:
Although the thread is long,
But someday the reel will be empty,
So the illness will leave the servant of God (name). Amen.

How to cure a serious illness
If a person is bedridden for a long time, and doctors throw up their hands and say that they can only hope for a miracle, then try using the old method. Perhaps thanks to him the patient will get out of bed.
Under the black hen they put her own 13 eggs. When the thirteenth chicken hatches, it is given a nickname. When the chicken is exactly three months old, on the same day they take it to the cemetery and cut off its head there, saying:
Your blood (nickname) will wash away the pain,
Your blood (nickname) will be taken
God's servant (name) is ill.
How the head will fall from your neck,
So it is with the servant of God (name)
All illness will go away forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
As far as I know, this method absolutely always works, but if at least one of the chickens dies for some reason, then, naturally, nothing will work, since the sacrificial chicken must be the thirteenth in a row. It also happens that the thirteenth hatching is not a hen, but a cockerel; in this case, the ritual cannot be performed - it will be of no use.