Tomato stains - we remove them correctly! How to remove a stain from a tomato and ketchup from clothes: rules for removing fresh and stubborn dirt

No need to throw away your favorite thing if it has a colorful stain from a tomato or tomato ketchup. There are many ways and home remedies to help remove this kind of pollution. Household chemicals, acids and homemade recipes from improvised means will be used. A simple laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, ordinary table vinegar, milk, ammonia, talcum powder and even a fresh green tomato will help.

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    Laundry soap

    Laundry soap will help to remove a tomato trace from clothes. This tool can also remove stains from the tops. It contains a lot of alkali, which in a matter of minutes can eat away pollution from tomato juice.

    Soak the item in warm water and lather thoroughly, and then leave for 30 minutes. It remains only to wash the product by hand or load it into the machine.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    If dirt from ketchup or tomato appears on a white thing, then they can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.

    The product is ideal for washing white things made of natural fabrics, as this substance has bleaching properties.

    1. 1. Pollution is plentifully watered with a product. Red spots will begin to disappear instantly.
    2. 2. To fix the result, the fabric is blotted paper napkin and again watered with peroxide.
    3. 3. The product is washed with powder and rinsed.

    table vinegar

    Table vinegar will help remove tomato marks from a colored T-shirt. It is necessary to dilute the product in cool water at the rate of 1:1 and pour the stain with the resulting solution. The product should be washed a little by hand in this liquid, and then washed with powder.

    If a thing from delicate fabric, then it can be soaked in a weak solution for 20 minutes. To do this, 100 ml of vinegar is added to a basin of water. After soaking, the thing is rinsed in clean cool water and washed with powder.

    Ammonia and salt

    At home, you can remove this kind of pollution ammonia and salt. Sequencing:

    1. 1. Both agents are mixed in equal proportions.
    2. 2. The gruel is applied to the contamination and left for 40 minutes.
    3. 3. The fabric is washed with running water and washed with soap.

    If tomato stains appear, for example, in a restaurant or cafe, then they should be sprinkled with plenty of salt. She will absorb the juice, and at home it will be possible to carry out a full wash. This effective remedy, which helps to get rid of traces of tomato juice on a white product.

    Green tomato and talc

    Most unusual way- This is the removal of stains from tomato juice with a green tomato. Use it like this:

    1. 1. Squeeze out the juice from the vegetable.
    2. 2. Saturate the contaminated area with it. The stain will begin to disappear right before your eyes due to the organic acids in the green tomato.
    3. 3. The soiled area should be rinsed with running water.
    4. 4. The place where there was a stain should be generously sprinkled with talcum powder.

    When the contamination is removed, the thing must be washed with powder.


    If washing and other means do not help, then you can try to get rid of the tomato stain with milk. The product should be heated strongly and the soiled material should be soaked in it. After 20 minutes, the item must be rinsed in clean water.

    After soaking in milk, even the most persistent impurities usually disappear.

    Oxalic acid

    Oxalic acid will help to remove tomato stains on your favorite thing.

    How to use it:

    1. 1. 2 g of oxalic acid should be dissolved in 200 ml of water.
    2. 2. Moisten the tomato stain with clean water.
    3. 3. Pour the diluted agent over the contamination.
    4. 4. Rinse and wash the item by hand in powder.

Red, orange and green marks from fruits and vegetables that appear on clothes are considered the most persistent and insidious. In this article, you will learn how to remove a stain from a tomato, because it is this vegetable-fruit that accepts different shape in food, most often appears on our favorite things.

Pastas, sauces, ketchups, salads, soups, roasts and much more, this is not a complete list of dishes that cannot be imagined without the "golden apple". Therefore, it is very easy to detect pollution from a tomato on yourself, but you will have to fight it thoroughly.

Many housewives have repeatedly encountered such pollution, but some of the clothes had to be thrown away, since the persistent substances that make up the vegetable penetrate deep into the fabric, soaking into its fibers. When we send a soiled thing to the machine, we think that we are washing the stains, although after it we see yellow marks.

To wash a tomato from clothes, you need to follow the basic rules, since at first the soiled place is treated and they try to remove the pollution as much as possible. Only after you apply the stain remover to the contaminated area, the washing of the treated item will follow, and not vice versa.

As a rule, many people make a mistake at this step, but we must not forget that a tomato stain sent to the wash without prior cleaning can not only leave yellow stains on the fabric, but also get fixed in it so that the clothes will be damaged. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, try to wash off the tomato juice correctly, following the recommendations.

