Tales of friendship middle group sketch. A musical fairy tale for family and children's parties "friendship works wonders." A Tale of Friendship and a Blue Flower

Anna Pronina
Sketch “A Tale of Friendship”

Target: to cultivate good qualities and skills in children be friends and treat each other with care.

Leading. One day a wolf and a fox met in a forest clearing.

V. Hello, godfather fox.

L. And you won’t get sick, kumanek.

Q. Why are you, my friend, somehow sad?

L. Why have fun? It's bad to live in the world

when no one loves you. Animals, birds and even insects, as soon as they see or

They hear me, they immediately scatter, scatter, scatter in all directions. A

people in their fairy tales as soon as they don't call me names, and a cheat, and a thief, and


Q. Do you think it’s better for me? I also don’t have a single friend except you.

They consider me stupid, and angry, and always hungry. But don't be upset

little fox. I think it's all out of envy. Look at yourself in the mirror.

L. What is it?

V. Yes, you are a beautiful woman. The fur is soft and red. Tail

gorgeous, big and fluffy. The paws are soft, the claws are sharp. The eyes are sharp, shiny, like beads.

L. Yes, I am! Yes, and you are a wolf, nothing.

V. That's it. What are they?

L. What are they?

V. Well, judge for yourself. The hare is oblique, long-eared, the bear is clubfooted,

the mole is blind, the hedgehog is prickly. It’s not easy for them to live like this in the world. Here they are for us


L. Listen, godfather, I have an idea. Let's open a salon in the forest

beauty and all the animals we will turn into handsome men. Maybe then they'll stop us

envy and make friends with us.

V. Come on!

On stage ad appears "Beauty saloon" Forest Fairy". The wolf and fox are dressed in white coats.

(There is a knock).

Z. Hello, I was just passing by. I see some salon has opened.

And what services are offered here?

L. Offers beauty at affordable prices. How about you, hare?

first customer discount.

Z. But my hare says that I’m already handsome anyway.

L. She flatters you. Look at you. Eyes slanted, ears

hefty. Now we will fix it all for you. Assistant, scalpel.

IN. (taking out a large ax from the shelf) Lay your ears on the table.

Z. (trembling with fear) Is this what you call a scalpel?

V. Don’t worry, the instrument is sterile.

Z. No, excuse me, but I have quite decent ears and not

we need to shorten them. Goodbye.

L. Wait, wait, oblique. Let me at least dye your fur.

Z. What colors are available?

L. Green, blue, red.

Z. Red hare on

white snow? The hunters will have some joy. No thanks. Bye.

L. Well, get lost. He doesn't understand anything about fashion.

(There is a knock and a hedgehog comes in)

E. Hello, are they making things beautiful here?

V. Here. Let me introduce myself. I am a plastic surgeon.

And my friend is a doctor and cosmetologist. What do you want, shorten the spines or the legs?


E. I want longer legs.

V. We can do this. Lie down.

I'll prepare the instrument now.

(Takes out a saw).

E. What are you going to do?

Q. Like what? We will cut off these short legs and attach the long ones. We had a heron yesterday

had surgery. On the contrary, I wanted short legs.

E. No really. I thought about changing my legs. I'll just run faster. Happy stay.

L. Well, wait a minute to run away. Let me at least give you some thorns

I'll twirl the curlers. A curly hedgehog is so romantic.

E. Something else was missing. I'm still a man. Bye.

V. So do good to them after this.

L. Yes, they themselves don’t know what they want.

(There is a knock and a bear enters)

M. Good afternoon. I decided to come to you with my problem.

L. What’s the problem, Mikhail Ivanovich?

M. Yes, I’m clubfooted. They have made fun of me since childhood.

V. You came to the right address. Your trouble now

we'll help. Lie down on the couch. Fox, bring the plaster.

M. Why do I need plaster?

Q. How why? We'll cast both your legs for about two years.

you look like your legs will straighten out.

M. No really. For some reason I didn’t want to straighten my legs.

L. So you say it yourself, they’re laughing at you.

M. And I won’t pay attention to ridicule. Goodbye.

L. Take your time, I suggest replacing your little

a nondescript ponytail. Available in horse, mouse,

snake and peacock. Which one do you want?

M. I wish you mine,

small and nondescript. He doesn't bother me. Ciao!

L. Well, it shouldn’t hurt. Walk with your baby bump.

(There is a knock and a mole comes in)

K. Hello. Well, finally I found you. Is this a beauty salon?

V. That's right. What do you want?

K. I would like to enlarge my eyes, my eyesight is poor.

Q. Let's check your vision. What letter is this?

V. I see. We are writing a diagnosis. Completely blind. Treatment


K No, I can see a little, I just don’t know the letters.

V. So go learn the letters first, and then distract the doctors from their work.

TO (to the fox) What can you offer me?

L. I really don’t know. Maybe you can remove freckles?

K. Yes, I haven’t had them since I was born.

L. Well then go and don’t fool us here.

(Mole leaves)

V. Well, fox? Our idea failed.

L. And all because, wolf, it’s not our beauty that they envy, but

They're just afraid of our teeth. To make friends with them, let's never do it again

Let's catch the poor animals.

V. No, fox, whatever you want, but I can’t live without meat.

L. You can’t, and you don’t have to. Yesterday I bought it at the supermarket

crackers and chips.

V. Well, eat these yourself

chips and crackers, and I'll have meat.

L. So they are not simple, but with the taste of bacon, red caviar,

cheese, salmon.

V. Well, let's try.

L. (sniffs) Yummy. Eat, come on.

V. Fox, this yummy food made me feel sick.

L. Oh-oh-oh! And my stomach hurt. Well, this chemistry.

Q. So, there will still be no peaceful life in the forest? Are you out of ideas?

L. But it’s not over yet. You don't know me well. I suggest

become vegetarians.

Q. What kind of thing is this?

L. Darkness. Let's set up a garden in the forest. Let's plant vegetables and fruits. Let's collect the harvest, invite everyone to the holiday, and there let's make friends.

Q. Or maybe it’s not necessary? I am not accustomed to peasant work.

L. It is necessary, gray, it is necessary. Working for the benefit of a cause ennobles.

Leading. The wolf and the fox worked all summer and raised a rich

harvest. The fox prepared jam and pickles, invited everyone to a treat, and even

and prepared gifts with me: carrots for the hare, raspberry jam for the bear, apples for the hedgehog. But the animals did not appear empty-handed. The bear brought honey, the hedgehog brought a basket of mushrooms, the hare brought cabbages. And they began a feast on the mountain. And then, as usual, it came to songs and dances.

(The animals sing and dance).

