An example from life experience of mutual assistance. OGE: arguments for the essay “What is mutual assistance? What is mutual assistance

How often do we hear the word “mutual assistance”. What kind of word is this? And although the meaning lies in the term itself, which consists of two words - “mutual” and “help” - its meaning is not clear to everyone. If there are difficulties in it, let's figure it out.

Mutual assistance - meaning

In Russian explanatory dictionaries, the word “mutual assistance” is interpreted as nothing other than mutual assistance, mutual readiness to come at the first call in some matter. Almost always, the principle “you give me - I give you” always applies here.

Mutual assistance: quotes, sayings, aphorisms on this topic

Let's look at the meaning of the word using specific sentences as an example.

1. Pierre Bezukhov, knowing that Anatole Kuragin is a scoundrel, saves Natasha from shame when Anatole, on a whim, decided to take her away.

2. In no other matter have peoples shown so much solidarity, agreement, mutual assistance, and common efforts as in the study of Antarctica.

3. In wall combat, joint actions, a sense of comradeship, and mutual assistance were mainly practiced.

4. Always rely on a friend, but don’t forget to help him out yourself.

5. Any help is good when done on time.

6. Take on any task boldly; if you can’t handle it, friends will help.

7. Call yourself a comrade - help in troubles.

8. If you face everyone yourself, people will not turn their backs to you.

9. You need to take someone not as a slave, but as an assistant.

10. In case of fire, even a bucket of water will be expensive.

11. Only a pig does not serve as an assistant.

12. Help your neighbor who is standing with an outstretched hand, because you yourself may find yourself in his place.

13. Your benefits are worthless if you don’t share them with others.

14. The biggest enemies of man are stinginess and reluctance to help.

15. He who asks for help today will help you tomorrow.

16. Dogs don’t go after wolves.

Examples of mutual assistance

What is mutual assistance? Good neighbors know this. There are situations when you prepare a delicious dish, but at the last moment you remember that you forgot to buy, for example, milk. You won't run to the store, but go to your neighbor for a glass of drink. The next time the same neighbor asks you for an onion, salt or sugar, and you will not be able to refuse him. This is an example of mutual assistance in the neighborhood.

Payment for private master classes can also be considered mutual assistance. You paid a friend who knows how to paint a symbolic amount to teach you how to draw. In turn, the artist will provide you with this service, losing personal time and compensating for his efforts with a small amount. That is, mutual assistance is a common benefit. The principle here is “you give me, I give you.”

Mutual assistance does not necessarily mean private assistance. Help can occur at the state level. What is mutual assistance for different countries? Two or more states that may have similar interests may depend on each other and need mutual assistance. This could be financial, military, trade and economic, transit assistance, and so on.

Another option for mutual assistance is charity. It may only seem that by helping the needy or the sick, we are giving away money irrevocably. According to church concepts, this is an important degree of mutual assistance, when you help someone for free, and then in difficult times, help will definitely come to you from anyone.

Are friendship and mutual assistance compatible concepts?

As for friendship, the concepts of “mutual assistance” and “mutual assistance” can have different meanings. Let's look at an example. Friendship is a relationship between people that has no underlying motives, intentions, or receipt of any benefits. You like the person, you communicate with him with pleasure and do not expect anything from him in return.

It can also be argued that there are several manifestations of friendship. One of them involves frequent communication, meetings, telephone conversations. Such friendship can last for a very long time, even into old age. It arises on the basis of common interests, mutual understanding, affection and readiness to always come to the rescue and help out in difficult times, answer a night call, etc.

And there is a type of friendship when two people are united by some common activity, they communicate, go for walks together, and group together in groups. But can such people be called friends or is it just a friendly relationship? And finally, as for motives, mutual assistance is possible in both the first and second cases. Only in the latter will it be provided with the hope that you will not be able to refuse something necessary to the person in the future. And in the first case of long-term friendship, the person will be happy to help you, doing everything in his power, and will be glad that he could be of use to you. Besides, he will not expect anything in return.

In this case, let's return to the question of whether friendship and mutual assistance are compatible. Of course not! Real friendship- this is help always and without any conditions. If a person is not able to help you out in a difficult situation, but sometimes helps you, he is just your friend and there is mutual assistance here.