Types of stains

Preparations for the winter cannot be imagined without tomatoes, because they are preserved both independently and added as an ingredient to other dishes. Therefore, during preparation or direct cooking, it is very easy to get contamination on your T-shirt or jacket, which must be dealt with immediately. But, if you have your own garden, then you know that not only orange stains from tomato juice can appear on things, but also green stains from tomato leaves.

Each type of pollution requires its own approach, as follows::

  • Spots from green tomato tops. These contaminants are like grass marks and are difficult to remove. But the solution is hidden in the fruits themselves, so taking an unripe green vegetable, you can neutralize traces of tops with its juice.
  • Stain of tomato paste (ketchup). These stains are the most common, so there are a lot of tools that can remove tomato sauce. To treat contamination, use salt, acids (vinegar, lemon), ammonia, bleach, etc.
  • A trail of fresh fruit. Similar pollution, as well as in the example with tops, is able to neutralize the same vegetable, but absolutely green.

Preparing for washing

We have said before that preparing soiled clothes for washing is an important process that should not be skipped. In the pursuit of saving time, we can send the item to the wash in the hope that the traces of the tomato will disappear thanks to the powder. But such a rash decision will lead to the fact that the vegetable juice will be fixed on the tissue and it will not be possible to remove it without damaging the tissue.

Therefore, to remove the stain from the tomato correctly, follow these tips.:

  1. Speed ​​of action. If you notice traces of juice on your clothes, immediately proceed to cleaning, as dried stains may require a more aggressive treatment that the fabric will not tolerate.
  2. Forget about the machine. If the traces are fresh, carefully clean the dirt with a brush, trying to remove particles of the vegetable. Then washing is done by hand and only then in an automatic machine.
  3. Precautionary measures. To prevent the stain from spreading over the area, place a napkin or towel under the item and the stained area. The pollution itself is cleaned from the periphery to the center, trying not to rub.
  4. Chemistry or improvised means. When choosing between aggressive substances and gentle compositions, consider the type of fabric, because the wrong product can ruin a thing forever.

Getting rid of fresh pollution

If during cooking you notice a few spots of tomato on your clothes, then do not put off washing until later, because dried spots require even more effort and attention. Stains of not only fresh vegetables need to be treated immediately, traces of soups and sauces also require attention.

To get a tomato stain out, try either of the two easiest ways.:

  • First. It is necessary to apply salt to the stain, moisten it a little and wait until the salt “pulls out” the juice of the vegetable and dries. Then it is cleaned and the area is treated with ammonia or ethyl alcohol.
  • Second. Under the action of high temperatures, the coloring pigments contained in vegetables and fruits are destroyed. To remove the stain, use boiling water, which must be poured onto the stained area from the wrong side and only on fabrics that do not lose color when in contact with hot water.

old tomato stains

Any pollution must be dealt with immediately, but we do not always have time for this. Therefore, if it was not possible to remove tomato stains from clothes immediately, then you need to move on to decisive action. According to the washing rules, the old stain must be soaked so that the cleaning agents penetrate the contaminated fibers faster.

If you become the owner of stains that require soaking in room water, then before this action, try to remove the vegetable particles from the surface of the fabric as much as possible. It is advisable not to soak the clothes themselves completely, but to process only the necessary areas. Using aggressive substances (bleach or stain remover) to try to remove a tomato stain, test them on the wrong side of the product.

How to get a tomato stain out of white clothes

Each type of fabric requires a specific approach when washing from the juice of fruits and vegetables. But it is on white clothes that the stain from vegetables and fruits wants to stay for a long time. Numerous washings will not be able to remove the insidious orange mark from a T-shirt, so tomato juice from a white product must be removed correctly.

The advantage that snow-white clothes have over colored ones is the possibility of using aggressive household chemicals. Also, if your thing is white and sewn from organic cotton, then it can be boiled.

Features of cleaning multi-colored fabrics

Since things in bright colors must be washed at a certain temperature, sorted before laying in washing machine and use only gentle products, it will be more difficult to remove the stain from colored clothes.

Before cleaning the fabric and treating it with any chemical composition, it must be borne in mind that the material may shed, and the paint will come off with the stain. Therefore, it is important not only to check the substances in an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, but also to know which agent not to use at all.

To wash a tomato from jeans, you need to follow the same rule, since this species fabric is colored. Wash the item in warm water, pre-treating the contamination with salt and alcohol. Do not use boiling water as it may leave a bleached area.