L. Yes, it’s not for nothing that I regularly watch the Malakhov + program.

Fruits and vegetables not only help health, but also mutual understanding.

V. Being kind, of course, is not an easy thing, but it is necessary.

All: Only friendship will help save this world.

All animals and people in the world want to live.

Publications on the topic:

I present to your attention the KVN script “One for all and all for one” for preparatory groups. Goal: to form the concept of “friend” in children.

"A Tale of Two Dwarves." A tale of mutual assistance, kindness, non-judgment, forgiveness and true friendship“A Tale of Two Dwarves” In one magical forest, where it was always warm and it never rained, there lived two gnomes. They lived on the same tree.

"Teremok in a new way, or a Tale of Friendship." Fairy tale dramatization for middle school children“Teremok in a new way, or a Tale of Friendship” is a dramatization of the fairy tale for children of the middle group. Goal: to awaken interest in theatrical and gaming.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “On Friendship” Program content: cultivate goodwill, politeness, respect for others; develop coherent speech and intonation expressiveness.


While the audience is still seated, a Mouse with a bell appears on stage and begins to run around the stage and ring, trying to attract the attention of the audience.

Mouse (to the audience in a thin, shrill voice)

First call! First call!
Not a telephone! Not for class!
It is very important! It's not without reason!
He says: “Take your seats!”

The mouse, ringing the bell, runs away from the stage. After a while, a Dog with a bell runs onto the stage with a loud bark.

Dog (to viewers)

Woof! This is the second call!
Sit still and shut your mouth!
So that we show you the performance,
It must be quiet in the auditorium!

The lights in the auditorium go out. The gong sounds. The Wizard appears on the stage with a magic wand in his hand.

And this, guys, is the third call!
I am the evil wizard Ibn Ogogoh!
To everyone who has not yet sat down,
I'll crack you with my magic wand!
And she is strong in witchcraft -
Can a mouse turn into an elephant?

A Mouse appears in front of the Wizard. The wizard raises his magic wand over her.

Oh-oh-oh! I'm afraid! Save!

Myshkus into slonus transformitus!

The Wizard touches the Mouse with his magic wand. The gong sounds. The mouse disappears and a Pink Elephant appears in its place.

Wizard (threatening to spectators)

Tremble! Not the same for you
I'll turn them into elephants now!

A Mouse appears next to the Elephant.

Mouse (to viewers)

It was a joke, friends!
This Pink Elephant is not me!

The Dog appears on the stage.

And the wizard is not evil at all!


I only fulfilled my role.
We are artists, and that means...

Everyone (in unison)

The traveling theater has come to you!
They say it doesn't happen
In our world of magic,
And our elephants fly
Grass grows in the snow!

Chocolate Planet,
Bright blue leaf fall!
If you see this,
So you have come to the theater!

And let it all be for fun
And it will only last an hour,
During this time we will be able
Create miracles for you!

Adults and children know
They know everything in the world,
Everything magical in the world
It's called theater!

We'll tell stories
Let's role play
Because it's very important
We will like you all.

The gong sounds. The Pink Elephant, the Wizard, the Dog and the Mouse bow to the audience and disappear.


The Wizard appears.


First story
About the elephant Yegory!
How he lived alone in the house,
And no one was friends with him!

A gong sounds and the wizard disappears. A house with a window appears on the stage. The Pink Elephant looks out of the window and sighs loudly.

Pink Elephant (sorrowful)

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
I'm terribly lonely!
I sleep and eat alone...
Why am I not nice to everyone?
Why? Why
Am I destined to be alone?
Maybe I didn’t find a friend,
Because I'm big?
Or did this happen?
Because of Pink colour?
It is known that elephants
They shouldn't be like that!
Or everyone is not friends with me,
Because I'm worse than them?
Or because it's an elephant?

The elephant disappears through the window. The Wizard appears.


He lamented for a long time.
I was so exhausted that soon
He decided to die from grief.

The wizard disappears. The Pink Elephant leaves the house and slowly walks across the stage.

Pink Elephant (sniffling)

I'll go to the ends of the earth
I'll come and fall!
After all, no one is friends with me,
Nobody needs me.
And no one in the whole savannah
She won't cry for me!

A Mouse and a Dog come out to meet the Pink Elephant.

Mouse (admiringly)

Wow! Wow!

Elephant (sad)

Laugh, laugh, nothing.
I know perfectly well myself
That I look terrible -
Pink huge elephant!
There are a million shortcomings!
I'm very bored alone
I'll go and jump off the cliff,
And no one will notice!

Nonsense! In the whole world
There is nothing more beautiful than an elephant.

I would like to do it myself
Become so big and the colors
It couldn't have been better!
As for me, all elephants
Must be pink!

Mouse and Dog

We want to be friends with you!

Pink Elephant (puzzled)

This can't be true!
Apparently you are from another planet
Or from the edge of the world.
Nobody here is friends with me,
Nobody needs me.
I sleep and eat alone,
I haven't been liked by everyone my whole life!

And who, if it’s not a secret,
Don't like you in particular?

Pink Elephant (confused)

I don't know I'm right now
I only came out for the first time.

If I weren't a homebody,
I wish I knew who your neighbors are.
We live ten steps away.

I live across that stream.

The dog shows the direction with its paw.

I live under that snag.

The mouse shows the direction with its paw.

So, poor pink thing,
Don’t rush to jump off a cliff in vain,
After all, being friends is much better!

Together we can play
Run, jump, sunbathe!

We can twirl our tail!

The mouse twirls its tail.

We can sing a song in chorus!

Everyone (singing)

And the big one and the little one
It's bad in the world without friends,
I know this for sure!
You can die of boredom -
The tail will drop and the arms will drop!
I know this for sure!

Everyone, everyone needs friends!
You can't live alone!
And cows and gorillas,
And elephants and crocodiles!
Everyone, everyone needs friends!

Neither a computer nor a museum
They won't find you friends!
I know this for sure!
We're not happy without friends
What is and what was
I know this for sure!

Everyone, everyone needs friends!
You can't live alone!
Don't worry about anything
Come out and get acquainted!
Everyone, everyone needs friends!

The gong sounds. The Dog, Mouse and Pink Elephant disappear.


The Wizard appears.

The Wizard (to the audience)

Here's the second story
About the evil dog Barking!
How she wanted to be friends
But she didn’t know how to make friends.

The gong sounds. The wizard disappears. The Dog appears on the stage.

Dog (to viewers)

Although I'm not like that at all,
I'll play a biting role!

The dog bows, disappears, and reappears with a loud growl, wearing a spiked collar and a broken leash around its neck.

Dog (cheeky)

Life in captivity, goodbye-bye!
I was off the leash!
The hair on the withers stands on end,
Why join the wolves?
So as not to suddenly go wild here,
I could use a friend -
Not a strict master,
And the four-legged one!

