Family society test. Social studies test "family". What rights of the child are violated in this passage?

3. Determine the type of family (full, single, 2-3 generation)

A. Family code

b. Civil Code

d. Convention on the Rights of the Child

Pinocchio: “Study”

Goose: "why"

1. Define the concepts:

Family is_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Generation is ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Family farming is _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2. Fill in the missing words

A family unites people who are blood ______ or close relatives. Family members have a common _______________ and live in the same house or apartment.

3. Determine the type of family (full, single, 2-3 generation

A) What are the names of families in which a mother, father and child live?

B) What is the name of a family in which for some reason one of the parents is absent?

C) What are the names of families in which a mother, father, child, grandmother, and grandfather live?

4. Choose which documents contain the rights of the child.

A. Family code

b. Civil Code

V. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

d. Convention on the Rights of the Child

5. What rights of the child are violated in this passage:

Fox: “Pinocchio, where are you going, and even with the alphabet?”

Pinocchio: “Study”

Fox: “Do they really take wooden ones? If I were you, I wouldn’t even go to school, they still won’t take me.”

6. What rights of the child are violated in this passage:

Stepmother: “The ball is coming soon, Cinderella, you must sew us 3 dresses in 2 days,”

Cinderella: “I can’t do it that fast”

Stepmother: “If you do, you won’t have to go anywhere, sit without getting up and sew dresses for us.”

7. What rights of the child are violated in this passage:

Swans: “Oh, how ugly and clumsy you are, get out of here,”

Duckling: “Well, what can I do since I’m like this?”

Swans: “When you become beautiful or like everyone else, then come.”

8. What rights of the child are violated in this passage:

Goose: “Get out of here, goose, you don’t know how to protect us, it was your fault yesterday that the gosling almost died,”

Goose: “It’s not my fault, I didn’t see this kite, come to me my goslings,”

Goose: “No, don’t go to him, my goslings,”

Goose: "why"

Goose: “I don’t want them to see you”

    general housekeeping


    work in one company (Indicate the extra number in this list)

2. Is it true that the Constitution of Russia states that motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state 1) true 2) false

3 .Which of the following is an important characteristic of a family? A) joint work

B) communication

B) raising children

D) everything mentioned

4 .Which of the following can be considered sources of savings in the household?

    Expense planning

    Stinginess, pettiness


The means used to run a household are called ___________ family.

6 .Are the judgments about a thrifty owner correct?

7 .Read the text and fill in the gaps with words that fit the meaning:

A family is formed when a man and ___1______ join _2_____. The basis of such a family is feelings ____3____, the desire to live together and raise __4______. In Russia, special laws have been adopted that guarantee family assistance from __5___________.

1. Which of the above distinguishes a family from another group?

1. general housekeeping

2. raising children

3. work in one company (Indicate the extra number in this list)

2. Is it true that the Constitution of Russia states that motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state 1) true 2) false

3. Which of the following is an important characteristic of a family? A) joint work

B) communication

B) raising children

D) everything mentioned

4.Which of the following can be considered sources of savings in the household?

1. Expense planning

2. Stinginess, pettiness

3. Extravagance

5.Read the sentence and insert the missing word.

The means used to run a household are called ___________ family.

6.Are the judgments about a thrifty owner correct?

A. A thrifty owner always balances his desires with the capabilities of his family.

B. The owner of the house makes decisions himself, without consulting other family members

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are false

7.Read the text and fill in the gaps with words that fit the meaning:

A family is formed when a man and ___1______ join _2_____. The basis of such a family is feelings ____3____, the desire to live together and raise __4______. In Russia, special laws have been adopted that guarantee family assistance from __5___________.