How to remove tomato stains

Traces from a red vegetable are quite whimsical, so they must be dealt with thoughtfully. So, in order to remove the stain from the tomato and prevent it from “growing”, the treatment of the soiled place must be performed from the edges to the center, with light movements. Traces of tomato grass, the greenery of which is familiar to many summer residents, can also be easily removed if the contamination is treated before sending the item to the wash.

To remove tomato juice from clothes, you can use both improvised means that everyone has in the kitchen or among medicines, as well as complex chemical compounds.

Household chemicals

Standard chemicals that can remove tomato stains from clothes are stain remover, whiteness and detergent for dishes. With all these substances, you must be extremely careful and read the recommendations left by the manufacturers on the label.

If you decide to use a stain remover whose instructions say to use it only on light-colored items, then do not use it on colored clothes. For such fabrics, the product must be labeled "color". Whites and other bleaches are often mixed with laundry detergent and used exclusively on whites.

Home remedies for removing tomato stains

At home, removing traces of tomatoes is quite simple, because we can immediately start processing the soiled area without waiting for it to dry. Folk methods allow you to use cheap means to deal with traces of tomatoes that everyone has.

The easiest way is to use salt and alcohol. To do this, the mixture is kneaded and applied to the soiled area. After it dries, the gruel is removed with a brush, and the tissue area is washed with water. Below are simple recipes in more detail to help you get a tomato stain out of your clothes.

Hydrogen peroxide

If you spilled ketchup on yourself and your clothes are white, then try treating the stain with a cheap bleach, which is hydrogen peroxide. Its 3% solution is poured onto the stained area or blotted with a sponge.

Wait 10 minutes until the trace brightens, then absorb the liquid with a napkin and repeat the procedure. You can soak clothes in a solution diluted at the rate of 100 ml of peroxide per 4-5 liters of water.

Ammonium chloride and salt

A fresh stain from a red vegetable or its leaves will help remove ammonia in combination with table salt. To do this, mix a spoonful of both products in a container and apply to the stained area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, after slightly moistening it.

Instead of salt, glycerin can be used, in which case the solution is mixed in a ratio of 1: 2. In general, a mixture of ammonia with glycerin or salt is considered a universal remedy, since it is suitable for both light and colored things.

regular vinegar

A nine-percent table solution of vinegar, which is used by housewives for canning, can save not only seamstresses for the winter from an explosion, but also clothes soiled during their preparation. Orange and red spots from tomatoes are treated with acid, leaving it to soak for 15-20 minutes.

Then the pollution is washed as usual in a washing machine. To increase the effect on the stain, dilute a part of the vinegar with an equal part of ammonia or peroxide and salt.


In addition to table vinegar, tomato stains can also be removed with other “acidic” solutions. For example, use fresh lemon juice or a solution of citric acid powder with water. To do this, the clothes with the dirty side are applied to the towel (napkin), and the selected agent is poured onto the side cleaned from vegetable particles.

Mineral water

Surely, you know what the principle of many oxygen bleaches is based on. Mineral water with gas has the same property, i.e. particles of oxygen push out pollution from fabric fibers. Therefore, it will be much easier to remove tomato stains after treating them with mineral water. But keep in mind that water with gas will help only in an emergency on fresh pollution.


Dairy products effectively and very delicately cope with pollution on natural tissues that require careful handling.

There are two ways in which a dairy product acts as a cleaning agent.:

  • Use sour milk for soaking. Whey or sour milk must be applied to the soiled area or the whole thing must be soaked in it.
  • Warm fresh milk and moisten the stained area with it. In this form, it can also be used for soaking.


A colorless sweetish liquid is used in cosmetics, medicine and to remove stains from things. To do this, it is applied to pollution both independently and together with other substances, such as ammonia. They can be used immediately together or alternately, first wetting with glycerin, and then treating the trace of the tomato with ammonia.

Choosing a method, consider the type of fabric

Using ordinary vinegar, ammonia, peroxide and even lemon juice, do not forget about the material from which your item is sewn. Indeed, even seemingly harmless substances can damage the color and even the structure of the fabric.

Before sending to the laundry, do not forget to soak things in a soapy solution, because it is laundry soap that can remove dirt without harming the fibers. To remove a tomato from a fabric without consequences, always check the reaction of the material in an inconspicuous place (wrong side, seam or fold).

