Project “Let's make the world a better place! How to make the world a better place and increase self-esteem! Make this world a better place

Everyone wants to be happy and have a better life, but we are so focused on our own goals that we often forget about what we need to do to make the world a better place. Regardless of your age, gender or nationality, you can make our planet best place for life. While you can't do it alone, you can set a good example and inspire others to help you. Don't think that your little attempts and efforts won't do anything. The truth is that many people think so and this is the main reason why we live in a cruel modern world, full of selfish people and those who lack the confidence to make a difference. Don't be afraid to express yourself and don't be afraid to follow your own rules. Help your children grow up in a happy society. Here are some of the best things you can do today to make this world a happier place.

1. Be good.

It's tempting to be rude to people you hate, but don't let anger and hatred divide people into good and bad. You don't know the whole story, so you can't judge anyone. You don't know their thoughts and feelings. After all, there are people who may think that you too bad person. Be kind to people and they will be kinder to you. Even if you don't like them, then so be it. You don't have to be perfect and force everyone to love you. Get rid of the feeling of hatred and you will feel much better.

2. Help.

Let's be honest, it's not that easy to help someone for free. You must be very kind person voluntarily. Helping people in need, animals in need and nature is one of the best things you can do every day to make the world a better place and live a better life. Feed stray animals and birds every day, help your neighbors, volunteer at shelters at least once a month, plant flowers and trees, donate if you can afford it and do anything that can help you do this world is better. You don't have to be rich to help others. I know many poor people who do more good deeds than my rich friends. I'm not a rich woman and don't have a lot of money, but I do my best to help others (especially animals) to live a happy life.

3. Praise someone.

As I mentioned above, you don't need to be rich to make this world a better place. Just smile at a stranger and compliment your mom or friend today and you will get closer to your goal. When you praise someone, make sure you do it honestly and sincerely. If you don't like your friend's hairstyle, it's better not to say anything. You can say something like "You look amazing today." or “I love your fantastic smile.”

4. Keep nature clean.

The world will never be a better place to live if we don't take care of nature. If you plant flowers and trees, that's great. But if you throw garbage on the street, you will cause great harm to nature. Do not leave garbage in parks or forests or throw it into water. In addition, you should not bury or burn it. Inspire others to preserve nature and teach your children to care about nature.

5. Stop competing.

Many people spend their lives trying to be better than their friends, colleagues or neighbors. They work hard and go into debt to buy a better car, a bigger house, a more expensive phone, or more expensive clothes, all because they want to be better than others. If you are one of them, try to get rid of the habit of competing with friends and colleagues. It's hard to feel happy and live your life to the fullest when you're always thinking about how to be better than others. We are all human and we all make mistakes. If someone is more successful than you, it's not the end of the world. You will definitely become successful, but you have to do it for yourself. There is no need to show others that you are better, even if they are trying to compete with you. Set a good example and it is likely that many people will follow.

I know that I can't change the whole world, but I know that even the smallest contribution can make a big difference. I try to inspire people to be kinder and better people and to believe in themselves. Believe in yourself and remember that you can make this world a better place.

You don't have to be Superman to do your part to save the world. By performing small acts of kindness every day, showing love and empathy, and making small changes to the reality around you, you can make existence on this planet a little more bearable or even significantly improve someone's life.

Well, do you want to become a real hero? Below are a few ideas that will be useful to you on this noble path.

Become a volunteer

In every city you can find charitable organizations of various types. Go to any of them and ask if volunteers are needed there. It is possible that your professional skills will also come in handy. For example, a designer may be asked to design flyers, a carpenter to repair enclosures in an animal shelter, an organizer of festive events to hold New Year's party in an orphanage.

The main thing is desire, and there will always be work.

It is not necessary to devote all your free time to volunteering. Even rare help is priceless. But be warned: there is a "side effect". Chances are, you'll enjoy helping others so much that you won't want to stop. Founder positive psychology Martin Seligman argues that acts of kindness bring us much more pleasure than ordinary pleasures in life, such as hanging out with friends or going to the movies.

Give the world your smile

Peace at every step

Enjoy pleasant little things, cultivate a feeling of happiness in yourself, radiate optimism and peace. Believe me, this will make it better not only for you, but also for everyone around you.

One of the important properties of a smile is its contagiousness.

