Self-sufficiency. Self-sufficient person. Self-sufficiency – what is it? What is self-sufficiency in psychological terms?

Let's take a closer look at what self-sufficiency is and why it is so necessary.

Self-sufficiency is a person’s ability to solve many life problems on his own. This quality implies a complete absence of fear of being alone, the ability to provide oneself with what is necessary without outside help. This concept is complex; accordingly, it has several levels:

  • Economic self-sufficiency implies your ability to clothe, feed yourself and perform any similar household activities;
  • Psychological self-sufficiency is a quality when you understand that you will feel comfortable without communicating with people. At the same time, you enjoy contacts with other individuals. If you are sure that you simply need the presence of a person in your life, if you crave any communication with him, then it is impossible to talk about self-sufficiency;
  • Social self-sufficiency is success in the business you do in life. Such self-sufficiency implies that a person is smart and strong, but at the same time he is also wealthy and minds his own business.

The main condition for healthy self-sufficiency is the complete absence of any fears, as well as the ability to overcome them correctly. It is difficult to say about an anxious person that she is self-sufficient. Such a person runs away from life.

When you take responsibility for your actions, the reaction of others to them is only feedback, another point of view. The attention of others also becomes only a pleasant addition to your successful actions. However, for a self-sufficient person this attribute is unimportant.

Naturally, this quality cannot be innate. They become self-sufficient during the formation of personality and its development. A person does something, experiments, makes mistakes, finds his path. All these actions immediately affect self-sufficiency. The main way to help develop this quality is the determination to stop demanding something from others and take responsibility for what is happening on yourself.

Development of self-sufficiency

Let's look at specific tips that will answer the question of how to develop self-sufficiency.

The first step should be the determination to serve yourself, be able to provide for yourself financially and solve emerging issues on your own. Also, the development of self-sufficiency is closely related to taking care of your body, its health and beauty. It is necessary to understand that the transition to healthy image life is an opportunity to extend the period of one’s self-sufficiency and delay old age.

Carefully consider your social circle. Understand for yourself who you are really interested in and need. Communicate with people when it has a certain value for you (this means not only and not so much material interest, but a spiritual connection and the interest of a person as an individual). The pinnacle of perfection in this area is the ability to have friends without them “having” you. Human self-sufficiency is not achieved immediately. It is not easy to combine it with attractiveness to others at the initial stage. Here it is appropriate to recommend the article - “ How to get rid of the desire to please everyone».

Some people may benefit from productive solitude. Such an experience will allow you to overcome the fear of being alone and understand that there is nothing terrible in this situation. You live an independent life, do things that are interesting and important to you. Productive solitude can be compared to a fasting diet. Internal elaboration removes everything unnecessary from your life, certain restrictions go away, additional skills are developed, and personality changes are consolidated.

Learn to make decisions on your own. You can listen to outside advice, but still do it your own way. You need to remember that in the end you will be responsible for the final decision.

Should learn set goals for yourself. The person who has them lives his own life. A person without a goal is content with what others and circumstances offer him.

Self-sufficient personality is, first of all, an adult, a developed individual. If you have learned to “stand on your own two feet,” don’t stop at this stage. When you reach a significant level of self-sufficiency, consider caring for others.

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Self-sufficiency is a negative quality of a person to assert himself, to be minimally dependent on external events, to feel comfortable alone with himself. Self-sufficiency is a complete denial of Love and degeneration of a person.

Manifestation of Self-Sufficiency

Self-sufficiency, like a terrible wave of the absolute, swept across Russia. This obsessive concept has a deep destructive meaning. The scariest one will look like a little boy compared to Self-Sufficiency! This concept was introduced to destroy the family and glorify women. Self-sufficiency can be called a psychological disease. The result of this disease is the woman’s loneliness and the inability to continue family life. The goal of corporations that have implemented this installation is to sell lonely woman apartments, cars, goods. This is an increase in corporate profits.

Positive aspects of Self-Sufficiency: A self-sufficient person is not characterized by, and. Self-sufficiency is a personality quality that requires constant development and personal growth.