The Mouse appears.

I want to be friends with you!

Dog (doubtfully)

You? With me?

The dog meticulously looks and sniffs the Mouse from all sides.

Dog (good-naturedly)

Well, so be it!
Make friends, try it!

We are friends?

To the grave!

What should we do now?

You may be small, but you are a beast!
I want something
Play hunting!

And so! Run!

The dog growls, the mouse backs away.

Mouse (panicked)

We are friends, not enemies!

Dog (threatening)

Run away or else
I'll give you a quick blowjob!

The dog attacks. The mouse runs away with a squeak. The Dog, barking and growling, chases the Mouse across the stage, catches up, grabs it with its teeth and begins to scold.

Mouse (desperately)

Stop doing that! Leave me alone! Let me go!
It hurts me! Pee-pee-pee!

You are my prey!
Such is the custom!

The Dog lets go of the Mouse. The mouse cries loudly.

I love you so much, just a little bit!

Mouse (crying)

I don’t want to be friends like that!

The mouse runs away.

Dog (arrogantly)

It's a loss for me too!
I'll meet a better beast!

A ball rolls onto the stage. There is a loud stomp. The Pink Elephant appears. The dog examines and sniffs it from different sides.

Dog (spectators approvingly)

This one will do just fine!
(To the elephant)
Elephant, will you be my friend?

Pink Elephant

With joy! What are we going to do?

You won't get bored, don't be afraid!
We'll play tag
To the little bits and pieces!

Pink Elephant

And so! Run!

The dog growls, the elephant backs away.

Pink Elephant (surprised)

We are friends, not enemies!

Dog (threatening)

Run away quickly
I'm already going wild!

The dog growls and bites the Elephant on the leg. The Elephant runs away, the Dog runs after it barking, catches up and bites the Elephant again.

Pink Elephant

Oh! Ay! Hurt! Oh-oh-oh!

The Elephant is trying to tear the snarling, clinging Dog away from him. Finally he succeeds.

Elephant (angrily)

And now I'm behind you -
Better than biters
Trampling salons!

The Elephant, stomping loudly, begins to run after the Dog, trying to step on it. The dog runs away from the Elephant, but he still tramples it from time to time.

Dog (plaintively)

Enough! Enough! Understood!
I behaved badly -
Like a barracuda!
I won't do this again!

The Elephant stops chasing the Dog.

Pink Elephant

No offense? Friends?

The Elephant takes out the ball and throws it to the Dog.

Dog (joyfully)

The Elephant and the Dog are playing ball. The Mouse appears.

Mouse (timidly)

That’s how I want to be friends!

Dog (to the Mouse)

Come closer
I won't offend you anymore!

The dog throws the ball to the Mouse. The characters play ball and sing a song.

All together (singing)

You can't rush at your friends
Calling names and biting
Offend and betray!
If my friend apologizes,
I'll stop being angry
I will play with him again!

We - best friends!
You can't offend a friend!
He is neither a stick nor a box,
He's alive and real
I shouldn't upset him!

Squirrels and peacocks are friends,
Tigers and penguins are friends
And we are friends with each other!
You have to be nice to your friends
Kind, generous, patient -
We must take care of our friends!

We are best friends!
You can't offend a friend!
He is neither a stick nor a box,
He's alive and real
I shouldn't upset him!

The gong sounds. The Pink Elephant, Dog and Mouse disappear.


The Dog appears.

And now, children,
Story three!
About the wizard Ogogokh
And a mouse behaving very badly!

The gong sounds. The dog disappears. A table and a bed appear on the stage. The Wizard enters.


It's a little dark in the house.
Come on, svetus zazhigatos!

The wizard touches the table with his magic wand, and a lit candle appears on the table. The wizard sits down at the table.


Oh! Well, I'm so tired! –
I counted all the stars
I sewed three dresses from fog,
Saved the children from the giant
I woke up the sleepless one,
Tamed three dragons
The city was rebuilt
The storm on the sea calmed down,
Saved an elf from a spider
Made a fool smart
He cured the wing of the firebird,
Made a miracle sword for the prince.
And now I'm pleased
Sit here in silence
And have a quiet lunch.
So that I can taste this?

The wizard casts a spell, waving his magic wand.



The wizard touches the table with his magic wand. A cheese sandwich appears. The wizard takes a sandwich, preparing to eat. The Dog runs in.

Woof! Woof! Woof!


Well, what is it?
There is not a moment of peace!

Dog (hurriedly and excitedly)

This is urgent! There again
The bunny went out for a walk.
All iron, as tall as a mountain,
Dealing with this is not easy!
If you don't stop,
He will crush the people!
Hurry! It's bad!
People are calling Ogogoh!
The whole forest is in trouble!


OK! I'm on my way!

The Wizard puts the sandwich on the table, gets up and leaves with the Dog. The candle goes out. After a while, the Mouse appears on the stage with a bundle on his shoulder and looks around.

Nice little mansion,
And it's not padlocked!
Since no one lives here,
The mouse will occupy the mansion!
It won't be empty here anymore!

The mouse puts the bundle on the floor and sniffs.

What is it that smells so delicious?

The mouse climbs onto the table and discovers a cheese sandwich.

Mouse (joyfully)

It tastes better than a cake with cream!
Yum! Yum! Yum!

The mouse eats a sandwich.

Mouse (satisfied)

This is the thing -
I settled in and ate.
Now it's time to sleep!
Where is the bed in the mansion?

The mouse gets down from the table, climbs onto the bed, gets under the covers and falls asleep. The candle on the table lights up. The Wizard enters and heads towards the table.


The mega hare has been detained by me,
And successfully neutralized.
There was a lot of trouble with him...
Hey, where's my sandwich?

The wizard looks and feels the table.


An outrageous miracle!

The wizard looks under the table and takes out a mouse bundle.

Wizard (surprised)

So! Where did this come from?

The wizard shakes out the mouse's belongings from a bundle onto the table.

Wizard (perplexed)

A candy wrapper, a match, someone's fur
And one hazelnut!
What could this mean?
Someone was here, no less.
I'll eat a nut.

The wizard eats a nut.


And this trash -
I was there, I will be there!

The wizard touches the bundle with his magic wand, a gong sounds, and the mouse bundle disappears.



The wizard touches the table with his magic wand. A new cheese sandwich appears. The wizard takes a sandwich, preparing to eat. There is a loud stomp and the Pink Elephant runs in.

Pink Elephant

Help! Help!
The evil sorcerer stole the sun!
Look out the window -
It’s daytime, and it’s dark out there!
The birds are crying! The animals are crying!
And they don’t believe in salvation!
You must go quickly!