Right now, relax, take a few deep breaths, feel the pulsation of life in your body. Think about all the good things you have and just smile. In most cases, this is enough to instantly lift your mood.

Take care of nature

Sometimes it seems that one person is unable to change anything. But if everyone thinks that nothing depends on them, then who will save the planet? Here is a far from complete list of feats that you can accomplish today:

  • make a bird feeder,
  • organize a cleanup day,
  • to plant a tree,
  • support environmental action,
  • donate money to an environmental organization,
  • start saving water,
  • reduce electricity use,
  • replace plastic shopping bags with a cloth bag.

If you make your small contribution to preserving natural resources and saving the planet from environmental disaster, you already have something to be proud of.

Do what you love

Never ever

A lawyer who dreams of becoming a chef in a French restaurant. An engineer who wants to open a yoga studio in Bali. A secretary-assistant who presents himself as a theater star. This happens all the time. We suffer in a job we don’t like and can’t decide to change.

It's time to overcome your fears and start creating your bright future yourself!

Of course, we don't go to work to have fun. But spending years doing something that doesn’t give you any interest is a road to nowhere. Doing what you love fills you with joy, even when you give it your all. If you are passionate about something, life takes on meaning, difficult tasks turn into a source of energy, and routine begins to be perceived much easier.

Life is too short to waste it on a job you don't love.

By choosing what you like, you will not only be happier, but you will also be able to bring much more to your life. more benefit to others. Imagine that you are starting to do something that you love and believe in with all your heart. If you manage to realize yourself to the maximum, then you will add something good to the world. Something that wouldn't exist without you. And first of all, other people will benefit from this - your clients, colleagues, acquaintances.

Call grandma

On the same wave

In one experiment, scientists found that social isolation causes us almost as much suffering as physical pain. Other studies have shown that people who feel undercommunicated are more susceptible to illnesses (from clogged arteries to cancer) and more likely to experience stress than others.

We all need love and support.

The quality and quantity of contacts with others affect our health and mood. Sometimes just talking to a person and listening to them carefully is enough to make them feel a little better. Think of those close to you who lack communication (perhaps your grandparents - as a rule, as we age, we have fewer social connections), and at least just call them, or even better, go visit them.

Offer help to a friend


Sometimes we don’t know how to help another person, but we want to show our participation. In this case, you can do the following.

Write a message to a friend or acquaintance with the question: “How would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10?” He might be surprised, but that's good. Your goal is to catch the person off guard by showing that you care and are thoughtful about them.

Take a break from the article and send a message right now. For example, by email, SMS or Facebook.

When you receive an answer that lists a number from 1 to 10, ask, “What can I do to help you move from 6 to 7?” (or “from 3 to 4”, or “from 10 to 11” - in general, you get the idea).

This is an amazing question. Most likely, the person will feel better simply because you gave him your time and openly offered support. By expressing your readiness to help someone, you show that you care and seem to say that they can count on you.

Write a thank you letter

The power of the moment

Remember the person who changed your life for the better many years ago. He said or did something for you and you never really thanked him.

Write him a letter and hand it to him personally. Three hundred words is enough: be specific about what he did for you and how it impacted your life. Tell this person what you are doing now and how often you remember his action.

Such a letter will make both you and your recipient happier.

Research shows that feelings of joy remain long after a thank-you visit. Moments of recognition warm our hearts and are remembered for years.

Focus on loving kindness and compassion

Joy from within

There is a very simple but useful 10-second exercise. Select two people (this could be your friends, relatives, colleagues or random passers-by on the street) and mentally say: “I wish this person happiness, I wish this person happiness.” That's all the practice is.

You don't need to say or do anything, you just need to think. Experiments show that this is enough to experience the joy of loving-kindness. Give it your full attention until it dissipates.

This practice brings us to another important quality that can elevate the mind. If loving-kindness involves wishing someone happiness, then the next step - compassion - implies that you want to save the person from suffering.

The ability to compassion is one of the most important human qualities.

Practicing compassion requires a certain amount of courage, because at a minimum you will have to learn to recognize pain and be willing to face someone else's grief.

Train the mind to look at suffering with kindness, clarity and fearlessness; perceive other people's grief, but do not drown in it; maintain a feeling of confidence and joy. Imagine yourself as a parent, tenderly nursing a sick baby with only one desire: to see him get better. At this moment, your personality recedes into the background, you experience selfless love, aimed at the benefit of another person and motivating you to take courageous steps.