The important thing is that self-sufficiency presupposes complete control over Fear of oneself, one’s thoughts, actions and emotions. Self-sufficiency presupposes great willpower. As a result, most of them have access to fruitful activity, joy and creativity. Self-sufficient people spend significantly less time and energy fighting with themselves. Self-sufficiency, as it were, is similar to independence with a minus sign - this is Dependency.

Negative points of Self-sufficiency:

The most terrible people are people who are independent or self-sufficient, who have found a whole world within themselves and are carried away by this world. They no longer have any need for any society. They let go easily. You may be very important to such people, but they will not tolerate Misfortune or Suffering. They'll just leave. Because people with the Universe inside will not lose anything, do not expect them to suffer without you. This is the destruction of the principles of human Love.

If you reproach them for this, they will easily cross the line of Cruelty and Soullessness. By blaming you, they will easily break up with you and try to forget, even if you were very close.
Self-sufficiency, as a plus, is impossible without the existence of its minus pole - Dependence. External events do not have a decisive impact on it. There is a serious opinion that in Self-sufficiency, there are all the opportunities for living in harmony with oneself and with the outside world. Self-sufficiency is a complete denial of Love, since love involves giving a part of yourself, absolutely unselfishly.

Gender Self-sufficiency and destructive consequences

It is mostly women who claim Self-Sufficiency the most. They really like the word itself, without deep understanding. None of them know about the destruction that lies ahead. The woman has already been torn away from her family. They slandered men at all levels, made them look like a laughing stock, a weakling and a drunkard. They put a concept and an unattainable goal ahead like a scarecrow - A real man. In fact, they set women against men. Social media permeated with hatred of men.

These ideas are being implemented in a very technological and scientific way. Through this, the principles of family and the subordination of women to men are destroyed. The concept of Self-sufficiency is being introduced. As a result, humanity expects terrible destruction in our heads and a drop in the birth rate. The level of destruction will be much greater than the result of previous Wars combined. This is the principle of total destruction described in the experiment

Who needs this and why is it being done?

The concept of Self-sufficiency allows car companies to sell billions of dollars worth of products, thereby influencing the psychology of a woman who betrayed her family, lied to a man, jumped into a car, went to paint her nails, leaving the man as a housewife and accusing him of being a rag. In most cases, a woman's psychology does not look far. Most women want it here and now, being only at the stage of personality and needs formation. Therefore, declaring a man infantile and incapable, they destroy the family! At the same time, they definitely harm themselves by becoming workhorses, earning money and raising children on their own. The destruction of a family is also beneficial from a military point of view; there is no need to conduct direct military invasions or start wars where a slandered and destroyed man is not valued as a protector. A man is destroyed psychologically by turning into a woman. Extinction of people and falling birth rates, gender hatred - this is the result of just one concept. This is an element of gender-oriented psychological warfare!

Every person has self-sufficiency and dependence. Those for whom the positive pole becomes manifest have the right to be called self-sufficient people. The negative pole – dependence – is hidden in them, but this does not mean that it is absent. Self-sufficiency is independence and it is incompatible with the concept of openness and radiating the energy of goodness and need to others. Self-sufficiency is closer to the concept of false Egoism.

There are beloved close people, relatives, mother, father. There are like-minded people whom he can meet all over the world and at the same time feel quite comfortable, even being far from home. Selfishness, in general terms, is the self-sufficiency of men

Self-sufficiency is minimal dependence on external will and external circumstances or needs.

Absolute self-sufficiency does not exist. You are dependent, in any case, on food, society, relatives, a source of money, your attachments to alcohol, nicotine, women, friends, the tax office, the state, the army that protects you.

You love Women or truly love children - this certainly cannot be called minimal dependence. Relatives? Do you really care about your parents? It's a complete addiction! At the same time, Self-sufficiency cannot be understood as complete isolation from the outside world!

Can you become a follower of Diogenes without any mental anguish?

