Skin care after chemical facial peeling. What should be proper facial skin care after peeling? When can you wash your face after peeling?

Any peeling procedure inevitably leads to trauma to the superficial structures of the epidermis, and some types also damage the deep layers of the dermis. That is why, in order to prevent the development of negative side effects, you should carefully follow the post-peeling recommendations of the cosmetologist, and also monitor the self-healing process, because this affects the final result and the beauty of the skin.

Another expected skin reaction to the procedure is erythema or redness of certain areas of the skin, which occurs against the background of excessive blood filling of the skin capillaries. The duration of skin redness, as well as its severity, depends on the depth of exposure, the chemical agent used, and the nature of the damage. At the same time, peeling of the skin and thinning of the epidermis are observed. This is usually normal after a chemical peel. Based on this, superficial peelings with fruit acids are considered the most optimal. In this case, microplate peeling occurs on the second or third day after the procedure and lasts no more than three days. Other types of peeling provoke large-plate peeling, which is observed within a week. Taken together, all this leads to dehydration of the dermis, in which the skin becomes dehydrated, dry, and strongly tightened.

Such a post-peeling reaction as darkening of the skin occurs after combined acid-enzyme peels (15-5% trichloroacetic acid in combination with papain), as well as in clients with IV-V skin phototypes.

If a specialist prescribes a medium or deep peel to a patient, you must immediately prepare yourself for the appearance of a burn after such a procedure. A thin, uniform film appears on the skin, which after some time becomes a crust. So, under no circumstances should this crust be removed; you should even exclude the possibility of accidentally removing it, otherwise the risk of scars and scars increases several times.

Care after peeling.
To reduce the severity of normal skin reactions, shorten the duration of the recovery period or to facilitate it, several basic rules should be followed.

The main thing is that post-peeling care should be aimed at intensively moisturizing the skin and restoring the epidermal barrier. These two conditions ensure normal regeneration and epithelization of the skin, reducing the risk of scar development. Components such as hyaluronic acid, pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid, alginates, amino acids, hydrogels, urea, sodium and calcium ions, as well as proteins and their hydrolysates have excellent moisturizing properties.

Products for restoring the epidermal barrier make it possible to reduce transepidermal water loss (TEL), reducing skin sensitivity. As a result, it is desirable that skin care cosmetics contain shea butter, omega-6 fatty acids, ceramides, phospholipids, wax, primrose oil, black currant oil, grape seed and other natural ingredients. It is also desirable that they contain panthenol, bisabolol, placenta, and retinol, since they stimulate cell regeneration, thereby accelerating wound healing processes after various types of exfoliation procedures.

You can wash your face only twelve hours after the procedure. In this case, it is necessary to use clean, non-chlorinated boiled water. Do not wipe the skin, remove moisture with light blotting movements of the towel, and then apply the gel. Immediately in the first days after the procedure, it is recommended to use special products in the form of a gel or foam. Such products are easy to apply, are also absorbed, do not require rubbing, and after three to five days you can, just at the moment peeling begins, use creams specially designed for post-peeling care. It is better that such products include antioxidants (tocopherol, selenium, ubiquinone and other bioflavonoids) and have moisturizing, protective and anti-inflammatory properties.

The specialist selects products for skin restoration, especially after deep and medium peelings, the duration of use, as well as the intensity of their use, individually in each case, based on the condition and characteristics of the patient’s skin.

In the first days after the procedure, the skin requires gentle care, which implies a complete rejection of decorative cosmetics and the use of scrubs, the latter irritating and injuring already damaged skin. In addition, it is advisable to try not to touch your face during this period. It is also not recommended to use basic skin care products, especially after chemical peeling. So, day and night creams for the face and eyes are allowed to be used no earlier than three to five days after the procedure. After gentle cleansing (which can be done a week after the procedure), the skin should be toned, for which it is better to use alcohol-free toners in the form of sprayers.

After the procedure, you cannot use homemade face masks on your own initiative. If necessary, the cosmetologist will give the necessary recommendations regarding their use.

It is worth noting that during the first three months after peeling, it is imperative to use cosmetics with a high and maximum sun protection factor, this will prevent the development of unwanted skin pigmentation. You should also avoid visiting the solarium, bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, and spend less time in the open sun.

For severe redness, itching, and swelling, the cosmetologist may prescribe Sikaderm cream once a day in the morning or Keladerm two to three times a day.

The procedure can be repeated no earlier than ten to twenty days later.

Features of care after deep peeling.
A radical method for eliminating cosmetic defects on the face is phenol peeling. As a result of the procedure, a burn occurs, which is characterized by severe pain, requiring the mandatory use of painkillers. It is worth noting that the observed burn as a result of the procedure increases the risk of infection, so in this case antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

When carrying out phenol peeling, as well as peeling with trichloroacetic acid, aggressive chemical agents are used, against the background of which, after the procedure, any contact of damaged skin with water is prohibited for two days. The same applies to recommendations after the Jessner peel.

In this case, protection from ultraviolet radiation is strengthened; after phenol peeling, you should use protective products with a sun protection factor of fifty (SPF 50) throughout your life, and after TCA peeling - for the first six months.

How to prevent complications and how to deal with them if they occur?
The most common negative consequences of the procedure are scars, acne and herpes in the acute stage, and areas of hyperpigmentation.