Remember: to change the world for the better, you need to start with yourself. Let loving-kindness and compassion be your guiding principles!

We all want to live in a kind, cultural and civilized world. A world in which our children can develop and be happy. But, we are bogged down in the fight against poverty, disease, crime, violence, pollution, ignorance and other problems.

Anyone can complain, cross their fingers and place the blame on someone who is bothering them today, but that is not enough to change the world. Only the most courageous and strong-willed can recognize the existing problems and take a step towards positive changes.

Actions done with a pure heart and care can have incredible power and influence both the people around us and the planet as a whole.

Here is a short list of 19 simple things you can do to make the world a kinder place:

1. Say hello to people you meet on the streets. 80% of them are generally good, kind people.

2. Laugh and let those around you be infected by your fun. Laughter is contagious.

3. Hug with your loved ones.

4. Smile at the cashier, waiter, bartender, valet, etc., and ask them how they are doing.

5. Listen carefully to what people want to tell you, do not interrupt them.

6. Find something in the people you meet positive side and give a compliment.

7. Show the way to people who are lost.

8. Help a homeless animal that needs help.

9. Be patient, kind and respectful to people older than you.

10. Respect other people's property.

11. Hold the door for people who are carrying heavy things, pulling a stroller, or simply walking right behind you.

12. Prepare breakfast in bed or dinner for your loved one and he will do the same to you.

13. If you have unnecessary things, don't throw them away. Give it to special reception centers for people who really need it.

14. Behave civilly when driving: follow the rules and keep a safe distance between your car and the car in front, give way to pedestrians, motorists and other participants traffic. The person behind you may not approve of your actions, but remember that kindness starts with you!

15. Give up your seat in transport to someone who needs it.

16. Do not throw garbage on sidewalks and roads; find a trash can.

17. Respect your neighbors, don’t make noise after 11 pm.

18. Do not smoke in common areas: on stairs and landings, in elevators.

19. Do art in any form - draw, make sculptures, sketches, write, compose music, invent dance moves. Start and do it - it will add new colors to the world.

And remember, every action matters. Each person can make the world a little better and kinder than it is.

The world is a big place, and there are many opportunities to make the world an even more amazing place. But sometimes the possibilities become too many. At the same time, there are probably things you haven’t thought about before. If you would like to make the world a better place, but don't know where to start, this article will give you some ideas. useful tips, which will help you benefit the planet and society as a whole. Start reading!


How to start changing something locally

    Become a volunteer. Volunteering for a charity can make the world a better place. You will be able to do good deeds and see the impact it has on the people you help. If you have practical skills or are willing to learn them, they will be very useful (for example, experience in medicine or construction). Try volunteering in the evenings. You can also consider the following options:

    • teach underprivileged children;
    • work in a kitchen preparing food for homeless people;
    • work for charities.
  1. Reduce your impact on the world around you. To make the world a better place, you need to limit your negative impact on it. The right attitude towards environment will improve its condition and preserve nature for future generations.

    • Recycle your trash.
    • Reduce the amount of waste you produce and turn organic waste into compost.
    • Save water and grow food.
    • If you want to benefit your local environment, buy and install solar panels at home and start using public transport, cycling or driving an electric car.
    • Increase your positive impact on your environment. Please note that your good mood and well-being is related to other people and the natural environment. Find out how you can improve your mental health in useful ways.
  2. Be an active citizen(s). Exercise your right to vote. Bad laws and incompetent politicians can have a negative impact on society and the environment. If you don't vote, your vote doesn't affect anything, which means bad laws can be passed. Get involved in the civic life of your city or country by voting and talking to politicians you support. Tell others about important issues.

    Make informed decisions about what you buy. When you choose a product, you vote for it with your money. Vote for what suits your beliefs! Don't buy products that harm animals and avoid products made by companies that abuse animals. Whenever possible, buy local products that benefit local people and the local economy. If a manufacturer makes bad decisions that have a negative impact on people, stop buying their products.

    • Don't be afraid to contact the manufacturer and explain to them what you are doing and why. Some companies, although not all, take customer opinion into account. They will never know what is expected of them if no one tells them.
  3. Be proud of where you live. Take care of the place where you live. This will save the place not only for you, but also for all local residents. If you have the opportunity to help, take it because not everyone has it. Look for ways to help the environment in your city. Below are some useful ideas:

    • Be responsible and take part in community cleanups. Plant trees, clean sidewalks, maintain green areas.
    • Don't throw trash on the street. Always look for the right trash can. Pick up trash, even if someone else has thrown it.