I think the truthful answer is no! If only in a cemetery in a coffin!

Any person is integrated into society, which means they are dependent on it.
He is dependent on food, clothing, doctor services, communications.

Therefore, it is not correct to talk about self-sufficiency in this context. The question is: Will you feel normal, without suffering and cries of indignation, having become Robinson Crusoe for several years? How do you feel about loneliness? Can you keep yourself busy without TV series, discos, football and various shows? Without women? Won't it be boring? The answer is the following - the state of Loneliness is worse than Death!

Diogenes saw the goal of his life in achieving a state of Self-sufficiency, when a person comprehends the vanity of the external world and the meaning of his existence becomes indifference to everything except the peace of his own soul. Besides, Diogenes, it’s not for Russia to live in a barrel according to natural conditions, winter, summer is impossible!

Impossibility of Self-sufficiency in modern society

What do most people do in modern life? Fights for its significance, spending a colossal share of its vitality, tearing out pieces of Happiness for yourself and your family! Where is Self-sufficiency here? You cannot be self-sufficient if a Woman has chosen you to continue your Life!

The word “self-sufficiency” has two parts, and the meaning is this: “myself is enough” for me. That is, a person feels comfortable in his own company, he is not bored with himself.

A self-sufficient person smoothly moves towards his goal in life, without clinging to his own and external importance. He has no one to be offended by, because no one can offend him.
A self-sufficient person adheres to the principles of life, respecting the right of others to choose: “I have the right to be myself, others too.” His strength lies in the fact that he cannot be reproached or offended.
Do you think a confident person should be self-sufficient and, conversely, a self-sufficient confident person?

Confidence is a broader concept than Self-sufficiency. In a confident person, the ability to overcome all Addictions and this is a struggle prevails. Definitely, in a self-sufficient person there is more confidence than uncertainty, but this does not mean struggle, it is more opportunism.

On the other hand, a Self-sufficient person cannot be called a full-fledged egoist only for the simple reason that he is independent of anyone. He can afford dependence if it does not create excess energy potential.

For example, he loves his wife. For him, love is selfless admiration for the existence of another. He builds relationships on the principles of giving, not mutual exchange, and does not turn his wife into a means of saving him from loneliness. You can love a person without merging with him or dissolving in him. He accepts his wife with all her deviations in her head, respecting the uniqueness and individuality of her inner world.

If the wife wise woman, she will not encroach on her husband’s goals, calling and destiny, but on the other hand, will she be fully Happy? Without difficulties and trials in life?
Of course, it is enough for the Wife to understand that such a Husband loves her, but remains a person - unique and internally independent. She has already become a favorite part of his world, entered his life, and there is nothing more stupid than establishing her own rules in it and trying to make rearrangements.

A bland, ordinary, prosperous life according to the principle of the Middle Way and Self-Sufficiency leads to degeneration and degradation of your line of inheritance and society after one generation. In fact, you will be the last of your kind!

Making a decision about Self-sufficiency in your only life is your right! Just like a person who decides to commit suicide, you can decide on self-sufficiency and ending the line of your kind and degeneration. IN



Snezhana Ivanova

Personal development is impossible without self-sufficiency, since only a person satisfied with himself can fully move forward and improve his abilities.

What is self-sufficiency? IN Lately In psychological science, this concept is mentioned quite often. Quite a lot of attention is paid to this topic. Personal development is impossible without self-sufficiency, since only a person satisfied with himself can fully move forward and improve his abilities.

What is self-sufficiency

What is this concept? Some people are ready to literally sacrifice everything in the world just to feel how significant their own views and desires are. The psychological component here is very important, since the mood actually depends on it. Let's take a closer look at how self-sufficiency manifests itself.


Such a person very rarely experiences remorse. He is satisfied with himself in everything and performs any actions with confidence. Contentment with yourself begins with sincere acceptance of your own essence. When a person does not hinder himself in self-realization, he can achieve much more significant results. Self-satisfaction helps you overcome various obstacles. What is important is an internal sense of self-sufficiency, a feeling that everything in life is being done correctly and according to conscience.