Before peeling, you should know that if you experience herpes rashes at least twice a year, then it is important to take preventive measures aimed at preventing complications from the procedure. Therefore, both before and after peeling, it is necessary to take anti-herpetic medications. If the preparatory stage was skipped for some reason, then pulse therapy should be performed after the procedure.

To prevent exacerbation of acne after peeling, you should use cosmetics that have a sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. When acne appears, it is recommended to use products that contain zinc, as well as local preparations with antibacterial properties. As a rule, a complication in the form of acne is observed after mechanical facial cleansing.

Pigmentation after a peeling procedure is a fairly common complication. In most cases, it occurs after laser peeling and TCA peeling. As a preventive measure for complications, it is recommended to use products with retinoic and kojic acid a few days before the procedure, and immediately after it acetylcysteine ​​(regular ACC) and strong antioxidants (vitamin E, C, selenium, etc.) will help.

The essence of any peeling is that there is an external effect on the keratinized cells of the epidermis. The top layer of skin is removed, due to which regeneration processes begin to take place more intensively, as a result of which collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced. In this way, not only imperfections on the skin are eliminated, but also its rejuvenation occurs.

Chemical peeling and its types

Chemical peeling is nothing more than applying a compound of acids of various origins to the skin, as a result of which the upper layer of the epidermis receives a mild chemical burn.

But you should not take this literally and refuse to carry out the procedure. To a certain extent, this burn is even useful, since it can smooth out wrinkles and increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. And if this procedure is carried out by a certified specialist in a cosmetology salon, you should not fear for your health.

Chemical peeling can be carried out only after consulting a specialist, who will determine:

  • required number of sessions;
  • chemicals and their percentages that will be applied;
  • the type of chemical peel you need.

There are three types of chemical peeling – superficial, medium and deep. Each of them should be discussed in more detail.

Superficial peeling

Can be done like this:

  • a way to cleanse young skin from pimples and acne;
  • preparatory stage for medium or deep cleansing for more mature/problem skin.

This type of chemical cleaning can be done much more frequently than others. If this procedure is regular, then the pores can naturally narrow, which in the future will relieve owners of oily skin from excessive sebaceous secretions, acne, inflammation, and blackheads.

Medium chemical peel

If during superficial peeling there is no burn as such, and the patient only feels a slight tingling and tightening, then medium peeling is accompanied by a slight burn. However, the result is much more effective:

  • wrinkles are reduced, and small ones may disappear completely;
  • scars lighten;
  • Stretch marks (striae) disappear.

In this case, the basement membrane of the skin remains intact, and therefore healing occurs faster. Redness and peeling are observed only in the first days, but with proper care they will disappear in the near future. Recovery time at home is from 7 to 10 days.

Deep peeling

This type of peeling is carried out under local anesthesia in a hospital setting, and recovery after it should take place under the supervision of a doctor. The fact is that in this case, how damage occurs to the same basal membrane skin, therefore deep chemical peeling is in some ways akin to plastic surgery. The procedure can remove deep wrinkles and scars, but the rehabilitation period in some cases can last up to 6 months.

What does your face look like after peeling?

After the stratum corneum is removed, a protective reaction is naturally observed on the face, which manifests itself in the form of:

  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • swelling.

Under no circumstances should you rip off pieces of dead skin, but trim the loose dry film with scissors.

In addition to external manifestations, you may experience other sensations:

  • burning;
  • tightness.

In some cases, facial expressions may even become difficult. This is fine. Remember that each person has an individual reaction to the procedure.

Chemical peeling: BEFORE and AFTER photos

Since we all know well that beauty requires sacrifice, you will have to be patient (the procedure may be a little painful) and remain calm during the post-peeling period. The skin is simply not able to heal instantly, so be patient until natural processes go through all the necessary phases. And you can speed it up somewhat if you study tips on restoring the skin after peeling.

Your first priority will be to restore the moisture balance and barrier layer of the skin. To do this, for the first two days after chemical peeling, use products with a light structure: water-based gels and foams. On the third day, you can take out serums and nourishing creams from your cosmetic bag.

Please note that they must contain antioxidants, restorative and moisturizing components. It is better to consult a doctor before applying it to your face after peeling (much depends on your skin type) to reduce itching and flaking.

Under no circumstances should you resort to traditional medicine or “grandmother’s recipes,” as plant components that are not processed in laboratories can cause skin infection!

The fact is that after the peeling procedure, the skin cannot “protect itself.” She is weakened, exhausted and dehydrated. The sun's rays can not only dry out the skin even more, but also provoke the appearance of age spots. Therefore, even in the cold season (and peeling should be carried out in autumn or winter; it is contraindicated in summer), do not forget to apply a cream with UV protection before going outside.

Try to avoid unnecessary touching of the skin. It’s better to forget about the usual washing gels for a while and buy some product with an “airy” structure and a sprayer that is immediately squeezed out in the form of foam, rather than which needs to be carefully rubbed into the skin so that it takes on a foamy form.

Do not use makeup removers! And then we smoothly move on to the fourth rule...

You don't need decorative cosmetics at all, since they contain dyes and even much more harmful enzymes that can aggravate inflammation and even cause infection. In addition, to wash it off, you will have to make a lot of effort, and this cannot be done.

Post-peeling cosmetics

For each case, the cosmetologist will select an individual set of post-peeling cosmetics, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and the reaction to the procedure.