A) children B) love C) woman D) state e) marriage

Test on the topic Family and everyday life. IN 1


1) philosophy 2) sociology 3) political science 4) jurisprudence

A 2. The functions of the family include

1 socialization of the individual 2. determination of the minimum wage

A3. Marriage age in the Russian Federation begins with

1) 16 years old 2) 17 years old 3) 18 years old 4) 20 years old

A4. The crisis of the modern family is caused by

1.increased birth rate

3. increased employment of women outside the home


1) nuclear 2) partnership 3) matriarchal 4) patriarchal

A6. A large family in Russia is considered to be a family in which children are raised

1) two or more children 2) three or more children 3) four or more children 4) five

1. educational 2. social control


1) Russian citizenship 2) permanent registration at the place of residence
3) mutual consent of those entering into marriage 4) appropriate age for marriage



1. only A is true 2. only B is true

A12. The legal form of accepting minor children who do not have parents into a family is called ___________ family.

1) incomplete 2) nuclear 3) partner 4) reception

A13. Are the following statements about the family true?

1. only A is true 2. only B is true 3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

Test on the topic Family and everyday life. AT 2

A1. Marriage is about organs

1) guardianship and trusteeship 2) civil registration
3) local government 4) judicial power

A2. The crisis of the modern family is associated with

1. the growing desire of people for personal freedom and autonomy


1) 14 years old 2) 15 years old 3) 16 years old 4) 18 years old

A4. The foundations of the patriarchal family include

1. the dominant position of the father of the family

2. increasing the role of a woman as a mother and mistress of the house 3. subordination of the elders to the younger ones

4. separate living of different generations of relatives

A5. A family in which a grandmother, mother, father and daughter (granddaughter) live together is called...

1) multigenerational 2) nuclear 3) patriarchal 4) matrimonialA6. Choose the correct statement

2. the family originated in ancient times under the conditions of the tribal system


1) husband 2) wife 3) jointly with both spouses 4) local government bodies

A8. What characterizes the reproductive function of the family

3. population reproduction 4. favorable psychological climate in the family
A9. Marriage registration is not allowed in the event


1. only A is true 2. only B is true 3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

A11. Are the following statements true?

1. only A is true 2. only B is true 3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

A. The family is one of the institutions of socialization of the younger generation.
B. The basis of a family can be marriage or consanguinity.

1. only A is true 2. only B is true 3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

1. the father of the family occupies a dominant position

5. a woman is subordinate to a man

Test on the topic Family and everyday life. A 1. The functions of the family include

1 socialization of personality 2. determination of the minimum wage

3. establishing a school education system 4. determining the amount of utility bills

A2. The crisis of the modern family is caused by

1.increased birth rate

2. lack of equality between men and women

3. increasing employment of women outside the home

4. difference in political views of spouses

A3. The crisis of the modern family is associated with

1. increasing people's desire for personal freedom and autonomy

2. increasing role of a woman as a mother and housewife

3. subordination to elders and younger ones

4. separate living of different generations of relatives

A4.The foundations of the patriarchal family include

1. the dominant position of the father of the family

2. increasing role of a woman as a mother and housewife

3. subordination to elders and younger ones

4. separate living of different generations of relatives
A5. Choose the correct statement

1. people of the barbarian era did not know family relationships

2. the family originated in ancient times under the conditions of the clan system

3. the family arose with the advent of the state

4. the emergence of a family is associated with the identification of social classes

A6. What characterizes the reproductive function of the family

1. raising children in family traditions 2. guardianship of minors and the elderly

3. population reproduction 4. creating a favorable psychological climate in the family
A7. L.'s adult granddaughter takes care of her grandmother: helps around the house, brings food, cooks. What function of the family does this example illustrate?

1. educational 2. social control

3. household 4. regulation of gender relations

A8. Are the following statements true?

A. Low-income families need government support.
B. By supporting dysfunctional families, the state weakens stability in society.

1. only A is correct 2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

A9.Are the following statements true?

A. In modern society, women’s employment is increasing.
B. New forms of family are emerging in modern society.

3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are wrong

A10.Are the following statements true?
A. In modern society, the patriarchal type of family predominates.
B. The number of “free unions” is increasing in a number of countries.