Tomato stains are perhaps one of the worst troubles that can overtake your things. The juice is very strongly eaten into the fibers of the fabrics, and therefore it becomes quite difficult to remove the stain from the tomato, and with the wrong approach it is also impossible. Many housewives, in an attempt to wash a tomato, inevitably spoil their clothes, because they do not know how to wash tomatoes, so as not to harm their favorite things. What to do if those same red spots appeared on your clothes, how to remove tomato stains and what proven means to use for this? In this guide, you will learn everything you need to fight effectively.

Preparing for washing

To achieve a better stain removal effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the soiled clothes for washing. Preparation will not take much time:

  • If the stains are fresh, scrub them thoroughly with a brush dipped in soap to remove any remaining pulp. It is necessary to clean from the edges to the center so as not to smear the stain.
  • If the stains are old, you should pre-soak things in soapy water. Half an hour will be enough.

After you have done the preliminary preparation, you can figure out how to remove the stain so that there is not a single mark left on the clothes.

Standard methods

There is an option with folk recipes, but first you should try to get rid of pollution using ordinary and popular methods. Here they are:

  • Stain remover. Instructions for use are usually indicated on the label, read it carefully so as not to inadvertently spoil the thing. Take a stain remover that is made by a trusted manufacturer - otherwise, the washing result may not please you at all, but even upset you.
  • Washing powder. One wash of a thing with washing powder is usually not enough, so it is recommended to pre-treat the stain with a slurry made from a powder slightly dissolved in water. Apply gruel to the stain, let it soak for half an hour, then rinse and start washing the item.

If these methods did not give a special result, check out effective methods.

6 effective ways

You can find dozens of different useful tried and tested methods and recommendations on how to get tomatoes out of clothes, but here are some of the most effective ones:

  • Salt and alcohol. Mix a teaspoon each of alcohol and salt in water to make a thick slurry. It must be gently but intensively rubbed into the stains and left for 40 minutes to absorb. After that, the gruel is removed with a brush, and the clothes are washed in water.
  • Salt and alcohol (alternative version). This advice on how to remove a tomato from your clothes is similar in ingredients to the previous one, but differs in the order of actions. It is necessary to apply salt to the stain, moisten it a little and leave it to soak for 30-40 minutes, then remove it and wipe the place with cotton wool soaked in ammonia.
  • Green tomato. Squeeze as much juice out of the green tomato as you can and rub it on the stain. Rub until the stain is gone, then apply talc to the area. The last step is washing the treated item in the washing machine.
  • Alcohol and glycerin. To do this, mix one part alcohol and four parts glycerin and apply the resulting solution to the stain. It should be absorbed within four hours, after which the stain will noticeably weaken, and after washing in the machine it will completely disappear.
  • Vinegar. First of all, make sure that the clothes are made of cotton fabrics, as others can be damaged during processing. If the cloth is suitable, dilute a part of the vinegar in an equal part of the water and soak the area for a couple of hours. You will see, after washing the stain will disappear.
  • Oxalic acid. How to wash a tomato if suddenly there was no alcohol, no glycerin, or even vinegar at hand? Do not despair - oxalic acid can save the situation. Dissolve the acid in water (at the rate of 2 grams per glass of water) and treat the clothes with this solution immediately after rinsing the clothes.

Of course, these are not all the ways that talk about how to remove them. However, it is recommended to try them first, as they are suitable for almost all fabrics and do not harm them. But what if there is no way to use these tips? Just try others!

Alternative ways

What to do if nothing helps? Here are two more ways:

  • Mineral water. If your clothes are made of wool and you don’t know how to wash such a delicate fabric, use an ordinary mineral water. Just soak the clothes with mineral water, then carefully wipe the stains with cotton wool.
  • Milk. Heat the milk and rub it on the stains. You can put the dirty side of the clothes in a glass of drink and hold for a while, then wash the clothes in the washing machine.

Take care of your clothes and don't let tomatoes or tomato juice get on things. And if trouble happens, just apply the above tips!

Removing fresh stains from tomatoes and ketchup is not difficult.

Ketchup is a favorite sauce for adults and children. But with careless handling of it, red stains remain on the clothes. Tomato stains are quite persistent, and how to wash them off is a sore point. Let's not panic. Find out recommendations and tips for removing tomato stains from things.

General points

    The cleaning process must be started immediately, without leaving this matter for later. If the ketchup stain dries out, you definitely can’t do without the help of dry cleaning.