However, to have a general idea of ​​the cosmetics that are used during the recovery period, you can familiarize yourself with the following list of essential skin care products:

  • sunscreen with at least SPF-20;
  • moisturizing gel with aloe vera extract;
  • water-based skin cleanser;
  • drying serum;
  • serum to soothe the skin, etc.

As a replacement for professional cosmetics, in some cases it is permissible to use pharmaceutical products such as Bepanten, products of the brands Aven, La Roche Posay, Bioderma. But before applying any product to your face, consult your doctor.

What should you not do after a chemical peel?

Since modern girls lead an active lifestyle, many are concerned about questions like: is it possible to play sports after peeling, go to the bathhouse, swim in the pool, etc.

You cannot go to the gym, swimming pool, baths and saunas, or perform any physical activity!

As a result of all these actions, the pores open and sweat and sebaceous glands are released. This environment is very favorable for the growth of microbial activity. And this is already fraught with adverse consequences in the form of inflammation - even infectious diseases.

Also, after a chemical peel you cannot:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eat hot and spicy foods;
  • apply makeup, apply powder and foundation;
  • wash your face even with water - on the first day;
  • touch your face with your hands;
  • use rough towels and rub your face with them.

The specialist you are going to see will definitely give you more detailed recommendations. Doing chemical peeling on people whose qualifications are questionable is dangerous! Also, do not try to carry out the procedure at home - this may result in hospitalization.

After damaging procedures - peeling or polishing - the skin becomes defenseless against the external environment for some time. And, of course, to be completely satisfied with the procedure performed, the skin needs to be properly restored, and also prevent the appearance of such undesirable consequences of peeling as pigmentation.

After removing the stratum corneum, a whole cascade of complex processes unfolds in the skin, contributing to the further restoration of the skin. Read about these skin reactions to damage in the article The faster the skin barrier is restored, the less skin damage will be caused by external aggressive factors.

For restoration and skin care after peeling necessary:

1. Prevent moisture loss and skin dehydration.

2. Provide sufficient skin protection from ultraviolet radiation.

3. Prevent skin damage from free radicals formed during regenerative processes.

4. Provide adequate skin protection from infection and mechanical damage.

Often to protect the skin from moisture loss and environmental factors after resurfacing, surgeons still offer time-tested Vaseline. However, Vaseline is not the best solution for the skin, since, by creating a film on its surface, it disrupts the skin's breathing and the removal of metabolic products. For this purpose, it would be better to create a semi-permeable film on the skin that will prevent access to microbes, conserve moisture and at the same time will not interfere with skin respiration. Preparations that meet these requirements - plant polysaccharides - aloe vera gel, algae, hyaluronic acid, chitosan, collagen. The moist film created by these drugs on the surface of the skin will facilitate the exchange of signaling molecules between cells, which enhances the skin healing process.

After stress, pigment formation processes are activated in the skin, the activity of pigment cells - melanocytes - increases. In this case, stress can be of any kind - not only peeling and grinding, but also simply an inflammatory process on the skin can cause the formation of age spots. Therefore, it is very important not only to provide high skin protection from ultraviolet radiation, but also to reduce the activity of skin pigment cells. For this purpose they use bleaching agents, containing active components that suppress melanin synthesis. These include kojic acid, arbutin, bearberry extract and others. In this case, the use of sunscreen with a filter of at least 50 is mandatory.

Antioxidants are used to protect tissues from free radical damage. Let me remind you that it is necessary to start taking them orally in the form of food additives or dietary supplements in advance before the expected skin damage - at least 2-3 weeks. At the same time, we must remember that in physiological concentrations, free radicals are even beneficial for the skin because they release many signaling molecules that stimulate skin healing processes. Since the goal of peeling and other skin-damaging procedures is to trigger a repair response from skin cells to damage and create new, youthful skin, There is no need to overload the skin with antioxidants in the early post-peeling period.

So, we take antioxidants orally during the period of preparing the skin for peeling - for about a month in the form of dietary supplements, and then in the form of cosmetics for skin care in the late recovery period, when our own antioxidant defense system has already exhausted its capabilities. The late recovery period is 2 weeks after peeling. We use products rich in bioflavonoids - extract of green tea, grape seeds, rosemary, pine bark and others. But it must be remembered that some plant extracts - for example, St. John's wort extract , - have a photosensitizing effect, that is, they increase pigmentation, so they are prohibited for use during the post-peeling period. Be careful about the products you use, look at their composition!

Skin restoration after aggressive procedures is a very complex and delicate process, sometimes completely unpredictable for a given person. When the skin is damaged, a whole cascade of responses is triggered and, of course, you want this process to end as quickly and safely as possible for the skin. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to use products that accelerate skin healing processes. These include retinoids- they stimulate cell division, some growth factors eg platelet-derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor, DNA fragments, bioactive peptides, caviar extract, cell extracts.

From the latest developments - application of carbon dioxide to accelerate skin healing after injury. Carbon dioxide is highly soluble in both water and lipids, so it perfectly passes through all skin barriers. In the deep layers of the skin, carbon dioxide increases acidity, which is a powerful stimulus for the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers and the intercellular substance of the dermis. Carbon dioxide also causes the skin's blood vessels to dilate and increases the flow of blood and oxygen needed for skin repair.

