A device to keep your back straight. Correct posture: how to keep your back straight? What to do to correct your posture

To find out how to learn to maintain correct posture, you should consider the reasons for the formation of pathological curvature of the back. Weakness and asymmetry of the muscle corset, curvature of the spine, and metabolic disorders are the most common factors leading to spinal deformity.

According to official statistics, about 95% of people have a certain degree of curvature of the spinal column. In this case, vertebral changes occur not only under the influence of strong physical activity or carrying heavy objects, but also due to a sedentary lifestyle. In modern conditions, learning to maintain posture is very important to prevent disturbances in the functionality of internal organs.

Causes of poor posture

Poor posture in children is a major factor in serious problems in the future. If they do not keep their back straight from an early age, over the years one can expect scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine), spondylosis (formation of bone adhesions between the vertebrae), and osteochondrosis (decrease in the height of the discs).

The main causes of back curvature in children:

  • Incorrect sitting position at a school desk or computer;
  • Carrying heavy backpacks on one shoulder;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Metabolic disorders (lack of vitamin D).

It should be noted that the natural purpose of man is to remain in natural environment. All body systems are prepared for this. In the modern image, the muscular aponeurosis of the trunk and the spinal column are “used” by a person to carry loads and lift heavy objects, although according to internal instincts it should be “used” for movement.

What conditions are unnatural for the spinal column:

  1. Prolonged flexion and extension;
  2. Staying in an upright position for a long time;
  3. Unnatural hunched posture;
  4. Excessive tension (when carrying heavy objects);
  5. Shifting the center of gravity of the body (for example, when walking in high heels);
  6. Excessive compression pressure (obesity).

Any of the above factors leads to asynchronous development of skeletal muscles, in which the body position shifts towards the maximum number of contracted muscle groups.

If this condition persists for a long time, curvature of the spinal column and compression of the segments occurs. To the pathological factors affecting the spinal column, one should add overweight, walking in high heels and other “achievements” of modern civilization.

The result of the pathology is natural - a crooked back, chronic diseases and atrophy of skeletal muscles at an early age.

When answering the question of how girls and men can learn to maintain their posture correctly, one should take into account not only the influence of pathological factors, but also individual characteristics person (metabolic nature, diet, rest and work regime).

With age, muscle tissue loses functionality, muscles become flabby, and gradually “dry out.” Without therapeutic exercises and daily exercises, it is difficult to learn to maintain correct posture after 50 years, since the body is not adapted to intense loads in this age interval.

To develop the right approaches to the development of the spine, you should consider some important advice from experts:

  • Constantly monitor the condition of your back and keep it straight (at home, at work, while standing and moving). Over time, correct posture will become the norm for you and will be automatically maintained by the body;
  • Walk frequently to improve blood circulation in the spine and prevent muscle spasms;
  • Do not wear shoes with heels larger than 4 cm. They disrupt stability and shift the center of gravity of the body from the lower extremities to the spine;
  • Sleep on a semi-firm mattress. For children, it is better to choose a rigid model. Sagging beds and feather beds interfere with maintaining posture and lead to excessive muscle relaxation and “sagging” of the spine;
  • Enclose Stuffed Toys and cushions for the lower back and head. Sleep more on your right side;
  • When sitting at a table, maintain a vertical back position and choose a chair with a hard seat. Use armrests to prevent shoulder girdle displacement;
  • IN sitting position The person's legs should be at right angles. They should not hang freely or “cling” to the legs. Do not place one leg on top of the other - this position displaces the pelvic structures;
  • When working at a computer, you should develop the correct posture and not strain your back muscles;

  • Do not sit or stand in one position for more than 30 minutes. When you feel that your back is tired and stiff, perform several side bends;
  • To relax tense back muscles, bend to the sides. If possible, it is advisable to swim breaststroke several times a week;
  • Do not lift objects weighing more than 5 kg. When carrying heavy bags, you should distribute the weight evenly between both hands. After performing exercises to stretch the spine, you need to walk on all fours. At the same time, while moving, raise your legs above body level. Rest for 15 minutes in this position;
  • Carrying out physical exercise, do not make jerky movements. You should lift weights with your knees bent and your back straight. Remember that she experiences maximum stress when lifting heavy objects when she is in a bent position;
  • When cleaning your apartment, use a vacuum cleaner and a mop with a long handle. They will help you not strain your back. When doing work in the garden, you should use tools with long handles;
  • Position your makeup mirror so that it is easy to reach. This will eliminate muscle tension, which often strains when performing sudden jerking movements;
  • Include in your diet a large number of foods that are good for bones with calcium and B vitamins.
  • Taking crushed eggshells and fish oil will increase the content of calcium and vitamin D in the body, which is necessary to strengthen the structure of bone tissue;
  • During a period of rapid growth, children need to include in their diet more boiled legs, jelly, jelly and other products that will contribute to the optimal formation of cartilage tissue.

