Psychology of raising a preschool child. Portal about psychology “Family Universe”

A baby who has successfully survived the crisis of three years of age, the transition to new stage his life, characterized by relative calm. Despite this, parents do not need to relax. The age-related (psychological, intellectual, physical) characteristics of children 4-5 years old will tell you which direction to move in, how to develop the child and help him overcome the difficulties of this period.

At this stage, they play a very important role psychological characteristics children 4-5 years old, on whom behavior and personality development depend. Taking them into account, parents can build a logical and competent line of education.

  1. The desire for independence. A child of this age no longer needs the help and care of adults. Openly declares his rights and tries to set his own rules.
  2. Ethical ideas. According to experts, the peculiarities of the psychological development of children 4-5 years old are such that children of this age learn to understand the feelings of others, empathize, get out of difficult situations in communication.
  3. Creative skills. At 4-5 years old, a child’s imagination actively develops. He lives in his own world of fairy tales, creating entire countries based on his fantasies. There he is the hero, the main character, and achieves the recognition he lacks in the real world.
  4. Fears. The unbridled imagination of a child at 4-5 years old can give rise to a variety of fears and nightmares.
  5. Socialization. The child breaks away from the circle of intra-family relationships and joins the sea of ​​the surrounding world. He needs recognition from his peers.
  6. Gaming activities become more difficult. The game continues to dictate and shape the psychological characteristics of a 4-5 year old child, but it becomes more multifaceted. It takes on a role-playing orientation: children play hospital, store, war, and act out their favorite fairy tales. In the process, they become friends, get jealous, quarrel, make peace, help each other, and get offended.
  7. Active curiosity forces children 4-5 years old to ask adults a wide variety of questions about everything in the world. They talk all the time, discuss something, without stopping for a minute. A fascinating conversation and an entertaining game are what they simply need now. If you push your child away at this moment, you can forever discourage him from being interested in something.
  8. Children of this age perceive not only praise but also remarks very emotionally; they are very sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, when punishing and scolding them, words must be chosen with great care. Otherwise, this may provoke in them the development of internal complexes that hinder socialization and the formation of a full-fledged personality.
  9. By the age of 5, they begin to be interested in gender and wonder about the differences between boys and girls.

Parents who know the age-related psychological characteristics of their children at 4-5 years old can help them. In particular, block their fears, control their overly unbridled imagination, captivating them with entertaining games and educational conversations. In parallel with the psychological, it is actively intellectual development, which needs to be taken care of especially carefully. After all, how successful the child will be at school will depend on this aspect.

Note to parents. Please note that at 4-5 years old, all the shortcomings in a child’s upbringing gradually take root and turn into negative and, unfortunately, already stable character traits, which only a psychotherapist can correct in the future. Don't overlook this feature.

Smart Features

As we found out, the characteristics of mental development suggest active curiosity in children 4-5 years old. This leads to the formation of intelligence and requires all possible support from parents. If, in response to the child’s questions, they brush them off and do not provide him with educational games and full-fledged educational conversations, an important moment may be missed forever and the child may experience depression. Hence the child’s reluctance to subsequently study at school. Therefore, strive to develop the following skills in your baby.

Math skills

  1. Determines the location of objects: back, middle, right, left, top, bottom, front.
  2. Knows the basic shapes of geometry: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle.
  3. Knows numbers from 0 to 9. Counts objects, correlates their quantity with the number.
  4. Arranges numbers in the correct sequence and in reverse (from 1 to 5).
  5. Compares different numbers of objects, understands values ​​such as equal, more, less.

Logical thinking

  1. The type of thinking characteristic of a 4-5 year old child is visual-figurative. All his actions are practical. Visibility comes first. But by the end of the 5th year, thinking gradually becomes generalized and turns into verbal-logical.
  2. Memory capacity increases.
  3. The stability of attention increases.
  4. The child finds differences and similarities between pictures and objects.
  5. Folds according to the model of a building (pyramid, construction set) without outside help.
  6. Folds the cut picture into a single whole (there should be from 2 to 4 parts).
  7. The development of nervous processes allows a child to perform one task for several (at least 5) minutes, without being distracted by anything else. This is a very important age feature.
  8. Inserts missing fragments of canvas and pictures.
  9. Names a specific group of objects with a general word. Finds an extra object and pairs.
  10. Selects opposite words.
  11. He sees objects in the picture that are depicted incorrectly and explains what exactly is wrong.

Speech development

  1. Uses a thousand words, constructs phrases of 5-9 words. A 4-5 year old child should be understood not only by his parents, but also by strangers.
  2. Knows the structural features of a person, that it differs from an animal: name parts of the body (nails - claws, hands - paws, hair - fur).
  3. Uses plural.
  4. Finds an item according to its description.
  5. Understands the meaning of prepositions.
  6. Knows professions.
  7. Maintains a conversation: answers questions and asks them correctly.
  8. Retells the content of a fairy tale or story. Learns poems and nursery rhymes by heart.
  9. Says his first and last name, how old he is, the city where he lives.

You can read about the diagnosis and treatment of delayed speech development in a child in one of them.