Mutual assistance in the family

IN family relationships everything is different. When you sincerely love someone close to you, you are ready to make any concessions to him and will always come to his aid. The very concept of “mutual assistance” in family relationships is categorical. You can't ignore your little brother's cry for help, older sister, parents, grandparents, right? In turn, your relatives are always ready to become a mountain for you, to help you out in any situation, to always help in word, deed, and means. This is mutual assistance.


As we see, mutual assistance and mutual assistance are the same things in meaning. This is the ability to come to the aid of one’s neighbor selflessly or with benefit.

Do you have examples of mutual assistance? stranger? and got the best answer

Reply from __[guru]
While returning by car from Gelendzhik to Moscow, I broke down on the bypass around Rostov-on-Don. I spent an hour voting with a rope, all the landowners were rushing past. Then a local drove up, took him on a rope, and pulled him to the service station. They couldn't fix my problem there. Then the same guy dragged me to the second service station, made sure that they would fix me there, what human prices, what exactly on that day - and left without taking the money.
In the same year, I forgot one of two briefcases with personal belongings, documents, credit cards, a wallet, and also official documentation in a taxi in Rostov-on-Don. The guy himself found me using my mobile phone number written on a business card inserted in one of the pockets. And he didn’t demand any reward!
Rostov and Rostovites, please accept my sincere gratitude and respect.

Answer from Elite elite[newbie]

Answer from Feminine, noun[guru]
I also had a problem.
my child got seasick in the morning crush of the subway, I won’t tell you about the consequences, everyone can guess what it is... we stood right next to the door and still managed to get the young girl’s things dirty... and she also helped us get out, clean ourselves, come to to yourself.
thank her! :)

Answer from Evgenia Dubrovina[guru]
the world is not without good people) but I noticed a pattern, negative as well as positive emotions are in the air clearly in turn) sometimes absolutely everyone seems disgusting and evil, and sometimes you love the whole world, and it seems that the whole world is smiling back at you)

Answer from UMAX[guru]
I don’t remember such cases, but mutual assistance exists. Not everyone lives by the principle “Man is a wolf to man.”

Answer from * [guru]
I don't remember for a long time. I'm not used to asking anyone.

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
there is, and I myself try to help people, even strangers, but to the best of my ability

Answer from Marie Marinovna[guru]
I'm lucky to have good people.
For example, when I fainted on the subway, an unfamiliar girl first took me to the first aid station at the station, then used her own money to get me a car home, and then called me back and asked how I was feeling. Thank you very much to her!!

Answer from Dragonella[guru]
Yes, it happens))) And when you don’t expect it at all))) Even if it was a little thing, it was still unexpectedly pleasant.

Answer from Victoria Devoe[guru]
Well, why about yourself? Isn’t helping relatives, acquaintances and friends and accepting help from them mutual assistance?

Answer from 1 1 [guru]
every man for himself

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
there are, and very bright ones) in fact, the world is not without good people))

Answer from Alexey Nikolaev[guru]
When an unfamiliar girl of about 14 years old from another city, had a fight with her parents and fled to Minsk to stay with distant relatives, and Minsk, completely lost, rings your doorbell at half past two in the morning and you, cursing everything in the world, take the engine and take her to these damn relatives through half the city. And in the morning there is a traffic police exam...
When a guy in a trolleybus got his leg caught in the door and those getting out pushed him so hard that he fell and broke it and someone needs to call an ambulance and take him to the hospital, and you have a VIP client spawning and you are forced to apologize to the client, and you are cursing everything on light...
When you stand broken down in the rain on a long journey and don’t know what to do... Sometimes they drive by, sometimes they tow you and don’t even take your money.
It's a different world...

Mutual assistance... Spelling dictionary-reference book

Mutual assistance, you for me, I for you, revenue Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mutual assistance see mutual assistance Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

G. Mutual, mutual assistance, revenue in any matter. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm... ... Forms of words

mutual assistance- mutual revenue, and... Russian spelling dictionary

mutual assistance- (1 g); pl. mutual relations/handles, R. mutual relations/handles… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

mutual assistance- mutually/handle, and... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

mutual assistance- And; and.; decomposition Mutual assistance and support. Show mutual assistance. The feeling of mutual assistance... Dictionary of many expressions

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You give me I give you, mutual responsibility, hand washes hand, mutual assistance, help Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mutual assistance mutual assistance (colloquial) / in what l. reprehensible: mutual guarantee you give me I give you (shugal, and ironic.) ... Synonym dictionary


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What is mutual assistance?