Thus, it is not enough to learn the principles of how to develop correct posture. To many rehabilitation centers To do this, you have to teach an adult to keep his back straight, walk, sit and even lie down. Without these physiological foundations, it is impossible to eliminate defective conditions in the spine and back.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor your diet and exercise regularly. This is the only way to get a “royal back” that will have an optimal effect on your health. If a person has decided or “life has forced him” to learn to keep his back straight, he will have to prepare for long-term and constant physical exercise.

Correct posture is, first of all, the health of the whole body. With stooping and curvature of the spine, compression of the organs located in the chest occurs. This leads to the fact that the heart begins to work worse, and the lungs cannot expand normally for a full breath. If a person has not been accustomed to walking with royal posture since childhood, it’s time to correct the situation and straighten his back. We will talk further about how to maintain correct posture and what exercises will help strengthen the back muscles.

When standing in one position for a long time, the main load falls on the lumbar region of the back. In order to reduce tension and prevent the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lower back, you need to stand straight, straighten your back and put your legs in the correct position. It must be said that the position of the body is considered correct in each individual case.

How to stand and walk

You should stand on the entire surface of your feet, straighten your knees and pull in your stomach, tensing your abdominal muscles. The shoulders should be slightly pulled back by straightening the spine. Do not squeeze your shoulder blades with spasmed muscles. In this position, a person gets tired quickly, but this position is the most optimal. You need to look straight ahead with your chin slightly extended forward.

Important! High-heeled shoes force the body into an incorrect angle to maintain balance. Therefore, you should not get carried away with dress shoes or boots if you plan to stay in an upright position for a long time. Every girl should remember this rule.

Correct sitting

To make it comfortable to work or read at the table, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the height and width of the workplace. Thus, the ideal distance from the tabletop to the eyes is approximately 30 cm. At the same time, the width of the table should be at least 50 cm so that a person has space to distribute all the office supplies without cluttering the area directly in front of him.

It is desirable that the height of the chair be such that the feet are completely on the floor, and the knees are located slightly above the level of the buttocks. A high back with support in the lumbar region is another important criterion for correct posture and comfortable work at the desk. In this position, less stress will be placed on the back muscles.

Attention! While working, you should not cross your legs and do not place your limbs under the seat of the chair. In this position, blood circulation worsens, which over time leads to impaired blood flow and the development of varicose veins.

A straight back when working with a computer

When working with documents in digital format, recommendations regarding the choice of workplace remain the same as in previous paragraph. But it is worth paying attention to the location of the monitor and keyboard of the computer. Thus, the monitor on the desktop should be positioned in such a way that the user does not have to lift his head and crane his neck, wanting to read all the necessary information on the screen. The ideal option is to be located directly at eye level or slightly lower. Thanks to this, the load on the spine in the cervical region will be reduced. And for vision, this arrangement will be as comfortable as possible.

When it comes to the keyboard, your hands should not be left unsupported all the time. A chair with armrests to rest your elbow and enough space on the table to place your hands is an important factor for proper computer work.

Get a good night's sleep with a straight back

For a complete and comfortable rest, correct body position is a necessary nuance. And if a person has not yet abandoned beds with spring armored nets, then this should be done immediately. The best choice– high-quality orthopedic mattresses, providing firm but at the same time balanced support to all parts of the body.

You should try to sleep on your stomach as little as possible. In this position, strong compression of the vertebrae in the cervical region occurs. Very high pillows also have the same effect. In order to achieve a natural curve of the spine, experts recommend sleeping on your side with your knees slightly bent. Lying on your back is also suitable. Before going to bed, you should place a small bolster or pillow under your lower back to completely relieve the load on your spine.