    How to change something globally

    1. Donate money to charity. If you want to help people around the world, it is important to find a charity that does this. It is best to choose an organization that helps people in regions where they need this help most.

      • It is not necessary to donate money. Some nonprofits accept books, clothing, and other items. Call or write to them and find out what they need. What some organizations need most is for others to know about their activities. Don't just donate - tell others about the organization.
      • Volunteer or raise money for organizations that do charitable work abroad. Participate in a marathon or other fundraiser for an organization. Look for programs that will allow you to fly abroad and volunteer there. Consider other options (for example, help small non-profit foundations and organizations in any way you can).
    2. Buy fair trade products. Such goods are produced under humane conditions for the worker (for example, the worker receives fair pay) and is environmentally friendly. By purchasing such products, you are telling manufacturers that you are willing to pay a little more for this approach, and this may encourage manufacturers to change their production practices.

      • It is not uncommon for fair trade products to be labeled as such. If you don't know how a product was produced, at least try not to buy products that are most often produced unethically. Coffee, bananas, cocoa, many tropical fruits, wine (most often from California), clothing (most often from China, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia), and Jewelry often produced unethically.
    3. Invest money. Often third world countries or low-income groups just need to be given the opportunity to develop. To help such people, you can provide them with small loans for small business development. This model will allow you to get your money back, and small businesses will be able to get the money they need to contribute to their country's economy. allows you to lend money to small businesses run by people in poor countries.

      • This is a great way to help women and other vulnerable groups of people. These funds will help them provide for themselves.
    4. Protect the environment. Do something that will help the environment around the world. Try to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and other types of fuels that damage the environment. You can change to public transport, bicycle or electric car. You can use solar energy rather than gas (which is harmful to the environment) to heat your home. You can also eat local foods and use products made in your region to reduce your fuel consumption.

      • Save as much energy as possible. Energy production takes a toll on the planet and often involves burning gases or generating nuclear power. Any energy you save can be used for more important things, resulting in lower energy production. Turn off lights in empty rooms, take less hot showers, use energy-saving light bulbs, don't leave your computer in standby mode, and so on. There are many ways to save energy.
    5. Reduce waste. Don't eat more than you need; Don’t buy a bunch of things that you won’t use; Don't buy new clothes every year. Try buying second-hand clothes to reduce waste. Eat healthy, balanced foods with minimal excesses. If you have any leftover food, turn it into compost. It is important to reduce waste before the planet becomes like the Earth from Wall-E.

      • Convert organic waste into compost. Buy or make a large container that can be placed outside, as well as a small one for your home. Collect all food scraps from meals and cooking, as well as organic debris from the garden, and place all waste in a container in the yard. Stir the mixture regularly using a fork or rake. Add soil from time to time. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it can be used as fertilizer.
      • Recycle things in the right way. Many cities have established separate waste collection. IN different cities Various things are accepted for recycling, but most often plastic, metal and paper can be collected separately.
    6. Protect animals. Since man is the dominant force on the planet, we have a responsibility to protect creatures that cannot protect themselves. Because of the lifestyle we lead, many animals suffer or even die out. There are many ways to help animals and improve their living conditions.

      • Promote and vote for laws that protect animal rights.
      • Buy only those products whose production is not associated with cruelty to animals.
      • Donate money to charities that help animals.
    7. Donate feminine hygiene products. In many poor countries (for example, in many parts of Africa and India), personal hygiene products are not available to women. This is in best case scenario leads to humiliation of human dignity and isolation, in the worst case to discomfort and life-threatening infections. By donating hygiene products and money to organizations that work on this issue, you can help women stay healthy and do everyday things (going to school and work) that lead to better living conditions.

      • Look for such organizations in your region.

    How to make the world a better place at home

    1. Be a good person. Often we get so caught up in changing the world that we forget about the everyday little things that also matter. One of the most important things is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Do something nice for people as often as possible. This can be small things (like giving a person a birthday present) or something more significant (giving a ride until they get their car fixed). When people collaborate, things run more smoothly, and the resulting benefits ultimately make the world around us a better place.