First version of the essay (based on the text by N. Aine “The schoolchildren looked at the beating completely calmly...”)

Definition of the concept

Mutual assistance is the basis of the existence of human society. We live in a large group and without relationships, without mutual assistance to each other, we would not be able to resist the community life problems. Mutual assistance is learned from childhood. Not everyone is able to express themselves in this direction, since the concept itself presupposes a person’s movement against other people or circumstances in the name of helping someone else. Such a person must be a daredevil.

Thus, in the text by N. Aine, a situation of double mutual assistance is described. First, Agnia helped a boy with a heart condition escape the ongoing beatings of high school students, and then Vitka defended the girl in front of a crowd of angry teenagers. It’s amazing that schoolchildren are used to watching each other being beaten completely calmly. For some reason, everyone believed that Agnia was fighting for nothing, and they always beat her brutally, but she did not give up. Is it possible to think that in the case of the boy with a heart condition, she got up to fight for nothing?

An argument from personal experience

Indeed, modern children are cruel. They are in many ways indifferent to each other, they are accustomed to animal laws in communicating with each other. Perhaps somewhere they lack the courage to support a comrade, to go against violence. This is one of the main problems of our modern society, and not only among the younger generation.


Mutual assistance is synonymous with the concepts of strength, courage, will, compassion, help. There is so much contained in it that not every person can accommodate all these feelings in their heart. But such people still exist, and this cannot but rejoice.

Second version of the essay (based on the text by L.F. Voronkova “Grinka and Fedya gathered in the meadow for sorrel ...”)

Definition of the concept

Mutual assistance presupposes special qualities in the person who comes to the rescue. The main one is the ability to put oneself in the place of another, the inability to leave someone in trouble. Mutual assistance is a kind of life principle of some people.

Argument from the text read

In the text by L.F. Voronkova outlines a situation that clearly demonstrates that not everyone is ready to come to the aid of those in trouble. Many are afraid for their lives, their health, and are simply trying to avoid trouble. The worst thing is that this is the norm for modern society. Even Vanya, who saved the baby from a herd of bees, was called a simpleton by his grandmother. But he committed an act that not everyone has the courage and strength to do.

An argument from personal experience

In our modern society Not everyone is able to come to the rescue. Even an elderly woman or not everyone will take a blind person across the road. Moreover, people stopped giving each other seats on buses and holding doors. The slightest inconvenience today does not suit a person; the first place for everyone is their own comfort. And those who violate this order are often called fools or upstarts.


In fact, it is on mutual assistance that our society is built. There are many situations in which you cannot survive alone. After all, people are social creatures, and as long as there are those who are capable of mutual assistance, society will continue to exist.

The third version of the essay (using the example of the text by Yu.V. Trifonov “This torment began in distant years, in the fifth grade...”)

Definition of the concept

Mutual assistance is one of the main criteria of friendly relationships. Very often it is opposed by envy - envy of someone else's success, fear of losing authority in front of a spiritually stronger person. It happens that people make mistakes. Instead of uniting with someone and helping, they begin to plot. And then they themselves suffer from it.

Argument from the text read

This happened in the text of Yu.V. Trifonov, when schoolboy Glebov was afraid of losing his authority because of the new guy Levka Shulepa. Instead of making friends with the boy, the hero of the story incited his classmates to reprisal against him. This plan was a fiasco, and from then on Levka became the most popular in the class. But Glebov could have helped him, then the heaviness inside would not have squeezed his soul so much.

An argument from personal experience

Indeed, sometimes people choose completely wrong ways of interacting. Instead of trying to understand a person who for some reason is unpleasant to them, they begin to build strategies to destroy him. But all evil always turns against us. In life, it is more important to strive for mutual assistance.


Mutual assistance is the engine of good relationships between people. All our interactions are built on it, thanks to it we understand that we are not alone in this world. It gives us hope for miraculous salvation in a difficult situation. And those who do not follow the laws of mutual assistance punish themselves.