Exercises for correct posture

A set of simple exercises to strengthen your back muscles will help you form correct posture and at the same time relieve stress on your spine while sitting at the computer for long periods of time. You can perform these exercises at any convenient time. You need to do them like this:

  1. Lower your head and press your chin to your chest. Remaining in this position, try to connect the shoulder blades. This will help relieve spasm from the tight muscles of the cervical spine.
  2. To develop the muscles of the shoulder region, you should take a standing position with your back well straightened. In this position, begin to make circular movements with your hands, imitating a mill.
  3. You need to stand up straight, lower your arms down and move your shoulders back a little. The chin should also be kept slightly down. A person should imagine that he is stretching the top of his head upward, as if growing towards the ceiling. The spine is stretched in this way for a minute.
  4. You should sit on the floor with your knees bent under you (buttocks on your heels). Straighten your back, place your hands on your knees, palms down. Try to hold your body in this position for 5 minutes. Repeat the exercise daily. After a few months, this position of the spine will become familiar to the person, and he will stop slouching.
  5. Every evening it is recommended to unload and stretch the spine by bending down and clasping your ankles with your palms. Staying in this position for a few seconds is enough.

How to learn to walk with a straight back always

In fact, learning to keep your back straight is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And these proven recommendations will help you with this:

  1. You need to keep your back straight, regardless of whether others are looking at you or not. More often you need to walk past mirrors and shop windows. Nothing helps straighten your back like a slouched reflection.
  2. You should increase the number of walks in comfortable shoes. Thanks to improved blood circulation, it is possible to relieve tension and spasm from tight spinal muscles.
  3. You should not wear high-heeled shoes. In order to maintain balance, women are forced to shift their center of gravity, additionally loading their backs.
  4. It is advisable to try not to walk with your head down and your eyes downcast. We need to remember the most happy moment from life, perk up and look at the world around us from the bottom up. The habit of walking with your head held high will help keep your back straight.
  5. Correct posture is five points of the body on one line. If you want to check how straight your posture is, you should stand against a wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels touch its surface. Uncomfortable? Of course, this position is unusual for tight muscles and curved vertebrae. But you still need to remember your feelings and try to occupy this position all the time.
  6. Don't be lazy walking around your apartment with a book on your head. In order to keep an impressive volume of essays on top of your head, you will need quite a bit of poise. This will be the correct posture that is needed.
  7. You need to pull in your stomach yourself or with the help of a trouser belt. By relaxing the abdominal muscles, people intuitively lower their shoulders and slouch. At the same time, tensing the abdominal muscles and drawing in the stomach, the person opens the chest and straightens the back.

In order to consolidate and maintain the results obtained, you need to train your back muscles regularly for six months. After this, the correct position of the body will become commonplace, and nothing will stop you from walking with a proud, royal posture.

Stop bending your back on the owner! Straighten up and work for him with a straight spine.

“Although good posture takes years to develop, there are also quick ways her adjustments,” the orthopedic doctor delighted us medical center"MedEthic" Andrey Zavorovsky. You don't need to go to the gym to apply these methods: they work great in the office.


First, understand that the cause of a bent back is in your head. “The main guarantee of a slender posture is the correct position of the head and neck,” Andrey assures. By constantly lowering your gaze and, like a young fighter, hanging your head, you provoke slouching. Get into the habit of looking at treetops or second-floor windows while walking. This will teach you to keep your chin higher than usual (although it may lead to you being thrown into an open sewer).

To understand what ideal you need to strive for, stand against a wall and lean against it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and calves. Stay in this stupid position for a few minutes so that your muscles remember it well. When your colleagues, in front of whom you did this, laugh, you, without changing your body position, separate yourself from the wall, imagining that it is stuck to your back. Walk around a little with a phantom wall behind your shoulders. In the future, whenever you refresh your mind on the sensations you have received, your body will reflexively assume correct posture.

A conceivable thing

You can do mental exercises while sitting. Imagine that there is a book on your head (the title and author do not matter, although it is desirable that it be Aristotle’s “Poetics”). “An imaginary load, no worse than a real one, will supply nerve impulses to the anterior rectus capitis muscle, which is responsible for the correct position of the neck,” Andrey explains the principle of operation.

Adopt army bearing. Imagine that any minute now the boss will enter the office and present you with an award. Hold your chest as if they were just now hanging a medal on it “For efforts before the Fatherland.” While straightening your shoulders, at the same time imagine that your shoulder blades are glued together with a strip of plaster (and not with tape, as in reality it is).

Substantive conversation

Make inanimate objects help you maintain correct posture. Raise your monitor as high as possible on your desk. This will make your head stop drooping.