1. only A is correct2. only B is correct 3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

A11. Are the following statements true?
A. In modern society, women’s employment outside the home is declining.
B. Family remains one of the values ​​of society.

1. only A is correct2. only B is correct 3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

A12. Are the following statements about the family true?
A. The family is one of the institutions of socialization of the younger generation.
B. The basis of a family can be marriage or consanguinity.

1. only A is true 2. only B is true3. both judgments are correct 4. both judgments are wrong

A13. Find the characteristics of a traditional (patriarchal) family in the list below.

1. the father of the family occupies a dominant position

2. the main goal is to prepare children for independent life

3.representatives of several generations lead a joint household

4. adult children live separately from their parents

5. woman is subordinate to man

Social studies test Family and life, grade 11 with answers. The test consists of 3 parts (part 1 - 10 tasks, part 2 - 5 tasks, part 3 - 1 task).

Part 1

1. Science studies the family as a social institution

1) philosophy
2) sociology
3) political science
4) jurisprudence

2. Marriage is about organs

1) guardianship and trusteeship
2) civil registration
3) local government
4) judiciary

3. Marriage age in the Russian Federation begins with

1) 16 years old
2) 17 years old
3) 18 years old
4) 20 years

4. According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if there are good reasons, marriage may be permitted to persons upon reaching

1) 14 years old
2) 15 years
3) 16 years old
4) 18 years old

5. A family in which power belongs to the father as the head of the family is called

1) nuclear
2) affiliate
3) matriarchal
4) patriarchal

6. A family in which grandmother, mother, father and daughter (granddaughter) live together is called

1) multi-generational
2) nuclear
3) patriarchal
4) matrimonial

7. According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the right to resolve issues of family life belongs to

1) husband
2) wife
3) jointly by both spouses
4) local government bodies

8. A large family in Russia is considered to be a family in which children are raised

1) two or more children
2) three or more children
3) four or more children
4) five or more children

9. Parents who do not voluntarily fulfill their obligations to support their children are (are) required to pay

1) rent
2) dividends
3) alimony
4) penalty

10. The legal form of accepting minor children who do not have parents into a family is called a ___________ family.

1) incomplete
2) nuclear
3) affiliate
4) reception

Part 2

1. The main source of family law is ________________.

2. Find the provisions required for marriage in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Russian citizenship
2) permanent registration at the place of residence
3) mutual consent of those entering into marriage
4) appropriate marriageable age
5) complete general (secondary) education

3. Marriage registration is not allowed if

1) if future spouses have children
2) the state of one of the future spouses in an undissolved marriage
3) one of the spouses reaches 80 years of age
4) incapacity of one of those wishing to marry
5) the desire of the adoptive parent and the adopted child to marry

4. The common property of spouses, which is taken into account when dividing property, includes:

1) securities acquired during marriage by one of the spouses
2) diamonds given by the husband to his wife
3) a car given to one of the spouses by parents
4) land acquired by one of the spouses during marriage
5) funds received as an inheritance during the marriage

5. The common property of the spouses is called the _______________ of their property.

Part 3

Topics for a mini-essay

1. "Honesty is the soul of marital harmony"(D. Fonvizin).

2. “The most vile ingratitude, but at the same time the most common, is the ingratitude of children to their parents.”(L. Vauvenargues).

3. “What a spouse is like depends largely on the spouse.”(Erasmus of Rotterdam).

4. Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require many sacrifices” (P. Buast).

5. “If there is no respect for the elders, then there will be no respect for the fathers either” (C. Montesquieu).

Answers to the social studies test Family and life, grade 11 Part 1
Part 2
1. Family Code of the Russian Federation
2. 34
3. 245
4. 124
5. Legal regime

Grade 11 Test "Man and the Law"

A1. The production association sued the supplier company for improper performance of the supply contract. This case will be heard in court

A2. In what case is it necessary to contact a notary? Beginning of the form

End of form

End of form

A3. Select a special feature of administrative legal relations from the list.