To help the skin recover, use and physiotherapeutic methods— low-intensity laser radiation, microcurrent therapy, phonophoresis. But all these methods can be used only after the epidermis has been restored, that is, in the late recovery period.

It will be useful to adjust the content of vitamins and microelements in the body - zinc, ascorbic acid, essential fatty acids - in the form multivitamin complexes for oral administration.

I think it now becomes clear why it is not always peeling can lead to real skin rejuvenation, and in some cases it can lead to various undesirable consequences. But do not despair - there are other methods that stimulate skin renewal, but do not have a damaging effect. We will talk about these methods in the next article.

Various peelings using acids refresh and rejuvenate the skin, eliminating imperfections. But they have a strong effect, so there is still a recovery stage before the effect is achieved. Care after chemical peeling plays a special role in it. If mistakes are made here, the result may be questionable.

Read in this article

The first days after peeling: what you will have to face

The procedure awakens the internal resources of the skin, but also produces external changes that cannot be called favorable. After all, peeling is essentially a burn of the epidermis or a deeper layer. Therefore, its first consequences are:

  • edema;
  • skin redness;
  • increased dryness and flaking;
  • sensation of itching and slight burning.

These signs appear to varying degrees after superficial, medium and deep exposure. The more traumatized the skin, the greater the irritation, redness and dehydration. And they are present longer. After peeling with fruit acids, the redness goes away within a couple of hours. And subsequent peeling of the skin lasts up to 2 - 3 days and is not severe.

The procedure with use makes the face red for up to 2 days. Skin renewal takes several days. Medium exposure or use of retinoic acid leads to redness for up to 5 days and peeling for up to a week or a little longer. With deep peeling, the dry film disappears within 14 - 20 days.

But you should not be afraid of these symptoms; they are absolutely normal. The right one will help you cope skin care after chemical peeling.

Serious complications after the procedure

After peeling, the skin remains very vulnerable for some time, susceptible to adverse external influences. This means that the risk of complications increases, including:

  • Persistent redness. This is a serious problem and may indicate an allergy (in rare cases) or an individual reaction to the acid. This is more likely to occur in patients with closely located skin vessels or a tendency to rosacea.
  • Allergy. Acid intolerance is rare, but skin care products can cause a problem. In these cases, the skin becomes covered with rashes and can be very itchy.
  • Skin hypopigmentation. If the exposure is excessive, many melanocytes die. This gives the face a spotty appearance that is difficult to correct.
  • Hyperpigmentation. Ultraviolet radiation is the cause of dark spots on the skin.
  • Exacerbation of acne. One of the reactions to peeling may be the activation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Herpes. It worsens or occurs for the first time due to a decrease in immunity characteristic of the post-peeling period. If you have had the virus before, it makes sense to take preventive measures before the procedure.

Facial care to prevent consequences

Care after chemical peeling for the face may vary depending on the intensity of exposure. It consists of several aspects:

  • using external products for cleansing and moisturizing;
  • influence on the skin from the inside;
  • eliminating unfavorable external factors;
  • prohibitions.

For information on the rules of facial skin care after chemical peeling, watch this video:

After superficial peeling

The lightest effects still require subsequent skin care. But immediately after the procedure, you cannot touch your face or apply any creams to it. Only after a few hours should you use a wound-healing pharmaceutical product. By this time the skin will be covered with a thin shiny film. It is better to take the product in the form of a spray to avoid any mechanical impact on it when applied by hand.

At this stage, when it's already behind chemical peeling of the face, post-procedure care may include washing with usual gels. One condition: they should not contain abrasive particles that injure the skin or alcohol. It's even better if your cleanser contains moisturizing ingredients.

After the hygiene procedure, you need to apply a wound-healing spray for 15 - 20 minutes, then blot the skin with a napkin. If you do this 3-4 times a day, recovery will go faster.

After 3 - 5 days you can use moisturizing cosmetics. The film on the face begins to come off, and such products will help the skin renew itself faster. You cannot try to speed up the process by tearing off the transparent crusts.

  • tanning in the solarium and on the beach;
  • visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool and swimming in open water;
  • intense sports activities;
  • applying decorative cosmetics to the face, using scrubs and other traumatic procedures.

To avoid exposing your skin to ultraviolet rays, you should use a protective cream for at least 2-3 weeks before leaving home.

After the median

This procedure already has a stronger effect on the skin. Therefore, care after a medium chemical peel should be even more thorough. For the first 2 - 4 days, you should not touch your face at all. In order not to injure the skin with intense facial expressions, for the same period or a little longer you need to switch to light and soft food. When a transparent or sometimes brown film is found on the skin, apply a wound-healing spray up to 8 times a day for 15 to 20 minutes.

From now on, you can wash your face using products with moisturizing ingredients. A regular gel will do, as long as it is non-greasy and alcohol-free.

The skin will begin to peel off intensely, sliding off in large patches. It is strictly forbidden to tear them off, but you can trim the loose film with scissors.

The use of wound healing cream is relevant for another 10 - 14 days, less often - 20 (this depends on the condition of the skin). You can also moisturize it from the inside. To do this, you need to drink a lot of water and take Omega-3. But you should avoid spicy, spicy, salty and too hot foods, as well as alcohol.

If the peeling ends after 10 days, you can take care of your face with the usual means: a soft “wash”, moisturizing day and night creams, serums.