The world

  1. Distinguishes between vegetables, fruits and berries.
  2. Knows insects.
  3. Names pets.
  4. He guesses the seasons from pictures and knows their signs.

Everyday Skills

  1. He fastens buttons and zippers, unties his own shoelaces, and handles a spoon and fork.
  2. Strings beads and large buttons onto a thread.
  3. Accurately draws lines without lifting the pencil from the paper, thanks to the development of sensory features.
  4. Shades figures with straight, even lines, without going beyond its contours.
  5. He traces and colors pictures without going beyond the edges.
  6. Distinguishes between right and left hands.

You can work with your child at home on your own, or you can hire a specialist or enroll in a child development center. Taking into account his age characteristics, we must try to ensure the maximum development of his intellectual abilities. This way he will be 100% ready for school, will be successful and will avoid stress. At the same time, do not forget to take care of his full physical development.

Helpful advice. At this stage, it is very important, taking into account the age characteristics of the child, to cultivate in him kindness, politeness, responsibility, responsiveness, and love of work.

Physical development

The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are of great importance in terms of physical development. Parents should focus on normal indicators in order to notice deviations in time and correct them, if possible.

  1. The general physical capabilities of children at 4-5 years old increase significantly. Thus, their coordination improves noticeably. Most movements look more confident from the outside.
  2. They still need movement.
  3. The child becomes dexterous and fast.
  4. Muscles grow quickly, but unevenly. Because of this, a 4-5 year old child gets tired instantly. This feature must be taken into account by adults; in order to dose physical activity, pauses for rest are needed during exercise.
  5. The average increase in height per year should be 5-7 cm, body weight - up to 2 kg.
  6. The skeleton is flexible because the ossification process is not complete. So strength exercises are contraindicated, but parents and educators need to constantly monitor their posture and posture.
  7. The body's need for oxygen increases. The peculiarity of the respiratory system is that the abdominal type is replaced by the thoracic type. Lung capacity increases.
  8. The peculiarity of cardiac activity is that the rhythm of heart contractions is easily disturbed, so that with significant physical exertion the heart muscle gets tired. This can be seen by redness or paleness of the face, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, and uncoordinated movements. Therefore, it is so important to switch to a different type of activity in time.
  9. This age is called the “golden time” for the development of sensory abilities.
  10. Another physical feature of this age: the lens of the eye has a flat shape - therefore, the development of farsightedness is noted.
  11. The eardrum at this age is tender and easily injured. Hence the special sensitivity to noise.
  12. Nervous processes are far from perfect. The process of arousal predominates, so that in moments of resentment, violent emotional reactions and demonstrative non-compliance with the rules of behavior cannot be avoided.
  13. The effectiveness of educational measures aimed at nervous processes is enhanced.
  14. Rapid formation of conditioned reflex connections.
  15. Conditioned inhibition is difficult to form. Therefore, having forbidden something to a child once, there is no need to expect that it will be imprinted in his memory forever. In order for him to fully understand this or that prohibition, it is necessary to constantly reinforce it with him.

These are the features of the development of children 4-5 years old in terms of physiology. They help parents understand many of the processes occurring in a small organism. You need to know what will benefit the baby, and what activities and educational measures will be not only empty, but even harmful.

Keep in mind! It is from this age that the child needs to be explained what a healthy lifestyle is and accustom him to its features. Light gymnastics, daily routine, constant walks, proper nutrition will help the little man match the physical development of his peers.

Taking into account all the above-mentioned features of the development of a 4-5 year old child, parents will be able to get the maximum benefit from them in order to raise a full-fledged personality and qualitatively prepare the child for school. Psychologists and teachers advise building a relationship with your baby in the following way at this age.

  1. There should not be too many prohibitions, rules and laws: due to his mental age characteristics, the child will not be able to comply with them all. On the contrary, if there are an exorbitant number of them, get ready for war: the baby will stage a protest.
  2. React with restraint to the child’s justified insult and anger.
  3. Tell him about your feelings and experiences. This way he will better understand you and the people around you.
  4. Discuss with him the features and details of any difficult ethical situations in which he finds himself in the yard and in kindergarten.
  5. Don't overload his conscience. There is no need to constantly tell him about his mistakes: a destructive feeling of guilt, fear, vindictiveness, and passivity will appear.
  6. There is no need to tell a 4-5 year old child horror stories, show horror films, talk about death and disease.
  7. Be interested in your baby's creative abilities and successes. But don't criticize.
  8. Allow him to play with his peers as much as possible.
  9. Answer any questions, ask for his opinion. Tell me how to independently search for information.
  10. Play with him at home.
  11. Read books.
  12. Reinforce any knowledge you gain.

Those parents who care about the development of a full-fledged personality of the child should keep in mind all of the above-mentioned age-related features of the development of children 4-5 years old: they are a guideline. Knowing about them, it is much easier to guide the child in the right direction, to understand his inner world, to help cope with the difficulties that this period is fraught with. Such a policy will make it possible to qualitatively prepare a preschooler for his upcoming studies at school and facilitate social adaptation.