End of form

A4 According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, resolving the issue of confidence in the Government is within the competence of: Beginning of form

End of form

A5. A circumstance excluding legal liability is:

End of form

A6. The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the provision of Russia as a rule-of-law state. It means that

End of form

A7. One of the constitutional duties of citizens of the Russian Federation is

End of form

A8. Public law includes:

End of form

A9. The presumption of innocence implies

End of form

A10. Administrative responsibility begins at the age of:

End of form

A11. Which situation is a criminal offense (crime)?

End of form

A12. Are the following statements about international law correct?
The sources of international law can be conventions, international customs, and court decisions.
B. Source of international laware not general principles of law.

End of form

A13. An athlete involved in crossbow shooting decided to hunt ducks on vacation. After another shot from a crossbow and the defeat of a duck, a huntsman approached him and demanded permission to hunt. The athlete did not have such permission. What type of legal liability can he be held liable for?

End of form

A14. Are the judgments correct?

Beginning of the form

A . The status of an individual entrepreneur is acquired from the moment the business activity begins.
B . The status of an individual entrepreneur is acquired from the moment of state registration.

End of form

A15. A major government official was exposed for receiving a bribe in the amount of 25 million rubles from an entrepreneur for assistance in opening a branch of the company. The actions of a civil servant will be qualified by the court as

End of form

A16. Citizen S., threatening a passerby with a homemade brass knuckles, forced him to give him his mobile phone. What type of liability will citizen S. be brought to?

End of form

A17. The dispute between the owner of a restaurant and the owner of a car repair shop regarding the rental of premises is subject to the jurisdiction of the court.

End of form

A18. Are the judgments about the rules of law correct?

Beginning of the form

A . One of the characteristics of legal norms is their general binding nature.
B . The right to marry from the age of 18 is a binding norm of law.

End of form

A19. State power in the Russian Federation is exercised by:

End of form

A20. Administrative proceedings are carried out in:

End of form

PART B Short answer questions.

When completing tasks with a short answer, carefully follow the instructions, write down the answer in the form of a word (phrase, sequence of letters or numbers).

Q1.Write down the word missing in the diagram.

AT 2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept "citizenship".



    soil principle





Beginning of the form

Find and indicate terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

End of form


AT 3. Establish a correspondence between specific situations and the type of legal relationship that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Beginning of the form

AT 4. Find the highest government bodies of the Russian Federation in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated: Start of form

    State Council

    Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation

    Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

    Association of Russian Language Teachers

    Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation


End of form

AT 5 . Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

A) In the Russian Federation, a referendum is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. B) Unfortunately, some Russian citizens do not exercise their active voting rights. C) The causes of absenteeism are varied. D) The last all-Russian referendum took place in 1993. Beginning of the form

Determine which provisions are:

    actual character

    evaluative nature

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

End of form

AT 6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“Both individual citizens and collective entities that have the characteristics provided for by law can join civil __________________(1): organizations called ________________(2), as well as special subjects of civil law - state and municipal entities. The content of __________________(3) of citizens (individuals) is defined by the legislator in the Civil Code as a set of rights and obligations that a citizen may have in accordance with civil __________________(4): to have property for __________________(5); inherit and bequeath it; engage in any activity not prohibited by law; create legal entities; make transactions and participate in obligations; choose a place of residence; have the rights of the author.
If legal capacity is recognized equally for all citizens from the moment of birth to death, then __________________(6) arises from the moment of reaching a certain age, and in full - from adulthood, which presupposes the achievement of a certain level of mental maturity." Beginning of the form

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted into the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to select.

A) legislation
B) legal relations
B) legal capacity
D) legal capacity
D) legal entities
E) equality of parties
G) government
H) ownership
I) tort

Please note that the gaps are numbered. The table below shows the pass numbers. Under each number, write down the letter that represents the word you chose in the list.