The prohibitions are the same as for rehabilitation after a superficial procedure. But you need to stick to them for a month and a half, and don’t forget to protect your face from the sun with cream.

After deep

Facial care after deep chemical peeling more like rehabilitation after a burn. For the first 3 days after removing the mask, you should not wash your face or brush your teeth. At this time, the face is treated with an antiseptic. The patient takes painkillers and antibiotics.

When a more durable dry crust forms on the skin after 3-4 days, you can cleanse your face with a light foam that does not contain alcohol, acids and coarse particles. For 2 weeks, the main care product becomes a wound healing gel or spray. They use it several times a day, blotting the skin after 20 - 30 minutes.

All this time you cannot:

  • expose your face to the sun, frost and wind (it’s better not to go outside at all);
  • make active movements;
  • use decorative cosmetics and folk remedies (the latter can cause allergies);
  • picking, scratching, touching the face unnecessarily.

After 2 - 3 weeks, you can moisturize your face with regular products. Sunscreen becomes an important element of care. He should become a constant companion.

You should not expose your face to ultraviolet rays. Other prohibitions remain in place for another 2–3 months.

Care products

Home care after chemical peeling involves the use of several compositions:

  • Wound healing agents. These are sprays or creams “Bepanten”, “Panthenol”. Using them may be a little uncomfortable at first, but they help your skin renew itself faster.
  • Vascular agents. These are Lyoton or Arnica gels. Indicated to relieve redness and prevent the appearance of spider veins.
  • Hygiene products. These are soft gels and foams for washing, tonics for preparing the skin for applying cream. They should not contain alcohol and acids, as well as abrasive particles.
  • and day creams, caring serums. They should moisturize the skin well, that is, contain shea butter, shea butter, allantoin, betaine, collagen, and algae extracts.
  • Ultraviolet protecting cream. Needed regardless of the time of year, it must have a degree of protection of at least 30.

Masks after peeling: benefits of use

Masks after peeling can be made in a beauty salon/beauty salon or at home, using quite familiar food products and non-professional cosmetics. This facial skin care will be useful because:

  • regeneration processes at the cellular level will accelerate;
  • metabolism will become more complete;
  • the dermis will be supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

All this has a positive effect on the recovery process and shortens the rehabilitation period.

Is it possible to make a mask after peeling?

After peeling, you can make a mask only after 48 hours, and we are talking about home care, and not about soothing agents applied almost immediately after the procedure. If facial cleansing was acidic, but superficial, or was performed mechanically, then you can use the recommended products 24 hours after peeling.

It is strictly forbidden to apply masks from ordinary products or from the “professional cosmetics” series to damaged skin at elevated body temperature and the presence of general signs of incipient inflammation.

Masks after peeling at home

At home, it is worth using masks after peeling, which moisturize the skin as much as possible. All cosmetic oils have this property, so the first mask is a facial treatment with olive, peach, almond or grape seed oil. Experts recommend applying the product with a spray bottle - this way you will be able to fulfill the requirement regarding “untouchability” to the face in the first 2-3 days after the cleansing procedure.

Fermented milk products - sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt - also have excellent moisturizing properties. If you have a dry skin type, then you can take them of any oil content; if you have an oily skin type, you should limit yourself to 1% and add a small amount of oatmeal powder to the main product.

Masks after chemical peeling of the face

After chemical peeling of the face, the skin is literally burned, it is severely damaged and requires especially careful care - masks should be gentle, soothing and moisturizing at the same time. The optimal choice would be alginate, which:

  • moisturizes the dermis as much as possible;
  • accelerates the process of exfoliation of epidermal particles;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • soothes and cools the injured surface.

The product is prepared and applied according to the following algorithm:

  1. Combine the powder with the alginate mixture with still mineral water at room temperature. Mix thoroughly, the output should be a creamy mass.
  2. Apply the resulting product in a 1 cm layer to the surface of the face, spread with a spatula as evenly as possible and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Remove the mask using upward movements from the chin, but not jerkily, but slowly and smoothly.
  4. The skin is wiped with lotion without alcohol. If after 1 minute a feeling of tightness appears, then the face is lubricated with moisturizer.

The alginate mask can be used 48 hours after the cleansing procedure, the frequency of application is 1 time in 2 days. The general course is 10 manipulations, until the epidermis is completely restored.

Watch this video on how to use alginate masks at home:

Is it possible and when to wash your face after peeling?

After peeling, you should not wash your face; cosmetologists generally do not recommend touching your face with your hands in the first 2 days after such a procedure. This advice is “valid” only for deep chemical peeling; in all other cases, water procedures can be started 12 hours after the manipulation.

Washing should take place in the form of spraying the treated surface, since you cannot rub the skin with your hands. You need to wipe your face by blotting with a soft towel or textile napkin.

What to wash your face after peeling

After peeling, you can only wash your face with boiled water at room temperature (closer to cool). It is allowed to use cosmetic milks or creams marked “for sensitive skin”. As an additional
You can use acidified water to wash your face:

  • 250 ml warm water + 1 tablespoon vinegar;
  • 250 ml warm water + juice from half a lemon.

Instead of making your own acidified water, you can use lotions containing fruit acids.

Why wash your face with acidified water after peeling?

Doctors literally prescribe washing after peeling with acidified water because it:

  • promotes rapid exfoliation of epidermal particles;
  • has disinfecting properties;
  • prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

Together, this ensures a reduction in the recovery period and serves as a prevention of complications.