As for the fair sex, they are of great importance family values. A woman’s self-sufficiency is expressed, first of all, in the intention to build a strong and friendly family. Internal implementation is very important. The role of wife and mother is decisive for a woman. How stronger woman realizes her beginning, then she actually feels happier. She simply needs to take care of someone, to show her best side in order to feel her own usefulness. A woman’s self-sufficiency is what fills her from the inside, allows her to be feminine and beautiful.

Feeling important

Self-sufficiency is expressed in a sense of self-worth. A person who truly thinks and cares about himself will never allow self-deprecation. He will strive to make his dreams come true. The feeling of your importance is born from within. You cannot force a person to feel happy. To do this, you need to feel satisfied with life and strive for new achievements. The psychological component here is of great importance. A sense of significance comes from a sense of fullness of life. How more people feels needed and significant, the more he can influence his daily reality. To feel your own worth means to be confident in yourself and your future.

Self confidence

This feeling is necessarily born from within. Without it, a person would never be able to feel self-sufficiency. Self-confidence is what brings a feeling of harmony and fullness to life. A self-confident person can afford any achievements and make truly grandiose plans. You need to start striving for what your heart truly lies in. It would be a big mistake to think that self-confidence is acquired from birth. Sometimes you need to work on yourself for a very long time in order to feel significant and important person. Psychological self-sufficiency is an integral component of personal development and systematic advancement.

Adequate self-esteem

Self-sufficiency develops only in a person with adequate self-esteem. Having low self-esteem, a person limits himself in everything, including obtaining new positive emotions, and therefore cannot feel happy. Building a sense of self-satisfaction usually does not happen overnight. It happens if a person works hard enough on himself and works every day to feel satisfied with himself. Adequate self-esteem stems from proper upbringing, from the ability to value one’s own personality and strive to ensure that personal and professional results constantly grow. Success in one area or another necessarily contributes to the development of self-confidence and self-confidence. A person begins to understand what his strengths and weak sides, learns to treat them with due respect and understanding.

Knowing your goals

Having a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve helps you achieve it proper organization. Otherwise, a person gets lost and stops striving for anything at all. Knowing your individual goals allows for proper self-realization. The personality grows, feeling complete self-sufficiency. Having his own dreams, a person will not step aside and will not submit to the demands of the majority. Self-sufficiency allows a person to fully remain himself.

How to develop self-sufficiency

A person striving for self-development must know how to work on himself correctly. Such knowledge will help maintain peace of mind and regain lost self-esteem. There are several simple steps to develop this feeling.

To be youreself

The ability to remain satisfied with one's own achievements allows one to develop individuality and maintain it at a high level. Being yourself is the greatest happiness in life, which cannot be compared with anything else. The feeling of self-sufficiency appears when we do not play in front of ourselves. First, a person learns to be honest when he is alone with his inner essence, and then in relationships with others. Self-sufficiency is expressed in the ability to bypass significant obstacles and learn to take responsibility.

Talents and abilities

When a person knows how to use his own talents and abilities, he stops lying to himself. He begins to live in harmony with his inner essence. Everyone has their own talents and abilities. It is difficult for many to believe this, because life often does not allow us to reveal all the knowledge that we possess. A sense of significance helps bring out all of a person's existing perspectives. You need to be extremely attentive to yourself and your feelings. You cannot ignore your desires or suppress negative feelings. Otherwise, someday all this will result in a physical or mental problem. Self-sufficiency allows the individual to remain integral and truly develop, to the fullest extent of their capabilities. Happy man never regrets his perfect choice.

Thus, a sense of self-sufficiency is the basis for feeling content with life. Happiness comes to those who are ready to work on themselves every day, sparing no mental strength. Being whole and accepting is what every person truly strives for. Most people need to learn to be happy because they have negative programs that interfere with personal development.