Child passing difficult crisis three years old, enters middle preschool age. During this stage, rapid mental and physical development occurs. Parents are required to know how a 4-5 year old child develops in order to help the child overcome the difficulties that arise.

Features of physical formation

At this age, the muscles and bones of the skeleton develop rapidly. Therefore, it is important to know the developmental features of children 4–5 years old. The child changes greatly externally and internally. The internal organs are shaped like an adult. This leads to the child doing more physical activity. It is important for parents to know the standard indicators of norms in order to help in unforeseen situations. Identify and correct any deviations that appear.

General characteristics:

Important! At this age it is necessary to explain and teach healthy image life. Follow a daily routine, do morning exercises, regular walks fresh air. Nutrition should be balanced and age-appropriate.

Mental development

Mental processes change greatly. They become stable and conscious. Strong-willed qualities begin to form. Knowing how it goes mental development For a 4-5 year old child, the correct form of upbringing is built.

Children at the age of five want independence. They no longer need the help of elders as much. Learn to set your own rules. But we are ready to empathize and understand the feelings of other people.

Creative inclinations are rapidly developing. The kid creates a fairy-tale world where he acts as the main character. Endows himself with magical powers. Fantasies are associated not only with beauty, but also with provoking fears.

Socialization occurs, during which there is a desire to be heard not only within the family circle, but also from peers. Gaming activities are changing. It expands and a storyline is observed. In the gameplay they learn to be friends, share things, help each other, quarrel and immediately make peace.

They show curiosity about everything, which confuses adults by asking questions. They chat for hours without stopping for a minute. You should not interrupt, as you can discourage interest in learning something new and hitherto unknown.

Children are emotionally sensitive. They understand praise and scolding, as they are expansively sensitive to words. Therefore, when swearing, you need to choose your expressions carefully. Unpleasant words will lead to the development of unwanted complexes that will persist for later life.

At the age of five, they become interested in the gender differences between girls and boys.

Based mental features development of children 4-5 years old, you can competently think through a way of holistic and harmonious upbringing.

Mental characteristics

Curiosity leads to intelligence. You can't do it without the support of your parents. Don't brush kids off if they ask you to play or explain something. This provokes mental retardation. At an older age it leads to reluctance to learn. Necessary skills that need to be developed in a child. Parents often have a question about what a child should be able to do by the fifth year of life.

Mathematical ability

A child of five years of age must be able to:

  1. Know the name geometric shapes.
  2. Compare items by quantity.
  3. Find objects.
  4. Count within limits.

Logical thinking

The type of thinking is visual and figurative, where a practical nature is manifested. Therefore, the following can be observed:

  1. Memorizing a large amount of information.
  2. Improved concentration.
  3. Finding differences between two pictures.
  4. Ability to name antonyms.
  5. Recognizing errors in the image, explaining the correct execution.
  6. Completing tasks takes less time, and there is no reaction to foreign objects and actions.

Speech development

By the age of four, serious changes occur in speech:

  1. Construct sentences of 9 words.
  2. Use the plural.
  3. They know their personal information - first name, last name, home address.
  4. Name people's professions.
  5. Keep up the conversation.
  6. They can learn a poem.
  7. They search and find objects according to the description.

Everyday Abilities

Apply self-care skills. Be able to string large beads onto a fishing line. Draw straight lines on the paper without lifting the brush from the surface. Color the images carefully without going beyond the margins. Know your right and left hand.

The world

Name the seasons. Know the names of pets. Be able to distinguish vegetables, fruits, berries.

Parents need to engage with their baby every day. The development of intellectual abilities in the fifth year of life is necessary to prepare for school. So that stressful situations do not arise in the educational process.

Advice! At this stage of development, instill a caring attitude towards objects, politeness, and involve them in joint work.

Emotional Features

Children are sensitive during this period of life. Able to sympathize and empathize with the people around them. However, many parents face tantrums. In most cases, the child is trying to attract attention or get the desired thing. Most often, mothers and fathers encounter this problem because they do not know how to behave with the baby. A child's tantrum occurs when a child does not know the word “no.” Or one parent allows it and the other forbids it. This shouldn't happen. Let's look at a few examples from life where whims and stubbornness occur.

Situation No1

A mother and her four-year-old son went for a walk, and along the way she met a friend. They started chatting. The son immediately began to be capricious, pulling his hand, while saying: “Mommy, let’s go!”...

What to do in this case?

Pay attention to the child immediately. In the environment, find something to do with your child. Invite him to swing on a swing or play in the sandbox. So, he will understand that his mother is paying attention to him. The child will be busy, and the mother will be able to calmly continue communicating with her friend.

Situation No2

The long-awaited daughter Olya appeared in the family. Adults looked after her and fulfilled all her whims. At the age of 5, they dressed and undressed her themselves. People around her began to note that Olya had become capricious and would throw tantrums for any reason.

What's happening to Olya?

It's no secret that loving children are often capricious. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to remove increased guardianship. Excessive attention leads to disobedience.

Situation No3

Nikita 4 years 5 months

Suddenly, a completely obedient child began to be capricious, throwing hysterics at his mother every day. Became stubborn and disobedient.