Watch this video about why it is important to acidify your skin:

Is it possible to go to a bathhouse or sauna after peeling?

After peeling, you cannot visit a bathhouse or sauna for this reason:

  • High air temperature and humidity are an ideal habitat for microbes, viruses, and pathogenic bacteria. After peeling, the skin is injured (even if it was a superficial cleansing), and it is not difficult for any microorganism to penetrate into the smallest wounds, and this is the cause of inflammatory processes.
  • Under the influence of steam, the epidermis softens, which makes the process of exfoliation of its particles longer. The recovery and healing period is delayed, and this is fraught with the formation of scars and age spots.
  • High air temperatures have a beneficial effect on blood circulation - they accelerate blood flow, dilate blood vessels, but after peeling this will be harmful. Injured skin no longer protects blood vessels; as a result, subcutaneous hematomas and severe bruising can form.
  • After the cleansing procedure, substances that were used by the cosmetologist remain in the upper layers of the epidermis. When exposed to hot air, they can become active. It is impossible to predict how the skin will react to additional aggressive influence; you should be wary of severe burns, extensive swelling, and the formation of wounds with subsequent formation of scars.

On what day after peeling does peeling begin?

Peeling after peeling begins on day 2-3 if the procedure was of a chemical medium or deep nature. The recovery period after a superficial, gentle peeling generally often proceeds without active peeling of the epidermis.

If the skin is oily, then the active separation of epidermal scales can begin only on the 5th day after the procedure, and with a dry type of skin, the same phenomenon is observed within a few hours.

Skin peeling after TCA peeling

How long does the skin peel after peeling?

After peeling, the skin peels off for at least 3 days; if a deep or medium superficial type of procedure was performed, then you can count on 5 days of active separation of epidermal scales.

Severe peeling is observed at the beginning of this process, then its intensity decreases and, with proper facial care, literally stops completely in 2-3 days.

How to remove peeling on your face after peeling

Peeling after peeling on the face can only be removed by using moisturizers, which include cosmetic oils. If chemical peeling has been carried out, you will need to irrigate the treated surface with almond or peach or olive oil 2-3 times a day. For more gentle cleansing procedures, it is possible to use moisturizing creams from a series of professional cosmetics.

Peeling off scales or trying to “wipe them off” with a towel is strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to do a scrub after peeling?

After peeling, scrubbing is strictly prohibited, at least until active peeling stops and the epidermis is restored. But 7-10 days after the cosmetic procedure, such manipulation will even be useful - it will be possible to get rid of the remnants of epidermal scales, clean the surface of dirt/dust, and improve blood circulation.

It is best to use gentle means for scrubbing:

  • sugar + cosmetic oil;
  • “drinking” ground coffee + warm water;
  • oat flakes, crushed into grits + sour cream/kefir.
Ground coffee face scrub

The components are taken in such proportions that the result is a non-liquid mass with undissolved abrasive particles. Since after peeling the skin is susceptible to irritation, manipulation is carried out carefully - there is no need to rub in the product, finger movements should be light and not sharp.

The frequency of scrubbing is 2 times a week.

Care after facial peeling at home

At home, facial care after peeling should be carried out exactly as recommended by doctors:

Type of peeling Features of care
Chemical peeling

In the first 48 hours, you should not wash your face, but you can use gels, foams and lotions with restorative and healing properties for treatment.

On day 5, active peeling of the epidermis begins - any moisturizing products should be used: creams, cosmetic oils, fermented milk products.

It is considered the most gentle, so skin care consists only of using sunscreen cosmetics for 15-20 days and using moisturizers during the same period.
Yellow (retinoic) peeling Involves the use of anti-inflammatory lotions and oil-based balms in the first 5 days. As soon as skin peeling begins, you will need to apply masks containing lactic acid to your face every day.
Superficial peeling Often there is no recovery period at all. Cosmetologists recommend periodically wiping your face with ice cubes only on the first day, and on days 2-3 start using moisturizers.

Skin damaged by cleaning can be quickly restored if you adhere to the following rules:

  • For the first 5 days, use soothing masks - these are cosmetic oils without additional components.
  • During the entire period of skin peeling, you need to use moisturizing creams, balms, and gels in your care.
  • At the end of recovery (when peeling has practically stopped, redness and swelling have disappeared), tonic masks based on fruit or berry puree with sour cream, oatmeal and honey will be useful.

Watch this video about what creams to use after yellow peeling to restore your skin:

How to remove redness after peeling

Redness after peeling is normal, and there is no need to relieve it with any special medications. The only thing cosmetologists recommend is to rinse your face with cool water and, after gentle procedures, wipe it with ice cubes.

If the redness of the skin does not become less intense within several days, then you need to seek help from a doctor - most likely, hyperemia is a sign of the onset of the development of the inflammatory process.

Is it possible to apply foundation after peeling?

Foundation can be applied to the face only after superficial peeling,
as gentle as possible. Firstly, such facial cleansing is not accompanied by increased peeling - the appearance will not be spoiled by a thick layer of cosmetics and hanging layers of skin.

Secondly, such products are distinguished by the presence of moisturizing components in their composition - only with superficial peeling they can be used already on the 2nd day. Thirdly, foundation will hide redness.