Self-sufficiency is when you are “your own cat, your own”? Or is it when no one is needed - “I drink on my own, I go out on my own”? How is freedom related to self-sufficiency? And in general, is this self-sufficiency necessary, is it worth striving for, or is it just an ideological slogan? These and many other questions may arise for a person searching for the meaning of his life. Or they may not arise if it is based on concepts in which this term is not used.

I use this term because I consider self-sufficiency a necessary (but not sufficient) factor for firmly establishing oneself on one’s Path. You can begin to take your path without it, but for sustainable movement along it you will have to develop it. What kind of “your way” is this when you are dependent on someone or something in some area of ​​your life?

The question of self-sufficiency began to appear to me gradually, as I gained my own teeth and observed the lives of people of different levels of income and interests. Very interesting observations, I tell you! Particularly interesting data comes at moments of significant life changes. The study of the issue continues, but basic conclusions are already ready.

Let me start with my definition of what self-sufficiency is.

  • Self-sufficiency is the ability to provide oneself with everything NECESSARY for existence and development.
  • Self-sufficiency is the ability to provide yourself with EVERYTHING necessary for existence and development.
  • Self-sufficiency is the ability to ALWAYS provide oneself with everything necessary for existence and development.
  • Self-sufficiency is the ABILITY to provide oneself with everything necessary for existence and development.
  • Self-sufficiency is the ability to provide oneself with everything necessary for existence and DEVELOPMENT.

I specially wrote 5 similar phrases to highlight accents. So - the ability, always, with everything necessary, for development. And now, in order.

Necessary– this is the minimum for normal independent existence in the current period. Depending on the degree of development and the specific situation, it can vary greatly in set and specific values. So, for example, during a bachelor's time as a student, a moderate income and an average level of communication skills, including a good level of impudence, are enough. And in the case of marriage, children, old parents and a developing business, much more is needed, and not only money. The threshold of “necessary” is clearly defined by the possibility or impossibility of making serious independent decisions in favor of one’s interests. Below I will describe approximate levels of self-sufficiency according to my classification.

Everyone– this means a complete set to ensure existence and development. What exactly is included in “everything” is also a question of a specific situation. But there is a basic set, without which it’s like without water. Here - money (for current expenses, food, car maintenance, for example, to call a tow truck cheaply), housing, basic household skills - so as not to turn into a pig, general communication skills for different types interpersonal relationships, the ability to resolve conflicts, basic skills to protect one’s rights, life and health, good mental stability and health in itself. A “hole” in any area sooner or later leads to your dependence on a “savior” or “provider” who will manage a significant part of your life. Or, if the area of ​​the “hole” is not critical for survival, as in the case of conflict resolution skills, then there may not be a permanent rescuer, but you can still live. But this leads either to a state of blind defense in conflicts, or to passive behavior, which is extremely ineffective and leads to frequent losses.

Always- this is always the case. In a dynamically changing environment. Today you have enough resources and you are very independent, but tomorrow your business is closed, and you don’t know what to do. A classic example is the son of a businessman who received a business as a gift. As long as everything is fine, that's fine. But if the business is alive, then sooner or later they will always attack it. For the purpose of expropriating the entire business or funds. They will download as long as there is opportunity and meaning; there are no good things in such matters. And dad is no longer there. No business, no resources, girls and “friends” were sent, children need to be regular school translate, and also my wife nags - like “not a man.” Self-sufficient individual (in in this case businessman) most likely will not allow it to collapse, but if this has happened, he will soon open a new business. Unlike his “son,” he knows that to open a business you don’t need start-up capital, you just need to know where to go and how to talk.

Or another example, now for the female gender. Favorite person. He fell out of love and just left. A significant part of my life has collapsed. Any person will suffer, no one is immune from this. But behavior will be different for different degrees of self-sufficiency. For an addicted woman, the loss of a loved one means the loss of a part of herself, and irrevocable. And she is trying to get her beloved body back. The body can be returned and it will work out, but the soul is no longer there - it has already fallen out of love. This means that you can’t get a part of yourself back. It's bad in any case. Vengeful plans, seclusion, or vice versa, revelry, hopeless expectations, etc. What does this mean? The lion's share of motivation is aimed at the lost “part of oneself”, and not at all at real life. I have encountered women (and males too) who have been in this state for years. There are no rational brains to be seen at all.