But on the contrary, lower the seat of the chair down so that your knees are at the same level (or even higher) with your hips. “When the knees are below the hip line, they pull the whole body forward, and this quickly tires the back muscles,” says Andrey.

If there is any mirror in the office, look into it every time you pass by. Nothing makes you straighten your shoulders like the sight of your stooped reflection.

Cruel, but effective method posture correction - a tightened trouser belt (if it is not customary in your office to take it away at the entrance along with the laces). “Posture is maintained not only by the muscles of the back, but also by the abdominal muscles. Sticking out our stomachs, we “deflate”: our shoulders drop, our backs hunch,” Andrei launches into explanations. A tight belt forces you to keep your stomach pulled in, which also affects your posture.

Beautiful figure? In general, this is true, but there is something without which all of the above is unlikely to help you attract the admiring glances of others - correct posture and a straight back. Without it, you will look a little angular, even if you are otherwise perfect! Do you have correct posture? How to acquire correct posture and not go a day without it?

How to acquire correct and graceful posture?

Correct posture in combination with a graceful gait always makes any woman stand out from the crowd. Most of us slouch under the load of problems, and rarely remember that we need to keep our backs straight, sucking in our treacherously sagging tummy.

Poor posture is not only a visually unsightly back, but also harmful to your health. Pain between the shoulder blades, in the neck and lower back is a pattern of constant stooping. Therefore, it’s time to straighten your shoulders and learn to maintain correct posture in all situations.

How is posture formed?

Correct posture is supported by many muscles - from the neck to the muscles in the legs. If you now straighten your shoulders, straighten up and sit like this for a few minutes, you will feel how the muscles in your neck, along the spine and even in your lower back ache, and your body will again want to return to its usual position. Why is it so difficult to keep your back straight?

The following are guilty of poor posture:

Special design of the spine,
the action of gravity,
insufficiently trained muscles in the cervical region, abdominal area and broad muscles in the back,
head heavy relative to the body.

If the structure of the spine were a monolithic structure, there would be no problems with posture in principle - the head would be in an even position, the shoulders would be straightened, but we would not be able to walk normally. Due to the flexible design, the spine springs when walking, we can bend forward and to the sides, and turn the body.

But if the back muscles are not trained, the spine begins to bend more than necessary - the back slouches, the stomach protrudes, the chest sags, the shoulders move forward. So much for poor posture and back pain!

How to check your posture

If you're unsure whether your posture is correct, it's easy enough to check. Lean your back against the wall. With correct posture, the body should touch the wall:

The back of my head
shoulder blades,

Otherwise, your posture is impaired and requires correction. Straighten your shoulders, try to touch all these points to the wall, and feel your problem areas in your posture with your muscles. Now take a step away from the wall, walk around the apartment and remember the position of your body. Believe me, at first you will not be able to walk for so long, constantly without controlling yourself, your muscles will treacherously pull you into their usual position.

How to correct your posture?

train your muscles

There are various sets of exercises to correct posture; they are aimed at strengthening the cervical, spinal (especially paravertebral) muscles and the abdominal area. This will help reduce the risk of postural disorders or correct existing ones.

correct your posture

The second reason for poor posture is force of habit. Even with a well-trained back and neck, you find a comfortable and familiar position. It is necessary to systematically form new habits - walking with a straight back and straightened shoulders. And believe me, any breast with beautiful posture looks very impressive!

Buy and wear a posture corrector. Due to its design and dense back part, it simply does not allow the back to bend, while pulling the shoulders back.

At first, wearing a posture corrector is difficult - your muscles ache, your back is uncomfortable, the straps get in the way and put pressure on your shoulders. But as you get used to the corrector, your muscles are fixed in the correct position. You can gradually refuse the corrector - the body is already accustomed to maintaining posture.

How to develop a beautiful gait

carry weight on your head

The “grandmother’s” method is carrying a book on your head: without maintaining an even posture and straightening your shoulders, it is impossible to hold a book. If you also want to have fun, replace the book with a plate of water; it should be held in the same way, placed on your head, with your back completely straight and your shoulders straightened. You can keep your balance with your hands.

walk like a supermodel or an acrobat

Imagine yourself as a supermodel walking down the catwalk, they don’t hunch over or stick out their bellies, they walk absolutely straight, head raised proudly, with a hip-humping gait. You can imagine that you are walking along a tightrope, and under it there is an abyss - it is not easy for a stooped person to walk along it without losing balance. In addition, this exercise teaches a woman to walk in small steps, graceful and graceful.

suck in your stomach

To remember to suck in your stomach, imagine yourself being squeezed between your back and stomach by shelves or bags.

watch your head position

Always make sure to keep your head up. But there is no need to lift your chin high: the guideline for the correct position of the head is the location of the earlobes directly above the straightened shoulders.

don't carry heavy things

Forget about carrying heavy bags, they pull your shoulders forward and disrupt your balance, and carrying heavy objects in itself has an adverse effect on your back. A woman is supposed to carry no more than 2-3 kg of weight in each hand.

