Declension by case of the word nickname in singular and plural. First name "Nika" - declension of the female name "Nika" by case Last name nikka declension by case

Nika is a female name of Greek origin.
Option to spell the name in transliteration (Latin): Nika

Meaning of the name

Victory."Victory" (Greek)
The name Nika came to us from ancient mythology and translated from ancient Greek (similar to the Latin Victoria) means “victory”. The patroness of this name is the Greek goddess Nika, who personifies success. She bestowed good luck and a happy outcome in any matter. In ancient mythology, victory in wars was mainly meant: war heroes asked this goddess to accompany and help them throughout all military campaigns, during battles and fights, to protect them from injuries and death. Therefore, Nika is distinguished by masculinity, fortitude, kindness, but her main qualities are honesty and justice, because she should help only those who really need victory, who do not pursue selfish goals, profit and loud fame. Name day:
March 10(23), April 16(29)

Numerology of the name

Soul number: 2.
Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, come easily to them and reveal all their most strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2
Body number: 9


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: white, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: silver.
Mineral: selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, fallow deer.

Nouns are divided into three types according to the type of declension:

  1. Feminine nouns with ending -а, -я(Earth);
  2. Masculine nouns with a zero ending, neuter nouns with ending -o, -e(house, field);
  3. Feminine nouns ending in zero (mouse).

In the Russian language, a special group is made up of indeclinable nouns: burden, crown, flame, udder, banner, tribe, stirrup, time, name, path.

A significant group of nouns does not change in gender and number; they are called indeclinable; depot, foyer, aloe, coffee, coat, attache and others.

Adjectives change according to gender, number and case in the singular. In the plural, the case endings of adjectives of all three genders are the same: new tables, books, feathers.

There are certain rules for declension and numerals. For example, the numeral one is declined as a singular adjective, and the numerals two, three, four have special case forms that are similar to the endings of plural adjectives.

Numerals from five to ten and numerals -twenty and -ten are declined according to the third declension of nouns.

The numerals forty and ninety have two case forms: forty and ninety.

The numerals two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numerals starting with -hundred have both parts declined.

Many people think that Nika is just a shortening of the more common one - Veronica, but this is not at all true. It is short, feminine and completely independent, coming to us from ancient Greece, and the meaning of the name Nika is radically different from the interpretation of the characteristics of Veronica.

In ancient Greek mythology, this was the name of the goddess of victory, and parents, when choosing the meaning of the name Nika for a child, expect loud victories and aspirations for glory from her, but often their aspirations are not justified. The baby has a fairly calm character, moderately sociable, moderately inquisitive - in general - the “golden mean”.

Since childhood, she has not particularly sought to be the center of attention, and one might even call her somewhat passive. The main meaning of the name Nika for a girl is cheerfulness, sociability, liveliness, and it will not be difficult for parents to put a smile on her face, because she attaches importance to any pleasant little thing, and big gifts generally delight her.

Often, girls named this way are distinguished by their gentle, pure beauty. They are also moderately mobile, open to communication, and easy-going. You can rarely hear the question “why” from little Nikushka; she does not attach importance to the deep meaning of phenomena and events, and looks at everything superficially.

Due to the reluctance to delve deeper into the teachers’ explanations, during her school years the girl does not show much success in her studies, and her knowledge is quite mediocre, limited only to what she really likes.


Love in the life of a mature girl is especially important, because such a sensual nature needs affection, various manifestations of feelings, and she needs gentle touches like air.

Thanks to her very soft, easy-going character, she gets along well with all men, but not everyone can stay with her, since some representatives of the stronger sex consider communication with her too uninteresting, “bland.”

Therefore, the girl’s chosen one will approximately coincide with her in character and intellectual abilities. Often, men with a heightened sense of justice fall in love with her and want to protect this fragile woman. This means that this type of relationship fits the description of the name Nick, and with strong man she will have a particularly strong union.


When creating a family, this woman attaches special importance to the warmth and romance of relationships; it is very important for her that her husband be affectionate and gentle with her. Often, married life brings her deep disappointment, but her desire for constancy does not allow her to break the marriage bond.

The woman is not a particularly diligent housewife. This means that she may not cook dinner or wash things, for her this is the norm, and her husband must put up with this too. You can deal with such a situation only by making comments to which she will react very sharply, and try to improve the situation for the better.

She will be gentle and loving mother for her children, but she will not be involved in their development and education in the proper amount. In her opinion, children should develop independently, and therefore she lets everything take its course, without attaching much importance to their upbringing.

Business and career

At work, she is very responsible and efficient, which means she is always in good standing with her superiors, but great thoughts often do not occur to her, and therefore career growth is an unattainable goal for her, however, she does not attach importance to this, she is happy with everything anyway .