A self-sufficient lady does not lose part of herself, that’s why she is SELF-sufficient. Remaining a “whole” person, the loss is no longer perceived as irrevocable. And sober thinking soon kicks in. There are no irreplaceable people, after all, what difference does it make who exactly to love, Mauritius or Robertino? And Mauritius goes "into the garden at a marching pace." We are waiting, sir, until the desired “Robertino” looms. And if you really want love, then the lady is engaged in active marketing in this area, sifting through hundreds of potential “Robertines” and engaging in “personnel selection.” One person wrote very competent instructions for conducting such marketing according to the given parameters. If anyone needs it, write to me, I will give you a link.

Ability. Self-sufficiency is not the current state of affairs, but the ability to provide what is needed. This can be seen quite well from the last two examples. Losses are not important, the level of resource ownership is not important, it does not even matter whether you can do something yourself personally. It is important to be able to provide. You can use services, you can have slaves, you can be friends with someone and “exchange” different resources. You open a fitness club with a bathhouse, and your friend supplies nice boys. Or girls. It is only important, if one channel of supply of an important resource is closed, to be able to quickly provide a new one. Then you are not tied to anything external, nothing and no one influences your decisions - you determine your own path.

Development. To maintain a comfortable life, you don’t need a lot of resources. But to change for the better, which is what development means, much more is needed. Accelerating is always much more difficult than simply maintaining it. This is explained simply - as long as you don’t change anything, environment inert towards you. As soon as you start changing things at will, resistance immediately arises. The law of the universe and dialectics - any system always resists change. And the more serious the changes, the stronger the resistance. You can talk about real self-sufficiency only when you are able to provide resources not only for life, but also for your development. Otherwise, what serious decisions can you make on your own? The decision to simply live, in the hope that “abroad will help us”?

This is roughly what my concept of self-sufficiency looks like. It’s somehow cumbersome and requires too much, right? Who has it easy now? Kidding. The concept may be cumbersome, but it is just a description. In reality, everything is much simpler.

So what does it take to become self-sufficient? And is it hard or not very hard? Becoming largely self-sufficient is indeed not easy. And reaching the average level is not at all difficult. Only sometimes it’s mentally difficult. You just need to take full responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it, rely only on yourself in any matter and decide to go out into an independent life. And as soon as I left, everything began to grow very quickly. You just need to slightly control the process itself.

Firstly, being self-sufficient must be a conscious goal, you must want it. Secondly, drive yourself away from the temptation to use constant outside help in any area. As soon as you notice that you are “stuck” on someone or something that you cannot reliably control, immediately begin to develop a plan to “wean yourself off the trough.” Adopt knowledge, try it yourself, get acquainted with the right people. Or, at worst, work out a life plan “if something happens,” so that there are no unexpected shocks later. I really don’t want to leave the free “feeding trough”, I know from myself. But we have to! Next, thirdly...and there are no thirds, the first and second are enough for a confident average level.

The earlier you begin self-life, the easier and faster you grow to an average level of self-sufficiency. I believe that the ideal option for “getting off your skirt” is 17-18 years old, right after school. For children from the periphery this happens naturally, but in megacities it most often does not. And I think that it is precisely the factor of prolonged life with parents in large cities that sharply increases the number of infantile individuals. There are a lot of such sub-adults aged 30 and even older. Much more than meets the eye. From the point of view of human development, this is generally nonsense. After 30 years, the human biological system smoothly switches to the mode of “draining” the spent unit, considering it to have completed its active life path. And the personal component has not even matured yet.