Not long ago there was an addition to the family. Into the light ahead of schedule a boy appeared. And mother a large number of devotes time to the newborn. And Nikita’s whims drive mom crazy.

Why did Nikita change so dramatically?

Due to increased employment, the mother stopped devoting time to her eldest son. With his whims, he tries to attract attention to himself. Try to show interest in your baby.

Situation No4

Every day, after work, my mother came to pick up four-year-old Slava at preschool. Together they went to the supermarket, where he started screaming hysterically, asking to buy something. He immediately fell to the floor, started banging his head and sobbing. Mother, finding no other way out, bought everything Slava wanted.

How to avoid such a situation?

  • Avoid for a while going to places where your baby throws a tantrum.
  • Don't pay attention to the actions, just walk away.
  • Try to switch attention to something else when a 4-year-old child is hysterical.
  • Establish uniform educational requirements in the family.
  • Be consistent in your requirements.
  • Stay calm during the tantrum.
  • Leave the choice to the baby.

The role of the family is of great importance in shaping the child’s personality and influences emotional development.

Experts have developed a rule book for parents that will help them build the right relationship with their baby.

Don't set many restrictions. The child is not able to master everything at once; as a result, hysteria is possible. Talk calmly about your experiences, about the feelings that you experience. React moderately to an outburst of anger. Analyze difficult situations that your child finds himself in. Try to praise rather than scold more often. Don’t scare with horror stories, don’t talk about death and illness. Ask about your child's interests. Let's have the right to play with our peers. Answer all questions. Read books. Spend leisure time together.

During this period, the main character traits are formed. Therefore, it is extremely important to take into account the developmental characteristics of children 4–5 years old. Physical and mental development depends primarily on parents. An important factor is the relationship within the family. This influences the future life of children.

Svetlana Khrabrykh
Age characteristics of children 4–5 years old

Age from four to five years is the middle preschool period. It is a very important stage in a child's life. This is a period of intense development and growth child's body. At this stage, the child’s character changes significantly, cognitive and communicative skills are actively improved. capabilities. There are specific ones that parents simply need to know so that the development and upbringing of a preschooler is harmonious.

In secondary preschool age the child's physical capabilities are significantly increase: coordination improves, movements become more confident. At the same time, the constant need to move remains. Motor skills are actively developing; in general, the average preschooler becomes more dexterous and faster than younger ones. It should be noted that The age characteristics of children 4–5 years old are as follows:, What physical activity you need to dose it so that it is not excessive.

A 4–5 year old child still does not understand social norms and rules of behavior, but he is already beginning to develop generalized ideas about how to (No need) behave.

A child can, on his own initiative, put away toys, perform simple work duties, and complete a task. However, following such rules is often unstable - the baby is easily distracted by what is more interesting to him, and it happens that the child behaves well only in the presence of the people who are most significant to him. Children are good at identifying non-compliance with norms and rules not only in the behavior of others, but also in their own and emotionally experience it, which increases their ability to regulate behavior.

Concentration on one’s own well-being appears, the child begins to worry about the topic of his own health, the child capable simply describe how you feel and attract the attention of an adult if you feel unwell.

Behavior in some situations still requires a reminder from an adult or peers about the need to adhere to certain norms and rules.

In that age the child develops initiative and independence in communicating with adults and peers. U children There is a need for respect from adults and their praise, so the child reacts to adults’ comments with increased sensitivity. Communication with peers is still closely intertwined with other types of children’s activities (play, work, etc., however, situations of pure communication are already noted.

Play activities still remain the main ones for the baby. Number children participating in communication, increases. Thematic role-playing games appear. The game is getting more and more complex: she is already plot-role-playing, modeling and group. Now children can play independently. They come up with a plot in advance, assign roles, obey certain rules and strictly control the implementation of these rules. In the game, the child learns to communicate with peers, learns to control his behavior, obeying the rules of the game. In play, the child shows miracles of patience, perseverance, and discipline. In the game, the child develops creative imagination, intelligence, strong-willed qualities, and moral principles.

The first friends appear with whom the child communicates most willingly. In Group children Competition and the first leaders begin to emerge. Communication with peers is, as a rule, situational in nature. Interaction with adults, on the contrary, goes beyond the specific situation and becomes more abstract. The child regards his parents as an inexhaustible and authoritative source of new information, and therefore asks them many different questions. It is during this period that preschoolers experience special need encouragement and are offended by comments and if their efforts go unnoticed. The age characteristics of children 4–5 years old are as follows: that they are more likely to associate with peers of the same sex. Girls prefer family and everyday topics (mothers and daughters, store). Boys prefer to play drivers, etc. At this stage, children begin to organize their first competitions and strive to succeed. There is an increased need for recognition and respect from peers.

In that age in children ideas appear about how girls should behave and how boys should behave ( “I’m a boy, I wear trousers, not dresses, I have short haircut» , about the gender of people of different age(boy - son, grandson, brother, father, man; girl - daughter, granddaughter, sister, mother, woman). By the age of 5, children have an understanding of features the most common male and female professions, about types of recreation, the specifics of behavior in communicating with other people, about individual female and male qualities, they are able to recognize and evaluate the emotional states and actions of adults of different sexes.