All these simple rules will allow you to look more beautiful, acquire beautiful and correct posture and always feel at your best.

Although improving your posture can be difficult, good posture helps you look good and be in good physical shape. If you noticeably slouch, take steps to improve your posture at any time, from walking to sleeping at night. This will require some effort and time. Remember to maintain good posture and engage in exercises that will help you strengthen the related muscles.


How to improve your posture when standing or walking

    Stand up straight to achieve proper posture. Keep your chin parallel to the floor, straighten your shoulders and draw in your stomach. Place your arms loosely at the sides of your body.

  1. Use a wall to develop correct posture. Stand up and lean your back against a door or wall. Just touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulders and buttocks. In this case, your heels should be 5–10 centimeters away from the wall. Place your hands behind your back and determine the distance to the wall.

    • Your palms should barely fit between the wall and your lower back. If there is more distance between your back and the wall and your palms move freely, pull your stomach towards your back to slightly straighten your spine.
    • If you are unable to get your palms through, arch your back slightly to allow them to pass through.
    • Try to maintain this position as you move away from the wall. If necessary, stand against the wall again and check your posture.
  2. Have someone put an “X” of tape on your back. To make it easier to maintain correct posture, attach two strips of adhesive tape in the shape of an “X” to your back from your shoulders to your pelvis. Additionally, apply another strip horizontally between the shoulders. Wear duct tape throughout the day to help keep your back straight.

    • Before attaching the adhesive tape, take proper posture and straighten your shoulders.
    • Use tape specifically designed for skin, such as medical duct tape.
    • Instead of duct tape, you can use a posture corrector.
  3. Keep the bulk of your body weight on the balls of your feet. If you lean on your heels, you involuntarily slouch. To stay upright, shift your body weight slightly forward.

    • After this, lean back a little and transfer your weight to your heels. Notice how you slouch as you do this.
  4. Walk as if you were holding a book on your head. Imagine that there is a book on your head: this will help you lift your head and straighten your back. If you have trouble imagining this, take a real book and hold it on your head for a few minutes.

    • Continue to maintain correct posture as you move. When walking, simply maintain the same posture that you assumed when you stood still. Keep your head straight, shoulders straight, chest straight, and look straight ahead.
    • Don't lean your head forward.
  5. Choose comfortable orthopedic shoes. To stay upright, wear shoes with extra support. In addition, make sure that the shoes have arch supports. Good posture starts with your feet.

    • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes as they can ruin your posture.
    • If you have to stand for a long time, place something on the floor to make you more comfortable.
  6. Strengthen the corresponding muscles with strength exercises. The muscles of the upper back and shoulders help maintain correct posture. Try the following strength exercises (with or without dumbbells):

    • Stand up straight. Extend both arms above you, palms up. Bend your arms and bring your palms to your shoulders. Try to reach your shoulder blades with your fingertips.
    • Perform the exercise 10 times for both hands, then another 10 times for each hand separately.
  7. To do this shoulder stretch, pretend you are a penguin. While you're waiting for the web page to load or the toast to toast, place your elbows out to the side and your palms on your shoulders—these are “penguin wings.” Raise your elbows up for a count of one or two, then lower them again for a count of one or two. In this case, you should keep your head straight and your palms should remain on your shoulders.

    • Do as many exercises as you can while you wait. You'll be surprised how many stretches you can do in just 30 seconds.
  8. Perform stretching exercises for an aching neck and back. Tilt your head in all 4 directions (forward, back, right and left) and lightly massage your neck. Do not make circular movements as this may increase muscle strain.

    • For another exercise, place your hands and knees on the floor. Like a cat, arch your back upward, then arch in the other direction and lower your belly toward the floor.
    • Repeat the exercises several times a day. With their help, you can stretch your muscles in the morning and recover from sleep. Plus, these exercises will help you feel energized and energized throughout the day.