Self-sufficiency is acquired primarily through experience in solving various problems. Learning from your mistakes in all its glory. But the most important thing for developing self-sufficiency is not the experience itself, but the internal attitude, to some extent similar to self-confidence. After all, life in general is simple, and solutions to many problems are simple in nature. But due to lack of experience, you simply don’t know these decisions. In fact, any person has everything he needs “inside”, but he doesn’t know it either. If you are not afraid and just do it, then you will solve the problem in the end. And if you don’t decide, then you see that nothing bad happens even in this case. And here the experience goes awry, just catch it!

It is also worth understanding that the level of self-sufficiency is not a static value - it has reached heights and will be used until the end of time. First, the world is changing at an alarming rate, and specific experiences require continuous updating. And secondly, resting on your laurels inevitably leads to a streak of failure, which has an extremely negative impact on self-confidence, with all that it entails. Sometimes people generally, as they say, “break down.”

Now mine classification of people according to the degree of self-sufficiency. 5 levels.

"Average", or "everything is ok". In most cases they live independently. They are able to arrange their own life at an average level and solve most everyday issues. They believe in their complete independence. Able to establish and maintain contacts with people in typical situations. There is an understanding of the desirability of development, but mainly only along monetary and status lines. In a non-standard critical situation, they get scared and look for help, but still taking into account the subsequent “reckoning”. At the same time, they can solve most critical issues on their own, which is what happens if help cannot be found. They often believe in the omnipotence of money, which hinders further growth.

"Very tall".“There are no unsolvable problems” - and this is truly true for them. “There are no unattainable goals” - and that’s true. But they do not strive for many unnecessary social-stereotypical goals. Absolute faith in yourself and your strengths. They live only for themselves, and only as they see fit. The opinion of the majority is indifferent to them. They have real self-worth, which makes them independent of the external situation and the possession of any external resources. They easily build their life and social circle the way they want at the moment. Able to attract, provide, lead, manage almost any number of people. But they do all this exactly as much as they want. They do not suffer from excessive ambitions. Etc. and so on. In short - complete Masters of Their Life.

"Superman". No comments. Does not occur in real nature.

What self-sufficiency is, what delights flow from it and the “what-where-how much” to achieve, I think it’s pretty clear. One question remains. How necessary is it for a good life, happiness and all that? Still, self-sufficiency cannot be the highest goal, but only a resource for something else. And if you can achieve this “something” in another, less expensive way, then it’s not necessary. Pleasant, useful, but not necessary.

The layout here is like this. You can really do without a “high”, and even more so a “very high” level. Everything is determined regarding the specific things you want to do. For people with average ambitions, particularly difficult situations will most likely not arise throughout their lives. But at the same time, doing things they like, they may well be happy. And “above average” self-sufficiency increases only directly in these very matters. Just as needed. The principle is simple - “this is what I want to do and I must be able to do it myself.”

But before reaching a solid average level, the situation is different. People with self-sufficiency “below average” are either constantly dependent on someone or something, a spouse, parents, a “daddy”, an accidentally acquired “warm” position, or live in a state of constant problems. In neither case can we talk about freedom and real self-determination. Therefore, if you decide to live your Life, you will first have to achieve an average level of self-sufficiency, and only then begin a comprehensive path to heights, simultaneously increasing your autonomy.

Often in life the choice is between independence and comfort, or even between independence and greater comfort + status. And determine what is more important: your concern and your right. I’ll just say that truly living your own life and constantly using other people’s resources will not work in 99% of cases. The only question is – do you need it, your own life?

A self-sufficient person is a person who does not depend on anyone or anything (even on weather conditions), makes independent decisions, no matter how extraordinary they may be, but from his point of view they are correct. He lives by his own rules, solves all his problems on his own and is not afraid of loneliness. At first glance, everything seems very simple, but this requires effort.

A self-sufficient person is a person who does not want and does not know how to get bored. He will always find something to do for himself, to the point that he will be interested in pulling his own cat’s tail. Such an individual can occupy himself both physically and mentally. He strives to understand everything, because life does not stand still: new technologies appear, discoveries are made, everything in the world changes globally. A self-sufficient woman is an interesting, intelligent, beautiful person who can provide for himself. That is, she can spend money and not be accountable to anyone, since she earns it herself (the same can be said about men).