End of form

AT 7. Indicate in the proposed list the features of the criminal process in relation to minors.

Beginning of the form

    minors must be released on their own recognizance

    the time of detention on charges of a crime cannot exceed 48 hours

    Interrogation of minors cannot be carried out in the presence of their parents

    interrogation of a victim under 14 years of age is carried out with the mandatory participation of a teacher

    minor citizens cannot be detained

    interrogation of a minor cannot be carried out at nightEnd of form

AT 8. Select from the list provided the basic principles of the activities of the judiciary.

Beginning of the form







Write your answer in numbers without spaces.

End of form

AT 9. (Q8) Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented below the series, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

Beginning of the form

    law enforcement agency

    Ministry of Justice



    Riot police

    passport and visa service

End of form

Q10.(Q7) Select from the proposed list of participants in international humanitarian law.

Beginning of the form




    senior officers



Write your answer in numbers without spaces

Q11. (Q8) Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented below the series, and write down the number under which it is indicated. Beginning of the form

    material liability

    administrative responsibility

    civil liability

    legal liability

    disciplinary liability

    criminal liability

End of form

Answers: A1-2; A2-3; A3-4; A4-1; A5-2; A6-2; A7-3; A8-4; A9-4; A10-2;

A11-3; A12-1; A13-3; A14-2; A15-3; A16-1; A17-2; A18-1; A19-2; A20-1.

IN 1. - Structure of the offense

AT 2. - 46

AT 3. - VGBA

AT 4. - 236

AT 5. – 1211


AT 7. - 246

B8.- 124

B9.- 1

B10.- 1256

B11.- 4


A 1. T. and V. live together and have a child together. What additional information would lead to the conclusion that this union is legally a family?

    they jointly own an apartment

    they have been living together for 5 years

    they have a common business of providing travel services

    their relationship is registered with the civil registry office

A 2. Both the family and the team of company employees are

    ethnic community

    small group

    social stratum

    factor of production

A 3. What characterizes the reproductive function of the family:

    raising children in family traditions

    guardianship of minors and the elderly

    population reproduction

    creating a favorable psychological climate in the family

A 4. Are the following judgments about the modern family in European countries true?

A. In modern Western society, the patriarchal type of family predominates.

B. The number of “free marriages” is increasing in most European countries.

1. only A is correct

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

A 5. The family, unlike other small groups, is characterized by:

    common hobbies

    high social activity

    community of life

    common language

A 7.

A 8. Are the following judgments about the role of family in a person’s life true?

A. The family provides its members with psychological support and protection.

B. The family exercises primary social control.

1. only A is correct

2. only B is correct

3. both judgments are correct

4. both judgments are wrong

Q 1. Write down the words missing in the fragment of the table “social institutions of society”.

Fundamental needs of society

Basic social institutions

Needs for safety and social order

State and other political institutions

The need for procreation

Institute _______ and _________

Q 4. Find the characteristics of a patriarchal (traditional) family in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

    assigning household responsibilities to women

    women's economic independence

    cohabitation of several generations

    fair division of household responsibilities

    economic dependence of a woman on a man

    decision making by all family members

(A) The family as a social institution ensures reproduction and primary socialization of new generations. (B) The study involved 1503 people - boys and girls over 18 years of age. (B) They were asked various questions: about marriage, divorce and raising children. (D) Every second respondent stated that early marriages often end in divorce. (D) In ​​our opinion, such marriages destabilize society and aggravate the crisis of family values.

    actual character

    nature of value judgments

Q 5. Read the text below, each position indicated by a letter.

(A) The emergence of family legal relations is associated with the official registration of marriage in the manner prescribed by law. (B) Adults Ivan and Natalya came to the registry office to submit an application for state registration of marriage. (B) The civil registry office employee refused to accept this application because Ivan was declared incompetent by the court. (D) Natalya, who knew about this and was guided by the desire to register in Ivan’s apartment, acted immorally. (D) Ivan's guardians should monitor him better.