      Set a good example. Set an example for your friends and family and educate them about a variety of issues so they can make more informed decisions. Explain to people why these things are important so they will be more motivated to make changes in their lives. By changing something in people's minds, you can double, triple, or further increase your positive impact on the world.

      Find a job. Almost any work will be useful for society. You will provide a service to people who need it, and you will contribute to the economy of your region, improving the lives of everyone around you. In addition, work provides money, and money can be donated to charity or loaned to a small business.

    2. Be a positive person. When we are surrounded by negative and unkind people, we ourselves become sad pessimists, which makes it more difficult for us to overcome life's difficulties. Try to show others that a smile and a positive attitude can positively affect the mood of those around you. If you find the positive even in difficult situations and actively strive to solve problems, you will provide good influence on the people you will interact with.

      • If you know how you can make the world a better place, do what you can and tell others about it. Let more people know about this!
      • Protect the weak, take the side of those who cannot stand up for themselves, and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
      • Don't throw trash. Collect trash for recycling.
      • Try to provide services to people more often. Don't be afraid to offer people help.
      • Try reading to young children. Being kind to children will teach children to be kind to others.
      • Set up a large garden and use the resulting fertilizer there. Grow food so you don't have to buy it.
      • Don't throw away food. It's better to buy less and eat it all than to buy too much and throw away the rest.
      • Try to tell everyone everything you know about environmental pollution, and especially about global warming. We all have a voice, so don't be afraid to tell people how you can help others and where you can start.
      • Donate money to charities of any size. Money is needed not only by large but also by small organizations. There are small organizations that engage in certain activities and donate all the proceeds to charity.
      • Vegetarianism doesn't just help animals. It helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions (which is good for combating global warming and benefits the environment), allows you to produce more food, and even reduces your risk of cancer (not to mention reducing your risk of heart disease and obesity).
      • Use paper bags instead of plastic ones. Plastic takes a very long time to decompose.


      • Don't be discouraged if you feel like you can't change anything. Big changes start with ordinary conversations between two people and become a reality through the combined efforts of like-minded people.
      • Research information about organizations you want to help or donate money to. Some organizations, even if completely legal, spend virtually no money on their stated goals. Study all available information about the selected organization.

It is probably impossible to meet a person who would be completely satisfied with the world around him. Many people notice the evil, injustice and pain that people experience, but only a few decide to take any action that can change the situation. If you are tired of taking the position of an observer, and you are determined to change this world, but do not know where to start, then this article will help you. Consider 15 simple ways make this world a little better today. After all, only by doing good deeds do we make this world a kinder place.

1. On your day off, prepare pies or sandwiches and distribute this food to the poor during your walk.

2. Make a birdhouse in your yard so that the birds do not die of hunger in the cold. By doing this you will set a good example for others.

3. Do charity work. And it doesn’t matter whether the contribution is large or small, the main thing is your participation, your desire to help those who are worse off than you. From a thread to the world - a shirt to a beggar (folk wisdom).

4. Pick up a stray kitten and puppy on the street, give him your care and love. Not only will you do good to a small, defenseless creature, but you will also gain a true friend.

5. During the week, do not buy yourself cigarettes or coffee, but use the money you save to buy fruit or good sweets and take them to a local boarding school.

6. Visit lonely elderly neighbors. Offer them your help, talk to them, or simply bring them some kind of gift. Pensioners, especially single people, cannot afford an extra piece of bread today, not to mention delicacies or entertainment.

7. Gather your friends on a weekend and organize a cleanup event in your area. Clean up the trash, paint the fence around the flower beds. In general, do what you can to keep your hometown clean. You can make a good tradition out of this.

9. Stop using plastic items that are harmful to the environment. For example, bags can be replaced with a reusable bag, and glass bottles can be used.

10. Donate clothes and equipment that you no longer use to low-income families. You don't need these things, but they can make someone happier.

11. Help someone you know make their long-time dream come true.

12. At least one day a week, say only good things to people, encourage them and celebrate their strengths.

13. Men can buy gorgeous bouquet flowers and give them to an elderly, lonely woman, neighbor or just an acquaintance.

14. Help a person, whom the whole world has long given up on, start new life. Define it in rehabilitation center, help find a job or do something else - depending on the situation.

15. Plant a tree or several shrubs near your house. Let future generations breathe clean, oxygen-rich air.