She will feel great at work, where she does not need to work mentally; she prefers the repetition of daily actions, constancy and stability. Therefore, she will be an excellent seamstress, accountant, cashier, and designer.

Origin of the name Nika

The area where this short but sonorous word came from is ancient Greece, and its meaning in translation from Greek is victory. The etymology of this word also personifies the victory that the sister of Power, Strength and Envy carried within herself.

Story ancient world especially notes the goddess Nike, daughter of the gods Styx and Pallanta, whose name was so popular that it was minted on gold coins. This goddess was depicted as beautiful woman with large wings and a laurel victory wreath.

Characteristics of the name Nika

The character of the girl so named does not have any particularly outstanding features, and this has its pros and cons. Calmness, slight restraint, taciturnity and cordiality will make communication with her very pleasant, but not everyone will be able to stay in her company for a long time, since sometimes she simply has nothing to answer or say.

She will become a good friend for many girls, but she will not always be able to support with practical advice or reassure, since she does not find anything remarkable in other people’s problems, and tries not to worry about others.

The main secret of the name Nick is her insight. This girl’s intuition is so high that sometimes it borders on supernatural abilities; she simply feels what can happen in the next moment, and a particularly developed sense of self-preservation protects her from various unpleasant situations.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Sapphire.
  • Name days - March 23, April 29.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Nika Rakitina is a Belarusian fiction writer, writes in Russian.
  • Nika Turbina is a world-famous child prodigy poet.

Different languages

The translation of the name Nika personifies a victorious action, since the origin of the name Nika takes its origins in ancient Greece, where this was the name of the goddess of victory. It is quite common abroad, and the way this word is translated sounds the same in all countries - Nike. Only in the modern Greek language does its pronunciation differ from the usual one - Niki.

Nick's name on Chinese carries the meaning of victory, and is written using hieroglyphs - 妮卡, which is read as NīKǎ. The name Nika in Japanese is written 丹霞, but is read the same as in Russian.

Name forms

The abbreviated name Nick is often used to name Veronica and Dominica, but this is a completely independent, full name. Derivative names are more common in European countries than in Russia: Nicole, Nikolina and Nicoletta.

If you wish, you can use a diminutive for him, for example - Nikushka, Nikusya, and very affectionately - Nikonka. This in itself is a short name, and it is quite difficult to come up with an abbreviation for it, and such name options as Niki or Nick are more often used for men. Name declensions are made in accordance with all the rules of the Russian language.

The name Nika in Orthodoxy personifies the winner, the martyr who died for the sake of her faith. Due to the presence of the holy martyr named so, at the baptism of your daughter the priest will give her the Orthodox name Nika - the same as at birth.

Nick's name church calendar can be found in the story of Saint Nike of Corinth, who, along with her followers, was thrown into the sea for preaching Orthodox teaching.

But thanks to their fierce faith, none of the abandoned people drowned, they walked like Christ on water and blessed the Word of God until the last moment in their lives. The end of this story is sad, all believers were caught up and subjected to torture and execution.

On this page you can view the declension of the word “nick” by case in both singular and plural. Nick is a 3 letter word. Word Declension Table "Nick" by case is given below. Through search you can find other words you need.



It is important to know about word declension

Difficulties in the formation of numeral forms and their use in speech are mainly associated with their change in cases and combination with nouns.

The majority of numerals are declined according to the third declension.

The numeral thousand changes like a first declension noun.

The numerals forty and one hundred have only one form in the indirect cases - forty, hundred...

When declension of compound ordinal numbers changes only their last part Collective numerals (two, three, etc.) can only be used with masculine nouns, nouns denoting baby animals, or those that only have a plural form.

Combinations of compound numerals ending in two, three, four with nouns that do not have a singular form are unacceptable. Only combinations like twenty-one days, twenty-five days are possible.

The numeral pronoun both has two gender forms: both are masculine and neuter, both are feminine. The same applies to the numeral one and a half.

Adjectives are a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? The adjective has the same case form, number and gender as the noun on which it depends.

In the singular, adjectives change according to gender and case. The gender of plural adjectives is not determined.

The gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

Changing nouns by case is characterized by changing their endings, which are called case forms. In total, there are six cases in the Russian language, each of which has its own auxiliary question.

The nominative case form is called direct (or initial), all others - indirect.

Cases express the different roles of a noun in a sentence. There are six cases in the Russian language. You can determine the case of a noun in a sentence by the question.

In addition to the main questions, the case of a noun can also be found out by auxiliary questions answered by the circumstances.

Video lesson on the Russian language "Declination of nouns"