Determine which provisions of the text are

    actual character

    nature of value judgments

    nature of theoretical statements

Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position a number expressing its character.

C 6. According to scientists, the family, along with other functions, performs the function of supporting the physical health of parents and children. Name and illustrate with examples three manifestations of this function.

C 7. During a sociological survey in 2007 (Levada - Center), 1,600 Russians were asked to answer the question about the equality of women and men in modern Russia. The results obtained are presented in graphical form (in %).

Formulate any three conclusions based on the survey results. Give reasons for one of your conclusions.

From 7. Sociologists in the country of R. have been studying trends in the development of the institution of marriage for 15 years. The following statistics were obtained on the number of divorces for every 1000 registered marriages:

Using the data from the graph, draw a conclusion about the trends in the development of the institution of marriage in country R. Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, make three assumptions about the reasons for this trend.

Social studies test Family and family relationships 5th grade with answers. The test is presented in two versions. Each option consists of 8 tasks.

Option 1

1. Family members, as opposed to the student body:

1) communicate with each other
2) related by family ties
3) are engaged in joint activities
4) have the same interests and needs

2. The statement: The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good, says that the main responsibility of the family is:

1) birth of children
2) raising children
3) increasing family welfare
4) teaching a child to read and write

3. A family consisting of children, parents, and grandparents living either in the same premises or very close to each other:

1) full
2) related
3) two-generation
4) three-generation

4. The purpose of the state program “Children of Russia”:

1) publication of new textbooks and workbooks
2) creation of new nature reserves for children to walk
3) helping children who find themselves in difficult life situations
4) development of cooperation with youth organizations in foreign countries

5. In a social studies lesson in the 5th grade, there was a debate about what the country's constitution is.

A. Sergei said that the constitution is the fundamental law of the state.
B. Yulia believes that the constitution is a collection of all the laws of the country.

Are these judgments correct?

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Parents' rights include the right to:

1) interfere in the affairs of other families
2) protect the interests of the child in court
3) deprive the child of the opportunity to receive an education
4) decide all everyday issues without taking into account the child’s opinion

7. The parents of twelve-year-old Ivan often shout at him and scold him with rude words. In this situation, the child’s right to:

1) freedom of movement
2) communication with parents
3) life and upbringing in the family
4) respect for human dignity


1) know your parents
2) to be brought up in a family
3) receive maternity capital
4) refuse adult help
5) live together with parents

Option 2

1. Family members, just like sports team members:

1) communicate with each other
2) run a joint household
3) own common property
4) united by family ties

2. In the statement: From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and care for them, it is said that one of the responsibilities of family members is:

1) birth of children
2) raising children
3) caring for family members
4) increase in family welfare

3. Family. consisting of two parents and children:

1) full
2) related
3) two-generation
4) three-generation

4. The state's concern for the well-being of the family is manifested in:

1) construction of plants and factories
2) payment of benefits, maternity capital
3) publication of new textbooks and workbooks
4) strengthening cooperation with other countries

5. In a social studies lesson in the 5th grade, there was a debate about what a code was.

A. Sasha said that the code is the basic law of the state.
B. Katya believes that a code is a collection of laws that regulate similar social relations.

Are these judgments correct?

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

6. The responsibilities of family members include the following:

1) play sports
2) engage in physical labor
3) do homework for a schoolchild
4) build family relationships on feelings of mutual love and respect

7. Sixth-grader Kirill dreams of boxing, but his parents decided to enroll their son in a sports dance club. In this situation, the child’s right to:

1) expression of one’s opinion
2) life and upbringing in the family
3) care from parents
4) living together with parents

8. Find in the list below three rights of a minor child written in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) have property
2) have a first and last name
3) refuse to get an education
4) communicate with both parents
5) refuse to perform household duties

Answers to the social studies test Family and family relationships Grade 5
Option 1
Option 2