During the middle preschool period, sound pronunciation improves significantly, vocabulary actively grows, reaching approximately two thousand words or more. Speech age characteristics of children 4–5 years allow you to more clearly express your thoughts and fully communicate with peers. The child is already capable characterize this or that object, describe your emotions, retell a short literary text, answer an adult’s questions. At this stage of development, children master grammatical structure language: understand and correctly use prepositions, learn to construct complex sentences, and so on. Coherent speech develops.

Between the fourth and fifth years, a child can purposefully remember; memory is mainly in the nature of involuntary memorization. Everything interesting for a child is remembered by itself. It’s hard to remember those who are distracted concepts: days of the week, months, seasons, etc.

Thanks to the development of speech, thinking, memory, perception and, mainly, imagination, a child of four to five years old perceives a fairy tale and discovers in it his own solution to pressing problems. life problems. The child does not like instructions, and the fairy tale does not teach him directly. A fairy tale offers a child images that he likes and that help him solve moral problems. All the characters in it are either good or bad. This helps the child separate good from evil and somehow organize his own complex feelings. A child wants to be like a positive hero, and thus a fairy tale instills in him kindness, a sense of justice, the ability to empathize, that is, it develops in him an emotional attitude towards the environment in accordance with the values, ideals and standards of life.

If adults regularly read children's books to preschoolers, reading can become a sustainable need. Children willingly answer questions related to the analysis of the work and give explanations for the actions of the characters. Illustrations play a significant role in the accumulation of reading experience. IN At the age of 4-5 years, children are able to look at the book for a long time, talk about its contents based on the picture. They easily find their favorite book among others, they can remember the title of the work and the author. They strive to bring book situations to life, imitate the heroes of works, and enjoy playing role-playing games based on the plots of fairy tales and short stories. Children often come up with their own plot twists. They also make their suggestions when dramatizing individual passages of the works they read.

4-5 years is an important period for the development of children's curiosity. Children actively strive for intellectual communication with adults, which is manifested in numerous questions (why? why? for what purpose, they strive to obtain new information cognitive nature. Not "brush it off" from children's questions, because an inquisitive baby actively masters the world of objects and things around him, the world of human relationships.

Talking about parenting children of this age, we must remember that at this stage the character changes significantly. The child becomes much more obedient and flexible than before. It is at this time that children need full communication with their parents. Strictly speaking, this is the basis of education. The main function of adults now is to explain in as much detail as possible and show by personal example. The child absorbs everything like a sponge, reaching out to new knowledge with the curiosity of a discoverer. Parents must listen carefully to numerous questions and answer them, because in the family children gain their first knowledge about the world around them and their place in it. It is now that it is necessary to lay down moral qualities, to develop kindness, politeness, responsiveness, responsibility, and love of work in a child. At this stage, the child makes his first friends, so it is very important to teach how to communicate with peers: give in, defend your interests, share.

Telling your child how much you love him and how wonderful he is is too little to develop his high self-esteem. It is necessary that the value of an individual be measured by some deeds. To do this, the child must be able to do something, be different in some way abilities or skills that would help him be proud of himself. Try to make sure that the child does not feel like a helpless person on whom nothing depends.

Be sure to involve your child in work, try to do a wide variety of household chores with him. Do them with interest, so that the child enjoys this activity.

As an incentive they can protrude: smile, praise, gift, etc. The main thing is that the encouragement is deserved. Sometimes you have to punish the child, but without infringing on his dignity, for example, So: put the child on a chair, in an armchair and tell him that he is punished and until he calms down, he must sit still. At this time, while going about your business, you are talking peacefully with him. It is useless to scold or lecture a child. To that way Punishment should be used every time the child begins to be stubborn and mischievous.

It is worth noting that the best success in education can be achieved in the case of close and trusting cooperation between the family and the preschool institution, since kindergarten employees take into account age characteristics of children 4–5 years old. Consultation for parents is one way of such interaction.

Everyone involved in raising a child must be united in their demands.

According to practicing child psychologists, the family plays a vital role in the development of a child’s personality. The relationship between parents is the first thing a growing child sees; this is the standard that he considers the only true one. Therefore, it is very important that the child has a worthy example in the person of adults. Parents must remember that it is in preschool age character traits such as kindness, justice, truthfulness develop, life values ​​and ideals are laid. That's why it's so important to consider age characteristics of children 4–5 years old. Assistance in developing individual character traits should also be provided in accordance with the gender of the preschooler and the roles of adults in the family. So, the mother teaches the child to find mutual language, seek a compromise, affection, care and love emanate from her. The father is the personification of order, protection, he is the first teacher of life who helps to be strong and purposeful. Relationships within the family are the most important factor influencing the upbringing of a child and his entire subsequent life.