Chemical peeling, retinoic peel and any other medium or deep peels are a contraindication to the use of foundation in the first 7-10 days, although other decorative cosmetics are allowed for use (eye shadow, mascara, lipstick).

Red spots after peeling

The appearance of red spots after peeling is a normal consequence, which only means that the skin has been subjected to intense exposure (chemical or mechanical). They can be without clear boundaries or with a contour, have different shades, and itch. If this only bothers you on days 1-2, and then the severity of the spots decreases, then there is no reason to worry.

The persistence of redness for 3 and subsequent days is a sign of the development of inflammation or the introduction of an infectious agent into micro-wounds of the epidermis, which makes it necessary to consult a doctor and prescribe therapy.

You can quickly get rid of red spots only by following the rules of the rehabilitation period and periodically cooling your face with ice cubes and washing with cool water.

Is it possible to exercise after peeling?

After peeling, you can start playing sports only on days 3-5 and only if there are no complications. In the first days after the procedure, the body's immune system is reduced, blood vessels are thinned, and the skin can be damaged even by simply touching it with your hand.

Any heavy physical activity automatically increases blood pressure and increases blood flow. As a result, “unauthorized” hematomas, bruises and swelling may form on the face.

Moderate sports are not prohibited, but bending, jumping, and lifting weights should be excluded from the complex.

How to relieve swelling after peeling

Swelling after peeling is not considered a complication; they can only be removed with soothing, cooling agents, but you need to remember the following:

How many days after peeling can you wash your face with foam?

It will be possible to wash your face with foam and any other cosmetic products after peeling only after 3-5 days - this applies to the chemical type of procedure, in all other cases this can be done literally within a day. You need to pay attention to the composition of the foam, which should be free of fruit acids, abrasive particles and any ingredients that can cause allergies.

It is worth giving preference to those products that are designed to care for overly sensitive skin.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after facial peeling?

Basically, Doctors do not prohibit drinking alcohol after facial peeling, but they warn about possible consequences:

  • the appearance of red spots on the face;
  • rosacea, spider veins and spider veins in treated areas;
  • increased swelling and its persistence for several days;
  • prolongation of the recovery period.

About the main rules that will help you understand, how to care for your face after a chemical peel , you should ask your doctor. The specialist knows better the characteristics of the patient’s skin and can suggest, based on his experience, the optimal products. Proper care will not only prevent complications, but will also make the effect as noticeable as possible.

After peeling with acids, many clients of beauty salons expect to instantly see soft, velvety skin, freshness and a healthy glow, but in return they receive a red face and active peeling of the skin. How to properly care for your face after a chemical peel to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible? What should and should not be done during a difficult recovery period for the skin?

What happens to the skin after peeling

Chemical peeling is a serious stress for the skin. During the procedure, a concentrated chemical composition is applied to the face, which leads to extensive burns of soft tissue. The higher the concentration of the product used and the longer the time of its exposure to the skin, the stronger the burn and the more layers of the epidermis are damaged.

After peeling, the skin faces an important stage - recovery. Fibers damaged by chemical compounds die off, and new, resilient and elastic ones appear in their place. Outwardly, this does not look the most pleasant: the skin begins to actively peel off, peel off, as if you were sunburned. In addition, the face remains red and inflamed for some time.

In order for the post-peel rehabilitation process to proceed as smoothly as possible, without complications, cosmetologists recommend adhering to certain rules in skin care after chemical peeling and using special cosmetics. Only by fully complying with these requirements will you achieve maximum success and desired results.

Features of post-peeling care

After superficial cleansing

Superficial peels are considered the easiest for the skin; after them, the skin is quickly restored, and the risk of complications is minimal. Regular superficial cleansing can eliminate minor skin problems, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and other age-related imperfections.

Some procedures are used for medicinal purposes. For example, after salicylic peeling, problematic acne dries out, inflammatory processes inside the epidermis are reduced, which leads to a noticeable improvement in problematic skin type and a reduction in cases of acne in the future. But keep in mind that salicylic acid may not be suitable for those with dry and sensitive skin.

Before performing cleansing, be sure to consult a cosmetologist. His recommendations in choosing a procedure will allow you to correct existing imperfections on the face without worsening the situation.

Rehabilitation after superficial exfoliation lasts 7–10 days. Let's take a closer look at what processes happen to the skin after such peelings:

  • The first 24 hours after the procedure, the face is red, later a feeling of tightness appears, as if cling film was glued to the skin. This is a normal reaction to acid exposure. On days 1–2, avoid contact with water.
  • 2–3 days - active peeling of the skin appears. Starting from the second day, use wound-healing ointments (for example, Panthenol). It is necessary to apply the products 4-5 times a day to speed up the regeneration of the epidermis and alleviate its condition. Do not peel off loose films of skin; this can lead to wounds and, accordingly, there is a high risk of infection. As a rule, after such actions, scars remain that look unaesthetic. For washing, you can already use tonics and gels that do not contain abrasive particles.
  • Active peeling after superficial cleansing lasts 3–4 days. At this time, cosmetologists advise using special hypoallergenic cosmetics, devoid of chemical additives and fragrances that could harm the weakened fibers of the epidermis.
  • During the rehabilitation period, in addition to caring products, it is very important to use sunscreen cosmetics. Please note that the protective function of the skin after peelings is noticeably weakened, and the scorching rays of the sun can provoke skin pigmentation and even lead to burns.