No, wait a minute
I owe the thief a lesson
I will cast a spell:
"Sandwich kidnapper"
I will be a venikus whiplash!”

The wizard touches the sandwich with his magic wand.


Okay, done! And now
I'll lock front door!

The wizard takes out a large key. The Pink Elephant and the Wizard leave. The candle goes out. The slam of the door and the clanging of a key in the lock are heard. The mouse wakes up and jumps up.

I had an ominous dream,
That my things were stolen!

The mouse gets off the bed and goes to the place where its bundle lay, but finds only a nut shell.

Mouse (indignantly)

This is true! The shell is empty!

The mouse sniffs.

But I smell delicious cheese!

The mouse throws the empty shell and climbs onto the table.

Mouse (joyfully)

Cheese! Swiss! Top quality!
It just begs to be put in my mouth!

The Mouse stretches its paws towards the sandwich, but suddenly a broom appears out of nowhere, hits the Mouse and disappears.

Mouse (scared)

The Mouse looks around, again pulls its paws towards the sandwich, a broom appears again, hits the Mouse and disappears.

The mouse grabs the sandwich and jumps off the table. Broom chases her around the room and hits her.

Enough! Stop it!

The mouse throws a sandwich. The broom disappears.

Mouse (angrily)

So you want war?
When I'm angry, I'm as scary as a lion!
Will! There will be war for you!

The mouse starts running around the room to the music and turning everything over, knocking it over and tearing it to shreds.

Mouse (singing)

There's a big lock on the door!
If I'm not welcome,
Let them expect no mercy!
Maybe a little mouse
More harm than a bear
Chew everything, break everything!
And you won't catch her!
The mouse waved its tail
Turned the house upside down!
I will not forgive the insult!
I will take revenge on you for everything!

There is a clang of a key and a slam of a door. The mouse is hiding. The Wizard enters.

Wizard (looking around)

What happened here, tell me?
Was there a robot destroyer here?
Or an evil giant?
Or a mad jerboa?
Everything is broken, broken...
The door was locked,
If there is someone in the house,
He should still be here!
Come on! Hide and seek!

The wizard waves his magic wand. A Mouse appears in front of the Wizard.

Mouse (imitating the Wizard)

And I hit your forehead with a smack!

The mouse jumps up and hits the Wizard on the forehead with a saucepan lid. The wizard falls. The mouse runs up and grabs his magic wand.

Mouse (teases gloatingly)

What, there’s no life without a wand?

The mouse breaks the magic wand in half.

Wizard (indignantly)

Oh, you are! Now hold on!

The Wizard jumps up, grabs a broom and begins to chase the Mouse with it.

Isn’t it a shame to offend the weak?


You are not at all harmless!

You are big and I am small!


You destroyed my whole house
And she got into it without asking!

The house stood empty in the middle of the forest!


I was saving the world at that time!

Where did you write this?


You ate my cheese, you impudent fellow!

Do you feel sorry for the cheese?
I could still do some magic!


You could stop stealing
And behave decently!

As is typical for you people,
Blame others for everything!
You gobbled up my nut yourself, thief!


You're because of a piece of cheese
I destroyed the whole apartment!

Finally, the Wizard catches up with the Mouse and raises a broom over it.

Wizard (breathing heavily)

A! Gotcha!

Mouse (breathing heavily)

Now what?

The wizard lowers the broom.


Here's your sandwich! Here's the door!

The Wizard gives the Mouse a sandwich and points towards the door. The mouse grabs the sandwich and greedily eats it.

Mouse (with mouth full)

Delicious! Well, thank you!
We could become friends!
Maybe we can start again?
Let's clean the house together,
Yes, and we will live together here.
One is probably bored?

Wizard (with a sigh)

A bit boring.

So what,
Will we be friends?


The Wizard and the Mouse shake hands.

The Wizard (to the audience)

Since then, the Mouse and I have been together
We lived peacefully for two hundred years!

Mouse (to viewers)

The water has become inseparable!

The Wizard (to the audience)

Never rush
Scream and get angry at others.
It's better to make friends with them!

The gong sounds. The Wizard and the Mouse disappear.


The Pink Elephant appears on the stage.

Pink Elephant

Fourth story
About the mouse Gloria,
That one day she became a rat -
The main circus actress!

A drum roll is heard. The Pink Elephant disappears. The Wizard appears on the stage.

The Wizard (to the audience)

Lived once
And they were very friendly
Pink Elephant, Mouse and Dog!

The introductory music for the song plays.


Easy to remember, however!

The listed heroes come out and cheerfully walk towards the Wizard. The Pink Elephant carries a balloon in its trunk.

Mouse, Dog and Pink Elephant (singing)

We are friends! We are friends
Because it's fun
We care about each other
Play all day!
Together - even to the moon
We'll build a ladder
Even in the sun itself
Let's sunbathe!

No trouble, no water
From a huge cloud
They don't scare us - they don't scare us
It is impossible to separate!
We will never be together
It's never boring -
Don't let us get bored
Best friends!

The gong sounds. The wizard blocks their way.

Wizard (sinister)

But one day they met him...

The wizard disappears and immediately appears in the image of the Circus Director (in a red wig, a bright cloak and with a lorgnette instead of a magic wand).

Circus director (speaks in a changed voice)

I'm the circus director, Mr. Dondon!
There is no show more famous in the whole world!

The circus director unfolds a large colorful poster and shows it to the Mouse, the Dog and the Pink Elephant.

Circus director

Don't stand there like stumps! Buy tickets!

The circus director removes the poster and fans out the tickets.

Circus director

Latest! At the best price!
Who should I give the tickets to?

Pink Elephant

The circus director takes the money and gives everyone a ticket.

Circus director (boastfully)

We were in New York, Berlin, Milan...
All the best is collected in our program:
The cancer will whistle, and the ostriches will fly...

Mouse (dreamy)

Can we become artists too?

Pink Elephant (with enthusiasm)

I dreamed about the circus almost from the cradle!
You could use a pink baby elephant!

And I... I know how to sit and stand up,
And bark and give your right paw!
I also know how to look for what is buried!

The dog enthusiastically demonstrates his skills.

Circus director

We have an overabundance of elephants and dogs!
A rat would be very useful to me.

The circus director points his lorgnette at the Mouse.

I am a mouse!

Circus director

The mouse also suits me quite well.
Ready to give you an outstanding number!

Dog and Pink Elephant

And we? What about us?

Circus director (categorically)

There's nothing left to argue about!
I'm waiting for the rat at the circus at four o'clock!

The director leaves humming a circus tune.

Mouse (joyfully)

I don’t believe my ears and I don’t believe my eyes!
I've been accepted into the troupe!