Secondary children preschool age(5-6 years old) are very active, they have a constant need for movement. This is due to some physiological characteristics of their body:

  • the process of ossification of the spine is still ongoing, the spine is quite flexible and can be deformed during prolonged static postures;
  • Large muscle groups are developing, so regular, feasible exercise is necessary.

Also during this period, the following physical abilities of children are improved:

  • endurance increases;
  • coordination improves;
  • movements become more accurate and confident;
  • speed and agility improve.

At the same time, you need to know that muscle development occurs unevenly. The heart rhythm is easily disrupted. Therefore, they periodically need rest.

Provide your child with opportunities for active mobility. Do not allow him to become overtired (pale appearance, shortness of breath, loss of coordination). Change your load and type of activity in a timely manner. Do not allow strength exercises.

Psychological development

At the age of 4-5 years, many mental processes in a child become more voluntary and conscious.

The thinking of the average preschooler moves to a new level - imaginative thinking appears. Cognition occurs on the basis of practical actions. Children can compare objects by shape, find similar ones, and group according to essential characteristics.

Offer your child geometric figures, mosaics, Lego and other manufacturers to play with.

At 4-5 years old, a child becomes very inquisitive. He develops a need for intellectual communication. He tries to comprehend the phenomena that surround him, asks a lot of questions to adults.

In middle preschool age, memory capacity increases. Children can remember about 7-8 names of objects. Random memorization appears; they can learn small poems by heart. In the process of mastering speech and listening to artistic literary works Children develop figurative and verbal memory.

In middle preschoolers, attention improves and becomes more stable. Children are able to concentrate on one activity for 15-20 minutes.

Imagination is actively developing. The child fantasizes a lot, invents imaginary friends, and creates a fairy-tale world around himself. He dreams of his own superpowers and great recognition of his merits. Thanks to a developed imagination, a child can understand something that he himself has not seen, but which he will be told about in detail and clearly. Due to his violent imagination, he may develop.

Don't ignore children's fears. Discuss with your child what scares him. Look for information on how you can get rid of fears and, if necessary, contact specialists.

The predominant activity remains play. Its content changes and its forms become more complex. Appear. The content of the game focuses on playing out relationships between people. Children may have conflicts when assigning roles.

From the age of 4, children should be offered games appropriate to their gender.

At this age, children actively and with pleasure master different kinds creative activity. They really like to draw. Children actively develop fine motor skills.

Draw with your children, do artistic modeling, teach them to sing and dance. Try to get them interested in these activities, rather than force them. Offer the most simple ideas for crafts. Praise for work done. Some crafts can be given to someone close to you so that the child sees the significance of his work.

Speech abilities are actively developing. Vocabulary increases. Sound pronunciation improves. Children are able to express their thoughts clearly. They can describe their feelings, tell what an object looks like, or retell a short story.

Children develop coherent speech and a grammatical sense. They learn to coordinate words and use prepositions.

If your child still has problems with sound pronunciation, do not ignore this problem - contact a speech therapist.

Social behavior

The average preschooler is not yet aware of the rules of behavior and various social norms; he is impulsive. At the same time, he already has a general idea of ​​how to behave correctly in society. He understands well what a bad deed means. Moreover, the child is able to identify signs of bad behavior not only in his peers, but also in himself. He is very worried if he does mischief, because he understands that it is bad. Therefore, adults can regulate his behavior.

Basic ethical concepts are just beginning to emerge. During this process, the child pays more attention not to the moral teachings of adults, but copies their actions and behavior patterns. He is ready to listen to the advice of his parents.

Never do anything in front of your children that you forbid them to do. Your demands must be reasonable and tactful. Be consistent and patient.

Children already know how to control most of their emotions. They develop emotional responsiveness. They are able to understand the feelings of other people and empathize.

The child becomes more assiduous, flexible and calm. He can perform simple household duties, but he is quickly distracted, loses interest in work and does not always finish the job he has started.

Tip #10

If the child does not finish the task he started, do not scold him, but offer to finish everything together, get him interested in some kind of encouragement.

Children aged 4-5 years have an increased need to communicate and find friends. In addition, from communication in activities (during a game or a walk), which prevails in early preschool age, they move on to personal communication.

Independence increases, the child is able to take initiative. During this period, the recognition of others becomes important for him. He tries to gain their respect, to hear approval of his actions. At this age, children are very touchy and react emotionally to criticism.

Tip #11

Hug. Say that you are proud of him, happy with his behavior or action.

Gender consciousness is strengthening. Children are not only well aware of their gender identity, but also learn to behave according to it. Their ideas about gender are also expanding (male - boy, youth, man, son, old man, etc.). They learn to differentiate between masculine and women's professions, understand the specifics of behavior and communication with people of different sexes.

The average preschooler can analyze his well-being and begins to pay attention to his health. If he feels unwell, he is able to tell an adult about it and explain what the problem is.

Information according to the Federal State Educational Standard about the age characteristics of children is one of the ways to implement active cooperation between the family and the preschool institution. Thanks to this, parents will be able to properly build their relationship with the baby, which will contribute to the formation of high self-esteem in the preschooler. The child will become more confident, master skills and abilities useful for later life.