    Remove the sauce from the cloth carefully, with a napkin or a teaspoon. In no case do not rub, otherwise the place of contamination will grow in size, and it will be much more difficult to deal with the problem.

    Run the tomato stain under a stream of cold water to wash as much of the dye out of the fabric as possible. Turn the product inside out first.

    In no case do not pour red stains from tomatoes with boiling water, they will show up even better on the surface of the product and you can definitely forget about self-removal at home.

Basic Methods

Ammonia chloride will get rid of the spots.

There are many methods of getting rid of tomato stains, less effective ones, let us dwell on the latter in more detail.

Hydrogen peroxide

The first and most effective is the removal of red spots with hydrogen peroxide. The procedure is:

  • Prepare a soapy solution.
  • Treat the place of contamination with it.
  • Rinse the product.
  • Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide until smooth.
  • Apply it to the place of contamination.
  • Leave for half an hour.
  • Rinse off.
  • Wash the item in the usual way with the addition of powder.

A mixture of baking soda and peroxide corrodes the skin of the hands, so when cleaning stains, work with rubber gloves.

See clearly how to remove traces of sauce from tomatoes:


The next method is with the use of bleach. It can only be used to remove tomato stains on white clothes. For colored fabrics, this method is prohibited..

How to use bleach?

    Lay the stained product on a flat surface.

    Moisten the red stain with a little bleach.

    Leave on for 5-10 minutes.

    Wash the item.

    Note: . From it you can find out the maximum temperature mode of washing.

    If reddish streaks remain, repeat the procedure.


    Vinegar is always on hand and can also be used to remove a ketchup stain.

    Start cleaning, as in the first method - by treating the contamination with soapy water. And then apply vinegar essence to this area. For convenience, use a pipette. It is also safe: do not burn your skin. Hold vinegar on the product should be no more than 15 minutes. Then wash the item.


    It is extremely important not to let the dirt dry out.

    An indispensable drug for removing various stains is glycerin. Red tomato stains will not be an exception. This liquid dissolves fats. And every hostess has it.

    Moisten the place stained with ketchup in glycerin, there will be no trace of the stain. The completion of processing, as in all methods, will be washing.

    Lemon juice

    Lemon juice also has cleansing properties. Important: it is suitable for both white and colored fabrics.

    The processing procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Squeeze out the lemon juice.
  2. Moisten the stained area with this liquid.
  3. Turn the item inside out.
  4. Wipe off dirt with a slice of lemon.
  5. Rinse the fabric under cold running water.


Red tomato stains can also be removed with a simple toothpaste. The procedure for cleaning will be as follows:

  1. Mix water and detergent.
  2. Put the product into the solution and hold it for 10 minutes.
  3. Pull out the fabric.
  4. Lay out the item on a flat surface.
  5. Squeeze out a small amount of toothpaste
  6. Rub it into the ketchup stain.
  7. Sprinkle salt on top.
  8. Rub gently with hands or brush.
  9. Wash the product in the machine.

There are many cleaning methods, as well as the means used. Choose the one you like. And stains from your favorite sauce will not be taken by surprise.

Shall we use Vanish? Video instruction:

Tomatoes are a well-known food plant. Tomatoes are eaten fresh, salted, put in salads, side dishes ... Cooking borscht, stews, and other dishes is not complete without tomato ketchup, sauce, pasta. Tomato juice is drunk and used for making preserves. But it is not always possible to handle tomatoes and products made from them carefully. And stained spots appear on clothes. We'll talk about how to wash tomatoes, or rather stains from them.

Priority measures

What to do if a tomato stain is placed?

The first thing to do is to remove the remnants of the tomato product from the clothes, if they are left on it. This should be done using a clean napkin, brush, avoiding rubbing into the thing.

The second step is to wash off the food particles left on the clothes with water. It is best to do this under running water, passing a jet of water from the inside out onto your face. So the gaps between the fibers will not clog, and the pollution will be removed more easily.

After priority measures, measures are taken to eliminate tomato pollution.

The sooner the stain starts to be removed, the easier and faster it will go away.

On a synthetic canvas, a tomato blot is easier to remove. Tomato does not eat into the fibers so much synthetic fabric like in natural fibers.

The wear and tear of the item also matters. The older the item, the more difficult it is to remove tomato contamination.

Under the soiled part of the thing during the elimination of pollution, you need to put napkins, preferably fabric ones.

After stain removal, the thing is soaked and washed.