The mouse happily jumps and spins.

Pink Elephant (joyfully)

How wonderful it is!

The Pink Elephant hugs the Mouse.

We are proud of you!

The dog hugs the mouse. The mouse moves away from his friends.

Mouse (arrogantly)

Are you proud? In vain!
It was not you, but me who was taken to the circus tent!
Now I’m an actress, and you... you are nobody!

Pink Elephant (confused)

But we are friends!

We are always inseparable!

Mouse (arrogantly)

All in the past! I'll be better off at the circus without you!
Now I’m already an unusual mouse -
Naples, Berlin and Paris are waiting for me!
I'll wash it up! I will become a star!
I'll open the big show number,
All the spectators will say “Bravo!” scream.
Farewell! I won't miss you!

The Mouse turns his back on the Pink Elephant and the Dog and leaves the stage, humming a circus tune.

Pink Elephant (sad)

Gone! She didn’t even have time to launch the ball!
What's wrong with her?

She probably got arrogant.
Now we're not so good to her.

Pink Elephant (confused)

But we loved her from the bottom of our hearts!
They always helped, saved us from cats,
They always gave her a piece of cheese.
I wanted to let her launch the balloon...

Let's launch together! There's no point in being sad.

The Pink Elephant gives the ball to the Dog. She lets go and the ball flies up. The Dog and the Pink Elephant follow him with their gaze.

Pink Elephant

Eh, Mouse! When will we see each other again?

You and I have tickets to the show!
Let her no longer be friends with us,
But we are friends with her, she is important to us!

A circus tune sounds. The Pink Elephant and the Dog leave the stage. The circus music gets louder. An elegant Mouse appears on the stage in a shiny skirt with a large bow.

Mouse (nervously)

My number will be announced very soon!
I'm scared!

The Circus Director appears.

Circus director

Are you worried? Happens to everyone!
I was afraid too the first time
He went out into public like you are doing now.
Everything will be great, don’t doubt it!
Stand in the center, bow and smile!
Believe me, it doesn’t take any brains to do this.

Mouse (scared)

Circus director

You'll see for yourself!
Your exit!

The circus director pushes the Mouse into the middle of the stage and disappears. The circus music gets louder. A spotlight is pointed at the Mouse.

Today in our arena
We will show you a new deadly number!
You will be happy to see him!
The battle! Mouse vs cat! Well, who will win?

A drum roll is heard.

Mouse (horrified)

Me, a mouse, against a cat? No! I disagree!
Nobody told me the number was dangerous!
I don’t want to be a circus performer anymore!

A loud and scary “Meow!” is heard, and a huge shadow of a cat appears on the wall.

Oh! All! I'm dead!

The mouse falls unconscious on the edge of the stage. There is barking and stomping. The Dog and the Pink Elephant run onto the stage.

Dog (menacing)

Pink Elephant (menacing)

Pink Elephant

You will not offend our friend!

The cat's shadow disappears. The spotlight goes out. The Dog and the Pink Elephant are bending over the Mouse.

Poor thing!

Pink Elephant

Barely alive from fright!

The mouse comes to his senses.

Mouse (joyfully)

You chased the cat away! Hooray! Saved!
And I must apologize to you -
I greatly offended you, I was rude,
And I didn’t value our friendship at all!
And you are my best friends in the world!
I beg you to forgive me!

Dog (Pink Elephant)

So what should we do? Sorry?

Pink Elephant

Well, of course!
We will all be friends together, as before.

And if my friend suddenly gets into trouble,
I will come to his aid immediately!

The Dog, Pink Elephant and Mouse sing a song and walk around the stage.

All together (singing)

Our friendship is for us
The most wonderful of all miracles!
With our friendship we
We appreciate it very much!
But she must be
Faithful and honest.
Only this way, only this way
It's right to be friends!

Every day, every day
Adventure awaits us.
Together we are, together we are
We will always find them!
We are friends! For friends
The best moments -
Those that we are, those that we are,
Let's spend it together!

The Pink Elephant, Dog and Mouse leave the stage.


The gong sounds. The Wizard appears in his usual outfit.

The Wizard (to the audience)

That's all, dear viewers!
We kidnapped you into the world of dreams for an hour!
And for this performance it’s good
Clap your hands for us!

Music is playing. The Pink Elephant, the Dog and the Mouse appear and together with the Wizard they bow to the audience. The audience applauds. There is a song playing in the background.

They say it doesn't happen
In our world of magic,
And our elephants fly
Grass grows in the snow!

Chocolate Planet,
Bright blue leaf fall!
If you see this,
So you have come to the theater!

Adults and children know
They know everything in the world,
Everything magical in the world
It's called theater!

Moscow region, city Chekhov-2

Federal State Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 2 “Fairy Tale”

Sketch for older preschoolers.

"Forest playground"

/ based on the cartoon “Teddy Bear” - Soyuzmultfilm studio, script by N. Okropiridze/.

Musical director

Klimova Galina Valerievna.


Children in the music room are seated. The presenter comes out and greets the children.

LEADING– Children, I want to invite you to the forest, to the playground with the little animals. Do you think they also play interesting games with each other?

Children offer ways for the animals to have fun: they tumble, catch up with each other, jump on tree stumps, climb a tree, etc.

LEADING– Do you think children and animals know how to be friends?

CHILDREN /chorus/- They can!

LEADING– To meet the forest animals, let's start dancing and spinning like a light breeze! He will take us to the forest playground.

DANCE IMPROVISATION/music chosen by the music director/.

LEADING- Here we are in the forest. Look, there is someone in the playground.

The children, Bunny and Fox, come to the center of the hall.

CHANTERELLE- Let's be friends?

Bunny- Let's be friends!
TOGETHER- Life will be more fun for us!

CHANTERELLE – Let `s play?

Bunny – Let `s play!

TOGETHER - Let's help each other!

The Hare and the Fox are building a tower from wooden blocks /game of cubes/. Teddy bear comes out.

BEAR/hums in recitative/ -

I'm Mishka, Mishka, Mishka,

I don't go to school.

And with small animals

I don't make friends in the forest.

I want it, I want it

And I'll beat everyone up!




Offending animals is no joke!


Want to scare?


The bunny gets scared and cries, the fox strokes his head and calms him down.

BEAR- One two three four five…

I'll be the only one to play!

The bear takes all the bars and leaves.

LEADING- Guys, to cheer up the Bunny, let's become his friends and play with him.

MUSICAL GAME WITH A BUNNY/at the choice of the music director/ - children play and amuse the Bunny.

Squirrel and Wolf come out.

WOLF- Let's be friends?

SQUIRREL- Let's be friends!
TOGETHER- Life will be more fun for us!