Each age limit for a child plays a vital role in his future existence. For example, at the very initial stage of development, from birth to one year, the baby gets acquainted with the world, begins to recognize his loved ones and gradually gets used to the new environment. In the next stage, from 2 to 4 years, the already formed child can recognize colors, shapes, animals, listen to parents and convey his information to them. According to psychologists, the most important period in a child’s life is the age from 4 to 5 years, also called middle preschool. At this moment, the active development of the child’s body occurs, its character and various abilities are finally formed. Every parent should know the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old in order to help their descendants become happy people.

Formation of positive thinking

Why is it so important to take into account the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old? Psychology modern education the child has several characteristics sudden change their behavior during this period. First of all, thinking is formed, this is as follows:

  • Previously, the child could simply name the type of figure (oval, circle, square, and so on). Now he compares all the objects that surround him with them. For example, the subconscious comes to him that the ball has the shape of a ball.
  • A child can sort several similar objects according to identical characteristics (color, size, shape).
  • He also begins to better orient himself in space; scientists assure that at this age a child can independently find his way from a store, kindergarten or sports section to home, however, such experiments are still not recommended.

Thus, the age-related characteristics of children 4-5 years old primarily come down to the fact that they develop active thinking, and every day it becomes more and more interesting to communicate with them.

How can you help your child develop positive thinking?

Many parents may notice that in preschool age their child is slightly behind his peers. Don’t despair; you should help your son or daughter develop in the right direction. For example, you can try to develop his visual memory. To do this, you need to make photocopies of pages from his favorite book and cut them into several components. Next, you need to ask the baby to reunite the image into one whole, let it first consist of three elements, gradually their number can be increased.

Characteristics of the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old also imply the fact that during this period it is necessary to continue to develop fine motor skills. The child must learn to assemble pictures from several cubes, hit a ball into a net, or sort cereal into several separate piles.

The best toy for development positive thinking is the constructor. It should consist of several different geometric shapes. The child must understand for himself how to connect them together in order to achieve the desired result.

At four years old, a child should be able to compare a sample with a real object. For example, he should cope with tasks such as building a structure from a picture, assembling a picture from a mosaic, or reproducing a simple puzzle.

You should not make a child a genius and ensure that he succeeds in front of his peers; you need to work with him every day, gradually increasing the level of difficulty of tasks.

Psychological characteristics

It is worth highlighting the age-related psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old. Medical experts identify several features of changes in thinking during this period:

  • Until the age of four, all children had approximately the same development. From this period there should be a division of the general group of little people into two main categories. Boys begin to understand that they must yield to girls, not offend them, and behave with restraint in their presence. Little princesses must understand that they are much softer, more modest and more delicate than boys. In elite kindergartens, children's bedrooms, locker rooms and sanitary facilities are already separated by gender.
  • Further, the age-related developmental characteristics of children 4-5 years old change. The child develops an interest in role-playing games. He enjoys trying on the image of a fireman, doctor or cook. Children begin to ask their parents for toys of a certain category.
  • Children also begin to develop their own taste. For example, they may not like the clothes their parents dressed them in for the party. Moreover, the little personality will already defend his point of view.
  • At this age, children can already unite in small groups, they develop their own interests, secrets and goals.
  • Children at the age of four already begin to distinguish the intonation of their parents, from which they can understand how mom or dad is in the mood at the moment.

Medical specialists who develop the age-related psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old call this period the “why stage.” The little man begins to be interested in absolutely all the processes that surround him.

How to help your child develop psychological characteristics?

In a full-fledged family, division by gender should also occur at this time. That is, the girl becomes closer to her mother, they begin to cook together, clean the house, do their hair, dress up and go to themed events. The father, on the contrary, must teach the boy to be strong, be able to stand up for himself and run a household. During this period, parents become an authority for their offspring, so it is recommended to pay attention to their own behavior.

A little personality at this stage of development already knows how to show his feelings, he is capricious, offended, rejoices, takes revenge, and admires. In no case should you ignore her chosen behavior; you should definitely find out the reason for such a change in mood. Psychological consultation is already provided for children of this period. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old should be of interest to every parent, so they will also need additional help from a specialist.

Physical abilities

In the preschool period, the capabilities of every child, without exception, increase more than five times. In total, the following age-related features of the development of children 4-5 years old can be distinguished:

  • Their coordination becomes better. Previously, they made inept movements, which is why the house was constantly a mess. They left marks on their clothes when they ate, drank water, sloppily put toys in a box and dressed sloppily. From this period, their coordination begins to improve noticeably. Every day the child becomes more and more independent and practically no longer needs the help of older comrades.
  • Every movement of the preschooler becomes sharper and more confident. You may notice that children begin to fall much less often and drop objects from their hands.
  • If you close your child’s eyes, he will be able to unmistakably show every part of his body.
  • Many parents claim that their children at this age become restless. They stop sleeping during the day, sit in one place less and are constantly on the move.

In order to understand whether a child is developing correctly, you can compare him with children who are six months younger than him. Compared to them, he becomes faster, sharper and more agile.

How to help your child develop physical abilities?