How to become self-sufficient?

To become a self-sufficient woman, you need:

1. Constantly engage in self-education, in addition to basic education, naturally, so that everyone admires your intelligence.
2. Take care of yourself: go to fitness clubs, beauty salons, etc. - so that everyone admires your appearance and article.
3. Set goals and achieve them under any circumstances - so that everyone admires your success.

But in fact, a self-confident person does not care deeply about who and what thinks about him.

Everyone has their own level of self-sufficiency

Suppose a person has a house, a piece of land, and he grows roses on it. He enjoys it. He stands firmly on the ground, knows his business, does not depend on anyone, makes his own decisions (when to water, what color roses to grow, where to plant, who to sell them to and for how much). This person considers himself self-sufficient. He's not bored!

Now consider life a simple teacher. His class is the best in the school: high academic performance, activity in the life of the school and all the best - in his class. Hence the respect he receives from his colleagues, the high wage, love of students, etc. The teacher considers himself professionally self-sufficient.

Now imagine that in front of us is the president of a country. Thanks to his reforms, the country is developing at full speed. It is thriving: the standard of living of people in the country is high. The President is satisfied with his work and his position in society - he is self-sufficient. Everything is done according to his instructions. He is successful in everything and everywhere. All three levels listed above relate to professional self-sufficiency.

The other side of the coin

But, in addition to professional, there is also personal confidence. in terms of love. Again, let's look at three levels.

1) The man is handsome, charming, has a lot of money, changes girls every week, and has many fans. He considers himself a self-sufficient person. He is happy with his life. He likes to look after girls, achieve his goal and not depend on anyone.

2) Another option: a guy who is courting one girl is head over heels in love with her. He is happy and confident in his choice.

3) And, finally, a person who has a family and children, he earns decent money, the children are obedient. He also considers himself a self-sufficient person. When a person has achieved his goal and can now do everything perfectly for himself, he begins to take care of his loved ones. If you combine love and a professional plan, you get overall self-sufficiency of a person.

Let's sum it up

A self-sufficient person can stand firmly on his feet, achieves his goal, he is independent. Although these are two different concepts. A person can be independent, earn money, solve problems, but he will be uncomfortable being alone.

What is self-sufficiency? This is complete independence both externally and internally. Then it turns out that a self-sufficient person is lonely, but he likes to be alone with himself. Sometimes we exhibit some individual qualities of this factor. For example, we solve problems on our own or want to be alone, sometimes we don’t even care about everyone’s opinion. The ability to enjoy life, despite the “bad weather”, the ability to maintain control over your mental well-being is a skill that comes with experience. The ability to live in harmony with the inner and outer world is fundamental to achieving the desired goal, the goal of being yourself.

One can endlessly give examples of what such a person should be like. But all of them would be as useless as if you tried to describe space with a pencil. Don't try to learn this from those who are trying to be experts in it, don't try to copy someone who only seems to be human, as this completely goes against this concept - the concept of self-sufficiency. Your personality is unique, you are unique, and therefore you have a different path to understand yourself. You don’t need love, money for this, nothing will make you happy until you know how much you need for happiness.

What is self-sufficiency in psychological terms?

Lack of self-sufficiency is a form of slavery to others, from which abolitionism will not save us, but only complete self-confidence and control over our thoughts. Why do we become worried if someone deprives us of recognition, but not worried if someone begins to idealize us? After all, this is one and the same thing - a change in the assessment of one’s self under the influence of others. When you are in society, such an existence involves being under the gaze of others, and one is not able to completely get rid of this. A person dresses the way it is fashionable now, buys the gadget that is fashionable, and this is not because other clothes are already rags and cannot make calls, but only because it is no longer relevant.

Bottom line

You cannot claim that you are self-sufficient if the music on your phone is different, or you wear it to work and the boss’s requests are not important to you, because this is nothing more than an act of denial or internal rebellion.