WOLF - Let `s play?

SQUIRREL – Let `s play!

TOGETHER - Let's help each other!

The wolf helps Squirrel collect mushrooms in a basket. They are having fun, racing to the mushrooms. Teddy bear comes out.

BEAR/hums in recitative/ -

I'm Mishka, Mishka, Mishka,

I don't go to school.

And with small animals

I don't make friends in the forest.

I want it, I want it

And I'll beat everyone up!

SQUIRREL AND WOLF/in unison/ - Bear, will you play with us?

BEAR - What?! Come on, let's get out of here! /stomps his foot/

BEASTS/in unison/ - Well, look, look, Mishutka,

Offending animals is no joke!

BEAR- One two three four five…

Want to scare?


The squirrel gets scared and cries, the Wolf strokes her head and calms her down.

BEAR - One two three four five…

I'll be the only one to play!

The bear takes the basket and leaves.

LEADING- Guys, to cheer up Squirrel, let’s become her friends and play with her.

MUSICAL GAME WITH SQUIRREL/by choice of the music director/ - children play with Belka and make her laugh.

Hedgehog and Mouse come out.

HEDGEHOG- Let's be friends?

MOUSE- Let's be friends!
TOGETHER- Life will be more fun for us!

HEDGEHOG – Let `s play?

MOUSE – Let `s play!

TOGETHER - Let's help each other!

The Hedgehog takes rowan beads from the basket, puts them on the Mouse, she takes a mirror from her apron pocket and admires it. Teddy bear comes out.

BEAR/hums in recitative/ -

I'm Mishka, Mishka, Mishka,

I don't go to school.

And with small animals

I don't make friends in the forest.

I want it, I want it

And I'll beat everyone up!

HEDGEHOG and MOUSE/in unison/ - Bear, will you play with us?

BEAR - What?! Come on, let's get out of here! /stomps his foot/

BEASTS/in unison/ - Well, look, look, Mishutka,

Offending animals is no joke!

BEAR- One two three four five…

Want to scare?


The mouse gets scared and cries, the Hedgehog strokes its head and calms it down.

BEAR- One two three four five…

I'll be the only one to play!

Bear takes the beads off Mouse, takes away the mirror and leaves. All the animals gather in the center of the hall.

BEASTS / in chorus/ - Oh, and this Bear is harmful.

Being a bully is too much!

We'll teach him a lesson

We'll teach you to be polite!

The animals stand in a circle, hug, and whisper. The wolf brings out a large scarecrow on a stick, the animals line up behind him.

BEASTS/in unison/ - Mishka, Mishka, come out!

Bear, Bear, look!

The bear comes out, the animals approach him, scaring him with a scarecrow. The bear gets scared and slowly retreats back. From the corner where Mishka retreats, the teacher pulls out a large drawing of a wild boar with huge tusks. The bear turns around and freezes in place with fear. All the animals stop too.

BEAR/stands still/ - Oh, animals, help!

Oh, hurry up and save me!!!

The animals begin to loudly knock with the scarecrow stick, approach the “boar”, take Mishka, hide it behind their backs, stamp their feet, the “boar” gets scared and disappears. The bear is stroked on the head and calmed down.

BEAR- Now you will forgive me.

Take me as your friend.

I give you my word that from now on

The bear will be polite! /bows/

BEASTS /in unison/- We know from hearsay

And people say

What are bears

Among the guys!!!

LEADING- Of course, if one of the guys did something bad, then after watching our forest history, he will behave politely and learn to be friends. Let's sing a song about friendship.

SONG ABOUT FRIENDSHIP /chosen by the music director/

HOST – That's the end of the fun on the playground. The animals returned to their mothers, and it’s time for us to go to kindergarten. Where is our magic breeze? Ready, let's fly...

Children take leaves from under the chairs, blow, waltz around the hall and leave the hall.

Used Books:

    Zatsepina M.B. Beauty. Joy. Creation. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2002.

    Zatsepina M.B. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005.

    Solomennikova O.A. The joy of creativity. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005.

Birthday bear

Progress of the event

On the edge of the forest, in a small hut
Once upon a time there lived a bear
With my little Teddy Bear.
Ursa (wakes up the little bear):
Son, I'm falling asleep, it's time to get up,
Otherwise you'll sleep through your birthday.
Teddy Bear (wakes up and goes to the table):
Oh you! So much delicious food here!
It will be enough for me for the whole year,
I take a spoon and... go ahead!

I set the table for the guests,
Hurry to the forest as quickly as possible,
Invite your friends for your birthday
There's something for everyone!

Teddy bear:
Mom, I'm running as fast as I can,
The pie smells nice!
I'll go into the forest for the guests,
I'll call everyone I can find.
Let them eat with us
Ruddy pie with mushrooms!

Teddy Bear(sees a hedgehog):
Hey, Thorn, listen to me!
I know you love to eat.
Don't rustle in the grass there,
Hurry to our hut.
Run as fast as you can, prickly one,
Otherwise we'll eat the pie.

I'm not a thorn at all,
I won't go to you, you bastard! (leaves)

Teddy Bear (sees a mouse):
Hey, you gray rogue,
The tail is as long as a rope!
Stop what you're doing
And come to me without delay
On birthday!

Oh, Mishutka, I don’t understand
Why did you become rude?
Do you want to invite me to visit?
There's no need to call him that! (leaves)

Teddy Bear(sees a hare):
Well, hello, Oblique, how opportune!
Hurry to my home
Help yourself to some sausage
And young cabbage,
Juicy, ripe carrots.

Hare(steps aside):
I felt a bit awkward
I'll go to the pond to sunbathe.
But I won’t come to you!

Teddy Bear (waves away the hare):
Okay, okay, let's figure it out
We can do without the hare!
The forest is full of other animals,
I'll find some guests!

Teddy Bear (sees a fox):
Hey fox, why are you sitting there?
Are you in a hurry to come to me with a gift?
I won't wait long
I will treat others!

I love treats
But I won’t tolerate ignoramuses!

Teddy Bear (surprised):
Well, well, I don’t understand anything!
Perhaps everyone here has become stupid,
Are you hungry for treats?
(sees a wolf)
Here's luck, here's luck:
The wolf will come to your birthday!
(to the wolf)
Wolf, oh wolf!
Come visit me
There will be fish and bones...
Treats overflowing
If you want, eat it all at once.

Even though I am an unfed beast,
But I am a well-mannered wolf cub.
I tell you right away:
I refuse! (runs away)

Teddy Bear(shouts after):
What a trick, Wolf, wait!
I'm calling you home
For your birthday.
I don't mind the treats!
(through tears) There is cake and jam...
But there will be no birthday!
No friends, no gifts...