Of course, the first thing that helps develop the physical abilities of a little person is playing sports. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the psychophysical characteristics of children 4-5 years old. You shouldn’t turn your baby into a great athlete on the first day; the load should be distributed gradually. Under no circumstances should overly tiring sports be allowed. You should first consult with an experienced trainer and draw up a physical training schedule for your preschooler. Let it first be light morning exercises, then specific exercises, after which you can move on to mastering a specific sport.

You should not send your child to several sections at the same time, this may forever discourage his interest in such activities.

It is also worth taking into account the age-related psychophysical characteristics of children 4-5 years old. There is no need, for example, to force a child to do something he doesn’t want to do. If the child’s interests are still unclear, then it is necessary to provide his attention with videos of people who have achieved results in a certain sport, perhaps this will arouse his interest.

Creative skills

Many kindergartens and senior groups provide parents with a useful reminder. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old can already be directly related to creative activity. Parents are also gradually beginning to notice that creative supplies are beginning to appear more and more often in their home: colored paper, sketchbooks, paints, brushes and markers. Most of all in this age category kids enjoy active creative activities, for example, they enjoy doing plot modeling; from plasticine they create various objects, cartoon characters, vehicles and much more. They also love to draw themselves and their loved ones. Once the image resembled individual stripes, circles and dots, now the drawing becomes a means of self-expression. The ability to compose is also excellently developed. A preschooler can independently come up with the end of a certain story; a vivid imagination will perfectly help to cope with this task.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are focused on the complete mastery of fine motor skills, so making an application for them will not be difficult.

Develop Creative skills joint activities will allow the child. You can watch a cartoon together, and then try to depict the recently seen plot on a piece of paper. It is recommended to create characters yourself and play with them; mothers can sew together with their daughters beautiful clothes for dolls.

Development of speech abilities

Separately, it is worth touching on such an important topic as the development of speech abilities in this age category. It should be noted that active progress may be observed during this period. Age-related characteristics of the speech of children 4-5 years old come down to several features:

  • Psychologists have repeatedly noticed that sometimes up to the age of four, a child can speak slurred, swallow words, or remain completely silent. Moms and dads worry about this, taking their offspring to various specialists. But, to their great disappointment, this does not help cope with the problem. To their surprise, when the baby turns four years old, he suddenly begins to speak fully.
  • During this period, the vocabulary also improves significantly; as a rule, the child already knows more than three thousand different words.
  • There is noticeable progress in terms of sound pronunciation. The child’s speech becomes understandable not only to his close people, but also to everyone around him, even complete strangers.
  • During this period, the child can already fully communicate with his peers, expressing thoughts, telling stories from life and narrating full information About Me.
  • A preschooler can already fully describe a certain effect, describe a picture and reveal all his emotions.

There are also a huge number of categories into which the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old fall. It is absolutely impossible to describe them briefly. It is also worth considering the fact that each child masters information and brings it to life at a completely different speed.

How to help your child develop speech abilities?

There are only a few ways that can affect the speech age characteristics of children 4-5 years old. First of all, you should not panic when a child does not speak upon reaching this age, but try to avoid this situation. From the very moment of birth, you should talk to your baby about everything that happens around him. Parents make a huge mistake when they leave their child alone, minding their own business. Because of this, he may become withdrawn.

You should constantly read books, poems and fairy tales to your children. It is best to simultaneously show in the pictures what is about we're talking about at a given moment in time. Scientists have proven that visual memory in children is developed several times better.

Also, do not neglect kindergarten at an early age, especially if the child is constantly with his mother and does not communicate with his peers. Children begin to develop better by looking at people like them. The ideal age for going to preschool is 1.5-2 years. Each parent should keep track of the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old; it is recommended to record monthly how much their vocabulary is increasing and note whether there is progress at a given time.

The role of the family in the development of the child

Every normal parent dreams that his child will be the smartest, most capable, developed and will definitely achieve success in life. They send him to different sections from the very beginning early age, buy expensive intellectual toys and take them to various events. In kindergarten, they want to hear about how their baby behaves in their absence, visiting again and again Parent meeting. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old do not depend on any of the above facts. Scientists have repeatedly proven that no matter how much financial resources are spent on children, they will not grow fully until harmony is established in the family.

In order for a child to grow up happy, the first thing to do is to achieve mutual understanding with all family members. A little person, looking at how her parents constantly argue, may come to the conclusion that she was the cause of their unhappy relationship. To prevent this from happening, you should quarrel only at times when the youngest members of the household are not at home; it is also recommended to spend time with your family as often as possible and communicate more.

Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are an incredibly important topic for every parent. You should not turn to experienced teachers, development centers and modern technologies for help in this. Only the love of parents will help a child grow up full-fledged, healthy and happy man, therefore, with the birth of a baby, you should forget about baby monitors, constant work to replenish your finances and household chores, allocating as much time as possible to communicate with this little meaning of life. Only in this case, after four years, parents will not think about what they did wrong and why their child is not developing fully. However, every love must also have certain boundaries. Also, you should not compare your children with others, because each small organism develops at a completely different pace.