Elimination of tomato pollution is carried out using improvised, home remedies or ready-made stain removers that are sold. Before applying a ready-made stain remover, test it on a piece of clothing, on the back, where it will not be visible. It is not known how he will behave on a soiled product. If it remains intact, then the stain remover can be used to remove the blot from the tomatoes.

It must also be borne in mind that there is an allergy to stain removers.

Home remedies for removing tomato stains

There are quite affordable, homemade methods, means for removing tomato blots. Here are some recipes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is usually in every home. Moisten a napkin or cotton swab with peroxide and gently wipe the tomato stain.

According to the second version of the recipe, you need to pour a teaspoon of peroxide into 100 ml (half a glass) of water and wipe the part of the clothes that was quite vigorously affected by tomatoes with this solution. Then wash the item.

The recipe is suitable for removing stains on white, light fabrics. Colored clothing can be affected by staining with hydrogen peroxide by changing color. Therefore, if the fabric is colored, you need to try how it will interact with peroxide in an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.

Ammonium chloride and salt

A teaspoon of ammonia is mixed with a teaspoon of salt, mixed until smooth. The resulting slurry is applied to a place stained with ketchup or sauce and left on it for 30-40 minutes. Then the gruel is removed with a brush or brush (for example, a toothbrush).

The second version of the same recipe. Salt is applied to the place spoiled by the tomato, moistened with water, and left for the same 30-40 minutes. After that, the salt is removed, and the soiled part of the clothes is wiped with ammonia.

Ammonia helps not only with fresh stains, but also with older ones. They impregnate a cotton swab and gently blot it, lightly rub it into the soiled area.

It is better to wash the product after this procedure for removing contamination from tomatoes or tomato paste in soapy water, not powder.

regular vinegar

Usually, table vinegar is diluted in half with water and the blot put on clothes is wiped from ketchup, tomato paste or tomatoes until it brightens.

If you use vinegar essence, in which the percentage of acetic acid is much higher than in table vinegar, it is diluted to the concentration of ordinary table vinegar according to the recipe written on the label of the essence, and then dilute this solution in the required amount with water, like ordinary vinegar. The second option is to calculate how much essence and water is needed mathematically, but this is much more difficult.

Vinegar is best used to remove stains on natural fabrics (cotton or others).


In addition to vinegar, other acids, natural or synthetic, can be used:

  • lemon juice;
  • citric acid (solution);
  • oxalic acid (solid) and others.

The stained places are wiped with liquid means, sprinkled with solid means.

wedge wedge

Acid for washing tomato pollution is also found in ... tomatoes, only green fruits are used. An unripe tomato is cut and a tomato blot is rubbed with a slice. Some sources recommend then sprinkle it with talcum powder for 10 minutes. But it may not be necessary.

mineral water

And how can you remove a stain from a tomato on a woolen fabric? Mineral water will help with this, better carbonated. She impregnates the soiled place.


Warm milk is applied to the stained area. And it is better, on the contrary, to dip the soiled part of the clothes for 30-40 minutes in warmed milk. Then wash.


There are several options for using glycerin to clean clothes from tomato stains. The first way is to simply soak the stained area with glycerin and wait 15-20 minutes. If it did not help or helped badly, the procedure is repeated.

The second way is to use glycerin with ammonia. They are mixed in a ratio of 4 to 1, respectively. The mixture is applied to the place spoiled by the tomato and left for 2-3-4 hours. Then the mixture is removed, and the thing is washed.

Another option - after treating the soiled area with glycerin, it is wiped with ammonia.

The latter option is suitable for removing tomato stains and carpets.

Household chemicals

You can not be too smart and use the usual means of household chemicals.

Can be applied to stained area washing powder, leave it on the soiled place for 5-15 minutes, and then wash the product.

For tomato stains on carpet, try dishwashing detergent. It must be applied to the soiled area, rubbed with a sponge, and then thoroughly washed with water.

You can also use regular laundry soap. They soap the soiled place. But it is better to wash the product with soap, after the procedure for removing contamination.

As you can see, there are quite a few remedies for removing tomato stains. Among them are both simple and not quite familiar. The main thing is that if the stain is already set, you need to quickly start removing it. The more time has passed since contamination, the more difficult it will be to remove it. And there are always stain removers.

Although ideal, it's just to be as careful and accurate as possible. Then there will be no problems associated with removing stains from tomatoes and products from them (sauces, ketchup pastes).