Leading (pats the bear on the head):
I feel very sorry for the little bear!
Baby forgot etiquette
And he was impolite.

Teddy bear:
Cancelling a birthday?!

You were rude to the animals, you forgot your kind words.
You were impolite and rude
So there are no friends around.
All the animals enter, the Bear approaches

Happy Birthday Teddy Bear!
Teddy Bear (joyfully):
Oh, friends, you came to me!
Have you really forgiven me?
Was I impolite, rude?!

Yes, because we are your friends!!!
They hug the teddy bear and give him gifts.

CROW: (to the audience in a thin, shrill voice)

Kar! Kar! First call! First call! Not a telephone! Not for class!

It is very important! It's not without reason! He says: “Take your seats!” The Dog runs out with a bell.

Dog (to the audience)

Woof! This is the second call! Sit still and shut your mouth!

In order for us to show you the performance, it must be quiet in the auditorium!

And this, guys, is the third call! I am the evil wizard Ibn Ogogoh!
I will hit everyone who has not yet sat down with a magic wand! And she is strong in witchcraft -
She can turn a mouse into a bear.
A Mouse appears in front of the Wizard. The wizard raises his magic wand over her.

Oh-oh-oh! I'm afraid! Save!

Myshkus into medvedius transformus!

The Wizard touches the Mouse with his magic wand. The gong sounds. The mouse disappears and a bear appears in its place.

Wizard (threatening to spectators)

Tremble! Otherwise I’ll turn you into bears now! A Mouse appears next to the bear.

Mouse (to the audience) It was a joke, friends!

This bear is not me! The Dog appears on the stage.

Dog: And the wizard is not evil at all!

Wizard: I only fulfilled my role.

We are artists, and that means...

All (in unison) The traveling theater has come to you! (singing)

They say it doesn't happen
In our world of magic,
And our elephants fly
Grass grows in the snow!

Chocolate Planet,
Bright blue leaf fall!
If you see this,
So you have come to the theater!

And let it all be for fun
And it will only last an hour,
During this time we will be able
Create miracles for you!

Adults and children know
They know everything in the world,
Everything magical in the world
It's called theater!

We'll tell stories
Let's role play
Because it's very important
We will like you all.

Wizard: First story About the bear Yegory!

How he lived alone in the house, And no one was friends with him!

Bear: (sorrowfully) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm terribly lonely!

I sleep and eat alone... Why am I not nice to everyone?
Why? Why am I destined to be alone?
Maybe I didn’t find a friend because I’m big?
Or did this happen because of the dark color?

After all, it is known that bears should not be simple!
Or is everyone not friends with me because I’m worse than them?
Or because it's out? The Wizard appears.

Wizard: He lamented for a long time. He was so exhausted that soon. He decided to die from grief.

Bear: (sniffling) I will go to the ends of the earth, I will come and fall! After all, no one is friends with me, No one needs me.

And no one in the whole district will cry for me!

Mouse (admiringly) Wow! Wow!

Dog Wow

Bear: (sad) Laugh, laugh, nothing.
I know perfectly well that I look terrible -
dark scary bear I am! There are a million shortcomings!
I'm very bored alone. So I’ll go and jump off the cliff, no one will notice!

Dog: Nonsense! There is no more beautiful bear in the whole world.

Mouse: I would like to become so big myself, but the color has never been better! As for me, all bears should be dark in color!

Mouse and Dog: We want to be friends with you!

Bear: (puzzled) This can't be true!

Apparently you are from another planet or from beyond the edge of the world.

Nobody here is friends with me, Nobody needs me. I sleep and eat alone, and no one has liked me all my life!

Dog: And who, if it’s not a secret, doesn’t like you in particular?

Bear: (confused) I don't know I'm right now

I only came out for the first time.

Mouse: If you weren't a homebody, you would know who your neighbors are. We live ten steps away.

Dog: I live across that stream. The dog shows the direction with its paw.

Mouse: I live under that snag. So, our poor Dark One, don’t rush to jump off the cliff in vain,

After all, being friends is much better!

Dog: Together we can play, run, jump, sunbathe!

Mouse: We can twirl our tail!

Dog: We can sing a song in chorus!

All (singing) It’s bad for both the big one and the little one Without friends in the world, I know this for sure! You can die of boredom - your tail will drop and your hands will drop! Everyone, everyone needs friends! You can't live alone! And cows, and gorillas, and elephants, and crocodiles! Everyone, everyone needs friends! Neither the computer nor the museum will find you friends! We're not happy without friends

What is and what was, Everyone, everyone needs friends! You can't live alone! Don't worry about anything, come out and meet people! Everyone, everyone needs friends!

Fox: (to the audience) Although I'm not like that at all,
I'll play a biting role! Life in captivity, goodbye-bye!
I've been crying since the morning! The hair on the withers stands on end,
Why go to the wolf? So as not to suddenly go wild here,

I could use a friend - not a strict master,

And the four-legged one!

Mouse: I want to be friends with you!

Fox: (doubtfully) You? With me?

sniffs the Mouse from everyone Well, so be it! Make friends, try it!

Mouse: Are we friends?

Fox: To the grave!

Mouse: What should we do now?

Fox: You may be small, but you are a beast! I want something to play hunting!

Mouse: How's that?

Lisa: Yes! Run! The mouse backs away.

Mouse: (in panic) We are friends, not enemies!

Fox: (threatening) Run away, otherwise I'll bite you off quickly!

The fox attacks. The mouse runs away with a squeak.

Mouse: (desperately) Stop doing that! Leave me alone! Let me go!

It hurts me! Pee-pee-pee!

Fox: You are my prey! Such is the custom! The mouse cries loudly.

Lisa: I love you so much, just a little bit!

Mouse: (crying) I don’t want to be friends like that! The mouse runs away.

Fox: (arrogantly) It's a loss for me too! I'll meet a better beast!

A ball rolls onto the stage. There is a loud stomp. The Bear appears. The fox examines and sniffs it from different sides.

Fox: (spectators approvingly) This one will do just fine! Bear, will you be my friend?

Bear: With pleasure! What are we going to do?

Fox: You won’t get bored, don’t be afraid! We'll play tag

To the little bits and pieces!

Bear: How is that?

Lisa: Yes! Run! The fox catches up and the bear growls to back away.

Bear: (surprised) We are friends, not enemies!

Fox: (threatening) Run away quickly, I'm already going wild!

The fox growls and bites the bear's leg. The bear runs away, the fox runs after him, catches up and bites him again.