Facial care after superficial and other types of cleansing includes a number of general recommendations that must be followed; we will talk about them later.

After medium peeling

Of the medium acid facial cleansings, exfoliation with trichloroacetic acid or TCA peeling is especially popular. The procedure for this procedure is identical to surface treatment with acid, the only difference being the concentration of the chemical ingredient. During medial cleansing, all layers of the epidermis up to the basement membrane are involved, without exception.

After TCA peeling, the facial texture is smoothed, average wrinkles and scars are corrected, and the skin regains lost elasticity and firmness.

The recovery period after a TCA peel can last up to several weeks. It is worth noting that there is a fairly high risk of complications if the cleansing technique is violated and if post-peeling care is improper. Therefore, performing TCA facial peeling at home can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Facial skin care after medium TCA peeling can be divided into several stages:

  • 48 hours after exfoliation - contact with water is strictly prohibited. You can wash your face for the first time only for 2–3 days.
  • During the procedure, fairly deep layers of skin are involved, so in most cases, mild swelling appears in sensitive areas of the face, the face is red and inflamed. If we talk about the normal course of rehabilitation after undergoing facial peeling, then these side effects will go away on their own. If you notice unusual changes in your skin, immediately contact a specialist for help.
  • After a mid-TCA peel, you can only use special cosmetics recommended by a cosmetologist. Panthenol can be used to accelerate regeneration. You need to apply the product up to 8 times a day in a thick layer, and after 20 minutes, the remaining product can be soaked with a paper napkin. Often Panthenol stings - this is normal. After the procedure, the sensitivity of the integument increases, which leads to a similar reaction to the active effect of the drug.
  • The first peeling on the face can be noticed a day after the procedure. The sagging skin cannot be peeled off, you can only carefully trim it with scissors. On average, the skin after TCA peels peels for 1–1.5 weeks.
  • For six months after your last cleansing, apply sunscreen to your face even if it is raining or snowing outside, or if it is cloudy or gloomy.

Skin care after a mid-cleanse includes only high-quality cosmetic products, so be prepared to splurge on special cosmetics.

After deep cleaning

The main representative of deep chemical cleansing of the integument is phenolic peeling. This is a complex and responsible procedure that is carried out only in clinical, sterile conditions. During cleaning, the deep layers of skin up to the papillary layer are involved, which is why the procedure and recovery period are so painful.

Phenol is a dangerous substance, the improper use of which can even lead to death. For the skin, phenolic peeling is a lot of stress; it can be partially smoothed out by high-quality pre-peeling preparation and skin care after exfoliation.

Features in caring for skin after phenolic exposure include:

  • You cannot wash your face for 2–4 days after the procedure; you even need to drink through a straw.
  • Exfoliation with phenol is carried out only in adulthood. This is a one-time procedure, rehabilitation after which may take several months.
  • The slightest mistake or violation during the procedure or in care after it will result in serious problems. Accordingly, approach the procedure as carefully as possible!
  • In addition to special cosmetics, post-peeling care includes taking antiviral drugs and vitamins. This will strengthen the body, speed up recovery and restoration of the integument, and also prevent the occurrence of complications in the future.
  • The skin will definitely darken after exfoliation with phenol - this is an acceptable reaction. The side effect will go away on its own and will not affect the result.
  • Get ready for long-term use of special cosmetics, but put aside your usual facial care products.
  • After the phenol peel, sunscreen is applied continuously.

In order to reduce the negative impact of external environmental factors, as well as not to delay the rehabilitation process, cosmetologists strongly recommend listening to their advice. First of all, they relate to the following points:

  1. You cannot wear makeup, use foundation or powder until the skin is completely restored after chemical peeling. Firstly, you can get an infection, and secondly, particles of decorative cosmetics and foundation will clog your pores and make your face look unkempt.
  2. Going to the sauna, steam bath, playing sports and performing increased physical activity after peeling is unacceptable and harmful. All these actions lead to an increase in temperature and abundant release of sweat particles, which are considered excellent carriers of infections. Plus, the expansion of blood vessels will delay the passage of facial redness. For the same reason, you will have to postpone fitness, drinking alcohol, hot and spicy foods.
  3. Do not wash your face in the first days after the procedure, even with plain water.
  4. Until the end of the rehabilitation period, use the range of products recommended by a specialist. Such products have a useful composition, a high moisturizing effect and do not irritate the skin.
  5. If you have the slightest suspicion of a deterioration in the condition of your facial skin after the peeling procedure, you need to go to a specialist. Self-medication is dangerous for the client’s health!
  6. Chemical cleanings are characterized by pronounced peeling of the integument. How many days this side effect lasts depends on the type of cleansing. However, in any case, it is forbidden to peel off the resulting film or crust. This will not speed up the recovery process, but will only lead to scars.
  7. Lotions, gels, and cream after peeling should not contain abrasive particles and acids, as they will damage the already burned fibers.
  8. Try not to touch the surface of your face with your hands, do not go to the pool until the integrity of the epidermis is completely restored, so that infection does not get inside.

Do not ignore the cosmetologist’s instructions; carefully study the rules of facial care after the procedure to reduce the risk of post-peeling complications and quickly enjoy smooth, clean and radiant skin. Only with such understanding will you achieve the perfection of covers without hassle or worry.