Bear: Oh! Ay! Hurt! Oh-oh-oh! (angrily)

And now I’m behind you - Better than biters, Salochki-tramples! The bear, stomping loudly, begins to run after the fox, trying to step on it. The fox runs away from the bear, but he still tramples her from time to time. Fox: (complaining) Enough! Enough! Understood! I behaved badly -

Like a barracuda! I won't do this again!

The bear stops chasing the fox.

Bear: no offense? Friends? The bear takes out the ball and throws it to the fox.

Fox: (joyfully) Friends! The bear and the fox are playing ball. The Mouse appears.

Mouse (timidly) That’s how I want to be friends!

Dog (To the mouse) Come closer, I won't hurt you anymore! The dog throws the ball to the Mouse. The characters play ball and sing a song. Together (singing) You can’t throw yourself at your friends, Call them names and bite them, Offend them or betray them! If my friend apologizes, I will stop being angry. I will play with him again. We are best friends! You can't offend a friend! He is not a stick or a box, He is alive and real, I should not upset him! Squirrels and peacocks are friends, Tigers and penguins are friends. And we are friends with each other! Gotta be with

dear friends. Kind, generous, patient -

We must take care of our friends! We are best friends! You can't offend a friend! He is not a stick or a box, He is alive and real. I shouldn't upset him!

Wizard: It's a little dark in the house. Come on, svetus zazhigatos! Oh! Well, I'm so tired! -I counted all the stars. I sewed three dresses from the fog and saved children from a giant. I woke up the sleepless one. He tamed three dragons. The city was rebuilt, the storm on the sea was calmed. He cured the wing of the firebird, made a miracle sword for the prince. And now it’s nice for me to sit here in silence. And have a quiet lunch. So that I can taste this? Pakus-smakus-skovorodus! Cheese-bread-sandwich!

Dog: Woof! Woof! Woof!

Wizard: Well, what is it? There is not a moment of peace!

Dog (hurriedly and excitedly) This is urgent! There again. The monster came out for a walk. All iron, as tall as a mountain. Dealing with this is not easy! If you don't stop him, he will crush the people! Hurry! It's bad! People are calling Ogogoh! The whole forest is in trouble!

Wizard: Okay! I'm on my way!

Mouse: What is it that smells so delicious? Cheese! Swiss! Top quality! It tastes better than a cake with cream! Yum! Yum! Yum! The mouse eats a sandwich.

Mouse (satisfied) This is the thing - this is how delicious I ate. Now it's time to sleep! Where is the bed here?

The Wizard enters and heads towards the table.

Wizard: The megamiracle was detained by me and successfully neutralized. There was a lot of trouble with him... Hey, where's my sandwich? An outrageous miracle! So! Where did this come from? And this rubbish was Tutus, I’ll be there!

Pakus-smakus-skovorodus! Cheese-bread-sandwich! A new cheese sandwich appears. The wizard takes a sandwich, preparing to eat. There is a loud stomp and a bear runs in.

Bear: Help! Help! The evil sorcerer stole the sun! Look out the window - Day, and it’s dark there! The birds are crying! The animals are crying! And they don’t believe in salvation! You must go quickly!

Wizard: No, wait a minute,

I must cast a spell for the thief’s edification:

“Sandwich, pohichakus, Budus venikus khleschakus!”

The wizard touches the sandwich with his magic wand.

Wizard: Okay, done! And now I will lock the front door! The Bear and the Wizard leave. The mouse wakes up and jumps up.

Mouse: I had an ominous dream,

That my things were stolen! Mouse (indignantly) This is true! empty! But I smell delicious cheese! Cheese! Swiss! Top quality! It just begs to be put in my mouth!

The mouse pulls its paws towards the sandwich, but suddenly out of nowhere

a broom appears, hits the Mouse and disappears.

Mouse (scared) Oh!

The Mouse looks around, again pulls its paws towards the sandwich, a broom appears again, hits the Mouse and disappears.

The mouse grabs the sandwich and jumps off the table. Broom chases her around the room and hits her.

Mouse: Enough! Stop it!

The mouse throws a sandwich. The broom disappears.

Mouse: (angrily) So you want war?
When I'm angry, I'm as scary as a lion! Will! There will be war for you!
Terem-terem-teremok! There's a big lock on the door!
If I'm not welcome, Let them expect no mercy!

Woohoo! Maybe a little mouse

More harm than a bear, chew everything, break everything! And you won't catch her! Woohoo! The mouse waved its tail. Turned the house upside down! I will not forgive the insult! I will take revenge on you for everything! Woohoo!

There is a clang of a key and a slam of a door. The mouse is hiding. Included

Wizard: (looking around)

What happened here, tell me? Was there a robot destroyer here? Or an evil giant? Or a mad jerboa? Everything was broken, broken... The door was locked, if there was someone in the house, He should still be here! Come on! Hide and seek!

The wizard waves his magic wand. A Mouse appears in front of the Wizard.

Mouse: (imitating the Wizard)

And I hit your forehead with a smack!

The mouse jumps up and hits the Wizard on the forehead with a saucepan lid. The wizard falls. The mouse runs up and grabs his magic wand.

Mouse: (teases gloatingly) What, there’s no life without a wand? The mouse breaks the magic wand in half.

Wizard: (indignantly) Oh, you are! Now hold on! The Wizard jumps up, grabs a broom and begins to chase the Mouse with it.

Mouse: Isn’t it a shame to offend the weak?

Wizard: You are not harmless at all!

Mouse: You are big, and I am small!

Wizard: You destroyed my whole house and got into it without asking!

Mouse: The house stood empty in the middle of the forest!

Wizard: I was saving the world at that time!

Mouse: Where did you write this?

Wizard: You ate my cheese, you impudent one!

Mouse: Do you feel sorry for the cheese? I could still do some magic!

Wizard: You could stop stealing and behave decently!

Mouse: How typical for you people to blame others for everything!

Wizard: You destroyed the whole apartment because of a piece of cheese! Finally, the Wizard catches up with the Mouse and raises a broom over it.

Wizard (breathing heavily) A! Gotcha!

Mouse (breathing heavily) Now what? The wizard lowers

Wizard: Here's your sandwich! Here's the door!

The Wizard gives the Mouse a sandwich and points towards the door. The mouse grabs the sandwich and greedily eats it.

Mouse (with mouth full)

Delicious! Well, thank you! We could become friends! Maybe we can start again? Let's clean the house together,

Yes, and we will live together here. One is probably bored?

Wizard (with a sigh) A bit boring.

Mouse: Well, so, will we be friends?

Wizard: Otherwise! The Wizard and the Mouse shake hands.

Wizard (to the audience) From then on, the Mouse and I lived together peacefully for two hundred years!

Mouse (to the audience) The water has become inseparable!

Wizard (to the audience)

Never rush to shout or get angry at others.
It's better to make friends with them!